Chamber CONNECTion | September - October 2021

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SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2021 HAPPY NEW CHAMBER YEAR! And just like that, our 2020 - 2021 Chamber year comes to an end and a new fiscal year begins! We look forward to this coming year with hopes of Re-Uniting and Re-Engaging with every single one of you under the leadership of our new Chair of the Board, Ana Chaoui. Ana is the Senior Vice President & Market Manager of Grove Bank & Trust. Not only has she worked in Coral Gables for many years, but for nearly two decades she has also chosen Coral Gables as her go to place to live, work and play. Here are a few things you may not know about Ana:

IN THIS ISSUE: Thoughts from our Chair

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• Her life motto is “People make plans and God laughs” • She loves disco music • She takes her Cuban espresso with real sugar and extra foam! (emphasis on the foam)

President’s Perspective

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Hot off the Presses!

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As we reminisce upon how we all "came together" under the leadship of our now Immediate Past Chairman Brian Barakat, we look to continue to build upon all we have accomplished as a Chamber during his Chairmanship this past year and welcome Ana with new energy and an open mind.

Save the Date!

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Membership Highlights

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September Calendar

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Trustee Talk

October Calendar

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