WO M EN I N FR A NCH I S I N G fe at u r e
expert advice: Teresa Wanderstadt | Owner | SpeeDee Oil Change & Auto Service of Davis, CA
Women in Franchising:
Four Tips for Being Successful in a Male-Dominated Industry Being a female entrepreneur has become more widely accepted and pursued, but it can still be intimidating entering a male-dominated industry.
Remember that passion alone is not enough. You have to prioritize an understanding of the business – from competence in team management, finances, operations, and marketing while also placing immense value on exceptional customer service.
Trades like automotive, construction, and manufacturing are typically owned and worked in by men. But just because an industry is coined “male-dominated” doesn’t mean that women can’t thrive in that field. In fact, there are currently thousands of women who are successful in these industries and are inspiring future women entrepreneurs.
to success. Learn from their mistakes and successes, so you can minimize the former and maximize the latter. Mentors have taken this path before and bring knowledge and experience to help you move forward and make smarter business decisions. They’ll also help you stay accountable and inspire you to achieve your goals.
The below tips are to help inspire women entrepreneurs to take on opportunities in male-dominated industries.
Do your Research and 1 Grow your Industry Knowledge When entering a new industry, whether in a new position or business, it is important to do your research. Learning about industry terminology, details on products and services, the different positions within the company, and the technology used to service clients, can help set you on the right track quickly. This research will help you build a deeper knowledge of the ins and outs of the industry you are considering entering into and help you build the confidence needed to thrive. You can also try to connect with leaders who work in the trades you are interested in. This is a great way to speak with someone working in the field and possibly find a mentor. Having someone to learn from and bounce ideas off of is paramount 42 Franchising MAGAZINE USA
During her 11 years as cashier and manager, Wanderstadt had the opportunity to learn about all of the services and roles at SpeeDee as she progressed through the ranks. Her job also gave her the chance to create long lasting relationships with team members and customers. When she did become the owner in 2006, she felt confident and prepared because of all her past experiences and ongoing commitment to learning.
Create a Name for Yourself
You might not be automatically respected in a male-dominated industry, but there is a way to earn it. By being knowledgeable about your business and excelling in customer service, you can win over any skeptic and start to make a name for yourself. Remember that passion alone is not enough. You have to prioritize an understanding of the business – from competence in team management, finances, operations, and marketing while also
placing immense value on exceptional customer service. When Wanderstadt first stepped into the management position, she received some pushback from customers who struggled to respect her as the manager. As she continued to prove her industry knowledge and great customer service, she began to see customers and her staff respect her, and not question her expertise. She worked hard to create great relationships with her customers and now most of her referrals come in asking for her by name. Though it may be a challenging start, the more your business begins to grow and succeed, the more respect you will receive.
Involved in Your 3Get Community
In a world that is filled with corporate chain stores, people love to see small businesses do well. The more they see your small business included in the community, the more likely they are to support it. To create a long-lasting business in any industry, it is important to get involved in the community surrounding your business. This could be sponsoring the local kids’ baseball team, hosting a charity donation or drive, wearing your business logo proudly on a shirt around town, or setting up a booth at the summer carnival. There are tons of ways to get involved in