With that, we invite you to take part in March!
As the weather starts to change and the colors We have created a plethora of opportunities for of Spring begin to bloom, our Chamber wants you to connect and grow; now,check them out below: to help your business blossom this year! rd With the one-year anniversary of the COVID-19 shutdowns on the horizon, our Chamber leadership, after much thought, planning and consideration, has decided that now is the time to gather again. With all saftey precautions in mind, we will begin to have some limited capacity, in-person events, open to those who wish to connect face-to-face. Not a single industry has been spared from the widespread effects of the pandemic, and we as a Chamber remain hyper-focused on creating opportunities for you, and your business, to flourish in 2021. As we begin dipping our toes into the water, we will continue to encourage you to get involved with one of our great committees or register to attend an event. Don't fret, there will still be plently of programming available in the virtual space. With inclusiveness as a primary operating principle under Chairman Brian Barakat's leadership, we will continue to Come Together for you, our devoted and valued members!
March 3 | RE-Connect Luncheon March 3rd | Wind Down Wednesday @ 77 Sport Bar - LIVE! March 5th | Trow Knows CEOs March 9th | Trustee & GEM Investors Reception March 11th | Candidates Forum March 13th | Illuminate Coral Gables Dims March 16th | Women’s Business Network Luncheon March 17th | IMPACT: A Seminar Series for Small Business March 18th | Good Morning Coral Gables Brunch Marrch 24th | Trustee & GEM Investors Luncheon
IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair
Page 2
President’s Perspective
Page 3
Trustee Talk
Page 4
Save the Date!
Page 5
Membership Highlights
Page 6
March Calendar
Page 7
April Calendar
Page 8
Sponsor Recognition
Page 9 | CHAMBER CONNECTION | March - April 2021