Chamber CONNECTion | September - October 2019

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GAME ON! The month of September brings, in our humble opinion, the - slightly premature - arrival of Pumpkin Spice Lattes and the start of South Florida's faux Fall - it also heralds the start of a new Chamber year.

speakers, including Dr. Shalom Saar, Frank Beamer, Butch Davis, Adriene McCoy, Udonis Haslem, Daniella Levine Cava, Randy Moller and Jeremy Walls.

Although all of their messages were different, these individuals had a common theme - success, Our beloved Patrick O'Connell will now join a pres- teamwork, and surround yourself with great peotigious list of 'Past Chairs' as we welcome our new ple. Chair of the Board, Nelson Lazo, CEO of Doctors Whether on the sidelines, in the office, in front of Hospital, to the helm of our Chamber. the board room, or on the court, this talent really If you attended our Annual Conference on August set the tone for what is going to be an exciting and 22nd - 23rd, you got a glimpse of what's to come engaging Chamber year. throughout the course of this next year. If you didn't, then it's time to kick it into high gear be- Stay tuned. We're on a mission to help you boost your business, expand your network, get engaged cause from here on out, it's Game On! in the community, build a winning team and crush We started things off with an all star line-up of your goals.

IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair Page 2 President’s Perspective Page 3 Trustee Talk

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Upcoming Events

Page 6

Membership Highlights Page 8 Calendar of Events

Page 9

Sponsor Recognition

Page 10 │ CHAMBER CONNECTION │September - October 2019

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