JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2021 A (NOT SO) "FOND FAREWELL" TO 2020! As the iconic crystal-encrusted ball prepares to drop over Times Square, and we close the book on 2020, we look forward with renewed hope that things will only get brighter the coming year. As we say goodbye remain laser-focused ranked Coral Gables can provide you with and grow.
to 2020, we choose to on how we, as your #1 Chamber of Commerce, opportunities to connect
Jan. 8 | Chamber Engagement 101, Zoom Jan. 8 | Business Book Club, Zoom Jan. 12 | New Year’s Networker @ The Biltmore Jan. 19 | Women’s Business Network Luncheon, Zoom Jan. 20 | Dear 46: A Love Letter From the Business Community to Our New President, Zoom Jan. 21 | Good Morning Coral Gables @ The Biltmore With that mantra, we will begin to safely introduce Jan. 27 | Trustee & GEM Investors Luncheon, Zoom several in-person events to the line-up of oppor-
tunites we have created just for you, the epicenter of our organization, our valued members!
The month of January is chock-full of carefully curated networking and professional development programming, starting with our RE-Connect Luncheon (a crowd favorite, even in the virtual space) and Wind Down Wednesday at Coral Gables' brand new open-air brewery, Bay 13 Brewery & Kitchen, both hosted on January 6th. With safety as our top priority, we will continue to engage our membership every step of the way. And, we encourage you to mark your calendars for all of these upcoming events:
IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair
Page 2
President’s Perspective
Page 3
Trustee Talk
Page 4
Save the Date!
Page 5
Membership Highlights
Page 6
January Calendar
Page 7
February Calendar
Page 8
Sponsor Recognition
Page 9
coralgableschamber.org | CHAMBER CONNECTION | January - February 2021