Franchising Magazine USA VOL 11, ISSUE 6, June 2023

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VOL 11, ISSUE 6, jUnE 2023 The magazine for franchisees • WWW. franchsingmagazine U sa . com COVER STORY ann O un CE m E n TS fRO m T h E induSTRY Benefit of Multi-Brand f ranchise Platfor M s S pECial fE aT u RE ho M e services franchising Business f inance d e P ot Franchise Financing s pecialists franchising news
IN PARTNERSHIP WITH IN PARTNERSHIP WITH MAY 30-JUN 1, 2024 at for FREE REGISTRATION USAP Meet hundreds of brands from every industry Attend 75+ workshops and FREE EDUCATIONAL SEMINARS The largest Franchise Expos in the U.S. Franchises available at every investment level starting at $10,000; find the one that fits you FREE ADVICE from legal and finance professionals

VOlumE 11, iSSuE 6, 2023

On the cover: b Usin E ss FinancE d Epot

pRES id E n T: colin bradbury.

publi S h ER : Vikki bradbury.

E di TOR ial d E pa RT m E n T:

adVERT i S ing:

Edi TOR ial TE am: Michelle Quinn rob swystun

pRO du CT i O n:


Jejak graphics.

Cgb publiShing canadian o ffice: sidney b c canada

o ur expert advice covers a range of subject’s, including a samples from our regular experts g eorge Knauf who discusses the b enefit of Multi- brand Franchise platforms and t im conn, president of image o ne Facility s olutions covers h ow to create a r ecession- r esistant Franchise Model and market that to franchise prospects.

o ur Main Feature this issue is h ome s ervices and on the Feature cover we have color World painting, a Franchise for everyone, where we meet Joel Mesa and his wife who were attracted to color World painting’s values of excellent customer service, passion for projects, and a connection to the community. t he feature supplement has some great articles from experts such as chris conner, Evan hackel and Michael Moorhouse. We also feature a range of articles on Franchisees and Franchisors in this edition.

o ur Veterans in Franchising supplement introduces us to Marty commons who appears on the Veterans cover, she is a franchisee of My s alon suite and was a former Us navy nurse, we also meet navy veteran stan g ray, Franchisee who owns two Fastsigns centers in s outhern c alifornia, and n erds to g o Franchisee r oger turnbow who worked in information technology for the d epartment of d efence for 30 years. all these brands are part of propelled brands who support Veterans and First responders with a 50% d iscount on the Franchise Fee.



Vikki Bradbury

| Publisher


Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 3
u.S. Office: 800 5th ave, #101 seattle, Wa 98104-3102 FORUM
information and contents in this publication are believed by the publisher to be true, correct and accurate but no independent investigation has been undertaken. accordingly the publisher does not represent or warrant that the information and contents are true, correct or accurate and recommends that each reader seek appropriate professional advice, guidance and direction before acting or relying on all information contained herein. opinions expressed in the articles contained in this publication are not necessarily those
of the publisher. the publication is sold subject to the terms and conditions that it shall not be copied in whole or part, resold, hired out, without the express permission of the publisher.
VOL 11, ISSUE 6, jUnE 2023 The magazine for franchisees • WWW.franchsingmagazineUsa com COVER STORY annOunCEmEnTS fROm ThE induSTRY Benefit of Multi-Brand Platforfranchise Ms SpECial fEaTuRE hoMe services franchising Businessfinance dePot Franchise Financing specialists franchising news
proud member of the ifa: international Franchise a ssociation
K street, n.W., suite 350 Washington, d c. 20005 phone: (202) 628-8000 Fax: (202) 628-0812
On the front Cover of this issue, we have b usiness finance d epot – franchise financing Specialists assisting with financing fitness and franchises, b usiness finance d epot (bfd) specializes in providing financing for new and existing franchisees, helping them to acquire the capital they need to launch or grow their business. You can read more about this on page 10.
Franchising Magazine USA Welcome to our June issue of franchising magazine uSa
i really hope you enjoy reading this issue and don’t forget to take a moment to scroll through our a-Z d irectory at the back of the magazine. happy r eading.

JU n E 2023

Have Your Say

22 Scott Briner: offers tips for Encouraging brand behavior: a dose of insight for Effective Franchise brand behavior standards

60 Reg Byrd: Franchise Funding Eligibility? same as it Ever Was…

66 Frank Milner: bring Your core Values to Life: a guide for Franchise Leaders

Franchisor in Depth

14 Giardino Gourmet Salads: the giardino gourmet salads Franchise system

28 Verlo Mattress: transforming Lives, one restful night at a time: Verlo Mattress and the power of sleep

64 Bi GGBy® Co FFee: Finishing 2022 on a high note biggbY® coFFEE sees Expansion into new territories in 2023


68 Fazoli’s: Fazoli’s, a Franchise Legacy built for generations

Expert Advice

12 George Knauf: benefit of Multi-brand Franchise platforms

16 Tim Conn: how to create a recession-resistant franchise model and market that to franchise prospects

26 Robin Gagnon: as baby boomer restaurant owners retire with no plans for Millennial children to take over, restaurant brokerage cEo sees Uptick

62 Lucas Frey: the impact of 360 Feedback and 4 Mindsets to receive Feedback

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 5
contents 12 Cover Story 10 Business Finance Depot : Franchise Financing specialists In every issue 6 Franchising News Announcements from the Industry 31 Special Feature Supplement Home Services Franchising 71 Veterans Supplement News and Information for Veterans in Franchising 92 A-Z Franchise & Services Directory Focus 18 Furry Land: Furry Land cEo on the importance of having a Mobile pet grooming service in every community Franchisee in Action 24 Chicken Salad Chick: husband-Wife team grows business portfolio, becoming Largest Franchisee in the chicken salad chick system Women in Franchising 20 Q & A with Christina Russell of Radiance Holdings 14 28 60

Full s peed Automotive® Drives Oregon Development with State’s First Grease Monkey® Locationia

FullSpeed Automotive, one of the nation’s largest franchisors and operators of automotive aftermarket repair facilities, home to flagship brands Grease Monkey® , SpeeDee o il Change & Auto Service®, and Kwik Kar®, has announced the recently signed agreement of three Grease Monkey locations in o regon, which will be the first in the state.

t he first location is projected to open later this year in s alem. t hese development efforts bring the brand’s total to almost 500 locations across the U. s . and internationally, inching closer to Fullspeed’s overall multi-brand target development goal of 1,000 units by the end of 2023.

b ehind the three-unit g rease Monkey agreement is local businessman r yan Jennings, who brings more than 20 years of experience to the business. Wanting to broaden his

entrepreneurial footprint, Jennings began looking into franchise opportunities.

“When researching the g rease Monkey franchise opportunity, i was immediately impressed by the level of detail put into prioritizing speed, quality, success, and a remarkable experience to every customer, at every visit,” said Jennings. “ it’s exciting to be opening the first g rease Monkey location in o regon. i ’ve seen, first-hand, the need for more automotive services in the area, and being an o regon native has given me unique insight into what many would consider a high-profile market. i ’m eager to begin development efforts across o regon and bring this new service to my community.”

For more information on Grease Monkey or SpeeDee o il Change & Auto Service, visit

toasted Yolk concept when his business partner brought him to the chain’s original restaurant in conroe, texas.

t he toA sted Yolk cAFé Opens Newest Restaurant in Findlay, OH

The Toasted yolk, a full-service eatery featuring breakfast, lunch and brunch favorites, opened its newest restaurant on April 17 in Findlay, oH. it is the first Toasted yolk location in the state of ohio. t he new restaurant is located at 2020 t iffin ave. in Findlay. t he building will feature indoor and outdoor seating, including a

patio that will eventually seat 26 when it opens this summer. t he café will be open daily from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

t he new restaurant will be owned by Findlay resident d oug craig. Five years ago, craig founded the d ougie John’s pizza franchise with its first location in Findlay. h e became attracted to the

“ i was immediately impressed by the awesome atmosphere of the toasted Yolk, its unique and diverse menu and its full-service bar throughout breakfast and brunch hours,” said craig. “We’ve already had so many guests thank us for bringing this restaurant to town. t hat meant the world to us and is exactly why we did this. it filled a need here in Findlay.”

“We are excited to again expand our company footprint with our new northernmost location in o hio,” said toasted Yolk co-Founder chris Milton. “ d oug craig is an experienced restaurant franchisee and independent business owner. h e knows the Findlay community well and will be very involved in the operations of the restaurant.”

For more information about The Toasted yolk, please visit https://thetoastedyolk. com/

6 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
S te M e xpA nd S Intern At I on A l Select I on
InnovAt I ve Urb A n W I nery Fr A nch IS e Sy
Multi-Unit Franchise Agreement paves Way for t hree n ew Grease Monkey o penings, Kickstarting Statewide d evelopment


your Pie, the nation’s original fast casual pizza brand, is proud to announce Justin Patterson as its new VP of o perations. As a your Pie franchise owner for more than seven years, Patterson brings a wealth of industry experience and expertise to the your Pie leadership team.

a s Vice president of o perations, patterson will lead both franchise and company restaurants to grow sales, customer counts, margins and continue to embed the company values within the Your pie community. patterson will partner with cross functional teams on projects that lead to the development, implementation and adoption of new procedures, processes and technologies for the long-term success of the Your pie brand.

“Your pie is proud to welcome a seasoned and successful franchise owner to our executive team,” said Your pie cEo dave Mcd ougall. patterson began his career with Your pie in 2015 when he purchased an existing restaurant and then more than doubled its sales in his seven-year tenure. h e then planned and executed the opening of a second and third location in 2017 and 2019, respectively, operating all three as profitable restaurants throughout the duration of the pandemic.

“ i am so excited about this next challenge and responsibility in my career at Your pie,” said patterson. i believe i have what it takes to take our business to the next level as we innovate, evolve and grow while maintaining the ethos and quality that our guests have come to expect and love.”

patterson is a graduate of the University of g eorgia’s terry college of business and currently resides in alpharetta with his wife and three children.

dAch A B ee R GAR den ™ Hires Strategic Franchise Development, LLc To Spearhead Franchising For Iconic Beer Garden On The East coast

Dacha Beer Garden, DC’s most popular gathering spot and one of the top five beer gardens in the country ranked by USA Today, announced the hiring of Charlie Dobyns, Ceo with Strategic Franchise Development, LLC. The industry veteran has more than 20 years of success helping hundreds of major brands with growth and expansion through franchising and is certain Dacha Beer Garden’s proven business model will be attractive to high-end investors.

“We’re excited to take this next step with franchising, and we are confident that charlie will bring the right opportunities to us,” said ilya alter, co-owner of dacha b eer g arden. “ t here are several underserved markets on the East coast and particularly throughout the s outheast that would be ideal for the dacha b eer g arden brand and culture.”

d obyns started his career in 1988 when he purchased his first franchise, d orman’s t ire, and expanded it to 31 units before selling the business. h e retired when he was 38 years old, played golf for two years, and then realized he couldn’t get away from the franchising bug and had to get back in the game.

“ it’s an honor to have the opportunity to lead dacha b eer g arden into the next phase of growth and development through franchising,” d obyns said. “ strategic Franchise d evelopment strives to solve critical franchising issues facing our clients by offering a broad range of services and solutions.

To learn more about Dacha Beer Garden and franchising opportunities, visit www.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 7
Ind US try v eter A n c h A rl I e d obyn S tA r G et I n G h ot M A r K et S F or e xpA n SI on

Better Brunch Franchise, FA mous toA ste RY, coming to Northeast Florida

Famous Toastery, a 25-unit better brunch franchise brand known for its “Famously Fresh” menu, announced it has signed a franchise development agreement with local entrepreneurs, Divyan Patel, Jeffrey Folckemer, and Drew Van Zante. Details of the agreement include opening five Famous Toastery units in Northeast Florida over the next four years. The first Famous Toastery restaurant will open by the end of 2023. t he latest Famous toastery investors are active members in the n ortheast Florida business community with a number of different enterprises. divyan patel is a serial entrepreneur who owns and operates a planet smoothie in st. Johns and two coldstone creamery units near Murabella and st. Johns. Jeffrey Folckemer has been a residential and commercial contractor for the past 10 years, as well as a realter with development and local community knowledge. d rew Van Zante is co-owner of Kingdom h ome builders, as well as an owner and operator of Mcd onald’s franchises in the st. augustine area.

“We welcome d ivyan, Jeffrey and d rew to our franchise family and look forward to them building the brand in n ortheast Florida,

and becoming a mainstay in the community for years to come,” said Mike s ebazco, president of Famous toastery. “Franchisees like d ivyan, Jeffrey and d rew have joined Famous toastery because of the continued popularity of brunch amongst consumers and the brand’s healthy profit margins and strong unit economics due to a single shift business concept.”

today, Famous toastery operates in three different states, has six locations in development, projects to have 26 locations operating by the end of 2023, as well open five additional locations in 2024.

To learn about franchising opportunities, please visit

Zie BAR t Franchisee Receives MVP Award from Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine

brightest and most inspiring multi-unit franchisees – the power operators, the innovators, the creative thinkers, and organization and their brands.

“From the moment i crossed paths with Ziebart more than 30 years ago, i knew i one day wanted to own my own stores, but never imagined the incredible growth we experienced,” Mattiacio said. “ i ’m honored and humbled to receive this award, which really belongs to every member of my team for their daily work on behalf of customers, and to my four kids who joined me on this journey with Ziebart.”

Ziebart, the worldwide leader in premium automotive appearance and protection services, is proud to announce that franchisee Tony Mattiacio – Founder, President, and Ceo of The Mattiacio Group – was honored with the Most Valuable Performer (MVP) Award for Franchisee Single Brand Leadership from Multi-Unit Franchisee Magazine.

t he MV p awards, given april 27 during the 22nd annual MultiUnit Franchising conference in Las Vegas, recognize the bestof-the-best in multi-unit franchising. Judges look for the best,

When each of his children individually decided to join their father in the family business, Mattiacio was determined to instill the work ethic that strengthened t he Mattiacio g roup’s business model. h e had each of them start where he started, as a technician providing services on the vehicles. today, r yan Mattiacio, Mark Mattiacio, Zach Mattiacio, and Meghan p fenninger all serve as partners and work full-time in different departments within t he Mattiacio g roup.

For more information on franchising opportunities, visit

8 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
tony Mattiacio & Family h onored for o utstanding Growth, leadership at 9 Ziebart locations

Athletic Repu B lic Athlete and Motorsport Driver, Harri Jones, continues to Dominate career

Athletic Republic, the premier destination for individualized, sportspecific training backed by data and science, is proud to share the story of 23-year-old Australian motorsport driver, Harri Jones. As one of the most promising young drivers in the sport, Jones has always been in search for an elite level of training to further his career while becoming one of Athletic Republic’s first professional motorsport drivers.

after beginning his career in junior g o-Kart racing and training at athletic r epublic throughout his childhood, he has since earned a spot in the 2020 c arrera cup- the most elite level of porsche racing in australia.

a s he trained at athletic r epublic in his youth, he learned the importance of athleticism, strength, and commitment at a young age. at athletic r epublic, athletes of all types are trained to be the very best in their sports and are given the opportunity to learn and excel. n o matter what sport

athletes are interested in, athletic r epublic is committed to training athletes to be the best.

a side from his illustrious racing career, harri is currently studying Mechanical Engineering at the University of

Queensland and is the first athlete to be awarded the UQ b lue award, which recognizes outstanding sports achievements. harri also is a d river d evelopment coach in australian Motorsport and an ambassador for his home-town of the sunshine coast.

X p le AG ue Named Top New and Emerging Franchise on Entrepreneur Magazine’s 2023 List

XP League, the first and largest esports franchise in North America, and part of the youth enrichment growth-focused platform Unleashed Brands, was recognized as one of 2023’s Top New and emerging Franchises in the May/June issue of entrepreneur magazine. The list highlights some of the strongest companies that have begun offering franchise opportunities since 2018. o ut of 150 brands included on the list, XP League was ranked at No. 97.

“ b eing recognized by Entrepreneur as a top franchise in only three years of operation is a significant accomplishment for us,” said Jay Melamed, Xp League brand president. “ t his award is a reflection of all the hard work of our franchisees, leadership teams and employees who are to committed to providing top-notch and effective esports experiences to youth across the nation. Xp League is growing and we are excited to reach more milestones in 2023.”

Xp League’s inclusion on the list is a testament to the company’s early success with building the best-in-class esports experience for youth. t he brand offers a nine-week seasonal program, including one practice and one match a week. Each team is led

leading esports b rand d ebuts on list After Just t hree years of Franchising

by a coach who focuses on teaching resiliency, teamwork, and sportsmanship in addition to gaming skills. b y integrating these values into the core format of its programming, Xp League has become a top choice for families and entrepreneurs when it comes to youth esports.

For more information about XP League franchise opportunities, visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 9
AF ter

BuSIN e SS F INAN ce Depot –Franchise Financing s pecialists

Business Finance Depot (BFD) specializes in providing financing for new and existing franchisees, helping them to acquire the capital they need to launch or grow their business.

Our company offers the most comprehensive variety of new business financing products (see product listing) available in today’s marketplace. We list the main financing products below along with the franchisors we serve whose franchisee use each product to finance their startup business and to expand their existing franchisees.

All financing options require the borrower(s) to contribute an equity injection, so they have “skin in the game.”

The typical sources of equity injection are savings, the sale of marketable securities, gifts from family members and/or the Rollover as Business Startup (R.O.B’S.) plan established by the IRS. The R.O.B.S. program is a method for a prospective franchisee to use their retirement funds to pay for their equity injection or their total startup costs in a tax-free transaction. The R.O.B.S. plan then uses the rollover assets to purchase the stock of the new C Corporation franchise business. The equity injection cannot be borrowed funds such as a home equity loan unless the loan is repaid from an unrelated source such as spousal earnings or investment income.

Finally, interest rates for all financing products are impacted by the prime lending rate (currently 8.25%) which serves as a base line for SBA, USDA and commercial loans. The rate is a variable rate and is established at periodic meetings of the Federal Board of Governors. A risk premium is typically added to prime rate which is a fixed rate capped by the SBA and USDA which is normally 2.75%. Variables such the type of business and the

borrowers’ credit scores, time in business, liquidity and collateral are considerations that impact the risk premium charged by any given lender.

SBA 7(a) & 504 Loans ($25,000 up to $10,000.000) Camp Jellystone, HOTWORX, Massage Envy, F45 Training, Venture X, Jon Smith Subs, The Great Greek, Pembrooke Chocolatier, Fitness 1440, Athletic Republic I Heart mac & cheese & Carvel

The Small Business Association (SBA) offers a national loan program which can be used to finance any franchise approved by the SBA. The SBA offers a substantial loan guarantee which reduces the lender’s risk, making securing an approval more likely. SBA loans offer some of the lowest interest rates available and can be repaid over the longest term available today. The following information lists the 6 possible uses of SBA loans and some franchisors using these loans in an outline format.

Financing a Start -up BuSineSS

Use of Funds - The SBA 7(a) Loan will finance between 70% & 90% of the total project costs including equipment, organization costs, buildout, deposits, inventory, working capital and franchise fees.

expanding an exiSting BuSineSSeS

Cashflow - An emphasis is placed on the profitability of the business based upon the business’s recent tax returns and interim financial statements.

deBt conSolidation

Use of Funds - The funds are used to refinance business debt including existing mortgages, equipment leases and loans. Credit card debt CANNOT be included.

Qualification Rule - The resulting monthly payment must reduce the total monthly payments of all debt being consolidated by at least 10%.

BuSineSS acquiSitionS

Business Valuation - The Letter of Intent must be supported by a business valuation. The valuation is conducted by the SBA lender using the seller’s tax returns and interim financial statements.

Working Capital – Garage Living, Patrice & Associates, Fibrenew, Naturals 2 Go & Ace Handyman Services

Loan Amount - The SBA Express Loan provides working capital up to $150,000 for a home-based business and an existing business.

collateral - BuSineSS collateral only

Restrictions – This loan cannot be used for business acquisitions, purchasing real estate and for construction.

real estate Mortgages – yogi Bear’s Jellystone parks & Kampgrounds of a merica (Koa)

Loan Types – The SBA 7(a) loan ranges up to $5,000,000 and the SBA 504 loan ranges up to $10,000,000.

2 Step Loan Process – SBA 504 loans are first approved by the lender and then approved by the regional Community Development Corporation.

Use of Funds - The loan will finance up to 90% of the real estate purchase & the development costs.

Qualification Rule - The business must occupy at least 51% of the useable space which provides an opportunity to lease up to 49% of the useable space.

USDA Loans ($250,000 up to $25,000,000) – Camp Jellystone & Kampgrounds of America (KOA) This national program is designed to provide loans to for-profit entities, nonprofits, cooperatives, federally recognized tribes, and public bodies, given they are in a city or town with a population under 50,000. The USDA offers loan

10 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa cover story: Business Finance Depot

guarantees from 60% to 80% depending on the loan size.

Use of Funds - purchase real estate, machinery, and equipment. Development costs, working capital and franchise fees can be included

Repayment Term - 30 years

Interest rates – May be fixed or variable rates as negotiated between the borrower and lender, subject to USDA approval. USDA loans typically have lover interest rates that SBA loans.

Qualification Rules –

o Once a location is identified; eligibility is determined by inputting the address in the USDA Property Eligibility Website

o Environmental studies are required that follow NEPA regulations

o Feasibility studies are required for new businesses

2 or 3 Step Loan Process - Loans are first approved by the lender and then approved by the USDA district office up to $10,000. Loans over $10,000 are first approved by the lender, then approved by the USDA district office and sent to the USDA national office for approval. .

Equipment Financing ($5,000 up to $2,000,000) - Garage Living, Smash My Trash, Red Box + , United Franchise Group’s storied franchises (Signarama, Experimax and Fully Promoted.), F45 Training, Athletic Republic, The Camp Transformation Center & HOTWORX.

One of the main benefits of equipment leasing is that these transactions are completed much faster than SBA and USDA loans. There are 2 products: equipment leases and equipment finance agreements. The lender owns the equipment when an equipment lease is used. The borrower owns the equipment when an equipment finance agreement is used.

Use of Funds – Any equipment needed to operate the business which can include signage, point of sale systems, furniture, vehicles, and tools.

Interest rates –fixed rates vary by the borrower’s financial strength, time in business & industry experience.

Collateral - the equipment package being financed.

Equity injection – The down payment or security deposit ranges from 1 lease

payment up to 20% of the $ amount being financed depending upon the useful life of the collateral.

Repayment Term - Ranges from 3 to 7 years.

End of Term - Once the equipment lease is paid, the ownership of the equipment is transferred to the company leasing the equipment.

Commercial Loans & Unsecured Personal Loans ($25,000 up to $250,000) The Graze Craze & HOTWORX

Unsecured personal loans are used to provide working capital and combined with an equipment lease or for clients not interested in or eligible for SBA loans. One of the main benefits of personal loans is these transactions are completed much faster than SBA and USDA loans.

Use of Funds – The funds are unrestricted and can be used for any purpose.

Repayment Term – 5-7 years

please contact paul Bosley by emailing with any questions or for more information.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 11

Benefit of Multi-Brand f ranchise Platfor M s

Franchising can be big business these days. More and more we are seeing parent companies with multiple franchise brands under their roof, in some cases many brands. often these large franchise platform groups are backed by private equity and have a mandate to grow both the individual brands and to add new brands. They are leveraging the talent, systems and resources at the corporate level across brands to create more successful franchisees.

So, why would someone looking for a franchise consider these big organizations over single brands franchises?

Looking at these platforms you will see

that most have picked a theme like fitness or home services. While each brand may have a specialty, the infrastructure, systems and technology are likely relatively interchangeable. To those services they will add things like marketing, professional recruiters and supply chain where they can build more efficiencies and savings for franchisees.

For franchise owners this helps you free up time in your business to focus on customers and growth as opposed to getting stuck in the office managing process. It will help control costs on staffing, marketing and supplies. Your employees may have tech that makes them more efficient and able to generate more revenue per employee. But will you get lost in the system?

I have not seen a franchisee getting lost in a multi-brand portfolio be an issue unless they don’t engage the resources available

to them. Each of these platform companies is a collection of brands. Within the brand, each company pretty much looks like any single brand franchise from the top down. The leader of that brand has peers that are running the other brands in the portfolio, and they answer to a few executives at the top of the platform. Alongside those brands are departments that handle the corporate services like marketing, technology and possibly much more.

A franchisee that wants to engage the resources available to them may actually have far more people at their disposal in these systems than single brands. Use the tools available and grow your empire. There is another great benefit to these multi-brand platforms. As you grow the first brand under that umbrella, you will eventually want to expand. For a lot of franchise owners in single brand systems

e XPert ADvIce: George Knauf | Senior Franchise Business Advisor | Franchoice

George Knauf is

of the top franchise ownership groups in the world. With over 25 years of experience in both start-up and mature business franchise operations he is uniquely qualified to advise individuals that have dreamed of Building their own empires. Whether you have an existing portfolio or searching for your first franchise, he can help you to pursue your dreams.

this often means expanding further and further out geographically.

A past candidate of mine started growing his empire in New England. As that market got built out he called the franchisor and asked where he could expand to. The next closest territory was San Francisco, so he took that and started growing there. He ran one coast, his Wife ran the other. They were sometimes ships passing in the night. A few years later he called back again, and the next closest territory was outside the country. They passed on that.

Another approach leverages these multibrand platforms so that when you build everything you can within the geographic area you want to focus on, you pick up another brand within the same platform

and grow it in the very same geography. This is sometimes referred to as “Brand Stacking” The benefit goes well beyond not having to get on a plane to see your operations.

Because you are in the same platform, you are getting training and support from the same organization. The technology is often the same. The marketing team, and approach is often the same. Sometimes you even go to the same National conferences at the same time. Networking with franchisees of other brands in your platform could offer both great ways to compare best practices and to find business opportunities you didn’t know existed.

Before these big platforms became pretty common, the way a franchise owner would stack concepts was by adding completely

unrelated brands. While they were building in the same geographic area, every aspect of their business is different. While we are very good at finding our candidates single brands that can coexist together and won’t cause the candidate to give up their lifestyle, it is far easier to stack within a platform if you are happy with the resources and team available to you.

You may wonder what happens if the platform gets sold. What we have seen is that at that point your brand(s) are run by a team of employees and executives, not a Founder. The big cultural shifts that we see sometimes when a single brand gets sold and the Founder exists, seem to be much more muted if there is any discernable change at all. For franchisees, their business goes on and they keep growing their empires.

This is another option, a different approach.

Should you overlook single brands? NO! Explore all of the options that fit you, compare and contrast the ways you could leverage those systems to grow your empire.

What is your success story? Let’s go find it!

a highly sought after, trusted advisor to many

Giardino was born from a passion and commitment to educate their customers about where real food comes from. After asking her students where orange juice came from and they said a juice box, ody Lugo knew there was an opportunity to educate the new generation about whole foods.

That is when Founder, Ody Lugo, an elementary teacher, took a radical sabbatical and, without any prior knowledge, became an immediate entrepreneur. She and her husband, Kenny Lugo, Former Fire Fighter, set out to learn every aspect of the restaurant business and, in just nine months, opened their doors to the first Giardino in October 2004. They believe that with fresh, whole ingredients, knowledge, and love, any food can taste great.

They quickly fell in love with the food industry, loved giving opportunity for their employees to grow while educating their customers. With a LOT of hard work,

t he g iardino g ourmet s alads Franchise s ystem

blood, sweat and tears, the Giardino brand was off and running in South Florida. The first Giardino Gourmet Salads location opened in Coral Gables, Florida, and quickly gained a loyal following. Customers appreciated the restaurant’s commitment to using high-quality ingredients and the fact that they could customize their salads and bowls to their liking. Over the years, Giardino Gourmet Salads has expanded to 12 great locations across Florida, with plans for further expansion into new markets. Despite its growth, the company remains committed to its core values of serving fresh, healthy food providing excellent customer service and educating their community.

A healthy, tasty and e xciting menu

Giardino Gourmet Salads menu features a wide variety of salads, wraps, bowls, and soups, all made with high-quality ingredients that are sourced locally when possible. The menu is designed to appeal to health-conscious individuals who are looking for delicious, nutritious whole food meals.

One of the most popular items on the

menu is the ‘My Way’ a Create Your Own Salad option, which allows customers the Nutritional Empowerment to choose from a wide variety of greens, toppings, proteins, and dressings to create a customized salad that meets their dietary preferences and taste preferences. There are also several pre-designed unique salads such as the Mama Mia and Thai Thai as well as the traditional Caesar, Caprese, an Greek Salad. All topped with their homemade dressings and croutons. For those who prefer wraps, Giardino Gourmet Salads offers a unique variety of combinations that will complement their homemade Tuna, Chicken, Turkey and Salmon Deli Salads. Giardino Gourmet Salads offers daily soups to compliment your order, such as Mushroom Brie, Tomato Basil and Broccoli Cheddar Soup. The warm bowl options at Giardino Gourmet Salads are also popular, with choices like the La Fiesta, Tuscan Sun and Wok. These bowls are made with a base of grains, such as brown rice, jasmine or quinoa and topped with a variety of fresh, flavorful ingredients all with different profiles.

Finally, Giardino Gourmet Salads offers

14 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: Giardino Gourmet Salads

their same delicious offering for catering. Customers can enjoy a combination of different packages in their office, home or gathering.

incredibly positive customer Reviews

Giardino Gourmet Salads has received overwhelmingly positive reviews from customers who appreciate the restaurant’s commitment to serving fresh, healthy food. Many customers have praised the restaurant for its delicious salads and bowls, as well as its quick and efficient service.

One customer wrote, “Giardino Gourmet Salads is my go-to spot for healthy and delicious food. I love that I can customize my salads and bowls to my liking and that everything is made fresh to order. The ingredients are always high-quality, and the service is top-notch.”

Another customer wrote, “I’ve been going to Giardino Gourmet Salads for years, and I’m always impressed by the quality of the food. The salads and bowls are always fresh and flavorful, and the staff is friendly and efficient. I highly recommend this restaurant to anyone who is looking for healthy, delicious food.”

What makes the Giardino Franchise system so powerful?

Giardino Gourmet Salads is a unique food service franchise platform in that

the model is focused on the healthy eating segment. What makes this system so attractive as a franchise investment is the structure, support, systems the family owned and operated culture, as well as the commitment for supporting the community that is rooted throughout the entire Giardino franchise system.

Giardino is bringing a turnkey opportunity to the casual dining space - specializing in whole foods! Franchise owners can expect good margins, and an experienced support team while benefiting from a validated place in a growing market. Our proven system delivers fresh and delicious meal options that customers crave and love. Franchisees can leverage a straightforward business model, with efficient operations, that will outperform the competition every time.

Giardino offers mouthwatering salads, bowls, wraps, and soups made with the absolute best ingredients, paired with exciting flavor options. Our customers enjoy an array of delicious menu items that are healthy, convenient, and full of flavora winning recipe for our franchise partners. Gluten-free and vegetarian options mean you can enjoy our selections, no matter your diet. Be a part of serving up the best salads in the market - on demand!

Giardino franchisees can now enjoy the freedom that comes with owning their own business and having guidance from an already established and respected brand in

the casual dining, fresh salad space.

Comprehensive Training: An extensive dual-phase initial training program will help set up our franchise partners with all the knowledge they need to run a Giardino.

Operational Support: We will provide ongoing training and support in many areas, including unit operations, maintenance, customerservice techniques, product ordering, pricing guidelines, and administrative procedures.

Marketing Support: Leverage our dedication to excellence. We will coordinate development of advertising materials and strategies, consumer marketing plans, and materials.

Ongoing Business Development Support: We will provide our continued research methods and techniques to enhance unit-level profitability.

Simple Operations Model: Giardino serves unique, delicious fresh-toorder food, but the process has been streamlined. The day-to-day operations are easy to maintain with a well-trained team.

Strong Potential ROI: Giardino is an affordable step into the food and beverage industry with our streamlined process and consistent delivery of quality.

Unique Concept: Giardino has variety like no other fast-casual dining. Our recipes and combinations have a gourmet profile, offering endless combinations. Our customers can enjoy our meals a few times a week!

Low Opening Cost: No big kitchen or equipment required! Our concept is the perfect fit for new entrepreneurs ready to invest in their future.

Our advice, whether you are a customer looking to eat healthier or an investor interested in the food service segment, we recommend taking a look at the Giardino Gourmet Salads model.

For more information on the brand and franchise system, visit the corporate site:

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 15

h ow to create a recession-resistant franchise M odel and M arket that to franchise Pros Pects

“ Franchisors should consider how to best support their existing franchisees during economic downturns. This may involve offering incentives or assistance with marketing efforts, increasing access to capital, or providing additional training.”

The thought of a recession can be scary. i get it. i remember living through the 2008 Great Recession as i’m sure most of you reading this also do. Negative headlines about shrinking job pools, cooling housing prices and high inflation can get all of us nervous.

But, as franchise systems, we really have a leg up. Franchise models are built to be sustainable and offer owners tools to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible during difficult times. Not only that but in times of economic uncertainty or layoffs, many out-of-work mid-career individuals quickly become people searching for a better opportunity and means to control their own destinies.

In this piece, we’ll briefly look at how to recession-resistant your franchise and then leverage that in your marketing efforts to franchise prospects.

e XPert ADvIce: t im conn | president | Image one Facility Solutions

tim conn, cFe, is the president and founder of Image one uSA. He is the author of “No New Ideas: everything You Need to Know About Starting a Successful Franchise.” Franchising since 2011 and with a corporate headquarters in the chicago suburbs, Image one launched a new franchise affiliate program in 2015 to further expand the franchise nationwide. Since then, the franchise has added owners in regions across the country, including in cincinnati, Denver, Detroit, Fort Myers, Nashville, orlando, Atlanta, and Houston. For more information, visit

Focus on profitability while planning for risk

The key to creating a recession-resistant franchise model is to focus on long-term sustainability and profitability while also recognizing potential risks that may arise for both you as a franchisor and your franchisees. Franchisors should consider how their business model can be tailored to respond to market volatility and ensure they are able to continue providing quality support to franchisees so they, in turn, can best serve their customers. To start, franchisors should ensure their product or service meets a need that is consistent in any economy. For example, service-based franchises like commercial cleaning, home healthcare, home repair and maintenance, and tutoring all tend to be in demand regardless of whether an economy is booming or experiencing a downturn. But even restaurant franchises can and do get creative during less-than-ideal economic times. One thing that’s typical during downturns and recessions is an increase in value menu offerings. For

example, Yum Brands, the parent company of Taco Bell, outperformed quarterly earnings estimates announced in Q1 of this year largely due to more people searching for value-based food options when going out. Value-based food has a market in good times but is more sought after in economies that are struggling.

Whether times are good or bad, ensure your franchisees are prepared

Franchisors should also make sure their franchise model can be managed profitably in both good and bad economic times. This means ensuring franchisees have the tools, training, and support to run their business efficiently and effectively during a range of economic conditions. Franchisors should also consider how they can adjust pricing models or services in order to maximize profitability during difficult market times. Whether it is offering more value-based offerings or providing shorter-term engagements if your franchise focuses on servicing customers on a consistent

basis (like a tutoring service or swimming school).

Franchisors should consider how to best support their existing franchisees during economic downturns. This may involve offering incentives or assistance with marketing efforts, increasing access to capital, or providing additional training.

marketing a recession-proof model to franchise prospects

Recessions are a ripe time for more franchise prospects. As people are laid off from jobs and find themselves at a turning point, it’s not uncommon for them to look in the mirror and say something like “Why am I letting someone else control my career”?

As we in the industry are well aware, we offer something that’s not possible for someone looking to start a business from scratch: A template and roadmap to build a business quickly, predictably, and pragmatically.

In addition to having a model that is recession-proof, franchisors should consider how to market their franchise model to prospective franchisees. This involves recognizing the immediate needs and concerns of franchise prospects and addressing them in a meaningful way. For example, offering lower start-up costs or flexible terms may help attract prospective franchisees who may be more cautious when investing due to economic uncertainty. Franchisors should also focus on the long-term potential of their franchise model, highlighting factors such as potential profits and growth opportunities— revising your Item 19 to ensure it is up-todate and aligned with what you want to present to franchisees— to demonstrate that investing in a franchise is not just a viable option but a stronger alternative to taking another job.

By taking the necessary steps to make sure their franchise model is recessionproof and marketing it effectively to prospective franchisees, franchisors will be able to protect themselves and their franchisees from economic uncertainty while maintaining and even growing their own business.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 17

f urry l and ceo on the iMP ortance of having

Mo B ile Pet g roo M ing s ervice in every co MM unity

In a post-pandemic world full of small business hardship, it has been my number one priority to expand the proven business models of multiple franchise brands and to support the teams that bring these brands into their communities.

The biggest part of serving communities is finding a way to ask yourself, “What is the problem, and how can my business help alleviate it?”

Whether a pet has separation anxiety, a disability, or is a bit people-shy, we can all relate to the struggle and stress of finding a quality pet grooming service. Any responsible pet owner knows that routine bathing, brushing, teeth cleaning, and nail cutting are all critical in preventing matted hair, unhealthy skin, and other problems that can cause pets to have pain and discomfort. While many pet owners opt to beautify their pets at home, it can be messy, time-consuming, and stressful for both person and pet.

A trip to the vet or groomer can be troubling for any pet, no matter how young or old. I set out to address the “necessary evil” of pet grooming and wanted to change the narrative in order to create a personalized and accessible solution.

In 2017, the solution Nick Field came up with was Furry Land Mobile Grooming, a state-of-the-art, accessible and convenient mobile pet grooming franchise to make the experience better for both person and pet. I saw that he had created Furry Land because not everyone has the ability to transport their pets to get groomed, and not all pets are equipped to deal with stressful social situations. As a franchise developer and entrepreneur, I am constantly looking to facilitate brands that will make a difference to local community members, and decided to purchase it in 2021.

Here are just a few reasons behind why i decided to franchise Furry land, and why i think every community in a merica should have a mobile pet groomer oncall.”

Reduced stress

From the very start, your pet knows something is up as soon as you pull out the travel crate when it’s time to go.

18 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
F ocus: Furry Land
in my 30-plus years of franchising, i have witnessed firsthand the importance of helping small businesses grow and thrive.

Travel and car anxiety will put your pet in survival mode before you even make it out the door to the grooming salon; this is why I strongly recommend people take advantage of mobile grooming. It takes away the stress of traveling in a car in a cramped enclosure to a destination with sights, sounds and smells that your pet is unfamiliar with. Having a pet groomer come to you rather than the other way around will keep your pup or cat comfortable and confident remaining in “their” own territory, drastically lowering their anxiety.


Not only does it save gas money, but mobile pet grooming services save pet owners time by eliminating the need to transport pets to and from a grooming salon. Mobile pet grooming provides flexible scheduling options and is much quicker. This can be helpful for owners with multiple pets and tight, rigid work schedules. People living in rural areas already spend a lot of time commuting to places like grocery stores or gas stations, some of which are miles and miles away from the home. Cutting out the travel time to the grooming salon has the power to free up extra time for other necessary commutes, like work, school, or doctor appointments. Mobile grooming ensures that pet grooming is as accessible to communities in the countryside as in the city and suburbs.

one-on- one attention

Mobile pet groomers work with one pet at a time, which means that each and every pet gets one-on-one attention throughout the grooming process. This ensures that each pet’s needs are being addressed, whether it be for textured fur that needs a bit more TLC or skin sensitivity. Elderly or disabled pets with chronic health conditions or joint issues may need to take more frequent breaks from standing can have their accommodations better met when they are the sole focus of the groomer in that moment.

no other people or pets

While some pets are naturally more social than others, the last thing a stressed-out animal needs are other stressed-out, unfamiliar animals and people all in very close quarters. While opting for a mobile groomer will keep your pet from getting worked up around other pets, it is also the more sanitary option. While life has predominantly gotten back to business as usual since the pandemic, people with or who have pets with chronic illnesses still need to stay far away from unvaccinated people or pets, or any areas that are generally crowded or germy. For pets, a private and personal mobile grooming experiences eliminates the chances of your pet contracting fleas, ticks or other spreadable illnesses. This means that mobile pet grooming is an ideal, coveted

choice that puts the worry of overcrowding and overstimulation to rest, no questions asked.

personalized services and Relationship building

No matter where you are, the beautiful thing about mobile pet grooming is that the services can be adjusted to meet the specific needs and conditions of all pets. No matter what, they can come to you. This might not be a big deal for all pet families, but for pets with disabilities or other special needs, this personalization ensures that the grooming process is safe and comfortable form beginning to end, giving the owner a little extra peace of mind. Furthermore, mobile groomers can bond with the pets in the communities they serve by fostering these relationships while they groom. A pet that is geriatric or disabled may not get many chances to socialize and stimulate their minds during the day, so even a quick, twenty-minute interaction with a friendly pet groomer can do wonders for a pet’s mental health and happiness.

We are living in an individualized, virtual world right now. We have mobile services in place for any kind of shopping or travel you could think of. We can buy anything from any store and have it show up on our doorstep. In a day and age when everyone wants to be able to get things to their home quickly and efficiently, I think it’s a shock that we, as a society, haven’t added this same level of comfort, customization and convenience to animal-oriented services like pet grooming. Animals can’t speak and can’t advocate for themselves, so we have to be the ones to come to them. Mobile pet grooming services like Furry Land make sure that no pet or pet parent is left behind, and that’s an attitude that needs to carry over into every local community. With the right group of franchisees who are passionate enough, this goal can become a reality.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 19
“ As a franchise developer and entrepreneur, I am constantly looking to facilitate brands that will make a difference to local community members.”

Q& a


c hristina r ussell of r adiance h oldings

describe your organization – how long has it been in operation? when did you start franchising? how many franchisees do you currently have?

Radiance Holdings represents a collection of premier brands in the beauty, wellness, and self-care sector. Our flagship brand is Sola Salons, the world’s largest and fastest-growing studio suites concept for independent beauty professionals which has been in operation since 2004 and began franchising in 2005. During the pandemic, we acquired WoodHouse Spas, the largest premium day spa brand in the U.S. which was founded in 2001 and began franchising in 2003.

Radiance Holdings expanded Sola Salons internationally to Canada in 2022, with 9 new signings in the last 12 months. The brand signed 72 franchise agreements nationwide last year and ended is currently at 655 Sola Salons location. The rapid yet sustained expansion is one of the reasons why Sola Salons is a leader in recessionresilient franchises. Also contributing to Sola Salons’ corporate success is our 90% occupancy rate average across all locations, with a low 20% turnover rate, compared to the 80-90% at quick-cut places and an impressive roster of 20,000 independent beauty professionals. Sola Salons forecasts it will open 60-70 new locations in 2023.

Since being acquired by Radiance Holdings in 2020, Woodhouse Spa has opened 10 additional locations across the United States and ended 2022 with five additional locations added. With sales growing 19% year over year, Woodhouse Spa has 82 locations across 22 states including Texas, Colorado, California, New York, Ohio and Florida. Woodhouse Spa has proven that its concept resonates with consumers around the U.S. and has driven significant economic growth and job opportunities in the luxury self-care industry.

What is your main product/ service?

Sola is proud to offer 20,000+ independent beauty professionals the freedom and benefits of salon ownership without the risk and overhead of opening a traditional salon. Its innovative salon model empowers hairdressers, estheticians, nail techs, massage therapists and other like-minded professionals to take control of their lives and their careers. Sola provides beauty professionals with beautiful, fullyequipped salon studios alongside the support and tools they need to launch their salon business in no time.

Woodhouse Spa has offered guests a variety of luxury treatments that are fully customized to meet their guests’ unique needs in a calming environment that is rich with warm earth tones and textures, sounds of nature, soothing aromatherapy for skin treatments, massage therapies, facials and other exquisite services, such as waxing and nails. Every treatment, detail, space and feature has been carefully crafted by the Woodhouse masters of mood care.

What type of person would ‘fit’ your franchisee profile?

There are a few key traits that we look for in potential franchisees. We look for individuals that have capital and business acumen. A lot of our franchisees have a background in franchising which gives them an advantage when opening their own franchise. We also look for people who are interested in creating a culture, not just the financial profits that come with opening a franchise. On the Sola side, the franchisees need to have a sense of care

20 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa sa q&A: christina Russell | ceo | Radiance Holdings

for their independent beauty professionals and need to strive to help each beauty professional with their individual careers. We also look for passion... Opening a Sola or a Woodhouse Spa is more than just an investment, it becomes a passion.

Where are your current locations/territories? Where are locations/territories available?

Sola Salons has 655 locations across the United States and Canada while Woodhouse Spas has 82 locations across the United States.

Why is there a need for this product/service? Why are you different to your competition?

There will always be a need for beauty and wellness services amongst consumers, especially with remote work positions continuing to stay relevant, and current research shows no signs of the industry slowing down. Over the past few years, we have all had to look at ourselves on Zoom multiple times a day, making us hyperaware of our appearance. At both Sola Salons and Woodhouse Spa, we offer customized, individual experiences for our guests. And for our independent beauty professionals at Sola, we offer the unique opportunity to have ownership over every aspect of their business, from salon design to prices and hours.

On a corporate level, TSG Consumer Partners, a leading private equity firm, acquired a majority stake in Radiance Holdings at the end of 2022. The acquisition allows Radiance to implement aggressive growth initiatives for Sola and Woodhouse over the next three to five years, with further franchise development and proliferation in the U.S. and Canadian markets.

how do you look after your franchisees?

e.g. what support/training/backup do you offer?

At Radiance Holdings, our mission to empower franchise owners and beauty professionals with unrivaled opportunities, mentorship, and education continues to

propel our brands to new heights. As part of these efforts, Radiance Holdings hosts annual summits for each of its brands where franchise owners and corporate employees from across the country come together to participate in breakout sessions; discuss industry trends, and receive recruiting and retention education; among many other summit seminars. In addition to annual brand summits, Radiance Holdings provides additional resources and conferences throughout the year such as Sola’s annual national education event, Sola Sessions, where the brand’s independent beauty professionals are invited to continue their industry education via in-person workshops highlighting business skills, new aesthetic services and styling insight, and other industry development courses. Sola Salons also offers an ambassador program called Faces of Sola, where individuals seeking a more active, corporate role with Sola Salons can apply to teach additional styling and services best practices to their fellow beauty professionals.

plans for new systems/ concepts in 2023

Our growth strategy for this year is to grow horizontally and vertically. Vertically through franchise sales and development. With Sola, we are at 655 locations and international expansion starting with Canada is a huge focus for us. Horizontally, our ambition is to grow through acquisition and own marketleading brands across all modalities of beauty ie waxing, laser, beauty bar, medspas and more.

Where do you see the Franchise in the next five years?

The rapid, yet sustained growth Radiance Holdings has achieved this past year from Sola Salons and Woodhouse Spa is a true testament to our brand continuing to listen to its consumers. With current research projecting salon suites are forecasted to grow ~19-20% from 2021-2026, and Sola Salons’ independent professional model growing by 20% annually, the business will only continue to grow over the next five years.

In the coming years, Radiance Holdings will continue to seek strategic growth opportunities to add to its growing roster by leveraging its consumer focus and knowledge in both the beauty and franchising industries. We have plans to implement aggressive growth initiatives with Sola Salons to further expand its Canadian presence and will position Woodhouse Spa into white space markets. The brands will continue to strategically target key markets throughout the U.S. and Canada for franchise development.

What is your advice for those exploring franchise opportunities?

It’s an old-school saying, but my advice would be to follow your bliss. The greatest progress in life comes from taking risks. I started my career in franchising by leaving a solid career and taking the leap to become a multi-unit franchisee in boutique fitness. Franchising gave me a pathway to do something I never could have done on my own. If you’re dreaming of independence and breaking the economic glass ceiling, franchising might be the pathway for you, too. So make the leap!

how do you motivate your franchisees?

Motivation starts with engagement. Franchisees are the reason we exist, so they need to be included in decisions and have access to information. Job one is establishing a true Franchise Advisory Board that works with the team to set annual priorities and drive projects. We also use working groups that engage franchisees beyond the FAB to provide insight on projects and key decisions. And we pride ourselves on strong communication. That’s never easy in franchising, but we do our best to keep everyone engaged with weekly updates, monthly webinars, regular in-field Regional meetings, and ongoing support from our Franchise Business Coaches. Everything we do is designed to provide engagement and transparency, and that’s reflected in consistently high franchisee satisfaction scores. Our teams take great pride in these results.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 21

e F o pe RAt ING oFFI ce R , Scott B RIN e R , oFF e RS

tips For e ncouraging Brand Behavior

A Dose of Insight for Effective Franchise Brand Behavior Standards

The resurgence of post-covid in-person interaction is here. People are reconnecting with each other, and now is the opportune time to cater your brand to those in-person interactions. your brand strategy may be strong on paper, but its practical application by every person associated with your brand is what defines it in the public eye, and ultimately is what drives results.

How your brand strategy is brought to life through behavior and action leaves your

guests with a lasting memory of what it felt like to engage with your brand.

Having a defined mission, vision, and values is the best way to drive your business forward with a clear direction. The mission is your present goal, the vision is the long-term goal, and the values encapsulate how a business will achieve those. Giving leaders and employees guidance on how to actualize those abstract concepts helps translate corporate messaging into real-world practice. This is where brand behavioral standards come in.

Last year, I transitioned from Chief Administrative Officer to COO of iCRYO, the fast-growing recovery and wellness brand. Previously, I worked

for over 20 years leading and directing hospitals across the country. My work in healthcare operations, implementing best practices with patient experience and ensuring strong physician collaboration has uniquely prepared me for this role.

Working on the operations side of iCRYO has been an exciting opportunity to continue building the company’s unique brand identity and applying the insight that I’ve gathered from my career in the healthcare industry.

In the franchising space, I have seen how clarifying your core messages makes it easier for employees and guests to connect with a brand. If your business is looking to deepen its connection with its employees and guests, then time, energy, and resources need to be devoted to creating an exceptional brand standard guidebook that sets clear expectations for behaviors that reinforce the brand.

Outlining concrete behaviors for employees establishes companywide alignment and ensures the entire organization feels more connected and passionate about their work. From decades of experience implementing these strategizes, I am sharing my top five best practices as it relates to brand behavior standards.

22 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa h Ave your s Ay: Scott Briner | chief operating o fficer | ic YRo
“ Guests crave experiences and brands today have the power to tailor that experience to the individual’s needs. ”

1consistency is key

When you ask people to behave a particular way at work, you need to be prepared to help your team understand the ‘why’ behind the action.

For example, if you ask employees to greet guests with a particular expression, link it back to your brand’s core messaging. At iCRYO, I’ve been working to build standard operating procedures (SOP) across the organization that create consistent experiences for guests regardless of what location they are visiting.

Communicating with franchisees regularly to help enforce this becomes critical.

We’ve found that establishing a cadence of meetings, structured education programs, and weekly communications from the corporate team clarifies expectations and ultimately helps drive accountability. In the last year, we’ve put together a calendar of essential huddles with pre-planned topics so that attendees can come prepared with questions and explore how a topic relates to their location for more meaningful calls. Actions like these can solidify a business’ value in teamwork and productivity.

2prioritize empathy

Brands must show empathy towards their guests and understand their needs and pain points. This can be achieved by actively listening to guests and taking their feedback into account. Take the time to examine the nuances of a guest’s experience to learn where to allocate more resources.

Pay attention as well to how employees are responding to initiatives and communication practices. Employees have a job to do, but they too are human and susceptible to illness, tragedy, and mistakes. Have clear expectations of job performance, but always lead with empathy. These behaviors promote compassion and indicate that a business values the quality of life of both employees and guests.

3Add the human touch

Gone are the transactional days of serving a guest a product and moving onto the next. Guests crave experiences and brands today have the power to tailor that experience to the individual’s needs. Businesses have more insight than ever on the preferences of their clients, but there is nothing more humanizing than connecting with another individual in-person. Clarifying your brand’s voice through personalized interactions applies to the interactions employees have with guests while directly providing services, but also to your marketing team’s voice while crafting and sending follow-up emails to those guests after a visit. When connecting with franchisees and on-the-ground teams, realize that these values still apply. Honor the commonalities that bring all employees to the brand whether they are an executive, a manager, an operations specialist, or a service provider. At iCRYO, actions like these are encouraged to instill our core values of putting people first and providing exceptional service.

4lean on the cutting edge

Innovation is something that brands cannot shy away from. Brands must continuously innovate and improve their products and services to meet guests’ needs and exceed their expectations. Embrace

innovation as often as you can, so long as it works with your brand’s mission.

The same goes for building internal operational procedures. By embracing innovation and using it to help employees grow, a brand maintains its relevance while investing in its people.

5invite collaboration

Brands must collaborate with their guests and involve them in the development of services that meet their needs. This can be achieved by soliciting feedback and involving guests in co-creation initiatives. By giving guests a stake in the brand, you develop a relationship that makes both sides feel recognized and seen. Collaborating with guests and franchisees in an open-dialogue ensures that iCRYO is constantly in touch with the needs of our guests and able to evolve to meet those needs on an ongoing basis.

Trends change and so does the public’s behavior— the first people who understand how that will affect a business are those who interact with guests, employees and franchisees every day. Inviting collaboration from within your business not only improves the culture, but ensures the long-term viability of the business in whole.

While brand behavioral standards can outline the specific behaviors that bring the company mission, vision and values to life, it is the actions taken on a day-to-day basis by every person associated with the brand that will demonstrate whether or not your business is truly living those values. In past work experiences, I have found that the businesses that are the most successful about executing these five practices create caring work environments that not only support the employees but drive a world class guest experience. Establishing behavioral standards ensures that everyone is on the same page, so we can move forward together toward achieving the brand vision.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 23
“ Have clear expectations of job performance, but always lead with empathy.”

h us Band- w ife t ea M g rows Business Portfolio, Beco M ing l argest f ranchisee in the c hicken salad c hick s yste M

Julie & Scott Beville are individuals who embody the spirit of franchising – knowing that franchising isn’t just about business, it’s about the people you can impact through your franchise. While they never expected to land in the franchise industry, they have found their stride as strong entrepreneurs paving the way as industry leaders. They are a team that prioritizes people-first, customer service, community, and teamwork.

Today, the Beville’s portfolio boasts 17 open restaurants with several more in development, staking claim as the largest franchisee in the Chicken Salad Chick system. They are entering a high-growth period while their existing stores continue to achieve strong performance – breaking best-day records more than five times in 2022.

the Beginning

As a mother of three, Julie devoted 100 percent of her time to raising her children. When her friends shared the details of the franchise opportunity with her, she and her husband began looking into the brand and became inspired by Stacy Brown, Founder of Chicken Salad Chick. Brown is also a mother to three children, and her mission is to spread joy, enrich lives, and serve others.

This resonated with Bevilles and solidified their life-changing decision to join the Chick family as franchise owners. Julie and Scott, and long-time friend Michelle Singleton, started Sing Bev Hospitality LLC as a franchisee team. Since opening their first Chicken Salad Chick location in Greenville, SC in 2013, the team has grown the brand rapidly throughout the Carolinas. Over the decade they’ve spent in business, there has been a high level of community value their restaurants continue to bring to the table.

In their first year as a franchisee, they were the recipient of the Chicken Salad Chick’s Franchisee of the Year Award. Fast forward to 2022, and they become the first franchisee to win the award twice in brand history.

24 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
Fr A nch I se I n Act I on: chicken Salad chick

embracing vulnerability

While vulnerability is typically viewed as a weakness, the Bevilles embraced this quality as first-time business owners, and leveraged it as a key advantage.

By humbling themselves as first-time entrepreneurs, they sought out mentors to ask the right questions, learn from previous mistakes, and build a remarkable support system to guide them through the challenges and opportunities of small business ownership – ultimately setting them on a path toward success.

Embracing vulnerability has created long-term benefits as well. It has allowed the Bevilles to be authentic and genuine in their interactions personally and professionally. This authenticity has fostered trust and connection with others, including team members and customers. It has also helped create a positive company culture that encourages open communication, collaboration, and innovation – creating an all-encompassing “we’re in it together team mentality.”

Recipe for success

The key to their success has been their team – which they refer to as ‘internal guests.’ They truly lead with a people-first mentality. Knowing that their team is their greatest asset, they invest in them and provide them with growth experiences that allow them to maximize their full potential.

While retention is rare in the restaurant space, more than half their leadership team (general managers/assistant general managers) has

been with them for more than five years – a true testament to the culture they’ve built.

In addition to best serving their people, the Bevilles prioritize community giveback. They are always looking for new ways to be in the community and leverage their businesses to support various organizations, schools, and more. For example, for more than five years, they have partnered with Let There Be Mom, a Greenville, SC-based nonprofit organization dedicated to serving local moms and dads who are battling life-threatening illnesses. By hosting dine-out nights, a portion of the proceeds goes back to the organization, where they can then use the funds for impactful initiatives that create shared experiences for the families. Over the years, they have raised thousands of dollars for this organization and plan to continue to grow the partnership.

continued Growth

Sing Bev Hospitality are proud of all they have accomplished with their businesses, the people who work alongside them, and the immense support they have received from the Chicken Salad Chick home office. The latest addition to their growing Chicken Salad Chick portfolio was the opening of a third location in the Charleston area in late February of this year. These franchise partners have experienced plenty of success, and their future is sure to be very bright.

They have become standout ambassadors representing Chicken Salad Chick by leaning into the values and missions created by the Founder.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 25


By Boo M er r estaurant owners

r etire with n o Plans for Millennial c hildren to take over, r estaurant Brokerage ceo s ees uP tick

That generation has influenced society in multiple ways, from driving consumer demand for housing, automobiles, and consumer products to creating a need for schools, libraries, and public spaces. The sheer scale of the generation, (76 million births between 1946 and 1964), amplified its impact on society. Baby Boomers also created the highest net worth of any generation, based on the U.S. Federal Reserve estimates, including $7.4

Trillion dollars in private businesses. Early adopters of the franchise model; many of these private businesses are franchise restaurant businesses.

Baby Boomers gave birth to the generation known as Millennials. Unlike their parents, their share of small business holdings is just $1.62 Trillion, a sign that this age group is either unwilling or uninterested in taking over the family business.

Millennials have focused on education over business and are often cited as the most educated generation. An article by First American Data found that, “Approximately 38 percent of millennials have a bachelor’s degree or higher, compared with 32 percent of Generation X and 15 percent of baby boomers when they were the same age.”

Now that aging boomers are ready to retire and cash out, Millennial children are not stepping up to take over. The first Baby Boomers, those born between 1946 and 1964, began to turn 65 roughly a decade ago. According to the latest census data,

26 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce: Robin Gagnon | co-Founder and ceo | We Sell Restaurants
As World War ii ended, soldiers returned fresh from battle to reaffirm their legacy in creating the largest generation America has ever known. it led to significant birth rates and a “boom” in the population giving rise to the nickname, “Baby Boomers.”

approximately10,000 Baby Boomers will hit retirement age every single day between now and 2030.Writers have coined the phrase, the “Silver Tsunami” to capture the effect that will once again, be wielded by this large swath of society. This leads to a wealthy generation of restaurant franchise owners without an exit strategy. Baby Boomers want and need answers on how to create a liquidity event to convert their valuable assets into cash and fund their retirement years. Restaurant franchise brands may be particularly vulnerable to this impact than other types of franchises. Despite improvements to the business model and increased technology, restaurant ownership is still a “hands on” business, requiring day-to-day operations. It appears the educated Millennial generation is not interested. For legacy brands, the impact may be greater than for newer brands. The iconic brands, trusted and favored among Baby Boomers, do not offer the benefit a Millennial may seek. Rather than an emphasis on profits, Millennials are focused on “values.” This generation is guided by “meaningful motivation,” indicating they may prefer the new unproven smoothie brand with a mission to plant trees with every sale over the legacy location catering to the customer’s craving for fast food, despite its earnings model.

For restaurant franchisors, this signals their own form of Tsunami if they are not prepared for this trend. Many Baby Boomers are well funded and may not need to convert that asset to cash. That could lead to significant doors going dark and net restaurant growth heading into negative territory. Prime locations could be ceded to competitors as leases lapse and validation for new franchisees will be hindered by closing doors.

Recommendations for Franchisors

• Franchisors should be assessing their franchisee portfolio. Understand the age and risk of owners and prioritize outreach to Baby Boomers, particularly for stores reaching the end of their renewal term. Those doors are at jeopardy.

• Executive teams must look at their cost of acquisition and time to build. Compare this to the loss of royalties for closing doors. The cost and time to attract new franchisees, build stores and get them to significant volume can translate to significant hits to the royalty stream over existing locations generating revenue. It is nearly impossible to build new stores and get them to revenue levels to offset the royalty loss of existing doors. This simple modeling should be a part of every CEO’s report deck weekly to gauge the risk of closing doors to the brand’s royalty stream.

• Real estate must be analyzed. A key risk for franchisors is the loss of prime lease space. Competitors are standing by, ready to acquire these locations to convert to their concepts at much lower costs than building from scratch. Franchisors should analyze all locations and determine which doors they cannot afford to lose in each market. Many legacy locations have remaining option years at below market rates that landlords are happy to re-lease at higher pricing. Attracting new franchisees to re-open a market you lost, where a competitor now holds the prime location you surrendered, is going to be an uphill battle.

• Franchisors should make experts available. Exit strategies must be discussed in an open and honest way at the franchise conference, online and in

training calls. Exit strategies should be part of the discussion in every meeting with Franchise Business Consultants. Franchisees are often intimidated and see any discussion of an exit strategy as a failure. It is critical to bring this topic into the open. It is a reality that doors will transfer. Ignoring the potential closures will not make it any less real.

• Restaurant franchisors should develop a national resource. Preferred vendors are common in the industry. You need one for referring restaurant franchisees seeking an exit strategy. In partnership, these resources can work to not only retain the existing unit, but bring new external candidates that acquire and build new units. These may not be Millennials, but they will be new and excited owners, ready to take over existing cash flow.

• Brands must understand the target market. Candidates for resales will not be found among most franchise brand’s existing marketing efforts. Franchise development teams deal with franchise candidates that are ready to take on new opportunities and build from scratch. Those in the market to acquire existing cash flow and take on transfers are different candidates altogether, less risk averse and not attracted by the same marketing message.

• Brands should look externally. Do not rely on existing franchisees and multi-unit heavy hitters to take up the slack and buy these transfer units. Why? Look at the profile of these owners in your brand. Most are from the Baby Boomer generation. Many are in the five-to-ten-year window to exit rather than acquisition mode. Secondly, there simply are not enough of them to acquire the Tsunami of units you should be anticipating.

Above all, franchisors should not ignore the Silver Tsunami headed their way. A plan should be in place to make this a primary focus for every franchise restaurant brand. Baby Boomers are once again, shaking up society. When it comes to restaurant franchises, you cannot outrun a Tsunami, but you can plan to avoid being swallowed by it.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 27
robin Gagnon is the co-Founder and ceo of We Sell Restaurants, a brand that has carved an unparalleled niche in the industry as the nation’s leading and only business broker franchise focused on restaurants. under Robin’s leadership, We Sell Restaurants has grown to 45 states where it dominates the restaurant for sale marketplace. Robin is the chair of the Women’s Franchise committee of IFA and is an IFA Board of Director Member. She is an MBA, cFe and cBI. entrepreneur has named her to their list of the “top Influential Women in Franchising.”

trans Forming lives, o ne r estFul night at a time:

v erlo m attress and the p ower o F s leep

Let’s talk about something we all love but often struggle to get enough of - sleep. A good night’s sleep is transformative, rejuvenating our bodies, sharpening our minds, and setting us up for daily triumphs. But in our fast-paced life, a good night’s sleep can sometimes feel like a luxury. At Verlo, we are on a mission to change this one mattress at a time.

We understand the power of sleep and its impact on our health. Research has demonstrated that cutting sleep corners can lead to health issues like chronic fatigue, reduced mental clarity, and even an increased risk of conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Our mission is to face these challenges headon, guiding people toward the blissful, restorative sleep they deserve.

The fact is comfort is very subjective. One-size-fits-all doesn’t apply when it comes to the place, we spend nearly half of our life. At Verlo, we have a sales process that turns the tables on convention. We are all about empowering you to customize your mattress to perfection, setting the stage for your best sleep ever.

Our approach gives you a full menu of options to make your mattress just right. You get to call the shots on everything

from the firmness level to the materials we use. Struggling with back pain, allergies, or just can’t seem to find that perfect sleeping temperature? Our comfort coaches are here to guide you every step of the way, making sure your Verlo mattress is a dream come true.

One of the big sleep disruptors we often see is the discomfort caused by pressure points. A poorly fitted mattress can leave you tossing and turning all night. We can “tailor fit” layers of top-quality materials in the mattress to give you targeted support and contouring, soothing those pressure points and promoting proper spinal alignment. With a Verlo mattress, you can wave goodbye to those restless nights and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Another key player in sleep quality is temperature regulation. Being too hot or

too cold can mess with your sleep patterns, leaving you feeling groggy and tired the next day. Verlo has several options to help actively manage temperature regulation throughout the night, ensuring you stay comfortable, and promoting deeper, more restful sleep.

But we know that creating the perfect sleep environment does not stop at the mattress. To complement our top-notch mattresses, Verlo offers a range of

28 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa sa Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: Verlo Mattress
Dirk Stallmann, President of Verlo Mattress

accessories designed to take your sleep experience to the next level. We also offer our series of vMotion adjustable bases for finding your perfect sleeping position, a wide assortment of pillows that are fitted to you, and sheets that stay on the bedeverything you need to transform your bedroom into a sleep oasis.

At Verlo, we are not just about selling mattresses, we’re about changing lives. We have seen the magic that a good night’s sleep can work. Our customers tell us they

“ Research has demonstrated that cutting sleep corners can lead to health issues like chronic fatigue, reduced mental clarity, and even an increased risk of conditions like obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Our mission is to face these challenges head-on, guiding people toward the blissful, restorative sleep they deserve.”

have more energy, improved moods, and are more productive after experiencing the Verlo difference. We believe everyone deserves to wake up feeling their best, ready to seize the day.

Now, we all know that a mattress is an investment, just like a quality suit. And just like how you can take a suit back to the tailor to get it adjusted as your body changes, we offer a similar service with our mattresses. Enter Verlo’s Lifetime Comfort Guarantee. As your

body changes over time, we can adjust the comfort of your mattress, ensuring it remains the perfect fit for you.

As the President of Verlo Mattress, I could not be prouder of our dedicated team. We are passionate about how the world sleeps. We are committed to staying on top of the latest advancements in sleep science and technology, making sure our products are always leading the charge. After all, we are mattress experts both inside and out.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 29

Our purpose

@OurFranchise is an industry-wide campaign created to spread the word about the value of franchising and share the stories of men and women just like you, who are leading the way as franchisors, franchisees, and franchise employees. The franchise business model has been proven time and time again to work, but it’s threatened when the public and politicians don’t understand how it operates to benefit local, independent franchise establishment owners and their communities. Putting a spotlight on real leaders succeeding with the franchise model is how we’ll ensure franchising is stronger than ever before.

Follow us

Share the tools and resources offered on

Help us keep the momentum going

Since our launch in June 2016, we’ve reached 1.7 million people through outreach efforts, including events in key cities and states, where we spoke directly with business owners, employees, policymakers, and the media. Additionally, we’ve reached people across America through our website and social media channels, digital advertisements, and the promotion of We the Franchisees on Politico – but there is much more work to do. As a franchisor, franchisee, or franchise vendor, you are a leader in your community – and we need your support, now more than ever.

b a x

Our Franchise @OurFranchise @OurFranchise

You benefit by joining

By joining @OurFranchise, you’ll get access to exclusive stories and resources that can help grow your franchise business, educate employees at all levels about the franchise business model, and share the economic importance of franchising with consumers. You will also have the opportunity to share your franchise success story with your peers.


This is just the beginning

Make sure you stay up to date with the campaign’s latest efforts through email updates and social media. Visit our website to read and share the latest stories of franchisors and franchisees making an impact in their communities. Become a franchise advocate to help ensure Americans, now and in the future, have the opportunity to start franchise businesses. Take the lead today!

Contact Erica Farage, Senior

of Political Affairs and Grassroots

and Multi-Unit Franchisee Engagement International Franchise Association

(202) 662-0760

The public and policymakers need to understand franchising.

color world Painting

laTEST n EWS in ho M e services franchising

s hould you i nvest in a s ervice-Based f ranchise?

h o M e s ervice f ranchises: A lot o F Wo R k unde R o ne Roo F

ho M e sweet

ho M e B usinesses to s e Rve the mA sses

jUnE 2023
A FRAnchise Fo R eve RYone COVER STORY don’t miss an issue get the app 10 Franchising Maga in Usa cover story: Business Finance Depot Business Finance Depot –Franchise Financing specialists Business Finance Depot (BFD) specializes in providing financing for new and existing franchisees, helping them to acquire the capital they need to launch or grow their business. Our company offers the most comprehensive variety of new business financing products (see product listing) available in today’s marketplace. We list the main financing products below along with the franchisors we serve whose franchisee use each product to finance their startup business and to expand their existing franchisees. All financing options require the borrower(s) to contribute an equity injection, so they have “skin in the game.” The typical sources of equity injection are savings, the sale of marketable securities, gifts from family members and/or the Rollover as Business Startup (R.O.B’S.) plan established by the IRS. The R.O.B.S. program is method for a prospective franchisee to use their retirement funds to pay for their equity injection or their total startup costs in a tax-free transaction. The R.O.B.S. plan then uses the rollover assets to purchase the stock of the new C Corporation franchise business. The equity injection cannot be borrowed funds such as a home equity loan unless the loan is repaid from an unrelated source such as spousal earnings or investment income. Finally, interest rates for all financing products are impacted by the prime lending rate (currently 8.25%) which serves as base line for SBA, USDA and commercial loans. The rate is a variable rate and is established at periodic meetings of the Federal Board of Governors. A risk premium is typically added to prime rate which is a fixed rate capped by the SBA and USDA which is normally 2.75%. Variables such the type of business and the borrowers’ credit scores, time in business, liquidity and collateral are considerations that impact the risk premium charged by any given lender. SBA 7(a) & 504 Loans ($25,000 up to $10,000.000) Camp Jellystone, HOTWORX, Massage Envy, F45 Training, Venture X, Jon Smith Subs, The Great Greek, Pembrooke Chocolatier, Fitness 1440, Athletic Republic Heart mac & cheese & Carvel The Small Business Association (SBA) offers a national loan program which can be used to finance any franchise approved by the SBA. The SBA offers a substantial loan guarantee which reduces the lender’s risk, making securing an approval more likely. SBA loans offer some of the lowest interest rates available and can be repaid over the longest term available today. The following information lists the 6 possible uses of SBA loans and some franchisors using these loans in an outline format. Financing a Start -up BuSineSS Use of Funds The SBA 7(a) Loan will finance between 70% & 90% of the total project costs including equipment, organization costs, buildout, deposits, inventory, working capital and franchise fees. expanding an exiSting BuSineSSeS Cashflow - An emphasis is placed on the profitability of the business based upon the business’s recent tax returns and interim financial statements. deBt conSolidation Use of Funds The funds are used to refinance business debt including existing mortgages, equipment leases and loans. Credit card debt CANNOT be included. Qualification Rule - The resulting monthly payment must reduce the total monthly payments of all debt being consolidated by at least 10%. BuSineSS acquiSitionS The Letter of Intent must be supported by a business valuation. The valuation is conducted by the SBA lender using the seller’s tax returns and interim financial statements. Working Capital – Garage Living, Patrice & Associates, Fibrenew, Naturals 2 Go & Ace Handyman Services - The SBA Express Loan provides working capital up to $150,000 for home-based business and an existing business. collateral BuSineSS collateral only Restrictions – This loan cannot be used for business acquisitions, purchasing real estate and for construction. real estate Mortgages – yogi Bear’s Jellystone parks & Kampgrounds of america (Koa Loan Types – The SBA 7(a) loan ranges up to $5,000,000 and the SBA 504 loan ranges up to $10,000,000. 2 Step Loan Process – SBA 504 loans are first approved by the lender and then approved by the regional Community Development Corporation. Use of Funds The loan will finance up to 90% of the real estate purchase & the development costs. Qualification Rule The business must occupy at least 51% of the useable space which provides an opportunity to lease up to 49% of the useable space. USDA Loans ($250,000 up to $25,000,000) Camp Jellystone & Kampgrounds of America (KOA) This national program is designed to provide loans to for-profit entities, nonprofits, cooperatives, federally recognized tribes, and public bodies, given they are in city or town with population under 50,000. The USDA offers loan guarantees from 60% to 80% depending on the loan size. Use of Funds - purchase real estate, machinery, and equipment. Development costs, working capital and franchise fees can be included Repayment Term - 30 years Interest rates – May be fixed or variable rates as negotiated between the borrower and lender, subject to USDA approval. USDA loans typically have lover interest rates that SBA loans. Qualification Rules Once location is identified; eligibility is determined by inputting the address in the USDA Property Eligibility Website o Environmental studies are required that follow NEPA regulations Feasibility studies are required for new businesses 2 or 3 Step Loan Process Loans are first approved by the lender and then approved by the USDA district office up to $10,000. Loans over $10,000 are first approved by the lender, then approved by the USDA district office and sent to the USDA national office for approval. VOL 11, ISSUE 6, jUnE 2023 The magazine for franchisees WWW.franchsingmagazine U sa com COVER STORY annOunCEmEnTS fROm ThE induSTRY Benefit of Multi-Brand franchise PlatforMs SpECial fEaTuRE hoMe services franchising Business finance de Pot Franchise Financing specialists franchising news

ho ME s E r V ic E s F ranchising

40 everline Coatings: Why a blue- collar couple Went all in on Franchising

58 That 1 Painter: a beacon of community give back and Empathy through that 1 painter’s “paint it Forward” project

46 Deb Jewell: home services Franchisor Leverages technology to improve training

Have Your Say

42 Dean Hartley: promote Your Low- cost Franchise Model to attract potential Franchise owners

Franchisor in Depth

50 CertaPro Painters: certapro painters® corporate culture: how a top painting Franchise is primed for sustainable growth

54 Re-Bath: re-bath adds two crucial appointments to their Leadership team with sights set on aggressive growth

56 Grand illuminations: tidings of profit and Joy

Expert Advice

44 evan Hackel: should You invest in a service-based Franchise?

48 Rick Bisio: home service Franchises: a lot of Work und er one roof

52 Michael Moorhouse: how to grow a seasonal Franchise

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 33
contents What’s New 34 Franchising News Announcements from the Industry Cover Story 36 Color World Painting: a Franchise for Everyone Feature Article 38 Chris Conner: home sweet home businesses to serve the Masses Franchisee in Action
Women in Franchising
36 52 38

Bum B le Roo Fin G Joins Forces with e mpoW e R B RA nds

empower Brands, multi-brand franchisor of premium commercial and residential services, announced today that Bumble Roofing will be joining its expanding portfolio of brands. This is empower Brands’ third new brand in 2023 following the additions of Koala i nsulation and Wallaby Windows last month, bringing empower to an impressive 10 total brands under its umbrella.

“We set out this year to grow our portfolio to 10+ brands, and while our acquisition of bumble r oofing brings us to that goal, our growth is only just beginning,” said s cott Zide, cEo of Empower brands.

Founded in 2019 by david bitan, bumble r oofing is a full-service roofing company based in Los angeles that provides inspections, repairs, installation and replacement services. t he heart of the brand’s mission focuses on giving back to the community with donations made to nonprofits dedicated to protecting bees following each roof installation. a s the first independent business acquired by Empower, bumble r oofing will be an incubation brand for the franchisor. Empower will use its resources, expertise, and growing network to establish bumble r oofing as an emerging franchise and expand its footprint across the country.

“ bumble r oofing was founded on the principle of providing affordable and quality roofing installation and repairs while giving back to a worthy cause, and we’re ready to bring our services to more people through franchising,” said david bitan, founder of bumble r oofing.

To learn more about franchising with empower Brands, visit

s tell AR s e Rvice B RAnds

Names Devin Hughes Vice President of Franchise


Stellar Service Brands (“Stellar”), a multi-brand residential and commercial service organization that includes Restoration 1, bluefrog Plumbing + Drain and Softroc, has named Devin Hughes as vice president of franchise development. With over 12 years of franchising experience, Hughes will play a crucial role in advancing growth opportunities across all three brands.

“a s the demand for businesses in the home services industry continues to grow, we are excited to welcome d evin to the stellar s ervice brands team,” said sherry r ose, cEo of stellar s ervice brands.

o ver the course of his career thus far, he has sold more than 300 new franchise units and secured 220+ units in the past four years alone. in addition, he has trained and developed comprehensive sales teams and processes, built extensive candidate marketing strategies and broker connections and developed a sophisticated area development sales program.

b efore joining stellar s ervice brands, hughes served as senior director of franchise development at d riven brands focusing on the Meineke c ar c are brand. h e has also held positions at s enior h elpers, UniFirst and alliance Franchise brands. hughes earned a Master of business administration degree from texas s outhern University and is also a certified Franchise Executive (cFE) by the international Franchise a ssociation (iFa).

“Franchise development is much more than just a business transaction, it is a transformative journey that focuses on empowering individuals to succeed,” said hughes

To learn more about Stellar Service Brands, visit

34 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture World-cl ASS Fr A nch IS or FI n A l IZ e S I t S th I rd I nve S t M ent o F 2023, br I n GI n G the co M pA ny to 10 br A nd S I n I t S port F ol I o

m osquito s hield Named Ninth-Fastest-Growing Franchise by Entrepreneur

Mosquito Shield, the trusted leader in mosquito and tick control services, ranks ninth on entrepreneur’s 2023 list of the fastest-growing franchises in the United States and Canada.

Mosquito shield helps customers in over 350 territories enjoy their outdoor spaces. Established in n orth attleboro, Massachusetts, in 2001, Mosquito shield has offered franchises since 2013. Mosquito

shield is part of the growing Five star Franchising platform of brands.

t he explosive growth Mosquito shield has witnessed over the last 30 months is the result of our commitment to service and continuing dedication to helping our franchise owners grow their business,” said Michael Moorhouse, president of Mosquito shield. “With more than two decades of experience, we’ve developed

the most advanced solutions and systems in our industry, and our proven success in effective mosquito control is the foundation for the continuing growth opportunities available to our franchise owners.”

Mosquito shield’s high ranking among the fast-growing franchises matches the company’s outstanding performance in other recent Entrepreneur rankings. Mosquito shield ranks #1 among pest control franchises, #14 among top Franchises for Less t han $100K, and #144 overall on the Entrepreneur Franchise 500 list of top franchises.

“ r ecognition from respected independent organizations such as Entrepreneur confirms that our vision and strategy provide powerful return for our franchisors and their franchise owners,” said J. andrew Mengason, chief growth officer for Five star Franchising. “We’re proud to offer value and opportunity for hard-working, ambitious franchise owners through our successful franchising system.”

To learn about franchising opportunities, visit

Gotch A cove R ed named a Top Low- cost Franchise and Top Recession-Proof Business for 2023 by Franchise Business Review

provides homeowners and businesses with the best in soft and hard window treatments, including a variety of blinds, draperies, and smart solutions. g otcha covered is part of the Five star Franchising platform of home service

Gotcha Covered, the leader in custom window treatment across the U.S. and Canada, was recently named a Top LowCost Franchise and Top Recession-Proof Franchise for 2023 by independent franchise research firm Franchise Business Review.

“We’re committed to helping g otcha covered franchise owners thrive while serving their customers and their communities,” said paul Linenberg, president of g otcha covered. “o ur strategy for success is based on empowering franchise owners with a proven, industry-leading support system. We’re proud that we can offer them exceptional value while also delivering extensive training, innovative technology and essential one-on-one support.”

With an emphasis on end-to-end consultations, g otcha covered

g otcha covered franchise owners were surveyed on 33 benchmark questions about their experience and satisfaction regarding critical areas of their franchise systems, including training and support, operations, franchisor/franchisee relations, culture, and financial opportunity.

“While no business is 100% recession-proof, these franchise businesses have demonstrated that they are highly recessionresistant based on historical performance,” said Eric stites, cEo of Franchise business r eview.

“ t here are also a number of very solid business opportunities out there that can provide the satisfaction and perks of business ownership but don’t require a huge financial investment. approximately one-third of the franchise companies we survey have initial investments starting under $100K.

For more information on franchising with Gotcha Covered, visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 35

The franchising industry has seen steady growth over the last few decades, expanding their reach globally with new and emerging brands across a variety of different sectors that provide opportunities for every type of entrepreneur to become their own boss.

From home improvement and painting to pet waste removal services and restoration companies to mobile grooming and more, franchising is evolving. In fact, with 792,000 franchise units in operation across the United States as of December 2022, franchising is showing no sign of a slow-down. Additionally, since the start of 2023, franchise owners have continued to

a Franchise For everyone

navigate high inflation, labor shortages and supply chain issues – often times better than other small business owners, thanks to the backing of their franchisors and support teams.

Some franchise concepts afford entrepreneurial-minded hopefuls a chance to strike out in new verticals and embark on new challenges while creating viable revenue streams and seeing success in their own communities. Franchise umbrella concepts like Authority Brands help entrepreneurs from all backgrounds open and grow their own business and kick open the door to a brand new industry. Color World Painting is one such example, as the business model was set up in a way that provides the perfect franchise opportunity for someone who

has never even picked up a paint brush but has a passion for helping people take their home’s curb appeal to the next level with a fresh coat of paint.

As Joel Mesa started thinking about retiring after being an active-duty member in the U.S. Army for more than 20 years, he and his wife Lolanie started their franchise with little painting experience and since, have successfully established Color World Painting as the go-to company in Columbia, South Carolina. After a grueling but rewarding career in the Army, Joel began optioning different business ventures that could allow him a flexible schedule to be with his family while creating multiple streams of revenue. Attracted to Color World Painting’s values of excellence in customer service,

36 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
cover story: color World painting ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

passion for projects, and a connection to community, Joel and his wife opened the door to Color World Painting of Columbia this year.

Joel believes that taking the entrepreneurial route, specifically within franchising, is a perfect fit for veterans as they are wellequipped to handle responsibility, ranging from equipment accountability to tasks that affect the overall mission, and are formed with leadership in mind. Since veterans are forged in an environment where the concepts of teamwork, leadership, adaptability, and problem solving are integral, veterans like Joel Mesa have the skills and experience to handle even the toughest of franchising challenges, making them great candidates to run their own businesses.

With the housing market always in a cycle of fluctuation and homeowners looking to increase the curb appeal of their homes, the demand for Color World Painting’s services has grown exponentially, making it an appealing option for entrepreneurs. Along with their team of professional painters, the couple utilizes industry-leading products and protocol with a dedication to customer satisfaction in every home or commercial property they transform. The Mesas continually measure their success in comparison to where the franchise was yesterday and are always evolving as entrepreneurs to find increased success within their Color World Painting location. The Columbia twosome know the power of forming community bonds on a local level, utilizing and supporting small, locally owned businesses whenever possible. As a result of their franchise ownership, the Mesas have even been able to give back to their community through United Way holiday sponsorships for families, food, and clothing donations to local organizations, and supporting non-profit organizations. This is something that is incredibly important to the couple as they believe the more hope a community has, the more prosperous and safer it will be. Passionate about giving back to veterans specifically, Joel and Lolanie have had the opportunity to participate in the Combined Federal Campaigns and Army Emergency Relief to

assist various charities and servicemembers in need of assistance.

For over 20 years, Color World Painting customers have been relying on teams across the country for their home improvement projects. Since many of the franchise’s services can be added on to one another, customers have the ability to streamline the home improvement project process and franchise owners can open up new revenue streams as they expand offerings in their own communities. Through their Columbia, South Carolinabased venture, Joel and Lolanie’s team offers their neighbors and community services including:

• R E sI dEntIAL PAI ntI nG: Color World Painting of Columbia delivers reliable services including interior and exterior home painting, deck painting, fence painting, power washing, and addon services including dry wall repair, carpentry, and fence or deck staining.

• COmm ERCIAL PAI ntI nG: Able to completely transform any property with the swipe of a brush, Color World Painting franchise teams across the country have expanded since their beginnings to offer commercial services to properties including warehouses, hotels, retail businesses, office buildings, and more.

• HOLI dAy LIGH t sEt uP: A unique and viable offering, the Color World

Painting of Columbia team offers customizable holiday light services to commercial properties, residential customers, and Homeowners Associations to create festive holiday magic without the burden of untangling all those lights.

• GuttER InstALLm Ent:

Recognizing that homes are more than their exterior, the Color World Painting concept offers additional services like gutter installation to protect homes from water damage while enhancing the aesthetic appeal of any residential property. The Mesas’ team helps guide customers to choose the best options for their specific needs and property. The future of franchising is bright, and as the traditional mindset of employment continues to shift across the country, franchise options like Color World Painting will continue to see entrepreneurs from all walks of life embark on new journeys where they can be the one in charge. With a franchise concept for almost every type of franchise owner, home service franchise concepts like Authority Brands are expanding their portfolio and ultimately enabling more success and service driven individuals like Joel and Lolanie Mesa to own businesses and create legacies within their communities.

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Lolanie & Joel Messa

h o M e s weet h o M e Businesses to s erve the Masses

examples of home service franchises that could make great investments for both the first time entrepreneur or the experienced operator.

proprietary technology for the Win

chris conner has worked in the franchise development industry for almost 20 years and helped over 600 brands franchise their brand and develop franchise distribution channels. He founded Franchise Marketing Systems in 2009, which now includes a team of 27 franchise consultants based in and c anada and supports brands around the world to grow and scale through franchise expansion. visit for more information

According to recent data, there are over 140 million homes in the United States. Think of this as your pool of potential customers as a home service business owner.

The past decade has given us a steady increase in outsourcing for household projects, tasks, and services. And thanks to things like dual income budgets and busier schedules, there’s ample demand for business owners to hit this service segment and begin earning.

The term “home service” spans a multitude of business types, lifestyle bends, and investment budgets. Specifically, outdoor home service franchises work great as a first time business. These are scalable and do not need tons of inventory. In the case of some that need specialized licensing or know-how — such as a plumbing business — buying into a franchise sets you apart from the lone contractors of the world and gives people a well-branded company to go with the service. More than ever, people lean on reviews and recommendations, so being a part of a trusted franchise network of owners can make all the difference for business growth. Here are just a few

Let’s start at the top — the roof. Roofs account for a large chunk of insurance claims for starters and offer a sweet spot for profit margins. Innovative Roof Solutions gives franchisees an industrydisrupting technology that packs a hefty proprietary punch. Rightly named, no other roofing company has Innovative’s nanoceramic tech that protects a roof against the elements, including an increased resistance to hail. Consumers need to replace their roofs less often, ultimately gaining tens of thousands of savings for the life of their home when they choose Innovative Roofing Solutions. Franchise partners benefit as a first-to-market process with an attractive value and great returns.

Recurring Revenue

Lawn care and landscaping offer simplified business models with little need for high priced employees or over-the-top marketing schemes. Cut and dry, this service niche offers incredible scalability, fast growth, and recurring revenue streams. Amelia Lawn is one such company. The brand works to connect directly with its franchise partners and offers accessible coaching from its founder. Over 40% of homeowners opt for help with their lawn — it’s an industry that raked in around $129 billion last year, according to the IBIS World Landscaping Services Industry Report.

Backed with Brand power

The home services industry is riddled with mom and pop contractors. Junk removal is one such area. I Need Dumpster, a dumpster rental company based out of Texas, levels up the industry thanks

to its top ratings, stand out branding, user-friendly website, and great customer service. For franchise partners, this translates into strong brand power and a proven model in an otherwise fragmented sector. Customers rent bins for days, or sometimes weeks, at a time, allowing franchisees to earn daily revenue from just one bin with zero manpower needed on the days between pick up and drop off. This type of franchise, like so many other home service brands, also bridges the gap between commercial and residential clientele, opening up the market even more.

speak for the trees

A very necessary part of lawn care that goes above and beyond the normal weekly mow is tree care. Whether trees are in need of their annual pruning or vying for some serious attention due to dangerous branches or suspected disease, consumers seek out a trustworthy company to do work. Sexy Trees, for example, offers its franchisees a fantastic brand to grow their customer from, branching out with customizable marketing collateral, ongoing support, and a proven model. Not just for homes, this business works for any property with trees!

Home service franchises are a low-risk, high-profit path to business ownership. They scale well, they offer great returns, and can grow quickly. Franchise Marketing Systems can help you find the best franchise for you.

check out our website to learn more at and connect with our team to find the right franchise for you!

do you already own a business?

our team is available to guide you through franchising. or call us at 866.303.5761.

38 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fe Ature ActIcLe: chris conner | Founder | Franchise Marketing Systems
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

why a Blue-collar couple went all in on Franchising

The couple, who had spent their whole lives in the Pittsburgh area, wanted to make their best effort at chasing the American dream. They had always talked about being their own boss, wanting to push themselves to achieve more and work on their own schedule. That is when they knew the right opportunity was to jump in with both feet into franchising.

Why Franchising made sense

Tony and Holly Turkovic were looking for a change back in early 2022, after nearly 20 years in the workforce.

Tony had worked 18 years in the industrial construction field, doing construction and maintenance at coal mines, steel mills, and chemical plants. Holly spent 19 years developing countless programs and initiatives within the non-profit and academic sectors. She is currently the senior community outreach manager at the National Kidney Foundation.

Each year, the couple would sit down to talk about goal setting and examine all areas of their lives from family, health, legacy, relationships, faith, to professional, financial, community, and discuss where and how they wanted to grow. In 2022, they made the decision to be entrepreneurs and their own boss. After working for others for nearly 20 years in professional life, they opted to take a leap of faith into franchising to go out on their own, carve their own path and bring a concept to the Pittsburgh community.

After taking months to researching different franchises and speaking with a

40 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I see I n Act Io n: everline coatings
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friend who had been a franchise consultant, they came across EverLine Coatings, a Canadian-based parking lot maintenance and striping brand that was just looking to break through into the U.S. market in 2022. They saw the real potential to grow as one of the first franchisees in the states in the Steel City, where they had experienced a lot of deteriorated parking lots. They also saw the potential for growth with it being the only real franchised version of an industry that had been dominated by contractors, and that EverLine could help set the standard for what a parking lot is supposed to look like.

cashing in All the chips

The Turkovic’s knew they didn’t have the net worth or the resources to jump in the franchise space back in April of 2022, but being their own boss was something they thought they should do with both feet. Looking to meet the threshold to buy a franchise, Tony and Holly cashed in their IRAs and emptied out their savings accounts to try and become a franchisee with EverLine Coatings. The couple was still short on the threshold, which led to them selling Tony’s pickup truck to meet the mark. After “cashing in on their chips” and signing the franchise agreement with EverLine Coatings in 2022, the couple then

took out a Small Business Administration loan to get the new business off the ground in the Steel City and off to a good start last year.

the demand for pavement maintenance

The demand for line striping and pavement maintenance has always been a need everywhere. That need has been especially high in the Pittsburgh market, with the region seeing the impact of all four weather seasons throughout the year. Parking lots have daily wear and tear that can deteriorate quickly, especially in climates that require the regular use of chemicals and road salt to try and beat the ice that forms. For many property managers, parking lot maintenance is not something that first comes to mind when it comes to upkeep. But Holly and Tony have seen it as an opportunity for people to use that maintenance as a billboard to attract potential customers. Businesses and property managers don’t want their parking lot to be a liability, and that growing need is what made EverLine Coatings stick out when they were looking to become franchisees.

opportunity to Give Back

One of the most important parts of being their own boss to the Turkovic’s was being able to do some good with their new business. Philanthropy has always been important to them, especially to Holly who had spent time in her career working in the community to make it a better place through leadership and non-profit program development. They have also really wanted

to help others achieve their career goals and to help build and leave a legacy for their family.

After becoming franchisees, one of the first ways they decided to give back was with their local church. Tony is a trustee for the church, including using his construction background to oversee the building and grounds team. They had seen membership go down due to the pandemic, and the parking lot had really deteriorated over time. They were still brand new to EverLine Coatings, and didn’t really have the budget to fix what was becoming a liability to a place they love, but made the choice to service its church parking lot for free to give back to something that really mattered to them. They took the time to fill cracks, resealed the lot and restriped it all to make it look as good as new. For the couple, it was more than just business, but leaving an impact on their place of worship.

Jumping in with both feet and taking that leap of faith, especially during a pandemic, can be one of the most challenging things a new business owner can do. That is why finding the right niche in franchising was something the Turkovic’s took seriously. They cashed in their assets and put all the chips in the middle to see if they could be their own bosses. Over a year later and they are seeing the gamble continue to pay off as they build their brand in the Steel City.

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“ The couple, who had spent their whole lives in the Pittsburgh area, wanted to make their best effort at chasing the American dream.”
“ The demand for line striping and pavement maintenance has always been a need everywhere.”

promote your low- cost Franchise m odel to attract p otential Franchise o wners

According to Statista, in 2022, it was estimated that there would be almost 792,000 franchise establishments in the country with an economic output of roughly $827 billion. By the end of 2023, it is projected that the economic output for franchises will be roughly $860 billion.

The advantages of choosing a franchise over starting an entirely new business have been heavily noted. With a franchise,

entrepreneurs are choosing a package that includes marketing services and resources provided by the franchisor that will help the franchise owner be successful. Instead of having to learn how to operate a business on their own, franchise owners can lean on the corporate franchise staff and other owners for help and guidance. Of course, not all franchises are created equal. Whether you decide to join a restaurant franchise or one geared toward remodeling bathrooms, the similarities and differences vary for each one. In some cases, the price tag can be the ultimate

42 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
h Ave your s Ay: Dean Hartley | Five Star bath
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture
From entrepreneurs looking to start a new business to cEOs opting to run their own company, franchising has become a staple across the United States.

dealmaker or dealbreaker for entrepreneurs.

J. Andrew Mengason, chief growth officer for Five Star Franchising, the parent company of Five Star Bath Solutions, does an excellent job explaining why the price tag of a franchise shouldn’t be the only thing entrepreneurs consider when looking for a franchise to purchase.

“While price typically reflects perceived value in consumer markets, that’s not the case when it comes to franchising,” said Mengason. “Many times, low-cost franchises are flexible and allow franchise owners to run the business in a way that suits them. In general, low-cost franchises can run out of a home in the beginning, and they do not require much capital investment that comes with building out a storefront. This helps lower the cost of entry while also leaving more revenue for the franchise owner to spend directly on the business.”

And that is just one of the many benefits and reasons why entrepreneurs should consider low-cost franchises.

Benefits of low- cost Franchise opportunities

If you are a franchisor, promoting the many benefits of a low-cost franchise system like yours is paramount. While saving on capital expenditures is excellent for lowering the price tag, there are multiple positives that come from avoiding that expense. By taking those costs out of the equation, franchisors can focus on franchisee services such as promotion, marketing and sales, which allows for slightly less startup costs. From Five Star Bath Solutions’ perspective, we’ve done a great job of centralizing much of the front-end aspects of the business – sales, marketing, lead generation, and booking – at the franchise level, which give the franchise owner the opportunity to execute on a local level.

In addition to low startup costs, franchise owners without major capital expenditures can be profitable at many different levels. In the bath space and other home service franchises, the break-even point is low because there are so many variable costs

in the business that are directly associated with the job. This makes it possible to be as profitable at lower levels as you can at higher levels because your expansion is directly related to your marketing. So, instead of opening more buildings, you’re able to expand these companies from one location just by adding more promotions or salespeople.

emphasis on training

When it comes to promoting your lowcost franchise, it’s vital to emphasize your training and marketing support. When franchise owners are training regularly, they are constantly evolving and becoming more knowledgeable business owners, which is a win-win for both the franchise owner and the franchisor. At Five Star Bath Solutions, we believe that you never stop training. Early in their tenure, our franchise owners are drinking from the proverbial fire hose between our four to six-week pre-training program and our full week of in-person training at our corporate headquarters in Detroit, Michigan. Even when the full week is complete, training does not stop. All our owners and salespeople in the system are invited to our weekly calls, where we are constantly reviewing or introducing new ways for franchise owners to better themselves or their businesses. Training is a way of life for us because we are always striving to perform better in our businesses. We leverage that into our promotion of the franchise system because entrepreneurs are looking for franchises that take the time to help their owners be the best businesspeople they can.

Marketing is equally as pivotal. For home service brands, it’s the driving force behind growth. It’s important for home service and low-cost franchises to promote how they implement marketing strategies, new affiliates, and new partnerships with national vendors. At Five Star Bath Solutions and Five Star Franchising, our parent company, we have our own marketing company that we use for our digital SEO and pay-per-click strategies, as well as Facebook. In our affiliate program,

we are constantly testing new digital sources to help generate leads. We also promote ProNexis, which is a dedicated team of agents that only work on the Five Star Bath Solutions and the other Five Star Franchising brands. They are fully trained to use our systems, and their goal is to book appointments directly onto our franchise owners’ calendars. Showcasing unique procedures and marketing strategies like these will help a low-cost franchise catch the eye of entrepreneurs.

Flexibility for Business owners

When you combine the ability to be a home-based business in the beginning and the marketing and training possibilities low-cost franchises have to offer, you are appealing to modern entrepreneurs who are looking for the flexibility franchises have to offer. Many low-cost franchises that offer a home-based model allow franchise owners to be cashflow positive earlier in their journey because they’re not having to cover the expenses of a large operation or building earlier than they need it. This allows the franchise owner to keep a relatively low overhead to the point where a building is a negligible part of the business model. This creates flexibility for owners to manage the business in a way that suits their personal needs.

ABout dean hartley

As Brand President of Bath Solutions, Dean Hartley directs franchise systems and processes to assist franchisees in growing successful, profitable businesses. Dean brings over 15 years of experience in the one-day bathroom remodeling industry and a vast knowledge base to assist in building the Bath Solutions franchise system. Before joining Bath Solutions, he most recently held the position of VP of Sales and Marketing with Design imaging where he supported dealers with sales and technical assistance. Dean graduated from the University of Michigan in 1998 with a bachelor’s degree in history and finished his last semester at St. Peter’s College in o xford, United Kingdom.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 43

s hould you i nvest in a s ervice-Based f ranchise?

evan hackel, entrepreneur, Author, speaker, Podcaster

As author, speaker, and consultant, evan Hackel has been instrumental in launching more than 20 businesses and has managed a portfolio of brands with systemwide sales of more than $5 billion. He is the creator of Ingaged Leadership, is author of the book Ingaging Leadership Meets the Younger Generation and is a thought leader in the fields of leadership and success.evan is the ceo of Ingage consulting, Delta payment Systems, and an advisor to the Learning Network (formerly tortal training). reach evan at, 781-820 7609 or visit

The world where all service companies do business has changed dramatically in the last 20 years. So it should come as no surprise that the climate for service-based franchises has evolved too.

Two decades ago, there was an abundance of talented individuals who operated their own small businesses and provided services directly to consumers. Some that wanted to enter the business could install phone systems, place yellow page ads, and wait for the phone to ring.

Although service-based franchises did exist back then, they were only getting started and they were fewer in number. There are many more of them today, and

they provide much better opportunities for people who decide to buy and operate them.

In most cases, service franchises enjoy a better chance of succeeding in business today than their non-franchised competitors, because . . .

the supply of service providers has shrunk

Because society has focused more on white-collar vs. blue collar jobs, fewer young people have focused on vocational jobs. As older tradespeople have retired, the supply of competent tradespeople has decreased greatly.

Franchises now offer a staggering variety of services

If you attend a franchise expo and look

at the many services that franchises are providing, you will quickly see that franchising is now offering most of the tools companies need to run their businesses – tools that an independent tradesperson cannot do on their own.

Being part of a franchise offers you many competitive advantages

Due to their sophistication and access to advanced equipment and technical resources, franchises today can provide a wide range of modern services that are in demand. And the training that many franchises provide to their owners further builds their competitive advantage in the marketplace. If customers want something

44 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
e XPert ADvIce: evan Hackel | Founder and ceo of Ingage consulting, and ceo of tortal training ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

done in the most modern way with the latest knowledge and technology, they call a franchise.

You enjoy the many advantages of being part of a recognized brand

When customers need a particular service, your franchise business will often be among the first that come to mind. You have access to your franchise’s powerful marketing and advertising programs. Their sophistication, effectiveness and reach further build your competitive advantage. The days when yellow pages were all you needed are gone.

Franchisors can offer the training that is key to success

seven Ways to choose the Best Franchise system

1make sure they have excellent training programs. Training is the key to business success in the service industry. Make sure the franchise has the tools needed

2check out their marketing tools. Do they have the right tools and how do their tools compare to what other systems offer?

3Get to know what is happening in the sector. What are the newest, most effective products and techniques? And is the franchise you are considering at the leading edge of using them?

4learn about competing businesses. What are they selling and how does the franchise you are considering compare and compete?

5Get to know your potential customers. What do they want done? What spoken and unspoken needs and desires do you need to fulfill?

6k ick the franchise’s financial tires. you don’t want to buy a franchise that is under-resourced.

7talk to as many current owners of the franchise as you can. Do they like the franchise company and the support it provides? How are they making money – and how much?

require licensing. There’s also training for customer service skills and sales skills that are critical to the success of the franchisee.

And consider this long-term trend . . .

In the coming years, the quantity of skilled individual technicians is only going to become smaller and smaller and smaller. Owning a service-providing franchise will position you to meet that need and continue to profit and prosper in the years ahead.

So am I a big believer in how smart it is to own a service franchise? Obviously, I am.

People trust brands and professionalism and will pay more to be safe and know that a service will be done right.

You will have tools to train people in the technical skills necessary, with the obvious exception of certain traits that

If you are trying to decide what kind of franchise to buy, the service sector should be among the first you consider.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 45
Being a franchise equips you to price your services fairly and not have to win your customer based on price alone
“ If customers want something done in the most modern way with the latest knowledge and technology, they call a franchise.”

h ome s ervices Franchisor leverages t echnology to i mprove training

Deb Jewell is President of Performance at Premium Service Brands, the franchisor of nine home services brands. She specializes in identifying process improvements and new technologies to streamline operations, create revenue, and reduce operating expenses.

Premium Service Brands (PSB) stays on the cutting edge by implementing artificial intelligence technology to provide franchisees with the training and tools they need to run a successful business in their local communities.

Ai 101

Artificial intelligence, or AI, refers to the ability of computer systems or machines to perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. It enables them to learn from experience, adapt to new information, and carry out complex tasks.

British computer pioneer Alan Turing’s theories on computer intelligence from the early part of the 20th century eventually led to researchers at Dartmouth University coining the term “artificial intelligence” in 1956. But it wasn’t until 1997 that AI really started making strides when IBM’s Deep Blue became the first computer to beat a chess champion at his own game.

AI technology recently made headlines when OpenAi’s newly released GPT-4 aced the bar exam, a two-day test required to be an attorney. At least 45% of executive

wo M en I n Fr A nchs I n G: pR e MI u M Se RVI ce B RANDS
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

leaders said ChatGPT’s recent publicity prompted them to increase their investment in AI, according to a survey of 2,500 executive leaders by Gartner.

PSB is ahead of the curve. We’ve been working diligently for over two years to incorporate AI technology into our business. While AI does lack human creativity, it can get some jobs done quickly and error-free. We’ve made strides in developing ways to use AI to help improve franchisee training, employee onboarding, and even customer service. AI is helping us cut costs and improve our franchise services. Our digital team relies on service providers, such as Synthesia and Verdi, as resources for honing our AI implementation.

innovative training tool

PSB offers a comprehensive training program to ensure our franchise owners provide reliable customer service and build a positive reputation in their community. We already franchise nine home services brands, including 360° Painting, House Doctors, The Grout Medic, and Window Gang. And we’re diligently searching for other complementary businesses to enable our franchisees to leverage their customer base by offering multiple services. Developing a solid training program as we onboard new brands streamlines the startup process for our corporate team. Having a national brand with a solid reputation helps our franchisees generate leads, but learning sales skills to secure

new business takes practice. Roleplaying is an important sales learning strategy we typically practice when new franchisees attend training at our corporate headquarters. We developed artificial humans to allow our franchisees to role-play sales calls on demand. Our franchisees can don a VR headset and participate in a virtual sales call.

AI is also helping us develop virtual training courses across our brands. Rather than take time out of their day to schedule a training course, we make all our AI training tools available to franchisees so they can use them to train staff at their convenience for free. As part of the virtual training course, participants immerse themselves in a 360-degree training session. The direction of the course changes depending on the choices a participant makes in the virtual world.

Franchisees and their employees with ProLift Garage Doors, a professional garage door repair and application company, use VR headsets to learn how to properly diagnose problems inside a garage and interact with virtual customers. The Kitchen Wise & Closet Wise and 360° Painting team use the headsets to inspect a virtual customer’s cabinets, painted walls, and closets. During this role-playing scenario, virtual customers can ask common questions, which helps employees learn quickly in the early stages of their training.

To measure the success of incorporating AI into our training program, we surveyed

participants about their confidence level attending a sales call. After only two sessions of virtual role-playing, sales call confidence levels jumped between 35% to 50%.

leveling the playing Field

AI is also helping our franchisees improve employee retention. In a tight labor market, finding reliable employees can be challenging. Having the ability to onboard new employees easily saves our franchisees time and money. We use AI to help level the playing field and enable owners to recruit and retain employees from all walks of life. AI allows us to take content from our subject matter experts and translate it into another language. Having the ability to take a training course in a dominant language gives an employee a head start. Our Maid Right brand offers an AI training course in cleaning basics in both English and Spanish. Having virtual humans who can provide guidance in Spanish makes it easier for our employees to follow our procedures and exceed the expectations of customers.

Before implementing AI, translating courses to Spanish was cumbersome and time-consuming. Now we can get it done with a few clicks using Synthesia. The tool also improves the scripting of all our courses.

Finding effective ways to incorporate AI to improve business is possible, but it takes commitment and resources. At PSB, we’re leading the charge to provide the latest tools and resources for our franchise community.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 47

h o M e s ervice f ranchises: A Lot o F Wo RK u ND e R oN e Roo F

Popularity, profitability, and scaling potential among franchises never stay the same forever. Trends vary with circumstances and even between markets.

As a franchise coach, I’ve seen a lot change in the last three years, some in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, others in response to economic challenges like the changing housing market. As a result, one sector that’s been flourishing is home services.

What are home services?

Home service franchises offer their customers residential maintenance, improvement, and renovation services of various types, from interior and/or exterior cleaning to fixture installation to repairs. Examples of these kinds of services include maid services, exterior power washing, plumbers, electricians, lawn care, and window cleaning.

It’s no secret that at the height of the pandemic, many people were staying at home for longer periods due to government mandates like travel restrictions and building occupancy limits, as well as

general practices like increased social distancing. Remote work was also on the rise as more people found they could do their jobs from home. But even three years after the height of the pandemic, many people continue to maintain the habits they developed, and so have been investing more money in their living spaces, since they spend more time in them.

Home service franchises have seen remarkable growth and are expected to continue growing over the next several years. For example, industry market researching company IBISWorld reports residential cleaning service franchises

48 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce: Rick Bisio | Franchise coach & Author
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

have a U.S. market value of $1 billion as of 2022, and steady growth is expected through 2027. Handyman service franchises, meanwhile, have also seen a lot of recent growth and will continue to do so through 2027, if a bit more gradually. As of 2023, the U.S. market value for these franchises is $5 billion.

Regular Revenue vs. salesdriven income

The profitability of any given business idea can vary from one industry to the next. One thing I’ve noticed when it comes to home service franchises is many have become much more sophisticated. Brands are expanding the range of services they offer, like lawn care franchises offering fertilizing, tree and shrub care, aeration, and mosquito control.

When it comes to profit models, the home care franchises I’ve seen fall under one of two categories: recurring revenue or transaction based. Recurring revenue models use subscriptions, memberships, long-term contracts, or similar methods to regularly bill clients for a set amount of money for a set period, often monthly or annually. This gives the franchisees a steady, dependable revenue stream to better anticipate their income and plan for scaling their business, although it can make growth a slow process.

Meanwhile, transaction-based revenue is designed around individual purchases by customers. This model allows for greater peaks in profits, but also carries more risk when business is slow. The transactionbased model is popular for one time or infrequent home services, like repair services or fixture installation services. Recurring revenue models are most often found in regularly needed services, like cleaning or lawn care. Overall, the best revenue model is whichever one the franchisor decides is best for their brand.

proven concepts means competition

With home services in greater demand, more businesspeople are finding out what works and what doesn’t in the industry. This means there’s more data to determine the most proven business models and

rick Bisio is one of the country’s most respected franchise coaches and author of the Amazon best seller, The Educated Franchise – 3rd edition. Since becoming A Franchise coach in 2002, Bisio has assisted thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs nationwide helping them explore the dream of business ownership.

business ideas, but the proof comes at a cost. Since someone else has already tried these practices to determine their viability, late adopters run the risk of finding fewer untapped markets. Standing out from the competition becomes increasingly important, since there’s a greater chance of not being the only provider in each service area.

Marketing is an important part of standing out. Franchisees and franchisors alike should know what their customer base wants, what it needs, its trends, and its habits. I’ve seen franchisors in the home service industry pushing their franchisees to aggressively scale their businesses. Previously the first year of operation for a franchisee was spent driving their businesses. In the last three years or so, I’ve seen a lot more emphasis put on first year scaling and marketing investment, especially among those using transactionbased models.

In some industries, franchises’ biggest competition is from other franchises, or large corporations. In the home services industry, their biggest competition lately has been from small, independent businesses. These “mom and pop” service providers spring up quickly and are the ones from whom franchisees have to win over customers.

Enterprising franchisees and franchisors shouldn’t be scared of competition. A certain amount of competition is healthy and keeps a business from becoming complacent. If I had to nail down the biggest risk for home service franchises, it would be the need for a good operating system and skilled franchisees. Brands and franchises need talented employees that share the brand’s principles and standards,

as well as a clear, organized system of doing business. Lacking one or both will cause a franchise to struggle to retain customers.

One particular employee type that may prove important to franchisees is the manager. While previously many franchises were owner-operated, many have gone to a manager-style form of business model. These franchisees hire site managers to run franchise locations, handling the day-to-day operation, while the owner works directly with the manager, or managers if they own multiple franchises. It’s important to note that manager-run franchises still require some owner involvement, usually about 10-20 hours per week.

evolving industry

Home service franchises have been on the rise through the pandemic and continue to do so with more households spending more on maintenance and improvements. With more brands using more sophisticated business systems and more managementrun franchises, the way franchise owners operate is evolving for faster, larger scaling. Home service franchisors are looking for ambitious, multi-unit owners to partner with, and franchisees are in need of hard-working staff that agree with and are willing to keep up the brand’s standards and principles. These circumstances make the home services industry fertile ground to grow a franchise.

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“ Home service franchises have seen remarkable growth and are expected to continue growing over the next several years.”

c e RtApR o pAIN te RS® co R po RAte c u Ltu R e: h ow a t op painting

Franchise is primed For s ustainaBle g rowth

A culture of inclusion and support is an essential part of any brand or organization. A strong company culture like CertaPro Painters’ sets the tone and expectations of how people work together toward the shared goals of the organization.

It helps break down siloed teams, provides a comradery that fuels shared success and helps with decision making and overall work efficiencies. But fostering an inclusive culture takes work and many

companies fall short in providing the right support and guidance to its employees which results in low morale, frustration, and diminishing results.

I’m proud to be part of CertaPro Painters. We are dedicated to the practice of cultivating a positive culture for everyone. Through our commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive environment, CertaPro Painters has not only become a trusted name in the painting industry, but also a shining representation of the transformative power of a well-developed corporate culture.

defining a strong corporate culture

Corporate culture encompasses the values, beliefs, and behaviors that define an organization’s identity. It sets the tone for how employees and franchisees interact with one another, their customers, and the communities we serve. A strong corporate culture serves as a guiding force, aligning all organizational members towards a common purpose and creating a sense of belonging.

Of course, every company has its own, unique culture. There are bureaucratic franchisor models that provide franchisees with less authority and little-to-no decision-making abilities, denying their suggestions or feedback. This results in low engagement, morale, and productivity. On the other hand, companies that work to empower their team members and provide constant support see their franchisees thrive. These collaborative and supportive work environments tend to attract more skilled and dedicated franchisees.

50 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: certapro painters®
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A culture that Goes Above and Beyond

As an outcome of CertaPro Painters’ quality culture and in-depth franchisee support, the company has ranked as one of North America’s #1 painting franchises by Entrepreneur Magazine 25 years in a row. We have been deemed a RecessionProof legacy brand by Franchise Business Review, and after 31 years in business, our 350+ locations across North America continue to thrive.

how certapro painters Fosters a quality culture

At CertaPro Painters, our culture is deeply rooted in our core values of delivering on what we promise, having pride in what we do, respecting every individual we work with, practicing continuous improvement and embracing the possibilities of our brand. These elements are the DNA of CertaPro, and this foundation empowers our franchisees and employees to go above and beyond in their commitment to customer satisfaction and quality work.

We work to set ourselves apart from other service-based brands, constantly evolving and implementing improvements, both to boost the customer service experience and to help our franchisees learn and grow as business owners. No matter what, we ensure our team members and clients feel valued and respected through every step of the process.

Our corporate team is committed to serving each franchised location, and we invest in our team’s professional

development through ongoing coaching and comprehensive training on topics ranging from sales and production to leadership development and organizational health. By providing opportunities for growth and skill enhancement, CertaPro Painters not only creates a positive work environment, but also ensures that our team members are equipped with the knowledge and expertise to deliver exceptional service.

Through a robust support system, CertaPro Painters ensures that franchisees receive the necessary tools, resources, and guidance to flourish in their business endeavors. In addition to our regular trainings, each CertaPro franchisee can have one-on-one coaching and support. With 80 corporate staff members and 370 franchisees, there are approximately five franchisees to one corporate member. In an industry where the standard for corporate support is 12 franchisees to one corporate member, CertaPro’s franchisee support system is hard to match.

We’ve learned that when franchisees feel valued and supported, they are more likely to take pride in their work and go the extra mile to provide quality services. At CertaPro Painters, we recognize this correlation between franchisee satisfaction and business success, and we prioritize the well-being of our team to ensure their continued dedication. The results of this are confident, high-performing franchisees who love what they do. Further, our support network, including our marketing support and training programs, enables franchisees to run their businesses efficiently and effectively. This empowerment once again fosters a strong sense of ownership and motivation, resulting in franchisees who are passionate about delivering exceptional painting services.

the Foundation to a lasting legacy

Corporate culture is not just a buzzword; it is a driving force behind the success of organizations. By prioritizing franchisee satisfaction and empowerment, CertaPro Painters has positioned itself as a leader in the painting industry. This has also led to dedicated franchisees, satisfied employees, and loyal customers. As we continue to grow, we are committed to maintaining our quality values and finding those who align with our principles and help drive our strong culture, creating a workplace of choice and leaving a legacy in which we can all be proud of.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 51

h ow to g row a s easonal f ranchise

Seasonal franchises, such as holiday-themed businesses, lawn care and landscaping, or pool services, generate most of their revenue during a particular season or time of year.

Such businesses face some challenges that are less common for year-round businesses. In effect, they must earn 12 months of revenue in a compressed period — anywhere from three to nine months, with the average time being around six months.

It takes extraordinary discipline and foresight to successfully launch a seasonal franchise. And seasonal businesses often have less margin for error than year-round ones. That’s the curse.

Because of the limited timeframe, effectively managing cash flow is critical for new seasonal businesses. The runway to profitability is typically shorter for seasonal businesses than for companies that are open throughout the calendar year. External factors such as weather or a sluggish economy can have outsized effects on a seasonal company, especially in its first few years.

But in the end, seasonal operations can amplify the rewards franchises offer. Many franchise owners are looking for financial freedom and flexibility. A successful seasonal business can deliver both on a scale that might not be achievable in a year-round business. That’s the reward.

e XP ert AD v I ce:
Michael Moorhouse
ho M e serv I ces F r A nch I s I n G F e A ture

Year-round commitment to seasonal success

Too often, new owners see the upside of a seasonal franchise immediately but fail to recognize the challenges particular to the industry. Many of them imagine vacations that last all summer or escaping winter for several months in a tropical climate. While those are within reach for seasonal franchise owners, it’s best not to plan a months-long excursion too soon.

Most seasonal businesses require some investment of time and effort throughout the year, especially during the critical first few years of operation. Establishing the trust and awareness necessary for recurring seasonal revenue requires strategic marketing plans. Recruiting, hiring and training workers must start well before the season.

The particular challenge for seasonal businesses is that those crucial activities take place when the owners are seeing little to no income. For established, successful businesses, that’s not always easy. For brand-new ones, it can be a make-or-break challenge.

Successfully navigating extended periods without income demands discipline and planning. In many cases, it can take two full years to generate 12 months of business revenue. It’s essential to build a ramp to the future during those two years. Many people choose to invest in a franchise because it streamlines the processes — and reduces the risks — involved in launching a small business. Turnkey operations and franchisor support are among the franchise industry’s most powerful advantages. That’s especially

true for seasonal franchises, where standardized systems and proven support can make a critical difference. It’s in the franchisor’s interest for franchise owners to succeed, so successful ones invest in their owners.

seasonal success = lifetime value

The best seasonal franchise models for home service businesses offer lifetime value for customers, which leads to high retention rates and predictable recurring revenue. When customers come back year after year, they also provide positive reviews and refer friends and family members to your company at a high rate.

Seasonal service franchise businesses built around high retention rates and positive word of mouth tend to outperform their competitors. A stable, predictable base income every year supports rapid success and growth for franchise owners and franchisors. As individual franchises grow, their owners see exponential increases in their financial return based on that loyalty. If 85 customers out of 100 come back the next season, that’s great. When you have 1,000 customers and 850 of them return year after year, the impact is impossible to ignore.

Michael Moorhouse is president of Mosquito Shield, America’s trusted provider of effective residential mosquito and tick control service. part of the Five Star Franchising platform of home service brands, Mosquito Shield delivers the best results in the industry to help customers in over 350 territories enjoy their outdoor spaces.
Seasonal service franchise businesses built around high retention rates and positive word of mouth tend to outperform their competitors.”

r e-Bath a dds t wo c rucial aPP ointM ents to t heir

l eadershi P t ea M with s ights

s et on aggressive g rowth

Leading Bathroom Remodeling Franchise Appoints c hristopher Stipp as VP of Digital Marketing and Sakthi Kaliyaperumal as VP of Technology

Re-Bath, the nation’s largest complete bathroom remodeling company, has announced the appointment of Christopher Stipp as the new Vice President of Digital Marketing and Sakthi Kaliyaperumal as the new Vice President of Technology.

Stipp joins the team with extensive marketing experience, having served as the Vice President of Digital Marketing at Upstream Rehabilitation, a 1,100+ location company that provides physical therapy services, under the umbrella of 26 different brands. There, he drove incremental visits to their web properties and clinics with double-digit percentage growth year-overyear. He previously served as the Director of Marketing for Vein Clinics of America,

where he oversaw more than 60 clinics and managed all digital properties with a focus on engaging potential patients. Additionally, he built out an end-to-end framework for digital marketing initiatives for over 1,150 Massage Envy franchise locations, including establishing all benchmarks and protocols for SEO, SEM, PPC, social media, display advertising, content marketing, e-mail marketing, and reputation management.

“Re-Bath is in a prime position for growth with decades of experience behind the brand,” said Stipp. “My goal is to expand the brand’s digital footprint and put a strategic roadmap in place for customers, existing franchisees, and future franchisees.”

Kaliyaperumal joins the team with over 28 years of experience in IT, and most recently served as a Group Vice President

of Information Technology at Leslie’s Poolmart Inc., the world’s largest retailer of swimming pool supplies.

“I am looking forward to joining a leadership team that’s already well ahead of the curve,” said Kaliyaperumal. “With a diverse background in IT from system analysis to software development, I plan to create a strategy that will exponentially elevate the brand.”

Prior to these roles, he also worked as a Vice President of IT Digital Transformation and Technology Architecture at FLEETCOR, where he developed an IT strategy and roadmap for modernizing legacy applications.

“As Re-Bath continues to grow across the nation, we’re in the process of building our team of best-in-class leaders to elevate our brand and experience for our customers,” said Re-Bath CEO Brad Hillier.

“Christopher and Sakthi both have the passion, determination, and proven track record to expand our digital reach and drive technology initiatives.”

The success achieved by the brand has not gone unnoticed as Re-Bath ranked No. 2 on Qualified Remodeler’s Top 500 Nationals

54 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: Re-Bath
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Christopher Stipp as VP of Digital Marketing Sakthi Kaliyaperumal as VP of Technology

List and was recognized by Entrepreneur’s Franchise 500®, the world’s first, best and most comprehensive franchise ranking. Most recently, Re-Bath earned the No. 1 spot on Bob Vila’s 2022 Best Home Improvement Contractors of 2022 Ranking for “Best Bathroom Renovations.”

The franchise is building off this momentum for repeated success throughout 2022. Re-Bath has awarded 14 franchise agreements in 2022, with four more projected by year-end, growing unit count to 126. Per Re-Bath’s Franchise Disclosure Document, franchisees with territories between 500,000 and 1.25 million had average revenues of over $2.35 million in 2021, up 9.5% from 2020*.

For more information on re-Bath and franchise opportunities, visit or call 888-454-8842.

*The figures reflect average and median sales revenue and average gross profits for 30 Re-Bath franchised businesses with territories of between 500,000 and 1.25 million residents, and which were in operation for at least one year. These averages and medians are based on a 52-week fiscal period from January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. Of these 30 franchised businesses, 14 (or 47%) attained or exceeded the average sales revenue and 15 (or 50%) attained or exceeded the average gross profit. Some outlets have sold this amount. Individual results may vary. There is no assurance that you will sell as much as the average. See the Re-Bath 2022 Franchise Disclosure Document for details

ABout Re-Bath

Re-Bath is the nation’s largest complete bathroom remodeling franchise that has grown to more than 100 locations across the country. The parent company’s first entry in the bathroom remodeling industry occurred in 1978 and focused on the hospitality sector. in 1991, Re-Bath launched its first franchise location to focus on the residential market. The company offers complete bathroom remodels, tub and shower updates, plus aging and accessibility solutions. From simple bathtub replacements to complete bathroom redesigns, Re-Bath makes bathroom remodeling effortless, convenient and affordable, all with professional, friendly and factory-trained installers. Re-Bath is a one-stop service that covers the entire process – from design to done – in three easy steps: consultation, removal, and installation. Re-Bath assembles its own exclusive line of products at its headquarters located in Phoenix, Ariz., and offers best-in-class products from national brands for its customers. For more information, please visit or for more details on the franchise opportunity.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 55


tidings o F pro Fit and Joy

Few, if any, franchising opportunities can say they are in the business of spreading holiday cheer; but Grand illuminations most certainly can. This emerging brand just completed its first successful holiday season with 15 franchise locations open in 11 states throughout the central and eastern United States.

The Grand Illuminations concept focuses quite literally around just that: grandly illuminating homes and businesses during the holiday season. Envision less Griswold family home, more Hallmark Channel holiday landscape. Grand Illuminations offers full-service holiday design and installation services, ranging from home and shrubbery lighting to garland and wreaths. The service comes complete with a complimentary custom design, estimate, professional exterior installation

of premium light and greenery product, as well as end-of-season removal and storage, allowing customers to enjoy the season safely and without lifting a finger.

This is the newest concept from Buzz Franchise Brands, designed to meet growing consumer demand. Based on numbers released by Polaris Market Research, the Christmas decoration market shines bright as Rudolf’s nose, with a $5.52 billion valuation and expectations of hitting over the $7 billion market by 2030.

“We have really hit on a product/service combination consumers want and need,” says President of Grand Illuminations, Brian Garrison. “I think, especially since the pandemic, we all rely on the holidays to bring us happiness. People are celebrating more than ever before and want the exterior of their homes to reflect their holiday spirit, but many folks just don’t have the time, patience, or skills to do it. That’s where we come in.”

Leaving the decorating to the professionals is a smart (and safe) idea. Seasonal decorating can be dangerous for homeowners who only play ‘elf’ once a year, hanging lights on their homes. The Consumer Product Safety Commission

56 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: Grand Illuminations
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reports about 200 decorating-related incidents occur each day during the holiday season, and Safer America, which studies these trends, concludes that about 18,000 people get hurt decking the halls during the holidays, as a result of falling off ladders, or sustaining other injuries such as cuts, shocks, or sprained ankles.

“Our crews are well-trained to do the job safely, efficiently, and beautifully,” says Garrison. “When Grand Illuminations lights up a home or business for the holidays, it has that curb appeal that garners the oohs and aahs from neighbors driving by.”

Not only does the Grand Illuminations model include comprehensive training for franchise owners on how to successfully operate and scale their exclusive territory, but it also includes hands-on training for owners and their crews on how to design, install, and store decorations for customers.

“Face it, having someone take care of decorating your home for the holidays takes the bah-humbug out of the equation,” adds Garrison. “This is a premium service. First, we work with the client to create a gorgeous decorating design. Then we install, using only the highest-quality, commercial-grade LED lights, which are energy-efficient and eco-friendly. Here’s the best part, we take down the decorations when the season is over, and we store them. These are leased decorations that we store in a climate-controlled space, unlike a hot dusty attic, basement, or garage. So it truly is a joyous and hassle-free experience.”

define seasonal

Certainly, the bread and butter of this franchise brand is Christmas holiday decorating. However, “seasonal” incorporates many wintertime holidays and celebrations. Some franchise locations have seen expansion possibilities to include Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hannukah, Diwali, Kwanzaa, New Year’s, Ramadan and even Valentine’s Day. Take Grand Illuminations franchise owners Scott and Kathy Franasiak, for example. They own the Western New York territory, which plays host to a large demographic of Buffalo Bills fans. They are preparing for the start of the NFL season to light their community in ‘Bills Mafia’ blue, red

and white to celebrate their favorite team. Unique lighting opportunities such as these are among the many expansion prospects for this franchise concept.

These ranging opportunities prove why franchising with Grand Illuminations is an attractive winter-season investment.

The majority of the current 15 Grand Illuminations franchise owners also own a complementary seasonal business that operates during the spring and summer. By adding Grand Illuminations to their portfolio, not only can they offer additional employment to their crews, but they no longer experience a large period of revenue drop-off during the winter.

Franchise owners can utilize business ownership as a full-time job, a side business complementing a corporate career, or simply a passive investment operating with a general manager at the helm. While the profit potential for a company that operates only a few months out of the year is certainly enticing, there is one common denominator that resonates across the board for Grand Illuminations franchise owners.

“I had no idea how rewarding this would be for me and my crews,” says Ryan Morton, franchise owner of Grand Illuminations of Asheville/Greenville. “There have been times when we finish lighting a house, and we get to see the family’s reaction. Seeing the happiness on their faces, and sometimes tears, makes it all worth it. That’s when I realize I’m not just providing a great service in my community, I’m making the holidays brighter for families.”

Franchise owners looking to extend their

revenue generation beyond the traditional winter holiday season and throughout the calendar year will have the opportunity to expand their service options as the brand evolves, offering commercial business owners and homeowners elegant and timeless exterior permanent lighting solutions to enhance their landscape appeal.

Regardless of the business’ decision to operate seasonally or year-round, the common goal of the brand remains the same: spreading joy with the magic of exterior lighting.


So, what’s the favorite festive look on homes that lifts everyone’s holiday spirits?

Trey Powell, owner of Grand Illuminations of the South Carolina Midlands, says while sometimes trends can be regional, a timeless Christmas look can’t be beat with “the glow of the classic white lights, greenery, wreaths with red bows — that’s always popular. We are starting to see some of the candy cane look, and some businesses like to use company colors to light up their building. But honestly, this is just a magical experience, we’ve yet to encounter a Scrooge!”

Grand Illuminations franchise owners come from an array of backgrounds. This is an ideal franchise opportunity for family ownership, partners, or multibrand franchise owners. The necessary qualifications? You must enjoy providing exceptional customer service, a premium product, and be passionate about spreading holiday cheer.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 57

ruth Brinton: A Be Aco N o F co MMu NI t Y G IV e BAc K AND eM pAt HY through t hat

1 painter’s “ paint

in a world where businesses are often associated with profitmaking endeavors, there are individuals like Ruth Brinton who remind us of the power of community and the joy of giving back.

As a franchisee of That 1 Painter, Ruth recently undertook an inspiring community giveback initiative through the company’s “Paint it Forward” project. Her remarkable act of providing a fresh coat of paint, free of charge, to an elderly couple in Boise, ID, showcases the transformative power of community support and highlights Ruth’s unwavering dedication to giving back. The couple is known throughout the community as the husband is a preacher and Navy veteran

it Forward” pro J ect

who never met a stranger, and the wife is a homemaker with an incredible garden whose flowers bring happiness and joy to their local neighbors.

Franchisees like Ruth Brinton play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between large corporations and local communities. They not only represent the brand but also act as a beacon of support and service within their designated areas. Ruth, as a That 1 Painter franchisee, is a shining example of how individual franchisees can make a profound impact in their communities. Through the “Paint it Forward” project, That 1 Painter empowers franchisees like Ruth to leverage their skills and resources to give back to those in need, fostering a sense of unity and goodwill.

Ruth’s commitment to community giveback stems from her deep-rooted belief in the power of kindness and the transformative effects it can have on individuals and communities. With unwavering commitment, Ruth consistently seeks opportunities to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. As a franchisee, she wholeheartedly embraced That 1 Painter’s “Paint it Forward” initiative, which seeks to provide free painting services to those in need, recognizing it as a chance to translate her passion for painting into a force for good in her beloved Boise community. The recipients of Ruth’s community giveback initiative were an elderly couple in their 80s residing in Boise, ID. The woman, a preacher, had dedicated her life to spreading love, compassion, and faith within the community. Her husband, a

58 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I see I n Act I on: that 1 painter
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Navy veteran, had valiantly served his country with honor and sacrifice. Ruth’s act of kindness found its way to this deserving couple, demonstrating the reciprocity of goodwill and providing a difference during their time of need.

The couple shared a statement with the That 1 Painter team sharing, “We are so thankful and grateful to That 1 Painter Treasure Valley for painting our house, and to Sherwin Williams for supplying the paint. The owner/project manager supervised the work of the painters. Everyone was on time, very pleasant and respectful and did a fabulous job. Our house looks great and we are so blessed to have had the house painted so beautifully before it started to peel too badly or deteriorate to the point where it would have been a huge job to repair. Thank you so much, That 1 Painter and Sherwin Williams!”

Ruth’s generosity extended beyond a simple coat of paint; it breathed new life into the couple’s home and reinvigorated their spirits. The once-faded walls now radiated vibrant colors that mirrored the resilience and indomitable spirit of the couple residing within. Beyond the tangible

transformation, Ruth’s act of kindness had a profound emotional impact, reminding the couple that they were cherished and supported by their community.

Ruth’s community giveback initiative created a ripple effect that extended far beyond the walls of the couple’s home. It served as a powerful reminder of the strength of community unity and the inherent goodness within people. That 1 Painter’s “Paint it Forward” project is a testament to the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. By encouraging franchisees like Ruth Brinton to engage in community giveback initiatives, the company not only enhances its brand reputation but also uplifts and strengthens the communities it serves. That 1 Painter’s initiative recognizes the transformative power of acts of kindness and serves as a reminder that businesses can be a force for positive change.

Ruth’s initiative demonstrated the profound ripple effect of kindness and how one act of giving can inspire others to follow suit. Through her community giveback project, Ruth not only brought joy and renewed hope to an elderly couple but also encouraged others to explore opportunities

“ Ruth’s initiative demonstrated the profound ripple effect of kindness and how one act of giving can inspire others to follow suit.

to support and uplift those in need. Her dedication to giving back highlighted the importance of unity and compassion within communities.

That 1 Painter’s “Paint it Forward” project reflects the company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility. By encouraging franchisees like Ruth Brinton to engage in community giveback initiatives, the company recognizes the transformative power of such actions and the lasting impact they can have on both individuals and communities. Ruth’s story serves as a testament to the significance of incorporating charitable initiatives within business models.

Ruth Brinton’s community giveback initiative as a franchisee of That 1 Painter’s “Paint it Forward” project showcases the incredible potential for positive change that exists.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 59

Franchise Funding e ligi Bility? s ame as it e ver was…

In a way, the directory served as a de facto stamp of approval for franchise brands, as their franchisee candidates could get reassurance that banks and other lending institutions would consider funding for any franchisors appearing on the list.

But late last year, the Small Business Administration (SBA) hinted that the organization was considering a proposed rule change that would eliminate its franchise directory. This news was met by strong opposition from the International Franchise Association (IFA), representing the franchise industry, and the National Association of Government Guaranteed Lenders (NAGGL), representing banking institutions and other industry finance specialists. They argued that the system in place had been working well for some time in assessing brand-specific loan eligibility. Regardless of the outcry, the SBA followed through on their proposed rule change in an April 10 announcement, stating that their franchise directory would officially cease operations on May 11.

Understandably, the SBA’s announcement triggered an immediate ripple effect throughout the franchise industry. Franchisors made their concerns clear, noting that the absence of the directory could delegitimize their brands, as well as their reputational value in the eyes of franchisee candidates. Banks and lending institutions, all of whom relied upon free access to the SBA Franchise Directory, expressed concern that the broader due diligence and authentication conducted on behalf of thousands of brands would now become their primary responsibility. And that could have a drastic effect on the speed and timeliness of their loan approval processes.

But a closer look at the current situation more closely resembles the sentiment found in a common refrain: “…the more things change, the more they stay the same.”

The elimination of the SBA Franchise Directory may seem like a significant development for the industry, but in reality, the fundamental processes for

60 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
h Ave your s Ay: Reg Byrd | president SBA & Bank Financing | Benetrends
Since its inception back in 2018, the SBA Franchise Directory has served as one of the industry’s leading resources for franchise brands, in which they were reviewed, vetted, approved for SBA-backed loan programs and other forms of funding.

securing franchise funding haven’t really changed at all. In the absence of the SBA Franchise Directory, the banks will still be responsible for the exact same due diligence as they’ve conducted in the past. With their own funds at stake, these lenders have a fiduciary duty to read, review, and vet the proposed franchise agreements on behalf of candidates looking to secure loans. This standard operating procedure remains the same, regardless of whether there is an official or unofficial directory of brands who’ve been authenticated and deemed eligible for funding.

Many of the major funding vendors and suppliers in the franchising industry are well-equipped and have decades of experience connecting qualified candidates with suitable brands and lending partners. And they’ve always relied upon the SBA’s own guidelines to navigate the process. They’ve seen SBA policy changes many times in the past, yet funding navigators have always managed to find new solutions designed to help thousands of entrepreneurs

fund the businesses of their dreams. While free and unfettered access to the SBA Franchise Directory has been a helpful resource over the past five years or so, it also wasn’t without its own limitations in some respects. In becoming the primary arbiter of eligible franchise funding, there were often delays in the approval process due to the sheer volume of new brands entering the marketplace. At times, the SBA’s appraisal process came with a waiting period that often stretched into several months. This delay in approval and inclusion is particularly costly for new and emerging brands who are champing at the bit to launch their own franchising programs. Until that seal of approval was given and the brand was officially added to the directory, banks and other lending institutions were extremely wary about funding any new deals.

In the many decades of service prior to the SBA directory, franchise funding specialists and lending institutions have traditionally relied upon an alternative source in FRANdata, a private sector company that’s established a reputation as one of the premier franchise research firms and official partner of the IFA. Their data and insights at the franchise brand level are every bit as reliable a resource in determining funding eligibility. Now, in the absence of the SBA Franchise Directory, it’s widely expected that the industry will

once again return to utilizing FRANdata’s Franchise Registry.

If one thing has been constant in decades of service to the franchising industry, it’s that change is inevitable. But the funding specialists that help empower business owners and support the industry’s growth always manage to embrace these changes and move forward with even better solutions. Franchise funding experts have a single-minded mission and a passion for helping entrepreneurs. We specialize in bridging the financial gap, allowing prospective small business owners to live the lives they’ve dreamed about. Even in the wake of this new development, as far as the industry’s franchise funding specialists are concerned, it’s the same as it ever was.

ABout Reg Byrd

Reg Byrd is the president of SBA & Bank Financing at Benetrends. A trusted leader in franchise and small business funding for over 40 years, Benetrends is responsible for creating the 401(k)/ iRA rollover option, which has helped fund nearly 30,000 entrepreneurs over the last 40 years. Benetrends provides a comprehensive suite of small business funding options and business service solutions.

For more information, please visit Benetrends and connect on Facebook, Twitter, youTube, and Linkedin. Reg Byrd can be reached at

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 61

t he iMPact of 360 f eed Back and 4 Mindsets to r eceive f eed Back

According to a report by the Corporate Leadership Council, organizations that use 360-degree feedback for their leaders are more likely to have a culture of accountability and performance, leading to higher levels of business success.

(Source: Corporate Leadership Council, “The benefits of 360-degree feedback”)

Franchise owners take their leadership to the next level with regular 360 Feedback checks. That reminds me of a client success story:

Ben owns a successful franchise in the health industry, and we’ve been working

together on his leadership challenges and his Franchise Owner’s Dashboard. During one meeting a while ago, it was apparent that Ben was unusually distracted. So, I asked him what was consuming his attention, and he promptly replied, “I’m questioning my leadership abilities after an incident with a new employee last week.”

Ben explained what led to his doubts and frustration, and we talked about the value of 360-feedback. Then, his facial expression changed, and he asked how the 360-feedback process worked.

We agreed to the scope, and Ben emailed those involved.

Once I interviewed Ben’s staff, colleagues, and customers, Ben and I discussed the trends, and a light switch turned on: The new client onboarding process needs to

include a staff strategy plan for each client. Having input in the plan allows Ben to have confidence that his staff is on the same page and he doesn’t have to “micromanage” his team once the procedure is established.

We reviewed the new process months later and interviewed Ben’s team:

“I appreciate Ben’s commitment to hearing my input. The onboarding process can be complicated and involve multiple staff members. Creating a strategic plan for each client prepares us to handle any curve-balls during the process and Ben isn’t constantly checking on me,” one staff member responded.

Ben is relieved to know his staff can do their job correctly, and he doesn’t have

62 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa e XPert ADvIce: Lucas Frey | ceo | Bella Vista e xecutive Advisors

to manage each step along the way. In addition, as a by-product of the 360, Ben’s staff members are empowered to share their ideas about each new client.

According to a Stanford Graduate School of Business Advisory Council survey, selfawareness is the most critical attribute for leaders to develop.

A 2016 survey by the Harvard Business Review found that while 95% of leaders believed they were self-aware, only 10-15% of their employees agreed.

There are many reasons for the disparity between the self-perception of leaders and how their employees perceive their level of self-awareness, but the following are the 5 main culprits:

BLIND SPOTS: Leaders may have blind spots and be unaware of how their behaviors and actions impact their employees.

LACK OF FEEDBACK: Employees may not provide candid feedback to their leaders due to fear of retribution or lack of opportunity.

Power distance: The power dynamic between leaders and employees can create a barrier to honest communication, making it difficult for leaders to receive accurate feedback.

Confirmation bias: Leaders may have a confirmation bias, seeking feedback that confirms their beliefs about themselves rather than seeking feedback that challenges their assumptions.

Perception of vulnerability: Leaders may perceive being vulnerable or admitting weaknesses as a sign of weakness, making it difficult for them to acknowledge areas where they need to improve.

so, how can leaders narrow this gap, receive feedback as a gift, and increase their self-awareness?

Create good intent: Remember that the feedback giver doesn’t intend to offend you. Instead, approach the feedback with an open mind and a willingness to learn.

Acknowledge your actions: Take responsibility for your behavior and create a plan to improve. Being intentional can help you recognize the impact of your activities on others and take steps to change.

Break down emotions: Identify the feelings involved in the feedback and associate a behavior with the emotion. For example, “I feel frustrated when you interrupt me during meetings.”

Ask “what else” and say “thank you”: Encourage more feedback by asking for additional insights and expressing gratitude for the feedback you receive.

In addition to these mindsets, franchisees use the Franchise Owner’s dashboard to monitor specific areas and increase their self-awareness:

Vision, mission, and values: Discussing these topics with team members can help leaders align their behavior with the company’s purpose and goals, helping them recognize if they are displaying behaviors that are productive to their team’s success.

Core genius: Identifying areas of strength and weakness helps leaders leverage their strengths and seek support in areas where they may be less skilled. Franchise owners must rely on their team members to achieve goals and appreciate their contributions.

Priorities and measurements: Setting clear priorities and measurable goals helps leaders track progress and stay focused on what matters most.

Professional friends: Engaging with other professionals and seeking mentorship and support assists leaders to gain new perspectives and feedback on their performance and recognize blind spots and areas for improvement.

Professional growth: Committing to ongoing learning and development helps franchisees expand their skills and knowledge and recognize when they need to update their approach or seek new ideas and best practices.

By implementing these strategies and monitoring key areas, franchise owners can increase their self-awareness and become better leaders, positively impacting their teams and organization.

Remember, self-awareness is a journey that requires practice and effort to develop. Franchise owners take their leadership to a new level with regular 360 checks, and incorporating the feedback into your dashboard helps you create trust and engagement with your staff, clients, and peers.

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Luke Frey improves franchise owners’ businesses where corporate support alone fails. He brings 26+ years of varied professional experiences including 20 years as a franchise owner of ImageFIRSt cincinnati, 6 years as an industrial engineer for a Fortune 250 company and 19 years as a volunteer firefighter. All of these experiences, in addition to his drive to learn, have brought him to be a positive driving force for other franchise owners’ successes. to learn more about Luke and how Bella vista executive Advisors can help, please click here

f inishing 2022 on a h igh n ote B igg By® coffee s ees e x Pansion into n ew t erritories in 2023

The unique coffee concept BIGGBY® cOFFEE has gained momentum in the new year after it experienced 23% organic growth, signed 71 new franchise agreements and opened 58 new locations throughout 2022.

BiGGBy® CoFFee, the 354unit coffee concept, closed out the 2022 fiscal year with record-breaking growth and is already on track to see a successful 2023. BiGGBy® CoFFee celebrated their 28 year anniversary in Q1 on March 15th, and closed out Q1 with 13 new locations opened and 27 new franchise agreements signed, putting the brand on track for a record breaking 2023!

Throughout 2022, BIGGBY® COFFEE saw roughly 23% organic growth. The brand signed 71 new franchise agreements with both multi-unit and single-unit operators and opened 58 new locations in existing markets within Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina and Florida and additionally brought BIGGBY® COFFEE to brand new states consisting of Idaho, Georgia, Virginia and Tennessee. That’s according to BIGGBY® COFFEE’s Vice President of Emerging Market Development, Tony DiPietro.

In addition to the new franchise agreements, DiPietro says the brand signed at least 21 new leases and also saw several pre-established franchisees renew their leases. BIGGBY® COFFEE currently has 354 franchises open, with another 141 in development. Looking forward, the franchise is on track to open a total of 500 stores by 2024.

64 Franchising M aga Z
in E Usa
D e P th: BIGGBY® coFFee
A nch I sor I n
Bigg By® Coffee Harrison oH

According to DiPietro, as a brand, BIGGBY® COFFEE has been doubling in size nearly every five years. Ultimately, he says their goal is to open 1,000 stores by 2028. It’s also important to note, despite the brand’s rapid expansion, BIGGBY® COFFEE has maintained its position as a franchise network and is not corporately owned.

“We are still 100% franchised and that allows us to focus on our franchise owners,” said DiPietro.

Looking forward, DiPietro said the brand is focused on growing in markets like Chicago, Illinois; Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee; Atlanta and Fulton County, Georgia; Virginia Beach and Rockingham County, Virginia; and in Raleigh, Charlotte and Winston-Salem, North Carolina. In addition to these locations, the brand continues to offer franchise opportunities in places like Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, South Carolina, Wisconsin, Kentucky, Idaho, Florida and more.

For more information about franchising with the BiggBy® coFFee brand, visit

ABout the BiGGBY® coFFee Franchise

BiGGBy® CoFFee, based in east Lansing, Mich., was started with a single store on March 15, 1995. one year later, and on the cusp of opening a second location, Bob Fish and Michael McFall, on a handshake and $4,000, decided to franchise the concept.

The brand’s cultural values of Make Friends, Have Fun, B yourself and Share Great Coffee help coffee-lovers and the coffee-curious alike benefit from a less pretentious and fun approach to the standard gourmet cafe paradigm. Besides connoisseur-worthy drinks with names like Teddy Bear® and Caramel Marvel®, BiGGBy® CoFFee baristas provide a unique experience focused on brightening their customers’ day and supporting them in building a life they love.

The “Big ‘B’” on the orange background caught on, and today BiGGBy® CoFFee has 354 cafes across the country.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 65
Bigg By® Coffee Cassopolis Mi o pening Bigg By® Coffee franklin Wi

Bring your core values to life: A Gu IDE For Fr ANCHISE LEADE r S

and why you do what you do. This mission and the foundation of your brand, informs your core values, the fundamental beliefs and philosophies that shape your culture, behaviors, and decision-making processes. Leaning into your mission and authentically living out your brand’s values fuels long-term success. When the entire system understands and exemplifies these values, everyone has the tools they need to perform their duties and make decisions, big and small, that align with your company’s goals.

Tutor Doctor, like many successful franchise concepts, provides a well-established formula to drive success across the entire system. The franchise-model playbook, covering critical business functions such as operations and marketing, is one of the main factors that sets our industry apart from independent businesses – that is, franchisees don’t have to go it alone.

But the importance of following protocols also extends to living out your company’s core values. Let’s explore why it is essential for franchise leaders to create an environment where everyone conducts business in accordance with your most deeply held beliefs.

Your company’s mission statement serves as your North Star, guiding everything from big-picture strategy to daily customer interactions. It’s why the company exists

At Tutor Doctor, for example, one of our core values is understanding. We believe everyone can learn but understand that everyone learns differently. This comes to life across our entire network, from the tutor who goes above and beyond to uncover the unique way each student learns, to our unparalleled coaching program that ensures new franchise owners have the support they need to overcome initial obstacles.

While every brand must look within to develop their own mission and values, here are some overarching tips that franchise leaders can follow to put their core values into action, based on my nearly 20 years of experience in franchising:

Recruit intentionally

The success of a business begins with your team – from the corporate level to each franchisee. These individuals must express a passion for the brand and embody this every day. Look beyond business acumen and financial standing to test prospective owners on this in the recruitment process and during discovery days to ensure their level of commitment.

For example, Tutor Doctor’s recruitment process is intentionally slow. We aim to

make sure that franchisees not only have the competence to perform the job but also the emotional connection and commitment to live our mission. Our Tutor Doctor family consists of people from various backgrounds from all over the world. With more than 700 locations spanning 16 countries, our franchisees are unique and varied as the students they serve, but they all share two very important things: a head for business and a heart for service.

Being intentional in recruitment is crucial to ensure that your team has the capacity to embody your company’s core values. Through a slow and thorough recruitment process, you can build a franchise system where everyone is aligned with your brand’s purpose.

encourage open and transparent communication

As a leader, you must stay close to your business. Employees and franchisees need to feel comfortable communicating with you and your team and have trust in you. To build and maintain this trust, keep an open line of communication where you can

66 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
h Ave your s Ay: Frank Milner | president | tutor Doctor

consistently remind them of the overall mission and provide resources on how they can further implement your values into their day-to-day roles. Document your learnings and feedback from the network along the way, so you can evaluate and optimize what’s connecting and what’s not landing. This archive can also help you build a playbook to handle issues that might arise in the future.

During the difficult days of the pandemic, when our at-home tutoring model was essentially upended overnight, our franchisees did an excellent job of responding to challenges. As a result, Tutor Doctor embraced the mantra “Speed to Change.” We encouraged franchisees to openly share their successes, no matter how little, with leadership so that they could be cascaded across the whole system and be of benefit to all and inspire likeminded actions.

motivation is key

Providing ongoing motivation and investing time and resources into your team can fuel or reignite the passion that’s

required to live out your core values. One way of achieving this is by reinforcing achievements and recognizing efforts in a public way, such as through awards programs, which not only celebrates the individual who performed the action but also energizes others to reach higher.

Tutor Doctor has created several recognition programs, including our “Tutor of the Year” award, where we celebrate tutors who positively change the trajectory of students’ lives. We also spotlight successful franchisees through our annual “Franchisee of the Year” award, which honors the owner who leads our company to outstanding business success and upholds the Tutor Doctor brand. These programs inspire individuals and create a culture of excellence across the system.

Additionally, leaders can provide ongoing training and development opportunities where employees and franchisees learn new skills and further develop their understanding of the company’s goal and how to fulfill it.

At Tutor Doctor, we’re committed to the

long-term success of our franchise owners. Our coaching program spans at least 15 months, if not longer, to ensure franchisees are equipped with the knowledge and tools they need to deliver top-quality tutoring programs in their communities and reach their objectives.

To support new franchise owners, we assign a Business Coach who works closely with them during their first year of operation. The coach’s main role is to help franchisees set short-term goals, market their services within their local communities, recruit qualified tutors, find local students, and provide guidance through the Tutor Doctor journey.

The success of a franchise system hinges on the commitment of all stakeholders to embody and exemplify the core values. As a franchise leader, it is your responsibility to foster a culture where everyone is united in the pursuit of your brand’s purpose. By implementing these strategies, you can empower your team to make informed decisions that align with the company’s goals, resulting in long-term success for the entire system.

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Fazoli’s, A Franchise Legacy Built for Generations

Rodney Keys’ personal family history in franchising and restaurant experience led him to Fazoli’s after uncovering the potential of the unique opportunity.

On the heels of his one-year anniversary with Fazoli’s, Rodney Keys who is known in franchising circles as the son of the Godfather of minority franchising, is giving insight into his family’s storied past and how that’s shaped his franchise experience today.

“I was born into franchising. My father was the first African American to own a major franchise for Burger King and KFC,” Keys said. “I have worked my entire life in one form or another for the company my dad built and during that time he’s taught me many valuable lessons about the world of franchising.”

After many years of success, in 1991 the Keys family decided to sell some of

their famous quick-service restaurant franchises at the height of their popularity.

“When I was thinking about what we were going to do for our next chapter in restaurant franchising, I was looking for an exciting franchise opportunity and Fazoli’s stood head and shoulders above other concepts I was considering, Keys said.

Founded in 1988 in Lexington, Ky., Fazoli’s owns and operates nearly 220 restaurants in 28 states, making it the largest premium QSR Italian chain in America. Fazoli’s prides itself on serving premium, fast Italian food menu offerings such as freshly prepared pasta entrees, subs, salads, pizza and desserts – along

with its unlimited signature garlic breadsticks. “After spending years with other successful concepts at my father’s side, I recognize potential when I see it,” Keys said. “More than any other concept I’ve been a part of, Fazoli’s has a cultlike following and fans can’t seem to get enough and that aspect really drew me to the brand.”

In addition to their worldclass menu offerings, Fazoli’s also prides themselves on their unmatched support. From signing to site

68 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa

selection to opening today and through the lifecycle of ownership, the awardwinning concept provides 1-to-1 support to ensure franchisees feel they are in business for themselves, but not by themselves.

“One of the things I love most about being a Fazoli’s franchisee is the people I get to work with at the home office,” Keys said. “They truly are hands-on and want to help you grow your business and listen and respond to what we need as franchisees.”

Fazoli’s offers dynamic build outs, digital-forward infrastructure and multiple revenue streams that provide a strong hedge against inflation. Named a Recession-Proof Franchise by Franchise Business Review, Fazoli’s is a stable opportunity that’s stood the test of time and is backed by multi-generation owners. With less operational complexity than typical QSR franchises, strong drivethru sales and a defensible and differentiated concept, Fazoli’s provides a great

development alternative to other quick serve restaurant options.

“I’m proud to continue my family’s franchising legacy and grow as an entrepreneur with Fazoli’s,” Keys said. “We have additional locations in the pipeline and look forward to serving even more fast, fresh Italian fare to families around the community for years to come.”

To learn more about franchising with Fazoli’s, visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 69 INTERESTED IN JOINING THE FAZOLI’S® FAMILY? CONNECT WITH OUR TEAM TODAY! 859.825.6212 David Boatright
Franchise Fazoli’s and logo are federally registered trademarks of Fazoli’s System Management, LLC Copyright © Fazoli’s 2470 Palumbo Drive, Lexington, KY 40509-1117 THE FORMAT PASTABILITIES ARE ENDLESS Designated Online, Delivery and Mobile Orders Pick-Up Area Double Drive-Thru Lanes for Rush Hours Curbside and Loyalty Member Parking Spots
70 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa S UBSCR i B e To Franchising USA’s newsletter and receive all the latest franchising news delivered straight to your inbox, every week! WA nt to S tAy on top o F the l Ate S t ne WS A nd W h At S h A ppen I n G At the F ore F ront o F F r A nch ISI n G ? To subscribe visit:
laTEST n EWS in veteran franchising jUnE 2023 COVER STORY Pro Pelled Brands s upporting Veterans and First responders with a 50% d iscount on the f ranchise f ee Batteries Plus Announces continued pAR tne R ship W ith count RY music stAR s to poW e R thei R tou R s just love coffee opens Fi R st o F m An Y loc Ations pl Anned Fo R AR i Zon A in mesA
72 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Leadership. Teamwork. Executing SOPs. Connecting veterans with education, resources and opportunities at

VE t E rans s U pp LEME nt

on the Cover

Marty Commons, My Salon Suite Franchisee (Propelled Brands)

Cover Story

76 Propelled Brands: supporting Veterans and First responders with a 50% discount on the Franchise Fee

What’s New

74 Franchising News

Latest News from Veterans in Franchising


80 Streamline Brands: streamline brands n

Franchisee in Action

78 Scissors & Scotch: From Member to owner: Marine Veteran opens new scissors & scotch Location

90 Marz Garcia: Upholding the gold standard from the U.s. Marine corps to athletic republic

Franchisor In Depth

82 Big Frog: Franchise group honored with patriot award for supporting Employees in Military service

86 Just Love Coffee: opens First of Many Locations planned for arizona in Mesa

88 DreamMaker: continues Family commitment to Veteran Entrepreneurship

Have Your Say

84 Batteries Plus: announces continued partnership with country Music stars to power their tours

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78 86 84

s lim c hickens Enters New Territory with Multi-Unit Deal in The Great Lakes

Slim Chickens, a leading fast casual franchise, which features dine-in and drive-thru services, and is beloved across the nation for its high-quality food and inviting atmosphere, announced today it has inked a deal to bring 25 locations throughout Southeast Michigan.

t hree friends and business partners, brad and todd d eLange and d oug broadright of slims g reat Lakes, are spearheading the expansion deal bringing locations to several counties in the d etroit and ann arbor metropolitan area.

“after doing our research on several restaurant concepts, we were drawn to the energy, inviting atmosphere and quality of slim chickens,” said brad. community is very important to us and though we are from Michigan, we had an immediate connection to the southern hospitality, and the food is top-notch. We are thrilled to bring the brand’s values and fresh flavors to s outheast Michigan.”

“ brad, todd, and d oug are ideal operators to extend slims’ into Michigan. t heir successful experience in operating multiple

Jimmy John’s for over a decade proves their expertise,” said Jackie Lobdell, vice president of franchise development at slim chickens.

“We are thrilled for our partnership with slims g reat Lakes and for the opportunity to share our southern hospitality and cooked-toorder chicken tenders with communities throughout Michigan,” said s am r othschild, cMo of slim chickens. “ r eputable operating groups like slims g reat Lakes are prime examples of who we look for to extend our inviting atmosphere, original recipe, and southern hospitality with more people across the globe.”

For more information on the Slim Chickens franchise opportunity, visit

t int Wo R ld® Opens First of Three Franchise Locations in Missouri

g ladstein said. “o ur customers recognize that t int World® is their one-stop provider of ultra-premium window tint, paint protection film, nano ceramic coatings, audio and mobile electronics, performance upgrades, and safety and security technology. t int World® is also a leading provider of residential and commercial window films and is looking forward to helping make homes and businesses in the area more comfortable and efficient while saving on their energy, heating, and cooling costs.”

Tint World® Automotive Styling Centers™, a leading auto accessory and window tinting franchise, has just opened its first of three planned locations in the state of Missouri.

t int World® st. charles, owned by father and son team andy and d rew g ladstein, offers drivers throughout the northwestern st. Louis area premium automotive style and performance

services and a comprehensive selection of top aftermarket products from the most popular brands.

“We’re excited to have opened our first of three t int World centers in st. charles and the surrounding areas to enhance our customers’ automotive experience with the industry’s best selection of products and services provided by a team of trained expert technicians and installers,” andy

“andy’s dedication and passion are delivering unmatched value and driving successful relationships with t int World® customers throughout the st. charles area,” said charles J. b onfiglio, president and cEo of t int World®. “ h e’s proven to be an important addition to the t int World® family by leveraging our proven, innovative franchise system and embracing our vision for franchisee success and overall growth.”

franchise opportunities

74 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa veter A ns su PPL e M ent

m ilk JAR cookies Launches Franchise Program In 39 States

Milk Jar Cookies, a sought-after sweets destination, announced today the launch of its franchising program across the country. The gourmet cookie shop is set to expand to 39 U.S. states and invites passionate individuals to join its franchising family and share in the vision of spreading joy and kindness through irresistible homemade cookies.

“ t he Milk Jar cookies brand has waited ten years to prove the concept, maintaining our hands-on baking method, perfecting our recipes, and protecting the integrity of an extraordinary cookie community bond,” said courtney cowan, founder of Milk Jar cookies and author of “ t he Milk Jar cookies b akebook.” “We are now ready to partner with others to help share this vision; you don’t need to be a professional baker or a serial entrepreneur to join our franchising family, just have an entrepreneurial spirit.”

t he gourmet cookie shop run by courtney cowan has been made famous for its homemade and hand-rolled cookies, partnered with a mission to spread joy and kindness.

Milk Jar cookies plans to leverage its dedicated corporate team and technology to support franchisees through onboarding. t he team includes Matt hale, an experienced franchisor, franchising expert and consultant, to oversee and advise the growth of franchising efforts in the target expansion areas.

a spiring franchisees will undergo a personalized and detailed vetting process, including a meeting and a potential full-day program at company headquarters to learn more about Milk Jar, meet the team, and review key aspects of the franchise program in more detail.

FloY d’s 99 BARB e R shop Starts 2023 with Strong First Quarter with 5 Shop Openings

as we move through Q2 and beyond with so many exciting plans in the pipeline for 2023,” said Joe Zemla, Floyd’s s enior d irector of Franchising.

Following a successful first quarter, Floyd’s kicked off Q2 with its national technical Education classes; refreshing training tactics used by stylists brand-wide. d esignated Floyd’s trainers gathered at the brand’s headquarters in g reenwood Village, colorado in early april to attend classes in which technical d irector patrick butler taught the latest skills and techniques in order to achieve trendy looks.

Floyd’s 99 Barbershop (Floyd’s), the full-service haircare franchise known for its expert services in an amplified environment, opened the new year with a strong first quarter with 5 newly opened locations in 3 states. The brand is also projected to open an additional 9 locations by the end of 2023.

“We’re thrilled to see the growth we’ve achieved already to start the year, and we’re looking forward to continuing that momentum

“ b y investing in our continuous training and support, we’re ensuring our teams are maintaining that same high-level of execution Floyd’s has become known for,” said paul o ’ brien, co-founder and co-owner of Floyd’s. “ n ot only are these classes instilling consistency across the brand, but by bringing all our trainers together for these classes, they’re also reinspiring one another, coming with their own ideas and unique skills, and it brings a sense of comradery amongst all our trainers.”

To learn more Floyd’s 99 Barbershop, please visit:

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c elebr I ty FAvor I te Go U r M et coo KI e Shop v et S coo KI e- lov I n G e ntrepreneU r S t o Jo I n t he M I l K J A r coo KI e FAMI ly t hro UG h Fr A nch ISI n G

Pro Pelled Brands s u PP orting v eterans and f irst res P onders with a 50% d iscount on the f ranchise f ee

While franchising provides an excellent opportunity to own a small business, it’s an especially good opportunity for veterans. That’s because veterans, through their military experience, have developed qualities including analytical and leadership skills, discipline, resilience and a mission-focused work ethic that help make them successful franchisees.

According to the International Franchise Association’s VetFran program (Veterans Transition Franchise Initiative), about 12% of all franchisees nationwide are veterans and many companies discover that veteran franchisees end up being their strongest performers.

Veterans show strong dedication to their work; they’ll put their all into the business. They are highly capable of handling the daily stresses of business operations and don’t give up easily, demonstrating resilience regarding the daily ups and downs of a business. They also know how to manage personnel,equipment and get results.

Veterans are highly capable of following systems, an ability that is a foundation of any franchisee’s success. Following a proven and tested system ensures that customers receive consistent quality and service at every location. While it’s common for most franchisees to have little or no experience in the franchisor’s industry when they first start, military veterans respond especially well and

are very successful in implementing the training they receive from the franchisor’s team.

Franchising Feels like “We Are on the same mission”

Navy veteran Stan Gray, who owns two FASTSIGNS centers in Southern California, credits his time in the service for developing his leadership skills and giving him opportunities to grow. His Navy experience, in particular, taught him the value of teamwork. For successful missions, everyone had to work together to achieve the mission’s goals. This translates well when it comes to franchising, as the whole team at a FASTSIGNS center has to work together for projects to be successful. This is true for any type of franchise: the whole team has to work together for success.

Stan Gray adds that the support he receives from the FASTSIGNS team is invaluable, and he feels that both the franchisor and franchisee are always on the same mission with the same goals, including growing his business, and serving his clients, building a passionate team, and serving the community. As just one example, his center prints and installs banners featuring images of local veterans for his hometown

Armed Forces Day Parade in Torrance, CA, the longest-running of such parades in the country.

At Propelled Brands, franchisees are encouraged to network with other franchisees. Moreover, before a military veteran signs a contract with any of the brands, they are encouraged to reach out to a large number of franchisees, including military veterans who are franchisees, to gain insight into the business. This helps to ensure franchisee success and satisfaction.

Franchising Feels like Family

NerdsToGo and MY SALON Suite, other members of the Propelled Brands family of franchises, also view veterans as ideal candidates for the skill set and teamoriented mindset they cultivate during their military experience. Both brands have developed proven world-class business processes that veterans can buy into and trust that the methods are there to guide them to success.

After retiring from the Air Force, Roger Turnbow worked in information technology for the Department of Defense for 30 years. In 2021, Turnbow became a business owner in San Antonio, Texas when he opened a thriving NerdsToGo franchise.

franchise and former US Air Force Roger Turnbow

76 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa veter A ns su PPL e M ent
cover story: propelled Brands
“ For successful missions, everyone had to work together to achieve the mission’s goals. This translates well when it comes to franchising.”
- FASTSIGNS franchisee and former Navy veteran Stan Gray
“ Being part of a franchise is like being part of a team or family. You are connected to a team of people that seek the same goals.”- NerdsToGo

Turnbow says, “Being part of a franchise is like being part of a team or family. You are connected to a team of people that seek the same goals. The military teaches you that you cannot go far alone.”

Veterans can often tap into a wider customer base and network, in part because they have contact with fellow service members and veterans. Other veterans tend to more readily support veteran-owned businesses. Civilian customers, too, also welcome and patronize veteran-owned businesses.

MY SALON Suite franchisee and former US Navy Nurse Marty Commons says, “When joining the MY SALON Suite franchise, I asked for and received a

veteran discount. No one had asked for that before. We are proud that several of our MY SALON Suite members are veterans. We selected the brand because of the semi-absentee landlord model and the fact that we would have no employees. All communication with Suite Management Franchise and other owners was supportive, positive, and exciting.”

Propelled Brands offers a special Veteran Franchise Program with many benefits, including a period of reduced royalties and a discounted initial franchise fee of 50% and financing options. These benefits are also available for first responders such as police, firefighters and emergency services personnel.

“ When joining the MY SALON Suite franchise, I asked for and received a veteran discount. No one had asked for that before.”

- MY SALON Suite franchisee and former US Navy Nurse Marty Commons

Owning a franchise can benefit veterans in many ways as they join a well-established brand with a supportive team backing them. For more information about p ropelled Brands franchise opportunities, please contact Mark Jameson at 214-346-5679, or visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 77

From m em Ber to o wner:

M ARIN e Vete RAN o pe NS Ne W

one thing Marines are known for is a pristine haircut, and Austyn Svehla is no different. After his service, the veteran went looking for the right spot for a trim.

In 2016, Austyn discovered Scissors & Scotch, an upscale men’s barbershop franchise. The Nebraska resident would drive 45 minutes from Lincoln to Omaha every two weeks to enjoy a quality haircut and a complimentary cold one. So, when he and his wife Stephanie began considering business opportunities, Austyn felt that Scissors & Scotch was the obvious choice. Now they’re preparing for their first location’s opening in Lincoln in just a few months.

Austyn’s experience with the franchise had run deeper than just those biweekly haircuts for the last seven years. He and his wife have both been with Aflac Insurance for 10 years, with Austyn working as a regional sales coordinator, and Stephanie, a district sales coordinator. Scissors & Scotch partnered with them for employee benefits for their corporate stores, leading Austyn to travel to other Scissors & Scotch locations in Oklahoma City and Denver. After a decade in the insurance industry, he

and his wife decided Scissors and Scotch was just the right investment opportunity. It turns out they didn’t have to look far.

“The entire experience Scissors & Scotch provides hooked me,” Austyn admitted.

“It’s not only about the high-quality haircuts and bar service they provide, but also the franchise training and support the corporate team has developed. I know I’ll never have to question whether we’re keeping up with the latest trends.”

Prior to his decade with Aflac, Austyn

78 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I see I n Act I on: Austyn Svehla | Scissors & Scotch veter A ns su PPL e M ent
Sc ISS o RS & Scotc H Loc At I o N

served four years in the U.S. Marines, something he knew he wanted to do for most of his life. He joined the Delayed Entry Program (DEP) in his junior year of high school and then went to boot camp just weeks after graduating high school. Austyn became a mechanic and eventually spent a year and a half in Japan for his first tour. After returning to the states for a short stay, he was deployed to Afghanistan for nine months.

“I never thought I’d find myself sweeping for mines, but there I was in a third-world country doing just that,” Austyn said as he reflected on his time in Afghanistan in 2011. “I did just about everything but my job as a diesel technician. I was thrown in a convoy, was a gunner one day, and then swept. The Marines taught me adaptability and to perform whatever job is necessary in order to ensure everything is done.”


This is just one of the three words that come to Austyn’s mind when he thinks about how his military skills will transfer to franchising. Being adaptable permits him to pivot when something isn’t going according to plan. The world is everchanging, so to ensure you’re staying relevant, Austyn explains that they’re prepared to adapt to whatever trends or business strategies to guarantee their business succeeds.


Understanding that most duties in the military isn’t going to be easy, but you must work and go the extra mile to make it all happen is another trait Austyn took on from the Marines. Just like in Afghanistan, the proud veteran is prepared to dedicate his time and do whatever is necessary to guide his employees at Scissors & Scotch and ensure that the shop thrives.


The Marine Corps instills discipline in its soldiers from day one. It’s also a quality that can make franchisees successful. By dedicating themselves to the brand and

trusting in the processes put in place, franchisees can become highly successful.

“Franchising isn’t easy, or else everyone would do it,” admits Austyn, but, if you’re willing to put in the work and grow, you can succeed. I have faith that my years in the Marine Corps gave me experience that will make me much better as a franchisee and leader for the location.”

Scissors & Scotch is not a run-of-themill haircut joint. Instead, the franchise prides itself on the experience they offer. From talented stylists to a full-service bar and lounge, Scissors & Scotch is a step above other barbershops and hair salons. The young brand is prepared for massive growth and is looking for hungry entrepreneurs like Austyn Svehla to help them expand from coast to coast.

“Most franchise brands you consider have pluses and minuses, but with Scissors & Scotch, it’s hard to find the negatives,” Austyn continued. “The corporate team provides great guidance on starting the business. There’s an amazing camaraderie between corporate and the franchisees and I’m excited for the bright future ahead.”

Scissors & Scotch’s first location opened in Omaha, Nebraska, in 2015 by three friends, then began franchising in 2017. The franchise is now in nine states with 24

locations and 8 more in the development process.

Their services include haircuts, shaves, trims, waxing, and a full-service bar and lounge. In addition to the unique business opportunity the franchise provides entrepreneurs, it’s also in a recessionresistant industry. Scissors & Scotch locations also earn recurring revenue through their membership program.

The global men’s personal care market is rapidly growing. Grand View Research found that the industry was worth $9.1 billion in 2021. The research firm predicts the industry to experience a compound annual growth rate of 9.1% through 2030. Men’s increased interest in caring for their skin and hair is behind the growth. Also, more men are looking to go to their own salons or barbershops instead of their wife’s salons to receive a more catered experience, just like Austyn did, traveling nearly an hour to a Scissors & Scotch every two weeks.

Austyn is thrilled to begin this new business venture with his wife, Stephanie, by his side, as she’ll serve as the operating manager. Scissors & Scotch Lincoln is set to open on August 1 and is the first in the city. The Svehla’s hope to open at least one other location in the future.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 79

s treamline Brands nAM es c hr Is hAr K ness PresID ent

Veteran Retail Executive to Lead Nation’s FastestGrowing Swim School Operator and Franchisor into Next Era of Growth

Streamline Brands, the industry’s largest franchisor and operator of swim schools, widely known for SafeSplash Swim School, announces veteran retail executive Chris Harkness will serve as the company’s new president, effective immediately.

Harkness’ career spans more than two decades in franchise management and store operations at companies such as GameStop, 7-ELEVEN, and Home Depot. He most recently served as president of Aire Serv, a Neighborly company that

operates heating and air conditioning franchises across the U.S. and Canada. Prior to his career in business, he served as a lieutenant in the United States Navy in the submarine service.

“I am excited to join the dynamic team at Streamline Brands,” Harkness said. “They have built an amazing culture by focusing on their customers and providing them with life skills from an early age. I am humbled by what this team has achieved, and I look forward to serving them in the next stages of growth.”

Streamline Brands boasts a portfolio of over 250 swim schools across the country, and continues to experience a surge in

franchise expansion in multiple markets across the United States. Company leadership is prioritizing investments in enhancing the franchise development program, streamlining operations, and growing the corporate support team – all with an eye on maximizing franchisee profits while meeting the needs of today’s modern customer.

80 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Focus: Streamline Brands | SafeSplash veter A ns su PPL e M ent

Paul Gerrard, COO and co-founder of Streamline Brands stated, “We look forward to welcoming Chris to the Streamline Brands family. His experience in leading both franchising and company owned organizations will be of tremendous value as we continue to drive strategies and deliverables that maximize our ability to enable a lifetime of water safety and opportunity by teaching the joy and skill of swimming.”

Harkness will report to Justin Hoeveler, the CEO of Youth Enrichment Brands (YEB), the nation’s leading youth activities platform. YEB runs a network of companies that delivers best-in-class camps, classes and leagues defined by elite instruction and operation.

“Chris is a strong, culturally-driven leader with a proven track record of challenging

convention with new perspectives in franchise businesses – and then working collaboratively with his teammates to convert these perspectives into meaningful business outcomes,” Hoeveler said. “We’re thrilled to add Chris to the YEB team and believe he’s the right person to lead Streamline Brands into its next era of growth and performance.”

There are several brands that offer learnto-swim programming, but there is only one brand family that couples learn-toswim with competitive lesson analysis for kids and adults – insert Streamline Brands, home to SafeSplash Swim School, Saf-T-Swim, Swimtastic Swim School,

SwimLabs Swim School, Miller Swim School, AquaSafe, AquaKids and Ripples Swim School. SafeSplash is the largest swim school in the portfolio, spanning nearly 150 locations across the country. Programs are available for all ages – 6 months to adults – and all skill levels –ranging from the fundamentals of water safety to competitive instruction – with the goal of developing confident, efficient swimmers.

For more information on Streamline Brands, its portfolio of swim schools, and franchise opportunities, please visit or email

ABout streamline Brands®

Streamline Brands is the industry’s largest franchisor and operator of swim schools. Streamline Brands and its franchisees operate schools in 34 states today under multiple brands: SafeSplash Swim School, Saf-T-Swim, Swimtastic Swim School, SwimLabs Swim School, Miller Swim School, AquaKids Swim School, AquaSafe Swim School and Ripples Swim School. The company was formed in 2005 and has been growing ever since through organic growth and acquisitions. Today, there are more than 250 schools open or scheduled to be open across the country. Streamline, a portfolio company of youth enrichment Brands, is majority owned by Roark Capital, a private equity firm headquartered in Atlanta.

for more information about Streamline brands or to learn about franchising opportunities with the company, please visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 81

t in A BAcon- d eFR ece o F Bi G FR o G FRAnchise G R oup

h onored with Patriot award for s u PP orting

eMP loyees in Military s ervice

Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (ESGR) Presents Patriot Award to c EO Tina Bacon-DeFrece.

82 Franchising M Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: Big Frog veter A ns su PPL e M ent
Bernie Currie, SHRM-CP, PHR, eSgR Co-Chair, with Big frog franchise g roup Digital Marketing National guard (ARNg ), and Co-founder,

Big Frog Franchise Group (Big Frog) Co-Founder, President and Ceo Tina Bacon-Defrece, Ph.D. has received the Patriot Award from the employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (eSGR) for her ongoing support of veterans and active military.

ESGR grants a series of Department of Defense awards to recognize individual supervisors and bosses who support their National Guard and Reserve employees. The Patriot Award reflects the efforts a civilian employer makes to support personnel by providing flexible schedules, time off before and after deployment, caring for families, and granting leaves of absence as needed.

“I am thrilled and humbled to accept this award,” said Bacon-DeFrece. “Growing up in a military family, veteran values and virtues were instilled in me from my youngest years.”

Employees who serve in the National Guard or Reserves nominate their supervisors for the support they provide directly to the service member and family.

Big Frog Digital Marketing Specialist Sgt. Quinn Bonner, Army Reserve National Guard (ARNG), nominated BaconDeFrece. Bonner has served the ARNG for more than seven years and trains at Camp Blanding in Florida.

“In all my years, I’ve never truly had a leader as understanding as Tina BaconDeFrece,” said Bonner in his nomination. “She has been the most supportive of my commitment and has always given me the appropriate time off to attend my training without hesitation.”

Bernie Currie, SHRM-CP, PHR, the ESGR Co-Chair for Area Nine (Hillsborough/ Pinellas County), presented the award to Bacon-DeFrece at the Big Frog headquarters in Dunedin, Fla. He was excited to visit the custom shirt making business and see firsthand the cooperation between Big Frog and its employed service members.

Said Currie, “Dr. Bacon-DeFrece is to be commended for providing her steadfast and consistent leadership and commitment to our armed forces. Congratulations on a job well done, Tina!”

ABout emploYeR suppoRt oF the GuARd And ReseRve (esGR)

employer Support of the Guard and Reserve (eSGR) is a Department of Defense office established in 1972 to promote cooperation and understanding between Reserve Component service members and their civilian employers and to assist in resolving conflicts arising from an employee’s military commitment. eSGR encourages employers to support and value the employment and military service of members of the National Guard and Reserve. Recognizing supportive employers is vital to eSGR’s mission.

Said Bacon-DeFrece upon acceptance of the award, “It’s my absolute honor to incorporate Big Frog’s workplace support for the extraordinary individuals who serve and protect our country.”

Big Frog encourages veterans who are transitioning to the civilian workforce to consider owning a Big Frog t-shirt printing franchise, offering a veteran’s incentive of 20% off the initial franchise fee. In addition, for veterans who sign a franchise agreement by September 30, 2023, Big Frog will waive the first year of monthly royalty fees.

ABout BiG FRoG FRAnchise GRoup

each independently owned and operated Big Frog Custom T-Shirts & More store specializes in Direct-to-Garment (DTG) printing, a clean and green apparel printing technology. Big Frog is a one-stop-shop for “un-frog-ettable” custom apparel, offering a wide selection of services such as screen printing, embroidery, vinyl, and Ultra Print (heat press). Big Frog also offers free design help, no minimums or art/setup fees and fast turnaround. established in 2008 by Co-Founders Leeward Bean, Tina BaconDeFrece, Ph.D., and Ron DeFrece, Big Frog Franchise Group has since expanded to nearly 100 locations in 25 states and Canada. Headquartered in Dunedin, Fla., Big Frog is led by President and Ceo Tina Bacon-DeFrece.

for the nearest big frog store, visit bigfROg .COm

for u.S. franchise opportunities, visit bigfROgfR anChiSE.COm .

for Canadian franchise opportunities, visit bigfROg .C a View big frog YouTube content here.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 83
Big frog franchise g roup Technology Development Specialist Nicholas faz, Controller Brian Berry, VP of o perations Ken Karcher, and Director of Marketing g ina Signor; Bernie Currie, SHRM-CP, PHR, eSg R Co-Chair, Area Nine (Hillsborough/Pinellas County); Big frog franchise g roup Digital Marketing Specialist, Sgt. Quinn Bonner, Army Reserve National g uard (ARNg ); Co-founder, President, and Ceo Tina Bacon-De frece, Ph.D. Co-Chair, Area Nine (Hillsborough/Pinellas County), Marketing Specialist, Sgt. Quinn Bonner, Army Reserve ounder, President, and Ceo Tina Bacon-De frece, Ph.D.

Batteries Plus announces continued PartnershiP with country Music stars to Power their tours

World’s Leading Specialty Battery Franchise Demonstrates Power Expertise by Powering the Summer Tours of Justin Moore, Lucas Hoge

Batteries Plus, the world’s leading specialty battery franchise, announced today it is renewing its partnerships with multi-Platinum country artist Justin Moore (The Valory Music Co.) and Billboard No. 1-charting country artist Lucas Hoge.

Between microphones, ear pieces, monitors, and more, production for the average concert requires about 200 batteries. With more than 30 shows planned between Moore and Hoge across the country this summer, providing these power essentials will help guarantee they and their fans don’t miss a beat! Through both of these agreements, Batteries Plus is capitalizing on its commitment to bring power to lives through music and adventure.

As part of its ongoing partnership with Moore, Batteries Plus is outfitting his summer tour with all of its power needs – both backstage and onstage. The brand is providing batteries for all of Moore’s onstage equipment, as well as flashlights to assist the crew backstage and as they load up trucks late at night, bays for guitar

h Ave your s Ay: Batteries plus
veter A ns su PPL e M ent

players, and even the battery for the tour bus. Batteries Plus is also supplying Moore’s tour with an abundance of backup batteries to ensure all the sound and equipment is working and the music keeps playing all night long.

With a wife and four children, Moore’s life is much more than concerts, that’s why Batteries Plus is also powering his life at home so he can relax and recharge between gigs.

“With hits that have become summer anthems in the country world over the years, Justin Moore’s concerts require more than just a few good batteries to keep the music playing and his fans singing along with all their favorite songs,” said Shawn Budiac, Vice President of Category Management at Batteries Plus. “That’s why we’re proud to

partner with a musician as iconic as Justin Moore as we provide all the power he needs – both at home and on the road – so he and his crew don’t have to worry about anything except bringing his energy to the crowd.”

Batteries Plus is also continuing its partnership with Lucas Hoge by powering up the artist’s “Glory Days Tour,” helping him stay connected while living life on the road. The brand will also provide all the power essentials, including generators and lithium batteries, for Hoge’s popular Sportsman Channel TV series, “Hoge Wild.”

“Batteries Plus is dedicated to powering lives, from battery solutions for everyday needs to powering all of our favorite outdoor, summer activities,” Budiac said.

“A partnership with an outdoorsman like

Lucas Hoge, who enjoys adventures and outdoor activities to the extreme, is an extraordinary example of just how Batteries Plus can help you keep up with all the fun this summer, no matter how active it might be or what power it requires.”

With over 700 stores nationwide, Batteries Plus offers consumers unmatched products and services to fulfill all their battery needs, from powering cars, boats, RVs and motorcycles, to cell phones, key fobs, laptop and tablets.

For more information on Batteries plus’ products and services and to find the nearest Batteries plus retail store near you, please visit

ABout BAtteRies plus

Batteries Plus, founded in 1988 and headquartered in Hartland, Wi, is a leading omnichannel retailer of batteries, specialty light bulbs and phone repair services for the direct-to-consumer and commercial channels. The retailer also offers key programming, replacement and cutting services. Through a nationwide network of stores, the company offers a differentiated value proposition of unrivaled product selection, in-stock availability and customer service. Batteries Plus is owned by Freeman Spogli, a private equity firm based in Los Angeles and New york City.

To learn more about one of forbes®’ best franchises to buy in america, visit https://

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 85

just love coffee o Pens first of M any locations

Planned for ari Zona in M esa

Just Love Coffee, a rapidly expanding franchise craft beverage company based in Tennessee, is expanding its footprint with the recent opening of its first location in Arizona.

Located at 3745 South Power Road in Mesa, owners Mitch and Shoshana Korrub say the busy spot is surprising customers with an all-day breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu in addition to premium roasted coffees.

“We’re not like most other coffee shops that only offer snacks or pastries,” said owner Mitch Korrub. “For breakfast we have burritos, biscuits, avocado toast, artisan waffles and a Bacon Tater. For lunch and dinner, the menu includes grilled chicken wraps, a Roast Beef & Cheddar Melt, Chicken Quesadillas, fresh salads, soups and more. All of this plus just about any kind of coffee you can think of – drip coffee, cold brews, Cappuccinos, Espresso, Macchiatos, and Signature Latte’s with amazing flavors – we’ve got it all!”

Fr A nch I sor I n D e P th: JuS t LoVe coFFee veter A ns su PPL e M ent
86 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa

The Mesa location is the first of several units the Korrubs have planned for the area. They will open a second location in nearby Queen Creek by early 2024, and they are currently scouting the region for a third unit. Their long-term goal is to open 15-20 Just Love Coffee locations throughout the state in the next five years. “We’re excited to bring this hometown coffee shop to the Mesa-Gilbert community,” said Mitch Korrub. “There are no other coffee shops in this area that

“ There are no other coffee shops in this area that offer great coffee, a wonderful place to hang out with friends or family, and a full all-day menu.”

Just Love has been a caring company from the very beginning. We care about who we are, who we serve and what we do. We want every guest to walk away from a Just Love having experienced genuine and sincere customer service that puts a smile on their face and makes them just plain feel better.

Coffee shops occupy an important space in many of our lives because of their unique ability to fulfill so many of our needs: socializing, studying, working, resting, reading — in an atmosphere that suits our tastes and makes us feel like we belong. At their best, coffee shops are places that meet the needs of a community, while giving communities the space they need to get together. This sense of community is what Just Love Coffee Cafe is all about. In fact, the atmosphere that makes Just Love Coffee Cafe so special was created to be a complete 180 from the stuffy reputation that specialty coffee shops rightly or wrongly deserve.

offer great coffee, a wonderful place to hang out with friends or family, and a full all-day menu. We encourage everyone to stop by and see why our café is so unique.”

With more than 50 locations nationwide and 30 more in various stages of development, Just Love Coffee is one of the fast-growing coffee franchises in the U.S. Founded in 2009 by current CEO Robb Webb and his wife, Emily, the company’s “Eat, Drink, and Love” mantra grew out of a need to make the world a better place.

The brand serves fair trade, organic, or direct trade coffee only, and has been named a finalist three times for Roaster of the Year by Roast Magazine. In addition to specialty hand roasted, artisan coffees and hand crafted beverages, the company’s “Cause Coffees” are extremely popular, and include a Lifesaver Blend, which supports first responders, Roots of Love, which supports foster care and adoptive families, Serve Strong, which supports the Armed Services and their families, Essential Blend, which supports healthcare workers and their families, and Spectrum Blend, which supports individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

For more information, visit

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 87

VetFran is a program that has a dual mission:

1To educate military veterans and franchisors about how well the abilities of veterans match up with the skill set required for being a successful franchisee/entrepreneur, and

2To ease veterans’ transition into franchising by encouraging franchisors to offer financial incentives to veterans – plus assembling resources, tools and a database of franchising opportunities for those who served their country.

This is particularly meaningful to Doug Dwyer because his father, Don Dwyer Sr., was the founder of VetFran in 1991. Don Dwyer served during the Korean War. In the years after his release

from the military, he started his own franchising company. Then he had an idea — franchisors could give discounts to veterans who want to buy franchises — and he started VetFran.

After Don’s death, VetFran became inactive for some years. Then Don’s daughter, Dina Dwyer-Owens, stepped in. Dina was on the IFA Board of Directors, and she recommended that IFA restart VetFran. The IFA agreed, and the program has grown ever since.

“I am honored to be a part of VetFran and my father’s legacy,” Doug Dwyer says. “What started with the simple desire of one man to help fellow veterans sparked a program that has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of veterans and their families, and is still growing to this day.”

One VetFran program beneficiary is Air Force Veteran Nate Coombs, who owns DreamMaker of Ogden, Utah.

Coombs recently won the National Association of Remodeling Industry’s

regional 2023 Contractor of the Year award for outstanding remodeling work. In 2014 and 2023, he was recognized as DreamMaker’s Top Franchise.

A lot of Coombs’ remodeling work is for veterans, the elderly, and the disabled, such as making modifications that make their homes easier and safer to live in, including wheelchair ramps and stair lifts as well as cabinets and appliances designed to be more accessible for those with special needs.

Another example of how the program helps is illustrated by recent franchise owners and U.S. Army Veterans, Jeff and Ruth Vargo, who opened a DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen franchise to meet that demand in The Woodlands, TX, and surrounding areas.

DreamMaker’s connection to the VetFran program is aligned with the company’s Code of Values™, which commits to treating others with respect and integrity.

88 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
veter A ns su PPL e M ent
d rea M Maker founder continues fa M ily co MM itM ent to v eteran e ntre P reneurshi P

“ Coombs recently won the National Association of Remodeling Industry’s regional 2023 Contractor of the Year award for outstanding remodeling work. In 2014, he was recognized as DreamMaker’s Top Franchise.”

ABout dreammaker Bath and kitchen

For over 20 years, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has strived to deliver excellent customer service through kitchen, bath and interior remodeling. DreamMaker’s focus is honesty—to treat people with respect and integrity. o ver the last two decades, this focus has earned them a 97% recommendation rate on GuildQuality from customers. DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has been named among the 2022 Top 10 National Design/Build Remodelers in the nation by Remodeling Magazine and Qualified Remodeler Magazine and has been rated as a Top 50 Franchise brand in Franchisee Satisfaction by Franchise Business Review nine years in a row. Franchise Business Review also recognized DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen in 2022 as a Top Franchise for innovation and a Top Franchise for Culture. Based in Waco, Texas, DreamMaker Bath & Kitchen has 41 independently owned and locally operated franchises in 24 states.

The organization, part of the international Franchise Association (iFA), has a dual mission: 1) to educate military veterans and franchisors about how well the abilities of veterans match up with the skill set required for being a successful franchisee/ entrepreneur, and 2) to ease veterans’ transition into franchising by encouraging franchisors to offer financial incentives to veterans – plus assembling resources, tools and a database of franchising opportunities for those who served their country.

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 89
Nate Coombs - DreamMaker of o gden, Utah, recently won the National Association of Remodeling industry’s regional 2023 Contractor of the year award for outstanding remodeling work. Jeff and Ruth Vargo - DreamMaker Bath and Kitchen, The Woodlands, TX.

Mar Z g arcia: u pH o LDING t H e Go LD StANDARD FR o M t H e u.S. M ARIN e co R p S to At HL et I c Repu BLI c

Marz Garcia, a Marine Corps veteran, is the epitome of upholding the gold standard through both his service in the United States Marine Corps and his ownership of Athletic Republic in Hudson Valley in Goshen, New york. Referred to as the glue of AR Hudson Valley, his leadership skills and style utilized at Athletic Republic is largely impacted by his time in the military.

Marz enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1993 and served for four years as a Combat Engineer. He gained valuable experience in explosives coordination, setting up detonations, minefields, carpentry work, and bridge building. Through his service, he traveled to Okinawa Japan, Mount Fuji, Tokyo, and Korea. Following his service abroad, Marz continued his service in the Marine Corps and worked in a woodshop in Cherry Point, North Carolina, and later crossed with the Airforce in Guyana near Georgetown, where he worked on the humanitarian efforts within the service, working with orphanages and schools.

After leaving the military, Marz went to school and began working at West Point, where he continues to teach, before deciding to open his own Athletic Republic franchise in the Hudson Valley. Marz’s brother-in-law, Greg Voloshin, had the idea to explore the business opportunity during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Greg, Marz, and his wife Danielle, who all have athletic backgrounds, jumped on the opportunity to bring Athletic Republic to their community. Marz’s experience in the military as a platoon leader and his natural leadership skills have made him the engine that runs Athletic Republic Hudson Valley.

Marz’s military experience has also helped him become a great leader and fill all the gaps at Hudson Valley Athletic Republic. Marz’s leadership style is to get the job done and keep it moving, a mentality that was largely shaped by his time in the military. His determination and dedication to his high-level involvement in his business have earned him recognition as “the glue” of Athletic Republic Hudson Valley. Marz’s time in the military has taught him leadership directives that have become instinctive, and he has learned to delegate roles and responsibilities while filling in the gaps whenever they appear.

“Exploring a business opportunity after my time in the Marine Corps, I knew that the values of the business needed to align with the values that I carry with me,” Marz said. “What really attracted me to Athletic Republic was the evidence-based training with statistics and proof of performance. This is something that I’ve

90 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa Fr A nch I see I n Act I on: Marz Garcia | Athletic Republic
veter A ns su PPL e M ent

grown accustomed to through the military and truly appreciate about the brand. The standard of training at Athletic Republic is truly the gold standard for sports performance programs, which I believe to be in perfect alignment with the Marine Corps slogan ‘The Few. The Proud.’ because it is not your typical military training or experience, just as Athletic Republic is not your typical athletic training program.”

As an owner of Athletic Republic, Marz is proud to provide an excellent level of service to his community. As lifelong members of the Hudson Valley community, Greg, Danielle, and Marz are familiar with the highly competitive community that values athlete’s excellence and training. Because of this, Athletic Republic has become the standard for athletic training in the area, and Marz says that parents and athletes see their involvement with the franchise as a badge of honor. Athletic Republic provides the highest quality of training and has ultimately made a significant positive impact on the community. Marz believes that giving back to the community that helped raise him and his family is a vital part of owning a business, and he sees Athletic Republic as a way to give back to not only to his children but all athletes in his community.

One significant benefit of owning Athletic Republic Hudson Valley that has stuck out to Marz is the Athletic Republic app and technology. The technology allows trainers at Athletic Republic to track the progress of athletes, allowing the athletes and their parents to see the objective benefits and progress of their training. Not only is this extremely helpful and interesting to the athletes, but intensely supportive parents are able to see the improvements that their young athletes are making through their training at Athletic Republic.

“ Exploring a business opportunity after my time in the Marine Corps, I knew that the values of the business needed to align with the values that I carry with me.”

“Parents in the community love Athletic Republic just as much as our athletes do,” says Marz. “At the end of the day, we want to provide the highest quality sports performance technology and training as we possibly can for families in the community. When I see Athletic Republic bringing athletes together, I see excellence being brought to our community.”

Franchising M aga Z in E Usa 91
“ What really attracted me to Athletic Republic was the evidence-based training with statistics and proof of performance. This is something that I’ve grown accustomed to through the military and truly appreciate about the brand.”

Be A ns & B R e Ws co FFee house

b eans & brews coffee h ouse has been around since 1993, when the Laramie family opened shop next to s alt Lake city’s beloved hangout, Liberty park.

t he family refined the process of high-altitude roasting™, which required special tweaks just like high-altitude baking. t hey soon got the process just right, and they built a reputation for uniquely smooth coffee in a friendly neighborhood setting. b eans & brews—or “ b eans,” as friends call us for short—is now a staple around Utah and its friends, idaho and nevada.

t he Laramie family still owns and operates our headquarters, and many baristas from our earlier days have grown into senior roles as managers, directors, and V ps. t hey carry on our best

Business Fin A nce d epot

business Finance depot specializes in packaging equipment leases and sba Express Working capital loans for start-up and existing businesses.

our main clients are franchisors seeking financing for their new franchisees and manufacturers seeking financing for their equipment purchases.

c l AY ton k endA ll

clayton Kendall provides a simple, easy to use e-store platform that connects your franchisees to our integrated front-to-back inventory management system. our system controls the creation, production, fulfillment, distribution and shipping of all your marketing and sales

colo R Wo R ld pA intin G

color World is a one-of-a-kind painting franchise company, with a history of painting houses since 1997.

We not only provide house painting services, we also offer commercial painting, holiday lighting, power washing, gutter installation, and minor drywall and carpentry work, plus much more.

comet c le A ne R s

FRA nchise G R oup, llc

become a part of the largest family-owned dry cleaning chain in the Usa through our franchising opportunities. be your own boss, feed that entrepreneurial spirit, do business that not only helps individuals but your community as a whole. comet cleaners and Laundry services is here to help you help others. our 60 years of brand history speaks

traditions and work to create new ones too. Meanwhile, around the region, locally owned franchises brew up our beloved recipes for their own neighbors. o ur guests are our reason for getting up in the morning. We love greeting regulars with their favorite drinks, made just the way they like ‘em. and we dig getting to know newcomers and welcoming them to the b eans community.

come in for a cup, alone or with a friend, and make yourself at home. and let us know how we can make your day a little brighter—whether it’s adding extra whipped cream or it’s donating a gift basket to your little-league fundraiser. cheers, and stop by soon.

contact: Kim Falk Email:

our company also works with sba 7(a) lenders, alternate financing sources, crowd funding financing sources and companies that specialize in using retirement funds to capitalize a new business. please visit our website for more information.



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We are a truly unique operation, offering the services of five businesses in one.

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for itself when it comes to customer loyalty and trust. We are an easy and straightforward business to learn, allowing you more time to spend focusing on profits than building business expertise.

For more information:

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92 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
F r A nch I se & serv I ces DI rectory

t his assistance can come in the form of help getting dressed, preparing meals, doing some light housework, or just relaxing and enjoying a friendly conversation.

FA stsi G ns®

now more than ever, businesses look to Fastsigns® for innovative ways to connect with customers in a highly competitive marketplace.

o ur high standards for quality and customer service have made Fastsigns the most recognized brand in the industry, driving significantly more traffic to the web than any other sign company.

We also lead in these important areas:

• #1 Ranked Sign Franchise in Entrepreneur Magazine Franchise 500 three years in a row

• Franchise Business Review FBR50 Franchisee Satisfaction award 2006-2015


Founded in 1988 in Lexington, Ky., Fazoli’s owns and operates nearly 220 restaurants in 28 states, making it the largest premium Qsr italian chain in america. Fazoli’s prides itself on serving premium quality italian food, fast, fresh and friendly. Menu offerings include freshly prepared pasta entrees, subs, salads, pizza and desserts – along with its unlimited signature breadsticks. Fazoli’s offers dynamic build outs, digital-forward infrastructure and multiple revenue streams that provide a strong hedge against inflation. named a recession- proof Franchise by Franchise business review, Fazoli’s is a stable opportunity that’s stood the test of time and is backed by multi-

Gene RAto R s upe R cente R

g enerator supercenter is the #1 seller of g enerac generators, and this allows you to enter this emerging market with instant brandname recognition that is associated with quality and reliability.

people know our brand name and trust the brand products that we offer. g enerator sales are part of a growing industry that appeals to both the public and private sectors.

GR e A se monke Y

Founded in 1978 and part of the Fullspeed automotive® family of brands, grease Monkey® has grown to more than 500 centers internationally with operations in the United states, china, colombia, Mexico, and saudi arabia. t he brand has flourished, thanks to a commitment to customer service, innovation, and driving strong roi for franchisees.

o ne reason grease Monkey is a great business opportunity is because nearly everyone in america drives, and more than 99% of the vehicles on U. s roads need regular oil changes. americans cumulatively drive about 3.2 trillion miles per year, and americans are keeping their

Executive home care places screened, qualified caregivers with people who need a helping hand with common tasks that many of us take for granted.

t he goal is to maintain a comfortable, safe, and happy living environment while providing for as much independence as possible.


• Franchise Research Institute World Class Franchise 20112015

• Franchise Research Institute #1 Rated Sign & Graphics Franchise 2014-2015

• CFA Franchisees’ Choice Designation 2004-2015

• FASTSIGNS is one of only a handful of franchises approved for $21 million in sba financing for approved franchise candidates Fastsigns has over 400 markets approved for development in the Us and canada and is also seeking Master or area developer expansion in markets worldwide. For more information: phone: 1-214-346-5679


o r visit our Website:

generation owners. With less operational complexity than typical Qsr franchises, strong drive-thru sales and a defensible and differentiated concept, Fazoli’s provides a great development alternative to other quick serve restaurant options. Fazoli’s is a winner of Fast casual and steritech’s 2020 Excellence in Food safety award and ranked number seven on Fast casual’s “ top 100 Movers and shakers” list in 2022. additionally, it was named to technomic’s “ top 500 chain restaurant report” in 2022, selected as one of the “ top 50 g lobal Fast casual innovators in 2021” by Foodable, a “ top 200 Franchises in 2021” by Franchise business review, and an Entrepreneur 2018 “Franchise 500.”

by becoming a g enerator supercenter home services franchise partner, you can benefit from our impeccable reputation, established business model, customer service network, and proven experience in the power supply industry.

For more inforamtion: contact: glenn Leingang phone: 281-251-6100



vehicles longer than ever before. according to research conducted by s & p global Mobility, the average age of light vehicles in the U. s. rose to an all-time high of 12.2 years in 2022. t his is the fifth straight year the average vehicle age in the U. s. has risen. drivers understand that to extend the life of their vehicles, routine maintenance is a must.

Even if you don’t have automotive repair experience and are simply exploring the industry because of its stability and strong margins, you can be assured that you will be backed by a large franchise support team dedicated to your success. We provide training, marketing support, and a wide range of tools to help you find customers and serve them well!

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eX ecutive h ome cAR e
in-home care is, simply put, everyday assistance for your loved one provided by a kind, compassionate, and well-trained person.

image o ne Usa is a commercial cleaning services business. t he image o ne franchising model was formed on the principles of transparency, training, and top-notch financial and customer service support. it is regularly recognized as a top franchise by third-party franchise and business publications, including, Entrepreneur. com and Franchise business review.

image o ne franchisees work for themselves in a unique relationship with the franchise company. image o ne provides them with customer support for their business, ongoing training, along with assistance with billing, equipment and sales training. image o ne

k umon n o R th Ame R ic A i nc.

high school math teacher toru Kumon developed the Kumon Method of learning more than 60 years ago in Japan, when his son was struggling with second-grade arithmetic. realizing that a strong foundation in the basics-addition, subtraction, multiplication and division-was essential for higher-level math, Kumon created a series of math worksheets for his son to work on after school.

n e R ds toGo

Build a future with the computer service industry pioneers and accomplish your business dreams with NerdsToGo!

computers, handheld devices, tablets, and mobile phones are all things that only continue to grow and change the landscape of the technology industry in the 21st century. t hat is why nerdsto g o is such a lucrative concept. With businesses, homeowners, and individuals continuing to rely

ohm Fitness

ohM Fitness is a franchise that provides a revolutionary fitness experience using wireless electrical muscle stimulation (EMs) technology integrated into a small group setting.

t he EMpower suit allows customers to complete an intense 2–3-hour workout in just 25 minutes. it is a low-impact workout that puts minimal stress on the joints, ligaments, and muscles, making it suitable for all fitness levels. ohM Fitness is the first fitness franchise to offer this wireless EMs technology in a group setting.

RemedY s pA & sA lon s uites

remedy spa & s alon suites first opened its doors in atlanta, g eorgia in 2018. a s an attempt to enter the highly profitable health and beauty industries, remedy spa & s alon suites came equipped with 22 fully leased salon suites. to date, they have opened three locations through Metro-atlanta.

amenities and perks to leasing include: 24/7 access, private upscale studios, spacious single/double suites, private parking, valet parking and premium fixtures, finishes and appliances.

Franchisees will obtain access to the brand, tested and proven processes and support, purchasing power and distribution

provides necessary training, tools and support to help franchise affiliates build their business, including teaching franchisees the latest cleaning techniques and empowering them with insights on best-in-class equipment and technology. ongoing training is delivered both at image o ne’s corporate headquarters and onsite at existing client locations to ensure that franchisees continue to grow their own businesses.

image o ne has commercial cleaning franchise locations covering chicago, cincinnati, dallas, d enver, d etroit, Fort Myers, nashville and o rlando. Franchise territories are available nationwide.

For information on the franchise, visit http://image o neUsa .com

With daily practice, Kumon’s son gradually expanded his mastery of mathematical skills and by sixth grade was able to solve differential equations and integral calculus problems.

today, at locations throughout north america, Kumon franchisees apply this method of daily practice and self-paced advancement to children’s math and reading skills.

phone: 201-928-0444


on technology, handling the repairs, computer service and support, and other computer services that can accompany a technologically based society seems like second nature. t his means franchise owners can tend to the high demands of a reliable customer base and reap the financial benefits by taking advantage of a constantly innovative, inventive, and lucrative industry. contact us today to learn why nerdsto g o is one of the fastest growing computer service and technology franchises in the United states!

t he technology helps individuals work their muscles more effectively than with conventional workouts, producing better results in less time. ohM Fitness is ideal for health enthusiasts looking for real results without enduring the high-intensity stress of hiit training. it is also a perfect fit for those in recovery or fitness newbies, as well as busy parents and professionals. it doesn’t produce damaging cortisol spikes associated with stress, making it ideal for everyone.

contact: d oug payne

phone: (480) 582-2900



chains, cooperative marketing, new product research, development and roll-out, experienced training staff, and continuing training and education.

Franchising opportunities are available to entrepreneurs and investors in all industries but will be particularly appealing to health and beauty enthusiasts.

remedy spa & s alon suites already has an established market presence and substantial market penetration in atlanta. From this successful platform, the company is looking to expand the brand in select key areas domestically.

94 Franchising M aga Z in E Usa
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i m
AG e o ne usA

t he R ed c hick Z

We’ve d one the heavy Lifting for You

We know the restaurant business and have done our homework. From the homestyle kitchens of nashville to t he red chickz restaurants that will be popping up everywhere, we’ve created something really special in an untapped, sizzling market.

We make it simple. o ur team has worked our tails off to create a superior business model that is streamlined and simple to operate. We designed

sscp mA n AG ement, i nc.

sscp Management, inc. is an award-winning, familyowned and operated management company with a portfolio of high-profile restaurant brands and real estate holdings.

t he dallas-based company is a leader in the restaurant industry with established, high-profile brands such as the 300-unit cici’s pizza brand, 44 sonic drive- in locations, 80 applebee’s locations, the roy’s hawaiian fusion chain, and JMc distribution. t he management company also owns a diverse real estate portfolio with more than 100 assets that includes shopping centers, medical office buildings, industrial, and multi-family properties across the United states. sscp Management’s real estate practice focuses

s lim c hickens

slim chickens, a leading fast casual franchise which features dine-in and drive-through in the better-chicken segment, opened in 2003 in Fayetteville, arkansas.

o ffering high-quality food with a focus on fresh, delicious ingredients, the brand prides itself on its southern flair and commitment to hospitality, all in a fast-casual setting.

Food is cooked to order, and the differentiated menu features chicken tenders, fresh salads, sandwiches, chicken and waffles, chicken wings and unique side items, alongside 17 house-made dipping sauces.

today, there are more than 145 slim chickens locations open and 700 restaurants in development. t he brand, which recently launched a strategic multi-unit franchise growth initiative to reach 700 units in

SO u T h ER n STEER bu TC h ER

Founded in 2013 by greg snyder, southern steer butcher was designed to be a trusted source for customers to feel confident in their selections after each and every visit. t he story all started after greg made a visit to a similar style shop while traveling and recognized this level of butcher shop was lacking in his own hometown of clearwater, Florida. From then on, greg set his sights on filling this need in his community and began work on launching southern steer.

Each location offers a wide selection of premium meats, sides, desserts, craft beers, and wine. in addition to the variety of products, the brand also offers pre-assembled

V ETER an S ERV i CE bR and S

Veteran service brands (Vsb) is the umbrella organization for four distinct, but affiliated service brands - all of which are exclusive to military veterans.

capitalizing on our success with g -ForcE (the first franchise brand exclusive to veterans), we are adding Mach onE Epoxy Floors, FiELd ops athletic Field Markings, and paint corps (like Marine “corps”) franchise systems to the Vsb family of veteran-only franchises.

initial investment starts as low as $20,000 for FiELd ops (assuming possession of a suitable pickup truck) and runs as high as $150,000 depending upon which brand, size of territory, truck choice, and equipment package.

Franchise Fees are deeply discounted for the first five franchise partners of our new brands (some are already spoken for).

this with systems and growth in mind, so you can become the next proud owner of a t he red chickz restaurant franchise with ease.

an investment in a restaurant franchise like t he red chickz is an excellent way to break into the foodservice business or expand your already existing restaurant portfolio. We seek qualified business owners who understand or appreciate the restaurant industry and are fired up about our brand.

on portfolio purchases, individual purchases, multi-family investments and retail properties. Led by president chris dharod, the company’s primary objective is to strengthen the communities it invests in and provide second-to-none service through all its business ventures.

sscp is looking to significantly increase their holdings as they build a larger presence in the commercial real estate world, focusing on acquiring retail and additional multifamily properties nationwide

contact: Kerry a ssa, director of real Estate: 214-926-4873 (Kerry’s cell) or 972-644-9494 x 128 (real Estate general box)



10 years, is targeting qualified and experienced multi-unit groups to develop in dynamic markets across the country.

t he brand prides itself on its cooked-to-order fresh food and strong devoted fanbase, also known as “ slimthusiasts.” Fans also resonate with the southern contemporary look and feel and open and inviting layout of slim chickens restaurants, which speak to the hospitality mindset that anchors the brand.

t he slim chickens franchise opportunity differentiates itself with prime markets available for multi-unit development, a passionate leadership team and world-class franchisee support system. a s slim chickens expands, it is awarding franchise opportunities to qualified, experienced and passionate multi-unit groups looking to add a dynamic segment to their portfolio.

For more information on the slim chickens franchise opportunity, visit

meal packs. Every meal pack contains 5 meals with all of the required ingredients for each dish, all that’s left is to prep, serve, and enjoy.

For those looking to be a bit more involved in the meal prep process, southern steer also offers prep classes. t he classes are designed for each participant to fully prep and pack 10 meals, each serving a family of 4-5. continuing to be a hit among customers, with many returning to the classes again and again to prep delicious meals for the whole family, and maybe learn a thing or two in the process.

For more information about southern steer butcher’s franchising options, please visit

Mach onE and paint corps normally have a $25,000 Franchise Fee (some of the lowest in their industries), but offer the first five a steep $15,000 discount.

FiELd ops, already a low $10,000 Fee, offers a 50% discount for the first five takers.

Veterans joining the Veteran service brands family enjoy instant camaraderie, proven systems in high demand businesses, group discounts, and more.

Vsb is actively recruiting qualified veterans across the country to join our team.

Vsb is already the largest veteran-only franchise system and expects to triple its size in the next 12-18 months.

For more information, visit

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a-Z listings are a great way to promote your Business Making an appearance every month in Franchising USA magazine. each detailed, 4 color A-Z listing comes with a 150 word write up and your logo. e xcellent for branding and recognition. Choose a 12 or 6 month package or simply add the a-Z directory onto your fOCuS, pROfilE or ad! To learn about the a-Z directory or any other products, please contact Vikki bradbury:

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