BY ANDY KOZLOWSKI akozlowski@candgnews.com
MADISON HEIGHTS — Since opening its doors in 2007, the Animal Welfare Society of Southeastern Michigan has found homes for more than 10,000 dogs and cats.
Located at 27796 John R Road, north of 11 Mile in Madison Heights, the rescue stands out with its “Clifford” red accents and airy windows offering a view of the pets inside. Its work in the
See RESCUE on page 22A
BY ANDY KOZLOWSKI akozlowski@candgnews.com
MADISON HEIGHTS — When a written letter threatening violence was discovered last month at Lamphere High School in Madison Heights, school officials immedi-
ately began working with Madison Heights police to determine its origin and the suspect behind it.
At press time Oct. 1, that investigation was still underway, according to Madison Heights Police Lt. David Koehler, in an email. The letter itself was found around 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 18.
LEFT: The Animal Welfare Society of Southeastern Michigan, on John R Road north of 11 Mile Road in Madison Heights, is at risk of closing after Facebook shuttered its support network of nearly 30,000. The rescue depended on the account to reach people for donations, supplies and volunteers. ABOVE: AWS also has a wide selection of cats and kittens in need of homes.
“The investigation is ongoing,” Koehler said when asked for more detail, such as where the letter was found and by whom. “We cannot release any more information at this time.”
Koehler noted that the school’s resource officer — a po-
See THREAT on page 22A
From a young age, my parents taught me that the American Dream is made of opportunity, hard work, and determination. As a prosecuting attorney understand the importance of listening to people while leading with compassion and a rm sense of justice. I will always put the residents of District 57 rst to make sure Michigan has an economy that works for all of us. As your representative in Lansing, I will:
Support small businesses, create good paying jobs and protect workers’ rights
Lower the cost of living for working families and seniors
Support our local police and re ghters
Invest in public education funding and teacher salaries
Support our veterans and their families
Make healthcare, prescription drugs, mental health, and addiction services affordable
Safeguard reproductive healthcare
Protect our democracy
Keep our water and air clean
Park Pedals biking group and creates his own Halloweenthemed music as “Slasher Dave,” even illustrating his own vinyl album covers. Now, he is organizing the Haunted Hazel Park Halloween Art Fair, set to take place at Green Acres Park Oct. 12.
by Patricia O’Blenes
BY ANDY KOZLOWSKI akozlowski@candgnews.com
HAZEL PARK — David Monastiere has always loved Halloween and the creativity it inspires. The horror-themed musician, who goes by the stage name “Slasher Dave” and even illustrates his own vinyl album covers, sees the same love for the season each year in his hometown of Hazel Park.
BY ANDY KOZLOWSKI akozlowski@candgnews.com
MADISON HEIGHTS — Madison Heights was busy with back-to-back events last month, including the fifth annual Trail Tunes, the inaugural Revin’ in the Heights, a community open house at Fire Station No. 1, and the second annual K-9 demonstration. Each was organized by residents on different committees, and officials say each was a success.
According to Madison Heights City Manager Melissa Marsh, more than 1,000 people attended the strolling music festival Trail Tunes at Civic Center Park on Sept. 21.
But lately, he feels the city lacks a Halloween event to call its own. That all changes soon when the Haunted Hazel Park Halloween Art Fair gets underway on Saturday, Oct. 12, next to the Community Center at Green Acres Park, 620 W. Woodward Heights Blvd.
Monastiere is organizing the event, which is sponsored by Hazel Park Parks and Recreation. The fair is suitable for all
See HALLOWEEN on page 13A
One week earlier, on Sept. 14, the car show and barbecue cook-off Revin’ in the Heights rolled into the same venue, drawing more than 500 participants for its first outing. An open house at nearby Fire Station No. 1 was held at the same time.
Revin’ in the Heights was organized by the Human Relations and Equity Commission, while Trail Tunes was run by the Arts Board.
On the same day as Trail Tunes, there was also a K-9 demonstration at Rosie’s Park featuring officer John Bradley and his dog Harko, from the Madison Heights Police Department, as well as K-9 units from the police departments of Hazel Park and Royal Oak. That event was organized by the Crime Commission and drew around 100 people for a showcase of the dogs and their skills, according to Madison Heights Police Chief Brent LeMerise. Sean Fleming, a member of the City Council who serves as its representative on the Crime Commission, is already thinking of ways to grow the K-9 demonstration in the future.
“I’m suggesting to the Crime Commission that we
BY MARY BETH ALMOND malmond@candgnews.com
METRO DETROIT — The rising cost of college, combined with growing demand for skilled workers, is driving more students to enroll in career and technical education programs, known as CTE programs.
The state projects more than 520,000 Michigan jobs and approximately 45,500 annual openings in the professional trades by 2030.
Amid skilled-labor shortages across the nation, many students are choosing CTE programs to explore a future career, get college credit, find an internship, and/or earn industry recognized certifications, all while fulfilling their high school graduation requirements.
At Oakland Schools Technical Campuses, high school students from the county’s 28 public school districts, public academies, private learning institutions and home schools can learn practical career technical education. Enrolled students spend part
of their day studying at their home district and the remainder involved in one of several career clusters offered at one of four of the county’s technical campuses — Pontiac, Clarkston, Walled Lake and Royal Oak.
Across Michigan, many high schools and specialty programs offer CTE courses aligned with indemand, high-wage careers in fields like business, information technology, health care, hospitality and manufacturing.
“Career and technical education is preparing students for high-wage, high-skill, high-demand jobs,” said Paul Galbenski, the dean of Oakland Schools Technical Campus Northeast in Pontiac.
OSTC offers a total of 17 state-approved CTE programs: — including agriscience and environmental technologies; automotive technology; collision repair and refinishing; computer programming; construction technology; cosmetology; criminal justice; culinary arts/hospitality; cybersecurity networking; energy-electrical technology; engineering,
See CAREER on page 5A
robotics and mechatronics; entrepreneurship and advanced marketing; graphic and communication design; health sciences; machining; medium/heavy truck and equipment; and welding.
The primary focus of OSTC’s program is for students to marry their technical and academic skills together, so they are career ready. Because being career-ready looks different for each student and their field of interest, there are many options.
“They can go into a pathway where they are working on our Oakland Technical Early College, where they could come out with an associate degree in their technical area. They could be in a pre-apprenticeship program. They could go directly into the workforce. They could go into the military. They could go into a speciality trade school. They could go to a two-year community college, or they could go to a four-year university. … All of those options are on the table,” he said.
Through internships, apprenticeships and day-in-the-life job shadowing, students learn what it’s like to work in their chosen fields — instead of spending thousands to
figure it out in college.
“Students that attend a technical campus have what I like to phrase as a ‘force multiplier of opportunities’ because they are then in each of these programs, working toward and earning industry credentials,”
Galbenski explained.
For example, students in the OSTC cosmetology program can earn a cosmetology state license, while those in the computer programming course can become certified in java, HTML, or CSS3. Students in OSTC’s health sciences program, can earn a certified nurse aide license or a patient care technician credential, and those interested in the construction field can earn an Occupational Safety and Health Administration
proper dining room service with students at Oakland Schools Technical Campuses - Northeast. The northeast campus, located in Pontiac, serves students who live in or attend schools in the Avondale, Lake Orion, Oxford, Pontiac and Rochester school districts.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
10 safety certification, to name a few. And, according to Galbenski, it’s all for free at OSTC.
“Every one of these credentials is free. You want to talk about return on investment. … There are many opportunities for students to be successful and look at those careers and pursue those pathways,” he said.
Utica Community Schools offers a variety of CTE courses to high-schoolers in a number of areas, including everything from computer programming, cybersecurity and engineering to finance, radio and television broadcasting, and woodworking — to name a few. The district also features five high school specialty programs, including the Utica Center for Mathematics, Science and
Technology; the Utica Academy for Health and Human Services; the Gene L. Klida Utica Academy for International Studies; the Stevenson Center for Manufacturing and Design Engineering; and the Utica Center for Science and Industry.
Scott Spry, an electronic technology and mechatronics instructor at the Utica Center for Science and Industry, said UCSI students have access to work-based learning opportunities, including job shadowing, mentoring and work-site internships. Students, he said, focus on the design thinking process and choose one of the three CTE pathways — multimedia production, mechatronics or engineering technology.
“We already know that the pipeline for career and technical education positions is very, very lean, so continuing to try to fill that pipeline from our level has been a priority for the last couple of years,” Spry explained.
At Utica Community Schools, Spry said, many of its CTE students have gone on to work in needed fields within the community.
The same is true for many of OTSC students — including former OSTC health sciences graduates, who have gone on fill vacant, in-demand doctor and dentist positions within Oakland County communities.
BY ALYSSA OCHSS aochss@candgnews.com
METRO DETROIT — Fall gardening can look daunting, but remembering a few simple steps could make it easier.
Kris Kiser, president and CEO of the TurfMutt Foundation, which advocates for the care of outdoor spaces, said fall is a critical time for gardening because what gardeners do right now determines how everything looks in the spring.
“One of the challenges (is) you won’t see it immediately,” Kiser said. “If you’re going to overseed the yard or fertilize or dethatch, now is the time to do it.”
He also said this is the time to plant bulbs for the spring.
Raking leaves or not depends on how many trees are in the yard.
“If you have lots and lots of trees and you have a lot (of leaves), it can become suffocating,” Kiser said.
If a resident has a couple of trees that drop leaves on the lawn, Kiser recommends to mow the leaves with a mulching mower.
“That mulch is a terrific natural fertilizer,” Kiser said. “It’ll help the lawn and breaks down over the course of the winter.”
Residents should continue to mow their lawns as long as the lawns keep growing. Kiser said that when the lawn stops growing will depend on where a person lives.
“It does depend on temperature, water, sunlight,” Kiser said.
Aerating the lawn is also very important. It dethatches it and loosens up dead grass as well as punches holes in the ground. This is good for those who want to overseed. Kiser said overseeding is the best way to get a great spring lawn.
Kiser recommends that residents plant any perennials they have now, and they can plant just about anything aside from spring or summer flowering plants.
“(They can) get acclimated and growing some roots before the first freeze,” Kiser said. “Typically, when the first freeze comes, they’ll stop and they’ll go dormant. Some evergreens will stay on a little longer.”
A quick online search will tell what bulbs and plants are best at lasting through the winter and into the warmer seasons, Kiser said. He also said regional garden centers and nurseries buy plants that are ideal for their specific climates. He suggests asking the employees at these places of business for gardening tips and tricks.
Madison Heights resident Merri Busch is an avid gardener and has been cultivating her garden for around two years. Before she moved to her current location with her sister, she gardened at her home for around 30 years. She said gardening is a yearlong endeavor.
“In the spring, you’re basically preparing your beds, and in the sum-
mer, you’re planting everything and deadheading and cultivating and weeding,” Busch said. “And in the fall, you’re putting in more perennials that you want to add that are on sale, and in the winter, you’re looking at gardening catalogs and seeing how the stuff you planted survived.”
Busch got into gardening at a young age. Her mother was a farmer and Busch saw how much she enjoyed it.
“I think there’s a combination of both it being in my genes and me just finding joy in it myself,” Busch said.
Her garden is made of many different species of plants with some that attract pollinators, including marigolds, violets and others. She has a mixture of native and nonnative plants. This time of year, she thins a few plants such as her irises and waits until everything is done blooming to prune everything back.
Some of the leaves on the plants have turned yellow, and Bush said she used to think this was a nutritional issue. Through research, she found that the plant was going into dormancy.
“What I’ll do is when it gets, like, around November, I’ll just cut all those leaves down,” Busch said. “Throw a little mulch on top. Not much.”
When planting near sidewalks, Busch said it’s important to find plants that are salt tolerant. A few of the plants she has are junipers and Russian sages. Busch said that in the fall, she leaves her plants alone.
“I leave everything for the birds because there’s lots of birdseed out
HAZEL PARK — According to a police report, Hazel Park police officers were dispatched to the 22000 block of South Chrysler Drive on Sept. 19 to investigate a report about a child left unattended in a vehicle.
Officers found a 3-year-old child in the back of a gold Buick. The windows were rolled down and the vehicle was left running. The temperature exceeded 81 degrees.
Officers located the child’s father inside the business. He allegedly admitted he had been in the business for 10 minutes in order to purchase marijuana.
The father reportedly stated that the car’s air conditioner did not work, and he believed it was a safe area to leave the child in the car alone.
The child’s grandmother was contacted, and she was given custody of the child. The father was issued a violation: abandonment of children — failure to supervise, a 90-day misdemeanor.
Child Protective Services was also notified.
If you know more about this case or others, call Hazel Park Police at (248) 542-6161.
from page 6A
there,” Busch said. “And it provides a place for bees to live in hollowed out stems. So I just let everything die back and then in the spring is when I’ll take out the dead stuff.”
Busch’s favorite tool is a handheld item called a “hori-hori knife.” It has a serrated
MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, an unknown suspect stole a white 2021 Kia Sportage belonging to a 52-year-old Madison Heights resident in the 32000 block of Concord Drive between 9 p.m. Sept. 16 and 5 a.m. Sept. 17.
The vehicle was later recovered by the Detroit Police Department.
MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, an unknown suspect broke out the window on the home of a 60-year-old Madison Heights resident in the 1000 block of Christine Terrace sometime between 7 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. Sept. 17.
An investigation was ongoing.
MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, an unknown suspect attempted to steal a white 2005 GMC Safari van belonging to a 34-year-old Madison Heights resident. The attempted theft occurred while the vehicle was parked in the 300 block of East 13 Mile Road between 10 p.m. Sept. 14 and 10:45 a.m. Sept. 15.
Police were investigating.
If you know more about these crimes or others, call Madison Heights Police at (248) 585-2100.
blade on one side and a curved blade on the other which is perfect for digging deep in the dirt to plant or weed. Busch said people can use them for all seasons.
Kiser recommends that residents plan their gardens to suit their tastes and the climate.
“The nice thing about our lawns and landscapes is you can tailor them to your needs,” Kiser said.
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A public accuracy test will be conducted on Wednesday October 16, 2024, at 12:00 noon for the purpose of testing the accuracy of the tabulating equipment and programs which will be used to tabulate the voted ballots for the General Election to be held on November 5, 2024, in the City Clerk’s Offce, 111 E. Nine Mile Road, Hazel Park, MI 48030. All interested parties are invited to attend. For further information contact the Clerk’s Offce at 248-546-4064. Lisa K. Mayo, City Clerk
Published: Madison-Park News 10/09/2024
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that at a City Council meeting on September 24, 2024, the Hazel Park City Council adopted the following: Ordinance #07-24, an Ordinance to Amend the Hazel Park Municipal Code, Title 06, Animals, Chapter 6.04 – Retail Pet Store Sales. The effective date of this Ordinance is October 18, 2024. In addition to this Ordinance, the entire Hazel Park Municipal Code is available for inspection and/or purchase at the City Clerk’s Offce, 111 E. Nine Mile Rd., Hazel Park, Michigan 48030. Lisa K. Mayo, City Clerk, CMC.
Published: Madison-Park News 10/09/2024
MADISON HEIGHTS — All are invited to join Madison Heights Mayor Roslyn Grafstein for a “Rake with the Mayor” event starting at 9 a.m. on Oct. 26 in the parking lot at the Madison Heights Active Adult Center next to City Hall, 300 W. 13 Mile Road.
Volunteers are encouraged to bring their own rakes, gloves, and any other items needed for raking. Transportation will not be provided. The mayor will have a list of homes in need of help, and once the number of volunteers is determined, the list will be divided up, with participants fanning out across the city.
In the past, the event has featured volunteers of all ages, from preschoolers raking with their families to residents in their 70s. Scouts and other school groups have also participated in the past and are encouraged to join this year.
MADISON HEIGHTS — The Red Oaks Nature Center at Suarez Friendship Woods, located at 30300 Hales Street in Madison Heights, will celebrate Sweetest Day on Friday, Oct. 18 with a special adults-only program from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Titled “Sweetheart Stroll & Bonfire,” the event will feature a presentation by nature center staff around the bonfire discussing animal mating and courtship rituals, followed by a nature walk around the woods.
The program is suitable for ages 16 and older, and the cost is $5 per person. Preregistration with payment is required by calling (248) 858-0916 weekdays or (248) 585-0100 during nature center hours.
MADISON HEIGHTS — During the general election Nov. 5, voters in the Madison District Public Schools will decide a proposal for a 3-mill site sinking fund that would pay for ongoing building repairs, safety enhancements and other improvements.
Each Tuesday in October, starting at 6 p.m., the district will hold informational sessions detailing the measure. The next sessions, on Oct. 15 and Oct. 22, are both virtual. Visit madisondistrict.org for links to the broadcast.
The session on Oct. 29 will be in person at Wilkinson Middle School, 26524 John R Road in Madison Heights.
ABOVE: Officer John Bradley of the Madison Heights Police Department introduces his K-9 partner, Harko, to residents at Rosie’s Park Sept. 21 during a K-9 demonstration organized by the city of Madison Heights.
LEFT: Officer Kevin Cavanagh of the Royal Oak Police Department brought his K-9 partner, Conan. The Hazel Park Police Department was also present with its K-9 unit as well.
ABOVE: The Aspersions perform in the new bandshell during the fifth annual Trail Tunes at Civic Center Park in Madison Heights Sept. 21. The expansive amphitheater was constructed with grant funding from the Consumers Energy Foundation and made its debut at the festival.
LEFT: Carley Garcia, a stilt walker with Michigan Entertainment and Talent Group, wandered the trail alongside guests touring different bands set up throughout the park.
BELOW: Kayfabe: The Ppls Band would go on to win the climactic Battle of the Bands.
Photos by Liz Carnegie
reschedule the event to be in conjunction with the (Madison Heights Police Department) Bike Rodeo, which is early in the year each spring,” Fleming said. “That would help boost attendance and participation for both events, while reinforcing the theme of meeting our police and fostering those relations with the public. Everyone loves the dog, so it works out well for everyone.”
City Councilman Quinn Wright, the council rep for the HREC, likewise has ideas for the next Revin’ in the Heights.
“We have a tentative date set for Saturday, Sept. 13, 2025. We want to get even more participants in the barbecue competition, and we’ll look for even greater participation from the business community. We had some local restaurants this year and would like even more to bring our residents and business community closer together,” Wright said.
Revin’ in the Heights was an event that Wright and the HREC originally tried to hold last year under a different name, but it was rained out in 2023. This year was when it all finally came together.
“We had been planning this for a while, and the outcome was even better than we could have hoped for,” Wright said. “And it wasn’t just car enthusiasts, but also people just looking for something to do, with folks of all ages and backgrounds. One thing I loved the most were the awards, not just first or second or third place, but also Mayor’s Choice, Fire Chief’s Choice — even a Kid’s Choice that went to a tiny red-and-yellow smart car that looked like a Little Tike’s car.
The cook-off was great, too — we had a couple veteran cooking teams, and we’re hoping for even more next year.”
Mayor Pro Tem Mark Bliss, who founded the Arts Board, said Trail Tunes was extra special this year since it marked the debut of the city’s grant-funded bandshell, on which the climactic Battle of the Bands played out. This year’s winner was Kayfabe: The Ppls Band, with Leisure Machine coming in second.
Each attendee could cast one vote for free and purchase additional votes with a donation to the Arts Board. There was also a judging panel composed of Arts Board members, who along with the public vote decided the finalists. After they played, the crowd was asked to “make some noise” for their favorite, and the loudest response de-
cided the winner — as measured by decibel level, via a sound meter.
This capped off a daylong event that featured bands playing alternate sets not only on the bandshell stage but along the trail loop, inviting guests to either pitch a chair or blanket by their favorite artist like a traditional concert, or meander from one to another sampling the sounds.
“I think the biggest benefit of Trail Tunes really comes down to the flexibility to do both, and I think what I love most is the community we’ve built with our musicians,” Bliss said. “At most concerts, you’ll have one band leave the stage and another come on, but with Trail Tunes, you often see both bands watch each other perform throughout the day. It’s a level of camaraderie between local bands, and it’s great to see everyone thrive. Like when Kayfabe was announced as the winner (at the Battle of the Bands), I don’t think there was anyone happier in Civic Center Park than the guys from the runner-up, Leisure Machine. Everyone was so supportive.
“And there’s no better way to break in a brand-new bandshell than to have a classic rock band playing there for the afternoon, so it was a pretty awesome experience,” he added. “At one point, I looked over and
there were dozens of people sitting on our hill watching a band play on the basketball court, and then I looked to the other side and saw another 100 or so people watching a band at the bandshell, and both of those spaces were new this year — the redone basketball court and the bandshell, both with grants — so it was a really cool moment to take that in and see how much things have changed in a very short period of time.”
The festival started in 2020 as a safe way to have socially distanced fun enjoying music at a time when most venues were closed due to the pandemic. While it’s grown over the years, Bliss said there’s still a long way to go before attendance levels reach their full potential.
“I still think that in many ways, we’re the best-kept secret in Oakland County as far as live music goes,” Bliss said. “A big focus for us next year will be how do we continue to get the word out. We had many first-time attendees this year, but the bulk had been here multiple years and were here to see their favorite bands. We weren’t near the size of crowd that the park can hold, so I’m hoping we can find the secret sauce when it comes to marketing and promotion of this event, so that we can fill up the park the way these bands deserve.”
ages, and free to attend. Despite the theme, it’s a daytime event that runs from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Attendees can look forward to artists and vendors with offerings themed around Halloween, horror, the fall season, or all of the above. There will be mixed-media 2D and 3D art, drawings, paintings, photographs, sculptures, clothing, accessories, soaps, candles, shot glasses, 3D printed toys and more — even a mask dealer for last-minute costume shopping.
Many will be set up in an “artist alleyway” leading to the Haunted Trail — the main park loop, reimagined with gravestones, spiderwebs and other suitably creepy decor. A selfie station in the middle will feature a giant cardboard cutout of a jacko’-lantern, with holes in the eyes and nose where guests can peer out for pictures.
Piping softly over speakers will be Monastiere’s “Slasher Dave” music — a nostalgic ’80s-tinged soundscape that draws upon a range of influences, from John Carpenter horror films to bands like Black Sabbath.
On the other side of the trail will be a
children’s area at the pavilion with art and vendors tailored to kids, plus activities like face paintings and Halloween crafts. There will also be food and drinks to enjoy, from barbecue sliders and chips to fresh doughnuts and apple cider.
Topping it all off is a car show with a macabre twist: all of the rides are hearses, decorated for the season. That particular attraction is sponsored by Dead Sled.
The event is a big undertaking on a limited budget, and Monastiere said he hopes the event will become a tradition that grows grander each year.
“My whole point of doing this was influenced by the actual residents of Hazel Park, who go all out each year decorating for the Halloween season,” Monastiere said, citing examples of homes on Battelle and Hazelwood avenues. “The level of passion that people have in this town for Halloween made me think that Hazel Park really deserves to have its own dedicated Halloween event.”
Monastiere also runs a bike-riding group called the Hazel Park Pedals. He said he has seen many well-decorated homes in the community while biking around town with his group.
One member of the Pedals is Hazel Park
City Councilman Andy LeCureaux. This led to the conversation where Monastiere pitched his idea for a Halloween-themed art fair.
“And I said, ‘Let’s do it!’ It just sounded great,” LeCureaux said. “It’s something to start small, this being the first one, and hopefully turn it into something we do each year.
“I go to a lot of art fairs every year, and I always see different macabre-type displays. Like at one fair there was a guy with framed tarantulas — spooky stuff amongst the different artists. Yet there are no Halloween art
fairs that I know of. There are haunted houses and hayrides and this and that, but no Halloween art fairs,” he said. “So it sounded like an opportunity for us to capitalize on.
“Especially with ‘Slasher Dave,’ who knows so many people for haunted rides and music and the arts. He’s so well-connected,” LeCureaux added. “I’ll be volunteering at this one, hoping it becomes the first of many. I’m excited about it. And for our residents, it will be another outlet for them to get creative as well.”
Call Staff Writer Andy Kozlowski at (586) 498-1046.
BY DEAN VAGLIA dvaglia@candgnews.com
METRO DETROIT — As the days get shorter and the air cooler, the telltale signs of fall emerge: cider and donuts, gourds, pumpkin spiced lattes and, of course, the great stink bug hibernation.
Homes throughout metro Detroit will be breached and besieged by the bumbling but harmless brown marmorated stink bug this fall and winter, seeking safe shelter over the darker months.
“When we get about less than 13 hours daylight, there is a chemical change within the stink bug that makes it move from reproducing and feeding to searching for a place to spend the winter,” said David Lowenstien, a Michigan State University Extension consumer horticulture educator. “Naturally, stink bugs will spend the winter in leaf litter or tree bark, but where there’s a lot of homes or barns or sheds, that can be a more protective place to spend the wintertime.”
Making their way inside through the smallest of cracks and crevices, brown marmorated stink bugs choose to spend their time doing as little as possible. The daylightinduced chemical change prohibits them from reproducing, and they cannot find food indoors, so they spend the months doing as much as they can to save their energy.
Brown marmorated stink bugs are an invasive species of stink bug. It was first detected in the United States in 1996 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, possibly arriv-
ing stateside by hitching a ride in shipping containers from either China or Japan. They then spread across the eastern U.S.
“Around the 2000s was when the midAtlantic fruit growers really became very alarmed by them and had a lot of fruit damage in their orchards,” said Julianna Wilson, a Michigan State assistant professor of tree fruit entomology.
Brown marmorated stink bugs have a long straw-like mouth, which they use to suck the juices of fruits, vegetables and other plants. This leaves a lumpy, brown and corklike plant drained of its juices, potentially ruining whole crop yields. As the bugs made landfall in Michigan in 2010, finding a way to manage the stink bug was a top priority for agricultural scientists.
Ultimately however, the brown marmorated stink bug never became as much of an agricultural threat as it was on the Atlantic coast. For one, there is a large variety of food sources for stink bugs in Michigan, allowing the bugs to spread out and not target only a select few crops. Parasites have also played a role in managing the brown marmorated stink bug. A microsporidian, or parasitic fungus, found to infect native stink bugs has made the jump to the brown marmorated stink bug, reducing the bugs ability to lay eggs when populations grow too large.
Another nonnative insect species from Asia, the samurai wasp, has made its way to the U.S. and preys on brown marmorated stink bug populations. The tiny one-eighth of an inch long black wasp specializes in at-
tacking brown marmorated stink bug eggs, using the eggs to lay their own larvae. The samurai wasp is incapable of stinging humans and has not been observed targeting native stink bug eggs.
“(The samurai wasp) came here (and) we haven’t seen any big effects other than with this particular stink bug, which it does really well on in its native host range,” Wilson said. “It has not become the pest that we thought it would become.”
While research into brown marmorated stink bug management is still ongoing, the species has largely found its place in the environment.
“We have the tools we need when
they’re needed to be able to combat this pest,” Wilson said. “We’re not in the, ‘Oh no it’s an invasive species’ stage anymore. It’s here and established and we know how to deal with it, so it’s not an emergency or big concern like it was.”
In the home, the biggest threat brown marmorated stink bugs post to humans is increased irritation. A stink bug sighting is commonly marked by the brown guitar pickshaped creature slowly stumbling out from a windowsill or curtain or some other hiding place. Perhaps once disturbed they will take flight, flapping wings and meandering
through the air with all the subtlety of a 747. And should you try squishing one, its namesake cilantro-scented pheromone will stink up the air around where it is struck down.
“They’re a moderate garden pest,” Lowenstien said. “The main issue with brown marmorated stink bugs are nuisance issues in the fall when they might congregate inside or outside of people’s homes … The only risk would be squishing them on fabrics; I would not recommend squishing them on furniture or squeezing them indoors, because they will release that smell, and they can stain furniture.”
To get rid of stink bugs indoors, Lowenstien recommends drowning them in
soapy water or sucking up stink bugs with a vacuum cleaner. Stink bugs can be trapped into drowning by placing a light over a pan of soapy water; the light will attract the bugs, causing them to fall into the pan.
Keeping stink bugs out of the home, however, is a futile effort. Checking for openings and gaps in walls is the most that can be done, as stink bugs will get inside though any little crack they can find. Stink bugs may congregate on the west and south sides on the exterior of homes in the fall, and spraying them with water or vacuuming them up is enough to remove them.
“Having them inside of your house doesn’t mean that you have failed to protect your home in any way,” Lowenstien said. “Insects are very smart at finding small gaps and cracks to make their way indoors, because they know that winter is coming, too.”
A photo caption that ran with the story “Moving into the multigenerational-living era” Sept. 25 should have said that Jennifer Toomajian, of Real Estate One in Troy, is showcasing this home at 8905 Ridge Drive, Washington Township. It is currently on the market for $1,650,000 and was designed by 213 Designworks. For more information on the home, and buying inquiries, visit realestateone.com/ MI/Macomb/Washington/8905-Ridge-Drive-Washington-MI-48095/20240064203-MIRC#.
In the Madison-Park News coverage area, voters will select candidates for a list of federal, state, county, local, judicial and school offices on Nov. 5. Candidates were asked, in 75 words or fewer, to state their top goal(s) if elected. If a candidate went over the word limit, (…) replaces the rest of the answer. The answers are printed verbatim except where material is omitted due to personal attacks, items we know to be false, or blatant misrepresentations. Unopposed candidates are listed by name only. Voters will also decide the fate of a countywide parks and recreation millage and a Madison District Schools bond proposal.
Six candidates are running for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Elissa Slotkin
Age: 47
Occupation: U.S. Representative (MI-07)
Municipality of residence: Holly
For how long: Grew up in Michigan; I now live on my family farm
Online campaign information: elissaslotkin.org
Education: Cornell University - College of Agriculture and Life Science, Bachelor’s Degree and Columbia University - School of International and Public Affairs, Master of International Affairs
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (Formerly MI-08, now MI-07 due to redistricting):
Top goals: My number one priority is to make it easier for Michiganders to get into the middle class. Michigan invented the middle class by maintaining a strong union presence and making investments in small businesses. We can keep people there by reducing healthcare costs, putting Americans on the path to homeownership and making more critical items in America. I am committed to restoring the national standard set by Roe, and ensuring voting rights for every American.
Mike Rogers
Age: 61
Occupation: Candidate for U.S. Senate, Army Veteran, Former Congressman, State Senator, and FBI Special Agent.
Municipality of residence: Brighton, MI
For how long: Nearly 50 years
Online campaign information: rogersforsenate.com
Education: Adrian College and the University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: U.S. Representative (2001-2015), Michigan State Senator (1995-2000)
Top goals: Families are struggling under the current administration and are desperately in need of relief from the high costs of gas and groceries. As a Congressman, I earned a reputation as someone who got results for Michiganders by working across the aisle, and in the Senate, I’ll bring my experience to slash inflation, lower the cost of living for families, and secure our southern border to stop the flow of crime and deadly drugs.
Joseph Solis-Mullen
Age: 35
Occupation: Economist, Political Scientist, and Research Fellow at the Libertarian Institute, Author, and Professor of History at SAU
Municipality of residence: Marshall
For how long: Five Years Online campaign information: https://solismullen4senate.com
Education: BA in English and Political Science, Spring Arbor University; MA in Political Science, University of Illinois; MA in Economics, University of Missouri; PhD in History, Liberty University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: Eliminate the Federal Reserve, IRS, and Pentagon, all foreign aid, Social Security and Medicare, the Department of Education, DEA and ATF, institute federal elections by lottery and one-term limits on those who serve, eliminate omnibus bills and continuing resolutions: basically, everything about the way Washington D.C. does business as usual needs to be scrapped, and Democrats and Republicans love their own power and privilege too much to ever do anything but continue to sail (…)
U.S. Taxpayers
Dave Stein
Age: 54 yrs old
Occupation: Retired CDL A Operator, Investing
Municipality of residence: Residence in
Essexville MI.
For how long: Lived here my whole life
Online campaign information: DaveStein4Liberty.com
Education: Some college, Trade school certificates: Heating and air conditioning, Building trades, Electronics, Heavy Equipment, CDL A, Metal fabrication,Tool making, Grinding, 3D Printing. Private studies: Common law 3 years and ongoing, cooking. IQ=156
Previously and currently held elected offices: Political experience: First time directly other that participation in local committee’s
Top goals: To stop abortion abuse. Abortion should not be used as birth control and only in extreme circumstances allowed. e.g. allow abortion for incest, rape, deformation, disease, threat to Mothers life. Children have a right to live. Alternative to being a parent is adoption. Ending the war machine and concentrating on American born business. Social Security monies go to heirs. Close Border. Require legal US Citizenship to vote.
Douglas P. Marsh
Age: 40
Occupation: Journalist
Municipality of residence: West Branch
For how long: No answer given. Online campaign information: https://www.electmarsh.us
Education: University of Michigan
Previously and currently held elected offices: No answer given
Top goals: I want to join a full-court press for Medicare-for-All (single-payer model), housing reforms and rent controls, public education funding, cleaning up PFAs and replacing Flint’s pipes, environmentally sustainable energy and transportation infrastructure investments, stopping money and weapons for war, and stopping the flow of oil through Michigan’s watersheds.
Natural Law Party
Doug Dern Age: 62
Occupation: Lawyer
Municipality of residence: Highland MI
For how long: 22 years
Online campaign information:
Education: University of Oklahoma, Thomas Cooley Law School
Previously and currently held elected offices: n/a
Top goals:
Lots of reform that does not get media attention. Bankruptcy reform needs to be looked at on a national level. Expansion of exemptions, and stricter rules on Chapter 13 Trustees. Fair Debt Collection Practices Act needs reformed because it has not been changed since the 1970’s.
National Changes for third party ballot access. Push for a flat tax across the board equal to all. Promotion for health consciousness and cleaning up the toxic food and (...)
Three candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $174,000.
Haley Stevens
Age: 41
Occupation: Congresswoman from Michigan’s 11th District
Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: First Seaholm Grad to Congress!
Online campaign information: https://haleystevens forcongress.com
Education: I received both a B.A. in Political Science and Philosophy and a M.A. in Social Policy and Philosophy from American University. Previously and currently held elected offices: I am serving my third term as the Congresswoman for Michigan’s 11th
from page 16A
Top goals: I am running for re-election to build on my legislative track record for Oakland County. Whether on trade, manufacturing, or education issues; I have passed laws to meet the needs of our district. As can be seen by the 200+ visits to manufacturers through my Manufacturing Monday program and the CHIPS act, our district’s families remain my top priority. We also must protect our LGBTQ+ community and install nationwide reproductive care. I remain committed to equality and justice for all.
Republican Nick Somberg
Age: 35
Occupation: Attorney, Entrepreneur
Municipality of residence: Oakland County, Michigan
For how long: 2007
Online campaign information: www.NickSomberg.com
J.D., Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School
B.A., Oakland University
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals are to restore the Constitution, ensure government accountability, and reduce inflation by cutting wasteful spending. I will fight to secure our borders, defend free speech, and protect the Second Amendment. My focus is on improving economic freedom, securing energy independence, and protecting the rights of families and individuals from government overreach.
Green Party
Douglas Campbell
Age: 65 years
Occupation: Registered Professional Engineer, semi-retired
Municipality of residence: Ferndale For how long: 24 years
Online campaign information: https://migreenparty.org
Education: Bachelor’s degree
Previously and currently held elected offices: none
Top goals: Embargo weapons shipments to belligerent nations.
Re-introduce John Conyer’s H.R.676Medicare For All.
Overturn Citizens United and eliminate corrupt money from elections. Amend the Magnuson–Moss Warranty Act to include digital electronics & software.
Repeal the Taft-Hartley Act and restore the protections of the Wagner Act.
Implement James Hansen’s Fee & Dividend program for fossil fuels.
Repeal the Trump tax cuts for billionaires & corporations.
Raise the federal minimum wage; index it to inflation.
Two candidates are running for one two-year term. The salary for this position is $71,685 plus expenses.
Democrat Mike McFall
Age: 50
Occupation: State Representative
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information: votemcfall.com
Education: BS in Community Development and Public Administration from Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Currently, I’m the State Representative for the district. Previously I was on Hazel Park City Council and Mayor Pro Tem.
Top goals: When re-elected, I will continue to fight to bring resources back to the district for infrastructure and community projects. I will also continue to work on:
Building a strong mental health care system that works for all Michiganders
Holding utility companies accountable and keeping energy costs affordable
Lowering the cost of prescription drugs
Solving our housing crisis by creating attainable & affordable housing
Supporting local communities and small businesses through smart, innovative economic development
Barbara Barber
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $221,336.
David Coulter
Age: 64 years
Occupation: Oakland County Executive Municipality of residence: Ferndale
For how long: 33 years
Online campaign information: www.friendsofdavecoulter.com
Education: Bachelor’s Degree Michigan State University, Executive Education
Certificate John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Executive 2019-present, Mayor of Ferndale- 20102019, Oakland County Commissioner2002-2010.
Top goals: By working across party lines, I have made balancing the budget and preserving Oakland County’s AAA bond rating a top priority. I have also secured key investments in public safety, water quality and educational opportunities. We are working to lower costs by making housing more affordable, improving public transportation, expanding mental health services, and protecting women’s health care.
Republican Nik Gjonaj
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $191,281.
Karen McDonald Age: 54
Occupation: Oakland County Prosecutor Municipality of residence: Birmingham
For how long: 16 years Birmingham; Oakland County 29 years Online campaign information: McDonaldForProsecutor. com
Education: Wayne State Law School (1998), Alma College (1992)
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Circuit Court Judge
Top goals: Keeping Oakland County safe by working with law enforcement to keep dangerous criminals off the streets. Holding Criminals Accountable, including the Oxford High School shooter and his parents, while also fighting for justice for crime victims and their families. Focusing resources on our Gun Violence Task Force, Trafficking Unit, and Hate Crimes Unit crimes that have a huge impact on our community. Preventing future crime through the Commission to Address Gun Violence.
Republican Scott Farida Age: 34
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield For how long: Approximately 30 years Online campaign information: www.faridaforprosecutor.com
Education: Juris Doctore from University of Detroit Mercy School of Law, Graduated Cum Laude; Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Minor in History from Oakland University, Graduated Magna Cum Laude; Detroit Catholic Central High School; St. Hugo of the Hills School Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: We must depoliticize prosecution and re-focus on public safety and victim advocacy. Every single person in our community, regardless of race, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or any other identifier, has the right to live their life free from being victimized. Our community has seen huge spikes in crime and some of the worst offenders undercharged or pleaded down. My goal is to be fair and proportional, not to trade one political extreme for another.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,295.
Amrit Kohli
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Republican Michael J. Bouchard Age: 68
Occupation: Oakland County Sheriff Municipality of residence: Bloomfield For how long: 8 years Online campaign information: www.sheriffbouchard.com
Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice and Police Administration, Michigan State University, Honor Student
Graduate of the United States Secret Service in Dignitary Protection Program
Graduate of the FBI National Executive Institute Program (NEI)
Mid-Michigan Law Enforcement Center, Valedictorian
Graduate of the National Sheriff’s Institute
Graduate of Darden’s Program for emerging Political Leaders, University of Virginia
Toll Fellow, Council of State Governments in conjunction with the University of Kentucky
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Sheriff, State Senator, State Representative, Beverly Hills Village Council
Top goals: As Sheriff, my top goal is to ensure the safety and security of everyone in Oakland County. I will continue to focus on keeping kids and our schools safe, reducing crime, improving emergency response times, enhancing mental health resources in law enforcement and boosting training. By building strong community partnerships and investing in cutting-edge training and technology, we’ll protect our neighborhoods while maintaining trust and transparency in the Sheriff’s Office. Public safety is not partisan.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,761.
Robert Wittenberg
Age: 43
Occupation: Oakland County Treasurer
Municipality of residence: Huntington Woods
For how long: 29 Years
Online campaign information: www.RobertWittenberg.com
Education: Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Indiana University
Previously and currently held elected offices:
State Representative - 1/1/2015 –12/31/2020
Oakland County Treasurer - 7/1/2021Current
Top goals: We accomplished a lot during my first term (lowest tax foreclosures, updated investment policy, increased efficiency/ transparency, etc.), but the work is not done. My top priorities will continue to be protecting the financial security of every resident in Oakland County, maintaining our AAA Bond rating, and keeping Oakland County a wonderful place to live and work. I will do all I can to secure taxpayer dollars, preserve property values, and prevent foreclosure.
Donna Blake
Age: 65
Occupation: CFO & Small Business Owner
Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 24 Years
Online campaign information: Donna Blake for Oakland County Treasurer on Facebook
Education: Bachelor of Accountancy Walsh College, CPA State of Michigan, Executive MBA Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Oxford Republican Delegate 3 twoyear terms
Top goals: As a former FBI Forensic Accountant, I’m passionate about rooting out wasteful spending and any misuse of funds. Let’s not be spending county taxpayer dollars for illegal immigration, DEI initiatives, or empty buses driving around Oakland County. I will accelerate the return of taxpayer money that was illegal taken through tax foreclosures. After cutting costs, I will support property tax cuts. So, let’s roll up our sleeves and work together without wasting a dime.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,761.
Jim Nash
Age: 67
Occupation: Water Resources Commissioner
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 30 years
Online campaign information: nash4wrc.com
Education: Florida State University, Bachelor’s in Political Science, minor in peace studies (1988)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I served as Oakland County Commissioner representing Farmington Hills from 2005 to 2013. I have been the elected Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner since 2013, now ending my third term.
Top goals: Continue my collaborative work with communities across Oakland County and the region to make our stormwater systems resilient to extreme weather brought by climate change and use our wastewater resources to replace fossil fuels with less expensive renewable energy. My mission is to protect our citizen’s health and safety, conserve our natural resources, continue our high-quality services, pursue sustainable/ efficient infrastructure investments, protect economic prosperity for all our communities, promote public education and seek public input.
Age: 66
Occupation: Consultant
Municipality of residence: Highland For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information: Steven-Johnson.com
• MBA, Masters of Business Administration, Plymouth State University - University System of NH
• Graduate Certificate, Strategic Marketing Management, Plymouth State University - University System of NH
• BS Business Management & Economics, SUNY- State University of New York
• Harvard University JFK School, Certificate US Public Policy: Social, Economic, and Foreign Policies
• AS, Associate Degree in Business Management - Oakland Community College + Certificate: Business Entrepreneurship
• AA, Associate Degree in Liberal ArtsOakland Community College
• US Navy training: Advanced Electronics - Data Systems, electricity/electronics, computer systems
Previously and currently held elected offices: No other public office.
Top goals: If elected the Oakland County Water Resources Commissioner, I am
committed to protecting and being a good steward of our resources.
High-priority items:
• Nanoplastics and Microplastics
• Water Affordability
• Sustainable Water Management Practices
• Enhancing Water Efficiency
• Protecting and Restoring Wetlands
• Safety for non-municipal water residents
– Well and Septic
• Reducing Operational Emissions
• Safe use of fertilizers, chemicals, salt
• Resilient Infrastructure Water, Sewer, Stormwater
• Supporting Renewable Energy Initiatives
• Public Engagement and Education
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $170,761.
Democrat Lisa Brown
Age: 57
Occupation: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds
Municipality of Residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: over 30 years Online campaign information: www.lisabrown4michigan.com
Education: Earned Bachelor of Science degree at Michigan State University and Juris Doctor at the Detroit College of Law; also earned the national designation of Certified Elections/ Registration Administrator (CERA), the highest credential for those in the elections profession Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Clerk/ Register of Deeds (2013 to present); Michigan State Representative (2009-2012)
Top goals: To continue running a Clerk/ Register of Deeds office that serves as a model for the state, receiving local and nationwide acclaim for excellence and innovation
Coordinated with local clerks to increase transparency, save taxpayer dollars, and make elections more secure, efficient, and cost effective with the Oakland County Absentee Voter counting board and administering Early Voting for 45 communities
Increased protections for property owners against fraud by implementing the first-
of-its-kind Property Records Notification service
Barb Pallotta
Age: An active, youthful & healthy 70 year old
Occupation: Retired
Municipality of Residence: Charter Township of Independence
For how long: ≈ 20 years
Online campaign information: www.VotePallotta.com
Education: Associates - Science
Previously and currently held elected offices: Charter Township of Independence: Appointed as Clerk February 201, Charter Township of Independence: Elected as Clerk November 2012, Charter Township of Independence: Re-elected as Clerk February 2016
Top goals: Advocate for election integrity and local control of elections. Enacted proposals (2018 Proposal 3 and 2022 Proposal 2) weakens election integrity and directly impacts the sovereignty of local control. Initiate immediate alerts about potential fraud activity to secure all Register of Deed property records 24/7.
Reassess online services and the merit of associated fees to improve access to public records. Develop a “NO FEE” policy for all electronic public records NOT subject to statutory exemption.
Two candidates are running for one four-year term. The salary for this position is $45,131.
Ann Erickson Gault
Age: 61
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Troy
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: www.ann4oakland.com
Education: Manchester University BA 1985, University of Toledo College of Law JD 1997
Previously and currently held elected offices: I served from November 2019 until November 2023 on Troy City Council.
In November of 2023 I was appointed to Oakland County Board of Commissioners, District 3 representing Madison Heights, Hazel Park and part of Troy. Currently holding that seat on the board after the August 6 primary election.
Top goals: As your Oakland County Commissioner, I am working to enhance and expand our parks, build affordable housing, increase access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, and expand public transit. I also want to focus on increasing gun safety, ensuring water affordability, and improving our environmental sustainability. In a new term, I will continue this work to invest in and improve our communities.
Republican Douglas K. MacLean Age: 82
Occupation: Retired Madison Heights, Police Officer
Municipality of residence: City of Madison Heights
For how long: 80 years
Online campaign information: ctedougmaclean.com
Education: Madison High School 1960 Attended Oakland Community Collage
Previously and currently held elected offices: 17 years on the Madison District School Board 19781995 returned special election December 2023 elected to fill vacancy on Board in December 2023 for one month Board of Directors Gateway Counseling Center
Top goals: To keep always diligent the Fiduciary responsibility of Taxpayers money.
Two candidates are running for one eight-year term. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Andrew Fink
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Kimberly Ann Thomas
Age: 52
Occupation: University of Michigan Law School professor
Municipality of residence: Ann Arbor
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: https:// www.electkimberlythomas.com
Education: Harvard Law School, magna cum laude, 1999; University of Maryland at College Park, magna cum laude, 1994. Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I care deeply about equal justice for all Michiganders. I am an experienced trial and appellate lawyer and a law professor at the University of Michigan Law School, where I teach students the ethical practice of law and direct the Juvenile Justice Clinic. My background as a law professor and as a lawyer of 25 years gives me the expertise, experience and problem-solving ability that we need on the Michigan Supreme Court.
Two candidates are running for a partial term ending Jan. 1, 2029. The salary for this position is $181,483.
Kyra Harris Bolden Age: 36
Occupation: Michigan Supreme Court Justice
Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: Two years, though I have lived my entire life in Michigan. Online campaign information: www.boldenforjustice.com
Education: B.A. Grand Valley State University
J.D. University of Detroit Mercy
Previously and currently held elected offices: Michigan State Representative, 35th District, 20192023
Michigan Supreme Court Justice, 2023-Present
Top goals: The Michigan Supreme Court has offered a unique opportunity to leverage my experience as a legislature, a litigator, and as a public servant in a single position. Throughout my tenure on the court, I’m proud to have made critical decisions that will help shape what justice looks like for generations to come. My work is not done, which is why I am running for retention.
Age: 54
Occupation: 15th Circuit Court Judge
(Branch County Coldwater, MI)
Municipality of residence: Coldwater
For how long: 25 years (Born and raised in Michigan)
Online campaign information: www.judgeogrady4supremecourt.com
Education: Thomas M. Cooley Law School Juris Doctor, Western Michigan University Bachelors Business Administration, Michigan State Police Training Academy – Trooper, United States Army Signal Officer Basic Course, Algonac High School, Algonac MI
Previously and currently held elective offices: State of Michigan 15th Circuit Court Judge elected 2008/2014/2020
Top goals: To maintain and restore the public trust of the Supreme Court to one that all citizens look to as a guard of the Constitution and the rights of individuals. Maintaining a high level of impartiality while increasing access to justice in an ever increasing technological world. Further to make sure that the Judiciary remains as the “citadel of the public justice and the public security”. Federalist Paper 78, Alexander Hamilton
Two candidates are uncontested on the ballot for two six-year terms. The salary for this position is $195,624.97.
Randy J. Wallace
Running unopposed.
Adrienne Nicole Young
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for the nonincumbent position. According to the House Fiscal Agency, the salary is $195,624.97.
Matthew Ackerman
Age: 33
Occupation: Attorney at Ackerman & Ackerman PC
Municipality of residence: Bloomfield Hills
For how long: Over 20 years in Michigan Online campaign information: www.ackermanforjudge.org
Education: A.B., Harvard (cum laude, high honors in Economics); M.Sc. in Econom-
ics, London School of Economics; J.D., Columbia Law School (Law Review, highest honors all three years)
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: One of my goals is to reduce the time it takes for the Court of Appeals to issue decisions. The average time is currently 13.8 months—far too long for critical matters like child custody and criminal appeals. As a Harvard graduate, Columbia Law Review editor, and attorney with extensive appellate experience, including over 100 civil and criminal appeals, I am fully equipped to deliver highquality, well-reasoned decisions efficiently, ensuring timely justice for all.
Latoya Marie Willis
Age: 49
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney Municipality of residence: Farmington Hills
For how long: 14 years
Online campaign information: www.willisforjustice.com
Education: Latoya is a proud graduate of Renaissance High School. After graduating high school, she attended Western Michigan University where she majored in Criminal Justice and Sociology. Latoya earned her Juris Doctorate from the University of Detroit Mercy Law School and was admitted to the Michigan Bar in 2002.
Previously and currently held elected offices: NONE
Top goals: To restore the general public’s confidence in the integrity of our judicial system. For 21 years I have fought to protect the rights of citizens and as a judge I will fight to protect the Court by ensuring it is fair, impartial, and completely non-partisan. Politics have no place inside our courtrooms. Every individual should be able to trust that their case will be resolved based strictly on the merits, the evidence, and the law.
Two candidates are running for a non-incumbent position. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Tricia Dare
Age: 53
Occupation: Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Oakland County Municipality of residence: Oxford
For how long: 15 years
Online campaign information: www.dareforjudge.com
Education: University of Detroit Mercy School of Law from 1994 to 1997: Juris Doctor. Western Michigan University from 1989 to 1993: Bachelor of Science in Political Science (Public Law) and Criminal Justice with a minor in Sociology
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: As Chief Assistant Prosecutor of the Special Victims Unit, the Juvenile Justice Division, the Hate Crimes Unit and the Victim Services Division, my work has involved crimes committed against the most vulnerable individuals in our community. My goal is to bring the same dedication, compassion and fairness that I have displayed as a public servant for the past 27 years to the bench each and every day, as the next Oakland County Circuit Judge.
Age: 42
Occupation: Managing Director/Attorney Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield Township
For how long: I’ve lived in West Bloomfield for the past 4 years. I previously lived in Southfield for approximately 14 years.
Online campaign information: lecthuddlestonforjudge.com
Education: - BA in Communications from Oakland University (1999-2004)
- JD from the University of Detroit Mercy School of Law (2010-2014)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My priorities for this family court seat are: 1.Implementing specialized dockets and support systems to address the needs of individuals with mental health and substance abuse issues. 2. Reducing delays and backlogs by streamlining court procedures and leveraging technology to expedite case management 3. Ensuring fair and equal access to justice for all, regardless of background or socioeconomic status. 4. Upholding the law without bias and making decisions based on facts and legal principles
of the Circuit Court6th Circuit (six six-year terms, uncontested)
Six candidates are unopposed on the ballot for six six-year terms. The salary for this position is $180,741.35
Jacob James Cunningham
Running unopposed.
Kameshia D. Gant
Running unopposed.
Maureen H. Kinsella
Running unopposed.
Julie A. McDonald
Running unopposed.
Kwame L. Rowe
Running unopposed.
Michael Warren
Running unopposed.
Judge of the District Court43rd District, incumbent
One candidate is unopposed on the ballot for one six-year term. The salary for this position is $180,741.35.
Keith P. Hunt
Running unopposed.
Two candidates are running for one non-incumbent position. The salary is $180.741.35.
Daniel A. O’Brien
Age: 68 years
Occupation: Oakland County Probate Judge
Municipality of residence: West Bloomfield
For how long: 31 years
Online campaign information: Votejudgeobrien.com
Education: University of Detroit Law School, Juris Doctor - 1988 Michigan Technological University, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering – 1981
University of Detroit High School - 1974 Previously and currently held elected offices: Oakland County Probate Judge –January 2009 to the present Top goals: My goal is to continue providing the best service that any Judge can provide
to the people of Oakland County. I have provided that same service to Oakland County my entire legal career, first as an Oakland Assistant Prosecutor, then an attorney providing free legal services to needy people, then an Oakland District Court Magistrate, and now an Oakland Probate Judge for 16 years. No candidate is more qualified.
Traci Richards
Age: 54
Occupation: Lawyer and Associate Real Estate Broker
Municipality of residence: Village of Franklin
For how long: Since 2012
Online campaign information: TraciRichardsforjudge.com
Education: J.D. University of Michigan, B.S. Florida A & M University, Summa Cum Laude
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A Top goals: My top goal is to provide more transparency. Transparency should be the norm and not the exception. Probate judges should provide a reason when they select professionals over previously designated individuals or family members. People should know what to expect when they go to court in terms of procedures to follow. Instructions should be provided on how to locate free resources about navigating probate cases.
Eight candidates are running for four four-year terms. Board members are paid $45 per meeting.
April Beaton
Age: Not given
Occupation: Grants Manager
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: 7 years
Online campaign information: www.facebook.com/April4HP
Education: BS: Family and Child Ecology, Michigan State University MS: Criminal Justice, Michigan State University
Previously and currently held elected offices: School Board, Hazel Park. Library Board of Directors, Hazel Park
Top goals: My top goal if elected to continue serving on the Hazel Park School Board is to ensure every student has access to a high-quality, inclusive education that prepares them for independence and success. I will prioritize creating safe, supportive learning environments, expanding school-based mental health resources, and advocating for programs and technology that meet the evolving needs of today›s learners. By encouraging strong partnerships, I aim to empower students as critical thinkers and confident learners.
Nathan Becker
Age: 43
Occupation: Utility Worker
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: Lifelong (Other than a few years after high school)
Online campaign information: Facebook.com/NB4HP
Education: Hazel Park Graduate(Class of 99)
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My top goals are to increase community involvement, maximize academic and extracurricular opportunities for students, ensure safe schools, and support the teachers and staff that work so hard for our youth. Hazel Park is a wonderful community with many great families willing to help. Expanding opportunities for family involvement and for students both in-school and after graduation is important. Providing a safe and comfortable environment for our students to learn in is crucial to their success.
Ryan Bischoff
Age: 33
Occupation: Owner of Passport Pizza and Little Dino’s
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: 5 years
Online campaign information: Facebook
Page “Elect Ryan Bischoff for Hazel Park”
Education: Some University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: My Goals in office will be to... 1. Provide an Independent Facility Review
to provide peace of mind to our community and to evaluate the need for a resident led bond. 2. Reinforce our Nepotism clause, to make a fair working environment for our staff. 3. Ensure, we have consistent broadcasted board meetings at an accessible time. 4. Put us on a Path to rightsize the district to ensure our district matches our community needs.
Heidi Fortress
Age: 52
Occupation: Corporate Accountant
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: 52
Online campaign information: FacebookHeidi Fortress for HP School Board
Education: BBA in Accounting from Davenport University
Previously and currently held elected offices: Hazel Park School Board Trustee, 2020 - current
Top goals: Transparency, honesty and accountability are the foundational blocks of an effective school board. We need to provide safe learning experiences for all students while supporting our staff with voice and needed classroom resources. Meaningful discussions should incorporate the past, present and, most importantly, the future. I believe in asking the bigger questions and probe challenges and opportunities before taking action. As a lifelong resident and current school board member, I believe in our community and schools.
Darrin Fox
Age: 57
Occupation: Network Security Administrator - Retired from Hazel Park Schools
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park Schools
For how long: Over 50 years
Online campaign information: Facebook: Vote – Darrin Fox, for Hazel Park School Board
Education: Graduated from Hazel Park
High School Class of 1985, Specs Howard School of Broadcast Arts, class of 1989
Previously and currently held elected offices: None
Top goals: My goal in running for the School Board is to put our community first...students, staff, and families. I want us to improve academic performance, address absenteeism, and ensure transparency in decision-making. We need smaller class sizes, a focus on every student’s needs, and
a greater sense of collaboration between the Board, administration and the community. I believe my experience and proven dedication give me a perspective that will help Hazel Park shine!
Charles Hemple
Did not return questionnaire by press time.
Chris Johnston
Age: 46
Occupation: Market Research
Municipality of residence: Hazel Park
For how long: 20 years
Online campaign information: www.facebook.com/CJ4HP
Education: Bachelor of Science from Central Michigan University
Previously and currently held elected offices: N/A
Top goals: I want to prioritize community involvement to develop a strategic plan for the District’s future. I believe that with community involvement, the School District, the City, and the residents can work together to implement the strategic plan. I want to ensure that the students have a safe environment to learn in, an academic curriculum that prepares them for life, and there are enough extracurricular activities available for students to pursue their joy.
Dennis Whittie
Age: 46
Occupation: Attorney
Municipality of residence: Ferndale (in the Hazel Park School District)
For how long: 46 years
Online campaign information: www.DennisWhittie.com
Education: Master of Public Administration (Wayne State University), Juris Doctorate (Thomas M. Cooley Law School), Bachelor: Political Science (Wayne State University),
Associate Degrees: Criminal Justice & Liberal Arts. Licensed Advanced EMT and Police Officer (retired)
Previously and currently held elected offices: I served a temporary term on the Ferndale City Council in 2019.
Top goals: 1) Independent Voice: I will work to find solutions while listening to all people of differing viewpoints. 2) Funding: The voters spoke loud and clear while
defeating the last millage. I will work to have a citizen-lead committee evaluate our district’s needs and propose solutions for a vote of the people. 3) School Safety: I will use my background in public safety to improve safety measures for our students.
Two candidates are running for two six-year terms. The annual salary for this position is $500.
Dedra LeSage
Running unopposed.
Allison Minowa
Running unopposed.
One candidate is running unopposed for a partial term ending on Dec. 31, 2026. The annual salary for this position is $500.
Emily Swan
Running unopposed.
Three candidates are unopposed for four six-year terms. Board members are paid $45 per meeting.
Rebecca L. Chambliss
Running unopposed.
Cindy Rothwell Holder
Running unopposed.
Kristara McAlpine-Taylor
Running unopposed.
The Oakland County Parks System includes 17 park locations with nearly 7,200 acres of public park and recreational lands, 80 miles of trails, campgrounds, dog parks, golf courses, aquatic recreation facilities, and nature education centers. To continue to provide revenue to the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission, shall the current millage, which has been reduced
community predates the building, stretching back to 1982 when AWS was founded.
But now, the nonprofit’s ability to stay open is in jeopardy after Facebook suddenly closed its group page with nearly 30,000 followers, disrupting a critical lifeline of volunteers and donations that cover everything from veterinary bills and supplies to rent on the building. The page was also crucial for finding homes for animals, as people would typically flock in with each new posting.
With its network in shambles, AWS is now scrambling to raise awareness for its situation.
“We are being forced to seriously consider closing our doors for good,” said Sue Edwards, president of AWS. “We’ve been a staple in the community for decades. Closing our doors would be devastating to so many homeless dogs and cats that need us.”
Facebook delivered the bad news Aug. 24, informing AWS the account was closed due to “spam,” but offering no specifics.
“It’s devastating, and I can’t believe no one at Facebook will talk to me. I’ve sent hundreds of emails, and I still send them every day, in hopes of a response,” said Edwards. “I think it’s some kind of glitch in the system. They deleted my personal page, too, since it was attached to the rescue page.”
Facebook could not immediately be reached for comment at press time.
In the meantime, Edwards has created a new account that can be found by searching for “Animal Welfare Society of SE MI” on Facebook. At press time, there were around 730 followers.
Information is listed there about how to donate via Venmo or PayPal. AWS is a licensed 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so all donations are tax deductible. There is also a link to an Amazon wish list for needed
from page 1A
lice officer from the Madison Heights Police Department assigned to the school district and funded by both the district and the city — immediately set about investigating the incident.
Chris McPhail, executive assistant to the superintendent at the Lamphere Public Schools, released a statement that read, “(The) Lamphere school district takes all threats seriously, and we work closely with the Madison Heights Police Department, who assist in our investigations relating to safety
anymore — we actually lose money on each adoption because we only charge $100 and it costs about $145 to fully vet a cat with all the shots, spaying and neutering,” Edwards said. “Many rescues are struggling, but losing the Facebook page and our network has put us over the edge. We were already struggling and when we lost that page, I thought, ‘Oh my god, what are we going to do?’”
She noted that the situation has also imperiled the rescue’s “pet pantry,” which provides pet food and other items to anyone in the community who can’t afford it.
“People come here daily to help feed their pets, and that would also be ending if the rescue goes under,” Edwards said. “Because of this situation, I haven’t been able to pay September rent on the (AWS) building.”
She said the nearly 30,000 followers she had on her previous account were a reliable source of donations and volunteer help when needed.
dogs, socializing cats, mopping, and doing dishes and laundry. Edwards also implores everyone to spread the word about AWS and how to find the new Facebook page, so that the rescue can start rebuilding its network.
Kim Lindau lives near the rescue and has been volunteering there now for more than 11 years. She adopted a dog from AWS before they opened their Madison Heights location and joined as a way to give back once she was retired.
She said many people become enduring fans of AWS after seeing how much love and care the rescue puts into each animal.
“And whenever we adopt out the animals, we specifically ask the new owners to please send us updates, and they do. We get wonderful updates, like videos showing how the animal’s behavior has improved now that they’re in a loving home,” Lindau said.
“I’m posting everything on the new page that I did on the old, but it’s not getting the traffic it once did. So adoptions have slowed down, donations have slowed down. We have a shelter full of puppies and they’re not getting adopted. Normally, they’d be adopted very quickly, but we’ve had them now for three or four weeks. You can definitely tell a huge difference.”
There are currently about 40 animals awaiting their forever families at AWS. The homeless pets include a mix of dogs, puppies, cats and kittens. Those six months and older are already spayed or neutered, while those that are younger are adopted out with a deposit that’s returned after the new owner gets the procedure done when the animal is of age. All pets at AWS are fully vaccinated.
“All of this veterinary work costs money. Believe me, there’s not many deals with vets
concerns. The safety and well-being of our school community remains our top priority.”
While details were scarce, Koehler said all threats — even empty ones — are taken seriously.
“Violation of state laws regarding threats to schools can result in a sentence of up to 10 years in prison,” Koehler said. “Parents should discuss with their children that their actions can result in severe penalties. Children at times don’t think things through before taking action, and these decisions can be lifealtering and result in serious consequences.”
A similar incident occurred Aug. 29 at Eastpointe High School in Eastpointe. In that incident, someone called office staff,
“One lady even donated $10,000 a few months ago — a huge amount of money that makes all the difference when you have a litter of puppies in need of care. We would be struggling with something, and someone would step up to help. So we’re losing like $10,000 a month without our Facebook page,” Edwards said. “I’ve gotten emails and calls from people thinking that we’ve gone out of business. I’m hoping someone knows how to get our original Facebook page back.”
In addition to money for rent and veterinary bills, donations of supplies are also appreciated. Edwards said AWS can always use paper towels, bleach, blue Dawn dish soap, “67XL” ink cartridges for printers (color and black and white), clear plastic sleeves, newspapers, gently used towels, pill pockets, Hill’s Science Diet “Small Bites” adult dog food, IAMS canned kitten food, and Tidy Cat non-clumping litter.
Volunteers are also needed to help take care of the animals by cleaning cages and kennels, giving baths when needed, walking
threatening to shoot the person on the phone and other students before hanging up and calling back multiple times in a short period of time to make the same threat again.
In that case, police determined the suspect was a 16-year-old girl from Warren who is a student at Eastpointe High School. She allegedly confessed upon being interviewed. As a juvenile, the suspect won’t be named, but she faces up to 20 years in prison and/ or a $20,000 fine after the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office charged her for making a false report or threat of terrorism.
Koehler said the Madison Heights Police Department is determined to complete the investigation and bring forth charges through
“Our followers on the old Facebook page were everyone who ever adopted here, on top of other rescues from around the country that we’ve been in contact with over the years,” she said. “Often, it’s a past adopter who donates a large amount of money when they hear about a dog who needs surgery and so on. We got good donations from them. Now, all of the sudden, we’re not getting much at all. The people who followed our old page don’t know why the page closed, and they aren’t receiving updates on what’s going on.”
She said the support of good-hearted people keeps morale high at the rescue.
“It lifts our spirits,” Lindau said. “It really does.”
For more information, including how to help, call the rescue at (248) 548-1150, or email AWS at animalwelfaresociety@yahoo. com. Hours of operation are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday; and noon to 3 p.m. Saturday. AWS can also be found online at animalwelfaresociety.net.
the Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office.
“We (at the Madison Heights Police Department) will use every resource available to bring the offender into custody, and to keep the children safe,” Koehler said.
Anyone who hears of potential threats or criminal activities directed at students, schools or staff can confidentially report tips via the OK2SAY hotline. The anonymous phone line is 8-555-OK2SAY, and the email address is OK2SAY@mi.gov. Tips can be submitted by text message at 652729 (OK2SAY).
If you know more about this incident or others, call the Madison Heights Police Department directly at (248) 585-2100.
by required rollback, be replaced, and increased to .65 mills for 20 years from 2024 to 2043, The .65 mills is equal to 65 cents per $1,000.00 of taxable value. The millage, if approved and levied, shall generate approximately $52,191,139 in 2024. The purpose of the millage is to expand, improve, operate, maintain, and acquire parks, recreational facilities, open spaces, lakes, rivers,water areas, and trailways; to support nature education, recreational, and outdoor educational and health programming; to support partnerships for access to and awareness of recreational lands and facilities; to promote the conservation and restoration of high-quality natural and wildlife habitats; and to allow free general park admission to all county parks for residents. Revenue from this millage shall be disbursed only to the County of Oakland to be used solely for the purpose of funding the Oakland County Parks and Recreation Commission and shall be subject to oversight by the Oakland County Board of Commissioners and to an independent audit.
Should the proposal be adopted?
This proposal, if approved by the electors, will allow the Madison District Public Schools to levy a building and site sinking fund millage, the proceeds of which will be used to pay the cost of infrastructure improvements and repairs to the School District’s facilities and for all other purposes authorized under Michigan law. Pursuant to State Law, the expenditure of the building and site sinking fund millage proceeds must be audited, and the proceeds cannot be used for teacher, administrator or employee salaries, maintenance or other operating expenses.
Shall the Madison District Public Schools, County of Oakland, State of Michigan, be authorized to levy 3.0 mills ($3.00 per $1,000 of taxable valuation), for a period of ten (10) years, from December 1, 2024 through December 1, 2034, to create a building and site sinking fund for the purpose of the construction or repair of school buildings or any other purpose authorized under Michigan law? This millage would provide estimated revenues to the Madison District Public Schools of approximately $1,005,508 Dollars during the 2024 calendar year, if approved and levied.
Sealed Bids for the Hazel Park Schools, Longfellow Community Center Remodeling will be received by Hazel Park Schools, at the District Business Offce, 1620 E. Elza, Hazel Park, Michigan 48030 on October 22, 2024 until 2:00 p.m., local time. Bids received after that time will be returned unopened.
Bid will be opened publicly and read aloud at the District Administration Building, 1620 E. Elza, Hazel Park, Michigan 48030 at 2:05 PM on October 22, 2024.
Bids shall be executed on the Bid Form provided. Each proposal must be accompanied by a satisfactory certifed check, money order, or bid bond payable to Hazel Park Public Schools for not less than fve (5%) percent of the amount of the bid and delivered in a sealed envelope bearing the bidder’s name, address, and project identifcation. All bids submitted shall be from a prime bidder only and shall include all subcontractor costs for scopes identifed in the contract documents.
Owner is exempt from Michigan use and sales tax. Contractors are not exempt from Michigan use and sales tax.
Successful bidder(s) will be awarded by AIA A101-2017, Standard Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, issued by the Owner following action by Hazel Park Public Schools at a meeting of the Board of Education on November 18, 2024.
Bidding and Contract Documents will be available from Kingscott Associates, Inc. on September 25, 2024 on the Kingscott ShareFile site. For access to the Kingscott ShareFile site, please contact Lisa Dailey ldailey@kingscott.com. No printed sets of contract documents will be issued; however, the electronic fles may be reproduced for bidding purposes by the bidder and at the bidder’s expense.
The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids, to waive any irregularities in biding and to refrain from accepting or rejecting any bids for a period of thirty (30) days after the bid opening.
Pre-Bid Meeting: October 8, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. For all contractors interested in submitting a bid, a meeting will begin at the Main Entrance of Hazel Park Longfellow – 570 E Mapledale Ave, Hazel Park, MI 48030.
The project scope of work includes the following:
1. Demolition of interior partitions and casework.
2. Installation of new HVAC split systems in various spaces.
3. Installation of new casework, fooring, and paint.
4. Installation of new aluminum storefront entryway and wood interior doors.
Publish: Madison Park News 10/09/2024 0331-2441
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Driver found with fake grenade but real guns during arrest
BERKLEY — Police arrested a driver for felon in possession of a weapon at 11:20 a.m. Sept. 18 near Greenfield Road and Edwards Avenue.
According to the Public Safety Department, officers pulled over a 32-year-old Detroit man, as the vehicle he was driving had an expired plate and no insurance. The driver stated that the vehicle was not his.
The man was placed in handcuffs and when asked if there was anything illegal in the vehicle, he said there was a grenade. A grenade-type object was found in the glovebox. Michigan State Police advised that, based on a photo, the grenade-type object did not have an explosive charge but contained rubber BBs and was not illegal to possess. The driver said it was for paintball.
Police said they did find multiple firearms in both the glovebox and center console with rounds inside. The driver reportedly had stated that there were no firearms inside the vehicle.
Cryptocurrency fraud reported
WEST BLOOMFIELD — On Sept. 15, an officer from the West Bloomfield Police Department was dispatched to the 4800 block of Faircourt Drive to take a report of fraud involving cryptocurrency.
The reporting party informed the officer that they followed a fraudulent QR code on YouTube that advertised a service involving cryptocurrency.
The reporting party transferred money for the “service,” which resulted in a loss of over $1,000 in cryptocurrency.
There were no known suspects.
Plants go missing
WEST BLOOMFIELD — A resident filed a police report Sept. 16 stating that two plants were stolen over a one-month period.
The reporting party informed the officer that the plants were taken from in front of the Timber Edge subdivision sign, in the 14 Mile Road and Birchwood Trail area. There were no known suspects.
Extortion email threatens to share video of victim
BIRMINGHAM — Officers were dispatched to the 500 block of Westwood for a report of extortion Sept. 9 at approximately 9 p.m. The victim, a 33-year-old female resident, said she had received an email from an unknown individual who stated they had put malware onto the victim’s phone and that they had personal information about the victim.
an embarrassing video of the victim to everyone in the victim’s contacts if they did not send the suspect $2,000 in bitcoin. Officers later learned that other residents in the area had received a similar extortion email. An investigation was ongoing.
Intoxicated driver hits parked car
BIRMINGHAM — At approximately 10 p.m. Sept. 5, officers were dispatched to Lincoln and Birmingham Boulevard for a car accident that had occurred.
The reporting person stated that a white sedan had struck a parked vehicle and fled the scene.
Officers found the sedan parked nearby. Officers approached the vehicle and immediately identified signs of intoxication on the suspect, a 27-yearold from Auburn Hills. Upon failing field sobriety evaluations, the suspect was arrested and was given a citation for operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol.
Customer pulls knife on employee
BIRMINGHAM — A 49-year-old Troy woman told police Sept. 15 that while she was working the day prior, a disgruntled customer had pulled out a pocket knife and put the knife up to the victim’s face.
The victim did not know who the suspect was, but stated he was a middle-aged male. An investigation was ongoing.
Suspicious vehicle call results in arrest of man for possession of heroin
FARMINGTON — Public safety officers were dispatched to the area of Farmington and Cloverdale for a suspicious vehicle around 3 p.m. Sept. 11.
While investigating the vehicle, officers noticed a man walking away from it. Officers noticed he was walking with an open container of alcohol concealed in a brown paper bag. They detained him and learned that he had multiple felony and misdemeanor warrants out from other jurisdictions.
While taking the man into custody, officers located suspected heroin on him. He was arrested for possession of suspected heroin and open intoxicants, as well as his warrants.
Police spot motorcycle that fled from nearby city
FARMINGTON — On Sept. 5 at 10:04 a.m., a Farmington public safety officer saw a parked yellow motorcycle that fit the description of a motorcycle that had previously fled a traffic stop in a neighboring community.
The neighboring agency was able to positively identify the motorcycle as the one that had fled
to develop a suspect, a 20-year-old man, and also impounded the motorcycle for evidence processing.
Soda, candy bar stolen from hotel lobby
ROYAL OAK — A complainant reported that at 12:30 p.m. Sept. 8, an unknown person entered the lobby of Hotel Royal Oak on East 11 Mile Road and stole a can of soda and a candy bar.
Handgun taken
MADISON HEIGHTS — An unknown suspect reportedly stole a Taurus 9 mm handgun from a location in the 1000 block of West 14 Mile Road sometime between 2 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Sept. 14.
According to a police report, the gun belongs to a 21-year-old Detroit resident.
Investigations were ongoing.
OU police investigate report of sexual assault
ROCHESTER HILLS — Police were investigating a sexual assault report that recently happened on the campus of Oakland University in Rochester Hills.
The incident, according to reports, happened at 1:20 a.m. Sunday Sept. 8 in a student housing facility. The report was filed with police on Wednesday, Sept. 11.
Police said the victim had met the suspect. No other details were released.
Rental vehicle goes missing
SOUTHFIELD — A man went to visit a relative on Berg Road at noon Sept. 2. A few hours later, the man said his relative and his rental vehicle, a 2022 Toyota Corolla, were gone.
Officers apprehend suspect tampering with cars
SOUTHFIELD — At 4:13 a.m. Sept. 4, officers were dispatched to the 18000 block of Westover Avenue for a subject messing with vehicles.
Officers found the subject, who fled on foot, but officers apprehended him and took him into custody.
Scammer demands leads to fraudulent Best Buy purchase
TROY — A Troy man reported that he received an email Sept. 3 from an unknown suspect demanding money or his personal information would be leaked.
The man did not comply with the request.
The next day, the man received an email from Best Buy that his order was ready for pickup. The man
OCT. 12
Haunted Hazel Park: Halloween art fair, 10 a.m.-6 p.m., Green Acres Park, 620 W. Woodward Heights Blvd., facebook.com/CityofHP
Trump Woodward Cruise: Route travels in both directions on Woodward Avenue from Square Lake to 12 Mile roads in Walled Lake, noon-3 p.m., michiganconservativecoalition.com
OCT. 15
Tinker Tuesdays: Make creepy carrot or scary vegetable, 6-7:30 p.m., Madison Heights Public Library, 240 W. 13 Mile Road, (248) 588-7763, madison-heights.org/library
OCT. 17
Book signings: Meet and hear passages from Ferndale author Donald Levin and Bloomfield Hills-based author Rick Bailey during release of new novels, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Color | Ink Studio & Gallery, 20919 John R Road in Hazel Park, donaldlevin.com, rick-bailey.com
OCT. 19
Clawson Comic Book and Toy Show: Also meet horror artist Steve Bejma, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., Knights of Columbus Father Lynch Council 4188, 870 N. Main St.
OCT. 20
Hazel Park Fire Department open house: Cider and doughnuts, bounce house, hose spraying, wear firefighter gear, demonstrations and more, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., 22830 Russell Ave., facebook.com/CityofHP
OCT. 22
Royal Oak/Ferndale Senior Expo: Connect with dozens of organizations specializing in assistance and care, also free health screenings, prizes, giveaways and refreshments, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Royal Oak Farmers Market, 316 E. 11 Mile Road, seniorexpousa.com
OCT. 25 Trunk or treat: 6-8 p.m., Corewell Health William Beaumont University Hospital Research Institute, 3811 W. 13 Mile Road in Royal Oak, www. corewellhealth.org
OCT. 26
Truck or treat: Touch a truck, treats (costumes encouraged), food trucks, vendor tables, bounce house, face painting and more, 1-3 p.m., Civic Center Park, 300 W. 13 Mile Road in Madison Heights
Social clubs: Ham Radio (7:30-9 p.m. every second Wednesday of month), Stitch & Knit (4-6 p.m. every first Thursday of Month), Lego/Pokémon (6:307:30 p.m. every first Tuesday of month) and various book groups, Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, (248) 546-4095, hpmlibrary@gmail. com, hazel-park.lib.mi.us
Fun Fridays: Games, crafts, snacks and movies, 3 p.m. every Friday, Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, (248) 546-4095, hpmlibrary@ gmail.com, hazel-park.lib.mi.us
Senior Storytelling: Discuss topics with others, 1:30-2:30 p.m. Wednesdays until Nov. 27, Hazel Park Recreation Center, 620 W. Woodward Heights Blvd., (248) 547-5535
Senior card playing: Noon-3 p.m. every Monday and Thursday, Hazel Park Community Center, 620 W. Woodward Heights, (248) 547-5535, facebook. com/CityofHP
Hazel Park Garden Club: Workshops and events include Composting (Oct. 9), Vermicomposting (Oct. 23), Putting the Garden to Bed (Nov. 13), and Bug and Bat Houses (Nov. 27), noon, Hazel Park Community Center, 620 W. Woodward Heights, (248) 546-7000, facebook.com/HPBeautification
Book clubs: Mind Readers (discussions of self-improvement through self-
and Fictions we Tell Ourselves” (2 p.m. Oct. 22), Madison Heights Public Library, 240 W. 13 Mile Road, registration required, (248) 588-7763, libraryc.org/mhlibrary/ upcoming
Downtown BOO!kley: Fall-themed events include Witches Night Out (Oct. 10), Ghost Chase (Oct. 18), Trick-or-Treat Stroll & Monster Mash (Oct. 26) and Vampire Blood Drive (Oct. 29), various locations in Berkley, (248) 6583300, facebook.com/DowntownBerkley
‘The Grown-Ups’: 8 p.m. Fridays, Saturdays and Mondays and 3 p.m. Sundays Oct. 11-Nov. 4, Ringwald Theatre at Affirmations LGBTQIA+ Community Center, 290 W. Nine Mile Road in Ferndale, theringwald.com ‘Puffs’: 8 p.m. Fridays-Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays Oct. 11-13, 18-20 and 25-26, St. Dunstan’s Theatre, 400 Lone Pine Road in Bloomfield Hills, StDunstansTheatre.com
‘Next to Normal’: Performance by Birmingham Village Players, 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays Oct. 25-27, Nov. 1-3 and Nov. 7-10, 34660