JULY - AUGUST 2020 CHECK OUT OUR NEW DIGS! After 15 years on Catalonia Avenue, and just in time for our organization’s 95th anniversary, your #1 ranked Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce will be moving to a brand new home at the intersection of “Main & Main” of our business community – Alhambra Circle and Ponce de Leon Boulevard! To better serve you, our members and generous investors, we are thrilled to return to our roots in Downtown Coral Gables. We will open the doors to our new home - and our community's own Welcome Center – at 201 Alhambra Circle, Suite 100, later this summer. This engaging, ground-floor retail space will allow us to provide you with a more complete array of Chamber services, greater visibility and higher-level business support than ever before. Fully connected, designed and equipped to function in today’s fast-paced, integrated business climate, our new space will boast two state-of-the-art conference rooms (one named in honor of The Allen Morris Company), a sleek, modern office design by Anabella Smith of Zyscovich Architects, plug-and-play areas to connect and collaborate with your fellow members, and a fully outward-facing Welcome Center, curated by Cristina Miller of Intermedia Touch, for the entire South Florida community to engage around! Stay-tuned for more updates on our new home as we continue to make progress with the build-out and move-in.
IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair
Page 2
President’s Perspective
Page 3
Trustee Talk
Page 5
The City Beautiful Magazine Page 6 Save These Dates!
Page 7
Membership Highlights
Page 8
Chamber Calendar
Page 9
Sponsor Recognition
coralgableschamber.org | CHAMBER CONNECTION | July - August 2020
Page 10