Isaac Ching Fung Project Showcase

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Collective Quarantine Holiday

1500 ppl quarantine camp in Hong Kong

Spring 2021

Tutor: Brendon Carlin, James Kwang-Ho Chung

+ Nihilist

Pandemic measures and quarantine in Hong Kong have long been a strategy of colonisation, production, and control and have shaped the form of the city and buildings. By equal measure spaces of leisure, holiday camps and entertainment have become an increasingly important counterbalance and distraction to imposed division, confinement and imposed order. Rather than naively resisting these unstoppable tendencies might the architectures of quarantine and leisure be reorganised in such a way as to open up experiments with forms of social life?

The combination of densely packed leisure landscape, self tight living units and ambiguous occupiable strip created a new form of leisure for residence to purely engage with, without any means of working and GDP. The extremity of the super strict segregation and extreme amount leisure, might lead the population to fully depend on leisure and get used to even when they finish the holiday, which, might create Potential disruption to the colonial power

+ Leisure & Occupiable Strip

+ Leisure & Occupiable Strip

+ Living Units & Leisure on ground


80 ppl Residency in urban context

Spring 2017

Tutor: Marcus Donagphy


As share living style is a hot topic recently, not only price is being discussed on the table but also the quality, the flexibility and the sustainability of the society. The impact of share living housing building no longer only affects the residency when such building type has already been isolated from normal residency to form a new typology.

The site is located in Dublin, Ireland. The site is originally a glass factory at sea shore. With operating into 70 individual sites, the class creates a big puzzle that fill this empty slot. With its typography, the site creates a high risk in terms of flooding. Another problem the project is facing is how to deal with the

Another London

Under bridge / sound journey Museum of London Spring 2022

Tutor: Shin Egashira


Constantly Changing London

Historical events recording has been focusing on visual through out the past of London. As the museum of London, a institution who record history, is moving to Smithfield Market, where historical events was recorded in space, material, architecture, it created a perfect opportunity to emphasise the importance of sound in terms of recording the present.

The proposal of a new section in the Museum of London aim to archive the void and occupied; noise and silence; demolished, present and future of the London; while the underground void, excess, leftover, become a under bridge to restore the original soundscape of the area which being overlapped, destroyed by the development of the museum, the new station, and the development of the modernity.

+ Academic Projects represent me

(NON)PARK 2023

scheme & prototype that helps HK citizens to establish a truly public space by occupying slope


40000 m2 urban planning in China urban context


Archive + Ashram

CAVE Autumn 2016

3000 m2 Artist in Residency in China suburban context


scheme & prototype that helps HK citizens to establish a truly public space by occupying slope, Hong Kong

Spring 2023

Tutor: Merve Anil and George Massoud

+ Right to the City

The (non)park, tool to provide Hong Kong citizens ‘the right to the city’, is a scheme & prototype that helps establish a truly public space through acquiring underperform privatised lands, using landslide protection as cover.

By reading power through government owned and funded parks, the thesis argues that colonial powers, whether Britain or China, have always used the public parks as tool to colonise culture and identity on Hong Kong.

The project, is a park by Hong Kong and for Hong Kong, that questions the true form of public space which allows Hong Kong identity to emerge through its occupation. The project proposed strips of minimum infrastructure that hold voids in between. And the naturally formed Bamboo forest in the framed void, became a tool for the community to shape their ideal form of public space, that are free from the surveillance and control.

+ To Occupy



40000 m² urban planning in urban context

Summer 2017

Tutor: Hiroyuki Shinohara


Urban Village is no longer a new terminology, but in fact, the phenomenal existence of such urban fabric only happened in the recent era. Urban Village, or Village in City, refers to the the spatial urban-phenomenal existence of a rural village surrounded by newly developed urban land during top down development and transformation of a city (Zhou, 2014). The cause of the phenomenon can be categorised into two main reasons. The first reason is economical incentives, i.e. overspeed development where development of fabric unable to catch up with the economical development. The second reason is historical protection measure by the government (Zhou, 2014). The existence of such unique urban fabric had created several negative impact to the local government and also the development of the city. Low city image can be brought by non-hygienic environment, and economic barrier can be created by the constrain of land use for further development.

As the site is located in the urban village, the URBAN PLANNING project aim to stand against the urbanisation that going to immerse and engulf the city’s origin, city’s culture by showing the strong manifesto of protest. The project created a megastructure, visually disconnecting the set from the urbanised surrounding, while introducing different interaction between people to weaken the solid separation.

Abstract Ceremonial Journey is important according to the previous research on ashram. The collage drawing of the space was then created by following the abstract form of the ashram, a main journey and other supporting facilities. In order to maximise the symbolism meaning of the ceremonial perception, the functions are being completely isolated form the Journey. In other words, the journey only serves as the journey only. The drawing illustrated the journey on top, with curve element , and the supporting facilities underneath. This does not decrepit the for but only the program relationship.

Perceptional Fragment of space are created in combination acceding to the inspiration from the site, and to the previous study on space, material, form, and shadow. Also, primitive emotions, Hope, Anger, Anxiety, Alone, Enthusiasm, Joy are being referenced. Personal perception of spaces are different from one and other. The inspirational drawings are trying to find elements, fragments or spacial description that generally describe the perception of space that want to create. It also acts as an introduction and definition of those perception of space

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