BY CHARITY MEIER cmeier@candgnews.com
The Hindu festival of Navaratri is celebrated over a nine-day span every fall, typically in October. During the festival, women traditionally have Golu (religious doll displays) set up in their homes and invite friends and family to view them.
“We invite our neighbors, friends, family and we treat each of them as goddesses themselves and we offer them food, they come and view the display and they offer their good wishes and blessings,” said Raje Angamuthu, of Sterling Heights. “It’s nine nights of getting together, praying and socializing.”
The displays are similar in that they consist of the same gods and goddesses, but there are multiple variations of the dolls themselves, much like various Christian Nativity scenes. The Golu is often displayed in different orders to tell a different Hindu story.
“No two doll displays are the same,” said Shuba Ganapathy, of Novi.
Every year, Hindu women travel all over, often visiting
See NAVARATRI on page 9A
BY CHARITY MEIER cmeier@candgnews.com
The Motor City Comic Con, which is set to take over the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi Nov. 8-10, has a reputation for bringing in phenomenal celebrity guests, and the lineup for the third annual fall convention does not cease to amaze. This year’s lineup includes: Freddy Krueger himself, Robert Englund; Wayne Knight, better known as Newman from the TV sitcom “Seinfeld”; Priscilla Presley; the voice actors behind the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Cam Clarke, Townsend Coleman, Barry Gordon and Rob Paulsen; Star Trek’s
See COMIC on page 10A
Waltonwood supports residents’ active and independent lifestyles and removes the worry that seniors — and their family members — often experience when they’re living on their own. Move to Waltonwood and spend time doing the things that make you happy. We’ll take care of the rest.
3A/ NOVI NOTE • OCTOBER 10, 2024
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BY CHARITY MEIER cmeier@candgnews.com
A 59-year-old Novi woman was killed after she exited her vehicle following a car crash Oct. 3.
According to a press release, the crash oc-
curred on South Wixom Road near Sams Way at around 10:14 a.m. A 94-year-old Milford Township woman was driving a 2010 Nissan Versa southbound on Wixom Road when she failed to stop for a traffic light at Sams Way and struck the Novi woman’s vehicle, which was stopped, accord-
ing to Wixom police and the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office.
Following the crash, the Novi woman got out of her vehicle and was standing near the driver’s door when she was run over by the Nissan Versa,
BY CHARITY MEIER cmeier@candgnews.com
COMMERCE TOWNSHIP — The Glenlore Trails “Enchanted” forest experience, an immersive and interactive Halloween light show, opened for its fourth season on Sept. 21.
The “Enchanted” forest walk has various interactive experiences for guests to enjoy as they walk the milelong trail. This includes a section with a giant pumpkin telling people to slow down as he “doesn’t like fast food,” a bubble tunnel, a fortune teller, several interactive light games, talking skeletons, howling wolves in the woods and much more.
“The trails are intended to provide moments of inspiration, reignite our sense of wonder and play, and deliver those who venture in with a sense of peaceful euphoria that comes from creating memories with friends and family,” said Scott Schoeneberger, cofounder of Glenlore Trails and managing partner of Bluewater Technologies, which operates the trails.
Schoeneberger describes the trails as “part art installation, part light show and part interactive storytelling.”
In the Novi Note’s coverage area, voters will select candidates for federal, state, county, judicial and local offices in the Nov. 5 election. There is also a countywide parks and recreation millage on the ballot, and
Six candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Elissa Slotkin
Age: 47
Occupation: U.S. Representative (MI-07)
Municipality of residence: Holly
For how long: Grew up in Michigan; I now live on my family farm Online campaign information: elissaslotkin.org
Education: Cornell University - College of Agriculture and Life Science, Bachelor’s Degree and Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs, Master of International Affairs
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (Formerly MI-08, now MI-07 due to redistricting): Top goals: My number one priority is to make it easier for Michiganders to get into the middle class. Michigan invented the middle class by maintaining a strong union presence and making investments in small businesses. We can keep people there by reducing healthcare costs, putting Americans on the path to homeownership and making more critical items in America. I am committed to restoring the national standard set by Roe, and ensuring voting rights for every American.
Mike Rogers
Age: 61
Occupation: Candidate for U.S. Senate, Army Veteran, Former Congressman, State Senator, and FBI Special Agent.
Municipality of residence: Brighton, MI
For how long: Nearly 50 years Online campaign information: rogersforsenate.com
Education: Adrian College and the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (20012015), Michigan State Senator (1995-2000)
residents of the Walled Lake and Northville school districts have a ballot question to consider.
Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word
Top goals: Families are struggling under the current administration and are desperately in need of relief from the high costs of gas and groceries. As a Congressman, I earned a reputation as someone who got results for Michiganders by working across the aisle, and in the Senate, I’ll bring my experience to slash inflation, lower the cost of living for families, and secure our southern border to stop the flow of crime and deadly drugs.
Joseph Solis-Mullen
Age: 35
Occupation: Economist, Political Scientist, and Research Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, Author, and Professor of History at SAU
Municipality of residence: Marshall
For how long: Five Years
Online campaign information: https://solismullen4senate.com
Education: BA in English and Political Science, Spring Arbor University; MA in Political Science, University of Illinois; MA in Economics, University of Missouri; PhD in History, Liberty University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Eliminate the Federal Reserve, IRS, and Pentagon, all foreign aid, Social Security and Medicare, the Department of Education, DEA and ATF, institute federal elections by lottery and oneterm limits on those who serve, eliminate omnibus bills and continuing resolutions: basically, everything about the way Washington D.C. does business as usual needs to be scrapped, and Democrats and Republicans love their own power and privilege too much to ever do anything but continue to sail (…)
U.S. Taxpayers
Dave Stein
Age: 54 yrs old
Occupation: Retired CDL A Operator, Investing
Municipality of residence: Residence in Essexville MI.
For how long: Lived here my whole life Online campaign information:
limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim except where material is omitted due to personal attacks, items we know to be false, or blatant misrepresentations. Unopposed candidates are listed by name only.
Education: Some college, Trade school certificates: Heating and air conditioning, Building trades, Electronics, Heavy Equipment, CDL A, Metal fabrication,Tool making, Grinding, 3D Printing. Private studies: Common law 3 years and ongoing, cooking. IQ=156
Previously and currently held elected offices: Political experience: First time directly other that participation in local committee’s
Top goals: To stop abortion abuse. Abortion should not be used as birth control and only in extreme circumstances allowed. e.g. allow abortion for incest, rape, deformation, disease, threat to Mothers life. Children have a right to live. Alternative to being a parent is adoption. Ending the war machine and concentrating on American born business. Social Security monies go to heirs. Close Border. Require legal US Citizenship to vote.
Green Party
Douglas P. Marsh
Age: 40
Occupation: Journalist
Municipality of residence: West Branch
For how long: No answer given. Online campaign information: https://www.electmarsh.us
Education: University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given
Top goals: I want to join a full-court press for Medicare-forAll (single-payer model), housing reforms and rent controls, public education funding, cleaning up PFAs and replacing Flint’s pipes, environmentally sustainable energy and transportation infrastructure investments, stopping money and weapons for war, and stopping the flow of oil through Michigan’s watersheds.
Natural Law Party
Doug Dern
Age: 62
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Highland MI
For how long: 22 years
Online campaign information: www.dougdern.com
Education: University of Oklahoma, Thomas Cooley Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: n/a
Top goals: Lots of reform that does not get media attention. Bankruptcy reform needs to be looked at on a national level. Expansion of exemptions, and stricter rules on Chapter 13 Trustees. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act needs reformed because it has not been changed since the 1970’s.
National Changes for third party ballot access. Push for a flat tax across the board equal to all. Promotion for health consciousness and cleaning up the toxic food and (...)
District 6
Four candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for the position is $174,000.
Debbie Dingell
Age: 70
Occupation: U.S. Representative
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: 2 years Online campaign information: debbiedingellforcongress.com
Education: B.S. in Foreign Services and an M.S. in Liberal Studies from Georgetown University
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative, elected in 2014, Wayne State Board of Governors, 20062014
Top goals: People must have their voices heard and have a seat at the table as policy is being developed. If re-elected, I will continue building coalitions, listening to different perspectives, and bringing everyone together to try to find common ground to solve this problems that matter to
people, including bringing down everyday costs, expanding access to health care, creating good-paying American jobs, protecting the environment, and combating climate change.
Republican Heather Smiley Age: 61
Occupation: Ford Retiree: Global Strategy & Business Engagement Manager, Data Insights & Analytics
Municipality of residence: Riverview
For how long: 25 years Online campaign information: https://smileyforcongress.com/
Education: Master of Science in Administration (MSA), Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Republican Precinct Delegate Top goals:
• Civil Rights: Protect Constitutional rights and ensure equal protection, rule of law, and citizen voting integrity
• Economic Strength: Work smarter/eliminate waste, balance the budget, pay off debt, protect/increase reciprocal trade, energy independence, curb regulation, unleash the free market, stimulate the economy
• National Sovereignty: Restore border security & remediate issues, bring back jobs outsourced to other countries, strengthen domestic manufacturing & food chain, restrict foreign land ownership, prioritize cyber security, and restore/build military capability
Libertarian Bill Krebaum Age: 70
Occupation: Barber, proprietor of Pitt’s Barber Shop, Ann Arbor
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: ~ 39 years
Online campaign information: krebaum.com
Education: University of Michigan, Eastern Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: No offices held
Top goals: I want to give voters the chance to elect someone who is not beholden to the military-industrial
complex, which controls U.S. foreign policy and creates wars for profit. No more CIA assassinations, coups and regime-change wars. Slash federal spending, abolish the Dept. of Education, end the failed War on Drugs. Reform immigration laws and secure the borders. Suspend foreign aid until we have a balanced budget, defund Israel and Ukraine.
Age: 62
Occupation: Works for Uber Technologies
Inc and a Musician, Writer and Performer Municipality of residence: Detroit
For how long: 35 years
Online campaign information: VoteClydeShabazz.com
Education: Oakland High School in California couse work at OCC and Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: No
Top goals: I support lineage-based cash reparations for black Americans descended from chattel slavery of $1500.00 a month. This I feel would address the median income wealth gap between black and white Americans. Also, a onetime 4-year $4.00 transaction tax on the New York Stock Exchange for its role with the banking, insurance & railroad industries profiting in the genocide of Chattel Slavery. I also support a $1000.00 a mo. UBI for Americans making 65K or less.
Three candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Haley Stevens Age: 41
Occupation: Congresswoman from Michigan’s 11th District
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: First Seaholm Grad to Congress!
Online campaign information: https://haleystevensforcongress.com
Education: I received both a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy and a M.A. in Social Policy and Philosophy from American University.
Previously and currently held elected offices: I am serving my third term as the Congresswoman for Michigan’s 11th district.
Top goals: I am running for re-election to build on my legislative track record for Oakland County. Whether on trade, manufacturing, or education issues; I have passed laws to meet the needs of our district. As can be seen by the 200+ visits to manufacturers through my Manufacturing Monday program and the CHIPS act, our district’s families remain my top priority. We also must protect our LGBTQ+ community and install nationwide reproductive care. I remain committed to equality and justice for all.
Nick Somberg
Age: 35
Occupation: Attorney, Entrepreneur
Municipality of residence: Oakland County, Michigan
For how long: 2007
Online campaign information: www.NickSomberg.com
J.D., Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School
B.A., Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals are to restore the Constitution, ensure government accountability, and reduce inflation by cutting wasteful spending. I will fight to secure our borders, defend free speech, and protect the Second Amendment. My focus is on improving economic freedom, securing energy independence, and protecting the rights of families and individuals from government overreach.
Green Party
Douglas Campbell
Age: 65 years
Occupation: Registered Professional Engineer, semi-retired
Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information: https://migreenparty.org
Education: Bachelor’s degree
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Top goals: Embargo weapons shipments to belligerent nations.
Re-introduce John Conyer’s H.R.676Medicare For All.
Overturn Citizens United and eliminate corrupt money from elections.
Amend the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act to include digital electronics & software. Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and restore the protections of the Wagner Act.
Implement James Hansen’s Fee & Dividend program for fossil fuels.
Repeal the Trump tax cuts for billionaires & corporations.
Raise the federal minimum wage; index it to inflation.
Three candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for the position is $71,685.
Kelly Breen
Age: 46
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 18 years
Online campaign information: votekellybreen.com
Education: Graduate of Northville High School; B.A. from Michigan State University/James Madison College; J.D. from Wayne State Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Novi City Council Member, State Representative HD 38, State Representative HD 21
Top goals: Continue with massive investments into education & community services to include revenue sharing. I’ve had 7 bipartisan packages signed into law, with an additional 3 public acts, in several areas to include common sense gun laws, protecting nurses and other victims of abuse, juvenile justice and more. I intend to continue to work on legislation to improve school safety, reform guardianship and reduce elder abuse, combat human trafficking, improve consumer protections, and hold insurance companies accountable.
Thomas Konesky
Age: 53
Occupation: Residential Real Estate Appraiser
Municipality of residence: Lyon Township House District 21
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information: votetomkonesky.com
Education: Graduate 1989 River Rouge High School
MSU 1989 to 1992, Middleton Real Estate Training
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: The top campaign goal is to advocate for a Michigan government that fosters a business-friendly environment, promoting policies that reduce regulatory burdens, lower taxes, and encourage innovation. By creating a stable, efficient infrastructure and supporting workforce development, the state can attract and retain businesses, boosting economic growth and job creation. The objective is to empower the private sector to thrive, contributing to Michigan’s long-term prosperity and competitiveness on a national and global scale.
Libertarian James K. Young
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $221,336.
David Coulter
Age: 64 years
Occupation: Oakland County Executive Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 33 years Online campaign information: www.friendsofdavecoulter.com
Education: Bachelor’s Degree Michigan State University, Executive Education Certificate John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Executive 2019-present, Mayor of Ferndale- 20102019, Oakland County Commissioner2002-2010.
ing to lower costs by making housing more affordable, improving public transportation, expanding mental health services, and protecting women’s health care.
Republican Nik Gjonaj
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $191,281.
Karen McDonald
Age: 54
Occupation: Oakland County Prosecutor Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 16 years Birmingham; Oakland County 29 years
Online campaign information: McDonaldForProsecutor.com
Education: Wayne State Law School (1998), Alma College (1992)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Circuit Court Judge Top goals: Keeping Oakland County safe by working with law enforcement to keep dangerous criminals off the streets. Holding Criminals Accountable, including the Oxford High School shooter and his parents, while also fighting for justice for crime victims and their families. Focusing resources on our Gun Violence Task Force, Trafficking Unit, and Hate Crimes Unit - crimes that have a huge impact on our community. Preventing future crime through the Commission to Address Gun Violence.
Republican Scott Farida Age: 34
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: Approximately 30 years
Online campaign information: www.faridaforprosecutor.com
Top goals: By working across party lines, I have made balancing the budget and preserving Oakland County’s AAA bond rating a top priority. I have also secured key investments in public safety, water quality and educational opportunities. We are work-
Top goals: We must depoliticize prosecution and re-focus on public safety and victim advocacy. Every single person in our community, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identifier, has the right to live their life free from being victimized. Our community has seen huge spikes in crime and some of the worst offenders undercharged or pleaded down. My goal is to be fair and proportional, not to trade one political extreme for another.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,295.
Democrat Amrit Kohli
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Republican Michael J. Bouchard
Age: 68
Occupation: Oakland County Sheriff
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield
For how long: 8 years
Online campaign information: www.sheriffbouchard.com
• Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice and Police Administration, Michigan State University, Honor Student
• Graduate of the United States Secret Service in Dignitary Protection Program
• Graduate of the FBI National Executive Institute Program (NEI)
• Mid-Michigan Law Enforcement Center, Valedictorian
• Graduate of the National Sheriff’s Institute
• Graduate of Darden’s Program for emerging Political Leaders, University of Virginia
• Toll Fellow, Council of State Governments in conjunction with the University of Kentucky
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Sheriff, State Senator, State Representative, Beverly Hills Village Council
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The annual salary for the position is $170,761.
Lisa Brown
Age: 57
Occupation: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds
Municipality of Residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: over 30 years Online campaign information: www.lisabrown4michigan.com
Education: Earned Bachelor of Science degree at Michigan State University and Juris Doctor at the Detroit College of Law; also earned the national designation of Certified Elections/ Registration Administrator (CERA), the highest credential for those in the elections profession
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds (2013 to present); Michigan State Representative (2009-2012)
Top goals: To continue running a Clerk/ Register of Deeds office that serves as a model for the state, receiving local and nationwide acclaim for excellence and innovation
Coordinated with local clerks to increase transparency, save taxpayer dollars, and make elections more secure, efficient, and cost effective with the Oakland County Absentee Voter counting board and administering Early Voting for 45 communities
Increased protections for property owners against fraud by implementing the first-of-its-kind Property Records Notification service
Education: Juris Doctore from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Graduated Cum Laude; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Minor in History from Oakland University, Graduated Magna Cum Laude; Detroit Catholic Central High School; St. Hugo of the Hills School Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: As Sheriff, my top goal is to ensure the safety and security of everyone in Oakland County. I will continue to focus on keeping kids and our schools safe, reducing crime, improving emergency response times, enhancing mental health resources in law enforcement and boosting training. By building strong community partnerships and investing in cutting-edge training and technology, we’ll protect our neighborhoods while maintaining trust and transparency in the Sheriff’s Office. Public safety is not partisan.
Age: An active, youthful & healthy 70 year old
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of Residence: Charter Township of Independence
For how long: ≈ 20 years Online campaign information: www.VotePallotta.com
Education: Associates - Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: Charter Township of Independence: Appointed as Clerk February 201, Charter Township
of Independence: Elected as Clerk November 2012, Charter Township of Independence: Re-elected as Clerk February 2016
Top goals: Advocate for election integrity and local control of elections. Enacted proposals (2018 Proposal 3 and 2022 Proposal 2) weakens election integrity and directly impacts the sovereignty of local control.
Initiate immediate alerts about potential fraud activity to secure all Register of Deed property records 24/7.
Reassess online services and the merit of associated fees to improve access to public records. Develop a “NO FEE” policy for all electronic public records NOT subject to statutory exemption.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for the position is $170,761.
Robert Wittenberg
Age: 43
Occupation: Oakland County Treasurer
Municipality of residence: Huntington Woods
For how long: 29 Years
Online campaign information: www.RobertWittenberg.com
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Indiana University
Previously and currently held elected offices:
State Representative - 1/1/2015 –12/31/2020
Oakland County Treasurer - 7/1/2021Current
Top goals: We accomplished a lot during my first term (lowest tax foreclosures, updated investment policy, increased efficiency/transparency, etc.), but the work is not done. My top priorities will continue to be protecting the financial security of every resident in Oakland County, maintaining our AAA Bond rating, and keeping Oakland County a wonderful place to live and work. I will do all I can to secure taxpayer dollars, preserve property values, and prevent foreclosure.
Donna Blake
Age: 65
Occupation: CFO & Small Business
Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 24 Years
Online campaign information: Donna Blake for Oakland County Treasurer on Facebook
Education: Bachelor of Accountancy Walsh
College, CPA State of Michigan, Executive MBA Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oxford Republican Delegate 3 twoyear terms
Top goals: As a former FBI Forensic Accountant, I’m passionate about rooting out wasteful spending and any misuse of funds. Let’s not be spending county taxpayer dollars for illegal immigration, DEI initiatives, or empty buses driving around Oakland County. I will accelerate the return of taxpayer money that was illegal taken through tax foreclosures. After cutting costs, I will support property tax cuts. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together without wasting a dime.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,761.
Democrat Jim Nash
Age: 67
Occupation: Water Resources Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information: nash4wrc.com
Education: Florida State University, Bachelor’s in Political Science, minor in peace studies (1988)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I served as Oakland County Commissioner representing Farmington Hills from 2005 to 2013. I have been the elected Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner since 2013, now ending my third term.
Top goals: Continue my collaborative work with communities across Oakland County and the region to make our stormwater systems resilient to extreme weather brought by climate change and use our wastewater resources to replace fossil fuels with less expensive renewable energy. My mission is to protect our citizen’s health
and safety, conserve our natural resources, continue our high-quality services, pursue sustainable/efficient infrastructure investments, protect economic prosperity for all our communities, promote public education and seek public input.
Steven Johnson
Age: 66
Occupation: Consultant
Municipality of residence: Highland For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information: Steven-Johnson.com
• MBA, Masters of Business Administration, Plymouth State University - University System of NH
• Graduate Certificate, Strategic Marketing Management, Plymouth State UniversityUniversity System of NH
• BS Business Management & Economics, SUNY- State University of New York
• Harvard University JFK School, Certificate US Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies
• AS, Associate Degree in Business Management - Oakland Community College + Certificate: Business Entrepreneurship
• AA, Associate Degree in Liberal ArtsOakland Community College
• US Navy training: Advanced Electronics - Data Systems, electricity/electronics, computer systems
Previously and currently held elected offices: No other public office.
Top goals: If elected the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, I am committed to protecting and being a good steward of our resources.
High-priority items:
• Nanoplastics and Microplastics
• Water Affordability
• Sustainable Water Management Practices
• Enhancing Water Efficiency
• Protecting and Restoring Wetlands
• Safety for non-municipal water residents
– Well and Septic
• Reducing Operational Emissions
• Safe use of fertilizers, chemicals, salt
• Resilient Infrastructure Water, Sewer, Stormwater
• Supporting Renewable Energy Initiatives
• Public Engagement and Education
There are two candidates running for one four-year term. The salary for the position is $45,131.
Ajay V. Raman
Age: 48
Occupation: Oakland County Commissioner and Physician Anesthesiologist
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 13 years
Online campaign information: 2024.voteajayraman.com
Education: Medical Doctor (D.O.), Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (B.S.)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Current Oakland County Commissioner, 14th District
Top goals: Serving as the Vice-Chair of the Finance Committee, my highest priorities are transparency, fiscal responsibility and being a good steward of taxpayer dollars. With that in mind, I will continue to support our first responders to keep our communities safe, invest in infrastructure to maintain our roads/bridges/sewers, protect our valuable natural resources, and expand local mental health programming. I value the trust you’ve placed in me, and hope to continue building upon this strong foundation.
Robert Smiley
Age: 55
Occupation: Graphic Design/Marketing
Municipality of residence: Wixom
For how long: 15 years Online campaign information: smileyforcommish.com
Education: BFA, Center for Creative Studies, 1992
Previously and currently held elected offices: Wixom City Council, 2016-present
Top goals: The BOC has been on an unprecedented spending spree. Since 2018, property taxes are up 44%! I’ll cut items like the wasteful move of the county offices to downtown Pontiac at an estimated cost of $140 million. There is also the $1 million spent on 4 DEI administrators. There are additional items in the budget like these that can be cut without hurting county services. Once the budget is cut, we can reduce taxes.
from page 1A
eight to 20 homes a night during the festival.
This year, to help ease their friends’ burden of traveling long distances to view numerous displays across the metro Detroit area, three local women decided to bring their Golu to two central locations, Fuerst Park in Novi and Raintree Park in Troy.
“We usually go from Ann Arbor to Auburn Hills and some, like, hundred people invite us and hundred women visit us. It gets hard to accommodate every house within the nine days,” said Vidya Venkatesh, of Canton, who co-organized the event with Ganapathy and Angamuthu. “So, this time we decided that, hey, we are going to bring our Golu to your location to make it easier.”
Angamuthu said that she felt they had a nice turnout at each of the two events with 60-70 people attending during the two hours they had their Golu on display at each location. Venkatesh said that attendees at both locations were thankful that they didn’t have to drive far to view their Golu.
“They can all come and see it in one place and they don’t have to go to multiple houses,” Angamuthu said.
“It’s very unique and I think it’s very imaginative of them to do that to bring it here,” said Nachu Vella, of Novi. “It’s nice too that I don’t have to go far. It’s close by.”
Vella said she also liked that they did it with a nature backdrop, as nature is very significant in Hinduism.
“It’s easier this way,” said Raj Sivakamar, of Farmington Hills. “Instead of carting my wife around to all these places, I can just cut my chauffeur duties in half.”
Roger Natarajan, program director of actuarial science at the University of Michigan, said that by holding the event in this format, more people can come together in one place and that he hopes that by publicizing the event, it will promote a broader understanding of Hindu culture.
Ganapathy’s husband, Sri, said the holiday is about female empowerment and that women and men are equal.
“I don’t want to get too far into it, but there is Shiva and Shakti, husband and wife. They are god and goddess. So it is to kind of represent that they are both the same,” Sri Ganapathy said.
Navaratri celebrates Shakti, goddess of strength and energy; Saraswati, goddess of education; and Lakshmi, goddess of wealth.
Angamuthu said women in all forms are celebrated during the holiday. She said it celebrates women’s joy and strength, which is brought out in all the forms of the goddesses they celebrate.
“The energy of women. That’s what we celebrate,” she said.
Angamuthu, who works for the U.S. Army and is on a diversity, equity and inclusion team, said that by explaining the festival to the public, she hopes that people will gain some understanding of her culture and be more willing to open their eyes to other cultures.
“At the basic essence, it’s a celebration of people and women. It is a sense of community, a sense of joy together,” she said of Navaratri.
“Most of it is live your life well — in a good way, and here’s some ways to be a good person, think good, do good,” said Angamuthu. “That’s what all our gods represent. Basically, they represent good over evil. How to be closer to god and not attach to worldly things. Those are the lessons that all of our history and culture teaches us, which I think is universal.”
Call Staff Writer Charity Meier at (586) 498-1092.
which “for reasons still under investigation, but not believed to be intentional,” accelerated forward.
The force of the second crash forced the Novi woman’s 2024 Honda CR-V into the vehicle stopped ahead of it, a 2022 Ford F-350, which was being driven by a 60-yearold man from Wolverine Lake.
The woman was then trapped under the Nissan Versa, which stopped a short distance after the initial crash. She was taken via Huron Valley Ambulance to Ascension Providence Park Hospital in Novi where she died from her injuries, police said.
The drivers of the other vehicles were not physically injured as a result of the crash, according to a report from the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office. Both are cooperating with police investigators.
Drugs and alcohol are not believed to be factors in the incident. The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office Crash Reconstruction Unit is assisting officers from the Wixom Police Department with the investigation of the crash.
Call Staff Writer Charity Meier at (586) 498-1092.
George Takei; and Alan Ruck, who is known for his role as Cameron Frye in the cult classic “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.”
“A lot of the times we will try and look at anniversaries that are happening,” Sam Yankee, show manager of MC3, said of the guest selection process. “We have Ray Park, and it’s the 25th anniversary, I believe, of (‘Star Wars: Episode I — The) Phantom Menace’ coming up, and then, I believe, we also have the anniversary of the Ninja Turtles. But that is a really good indicator. … Yeah, people like to celebrate those big events.”
Yankee said that original actors for the various fandoms are always going to be popular because they started it all.
“I also think that with some of the original actors and the original voice actors from movies, you are hitting different generations,” said Beth Burland, MC3 show manager. “So, maybe you watched it with your parents and now you’re showing that to your children. So it just carries on.”
Yankee said they also like to ‘gear a little bit more towards horror” for the fall show and bring in guests who are known for their roles in horror films, such as Englund.
“Horror icons are what we try to get as well,” she said.
This year the show will be presenting two off-site movie events at the Emagine Theatre in Novi with celebrity guest Q&A sessions. Knight will host a screening of “Jurassic Park”
on Nov. 8, and Englund will host a presentation of “Nightmare on Elm Street” on Nov. 9. Tickets for Englund’s presentation have already sold out, but there are still some seats available for Knight’s. Tickets run $40, which is in addition to the cost of MC3 admission. Both tickets must be purchased to attend the screening.
There is also a lot of crossover between the various fandoms and other fields, such as with the multiplatinum rapper Logic, who will also be a celebrity guest this fall. The rapper’s music has been featured in several comic movies and he has recently worked on a movie with cult favorite director Kevin Smith.
“I don’t think we want to limit ourselves in any way,” said Burland. “If we can get a different or interesting celebrity in, then we’re going to do it.”
“A lot of people think comic cons are just comics, and while that is definitely where we started and where the heart of our show is, our slogan is, ‘Pop culture, it’s what we do!’ and we really cover anything that falls into pop culture,” said Yankee.
Aside from the celebrities there are numerous other activities for guests to partake in.
“One of the things we are doing different this year is that we are having a tabletop gaming room,” Burland said. “Throughout the whole entire show, every hour you can go and learn how to play a different game, or you and your friends can just go in and pick a different game. There are over 75 different games to choose from.”
A schedule for the games, and slots to sign up is posted
on the show’s website. The games include Magic: The Gathering, Dungeons & Dragons, Catan and more.
There will also be a Magic: The Gathering tournament from 5 to 8 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. The cost to participate in the tournament is $5, and prizes will be given to the winners. Guests will also have the opportunity to paint figurines from games and make friendship bracelets for no additional cost.
There will also be traditions such as adult and kids cosplay contests, numerous celebrity panels, an escape room, and iCon tournaments featuring Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Cosplay groups Ghostbusters Detroit and the 501st Legion from “Star Wars” will once again be in attendance, along with many other activities.
“When people come, they don’t just stay for an hour or two. They come and they stay the whole day,” said Burland. “A lot of people buy a whole weekend pass because it’s just a fun place to be.”
MC3 will be held from noon to 7 pm. Nov. 8, 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Nov. 9, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 10.
Tickets for the event, movie screenings and celebrity autographs can be purchased online at motorcitycomiccon. com. Admission prices range depending on where and when tickets are purchased, as well as the day of the event, and the age of the person. Adult tickets cost $30-$45 or $90 for a weekend pass. Tickets for kids ages 6-12 cost $10 per day or $20 for the weekend pass. Children 5 and under are free. All kids 12 and under are free on Sunday.
Call Staff Writer Charity Meier at (586) 498-1092.
A pair of tweezers valued at $20 was stolen from a Dodge Durango on Summer House Court, near Nine Mile and Haggerty roads in Novi, sometime between 11 p.m. Sept 10 and 10 a.m. Sept. 11.
The owner of the vehicle said he had parked the car in a lot across the street from his residence Sept. 10. When he returned, he found the sunroof had been damaged. The suspect had smashed the sunroof with an unknown object and pried open the lower part of the passenger-side dashboard. Officers observed glass strewn inside the vehicle and wires were exposed on the passenger side of the dashboard, according to the report. The estimated cost of replacing the sunroof was $2,000, according to the police report.
An eyewitness called 911 at 7:58 p.m. Sept 12 after reportedly seeing three women steal merchandise from a store in the West Oaks Shopping Plaza in Novi.
The witness said the women hid behind a black Ford F-150 before getting into a gray
Chevy Malibu and heading toward Novi Road. Officers canvassed the area but were not able to locate the suspects’ vehicle.
The store manager on duty advised the officers to contact the store’s loss prevention department the following day. Officers did so and asked them to update officers on their findings. As of Sept. 17, police had not heard back from the loss prevention department and had made multiple attempts to find out what had been taken.
A man and a woman were apprehended by Walmart’s loss prevention team after allegedly failing to scan all their groceries at 6:31 p.m. Sept. 12. After speaking with the woman, police determined that she was not involved in the theft, according to the report. The man was arrested and charged with third-degree retail fraud. The items he allegedly stole included a plug-in refill, French bread, Pepsi, various makeup products, a pound of ground beef, and tomatoes. The total cost of the stolen goods was $184.82.
A man was apprehended for theft af-
ter he returned to the Novi Walmart for his backpack after stealing merchandise there, police said. The store’s loss prevention department had found the backpack that he had hid in the bushes outside the store and had it locked in their office.
A phone charger the man stole was found in his pants pocket. Inside the back-
pack was spoiled food and vodka. The food and garbage inside the backpack were thrown away with the suspect’s permission, and the vodka was poured out on camera in front of the police vehicle. The man was arrested and charged with trespassing, second-degree retail fraud and malicious destruction of property.
— Charity Meier
Novi City Manager Victor Cardenas was recently presented with the Distinguished Alumni Award from Grand Valley State University in Allendale Charter Township. According to the GVSU website, the award recognizes the university’s alumni who excel at their chosen professions and whose accomplishments positively impact society and reflect favorably upon themselves and GVSU.
According to a press release from the university, Cardenas graduated from GVSU in 2000 with a bachelor’s degree in political science. He served on the GVSU Alumni Board of Directors from 2007 to 2015. He was then appointed to the GVSU Board of Trustees by former Gov. Rick Snyder. Cardenas also served as chair of the finance and academic/student affairs committees for the school.
ABOVE: People are seen wearing pink in front of the Emagine Theater in Novi during the annual Pink Out fundraiser to support women with breast cancer Oct. 5. RIGHT: Stylist Rubi Cazarez uses an Enzo Milano curling iron on Laurie Schiller, of Chelsea, during the 2024 Women’s Expo at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi Sept. 27.
The 2024 Japan Festival will be held at Novi High School from 1 to 4 p.m. Oct. 13. The event will include taiko drumming, traditional dance, kendo and martial arts performances. There will also be workshops on tea ceremonies, origami, calligraphy, flower arranging and kimono dressing. There will be games for kids and food. The free event is put on by the Japan Business Society of Detroit and the Japan Society of Detroit Women’s Club.
Tickets are now on sale for the Jack-O-Lantern Jubilee to be held Oct. 19 at the ITC Community Sports Park, 51000 W. Eight Mile Road in Novi. The “not scary” event will include a trick-or-treat trail, holiday crafts and character visits. Tickets cost $10 and are available in one-hour intervals from 1 to 4 p.m. Those interested in sponsoring a table along the trick-or-treat trail should contact John Gillingham at jgillingham@cityofnovi.org.
The Novi Historical Commission will present “Michigan Haunts: Public Places, Eerie Spaces” from 7 to 8 p.m. Oct. 22 at the Novi Public Library in the west meeting room. Attendees will learn of the paranormal activity that has been seen throughout various parts of the state. This will include lighthouses such as Seul Choix in the Upper Peninsula to the Eloise Psychiatric Hospital in Westland, and the legend of Lover’s Leap on Mackinac Island, along with many more tales. Attendees should be age 16 and older. For more information, contact the Novi Public Library.
The popularity of LEGO® is at an all-time high.
Now, there’s a local go-to spot for fans seeking rare and specialty sets, those wanting to buy in bulk or anyone eager to customize their own minifigures.
More than just a toy store, Bricks & Minifigs Novi serves as a lively gathering spot where collectors can find elusive pieces, share tips and even trade their unused LEGO® for cash or store credit.
BY MARY BETH ALMOND malmond@candgnews.com
The rising cost of college, combined with growing demand for skilled workers, is driving more students to enroll in career and technical education programs, known as CTE programs.
The state projects more than 520,000 Michigan jobs and approximately 45,500 annual openings in the professional trades by 2030.
Amid skilled-labor shortages across the nation, many students are choosing CTE programs to explore a future career, get college credit, find an internship, and/or earn industry recognized certifications, all while fulfilling their high school graduation requirements.
At Oakland Schools Technical Campuses, high school students from the county’s 28 public school districts, public academies, private learning institutions and home schools can learn practical career technical education. Enrolled students spend part of their day studying at their home district and the remainder involved in one of several career clusters offered at one of four of the county’s technical campuses — Pontiac, Clarkston, Walled Lake and Royal Oak.
Across Michigan, many high schools and specialty programs offer CTE courses aligned with in-demand, high-wage careers in fields like business, information technology, health care, hospitality and manufacturing.
“Career and technical education is preparing students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand jobs,” said Paul Galbenski, the dean of Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast in Pontiac.
OSTC offers a total of 17 state-approved CTE programs: — including agriscience and environmental technologies; automotive technology; collision repair and refinishing; computer programming; construction technology; cosmetology; criminal justice; culinary arts/hospitality; cybersecurity networking; energy-electrical technology; engineering, robotics and mechatronics; entrepreneurship and advanced marketing; graphic and communication design; health sciences; machining; medium/heavy truck and equipment; and welding.
The primary focus of OSTC’s program is for students to marry their technical and academic skills together, so they are career ready. Because being career-ready looks different for each student and their field of in-
See CAREER on page 17A
“What sets us apart is that we offer used LEGO® sets in various conditions: fully assembled, disassembled but certified complete with instructions and even repackaged in their original boxes,” said Cara Suksi, who coowns the shop with her husband, her mother and their business partners.
The store’s appeal lies in its specialized offerings, attracting customers from toddlers to those in their 80s.
“We specialize in sourcing rare sets by purchasing pieces directly from individuals, which is how we stock our inventory,” Cara explained. “We cater to a wide range of collectors, some of whom visit us daily or several times each week. Many of our customers appreciate the flexibility of buying in bulk and the option to trade in pieces they no longer use for store credit to acquire new items.”
Sean Krabach, one of the store’s co-owners and a Novi resident, recently visited LEGO® headquarters in Billund, Denmark. “Since there are exclusive sets only available there, he brought an extra suitcase specifically for purchases,” Cara shared. “We currently carry iconic sets like the Black Pearl, complete with all the minifigures, and the Death Star 2, which is a massive Star Wars set that we are still assembling.”
Bricks & Minifigs Novi is the fifth Michigan location, and Cara said each of the stores mutually support each other. “We were at the grand opening for the Lansing location last year, and that family will soon open another in Ann Arbor.”
Community outreach is important to Cara, who noted: “We will be hosting birthday parties, collaborating with local schools and supporting robotics teams in the First LEGO® League.”
Bricks & Minifigs was launched over 10 years ago in Oregon and is now headquartered outside Salt Lake City. Franchise opportunities are available nationwide.
Bricks & Minifigs Novi is located at 49881 Grand River Avenue in Wixom. For more information, call (248) 938-4219 or visit bricksandminifigs.com/novimi/. Follow Bricks & Minifigs Novi on Facebook and @bricksandminifigsnovi on Instagram.
from page 14A
terest, there are many options.
“They can go into a pathway where they are working on our Oakland Technical Early College, where they could come out with an associate degree in their technical area. They could be in a pre-apprenticeship program. They could go directly into the workforce. They could go into the military. They could go into a speciality trade school. They could go to a two-year community college, or they could go to a four-year university. … All of those options are on the table,” he said.
Through internships, apprenticeships and day-in-the-life job shadowing, students learn what it’s like to work in their chosen fields — instead of spending thousands to figure it out in college.
“Students that attend a technical campus have what I like to phrase as a ‘force multiplier of opportunities’ because they are then in each of these programs, working toward and earning industry credentials,” Galbenski explained.
For example, students in the OSTC cosmetology program can earn a cosmetology state license, while those in the computer programming course can become certified in
java, HTML, or CSS3. Students in OSTC’s health sciences program, can earn a certified nurse aide license or a patient care technician credential, and those interested in the construction field can earn an Occupational Safety and Health Administration 10 safety certification, to name a few.
And, according to Galbenski, it’s all for free at OSTC.
“Every one of these credentials is free. You want to talk about return on investment. … There are many opportunities for students to be successful and look at those careers and pursue those pathways,” he said.
Utica Community Schools offers a variety of CTE courses to high-schoolers in a number of areas, including everything from computer programming, cybersecurity and engineering to finance, radio and television broadcasting, and woodworking — to name a few. The district also features five high school specialty programs, including the Utica Center for Mathematics, Science and Technology; the Utica Academy for Health and Human Services; the Gene L. Klida Utica Academy for International Studies; the Stevenson Center for Manufacturing and Design Engineering; and the Utica Center for Science and Industry.
Scott Spry, an electronic technology and See CAREER on page 18A
“It’s a fun, non-spooky family experience,” said Jesse Ewing, of Inkster, who came out to walk the trail with friends.
Ewing said she particularly enjoyed the wolf section.
The trails were a brainchild of the pandemic. Schoeneberger said that a good portion of his day-to-day business is producing corporate events; consequently, at the time of the COVID-19 outbreak he found himself with a “substantial” amount of gear and a “highly trained technical staff” that he wanted to keep employed.
“We also could feel the desire for any kind of entertainment throughout the community,” Schoeneberger said. “With these two things in mind, we felt that we could put together a safe outdoor experience that would at least for a moment make people feel like things were normal.”
He said that the goal of the trails is to provide quality entertainment to people who don’t often get this type of experience and to make people smile.
Ewing said she enjoyed the experience and would recommend it to those with kids or teens. She said she liked that it is self-paced with different attractions.
“We never expected the reaction from the community that we received,” Schoeneberger said. “So what started as a way to give back has turned into something much more meaningful in the hearts of many of our fans who have quickly adopted Glenlore as a new family tradition.”
Glenlore Trails “Enchanted” is open Thursday through Sunday evenings starting at dusk until Nov. 3. Start times vary, but it typically starts at 7 p.m. and the last entry is around 10:15 p.m. The trails will be closed on Halloween. Tickets cost $25 for those ages 13 to 64, $15 for kids 4 to 12, and $20 for seniors 65 and older. Children ages 3 and younger are admitted for free. Group rates are also available. For more information or to purchase tickets, go to GlenloreTrails.com.
Glenlore Trails will hold a “Jay’s Juniors night” Oct. 17.
During the event, a portion of its proceeds will go toward Jay’s Juniors, which benefits metro Detroit children with life-altering or life-threatening conditions. The program provides a group of these children, along with their families, with an all-expenses paid trip to Walt Disney World.
Glenlore Trails’ “Enchanted” is open Thursday to Sunday evenings through Nov. 3. Glenlore will be closed on Halloween. In addition to the Oct. 17 event, attendees can choose to donate to the cause when purchasing tickets online at GlenloreTrails.com.
from page 17A
mechatronics instructor at the Utica Center for Science and Industry, said UCSI students have access to work-based learning opportunities, including job shadowing, mentoring and work-site internships. Students, he said, focus on the design thinking process and choose one of the three CTE pathways — multimedia production, mechatronics or engineering technology.
“We already know that the pipeline for career and technical education positions is very, very lean, so continuing to try to fill that pipeline from our level has been a priority for the last couple of years,” Spry explained.
At Utica Community Schools, Spry said, many of its CTE students have gone on to work in needed fields within the community.
The same is true for many of OTSC students — including former OSTC health sciences graduates, who have gone on fill vacant, in-demand doctor and dentist positions within Oakland County communities.
Call Staff Writer Mary Beth Almond at (586) 498-1060.
8 Nickels Arcade, Ann Arbor, MI 48104 734-623-9000 info@applesandoranges.net
24195 Haggerty Rd, Novi, MI 48375 248-987-4029 info@applesandoranges.net www.applesandoranges.net
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There are two candidates running for one four-year term. The salary for the position is $45,131.
Gwen Markham
Age: 71
Occupation: Retired Manufacturing Operations
Municipality of residence: City of Novi
For how long: 29 years
Online campaign information: gwenmarkham.com
Education: BS Chemistry, Western Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: City of Novi Council Member 20132018, Oakland County Commissioner 2019-2024
Top goals: Oakland County has been focused on addressing climate change going forward. This includes everything from building operations to County-wide policies to help residents make their homes and businesses more resilient. We are also pursuing more affordable housing across the County. In my roles as Board Finance Chair, and Executive Vice Chair of the Southeast Michigan Council of Governments, I will continue my work to find funding from all available sources to address these issues.
Daniel Lawless
Age: 42
Occupation: Novi Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 9 of the last 13 years, spending 4 years in South Lyon
Online campaign information: Facebook: Daniel Lawless for County Commissioner
Education: Graduated Lake Orion High School (2000) and studied Political Science at Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None.
Top goals: Over the last several years our county has seen increasing taxes and spending, rising crime and embarrassingly low student achievement scores, with nearly 40% of
Farmington students unable to read at grade level. We need to refocus on the issues that matter, crime and safety, education, and lowering taxes and fees. Instead of spending county funds on a new shiny office for politicians we should be investing in public safety and individual student tutoring.
Two candidates are running for one eight-year term. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Andrew Fink
Age: 39
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Adams Township
For how long: 3 years (Hillsdale County for almost 6 years)
Online campaign information: FinkForMichigan.com
Education: Graduate of Hillsdale College and the University of Michigan Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative
Top goals: As a candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court, Andrew Fink is running to restore our judiciary’s commitment to protecting the will of the people, interpreting the law as it is written, and ensuring everyone receives due process, not just insiders. As a former Marine Corps officer and the son of a police officer, he knows the value of public service and the rule of law and wants to empower those that keep our communities safe.
Kimberly Ann Thomas
Age: 52
Occupation: University of Michigan Law School professor
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: https://www.electkimberlythomas.com/
Education: Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, 1999; University of Maryland at College Park, magna cum laude, 1994. Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A.
Top goals: I care deeply about equal justice for all Michiganders. I am an experienced trial and appellate lawyer and a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where I teach students the ethical practice of law and direct the Juvenile Justice Clinic. My background
as a law professor and as a lawyer of 25 years gives me the expertise, experience and problem-solving ability that we need on the Michigan Supreme Court.
Two candidates are running for a partial term ending Jan. 1, 2029. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Kyra Harris Bolden Age: 36
Occupation: Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: Two years, though I have lived my entire life in Michigan.
Online campaign information: www.boldenforjustice.com
B.A. Grand Valley State University
J.D. University of Detroit Mercy
Previously and currently held elected offices:
Michigan State Representative, 35th District, 2019-2023
Michigan Supreme Court Justice, 2023-Present
Top goals: The Michigan Supreme Court has offered a unique opportunity to leverage my experience as a legislature, a litigator, and as a public servant in a single position. Throughout my tenure on the court, I’m proud to have made critical decisions that will help shape what justice looks like for generations to come. My work is not done, which is why I am running for retention.
Age: 54
Occupation: 15th Circuit Court Judge (Branch County Coldwater, MI)
Municipality of residence: Coldwater
For how long: 25 years (Born and raised in Michigan)
Online campaign information: www.judgeogrady4supremecourt.com
Education: Thomas M. Cooley Law School
Juris Doctor, Western Michigan University Bachelors Business Administration, Michigan State Police Training Academy
– Trooper, United States Army Signal Officer Basic Course, Algonac High School, Algonac MI
Previously and currently held elective offices: State of Michigan 15th Circuit Court Judge elected 2008/2014/2020
Top goals: To maintain and restore the public trust of the Supreme Court to one that all citizens look to as a guard of the Constitution and the rights of individuals. Maintaining a high level of impartiality while increasing access to justice in an ever increasing technological world. Further to make sure that the Judiciary remains as the “citadel of the public justice and the public security”. Federalist Paper 78, Alexander Hamilton
Two candidates are uncontested on the ballot for two six-year terms. The salary for this position is $195,624.97.
Randy J. Wallace
Running unopposed.
Adrienne Nicole Young Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for the non-incumbent position. The salary for this position is $195,624.97.
Matthew Ackerman
Age: 33
Occupation: Attorney at Ackerman & Ackerman PC
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: Over 20 years in Michigan Online campaign information: www.ackermanforjudge.org
Education: A.B., Harvard (cum laude, high honors in Economics); M.Sc. in Economics, London School of Economics; J.D., Columbia Law School (Law Review, highest honors all three years)
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: One of my goals is to reduce the time it takes for the Court of Appeals to issue decisions. The average time is currently 13.8 months—far too long for critical matters like child custody and criminal appeals. As a Harvard graduate, Columbia Law Review editor, and attorney with extensive appellate experience, including over 100 civil and criminal appeals, I am fully equipped to deliver high-
quality, well-reasoned decisions efficiently, ensuring timely justice for all.
Latoya Marie Willis
Age: 49
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 14 years
Online campaign information: www.willisforjustice.com
Education: Latoya is a proud graduate of Renaissance High School. After graduating high school, she attended Western Michigan University where she majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Latoya earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy Law School and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 2002. Previously and currently held elected offices: NONE
Top goals: To restore the general public’s confidence in the integrity of our judicial system. For 21 years I have fought to protect the rights of citizens and as a judge I will fight to protect the Court by ensuring it is fair, impartial, and completely non-partisan. Politics have no place inside our courtrooms. Every individual should be able to trust that their case will be resolved based strictly on the merits, the evidence, and the law.
Six candidates are unopposed on the ballot for six six-year terms. The salary for this position is $180,741.35
Jacob James Cunningham
Running unopposed.
Kameshia D. Gant
Running unopposed.
Maureen H. Kinsella
Running unopposed.
Julie A. McDonald
Running unopposed.
Kwame L. Rowe
Running unopposed.
Michael Warren
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for a non-incumbent position. The salary for the position is $180,741.35 combined from the state and county.
Tricia Dare
Age: 53
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Oakland County Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information: www.dareforjudge.com
Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law from 1994 to 1997: Juris Doctor. Western Michigan University from 1989 to 1993: Bachelor of Science in Political Science (Public Law) and Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As Chief Assistant Prosecutor of the Special Victims Unit, the Juvenile Justice Division, the Hate Crimes Unit and the Victim Services Division, my work has involved crimes committed against the most vulnerable individuals in our community. My goal is to bring the same dedication, compassion and fairness that I have displayed as a public servant for the past 27 years to the bench each and every day, as the next Oakland County Circuit Judge.
Age: 42
Occupation: Managing Director/Attorney Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield Township
For how long: I’ve lived in West Bloomfield for the past 4 years. I previously lived in Southfield for approximately 14 years.
Online campaign information: lecthuddlestonforjudge.com
Education: - BA in Communications from Oakland University (1999-2004) - JD from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2010-2014)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
technology to expedite case management 3. Ensuring fair and equal access to justice for all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. 4. Upholding the law without bias and making decisions based on facts and legal principles
Two candidates are running for one non-incumbent position. The salary is $180,741.35.
Age: 68 years
Occupation: Oakland County Probate Judge
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: 31 years
Online campaign information: Votejudgeobrien.com
Education: University of Detroit Law School, Juris Doctor - 1988
Michigan Technological University, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – 1981
University of Detroit High School - 1974
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Probate Judge –January 2009 to the present Top goals: My goal is to continue providing the best service that any Judge can provide to the people of Oakland County. I have provided that same service to Oakland County my entire legal career, first as an Oakland Assistant Prosecutor, then an attorney providing free legal services to needy people, then an Oakland District Court Magistrate, and now an Oakland Probate Judge for 16 years. No candidate is more qualified.
Traci Richards
Age: 54
Occupation: Lawyer and Associate Real Estate Broker
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: Since 2012
Online campaign information: TraciRichardsforjudge.com
provide a reason when they select professionals over previously designated individuals or family members. People should know what to expect when they go to court in terms of procedures to follow. Instructions should be provided on how to locate free resources about navigating probate cases.
One candidate is running unopposed for one six-year term. The salary for the position is $180,741.35.
Robert Bondy
Running unopposed.
Three candidates are running for two six-year terms. Board members are paid $2,000 per year.
Jamie VanderMass Kliebert
Age: 44
Occupation: Financial Consultant and Philanthropist
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 43 years
Online campaign information: jamiefornovi.org
Education: B.S. in Finance from Miami University, NCSD alumni
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I am running for NCSD School Board and am eager to bring my dedication, business acumen and community engagement to this role. As a Novi graduate, parent of three Novi students, and active volunteer, I know how important it is to have informed and invested stakeholders helping to guide our decisions. For our Novi students to continue to prosper, my top goals include: fiscal responsibility, staff support, alumni connections, and academic opportunities for all students.
Mary Ann Roney
20A See ELECTION on page 22A
Top goals: My priorities for this family court seat are: 1.Implementing specialized dockets and support systems to address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues. 2. Reducing delays and backlogs by streamlining court procedures and leveraging
Education: J.D. University of Michigan, B.S. Florida A & M University, Summa Cum Laude
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My top goal is to provide more transparency. Transparency should be the norm and not the exception. Probate judges should
Age: 58 years young
Occupation: Retired/ Realtor
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 39 years
Online campaign information: facebook.com/MaryAnnRoney4NCSB
Education: Oakland University BA in Business
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently on the Novi School Board
of Education, Position Treasurer.
Top goals: I will continue to make sure that the School Board is financially responsible while keeping classroom size low.
Ensuring that the teachers have resources they need to perform at their highest ability.
School Safety is very important to me. We have implemented several security measures to keep our Staff and Students safe. We need to continue this effort.
Mental Health needs to be kept at the forefront of our discussions, helping our students to flourish in their studies.
Tom Smith
Age: 60
Occupation: Financial advisor
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 30 years Online campaign information: TomforNovi.com
Education: BA Oakland University Graduate Studies at Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: I was appointed to the Novi BOE in 2017, then elected in 2018 for the current term.
Top goals: My top goal is to provide support for our students, staff and community’s mental and physical health and safety. I’m passionate about Novi leading the Nation in the pursuit of a one-of-akind Wellness Center; to see a focus on robust opportunities for all students regardless of GPA; and be diligent in maintaining the highest level of fiscal responsibility.
Four candidates are running for one of two six-year terms. There is no compensation for this position.
Tricia Auten
Age: 51
Occupation: CEO
Municipality of residence: Commerce Twp. For how long: 22 years Online campaign information: https://www.vote4walledlakeschools.com / about-tricia-auten
Education: Bachelor of General Studies for
Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Student safety, Physical and Mental Health. Emergency Preparedness, system evaluations, discovering and advocating for the safety of our staff and students. Nutrition plays a critical role in student health and academic performance. Analyzing current data and understanding if we are working towards optimal goals. Ensuring the safety of students in schools is a multifaceted challenge that involves physical safety, emotional well-being, and creating a supportive environment.
Rebecca Behrends
Age: 71
Occupation: Retired Emergency Physician
Municipality of residence: Commerce Township
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information: vote4walledlakeschools.com
Education: BS in Microbiology, Brigham Young University. MD degree, University of Michigan.
Previously and currently held elected offices: GOP Precinct Delegate, Commerce Township
Top goals: If elected to the Walled Lake School Board, I have three top priorities as follows: 1, Set high expectations for student academic achievement and define clear goals and policies to achieve that. Specifically with regard to reading and math. We must do better! 2, Improve school safety and security. More security guards and physical hardening of schools. 3, Set a vision for wise allocation of taxpayer funds with student needs placed first. Eliminate waste and duplication.
Susie Crafton
Age: 48
Occupation: Self-employed fundraising consultant and grant writer
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: I returned to Novi to live with my husband and children in 2018, where we live in my childhood home where my family has lived since before I was born in 1972.
Online campaign information: www.class4walledlake.com
Education: Bachelor of Arts in English and a Master of Arts in Student Affairs Administration both from Michigan State
University and a Chartered Advisor in Philanthropy (CAP) designation from The American College of Financial Services. Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: 1) Creating a safe and inclusive learning environment that addresses the mental health crisis our young people are facing; 2) Preparing students for future employment in a world we can’t yet imagine; 3) Supporting educators so that they can do their best work in support of ALL students every day; 4) Providing steady and thoughtful leadership to stabilize our district; and 5) Helping the Board maintain socially conscious and fiscally responsible policies.
Marc Siegler Age: 70
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills (Walled lake School District)
For how long: 41 years
Online campaign information: class4walledlake.com
Education: BS Western Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices:
Walled Lake School Board Trustee 19942024
Trustee Oakland County School Board of Directors 1999-2024
Trustee Michigan Association of School Boards 2022-2024
Top goals: Improve student success by providing the tools needed to achieve life goals. Promote open access to books, resources and curriculum materials. Meet the needs of ALL students including the gifted, IEP’s and 504’s. Bring stability and experience to the school board by setting socially conscious and responsible policies. Committing to collaboration and respect with all parties involved. Ensure schools offer a safe and welcoming place for all students to learn.
Two candidates are running for one term that ends Dec. 31, 2028. There is no compensation for this position.
Ron Lippitt Age: 57
Occupation: Chief Strategy Officer (CSO), Apidel Technologies
Municipality of residence: Commerce Township, MI
For how long: 20 Years
Online campaign information: www.Class4WalledLake.com
Education: BA, Psychology, University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)
Previously and currently held elected offices: CURRENT: Walled Lake School Board Trustee (appointed)
Top goals: My top goals in running for Walled Lake School Board are to bring Stability, Student Success, and Safety to our District. As a parent and current Board Trustee, I am committed to strengthening our schools by preparing for future financial/logistical challenges, reinforcing our teachers and staff’s ability to thrive in their roles, and maximizing our students’ opportunity to reach their fullest potential in a safe and supportive learning environment.
Lisa West Age: 46
Occupation: Teacher
Municipality of residence: Commerce Twp.
For how long: 20 years, but I grew up in Commerce Twp. as well and chose to make it home for my family
Online campaign information: www.vote4walledlakeschools.com
Education: I received my Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University in 2001, with an emphasis on elementary education.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals if elected are to bring increased integrity, accountability, and transparency to Walled Lake Schools. I believe these go hand-in-hand together. I also stand strong for parental rights and improved safety and security for both students and staff. I believe that we should get Back to Basics, improving our curriculum, giving students a firm foundation to build upon as they grow and allowing them to have a successful future.
Two candidates are running for a term that ends Dec. 31, 2026. There is no compensation for this position.
Steve Rix
Age: 53
Occupation: Project Manager/Estimator
Municipality of residence: Walled Lake
For how long: 16 years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: No answer given.
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Our facility updates are ramping up with the bond that just passed. That needs to be managed properly so we are getting the value from these contracts. Transparency in funding is lacking (Food, sports). Parents need to have a grasp of where that money is going. Proper technology in our schools. Engineering classes are great, but the school-issued devices don’t support the computer programs the students need to use to complete their work.
Michael Smith
Age: 43
Occupation: City Clerk, City of Northville Municipality of residence: White Lake
For how long: Lifelong resident Online campaign information: class4wallelake.com
Education: Bachelor of Science in Liberal Studies: Leadership & Diversity from Grand Valley State University, Master of Public Administration from Oakland University, Post Masters Certificate in Local Government Management from Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Elected to Walled Lake School Board 2010-2013
champion for education for our students and staff to help create a culture that provides them with the tools to thrive and succeed in life.
Seven candidates are running for four four-year terms. Board members do not receive compensation.
Philip DeLoach
Age: 35
Occupation: Business & Tax Attorney
Municipality of residence: Northville Twp.
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: PhilipDeLoach.com
Education: J.D. Ave Maria School of Law, B.A. Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None; this is my first candidacy for elected political office.
Top goals: If elected I intend to be a voice for the constituency — I have no agenda other than to leverage my professional experience and proven expertise to provide the board with stable guidance and access to trusted business & financial acumen. If elected, I promise to effect policy that is in the best interest of our NPS children.
Ron Frazier
Age: 49
Occupation: Programmer/Analyst
Municipality of residence: Northville Township
For how long: 9 years
Online campaign information: ronfrazier4nps.com
Education: Bachelor of Science (Computer & Information Science) — University of Michigan Dearborn
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
collaboration with the Northville community to support these efforts.
Jena Mabrey
Age: 46
Occupation: Pharmacist
Municipality of residence: Northville
For how long: 7 Years
Online campaign information: jenamabreyfornorthville.com
Education: Doctor of Pharmacy, Purdue University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate
Top goals: The Northville School Board works diligently to make sure students receive a great education. However, some of the progress and actions by the board are not conveyed clearly to the community. To improve the communication between the school board and the public, I would share detailed newsletters and presentations with the community and facilitate regular coffee chats in which board members can speak directly with constituents, students, and other stakeholders.
Priya Marwah
Age: 47
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Northville Township
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information: None. Voters can find my professional profile on LinkedIn linkedin.com/in/priyamarwahjd
Education: Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Economics from University of Michigan — Dearborn (1998) and Juris Doctor From Wayne State University School of Law (2001)
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Occupation: Clinical Supervisor & Psychotherapist (LPC)
Municipality of residence: Township of Northville
For how long: 12 years
Online campaign information: LisaMcIntyreNPSBoard.com
Education: MS in Mental Health Counseling, University of Saint Francis; BA in Psychology, Kalamazoo College
Previously and currently held elected offices: Northville School Board Trustee (elected in 2020)
Top goals: Empowering all students to reach their full potential with an advancing curriculum. A prudent and forward-thinking financial strategy allows NPS to continue offering exceptional programs and opportunities. Student well-being is of critical importance. NPS should continue to implement policies and programs to support students and families, in an environment where students feel safe, valued, and empowered to succeed. Northville Public Schools can strengthen partnerships with the community through continued open dialogue.
Meredith Riggan Maurer
Age: 38
Occupation: Licensed Professional Counselor
Municipality of residence: Novi
For how long: 6 Years
Online campaign information: meredithmaurernpsboard.com
Education: BA Secondary Education — University of Michigan 2008,MA Counseling — Eastern Michigan University 2014 Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My three main goals are prioritizing stability, student success, and safety in Walled Lake Schools. I will be forward-thinking in my decision-making to cultivate success and preparation for all students. I will focus on collaboration, inclusion, equity, trust, and respect for our educators and stakeholders. I will be a
Top goals: Student mental health is a critical issue. I support hiring additional mental health staff, and advocating with the state legislature for additional funding is vital to achieving this. We need to help students find balance to avoid overscheduling, encourage delaying the use of social media, promote stronger cell phone policies and digital citizenship, and expand relational practices and other social-emotional programs. I will prioritize building stronger
Top goals: My top goals if elected to Northville School Board are to increase Transparency for parents into the school board process, work to improve the Learning environment for kids and improve Communication from the school district and across schools. I want to bring some TLC to Northville Schools because I want to ensure that the challenges my children experienced over the last 4 years do not happen for other kids in the district.
Lisa McIntyre
Age: 53
Top goals: Creating an environment where students’ academic, emotional, and social needs are equally prioritized. A commitment to equity, where students from diverse backgrounds feel supported and empowered to thrive. Supporting teachers with professional development, and collaborative opportunities so they feel respected and valued. Building meaningful partnerships so students feel connected both in and out of the classroom. Equipping students with skills beyond academics to prepare them for the demands of a rapidly changing world.
Aric Tosqui
Age: 50
Occupation: Director of Security, Henry Ford Health
Municipality of residence: Northville Township
For how long: 4 years
Online campaign information: arictosqui.com
Education: University of Cincinnati, Master of Science in Criminal Justice; University of Michigan, Bachelor of General Studies; Executive Leaders Program, Center for Homeland Defense and Security, 2102 cohort; Wayne State University Mike Ilitch School of Business, Graduate Certificate in Business, April 2019; FBI National Academy (FBINA) — Session 262; Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP) — Session 57
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I believe that the Board must take an active role in helping to improve school safety. We must be involved in increasing our knowledge about what is out there in the security and safety arena, what are the practices of other institutions across the country, and what ideas, policies, and procedures we should be implementing here. Further, I would like to see improvements in the health and wellness of our students and educators.
The Oakland County Parks System includes 17 park locations with nearly 7,200 acres of public park and recreational lands, 80 miles of trails, campgrounds, dog parks, golf courses, aquatic recreation facilities, and nature education centers. To continue to provide revenue to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, shall the current millage, which has been reduced by required rollback, be replaced, and increased to .65 mills for 20 years from 2024 to 2043, The .65 mills is equal to 65 cents per $1,000.00 of taxable value. The millage, if approved and levied, shall generate approximately $52,191,139 in 2024. The purpose of the millage is to expand, improve, operate, maintain, and acquire parks, recreational facilities, open spaces, lakes, rivers,water areas, and trailways; to support nature education, recreational, and outdoor
educational and health programming; to support partnerships for access to and awareness of recreational lands and facilities; to promote the conservation and restoration of high-quality natural and wildlife habitats; and to allow free general park admission to all county parks for residents. Revenue from this millage shall be disbursed only to the County of Oakland to be used solely for the purpose of funding the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and shall be subject to oversight by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and to an independent audit.
Should the proposal be adopted?
This proposal would replace, restore and extend the authority of the School District, which expires with the 2025 tax levy, to levy up to 18.00 mills for general school district operating purposes on taxable property in the School District to the extent that such property is not exempt from such levy, restrict the levy on principal residences (owner-occupied homes) to no more than 3.6297 mills and protect against the impact of future Headlee rollbacks of up to 3.0 mills. This authorization would allow the School District to continue to levy the statutory limit of 18.00 mills on nonhomestead property (principally industrial and commercial real property and residential rental property) and to continue to levy on principal residence property (owner occupied homes) only that portion of the mills necessary to allow the School District to receive the full revenue per pupil foundation allowance permitted by the State. The School District only levied 0.3086 mills on personal residences (owner occupied homes) in 2024. Shall the limitation on the amount of taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the Walled Lake Consolidated School District, County of Oakland, Michigan, be increased in the amount of 21 mills, with 18 mills being the maximum allowable levy ($18.0 0 per $1,000 of taxable value), to the extent such property is not statutorily exempt, and of which not more than 3.6297 mills may be imposed on principal residences, for fourteen (14) years, the years 2024 to 2037, inclusive? This operating millage, if approved and levied, would provide estimated revenues to the School District of $3,232,239 during the 2024 calendar year, to be used for general operating purposes
Pursuant to state law, the revenue raised by the proposed renewal of the enhancement millage will be collected by the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency (“Wayne RESA”) and distributed on an equal per-pupil basis to local constituent school districts including eligible public school academies within the boundaries of Wayne RESA. None of the enhancement millage revenue will be distributed to Wayne RESA, and all funds shall be independently audited by the local constituent school districts and eligible public school academies as part of their annual school audits.
As a renewal of authority which expires with the 2027 levy, shall the limitation on the amount of ad valorem taxes which may be imposed on taxable property in the Wayne County Regional Educational Service Agency, Michigan, be increased by 1.9812 mills ($1.98 per thousand dollars of taxable value) for a period of six (6) years, 2028 to 2033, inclusive, to provide operating funds to enhance other state and local funding for local school district operating purposes? It is estimated that 1.9812 mills would raise approximately $108 million when first levied in 2028.
The revenue from this enhancement millage will be distributed on an equal per pupil basis to the following listed constituent school districts and the public school
academies within the boundaries of Wayne RESA which are eligible to receive enhancement millage under the Revised School Code:
Allen Park Public Schools
Crestwood School District
School District of the City of Dearborn Dearborn Heights School District No. 7
Detroit Public Schools Community District
Ecorse Public School District
Flat Rock Community Schools
Garden City Public Schools
Gibraltar School District
Grosse Ile Township Schools
Grosse Pointe Public School System
School District of the City of Hamtramck School District of the City of Harper Woods
Huron School District
School District of the City of Lincoln Park
Livonia Public Schools School District
Melvindale – Northern Allen Park School District
Northville Public Schools
Plymouth-Canton Community Schools
Redford Union Schools, District No. 1
School District of the City of River Rouge Riverview Community School District
Romulus Community Schools
Southgate Community School District
South Redford School District
Taylor School District
Trenton Public Schools
Van Buren Public Schools
Wayne-Westland Community School District
Westwood Community School District
Woodhaven-Brownstown School District
School District of the City of Wyandotte
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