SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2020 CHAMBER 1ST! YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR #1 PRIORITY As we "Come Together" as a Chamber and community, our goal is to help our local businesses survive, strive and thrive! Our Chairman, Brian Barakat, has made it one of his priorities that we commit to do business with fellow Chamber members "1st" - and as often as possible. We encourage you to switch from a current vendor (who is not a Chamber member) to one who is. Many offer discounts to fellow Chamber investors and others make you their top priority. They value your business, just as we do. If you are not comfortable switching vendors out of your own loyalty, we get that; so then why not, bring them into our fold. Invite them to be a Gables Chamber member, making them part of our 1,600+ Coral Gables Chamber family. It is our priority and mission to grow the local business community; thus, our Coral Gables Chamber of Commerce wants to remind all of YOU that one way to make an impact is doing business with YOUR fellow Chamber members 1st. Please consider making "Buying Chamber" a priority in your procurement of goods and services! The Chamber 1 Program encourages this! We ask that YOU help us save our local businesses and grow our organization by doing business with one another. Thank you! st
IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair
Page 2
President’s Perspective
Page 3
Trustee Talk
Page 5
The City Beautiful Magazine Page 6 Save These Dates!
Page 7
Membership Highlights
Page 8
Chamber Calendar
Page 9
Sponsor Recognition | CHAMBER CONNECTION | September - October 2020
Page 10