BY NICK POWERS npowers@candgnews.com
FRASER — The public will once again be able to voice their opinion before the City Council about the fate of the former State Bank of Fraser building
A hearing about Sheetz’s conditional rezoning request for the property will take place Oct. 30 at 6 p.m. The venue is yet to be determined. City Manager Elaine Leven said an alternate venue to council chambers was needed due to early voting in the November election.
Sheetz is a family-owned convenience store and gas station chain that started in 1952. Locations are open 24 hours for 365 days of the year. It is new to Michigan with the first location in Romulus breaking ground March 14.
Though the special meeting of the City Council on Sept. 26 meeting was only called to set the public hearing date and time for the conditional rezoning request, residents were eager to make their voices heard. Kent Stonebreaker, a former Fraser Planning Commission member, led off the public comment segment of the meeting. He questioned
See SHEETZ on page 6A
‘We’ve made a difference’ MANATEE 5K ENDS AFTER 21 YEARS
BY DEAN VAGLIA dvaglia@candgnews.com
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — On Saturday, Sept. 28, the 2024 edition of the Save the Manatee 5K took place at Lake St. Clair Metropark amidst damp conditions. As imperfect as such conditions are for outdoor events, perhaps it was fitting. The first event took place in the rain and, 21 years later, the final outing occurred in similar conditions.
For over two decades, the Save the Manatee 5K has been a staple of Harrison Township as the brainchild of Lesley Argiri, a schoolteacher from the township who became a 5K runner through her husband, Brian McDonald.
“I noticed that all these 5Ks we were doing were fundraisers, so I thought why not try to raise money for manatees with a 5K,” Argiri said.
The first race in 2003 drew 150 participants despite rainy conditions.
See MANATEE 5K on page 28A
KimisworkinghardforClintonTownshipandtheresults are clear.
• Earned the highest Clerk Certification intheU.S.
• Modernizedrecord-keepingtechnologytoprovidetransparencyand accountabilitytoresidents
• Helpedstopunwantedaggressivesolicitorsinourneighborhoods
• Upgradedvotingboothsfordisabledvoters
• Proactivelyplaced6BallotDropBoxesthroughoutthetownshipto makeiteasierforvoterstodelivertheirvoteonElectionDay
• KimdevelopedPassportProcessingthatbringsin$200,000annually inrevenue
• KimservesontheBoardofDirectorsoftheClintonRiverWatershed Council,educatingontheimportanceofourwatershed
• Clinton Township Clerk since 2012
• EarnedSpecialDesignationasaCertifedMaster MunicipalClerk
• Marriedwith3adultchildren
• Kim earned national accreditation from CERA Election Administration
• Kimdoesn’tshyawayfromhardwork,likepullingnumerous weedstopreptheClintonTownshipSeniorCenterannualgarden
KimhasshownsheisaleaderforClintonTownshipasyourClerkandStateRepresentative andistrustedtomaketherightdecisionsforhercommunity.
• Opposedpayincreasesforelectedofcials
• EndorsedbyCandiceMiller,MacombCountyPublic WorksCommissioner
• Kimsupporteddozensofsmallbusinessesattheir ribbon-cuttingsinClintonTownship,welcomingthe economic growth they bring
• KimsupportsandsponsorsClintonTownshipSenior CenterActivities
• KimsupportsourMilitarymenandwomen
As Trustee, Tammy T. Patton has a strong record of asking tough questions and fnding facts. She only votes for balanced budgets and knows how to manage a business. As Treasurer, she will administer our public funds wisely and work hard to improve customer service.
Like you, Tammy T. Patton and her husband, Clif need to budget the mortgage, property taxes and utility bills. As Treasurer, she will vote to HOLD THE LINE on water rate increases and protect our property values.
Real leadership requires hard work - and common sense. Tammy T. Patton served in the U.S. Army for eight (8) years. As Treasurer, she will bring that same standard of service to Township Hall. We can trust her to safeguard our tax dollars.
Michigan Association of County Treasurers incoming President, and current Wayne County Treasurer- Eric Sabree
BY NICK POWERS npowers@candgnews.com
CLINTON TOWNSHIP — Priority Waste was previously given until Sept. 16 to fix its waste management service in Clinton Township or face fees. Those fees will start to show up on the township’s next monthly payment to the company.
The penalties came after a closed session of a Clinton Township Board of Trustees meeting on Aug. 26. Trustees came out of the session and unanimously voted to impose a $50 fee for each unresolved customer complaint each day there is a lapse in service. According to Township Attorney Jack Dolan, this is allowed in the township’s waste management contract.
Matt Allen, Priority Waste’s director of public relations and government affairs, said the company set Sept. 9 as a date to work out the kinks.
“All those things that we said would happen took place that week. It’s been really pretty awesome,” Allen said in an Oct. 1 interview. “Clinton Township is in pretty good shape.”
Township Treasurer Paul Gieleghem, who chairs the Refuse Disposal Committee, said that the $50 fines will be deducted from the bill the township pays monthly to Priority Waste. Gieleghem said the fees have happened and will be factored into the next payment, though he didn’t have an exact amount at press time. He said setting the fee has worked for the township.
“By stepping up, passing that initiative to say we are going to start fining and exercising this option in our contract, it kind of had its intended effect,” Gieleghem said.
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
WARREN — Donald Trump spoke about the auto industry during a town hall campaign stop Sept. 27 at the Macomb Community College Sports and Expo Center in Warren.
The event was cut short because the former president arrived almost 90 minutes late from another stop in Michigan. He remained onstage for about 45 minutes and took a few questions from local autoworkers. Republican Tennessee Sen. Marsha Blackburn moderated the event.
Trump said he wants to see America thrive with a strong automotive base.
“We’re going to bring the automobile business
back to this area where it started and we’re going to bring it back at levels we’ve never seen before,” Trump said. “We’re going to be lowering taxes. We’re going to use tariffs very, very wisely.”
He said other countries have taken advantage of the United States on trade for many years.
“And year by year we’re losing our companies that make our cars, make the autos. A lot of them are going to Mexico now and it’s Mexico through China because China owns the factories. They’re building big factories,” he said. “They wouldn’t have done it with me. They think they’re going to make the cars and close up Detroit. And it’s not going to happen because we’re going to put very heavy tariffs on those
Currently serving as the elected Macomb County Prosecutor since 2020.
• Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Macomb County, managing over 70 attorneys and 75+ legal support staff handling more than 60,000 legal actions during the last 4 years.
• Restored integrity & competency in one of the most corruptly run Prosecutor’s Office in the history of Michigan.
• Private practice attorney & founder of a Macomb County based law firm defending rights of individuals, families and seniors for over 35+ years.
• Litigated hundreds of cases in Macomb County Courts.
• Represented thousands of clients in Macomb County.
• Member of the Macomb County Bar Association, 40 years.
• Over 36 years as licensed attorney.
• Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office, 3 years.
• Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, 6 years.
• No top-level experience managing a County Prosecutor’s Office or a private law firm.
• No experience fighting corruption in a Prosecutor’s’ Office.
• Never litigated a case in a Macomb County.
• Never represented a client in a Macomb County Court.
• No membership in the Macomb County Bar Association.
• Less than 10 years as licensed attorney.
• First Conviction Integrity Unit.
• First Hate Crimes Unit.
• First Warrant Appeals Unit.
• First Major Crimes Unit.
• Hired most women attorneys during a four-year term.
• See web site for complete list.
• National Association of Counties County presented 26 awards to the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office during Prosecutor Lucido’s tenure.
• See web site for complete list.
• Served 2 years in the Michigan Senate, and 4 years in the Michigan House of Representatives.
• See web site for complete list.
• Never arrested or charged with a crime.
• Criminally charged in Ann Arbor (Case # 08W186476).
• Macomb Hall of Fame Inductee.
• Macomb Community Correction, Board Member.
• Macomb Care House, Board Member.
• Current or past member of more than 10 non-profit and community organizations based in Macomb County.
• See web site for complete list.
• President of less than 2 years old nonprofit organization that co-sponsored a public event at Warren City Hall in June of 2024 during which children were exposed to sexually explicit materials and sex toys according to a July 8, 2024 report in the Macomb Daily newspaper.
• Founded one of Macomb County’s largest independent law firms.
• Founder & former Publisher of Macomb Now Magazine.
Peter J. Lucido went to Lansing to make law. Now, Peter is home working to end the corruption in Macomb County.
Under Pete’s leadership, he has activated a “Public Corruption & Ethics Unit” at the Prosecutor’s ofce, because justice demands it!
Tuesday, November 5th
Department of Public Services Director Mary Bednar said the Priority Waste essentially has three days to rectify complaints that are filed through the township. For example, if someone’s trash isn’t picked up on Monday and the township is made aware of that on Tuesday, Priority Waste has until Wednesday to address the issue before a fine would be incurred.
According to Bednar, things have improved since the fines have been implemented.
Some of these issues stem from repairs to the fleet the company inherited from GFL Environmental. Allen said this was the crux of many customer issues.
“It’s kind of hard to service 700,000 people with less than half the trucks you were expecting 60 days prior,” he said in a previous interview.
Improvements to the technology Priority Waste utilizes have also addressed some of the concerns of township residents, according to Allen. This includes an online customer portal where residents can submit complaints to the service to be resolved.
“The call volume has just dropped into the basement,” Allen said.
Bednar confirmed that the township can now manage complaints made to the township in the portal.
“The complaint gets put in and we can see when it was addressed and how it was addressed,” Bednar said. “If they have a video, that will be attached. That should make the tracking a lot easier moving forward.”
Allen explains that the technology leads to greater accountability, closing any potential gaps in service. This is done through cameras on trucks that monitor collection.
Gieleghem said he had heard about customers encountering long wait times when calling the service. He had even waited for a half-hour trying to reach the service. In a recent interview, Gieleghem said complaints are down but there’s room for improvement.
“I still think they’re struggling to staff up and have all the equipment they need to properly serve our community and all the others they took on,” Gieleghem said.
Priority Waste took over operations from GFL in 73 communities and for 70,000 subscription customers in five counties across southeast Michigan July 1. Clinton Township isn’t the only community that has had concerns since the transition. At
a Sept. 9 Grosse Pointe Park City Council meeting, Priority Waste officials addressed negative feedback from council members.
“We really appreciate everyone taking this journey with us to get us where we are today,” Allen said. “This has been the largest essential services takeover in the state’s history. We appreciate everyone’s understanding and patience as we did this together. We look forward to many years of service in Clinton Township.”
Priority Waste can be reached at (855) 927-8365. If residents are not getting help from Priority Waste, they can call the township at (586) 286-9300, so they can make sure the issue is logged and resolved.
Call Staff Writer Nick Powers at (586) 498-1059.
why the item was even still up for debate.
“I know that the present commissioners did their job by reviewing the plans of the area and listening to the public,” Stonebreaker said. “They came to the proper conclusion: This is not the proper site for this business.”
In January, the Fraser Planning Commission denied the request to rezone the site where the former State Bank of Fraser sits. The vote was taken by the commission after they listened to nearly four hours of discussion.
Fraser Mayor Michael Lesich explained that even when the Planning Commission denies a request, a business still has the right to bring its conditional rezoning request to the City Council for consideration.
“By law, they’re allowed to do that,” Lesich said.
A future Sheetz has been an ongoing concern for Fraser residents, but they aren’t alone. The Madison Heights City Council blocked the business from coming to the city following public outcry. The Eastpointe City Council approved, in a 3-1 vote, the special land use permit to move a Sheetz ahead in its city at an Aug. 20 meeting but, according to a C & G Newspapers article about the meeting, the project was met with scrutiny by both council members and the public.
Lesich said at the meeting that the process Fraser is going through is similar to what occurred in Madison Heights.
Vania Apps, a Fraser First Booster Club founder, said proper notice of the meeting was important given what she heard at the Planning Commission meeting.
“When I was in the back of a packed room, what I was hearing from the people standing there was they did not get proper notice,” Apps said. “Please, when we go through this process, please make sure the residents around that area get proper notice.”
Later in the meeting, Lesich said that notification of the public was important. He also mentioned possibly getting signs out on the corner of the proposed development to announce the public meeting.
“We will make sure everyone is notified,” he said.
Members of the public and the City Council questioned whether or not moving it into November would be better, in order to give more notice. Councilwoman Patrice Schornak pushed back on that idea, saying word will spread quickly about the meeting on social media.
“I think everybody who wants to voice their opinion on this, whatever side they’re on, they know and they will be looking for that notification,” Schornak said.
Former Fraser mayoral candidate Paul Cilluffo said the venue for the hearing matters. He said putting the meeting in a setting where governmental policy is determined would set the tone.
“To put it off into another venue, I think kind of dings our government process,” Cilluffo said.
Other members of the public touched on their specific issues with Sheetz.
Lesich emphasized that the Sept. 26 meeting wasn’t to go over the pros and cons but to work out a space where the public could best voice their concerns. He said those interested have a month to think it over before coming to the public hearing.
The City Council unanimously approved the meeting time and date.
In the Journal’s coverage area, voters will select candidates for a list of federal, state, county, local, judicial and school offices on Nov. 5. Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim except where material is omitted due to personal attacks, items we know to be false, or blatant misrepresentations. Unopposed candidates are listed by name only. Voters will also decide the fate of two countywide ballot questions and a L’Anse Creuse Public Schools bond proposal.
Six candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Elissa Slotkin
Age: 47
Occupation: U.S. Representative (MI-07)
Municipality of residence: Holly
For how long: Grew up in Michigan; I now live on my family farm
Online campaign information: elissaslotkin.org
Education: Cornell University - College of Agriculture and Life Science, Bachelor’s Degree and Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs, Master of International Affairs
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (Formerly MI-08, now MI-07 due to redistricting):
Top goals: My number one priority is to make it easier for Michiganders to get into the middle class. Michigan invented the middle class by maintaining a strong union presence and making investments in small businesses. We can keep people there by reducing healthcare costs, putting Americans on the path to homeownership and making more critical items in America. I am committed to restoring the national standard set by Roe, and ensuring voting rights for every American.
Mike Rogers
Age: 61
Occupation: Candidate for U.S. Senate, Army Veteran, Former Congressman, State Senator, and FBI Special Agent.
Municipality of residence: Brighton, MI
For how long: Nearly 50 years
Online campaign information: rogersforsenate.com
Education: Adrian College and the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (2001-2015), Michigan State Senator (1995-2000)
Top goals: Families are struggling under the current administration and are desperately in need of relief from the high costs of gas and groceries. As a Congressman, I earned a reputation as someone who got results for Michiganders by working across the aisle, and in the Senate, I’ll bring my experience to slash inflation, lower the cost of living for families, and secure our southern border to stop the flow of crime and deadly drugs.
Joseph Solis-Mullen
Age: 35
Occupation: Economist, Political Scientist, and Research Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, Author, and Professor of History at SAU
Municipality of residence: Marshall
For how long: Five Years
Online campaign information: https://solismullen4senate.com
Education: BA in English and Political Science, Spring Arbor University; MA in Political Science, University of Illinois; MA in Economics, University of Missouri; PhD in History, Liberty University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Eliminate the Federal Reserve, IRS, and Pentagon, all foreign aid, Social Security and Medicare, the Department of Education, DEA and ATF, institute federal elections by lottery and one-term limits on those who serve, eliminate omnibus bills and continuing resolutions: basically, everything about the way Washington D.C. does business as usual needs to be scrapped, and Democrats and Republicans love their own power and privilege too much to ever do anything but continue to sail (…)
U.S. Taxpayers
Dave Stein
Age: 54 yrs old
Occupation: Retired CDL A Operator, Investing
Municipality of residence: Residence in
Essexville MI.
For how long: Lived here my whole life Online campaign information: DaveStein4Liberty.com
Education: Some college, Trade school certificates: Heating and air conditioning, Building trades, Electronics, Heavy Equipment, CDL A, Metal fabrication,Tool making, Grinding, 3D Printing. Private studies: Common law 3 years and ongoing, cooking. IQ=156
Previously and currently held elected offices: Political experience: First time directly other that participation in local committee’s Top goals: To stop abortion abuse. Abortion should not be used as birth control and only in extreme circumstances allowed. e.g. allow abortion for incest, rape, deformation, disease, threat to Mothers life. Children have a right to live. Alternative to being a parent is adoption. Ending the war machine and concentrating on American born business. Social Security monies go to heirs. Close Border. Require legal US Citizenship to vote.
Douglas P. Marsh
Age: 40
Occupation: Journalist
Municipality of residence: West Branch
For how long: No answer given. Online campaign information: https://www.electmarsh.us
Education: University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given
Top goals: I want to join a full-court press for Medicare-for-All (single-payer model), housing reforms and rent controls, public education funding, cleaning up PFAs and replacing Flint’s pipes, environmentally sustainable energy and transportation infrastructure investments, stopping money and weapons for war, and stopping the flow of oil through Michigan’s watersheds.
Natural Law Party
Doug Dern
Age: 62
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Highland MI
For how long: 22 years
Online campaign information: www.dougdern.com
Education: University of Oklahoma, Thomas Cooley Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: n/a
Top goals:
Lots of reform that does not get media attention. Bankruptcy reform needs to be looked at on a national level. Expansion of exemptions, and stricter rules on Chapter 13 Trustees. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act needs reformed because it has not been changed since the 1970’s. National Changes for third party ballot access. Push for a flat tax across the board equal to all. Promotion for health consciousness and cleaning up the toxic food and (...)
House of Representatives District 10
Four candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for the position is $174,000.
Carl J. Marlinga Age: 77
Occupation: Attorney (retired Judge)
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights For how long: 44 years
Online campaign information: www.marlinga4congress.com
Education: Graduate University of Michigan Law School, 1971; Graduate University of Detroit, summa cum laude, 1968. Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Prosecuting Attorney, 1985-2004; Macomb County Probate Judge, 2013-2017;
Macomb County Circuit Court Judge, 2017-2022.
Top goals: I have four goals: (1) Protecting our Great Lakes. I oppose drilling for oil in Lake St. Clair and I want to increase the budget for the EPA. (2) Easing the cost of living. Big Oil and the OPEC countries cannot get away with gouging us at the gas pump. (3) Defending women’s rights, including reproductive health care. (4) Saving Democracy. Every vote should count, and the electoral college should be abolished.
John James
Age: 43
Occupation: Member of Congress
Municipality of residence: Shelby Township
For how long: 2 years Online campaign information: JohnJamesMI.com
on any bill that does not decrease the power of government or increase the freedom of the people. I have pledged to co-sign HR 25, The FAIRtax Bill, which is already in committee in the house. I will demand our leaders seek PEACE in Ukraine. I believe in more personal freedom than a Democrat and more fiscal responsibility than a Republican. I am a Libertarian.
Andrea L. Kirby
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Shelly Fraley
Age: 56
State University)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Trustee in Clinton Township, State Representative
Top goals: I’m committed to helping small business in Lansing by fighting over regulation and improving economic development. I believe we need to restore the School Safety Grant which improves safety and security Michigan. I voted No on cutting this grant and I will work to fully restore it in the next session.
Cutting income tax. Unfortunately, the income tax increased this year because of leadership in Lansing. I believe taxpayers should keep more of their hard-earned dollars.
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Republican Robert Wojtowicz
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685.
Democrat Michelle Levine-Woodman
Age: 40
Occupation: Teacher
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 6 years
Online campaign information: www.electmichellewoodman.com
Bachelor’s Degree-Music Education, K-12
Wayne State University
Education: B.S., United States Military Academy at West Point, Masters in Supply Chain Management and Information Systems from Penn State University, M.B.A. from University of Michigan Ross School of Business
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently the United States Representative for Michigan’s 10th Congressional District
Top goals: Over the last two years, I have worked tirelessly to push back against the failed policies coming out of the BidenHarris Administration. Four years of runaway inflation, open borders, and chaos at home and abroad has made people less safe and less financially secure. I have worked to improve our economy, stop the crime crisis, secure our borders, and restore faith in the American Dream once again—and I will never stop fighting for you.
Mike Saliba
Age: 40
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: Most of my life
Online campaign information: votesaliba.com
Education: Some college
Previously and currently held elected offices: None yet
Top goals: My key promise is to vote no
Occupation: Operations Manager
Municipality of residence: Macomb County, Michigan
For how long: 18 years
Online campaign information: shellyfraleymi60.com
Education: Bachelor’s degree from Bob Jones University. 2.5 years toward a BSIT from University of Phoenix
Previously and currently held elected offices: Firsttime candidate
Top goals: My goal is to protect Michigan’s progress, including women’s bodily autonomy and individual civil rights. I support increased funding for public education, teachers, head start programs, and childcare services. I will focus on legislation that brings down living expenses for middle class families and protects the civil rights of all citizens. I also support increasing the minimum wage so that one full-time job is sufficient to cover basic living expenses.
Joe Aragona
Age: 36
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 34 years
Online campaign information: JosephAragona.com
Education: B.S. in Biomedical Diagnostics (Oakland University). & M.B.A (Michigan
Democrat Denise Mentzer
Age: 68
Occupation: Current State Representative HD 61
Municipality of residence: Mount Clemens For how long: Bought my first home here in 2011. Lived in Mount Clemens most of my life.
Online campaign information: https://denisementzer.com
Education: Bachelor of Business, Suma cum Laude
Graduate of Academy of Small Business Consultants
Previously and currently held elected offices: Mount Clemens City Commission – 10 years Nov 2013- Dec 2023
State Representative HD61 – elected in Nov 2022 –current
Top goals: Education: Continue breakfast and lunch program. Kids can’t learn if they’re hungry. Fully fund school safety and mental health programs. Give teachers more say in lesson plans. Make sure everyone has access to college or trade programs.
Water: Upgrade infrastructure, replace old piping and residential lead lines. Protect our Great Lakes by banning PFAS/PFOS chemicals. Stop industrial pollution and plastic particles from entering storm drains. Taxes: Simplify tax codes and increase the child tax credit.
Master’s Degree-Educational administration, University of Detroit Mercy Doctoral Degree-Currently pursuing Ed.D in Leadership, American College of Education
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I will work to create a more robust, supportive, equitable system for all, to improve our quality of life and property values by:
Investing in our schools, students, and teachers and their safety
Bringing back manufacturing jobs and increasing job training programs
Ensuring accessible and affordable of medical services, especially mental health and women’s reproductive health
Supporting infrastructure projects to improve our roads, bridges, stormwater systems, and seawalls Being a wise steward of taxpayer money
Alicia St. Germaine
Did not respond to questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $164,120.
Christina Hines
Age: 34
Occupation: Attorney and Adjunct Professor
Municipality of residence: Warren, MI
For how long: 21 years
Online campaign information: christinahinesformacomb.com
will keep hiring top talent. I will expand diversion programs, integrate mental health assessments at jail intact for felony violent offenders, and implement modern technology. I will keep Macomb County a safe place!
Task Force to battle the opioid/fentanyl epidemic. In addition, assign an armed school liaison officer in every Macomb county school to protect our children and give resources and educate our senior population to protect them from fraud and scams.
when taking office because I never want to see someone lose their home. Additionally, I will continue to work tirelessly with our County Executive and Board of Commissioners to serve our county and ensure clean and transparent government.
Education: Warren Woods Tower High School, Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from University of Michigan, Juris Doctor from Wayne State University Law School. Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I will bring integrity to the Prosecutor’s Office, ensure there is equal justice under the law, and focus on crime prevention to make our community safer for everyone. My core priorities are: 1) working with police to end violent crimes, sexual assault, elder abuse, and crimes against children; 2) prioritizing treatment and rehabilitation on drug and mental health cases to reduce repeat crime; and 3) holding polluters accountable and protecting our Lake.
Peter J. Lucido
Age: 64
Occupation: Macomb County Prosecutor
Municipality of residence: Shelby Township
For how long: Almost 30 years in Shelby Township
Online campaign information: http://www.peterjlucido.com
Education: St. Isaac Jogues Catholic School, 1974; De La Salle Collegiate High School, 1978; Macomb County Community College, Associate Degree, 1981; Oakland University Bachelor degree in Public Administration and Business1983; Central Michigan University, Master of Business; Detroit College of Law (now known as Michigan State University Law School) Juris Doctor, Law Degree 1988
Previously and currently held elected offices: Michigan House of Representatives 36th district, Michigan Senate 8th District, Macomb County Prosecutor (Current)
Top goals: I will continue the remarkable turnaround, restored trust, and progress fighting corruption. We set records in child support collections, warrant processing, crime victim services, budget transparency, and national good government awards. We hired a record number of women assistant prosecutors and
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $134,138.
Anthony Wickersham
Age: 62
Occupation: Macomb County Sheriff
Municipality of residence: New Haven
For how long: 1 year
Online campaign information: https:// www.facebook.com/people/Sheriff-Anthony-Wickersham/61564900806506/
Education: · Bachelor
Degree – Wayne State University / Associate Degree – Macomb Community College
FBI National Academy / Northwestern School of Police Staff and Command
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Sheriff – 13.5 years
Top goals: To successfully complete the new central intake and assessment center for the Macomb County Jail. The development of a county wide Crime Suppression Unit to combat and reduce crime in Macomb County. I will continue to provide the best equipment and training to all members of the Sheriff’s Office, so they will have the most up to date equipment and training that will allow them to do their jobs efficiently and safely.
Terence Mekoski
Age: 59
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Shelby Township
For how long: 3 years
Online campaign information: mekoski.com
Education: No answer given.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Fmr.
MI State Representative 36th District
Top goals: To serve as your Constitutional Sheriff protecting all of your rights as well as our county’s borders and waterways from human and drug trafficking, create a multi jurisdictional Narcotics Enforcement
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $124,059.
Mathew T. Churchwell
Age: 35
Occupation: Director, Urban Strategy Municipality of residence: Macomb County
For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information: attformacomb.com
Education: BA, MA, MBA
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Raised in a proud military and union family - with a brother with autism, Matt Churchwell is proud to have grown up in Macomb County. He understands the challenges working families like his face and their economic struggles: Matt will focus on protecting those who work every day to put food on the table. As a father, son and husband, Matt is committed to ensuring Macomb remains the best place to live and stay.
Larry Rocca
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: Macomb County Treasurer
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 7 3⁄4 years Online campaign information: www.larryrocca.com
Education: Bachelor Degree; Oakland University Business, Political Science, History
Previously and currently held elected offices: Treasurer Rocca has been a Precinct Delegate for Macomb County since 1986 and the Macomb County Treasurer for the past 8 years.
Top goals: With continued pressure on families due to fluctuating economic circumstances and financial uncertainty, our residents can have genuine trouble paying their property taxes. I am committed to continuing the policies that I implemented
Three candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $143,596.
Kevin Higgins
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Candice S. Miller
Age: 70
Occupation: Macomb County Public Works Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 50 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: Classes at Macomb Community College and Northwood University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Public Works Commissioner (2017-Present), US House of Representatives – MI-10 (2003-2016), Michigan Secretary of State (1995-2002), Macomb County Treasurer (1992 – 1994), Harrison Township Supervisor (1980-1992), Harrison Township Trustee (1979)
Top goals: My mission since taking office has been to improve water quality, improve the quality of life, and to be a critical component of economic prosperity. I have achieved these goals by reducing combined sewer overflows into Lake St. Clair by 75%, saved thousands of basements from flooding, and completed inspections of our critical underground infrastructure resulting in major investments to ensure NO MORE SINKHOLES.
Libertarian Jim Fulner
Age: 41
Occupation: Engineer
Municipality of residence: Armada Township
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Bachelor’s of Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Achieve individual empowerment by shrinking government and empowering workers. Achieve voluntary solutions to our community’s concerns and encourage advancement of libertarianism and inviting neighbors to join the Libertarian Party. (LP. org/join)
Remove any recommendation/discussion of government regulation to the Public Works Commission’s Educational Outreach Program. Encourage absolute personal property protection is best of ensuring our environment is well cared for including making polluters personally liable for all violations, rather than hiding behind limited liability corporations.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $127,450.
David Adams
Age: 55
Occupation: Public School World History Teacher
Municipality of residence: Bruce Township, MI
For how long: 10 years 4 months, Macomb County since age 4
Online campaign information: https:// sites.google.com/view/adamsforcountyclerk/
Education: M.A. Linguistics, Oakland University 2010; B.A. Secondary Education, Wayne State University 200; Post-graduate certificate adolescent education, Marygrove College 2011
Previously and currently held elected offices: No previously held elected office Top goals: If elected Macomb County Clerk and Register of Deeds, I promise to bring a middle-class work ethnic, integrity and transparency to Macomb County government. I have lived in Macomb all my life and served our nation in the U.S. Army. I continue public service to Macomb County as a public school history teacher. As County Clerk, I will keep accurate records, encourage collaboration and seek bipartisan consensus on behalf of the people of Macomb County.
Age: 62
Occupation: Macomb County Clerk, Register of Deeds
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 37 years
Online campaign information: www.anthonyforlini.com
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration, Western Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices:
- 2004-2010 Harrison Township Supervisor
- 2011-2016 Michigan State Representative for St. Clair Shores, Harrison Township, Clinton Township, Macomb Township
- 2020-Present Macomb County Clerk/ Register of Deeds
Top goals: Four years ago my goal was to provide great customer service. Today you get a real person that is knowledgeable that picks up the phone-no voicemail. Long customer wait times have all been eliminated, most services take just minutes. Future goals 1) Perform the greatest upgrade in our history to the Register of Deeds search capabilities. 2) Upgrade election night reporting. 3) Complete the process of properly storing county records.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $39,375.
Edlira Sako
Age: 44
Occupation: Teacher
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 12+ Years
Online campaign information: www.facebook.com/Vote Sako
Education: Attending:
Wayne State University Masters (MA) Counseling Psychology
Wayne State University, Bachelor of Arts (BA)Dual Majors in Psychology and Political Science, with Honors. University of Tirana, Albania, Bachelor of Arts (BA)Political Science and Government. Previously and currently held elected of-
fices: I am a first time running candidate for County Commission District 7
Top goals: People’s daily lives are impacted by county level decisions. Satisfying citizens needs, facilitating effective governance, emphasis on open communication, mutual respect, and responsible spending is essential. My top three priorities are: road repairs through the County Department of Roads, investment in water and sewage infrastructure - including recreation and safe drinking water, and mental health support - as a student working on a Masters degree in counseling - I see the value in greater understanding of one another.
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: Macomb County Commissioner, District 7
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 39 years
Online campaign information: https://electjimperna.com
Education: University of Lawrence Tech
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Commissioner
Top goals: To work in a bipartisan manner in an effort to best serve those I represent. I am out speaking to the voters, and they mirror my own concerns. My top goals will be enhancing public safety; economic development by creating opportunities for small businesses that create jobs; healthcare access and programs, including mental health, fix failing infrastructure;, and community engagement to improve transparency in our local politics, and create opportunities for each voter to ask questions, as well as provide feedback or concerns.
One candidate is unopposed on the ballot for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $39,375.
Antoinette Wallace
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $39,375.
Donald C. Wheaton, Jr.
Age: 60
Occupation: Attorney and Mediator at Wheaton Law (St. Clair Shores)
Municipality of residence: St. Clair Shores
For how long: (60 years)
Online campaign information: www.electdonwheaton.org
Education: Valedictorian, Lakeview High School (1982); Bachelor of Arts, Summa Cum Laude, Alma College (1986); Juris Doctor, The University of Michigan Law School (1989)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Trustee, Lakeview Public Schools, 29 Years (1991-1998, 2000-2008, 2010-2022)
Top goals: Our county roads are fourth worst in the State and must be improved. Of course, we have to protect the Clinton River Watershed and Lake St. Clair. More “sunshine” for county government is required: Commissioner meetings should be held at night (not mid-afternoons) so that working people could attend. As an attorney, I’ll bring a more legally-honed analysis to the Board table and will have a frequent user’s perspective on County Clerk and Court issues.
Republican Barbara Zinner
Age: 72
Occupation: Macomb County Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 45 years
Online campaign information: barbWins4You@GMAIL.COM
Education: No answer given. Previously and currently held elected offices: I am elected precinct delegate and have been for decades. I was appointed to the Social Work Board of Appeals in Lansing by Gov. Engler for 6 years. I have been elected as a Macomb County Commissioner for 2 Terms.
Top goals: We have to keep the economy going and stimulate more for paychecks
to be in the hands of citizens, American made. Crime is becoming a great problem. Closing the borders must be accomplished for the safety of our families. Our police agencies are doing a great job in protection but also are in great danger in recent times. We need support for strong law and order. Protect our children and continue to clean or water.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $39,375.
Democrat Harold L. Haugh
Age: 74
Occupation: Macomb County Commissioner, Retired from GM after 42 years as Assistant Director, International Regulations Department
Municipality of residence: Roseville (district 10)
For how long: 60 Years
Online campaign information: Harold Haugh for County Commissioner
Education: Attended Macomb Community College, Wayne State University, General Motors Institute, over 1,000 hours General Motors Leadership training, completed MSU Legislative Leadership program
Previously and currently held elected offices: Roseville City Councilman, Roseville Mayor Pro-Tem, Roseville Mayor, State Representative, Macomb County Commissioner FRASER/ROSEVILLE ( currently elected Vice-Chairman)
Top goals: I have deep roots in the Roseville and Fraser community and a long and distinguished record of public service to Macomb County Residents. My top goal has and will continue to be Public Safety. I continue to work with the Sheriff’s Department and local Police, Fire and Emergency Responders to assure the necessary tools are available to provide the best Public Safety possible. Our roads, bridges, and public works need as much attention today as ever before.
Aaron Miranov
Age: 40
Occupation: Logistics
Municipality of residence: Roseville
For how long: 2 years
Online campaign information: aaronmiranov4macomb.simdif.com
Education: B.A., Public Relations, via Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Taxation is theft. As commissioner, I’ll be unable to eliminate or cut taxes. Therefore I want to make sure every dime of your stolen money (tax dollars) are working for you. Also, official Macomb County Commissioner meetings occur during weekdays and at a time when the average person is working — ridiculous. I’ll attempt to have at least half, if not all, business meetings in the early evening so people can attend.
Two candidates are running for one eight-year term. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Andrew Fink
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Kimberly Ann Thomas
Age: 52
Occupation: University of Michigan Law
School professor
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: https:// www.electkimberlythomas.com/
Education: Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, 1999; University of Maryland at College Park, magna cum laude, 1994.
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I care deeply about equal justice for all Michiganders. I am an experienced trial and appellate lawyer and a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where I teach students the ethical practice of law and direct the Juvenile Justice Clinic. My background as a law professor and as a lawyer of 25 years gives me the expertise, experience and problem-solving ability that we need on the Michigan Supreme Court.
Two candidates are running for a partial term ending Jan. 1, 2029. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Kyra Harris Bolden
Age: 36
Occupation: Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: Two years, though I have lived my entire life in Michigan.
Online campaign information:
B.A. Grand Valley State University
J.D. University of Detroit Mercy
Previously and currently held elected offices:
Michigan State Representative, 35th District, 2019-2023
Michigan Supreme Court Justice, 2023-Present
Top goals: The Michigan Supreme Court has offered a unique opportunity to leverage my experience as a legislature, a litigator, and as a public servant in a single position. Throughout my tenure on the court, I’m proud to have made critical decisions that will help shape what justice looks like for generations to come. My work is not done, which is why I am running for retention.
Patrick William O’Grady
Age: 54
Occupation: 15th Circuit Court Judge (Branch County Coldwater, MI)
Municipality of residence: Coldwater
For how long: 25 years (Born and raised in Michigan)
Online campaign information: www.judgeogrady4supremecourt.com
Education: Thomas M. Cooley Law School Juris Doctor, Western Michigan University
Bachelors Business Administration, Michigan State Police Training Academy – Trooper, United States Army Signal Officer Basic Course, Algonac High School, Algonac MI
Previously and currently held elective offices: State of Michigan 15th Circuit Court Judge elected 2008/2014/2020
Top goals: To maintain and restore the public trust of the Supreme Court to one
that all citizens look to as a guard of the Constitution and the rights of individuals. Maintaining a high level of impartiality while increasing access to justice in an ever increasing technological world. Further to make sure that the Judiciary remains as the “citadel of the public justice and the public security”. Federalist Paper 78, Alexander Hamilton
Two candidates are running for the nonincumbent position. According to the House Fiscal Agency, the salary is $186,309.12.
Age: 33
Occupation: Attorney at Ackerman & Ackerman PC
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: Over 20 years in Michigan Online campaign information: www.ackermanforjudge.org
Education: A.B., Harvard (cum laude, high honors in Economics); M.Sc. in Economics, London School of Economics; J.D., Columbia Law School (Law Review, highest honors all three years)
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: One of my goals is to reduce the time it takes for the Court of Appeals to issue decisions. The average time is currently 13.8 months—far too long for critical matters like child custody and criminal appeals. As a Harvard graduate, Columbia Law Review editor, and attorney with extensive appellate experience, including over 100 civil and criminal appeals, I am fully equipped to deliver high-quality, well-reasoned decisions efficiently, ensuring timely justice for all.
Age: 49
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 14 years Online campaign information: www.willisforjustice.com
Education: Latoya is a proud graduate of Renaissance High School. After graduating high school, she attended Western Michigan University where she majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Latoya earned
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her Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy Law School and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 2002.
Previously and currently held elected offices: NONE
Top goals: To restore the general public’s confidence in the integrity of our judicial system. For 21 years I have fought to protect the rights of citizens and as a judge I will fight to protect the Court by ensuring it is fair, impartial, and completely non-partisan. Politics have no place inside our courtrooms. Every individual should be able to trust that their case will be resolved based strictly on the merits, the evidence, and the law.
Two candidates are uncontested on the ballot for two six-year terms. The salary for this position is $195,624.97.
Randy J. Wallace
Running unopposed.
Adrienne Nicole Young
Running unopposed.
Four candidates are unopposed on the ballot for four six-year terms. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
James M. Biernat
Running unopposed.
Teri Lynn Dennings
Running unopposed.
Jennifer M. Faunce
Running Unopposed.
Tracy A. Yokich
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Saima Rehman Khalil
Age: 44 years old
Occupation: Currently self employed attorney with office in downtown mt clemens
Municipality of residence: Sterling Heights
For how long: Lived in Sterling Heights since 2006
Online campaign information: Saima4judge.com
Education: Wayne State university- BA history and political science UM Dearborn - masters public administration
Thomas M Cooley - JD
Previously and currently held elected offices: No prior elected position
Top goals: Community safety. Supporting mental health namely treatment court for schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. When people receive treatment; they are safer which makes community safer and it’s better use of tax payer dollar. Supporting judical outreach and educating community about the role of the court.
Anthony R. Servitto
Age: 40
Occupation: Macomb County Assistant Prosecuting Attorney
Municipality of residence: Mt Clemens
For how long: Mt Clemens since 2011 and has lived in Macomb County for 40 years
Online campaign information: servittoforjudge.com
Education: Thomas Cooley
Law School: 2008-2011
Michigan State University: 2002-2006
B.A. In Political Science/ Pre-Law
De La Salle Collegiate (Warren): 1998-2002
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: If elected Circuit Judge, my goals are to ensure fair and impartial justice for all, protect vulnerable populations like seniors, and support rehabilitation through specialty courts like the Sobriety Court. With over a decade of legal experience, I aim to improve court efficiency, uphold the Michigan Constitution, and foster a legal system where every individual, regardless of background, receives equal treatment. I am committed to maintaining safety and justice in Macomb County’s neighborhoods.
One candidate is unopposed on the ballot for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Sandra A. Harrison
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Aaron J. Hall
Age: 35
Occupation: Chief of the Probate Unit at the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 5 years in Clinton Township, 34 years in Macomb County. Online campaign information: www.hallforprobatejudge.com
Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (J.D.), Oakland University (B.A.) with Honors. Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A Top goals: As a cancer survivor, I understand the importance of peace of mind to families navigating challenges of caring for their loved ones. As Judge, I will modernize the technology of the Probate Court. This will provide a better experience for the public and faster results. I’ve handled over 1,000 Probate matters. Mental illness petitions, protecting the disabled and seniors, and safeguarding family assets while upholding estate wishes are issues too important for needless delays.
Benjamin A. Schock
Age: 48
Occupation: Probate and Elder Law Attorney
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 10 years (lifetime Macomb County Resident)
Online campaign information: http://www.schockforprobate.com
Education: Macomb Lanse Creuse High School North, Michigan State University, B.A in Political Science Pre Law, Michigan State University College of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: None Top goals: As a Judge, I would continue protecting seniors and vulnerable individuals from abuse. I will look to use the role of judge to further protect susceptible individuals. I have over 18 years of probate court experience, under both the Estates and Protected Individuals and Mental
Health Codes. I am deeply committed to serve Macomb County as a fair, honest, dedicated and impartial probate court judge; ethically upholding the principles of justice, integrity, and compassion.
Judge of District Court - 41B
District, incumbent position
One candidate is unopposed on the ballotfor one six-year term. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Sebastian Lucido
Running unopposed.
Clinton Township Supervisor
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $89,288.
Paul Gieleghem
Age: 54
Occupation: Treasurer, Clinton Township
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 53 years
Online campaign information: paulgieleghem.com
Education: Graduate Clintondale High School, Associate of Arts, Macomb Community College, Bachelors of Arts, Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: State Representative, 19992004; County Commissioner, 2005-10; Chairman, Macomb County Board of Commissioners, 2009-10; Clinton Township Trustee, 2012-16; Clinton Township Treasurer: 2016 -present.
Top goals: We deserve a Supervisor who works every day to bring people together and solve problems. As an experienced public official, with a 99.6% attendance record at all regularly scheduled board meetings, I’ll listen to our residents, and then mobilize our workforce and resources to expand our neighborhood parks, fight for road funding, revitalize our commercial districts, and serve all of our residents; so our community grows in a way that leaves no one behind.
Vicki Wolber
Age: 54
Occupation: Retired; self-employed consultant
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 6 years
Online campaign information: lectvickiwolber.com
Education: BBA, Walsh College; State Certified Professional Emergency Manager (PEM)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: People need to feel safe, secure and comfortable where they live, work and visit in the Township. With 32 plus years of public safety knowledge and expertise, I will put safety first, mitigate risk and ensure that our first responders are well trained, equipped and provided competitive compensation. I also want the Board to operate in an organized and civil manner, with open and honest discussion where people are treated kindly and with respect.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $85,950.
Carol Shumard Diehl
Age: No answer given.
Occupation: Clerk 41B District Court, 23 years
Residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 43 years
Online campaign information: Facebook
Education: L’Anse Creuse, some at Macomb Community
Previous and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Past county and district court experience has prepared me for the clerk’s position. My plans include a more open door policy for our residents and improving the ethics at all levels. If elected, my priority will be the safety, integrity, transparency and timeliness of the election process.
Kim Meltzer
Age: 60
Occupation: Clerk
Residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 34
Online campaign information: Meltzerforclerk.com
Education: BA Political Science Wayne State University; CERA, Election Administration Certification; MiPMC & MMC Certifications
Previous and currently held elected offices: Clinton Township Trustee 20002004, State Representative 2007-2010, Clinton Township Clerk 2012-present Top goals: I have served the best interest of Clinton Township’s residents for 12 years. My strong work ethic shows residents I am accountable to them by implementing advanced digital access to the people’s documents. Residents have more and faster access to government documentation than ever before.
Election Security: I have executed accurate elections and led the way for the entire state on Ballot Box security by being the first clerk to place cameras on Ballot Drop Boxes.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $85,950.
Tammy T. Patton
Age: 53
Occupation: U.S Army Veteran, Clinton Township Trustee, Owner of Small Businesses, CEO and Owner of Team Patton Outreach Non-Profit
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: www.tammypattonfortreasurer.com
Education: Harvard Kennedy School of Education: Executive Certificate in Public Leadership, Certificate in Women and Power, Certificate in Public Narrative, and Senior Executives in State and Local Government.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Clinton Township Trustee
Top goals: As an invested taxpaying Clinton Township property owner for 20 years, I know people want to know where our taxes are going, and that they are spent responsibly. This is the right of every taxpayer. As Treasurer, transparency will be the top priority. I will concentrate on financial responsibility and Leadership. This is the glue that holds our township together and moves us forward.
Republican Mike Aiello
Age: 69
Occupation: Doctor of Chiropractic, Business Entrepreneur, Realtor, Small Business Owner
Clinton Twp., Mi
Municipality of residence: Clinton Twp.
For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information: www.aiellofortreasurer, Facebook
Education: Doctor of Chiropractic & other Professional Certifications
Previously and currently held elected offices: 4th Term Precinct Delegate
Top goals: **LOWER PROPERTY TAXES: Making our community affordable to live within **HOLD ACCOUNTABILITY TO TOWNSHIP PLANNING COMMISSIONS & FISCAL TRANSPARENCY: Taxpayers deserve transparency in all departments within the Township.
**INCREASE PUBLIC SAFETY: Support the first responders
GROWTH: As a small business owner for over 30 years, I know firsthand, without small businesses you have no community.
**PROTECT OUR SENIOR CITIZENS: Senior Citizens are the largest & most vulnerable population in our community. As an elected official, it is our job to protect our citizens.
Clinton Township Trustee
Eight candidates are running for four four-year terms. The salary for this position is $14,690.
Shannon King Age: 43
Occupation: Talent Acquisition / Human Resources Leader, Co-owner of a Small Business
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: Since 2018 Online campaign information:
Education: Some college coursework at Wayne State University, De La Salle High School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Secretary of Chippewa Valley School Board (current)
Top goals: Empower Residents: Give resi-
dents control over portions of the budget with participatory budgeting.
Support First Responders: Ensure strong support and resources for local first responders. Improve
Transparency: Make township information easily and quickly accessible through digital portals.
Amplify Resident Voices: Engage through surveys, town halls, and rotating meetings for greater access.
Ensure Resource Efficiency: Use resources efficiently and look for smart ways to save money.
Julie Matuzak Age: 69
Occupation: Retired/Part-time Office Manager
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: No answer given. Online campaign information: www.juliematuzak4clintontwp.com
Education: BA, Grand Valley State University (William James College)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Clinton Township Trustee, Macomb County Commissioner
Top goals: Examining each budget, program and department to make sure we are providing services in the most efficient, cost effective and ethical manner possible. Continue pushing for more transparency in township business. Provide more services and programs to residents in locations other than the Romeo Plank township center campus. Increased economic development in the Gratiot and Groesbeck corridors. Fight for more road funding.
Iona Means
Age: 61
Occupation: Retired-Macomb County Department of Roads - over 30 years of service
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: Lifetime resident
Online campaign information: Iona Means for Clinton Township Trustee on Facebook
Education: Graduate of Clintondale High School and complete courses at Macomb Community College Previously and currently held elected
offices: Former Clintondale School Board Member
Top goals: If elected as Trustee, I will bring energy and a strong Democratic voice to the Board. With my history of service to Clinton Township, and career experience working for the Macomb County Department of Roads, I plan to help capture state and federal funding for local road projects and work on a balanced, strategic economic development plan. My priorities also include voting for investments in neighborhood parks and expanding programs for both seniors and youths.
Diane Zontini
Age: 72
Occupation: Retired Vocational Educator, Retired Owner & Operator of a Vocational Academy 26 years
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 41 years
Online campaign information: Diane Zontini For Clinton Township Trustee (Facebook)
Education: Lake Shore High School Grad, Licensed Vocational Educator, Licensed Cosmetologist
Previously and currently held elected offices: Nonelected appointment to Clintondale Community Schools Board of Education Trustee
Top goals: We need to continue to eliminate unnecessary government spending. We need to take advantage of state and federal money for road construction projects. We need to reinstate our chipping services for our residents. We should have a Town Hall meeting to discuss the substandard local roads and defining what options the residents have in fixing their streets. We need to address the areas in the township where homeowners are dealing with a rat infestation.
Dan Kress Age: 57
Occupation: Retired builder/developer
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 44 years Online campaign information: VoteKress.com
Education: CVHS/ Ferris State
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently a Clinton Township trustee
Top goals: Since being elected in the February 2024 Trustee special election, I have requested a property tax freeze, fought for & restored the Township branch chipping service, as well as proudly drafting/introduced/and passed a motion condemning Oakland County’s disgraceful dumping of sewage in Our River and Lake. If re-elected, I will continue to be a strong voice and take a Common Sense approach to all matters considering your tax dollars and this place we call home!
Republican Vito Strolis Age: 67
Occupation: Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 44 Years
Online campaign information: Vito Strolis for Clinton Twp Trustee on Facebook
Education: Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: In the decades that I’ve lived in Clinton Twp., I have continued to learn how important our senior services, as well as our first responder services are. I would like to help with the advancement of our senior citizen programs such as our senior transportation services. I will push to see to it that first responder services are a number one priority. Along with this I would also like to upgrade our parks and roads.
Republican Bruce Wade Age: 67
Occupation: Retired Police Chief Clinton Township, currently Manager of Advanced Police Training Macomb College
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township For how long: Almost 40 years
Online campaign information: Facebook: Elect Bruce Wade for Clinton Twp. Trustee
Education: Two Associate degrees Macomb College, Bachelor degree Madonna
University Criminal Justice, Masters degree University of Detroit Criminal Justice, Graduate of the National FBI Academy Quantico Virginia.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Chippewa Valley School Board
Top goals: Maintain high standards for Police Fire and EMS services. Improve services such as sanitation removal in a timely fashion and wood chipping services. Maximize dollars to maintain and improve our roads. Always be responsible with the publics tax dollars. Continue redevelopment on Groesbeck and Gratiot. Promote our Colleges and Universities as they will bring business to the area. Always supporting the Clinton Township Senior Center.
Republican Derek Wilczynski Age: 53
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Clinton Twp. For how long: 25 years continuously, 46 years total
Online campaign information: derekfortrustee.com
Education: Law degree, Bachelor of Science (Political Science, minors in History and Communications)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None Top goals: Clinton Twp’s residents deserve to be protected with a police and fire presence that continues to be second to none. We deserve improved trash pick up and woodchipper services as well as more efficient delivery of Township services. We need a strong business climate and an ethical, transparent, and principled government. I am the most qualified candidate to deliver for the residents of Clinton Twp and pledge to work, civilly, with all Trustees and officers.
One candidate is running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $95,000.
Kenneth J. Verkest
Running unopposed.
One candidate is running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $95,000.
Republican Adam Wit
Running unopposed.
One candidate is running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $95,000.
Larry Tomenello
Running unopposed.
Five candidates are running for four four-year terms. The salary for this position is $12,000.
Craig William Bardill
Age: 64
Occupation: Tradesman / Businessman
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township, MI
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information: Facebook
Craig William Bardill for Harrison Twp Trustee
Education: Mott High School Graduate Warren; MCCC Warren Climate Control Technology; Chrysler Weldteck Detroit; Steamfitters Training Center, Troy
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Crackdown on rental property owners with unrepaired blight. Work with Board, Planning Commission, and State of Michigan to better Regulate Air B&Bs. Curb multi-family rental construction and encourage single-family home ownership. Work with Board and Public Works to protect wildlife and drinking water by cracking down on backfilling wetlands and stopping sewage overflows. Work with Board to increase family and senior recreation bike trails and open spaces. Fully fund police, fire, and EMS.
Brian W Batkins
Age: 58
Occupation: Regional Installation Group Manager
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: Lifelong resident
Online campaign information:
Education: Journeyman Millwright
Some college
Previously and currently held elected of-
fices: Harrison township precinct delegate
2 term Harrison Township Trustee
Top goals: I want to continue my work on improving Lake St Clair water quality. I will continue to focus my attention on township infrastructure needs as well as other township financial obligations. I will continue my support of our township firefighters as well as our sheriffs’ deputies. I will continue to maintain our township’s relationships with local businesses through the Parks and Recreation department that provides many activities throughout the year.
Republican David Bratto
Age: 61
Occupation: Business owner
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information: Facebook (David Bratto Harrison Twp Trustee)
Education: College
Previously and currently held elected offices: Trustee, Harrison township
Top goals: Maintain staffing and support for the police and fire departments. Planned infrastructure improvements (bridges, sidewalks, pathways). Protect our property values and keep the tax rate as low as possible, by keeping government spending in check, utilize grants to secure funding for infrastructure when possible. Improve the DDA along Jefferson and our township offices need substantial structural updates. I will always vote in support of any requests from Candice Miller to protect our waterways.
Republican Liza Brown
Age: 40
Occupation: Owner/Operator of Daisy Salon Studios; former Community NonProfit Director of 15 years
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: https://tinyurl.com/lizabrowntrustee
Education: Michigan State University, B.S. in Parks & Recreation Resources
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As a small business owner and mother of four children in our township, my foremost goals center on enhancing family well-being, community partnerships, and promoting thriving local establishments. I aim to support a business-friendly environment that stimulates growth and opportunities for residents of all ages. Additionally, I will focus on enhancing quality of life by protecting our waterways and supporting our parks and other natural resources.
Republican Dean Olgiati
Age: 60
Occupation: Luigi’s Original Restaurant
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 8 years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: Chippewa Valley High School
Graduate 1982
Previously and currently held elected offices: Harrison Township Trustee 2020-2024
Top goals: To maintain fiscal responsibility while continuing to improve infrastructure projects throughout our township. To continue to serve with integrity and respect while being approachable to residents.To continue support of initiatives to improve water quality in Lake St.Clair. I hope to continue to work with a board that is cohesive and works for the betterment of our community.
Five candidates are running for two six-year terms. The trustees are not compensated for their service.
Age: 60
Occupation: High School Teacher for 30 yrs: 18 yrs at Eastpointe Community Schools.
Municipality of residence: St. Clair Shores
For how long: 43 yrs in SCS, 10 yrs in Roseville
Online campaign information: VOTE411. org You can compare all candidate profiles with the League of Women Voters Guide. I am asking for one of the two votes you are al-
lowed to cast for the MCC Board of Trustees.
Education: Masters in Educational Leadership, Certified Teacher State of MI, Bachelor of Education, two Associate degrees from Macomb Community College, HS diploma from South Lake, SCS.
Previously and currently held elected offices: 32 years served as a Precinct Delegate for SCS and Roseville. Currently, Precinct 11 delegate, SCS. Top goals: 1) Reducing costs for students.
2) Consistent and Fair grading policies. The Costs are too high. Both incumbents voted for a 4.7% increase in tuition in 2023. I will vote NO. I’m tired of high costs and living paycheck to paycheck. Aren’t you? MCC doesn’t need to increase tuition and costs year after year. I support preserving face to face instruction. You can NOT help students you do not see in the classroom.
Roseanne DiMaria
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Joan Flynn
Age: N/A
Occupation: Retiree
Municipality of Residence: Warren, Macomb County
For how long: 50 years
Online campaign: N/A
Education: Graduate High School - Nativity of Our Lord, Bachelor’s Degree- General Studies/Concentration in Labor Studies - Oakland University, Associate in the Arts- Macomb Community College
Previously and currently held elected offices: Macomb County Commissioner - 18 years Macomb Community College Trustee - 6 years - currently
Top goals: Maintain the Structure & Professionalism that is currently presented: Skilled Trade Courses offered for students Associate degrees to achieve with qualified Instructors
Mental Health support for Students - 24/7 Dental Science and Nurses Programs Macomb College provide the lowest cost of post-secondary education in Michigan Provide tuition for full time Students with family income below $70,000 cap annually State of Arts learning environment education in Michigan
Eugene F. Groesbeck
Age: 64
Occupation: Retired Corrections Deputy with the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office and currently a Special Investigator with the United States Department of State Diplomatic Security Service.
Municipality of residence: Shelby Township
For how long: Since 1989 Online campaign information: Facebook page - Eugene F. Groesbeck for Macomb Community College Trustee
Education: Associate Degree in Arts - Macomb Community College 1979, Bachelor of Science in History - Lake Superior State University 1982 and Master of Arts in Dispute Resolution - Wayne State University 2002.
Previous and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: To ensure MCC continues to be at the forefront of meeting the educational needs of Macomb County residents offering programs/degrees that equip them with skills necessary to succeed in the changing economic environment.
MCC holds a special place in my heart as it is where I began my journey in higher education. I wouldn’t be where I am in life without having attended there.
Jon Lafferty Age: 56
Occupation: Associate Broker/Realtor Municipality of residence: St Clair Shores For how long: 12 years Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: AA Macomb Community College; BS Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As an alumnus, I’m eager to help the college thrive for future students. My experience as a student and community member provides a unique perspective on our challenges and opportunities.
I will work to enhance trade education and student success while strengthening local partnerships. With a focus on innovation and collaboration with other institutions, I am committed to the college’s legacy and ensuring it serves as a vital resource for students.
Six candidates are running for two six-year terms. The annual compensation for this position is $2,400.
Donald Kuntz
Age: 59
Occupation: Retired Teacher
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 35 years
Online campaign information: www.donkuntzforcvsschoolboard.com
Education: Bachelors Degree in Architecture - Lawrence Institute of Technology
Bachelors Degree in Secondary Education Mathematics - Oakland University Masters Degree in Educational Leadership - Saginaw Valley State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I plan to use my experience in the classroom, as a teacher, and my service in the United States Marine Corps, as a leader, to help build more unity and to develop common goals through collaboration with all stakeholders in our school district. I want us, together, to build a safe and supportive environment for our students. By focusing on innovation, accountability, transparency, and creativity to make Chippewa Valley Schools the best we can be.
Talitha T. Mahome
Age: 34
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 2 years
Online campaign information: mahomeforcvsboard.com
Education: Juris Doctorate from University of Toledo College of Law
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: As a CVS School Board member, my main goals will be to prioritize student success, support our teachers and staff, and promote open communication and transparency in decisionmaking. I am committed to ensuring a safe, inclusive environment where every child can thrive academically and socially.
Lewis A. Miles III
Age: 50
Occupation: Rigger/Ironworker
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 6 Years
Online campaign information: www.electlewmiles.com
Education: High School
Previously and currently held elected offices: Precinct Delegate, Aug 2022 - Aug 2024
Top goals: Some of my top goals include:
-- Increasing transparency, as it is currently almost non-existant.
-- Work to improve test scores and curriculum to above 40% median proficiency.
-- Strengthen programs for after graduation for students not wanting college.( trades, small business start up / ownership, etc.
-- Work toward correcting underfunded classrooms, when average per pupil funding is $17,560.44.
-- Work to figure out hiring shortages for all areas except administration.
-- Thank you, and remember to vote!!
Terry Prince Age: 58
Occupation: Budget Analyst, US Army
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information: www.electterryprince.com
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I wish to restore community trust in the board and administration by increasing transparency and being more responsive to the community’s input; being fiscally responsible (fully funding classrooms first!); treat all students, staff, and community members equally and with respect without preferential treatment or agendas; and focus on improving the curriculum to result in increased proficiency scores and a superior education. Hire and maintain the highest quality staff and administration with adequate compensation.
Monica Radyko
Age: 41
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom/substitute
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information: www.electmonicaradyko.org
Education: Oakland University, Bachelor of Science in Education, Certification Elementary Education K-8, Language Arts Endorsement. Saginaw Valley State University, Master’s Degree Early Childhood Education, ZA Endorsement
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: To engage families in their children’s learning, build partnerships between families, teachers, and administrators. Stop declining enrollment by earning trust back from our families. Community transparency. Increase the pay of substitute teachers and support staff. Fund teachers’ classrooms with necessary supplies needed for learning. Competitive pay for teachers. Reduce classroom size. Hire more resource officers to keep schools safe. Host town halls where students, teachers and family voices can be heard. Reduce school debt.
Rita E. Zielinski
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Three candidates are running for two six-year terms. Monthly compensation for this position is $300.
Wilbur Jones
Age: 61
Occupation: Retired Military/School Teacher (Army JROTC)
Municipality of residence: Clinton Twp/ Macomb County
For how long: 40 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: Masters Degree - Marriage @ Family Counseling
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently on Clintondale School Board
Top goals: I want to assist the school district in any way I can, be available, committed, and motivated to accomplish the job. Always Students first.
Lisa Wilson Age: 58
Occupation: Director, Vendor Development @ Foot Locker, Inc. NY/NY
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 36 years
Online campaign information: Instagram: Lisalkw1960
Education: Bachelor of Business Administration
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: Our children deserve a quality education, positive school experiences and a safe space to learn and connect with their peers. My goals to drive district successes are:
Partner with administration and faculty
Improve student proficiency scores
Ensure a safe and healthy student environment
Ensure students have the tools and resources for success
Be a student and parent advocate
Build competitive extracurricular programs Remember, when it comes to getting things done, Lisa Wilson is number 1!
Kurt Wilson
Age: 60
Occupation: Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC) Instructor at Pontiac High School, Boys Varsity Basketball Head Coach at L’Anse Creuse North High School, Girls Varsity Golf Coach
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: Lake Shore High School, BA from Madonna University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My name is Kurt Wilson. I am running for Clintondale Community Schools Board of Education. After completing a 20-year career in the Armed Forces
I’ve been employed in secondary education for the past 22 years. My goals are simple; student growth and educational achievement, school safety and facility infrastructure.
Collectively, educators, parents and school board members must work together to find solutions to improve our schools and community.
- one partial term ending 12/31/2028
Three candidates are running for one partial term. Monthly compensation for this position is $300.
Michael R. Brooks
Age: 40
Occupation: Advocacy Support Specialist for a local non-profit.
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: none
Education: Bachelor of Arts- Political Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: 2020 Precinct Delegate, in 2022 I ran for the Michigan house of representatives.
Top goals: My main concerns are to keep public schools safe and well-funded, busing should be available for all of those in need. I want to work with others in a team to help govern the local district and help create a better tomorrow for not only my kids but generations to come. Our local tax dollars play a big role in funding as well as the state. I do want others to be able to come (...)
Stephen Edwin Sevonty
Age: 45
Occupation: Carpenter
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township
For how long: 13 years
Online campaign information: No answer given.
Education: apprenticeship and secondary amongst trade licenses and certifications
Previously and currently held elected offices: Never Top goals: My only goal is to give clintondale students something that they are proud of and will use the rest of their life and always remember where they learned it. Teaching kids how to work with their hands, how to use simple tools, estimate size weights and distance, how to cook a simple meal, grocery shop and balance a check book
and change a tire Are all skills easily taught under any circumstances.
Lisa L. Valerio-Nowc
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
- two partial terms ending 12/31/2026
Two candidates are running unopposed for two partial terms. Monthly compensation for this position is $300.
Felicia R. Kaminski
Running unopposed.
Michael J. Manning
Running unopposed.
Seven candidates are running for two six-year terms. The maximum per meeting pay for this position is $30.
Jay Blazius
Age: 63
Occupation: Optometrist
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 27 years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: Bachelor of Science in Visual Science, Doctor of Optometry (O.D.)
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Ensure a quality education for all students
Maintain the highest level of safety and security for all students, staff, and administrators
Keep district facilities and infrastructure well-maintained and state of the art
Sandra R. Hernden
Age: 48
Occupation: Wife, Mom, Police Officer-School Resource Officer (SRO).
Municipality of residence: Macomb Township
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information: Facebook site-Sandra R. Hernden for L’Anse Creuse School board.
Education: High School Diploma, Para-
medic, Detroit Metropolitan Police Academy, various Law Enforcement training to include School Safety-School Shooter, Mental Health, behavioral intervention, MDR/ IEP, Threat Assessment, Violent Gangs, and Federal Analyst.
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given.
Top goals: My goals to make our district a powerhouse are to support the following issues and strive to achieve these goals:
-Fiscal responsibility, transparency, and accountability;
-Investing in local public education;
-Parent/community/staff involvement;
-School Safety;
-Student achievement;
-Robust Athletic and Extracurricular Activities;
-Supporting staff at all levels.
S. George Icsman
Age: 62
Occupation: retired teacher
Municipality of residence: Harrison Township
For how long: 21 years
Online campaign information: facebook: Vote for George Icsman
Education: M.Ed., UCLA
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Top goals: I want to ensure that our children, and our community, continue to reap the benefits of A+ public schools. To that end, I will bring responsible & professional leadership, including reviewing all budget items and demanding accountability. I will promote and expand career & technical education opportunities, including reaching out to business partners in our community. We must communicate the district’s plans & expenditures openly and thoroughly, and promptly respond to the concerns of the district’s students & parents.
Jody Lesinski
Age: 53
Occupation: Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Chesterfield
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: My Facebook is Jody Lesinski for L’Anse Creuse Board of Education
Education: Bachelor of Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: If I am fortunate enough to earn a spot on the school board, I will make sure parents have a voice on the board, advocate for academic improvement, insist on full district transparency, fiscal responsibility and facility and grounds upkeep. Our district needs some help. From declining academic performance to deteriorating athletic fields and courts our district needs to be better. I believe it can be better and once again be a destination school district.
Andrew Parski
Age: 30 years old
Occupation: Secondary Social Studies Teacher at Academy 21 in Center Line Public Schools
Municipality of residence: Clinton Township, MI
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: andrewparski.com
Education: Bachelors of Education from Wayne State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My top goals for the district include making sure students have access to the best education possible, as well as the best extracurricular offerings. Another priority is increased transparency of board decisions and including more community based feedback in the decision making process of the board. I also want to make sure the district budget is done with the best interests of the students in mind.
Amy Servial
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Dale VanDeWater
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Five candidates are running for four four-year terms. The salary for this position is $0.
Alex Bronson
Age: 34
Occupation: Entrepreneur Municipality of residence: Mount Clemens
For how long: 10 years
Online campaign information: None
Education: B.S. in Biochemistry
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: I want to get more students that live in Mount Clemens to attend our schools by reforming our budget and working closely with other local government bodies to fix the bigger issues we have in our community.
Rashidah Hammond
Age: 48
Occupation: Program Supervisor
Municipality of residence: Mount Clemens
For how long: 14 years
Online campaign information: Facebook: Rashidah Hammond for Mount Clemens School Board
Education: Master of Education in Educational Leadership
Previously and currently held elected offices: City of Mount Clemens Commissioner 2019-2024
Top goals:
A positive learning environment that prioritizes safety can increase a higher student attendance rate, reduce truancy, and enhance academic performance.
Streamlining and being intentional with staff recruitment, offering competitive compensation and benefits, continuous professional development, and knowing the importance of work-life balance. Making the school budget a top priority and guaranteeing the provision of a highquality curriculum and access to essential resources for students, families, and staff.
Earl C. Rickman
Age: 67
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of residence: Mt.Clemens,MI. For how long: 57 years
Online campaign information: Facebook: committee to re-elect Earl C Rickman
Education: Mt.Clemens High School alumnus 1975. B.S. Florida A&M University. 1980.
Master’s degree work Florida A&M University.
Previously and currently held elected offices: Appointed to the Mt.Clemens Board of education 1985. Elected to the Mt.Clemens Board of education 1986- current, 39.5 years of continuous service on the Mt.Clemens board of
Top goals: I’d like to thank the voters of the Mt.Clemens community School district in advance for their continued support over the last 39.5 years serving on the board of education.
I’m committed to working collaboratively with the Superintendent and board in continuing the positive work in the district. Upon re-election I will work to:
Increase student achievement. Increase student enrollment. Passage of capital improvements bond. Institutional knowledge is greatly needed. I’m ready to serve.
Paul Sheppard
Age: 50 Years Old
Occupation: Paraprofessional Municipality of residence: Mount Clemens
For how long: Most recently, 6 years
Online campaign information: N/A
Education: Some College at Southeastern University in Lakeland, Florida. Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My top goal is to earn the support of the community by promoting transparency and accountability. Mount Clemens has not passed a bond since at least 2005. There are no other surrounding districts that have not passed at least one bond proposal, and some have passed as many as four bond proposals. Our children deserve better.
Jeanine R. Walker
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Shall L’Anse Creuse Public Schools, Macomb County, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed One Hundred Eighty-Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($188,700,000) and issue its general obligation unlimited tax bonds therefor, in one or more series, for the purpose of: remodeling, furnishing and refurnishing, and equipping and reequipping school buildings, including for school security; acquiring and installing instructional technology; equipping, preparing, developing, and improving athletic fields and facilities, playgrounds, and sites; and purchasing school buses?
The following is for informational purposes only:
The estimated millage that will be
levied for the proposed bonds in 2025, under current law, is 0.00 mill ($0.00 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation) for a 0.00 mill net increase over the prior year’s levy. The maximum number of years the bonds of any series may be outstanding, exclusive of any refunding, is twenty-five (25) years. The estimated simple average annual millage anticipated to be required to retire this bond debt is 2.29 mills ($2.29 on each $1,000 of taxable valuation).
The school district expects to borrow from the State School Bond Qualification and Loan Program to pay debt service on these bonds. The estimated total principal amount of that borrowing is $7,790,232 and the estimated total interest to be paid thereon is $13,005,718. The estimated duration of the millage levy associated with that borrowing is 10 years and the estimated computed millage rate for such levy is 7.00 mills. The estimated computed millage rate may change based on changes in certain circumstances.
The total amount of qualified bonds currently outstanding is $187,750,000. The total amount of qualified loans currently outstanding is approximately $25,336,495.
(Pursuant to State law, expenditure of bond proceeds must be audited and the proceeds cannot be used for repair or main-
tenance costs, teacher, administrator or employee salaries, or other operating expenses.)
For the purpose of continuing funding for 9-1-1 emergency call answering and dispatch services within Macomb County, shall Macomb County be authorized to assess a surcharge of up to $0.42 per month on all service users, except for users of a prepaid wireless telecommunications service, located within Macomb County for a period of four (4) years, effective from July 1, 2025 through June 30, 2029?
Shall the county of Macomb elect a charter commission for the purpose of generally revising the Home Rule Charter of the County of Macomb and framing and submitting to the electorate of the county a revised home rule charter for the county under the constitution and laws of Michigan?
BY MARY BETH ALMOND malmond@candgnews.com
METRO DETROIT — The rising cost of college, combined with growing demand for skilled workers, is driving more students to enroll in career and technical education programs, known as CTE programs.
The state projects more than 520,000 Michigan jobs and approximately 45,500 annual openings in the professional trades by 2030.
Amid skilled-labor shortages across the nation, many students are choosing CTE programs to explore a future career, get college credit, find an internship, and/or earn industry recognized certifications, all while fulfilling their high school graduation requirements.
At Oakland Schools Technical Campuses, high school students from the county’s 28 public school districts, public academies, private learning institutions and home schools can learn practical career technical education. Enrolled students spend part of their day studying at their home district and the remainder involved in one of several career clusters offered at one of four of the county’s technical campuses — Pontiac, Clarkston, Walled Lake and Royal Oak.
Across Michigan, many high schools and specialty programs offer CTE courses aligned with in-demand, high-wage careers in fields like business, information technology, health care, hospitality and manufacturing.
“Career and technical education is preparing students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand jobs,” said Paul Galbenski, the dean of Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast in Pontiac.
OSTC offers a total of 17 state-approved CTE programs: — including agriscience and environmental technologies; automotive technology; collision repair and refinishing; computer programming; construction technology; cosmetology; criminal justice; culinary arts/hospitality; cybersecurity networking; energy-electrical technology; engineering, robotics and mechatronics; entrepreneurship and advanced marketing; graphic and communication design; health sciences; machining; medium/heavy truck and equipment; and welding.
The primary focus of OSTC’s program is for students to marry their technical and academic skills together, so they are career ready. Because being career-ready looks different for each student and their field of in-
terest, there are many options.
“They can go into a pathway where they are working on our Oakland Technical Early College, where they could come out with an associate degree in their technical area. They could be in a pre-apprenticeship program. They could go directly into the workforce. They could go into the military. They could go into a speciality trade school. They could go to a two-year community college, or they could go to a four-year university. … All of those options are on the table,” he said.
Through internships, apprenticeships and day-in-the-life job shadowing, students learn what it’s like to work in their chosen fields — instead of spending thousands to figure it out in college.
“Students that attend a technical campus have what I like to phrase as a ‘force multiplier of opportunities’ because they are then in each of these programs, working toward and earning industry credentials,” Galbenski explained.
For example, students in the OSTC cosmetology program can earn a cosmetology state license, while those in the computer
programming course can become certified in java, HTML, or CSS3. Students in OSTC’s health sciences program, can earn a certified nurse aide license or a patient care technician credential, and those interested in the construction field can earn an Occupational Safety and Health Administration 10 safety certification, to name a few.
And, according to Galbenski, it’s all for free at OSTC.
“Every one of these credentials is free. You want to talk about return on invest-
Northeast. The northeast campus, located in Pontiac, serves students who live in or attend schools in the Avondale, Lake Orion, Oxford, Pontiac and Rochester school districts.
ment. … There are many opportunities for students to be successful and look at those careers and pursue those pathways,” he said.
Utica Community Schools offers a variety of CTE courses to high-schoolers in a number of areas, including everything from computer programming, cybersecurity and engineering to finance, radio and television broadcasting, and woodworking — to name a few. The district also features five high school specialty programs, including the Utica Center for Mathematics, Science and
Technology; the Utica Academy for Health and Human Services; the Gene L. Klida Utica Academy for International Studies; the Stevenson Center for Manufacturing and Design Engineering; and the Utica Center for Science and Industry.
Scott Spry, an electronic technology and mechatronics instructor at the Utica Center for Science and Industry, said UCSI students have access to work-based learning opportunities, including job shadowing, mentoring and work-site internships. Students, he said, focus on the design thinking process and choose one of the three CTE pathways — multimedia production, mechatronics or engineering technology.
“We already know that the pipeline for career and technical education positions is very, very lean, so continuing to try to fill that pipeline from our level has been a priority for the last couple of years,” Spry explained.
At Utica Community Schools, Spry said, many of its CTE students have gone on to work in needed fields within the community.
The same is true for many of OTSC students — including former OSTC health sciences graduates, who have gone on fill vacant, in-demand doctor and dentist positions within Oakland County communities.
cars coming across the border.”
Trump told the crowd that if companies want to do business in the U.S., they have to make their product here.
“Whether it’s a car or anything else, we want them to have their plant in the United States. This way, we employ our people and then we have to keep out the competition,” Trump said. “We’re going to make fair trade by charging them tariffs. If they want to come in and steal our wealth and steal our jobs and steal our companies, then they have to pay a price for that. We’re going to need the help of the Senate. We’re going to need the help of the House. If they won’t do it, I’ll have the authorization and the power to do it myself.”
Trump served one term as president from 2017-2021 and lost his bid for a second term to Joe Biden in November 2020. Now again the Republican nominee, he is running against Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris. The presidential election is Nov. 5.
One question centered on what Trump will do to lower the cost of living if he gets back into the White House. He said inflation should be between 1% and 2%. Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics put the rate of inflation in the United States at 3.2% in August 2024, down from a high of more than 6% in 2022.
“People are hurt by the cost of groceries, the cost of everything. The prices are so high, and (people) make the same wages,” Trump said. “We’re going to be bringing them down. It’s going to start with energy. We’re going to drill. Energy’s coming way down and when energy comes down, everything else follows. We’re going to bring your energy bills down by 50% in the first 12 months. The interest rates are going to come down.”
He also said he will terminate the current mandate for electric cars if elected president. The border crisis also needs to be addressed.
“There are a lot of people being released into our country that should never be here,” Trump said. “Nobody wants to have criminals coming into this country.”
Democratic National Committee spokesperson Stephanie Justice released a statement on the DNC’s website at democrats.org in response to Trump’s visit.
“Donald Trump broke his promises to Michigan auto workers time and time again. He told them that they wouldn’t ‘lose one plant,’ then turned his back on hundreds of workers as they lost their jobs. Trump left Michigan’s auto industry flailing, and
there’s no doubt he’ll do it again,” she said. “The Biden-Harris administration cleaned up Trump’s mess, and Michiganders know they can’t allow Trump to leave them behind again. They’ll elect Vice President Kamala Harris and Governor Tim Walz in November so that they can continue to invest in Michigan manufacturing and uplift workers across the state.”
‘He’s just more for the people.’
The increased costs of gasoline and groceries, and the border crisis are among the concerns of Gloria Riggar, who attended the town hall.
“I want the border closed,” Riggar said. “(The government) hasn’t done their job. They haven’t been protecting the American people.”
Riggar, 71, of Monroe, will vote for Trump a third time this November.
“My life was better financially when he was in office. I believe we need him in office again,” she said. “I thought he’d be a great president because he’s a great businessman.”
Donald Atkinson, 53, tailgated with Trump supporters before the town hall.
“I love meeting everyone and seeing different people,” Atkinson said, wearing a “Veteran for Trump” baseball cap. The New Haven resident served his country from 1990-93 during Operation Desert Storm.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — In the early morning hours of Sept. 24, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to Selfridge Air National Guard Base after an unauthorized SUV drove through the gate. No damage was done to base property, but the SUV was stopped by spike strips.
The driver, a 40-year-old Roseville man, passed field sobriety tests and was negative for alcohol on a breath test. He told deputies that he wanted to go to the pier, that he had not slept for two days and did not remember when he last ate.
The driver agreed to seek medical attention.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — While out on another call on Sept. 23, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were approached by a 57-year-old Harrison Township man reporting property damage.
The man noticed a slashed tire on his Jeep Grand Cherokee the day before around the 27800 block of Metro Villa Drive. He did not file a police report the day prior because he did not want to bother the police.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — On the morning of Sept. 21, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a home in the 24600 block of Murray Street for a larceny report.
The caller, a 31-year-old township woman, said she received fraud alerts from her bank about her debit cards. She then noticed someone had broken into her car.
Her husband moved the car outside the night before and she believed the car was left unlocked overnight. The purse was left in the car but the cards were taken. The woman told deputies a similar
incident occurred in the past and believed it was the same perpetrator.
MOUNT CLEMENS — On the morning of Sept. 23, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to R&R Auto Sales on North Gratiot Avenue for a breaking and entering report.
Deputies were approached by the owner upon arrival, who guided them to a damaged front door. Security footage of the door being damaged by three suspects was presented to deputies.
MOUNT CLEMENS — On the evening of Sept. 21, deputies were called to the corner of Clinton River Drive and South Gratiot Avenue for a traffic crash involving a Chevrolet Silverado and a Ford F150.
The F150 driver, a 31-year-old Shelby Township man, identified himself to deputies, who noticed he smelled of alcohol. The man said he had been drinking four hours before driving.
Field sobriety tests were administered and a breath test reportedly came back with a 0.125 blood alcohol content level. The man was arrested.
MOUNT CLEMENS — While on patrol, a Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputy approached a man in Clemens Park. The 63-year-old man from Owendale was sitting on a bench with an alcoholic drink, displaying slurred speech and smelling of alcohol.
The man was arrested and a breath test was performed, returning an 0.166 blood alcohol content level. The man was arrested, his bike was chained to a tree and he was transported to jail.
MOUNT CLEMENS — On the evening of Sept. 17, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies came upon a man lying on the ground in Clemens Park. The man, who identified himself as a 58-year-old Detroit resident, said he drank too much. He reportedly had
slurred speech and the smell of alcohol. A breath test was performed and reportedly came back with a 0.245 blood alcohol content level.
The man was taken to jail and cited for violating city ordinances for alcohol and being in the park after 7 p.m.
MOUNT CLEMENS — In the late morning of Oct. 1, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to Mount Clemens City Hall on behalf of a 62-year-old resident saying he was assaulted.
The man told deputies he was flagged down by his daughter and grandson around 2 p.m. the night before in the parking lot of the Park Place Towers Apartments. He approached their car and, after sticking his head into the open window, was beat upon the head twice with a pipe wielded by his grandson.
Deputies noticed wounds on the man’s head. Attempts to contact the suspects were unsuccessful.
MOUNT CLEMENS — In the early morning of Sept. 28, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a call about a motorbike being stolen from a home on the 80 block of Grand Avenue.
The caller was unable to identify the thief due to the dark conditions of night.
Deputies made contact with the home’s resident and victim, a 29-year-old man, who told them he left the motorbike on the street outside his home overnight.
The motorbike was listed as stolen.
MOUNT CLEMENS — On Sept. 27, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to the 120 block of Rathbone Street to speak with the 64-year-old male resident about a computer crimes incident.
The man told deputies he had been speaking with an unnamed woman from Fraser he met over social media, going so far as to send her an explicit
image. In response to the image, the man was threatened it would be released unless he sent the recipient a $100 Applebee’s gift card.
Deputies called the number and spoke with a man on the other end who asked when he would get his money. The suspect reportedly reiterated his threat before hanging up.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — Around 2:30 a.m. on Sept. 27, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies pulled over a silver Chevrolet Malibu that failed to stop at the northbound Union Lake Road and 16 Mile Road red light.
Upon stopping, a database search of the license plate reportedly revealed the car was owned by a 20-year-old Detroit man with multiple warrants. The car was also leaving an area where many car-based crimes were reported. Before he could be approached, the man took off from the stop and a pursuit was engaged. The chase moved up and down 16 Mile and Harper Avenue with multiple illegal U-turns being made. The chase went past 15 Mile Road on Harper when it was terminated.
The suspect was last seen turning onto westbound Interstate 94. A state warrant authorization was completed for the car owner.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — In the early morning hours of Sept. 24, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to a break-in at the former St. John Hospital on Ballard Street.
Signs of trespassing were found around the abandoned hospital. Lights that would normally be on were out, and plywood normally covering the door was removed. Inside the buildings, wires were cut in two power boxes while various other items — copper wires, pipes, cameras and motion detectors — were damaged and left around the building.
The property owner estimated around $100,000 in damage was inflicted.
Once I get the right diagnosis for the cause of your heel pain, I will provide you with a tailored treatment plan, which outlines exactly how we can fix your heel pain and keep you free from future foot pain. If you are ready, call me for an appointment to start your journey back to normal life, free from heel pain.
19 & 20
Join us for Trick or Treatng Statons, Hayrides, Infatables, Music, Magic Princesses & Superheroes, Games, Pumpkin Patch, Bird & Reptle Shows, Spray Tatoos, Food Trucks & more… OPEN NOON TO 5PM EACH DAY
HarvestFest & First State Bank are hostng a Food Drive for GLEANERS! Please bring canned goods and non-perishable protein items to help those in the community.
26A/ JOURNAL • OCTOBER 9, 2024
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — As part of the Halloween season festivities, the Harrison Township Parks & Recreation Committee is hosting the 2024 HallowPalooza Trick or Treating at Lobbestael Elementary School, 38495 Prentiss, from noon to 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 19.
To make the annual event as fulfilling for kids as possible, the committee is seeking families and businesses to host and decorate a township-provided table and pass out candy. Prizes for the top three best decorated areas will be awarded. All attendees will receive free cider and donuts.
To register a trick or treater or a table, visit the Parks and Recreation Department’s page at harrisontownshipmi.gov.
HARRISON TOWNSHIP — The Harrison Township Public Library has a slate of events planned in October, giving librarygoers something every week from the start of the month until Halloween. The knitting and crochet circle continues on through October on Tuesdays from 10 a.m. to noon, welcoming needle-minded individuals of all skill levels to build items for charities.
Motor City Ghost Hunters performed a paranormal investigation of the library in September and will present their ghastly findings and how they found them at the library on Tuesday, Oct. 15 at 6:30 p.m. The Tuesday night book club discusses “The Measure,” by Nikki Erlic, on Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 7 p.m. An all-ages Halloween Happy Hour is being held on Friday, Oct. 25 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. with mocktails, snacks, crafts and more. No registration is required. More events and registration can be found at htlibrary.org/events.
CLINTON TOWNSHIP — Two Medstar advanced life support teams were deployed to help Hurricane Helene victims on Sept. 27.
The team consists of paramedics Glenn Brewer and Michael Shary and EMTs Graham Marshall and Jake Elston. The two teams will operate two ALS ambulances as part of a coordinated national mutual aid initiative alongside other national and local medical teams.
“Our EMTs and paramedics are dedicated professionals who are trained to respond in emergencies, near or far,” Medstar CEO Kolby Miller said. “We have long maintained a voluntary commitment to the national response efforts, and maintain readiness to respond when requested. We appreciate our personnel who maintain the necessary certifications and professional standards to be part of the national response time, and are proud of their commitment to head into the unknown to serve others even when 20 hours from their homes and families.”
Medstar is Michigan’s largest 911 EMS and mobile health care provider, serving more than 190,000 patients annually throughout lower Michigan. Created in 1993 by two local hospitals committed to quality EMS, the nonprofit agency serves communities in eleven counties. It provides care, air medical, and interfacility clinical transportation for Ascension-Michigan, Henry Ford Health and the McLaren Healthcare Corporation.
A photo caption that ran with the story “Moving into the multigenerationalliving era” Sept. 25 should have said that Jennifer Toomajian, of Real Estate
One in Troy, is showcasing this home at 8905 Ridge Drive, Washington Township. It is currently on the market for $1,650,000 and was designed by 213 Designworks. For more information on the home, and buying inquiries, visit realestateone.com/MI/Macomb/ Washington/8905-Ridge-Drive-Washing ton-MI-48095/20240064203-MIRC#.
from page 1A
“It was pouring rain the morning of and all of us met at L’Anse Creuse High School,” Argiri said. “I said, ‘You guys we’re just going to have to cancel it, look at this weather,’ and (the student volunteers) were like, ‘No, Mrs. Argiri, we worked so hard, we’ve got to do it.’ By the time the race started, the weather was amazing.”
Finding a nonprofit to benefit from the race was a key part of planning for the original event, and the longtime manatee fanatic knew a cause in support of the maritime mammal was one worth supporting. Through her research, Argiri found out about the Save the Manatee Club, a Floridabased nonprofit founded by former Gov. Bob Graham and recording artist Jimmy Buffett. The nonprofit works to protect manatees and their habits around the world through supporting research, rescue and rehabilitation programs, lobbying for laws that would help protect manatees and raising public awareness of threats facing manatees.
As the years went on, the race continued to grow. By the mid-2010s, Argiri estimates registration was regularly in the 1,000 to 1,100 range. Argiri regularly held the race around Memorial Day weekend at the Metropark. Her connection with the Save the Manatee Club grew as well with the race being a big benefit for the organization. Cora Berchem, the club’s current multimedia director and research associate, met Argiri and McDonald in 2013 while making a documentary about manatees. Berchem has gone on to be a key figure working between the race and the club, coming up every year to operate an information table and supplying the race with a giant inflatable manatee.
“It’s been absolutely amazing to see how this race has grown,” Berchem said. “People always question why we have a manatee race in Michigan when there are no mana-
Leslie Argiri, right, celebrates after being presented with a certificate of achievement from Harrison Township Supervisor Ken Verkest for 21 years of hosting the Save the Manatees 5K at Lake St. Clair Metropark.
tees in Michigan, and I always tell them we have very dedicated supporters in Michigan who put this on for us. It’s been really mindblowing to see how far away from Florida there’s so many people who come out to support this cause.”
Along with its support of the race, the Save the Manatee Club has shown its support for Argiri by making her the namesake of a Florida manatee that was under the club’s watch in 2014. Leslie the Manatee’s first calf was struck by a boat that winter, and Leslie herself was struck by a boat in 2015 and left with a large wound. Her condition worsened over the winter of 2017-18, leading Leslie to be taken in by SeaWorld Orlando for rehabilitation in March 2018. After several years of surgeries and rehabilitation work with the SeaWorld team, Leslie went back into the wild in January 2021. She was found dead in 2023.
It was during Leslie’s stay at SeaWorld when Argiri had a chance to meet her namesake, visiting in 2019 with Berchem and McDonald.
“It was awesome to see the manatee, seeing and understanding what that animal went through,” Argiri said. “They’re very resilient animals. It was awesome. It’s not like they were expecting me to come there and they had anything. Cora, Brian and I went to the pool she was in and just kind of watched her and looked at all of her scars. She seemed like she was very healthy and doing well and seeing her there compared to what she was years ago was amazing.”
As well as things were going, the march of time took its victims. Student volunteers dried up when Argiri retired from teaching, family demands were beginning to grow and the cost of setting up the race and supplying participants with gear and food only got more expensive. The sudden onset of COVID-19 in 2020 marked a major turn, with fewer participants signing up in the following years even with a virtual 5K being estab-
See MANATEE 5K on page 31A
CBD opens in downtown Mount Clemens
In May of 2024, Jeff and Kim Borja opened Revita CBD in downtown Mount Clemens at 73 N. Main St. Revita CBD is a CBD health and wellness-oriented business. The Borjas have grown hemp on the farm, converted the plant material to CBD distillate oil, and from there they manufacture, package and retail their own CBD products.
Revita CBD offers full-spectrum, broad-spectrum and isolate CBD. Their product line includes gummies, tincture oils, lotions, lip balms, and bath bombs. They also make CBD products for pets, including handmade dog biscuits and tincture oils. The Borjas say one element that separates them from other CBD stores, vape shops and dispensaries is their ability to offer free consultations, education and custom blends specific to their clients’ needs.
Revita CBD is open 11a.m.-6 p.m. Mondays-Fridays and 11a.m.-3 p.m. Saturdays.
can be found at several markets, including the New Baltimore
Market, the Shelby Township Farmers Market, and in St. Clair Shores and Canterbury Village in
from page 28A
lished well before the pandemic. Only 300 runners — a sharp decline from the prior decade’s near-and-over 1,000 participants — turned out for the final race.
But when the couple told the club they would host their final race in 2023, the club responded by asking to continue holding the race itself. While Argiri plans to help the club set up the continuation race in Florida, the task of executing the event falls upon the club’s staff.
“We have to look for a good location,” Berchem said. “We have to see where we can hold this, what time of the year we can hold this. It’s going to be a lot to organize but just seeing Brian and Leslie’s example of how they have done it up here, I really think that we can do it down in Florida.”
Berchem expects the event may take a year or two to get set up in Florida.
The end of the Harrison Township 5K is bittersweet for Argiri. It is never easy ending something that has been a staple of your life and the lives of others in your community for over two decades. Cleaning up and throwing out old race materials on the following Sunday, she could not help but cry.
“I had a breakdown. I started crying,” Argiri said. “It was sad because if I could just
from page 23A
He said he will be a three-time Trump voter.
“He’s the people’s president, like John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan,” Atkinson said. “He’s just more for the people. The government needs to be out of our lives. This country was founded for us by ourselves.”
Atkinson said his neighborhood has both Trump and Harris campaign lawn signs displayed, but it hasn’t caused issues, as everyone gets along. That’s something he would like to see across the board.
“You got to talk to people and listen to what they say,” he said. “People don’t do that anymore.”
Frank Falkowski, of Dearborn, volunteered his time at the town hall. Falkowski, 77, has been a Trump supporter since he first announced his candidacy in 2015.
“I like everything he says,” Falkowski said.
If elected, Falkowski is confident Trump will “stop the march into the third
do the day-of event, I would do this until I couldn’t do it anymore. But it’s all the work that you do to put the event on that is just overwhelming. It’s hard. I’m not getting any younger. There’s no one really helping us out.”
But over the 21 years the race has raised around $500,000 in the name of supporting manatees. Numerous manatees have been adopted through the efforts of the race, and in the process a seasonal-staple event has been added to the Harrison Township community.
“I feel that we’ve made a difference in the environment,” Argiri said. “Just getting people to learn about all of the problems that manatees suffer from and just getting them aware of what’s going on, I think we’ve had a huge impact. I’ve had a lot of emails thanking me and a lot of kids coming back telling me they’re pursuing marine biology or some kind of conservation effort because of their involvement in the manatee race, so that makes me feel really good. I feel we’ve made a huge impact on the community that was involved in this, and we raised a lot of money for the manatees.”
Even with the race itself finished, the Save the Manatee 5K virtual race is still ongoing until Dec. 31, 2024. To sign up and participate in the virtual race, visit savethemanatee5k.com.
To find out more about the Save the Manatee Club, visit savethemanatee.org.
for Harrison Township, St. Clair Shores & Grosse Pointe Shores
world war” referring to the conflict between Israel and Palestine, and the war between Ukraine and Russia.
Despite court rulings that election fraud did not occur in 2020, Falkowski believes Trump really won the presidential election against Biden.
“I feel really cheated,” he said. “What’s the point of having elections if you can’t trust them?”
Roxanne Jelsone described the town hall as “awesome.”
“He’s going to make America great again like he did in 2016 with the economy, the inflation rate and car industry,” the 64-year-old Roseville resident said. “Everything was great. Right now, we’re choking.”
Trump will also get Edward Maconochie’s vote Nov. 5.
“I’m all for freedom. I won’t have to worry about my Second Amendment right,” the 69-year-old St. Clair Shores Marine Corps veteran said. “He’s going to reduce taxes and lower the corporate tax. That’s what he’s got planned.”
Call Staff Writer Maria Allard at (586) 498-1045.
• Three adult daughters, 6 grandchildren
• Married 44+ years. Her husband, Steve, had been a lifelong marine & boat business owner.
• Licensed Practice Nurse, 50 years - including acute care with ventilator patients
• Macomb County Commissioner, 2020-Present
• Republican Party Member and active volunteer, including Republican County Executive Board, 40 years
• Precinct Delegate, 20+ Years
• Worships at Macomb Baptist Church
• We must retain our freedom as a nation.
• Close The Borders To Protect Our Families and Police.
• Electeds who steal from the citizens should go to prison.
• I promote strong business growth and industry (Bring it back!) for a strong county.
• The family is the cornerstone of society. We must protect our children.
• I am 100% PRO-LIFE as Father Pavone.
• I support Police, Fire, Military and Veterans.
• I work constantly for the cleanliness of our water and health.
• Maria Carl, conservative educator.
• Doug Martz, the "Water Czar" and Chair of the Water Quality Board, previously.
• Steve Van Assche of Bushwacker Fishing Charters.
• John & Nancy VanAssche, Lifelong small business owners.
• Greater Metropolitan Association of Realtors.
• Right to Life of Michigan.
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HARRISON TOWNSHIP — On Sept. 10 at around 9:05 a.m., Macomb County Sheriff’s Deputies were called to the 24000 block of Bradford Drive to investigate a report about a suspicious situation.
A 45-year-old Harrison Township man had attached propane tanks and electrical wiring to his sedan and had affixed warning signs to the car, claiming the car was rigged to explode if touched. Deputies closed the street and evacuated homes while the Michigan State Police bomb squad was called in to search the vehicle. The device was ultimately determined to be fake. The Harrison Township man was arrested without incident.
Drunken stumbler
MOUNT CLEMENS — On Sept. 7 at around 8 p.m., Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to reports of an intoxicated man in public.
Deputies found the man, a 33-year-old Californian, on the porch of a Crocker Boulevard home with an alcoholic seltzer and slurred speech. Deputies spoke with the homeowner through their security camera doorbell, who said he had never seen the man before. A preliminary breath test on the man revealed a blood alcohol content of 0.273.
The man was taken to a hospital for detoxification and cited for violating the city’s disorderly conduct ordinance.
Dine and dash
MOUNT CLEMENS — On the evening of Sept. 6, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to Three Blind Mice Irish Pub about a party that failed to pay their full tab.
A party of four reportedly came in for dinner and drinks, with one member of the party asking a server to make change. The group left with around $125 on an unpaid bill.
Security footage from the restaurant showed people who matched the party’s description entering a red Chevrolet Corvette owned by a 74-year-old Auburn Hills man. Auburn Hills police were able to contact the man at his home and turned his phone number over to the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office. The restaurant owner expressed to deputies that charges would be filed unless the suspect returned to pay the tab.
Cash-to-crypto scam
MOUNT CLEMENS — At around 6 a.m. on Sept. 17, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office Deputies arrived at the Shell gas station on Market Street to investigate a case of fraud.
Earlier that morning, the gas station’s clerk
OCT. 9
the “Macomb County Fire Department” requesting payment for an incoming shipment of fire extinguishers and smoke detectors. The caller then received a text message from a sender claiming to be the clerk’s manager and instructing the clerk on how to carry out the payment, asking the clerk to gather up cash and send it to a QR code using the gas station’s cash-tobitcoin transfer kiosk. The sender asked the clerk to find cash in an envelope, bank bag, the manager’s office and even to break open the Michigan Lottery kiosk with a hammer. By the time the clerk realized a scam was underway, around $1,000 of the station’s cash was converted to bitcoin and transferred to the perpetrator.
Disorderly drinker
MOUNT CLEMENS — On Sept. 12 at around 6 p.m.,
Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived at Rotary Park to investigate a public disturbance.
Deputies approached the suspect, a 34-year-old Clinton Township man, and informed him he could not drink in public. The man’s beer was discarded, and deputies issued him a misdemeanor citation for having an alcoholic beverage. Deputies informed the man he could remain in the park as long as he did not cause a disturbance.
Fraud reported
ST. CLAIR SHORES — At 1:23 p.m. on Sept. 4, a report about fraud was made in the 32000 block of Harper Avenue.
The victim, a 77-year-old woman, walked into the St. Clair Shores Police Department stating she was there to pick up a kitten. She said she messaged someone on Facebook Marketplace about buying a Maine Coon kitten and was instructed to purchase a $100 Apple gift card as payment. She complied and after doing so, the recipient began demanding more money for the kitten.
The officer informed the woman she had been scammed and she was disappointed. She told the police she wanted to make a report to ensure it didn’t happen to anyone else.
Fighting reported near business
STERLING HEIGHTS — A fight was reported by a vape shop in the 2000 block of 15 Mile Road, near Dequindre Road, the night of Sept. 7.
When police got there, an officer reportedly saw four juveniles walking, and they took off running, but stopped at the officer’s insistence. Police said the juveniles originally said two of them were “play fighting” in the parking lot, but police concluded that that wasn’t the truth.
Pasta dinner fundraiser: Benefit for Clinton Township Goodfellows, also includes raffle baskets, 50-50, Rosco the Clown and DJ, 3-8 p.m., Mirage Banquet Center, 16980 18 Mile Road in Clinton Township, www.clinton townshipgoodfellows.com
SCAMS presentation: Stopping Crimes Against Michigan Seniors, led by Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido, 10 a.m.-noon, Lorenzo Cultural Center on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, also on Zoom, register at lorenzoculturalcenter. com/events
Holiday Appetizers: Flavors of Fall: Learn to cook for the season, 6:30 p.m., Clinton-Macomb Public Library - South Branch, 35679 S. Gratiot Ave. in Clinton Township, registration required, (586) 226-5073, cmpl.libnet.info/ events
OCT. 10
Halloween party: Wear costumes and enjoy treats and activities, 6:30 p.m., Clinton-Macomb Public Library - South Branch, 35679 S. Gratiot Ave. in Clinton Township, (586) 226-5073, cmpl.libnet.info/events
OCT. 11
Euchre tournament: Card playing for ages 21 and older at 7 p.m. (dinner at
6 p.m. and sign-in at 6:30 p.m.), St. Peter Catholic Church, 95 Market St. in Mount Clemens, RSVP by Oct. 9, (586) 468-4579
Voctave: Hear 11-member a cappella group sing Broadway hits, Disney classics and jazz standards, 7:30 p.m., Macomb Center for the Perfoming Arts on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, (586) 286-2222, macombcenter.com
with other individuals, 6:30 p.m., Total
out, and then the juveniles reportedly encountered two “unknown males” in a white pickup truck. The males in the truck allegedly harassed at least some of the juveniles, and one of the truck occupants allegedly got out and grabbed one of the juveniles by the shirt before letting go, the report said.
Police said they arranged the juveniles’ release to one of their adult relatives.
Assault reported STERLING HEIGHTS — An assault and battery incident was reported by Van Dyke Avenue, near 17 Mile Road, Sept. 8. Police did not provide further details of what took place.
Theft reported at Meijer
MACOMB TOWNSHIP — At around 6 p.m. on Sept. 9, Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies were called to Meijer on 24 Mile Road. Loss prevention at the store had detained a 69-year-old Macomb Township man who allegedly stole $15 in goods through the self-checkout.
Loss prevention shared several other instances of theft tied to the man, totaling to over $400.
Upon speaking with deputies, the man said he had dementia and that he had a hard time remembering to do things, including paying for merchandise at the self-checkout. He reportedly said that he did not intend to steal the goods.
The man was cited for third-degree retail fraud.
DUI fender bender
MACOMB TOWNSHIP — Macomb County Sheriff’s Office deputies responded to a car crash on Heydenreich Road near St. Martins Avenue involving a Freightliner semi-truck and a Porsche Macan SUV at around 10:30 p.m. on Sept. 7.
The Porsche driver, a 51-year-old Macomb Township woman, reportedly told deputies to take her to jail because she had been drinking. A can of vodka-based seltzer was found in the Porsche’s cup holder. The woman said she did not see the semi-truck prior to the crash.
After failing a field sobriety test, the woman was transported to a hospital for a blood draw and treatment.
Home invasion under investigation
GROSSE POINTE CITY — An unknown person is being sought for a home invasion in the first block of Sycamore Lane that was committed at around 1:30 p.m. Sept. 6. The victim told police that he was working in his yard when someone approached him and asked if his wife was home. After they made some small talk, the victim said the suspect left. Later, the victim discovered
Harrison Township, also Nov. 14 and Dec. 12, (586) 329-1261, htlibrary. org/events
OCT. 18
Colin Mochrie & Brad Sherwood: Unscripted comedy performance by members of TV show “Whose Line is it Anyway?,” 8 p.m., Macomb Center for the Perfoming Arts on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, (586) 286-2222, macombcenter.com
OCT. 19
HallowPalooza: Trick or treating, cider and doughnuts, noon-2 p.m., Lobbestael Elementary School, 38495 Prentiss St. in Harrison Township, registration recommended, (586) 855-0110, harrisontownshipmi.gov
Halloween Spooktacular: Free events include trick-or-treating, trunk-ortreating inside parking structure, kid-friendly haunted hallway, cake walk and more, noon-3 p.m., also Rosco the Clown show at 1 p.m., downtown Mount Clemens, (586) 469-4168, facebook.com/DowntownMountClemens
Bowling fundraiser: Supports South Channel Lighthouses, also 50-50 and raffle baskets, 1-5 p.m., Total Sports, 40501 Production Drive in Harrison Township, soschannellights.org/events/sosclbowlingbanquet, (586) 7798575
Baby shower: Drop off items to be donated to local pregnancy help centers, stay for refreshments and gift basket drawings, noon-3 p.m., Right to Life of Michigan, 27417 Harper Ave. in St. Clair Shores, (586) 774-6050, macombrlm@rtl.org
OCT. 19-20
Macomb County HarvestFest: Trick-or-treat stations, hayrides, inflatables, movies, music, magic, princesses, airbrush tattoos, pumpkin patch, pumpkin carvers, games, birds of prey and reptile shows, food drive, food trucks and more, costumes encouraged, noon-5 p.m., Freedom Hill County Park, 14900 Metropolitan Parkway in Sterling Heights, macombcountyharvestfest.com
OCT. 25
Halloween Happy Hour: Mocktails, snacks, crafts and freebies for all ages, 2-4 p.m., Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse (Suite
(586) 329-1261, htlibrary.org/events
Broadway Fright Night: Vocalists perform and discuss songs from eerie and fantastical musicals, 7:30 p.m., Macomb Center for the Perfoming Arts on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, (586) 286-2222, macombcenter.com
OCT. 26
Halloween craft: Make stenciled trick or treat pillowcases, 1-2 p.m., Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse (Suite A), registration required, (586) 329-1261
Smetanka Craft Show: 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Sports & Expo Center, Building P on Macomb Community College - South Campus, 14500 E. 12 Mile Road in Warren, (810) 658-0440, smetankacraftshows.com
Medicare open enrollment assistance: Hosted by Macomb County Office of Senior Services, meet with trained counselor by appointment, 9 a.m.-1:15 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays Oct. 15-Dec. 7, Verkuilen Building, 21885 Dunham Road, Suite 6, in Clinton Township, (586) 469-5228
• Hosted by Michigan Medicare Assistance Program and AgeWays, meet with trained counselor by appointment, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 15 and 18, and Nov. 14 and 19, Clinton-Macomb Public Library - South Branch, 35679 S. Gratiot Ave. in Clinton Township, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Oct. 21, Harrison Township Public Library, 26980 Ballard St., and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 20, Clinton Township Senior Center, 40730 Romeo Plank Road, (800) 803-7174
Widowed Friends breakfasts: 10:30 a.m. every second Monday of month, Big Boy, 16880 Hall Road in Clinton Township, RSVP to Gerry at (586) 556-9471
• 10 a.m. every third Friday of month, The Pantry, 44945 Morley Drive in Clinton Township, RSVP to Loree at (810) 335-2096
Social groups: Find meetups for yoga, chess, knitting and crocheting, anime, teens, book clubs, Lego and more, Harrison Township Public Library, 38255 L’Anse Creuse St. (Suite A), (586) 329-1261, htlibrary.org/events
Men overcoming loss of partner/spouse: Meetings