12/20/23 Woodward Talk

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Happy Holidays from the Staff at C & G Newspapers

DECEMBER 20, 2023 • Vol. 20, No. 27

Pleasant Ridge residents see positive results in community survey

Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams will continue at Corewell Health’s Beaumont Children’s Hospital through Dec. 23. BELOW: Supporters hold up a sign for the kids. Photos by Patricia O’Blenes

BY MIKE KOURY mkoury@candgnews.com

Moonbeams flashes signs of support for kids in hospital BY MIKE KOURY mkoury@candgnews.com

ROYAL OAK — Throughout the month of December, Corewell Health’s Beaumont Children’s Hospital has been putting on its annual Moonbeams for Sweet Dreams event. Launched in 2017, Moonbeams aims to bring the community together to show support for the children in the hospital during

See SURVEY on page 11A

See MOONBEAMS on page 12A

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PLEASANT RIDGE — At its Nov. 14 meeting, the Pleasant Ridge City Commission received a presentation about a community survey with resident feedback on a host of city issues. The survey was made, the city stated, to help officials “improve the delivery of government services, enhance its communication tools and prioritize budget allocations based on what the residents value most.” The survey, which was sent to residents via postcards, eblasts and Facebook posts, was presented by resident and former mayor Kurt Metzger. According to the city, a total of 872 residents responded to the survey. The last time a survey like this was conducted was in 2016, when a total of 306 residents responded, which is 35% of this year’s total. “If you look at census numbers, we actually accounted for 42.5% of all Pleasant Ridge residents over the age of 18 and 44% of all Pleasant Ridge residents over the age of 25. That’s a hell of a response rate. You’re not gonna see that anywhere else,” Metzger said. The survey results stated that 96% of residents rated their own street as in excellent or good condition, while 4% rated it as fair or poor. Residents also rated their satisfaction with rou-

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