The Shelby Gardeners Club will be having a free art exhibit this weekend featuring all things small in the garden world.
From May 9 to 11, an exhibit at the Shelby Township Library will feature the exhibit “Teeny, Tiny Garden.” The free exhibit will feature 12-by-12-inch planters creatively designed by the club members.
The exhibit’s hours will be from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. May 9, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. May 10 and 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 11 at the library, 52610 Van Dyke Ave.
Lois Hayward, a club member, said she got the inspiration for the tiny gardens from a garden book.
The Shelby Gardeners Club will be having a free art exhibit, “Teeny, Tiny Garden,” at the Shelby Township Library May 9-11.
“Many people are downsizing and leaving their gardens behind, so this is a way to take those memories with them. The tiny gardens
See ART on page 5A
Utica Community Schools provided solar eclipse viewing glasses for all students to view the April 8 solar eclipse and now is collecting donated glasses to be used by underserved communities around the world for future solar eclipses.
SHELBY TOWNSHIP/STERLING HEIGHTS/UTICA — Utica Community Schools provided solar eclipse viewing glasses to all its students to view the total solar eclipse that recently took place. Beacon Tree Elementary School in Shelby Township has now started leading an effort to gather donated glasses to be used by underserved communities around the world for future solar eclipses, since the United States will not need the glasses until at least 2044.
Beacon Tree is following the guidance of nonprofit organization “Astronomers Without Borders” in conducting the collection.
Beacon Tree Elementary first grade teacher Amy Orlando started the recycling effort that has expanded to other schools within UCS.
SHELBY TOWNSHIP — A Kettering University student from Shelby Township is among the 26 students in Kettering University’s inaugural class of The Michigander Scholars.
Kettering University has the largest incoming class of Michigander Scholars of any Michigan public or private university.
The program offers scholarships for $5,000 to $10,000 to qualifying scholars who complete a co-op or internship and/or accept a full-time position as a computer, electrical or process engineer or software developer with a participating company and commit to staying in Michigan for 12 months. Students with co-ops or internships receive $5,000, while those accepting full-time positions receive up to $10,000.
Kettering’s first-ever winners of the state’s scholarship incentive included 13 students with General Motors, five students with Ford Motor Co., three students with BorgWarner, three students with Bosch, one student with ZF and one student with Hemlock Semiconductor.
Matthew Attisha is the student from Shelby Township and part of Kettering’s Class of 2024 in computer and electrical engineering. Attisha is an alumnus of the Utica Center for Math, Science and Technology, and he received
See ATTISHA on page 14A
STERLING HEIGHTS — You have less than three months left to make your final purchases at Lakeside Mall, according to a joint press release announcement from Lakeside Mall’s ownership and Sterling Heights.
On May 1, Miami-based investment firm Lionheart Capital and its subsidiary, Out of the Box Ventures, said they plan to shut down the mall July 1.
According to officials, the closure is part of a larger plan that will transform the mall property’s estimated 110 acres into a mixeduse Lakeside Town Center complete with residential neighborhoods, retail, office space, green spaces, a two-story community center, and other attractions and amenities.
The announcement projects that the revitalization project will “positively impact the region by $1 billion.” It added that the development “is designed to be financially self-
sustaining” with “minimal impact on city taxes.”
“Lakeside Mall’s closure marks the beginning of an exciting trans-
from page 1A
can be displayed in their homes on islands, counters or coffee tables. This project was also meant to challenge our members’ creativity in gardening and to bring back the garden show we did years ago at the previous library. We hope all enjoy it,” she said.
Heather Dzurko, another member of the club, said tiny gardens are a wonderful way to bring nature indoors, and they can bring joy to those who might not have an outdoor space to plant or who don’t have much of a green thumb.
“They are a great activity for all ages. An older person with limited physical ability can enjoy the benefits of planting and caring for their tiny gardens that sit on a table or windowsill. Children will have fun creating tiny worlds to foster their imagination, while learning to care for plants and watch them grow,” she said.
She said her garden is an example of this fantasy world.
“We had just learned a little bit about a Japanese art form called ‘ikebana,’ so my mind was on Japan when I started my tiny garden. I created a mountain peak out of paper-mache and a tea house and people out of simple modeling clay. The people in my garden represent my family, each doing an activity they enjoy (even my dog!). I became engrossed in the process, and as I put it all together, my son, Henry (21) was inspired to plant his own tiny garden, which now sits prominently in the middle of our kitchen table,” she said.
She said they have a lot of very creative people in the club, and she is really looking forward to seeing all the tiny gardens together on display at the library.
For more information, call Ivy Schwartz at (586) 873-3782, email ShelbyTwpGarden Club@gmail.com or visit shelbytwp.org/our-township/community-service-organizations/ shelby-gardeners-club.
Call Staff Writer Kara Szymanski at (586) 498-1029.
6A/MAY 8,
GROSSE POINTE FARMS — With benefits like providing shade and improving property values, it’s no wonder many homeowners add trees to their property. But there’s a lot more to choosing and maintaining a tree than picking one out based on appearance alone.
Brian Colter, who’s certified by the International Society of Arboriculture and is the urban forester for Grosse Pointe City, Grosse Pointe Farms and Grosse Pointe Park, has been planting and caring for trees for more than three decades, and he shared his expertise during a residential tree selection and maintenance program organized by the Farms Beautification Commission April 23 at Pier Park in the Farms.
Among his tips: Before planting, look up. Colter said homeowners need to consider the size of the tree at maturity.
“Don’t plant a large-growing tree under utility
wires,” Colter said.
He said taller trees should be planted at least 35 feet from utility lines.
When mulching around the base of a tree, create a doughnut shape, not a volcano shape, because that’s not healthy for the tree, as it can rot the trunk and prevent water and nutrients from reaching the tree’s crown.
“You don’t want mulch against the trunk of the tree,” Colter said.
Like real estate, one key to a healthy tree is location, location, location.
“They always say the right tree in the right place, and most of us don’t really know that,” said Pat Deck, of Grosse Pointe Park, a longtime member and former chair of her city’s Beautification Commission. “I think that’s pretty critical.”
That means considering the amount of sunlight the tree will get and whether it has room to grow in the spot where it’s planted.
See TREES on page 20A
trees like these shouldn’t be
underneath or near utility lines, as broken limbs and toppled trees can disrupt power and other utilities during a storm or high winds.
formation,” Allison Greenfield, chief development officer at Lionheart Capital, said in a statement.
“We are committed to collaborating with the City of Sterling Heights to create a vibrant urban center that celebrates the area’s unique character and history.”
The city initially approved a memorandum of understanding with Lakeside’s ownership in November 2022 that outlined the project’s scope and plans moving forward.
But just weeks ago, city officials said the redevelopment process was around a year behind schedule.
The Sterling Heights City Council then approved a transfer of a $3 million grant it had received to Lakeside’s ownership to help it overcome a hurdle: acquiring the vacant Sears and Lord & Taylor properties.
Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor told the Sentry that, as of May 1, the acquisition of those two properties still hasn’t been finalized yet. But he added that he expects it to be resolved quickly.
Taylor also said the mall’s announcement about the July 1 closing date didn’t surprise him.
“We knew this day was coming for a long time,” he said. “We didn’t know exactly when it would happen, but it isn’t surprising that Lionheart would want to get the mall closed to prepare for the redevelopment.”
Taylor said the city looks forward to
the mall’s redevelopment since it aligns with the city’s visioning goals for the future. The city will work to keep residents informed and engaged throughout the redevelopment process, he said.
The press release announcement said the mall’s tenants have learned about the scheduled closure, “and plans for vacating are underway to facilitate the next phase of the project.”
Candace Dallo, the manager of Mr. Sam Tailor in Lakeside Mall, told C & G Newspapers she always knew the mall was going to close, but she still wished that they would’ve remodeled and kept it.
“I’m very sad it was closing,” she said. “I’m excited to see what’s to come, but it’s depressing that there are no more malls left, and this was a great mall.”
Dallo said her business has already prepared and has made plans to move to Shelby Township.
“We’re moving June 1,” she said. “We will be at 20 1/2 (Mile Road) and Hayes. It’s by the Buddy’s Pizza in that plaza. So we’re hoping to do well over there.”
In order to build the town center, the mall edifice will need to be demolished, officials said. The announcement said the Lakeside redevelopment project is set to have its official groundbreaking in late 2025.
Learn more about Lakeside Mall, 14000 Lakeside Circle in Sterling Heights, by visiting shop-lakesidemall.com. Find out more about Lionheart Capital by visiting lheartcapital.com, or Out of the Box Ventures by visiting ootbventures.com.
SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The Veterans of Foreign Wars Old Settlers Post No. 4659 hosted its Loyalty Day celebration at 6 p.m. May 1. After the post’s Honor Guard brought in the colors and those present recited the Pledge of Allegiance, Gary Titus sang the national anthem as Post Commander Art Huge saluted and then gave comments, pictured below. Major Gen. Darren Werner, retired, pictured right, gave the keynote speech. Chaplain Kevin DeBruyne led the dinner prayer, and then those in attendance enjoyed dinner and refreshments.
The Veterans of Foreign Wars in 1958 successfully brought about an act of Congress to designate May 1 each year as Loyalty Day. It was created to counter communist rallies that would occur on May 1. Loyalty Day is meant to encourage Americans to hold patriotic activities and speak out against those who would advocate overthrowing the government, according to the event program.
Shelby Township Police Department promotes 2 officers OUR
UTICA — Utica will be hosting a kayak launch celebration at 11 a.m. May 18 at Clinton River Heritage Park, 44505 Van Dyke Ave. This is a free family event that Utica Parks and Recreation is sponsoring. There will be fun activities and prizes. Participants can bring their kayaks and life jackets.
Those in attendance will be able to meet officials from the Coast Guard, Macomb County Marine Division and the Clinton River Watershed Council. The city said in a news release on its website that it is pleased to have these organizations share their expertise to contribute to “safe waterways and saving lives during national safe boating week.”
SHELBY TOWNSHIP — The Shelby Township Police Department recently celebrated two promotions. On April 23, Shelby Township Clerk Stanley Grot swore in Mark Benedettini, who was promoted to lieutenant, and Andrew Boehm, who was promoted to sergeant.
Macomb County seeks participants in Adopt-A-County Road program
to spring into action to help keep the roads and community clean by adopting a county roadway. Applications to adopt the more than 320 miles of available roadways are open year-round and can be completed online. There are 330 groups registered for the program, and registered participants can clean up adopted roads May 1 through Sept. 2.
Parks and Recreation Commission, 6 p.m. May 8.
City Council, 7:30 p.m. May 14.
Shelby Township meetings at Township Hall Planning Commission, 7 p.m. May 13.
Downtown Development Authority, 7 p.m. May 14.
There is no cost to participate in the program, and individuals, families, businesses, charitable organizations, schools and other groups can adopt a section of road. A three-step adoption process and a commitment of two cleanups per year are the requirements to adopt a road. The Macomb County Department of Roads provides safety vests, trash bags, safety guidelines and information to registered participants. Additional information, an interactive map, and a comprehensive list of adopted and available roads can be found online at macombgov.org/adopt-county-road. For additional information, questions or to request an application by mail or email, contact the Adopt-A-County Road program at adopt@ rcmcweb.org or (586) 463-8671.
“Many foot problems in people with diabetes occur when injuries and infections go unnoticed and untreated. Healing can be delayed due to decreased feeling in the feet (neuropathy) and poor circulation. I will evaluate your feet regularly to detect any changes early, before they become a problem. Call me for an appointment and I will work with you to keep your feet healthy.”
The Detroit Institute of Arts recently announced the Macomb County communities and sites that will participate in the 2024 Inside|Out program, which includes Utica.
UTICA — The Detroit Institute of Arts recently announced the Macomb County communities that will be participating in the 2024 Inside|Out program, and Utica is one of the cities.
Inside|Out brings high-quality reproductions of the DIA’s collection to outdoor venues throughout metro Detroit. The museum’s administration says that the goal of the program is to increase engagement between the museum and its audiences in Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties.
Utica Mayor Gus Calandrino said the city is thankful to the Detroit Institute of Arts and the Inside|Out program for choosing Utica for a summerlong exhibition of art.
“The last time Utica participated in this program was during the height of the coronavirus. Due to restrictions on public gathering, we were forced to cancel all of the great programming and educational opportunities that are part of the Inside|Out program. We hope to have a lot of events this year, which will complement the artwork on display in the city,” he said.
He said the curators selected some wonderful art for Utica.
“There will be pieces on display at Jimmy John’s (Field), at Grant and Heritage
Park, and sprinkled throughout our downtown. I encourage residents and guests to get out and enjoy this wonderful opportunity to experience art in Utica,” he said.
Emily Weiss is manager of community engagement at the Detroit Institute of Arts.
“Utica was a partner with the DIA for this program in 2020, and we are thrilled that they will be hosting the Inside|Out again this year,” Weiss said. “Inside|Out partnerships are determined through an application process, which opens to the tri-county (area) around the end of summer each year. In our visits to Utica, we found a welcoming, friendly and celebratory atmosphere, which inspired us to select artworks that reflect and enhance their surroundings.”
She said that “Fire in a Stack of Wheat,” by Jules Breton, placed at the Fire Department will honor the dedication of those who serve the community, while “Hard Ball III,” by Robert Moskowitz, placed at Jimmy John’s Field, will aim to energize fans and encourage them to cheer on the Utica Unicorns.
“Other placements across the city similarly resonate with their respective settings, adding what we hope to be a great addition to Utica this summer. The Utica installation will be ready to view on May 15, featuring nine reproductions displayed across various locations throughout the city, including the
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a Ford Motor Co. co-op award for $5,000 for this coming semester, which will be renewable once for another $5,000 for his next and last semester.
The Michigan Economic Development Corp. said in a press release that “the Michigander Scholars program is the first of its kind in the U.S. and represents an unprecedented public-private partnership with some of Michigan’s major advanced manufacturing employers and universities.”
Attisha said he is honored and grateful to be selected as a Michigander Scholar.
“This award has to do with working in the electric vehicles and mobility, as well as semiconductor, spaces. Mobility in particular is a field that I am highly passionate to continue working in. I have always been enamored with things that move on their own, so naturally the progression of my engineering career would bring me to working in mobility,” he said.
He said he plans on networking with other Michigander Scholars to broaden his horizons and increase his knowledge in these fields.
“I am excited to eat a little nicer for my last year of college thanks to the award too,” he said.
He said becoming a Michigander Scholar was made possible by being involved and making connections. He is a member of the Michigan Delta chapter of Phi Delta Theta, where he has made some of his closest friends and developed many of his professional skills including leadership, training, event planning, organization and effective timekeeping through the various officer positions he has held.
“Additionally, I serve as the secretary for the Kettering student government’s finance council and the vice president of the interfraternal council, where I further developed my skills as a leader and as a professional. I have seven completed rotations as a co-op at Ford Motor Co. and have just begun my eighth rotation ranging from working with validation testing for a vehicle’s backup camera from an (electronic control unit) to working for Ford’s robotics mobility team focusing on two main projects,” he said.
He said the first of those projects is a large, four-wheeled package delivery robot that could climb stairs and is meant for large, automated, non-factory deliveries, including home delivery, and the second project is a smaller four-wheeled package delivery robot meant for quick, small item transports for either factory or manufacturing delivery or non-factory delivery, such as home or other on-the-street delivery.
Kettering President Dr. Robert K. McMahan said during a press conference at the campus that coincided with its spring employment fair, which included nearly 400 students connecting with more than 100 companies from Michigan and other states, that Kettering University is proud to be one of only a few institutions and the only private school approved for The Michigander
Scholars by the Michigan Economic Development Corp.
“The Michigander Scholars program is a robust talent retention strategy that aligns perfectly with Kettering’s co-op model and our mission to provide our students with an educational experience built upon a bestin-class education combined with hands-on work experience. One powerful result of our talented students and graduates building careers here is they act as critical fuel for Michigan’s high-tech industries, whose success is built upon attracting and retaining highly educated, accomplished, and motivated graduates,” McMahan said, according to the press release.
The Michigander Scholars program give top technology and engineering students in Michigan a special look at the EV, mobility and semiconductor sectors, plus career guidance and networking opportunities with employers. Universities involved in the program see the skills that employers are looking for in students. Participating employers gain access to a pipeline of talent for internships and full-time positions.
MEDC Executive Vice President and Chief of Talent Solutions and Engagement Officer Kerry Ebersole Singh said that everybody wins with the Michigander Scholars program.
“Michigan wins by promoting our advanced manufacturing employers, career opportunities, and top-tier universities. It’s a win for students at Michigan colleges, and Michiganders attending college out of state, to gain real-world, hands-on workforce training through paid internships. And it’s a win for our state’s innovative companies to develop talent pipelines that are fundamental to their success,” Ebersole Singh said in a press release.
In February, The Michigander Scholars program was expanded to make sophomores and graduate students eligible for scholarships, and computer and process engineers were added as career roles. Also, the MEDC added Kettering University in Flint and Wayne State University in Detroit as new higher education partners, as well as several new employers, including Hemlock Semiconductor, SK Siltron CSS, Nissan, Subaru, Toyota and Mobis.
“I am confident that The Michigander Scholars program will continue to find wonderful emerging engineers, and I am again extremely grateful to have won this award and utilize it to help me further my career,” Attisha said.
Call Staff Writer Kara Szymanski at (586) 498-1029.
The Utica Puppy Parade, which took place April 27 from Grant Park to Pioneer Dog Park, annually draws attention to the prevention of cruelty to animals and brings together a large number of organizations, vendors and dog owners.
by Donna DalzielSOUTHFIELD- Full body MRI clinics have gained national attention lately, as TV personalities publicly share their personal full body scan experiences. One actress credits the scan for saving her life after doctors dismissed her unexplained pain for months. After various tests, including a CT scan, had “unremarkable” results, the pregnant actress became her own advocate, searched out a full body MRI clinic and discovered she had pancreatic cancer. Tanks to early detection the tumor was removed successfully.
As a general rule, when symptoms occur related to cancer, it usually has progressed to stage three or four. Even with annual physicals, there are limitations. Most screenings only
cover about 29% of cancers with 71% occurring outside of where doctors are able to screen. However, full body MRI scans can detect cancer in every organ from the top of the head through the genitals and can detect it very early.
For a long time, full body MRI scans were available only in select areas outside of Michigan, requiring expensive fights like in Vancouver or California. However, this changed when a clinic opened in Southfeld, making these scans available to Metro Detroit residents.
“Our advanced MRI screening can detect cancers very early when they are as small as a pencil eraser and are more easily treatable. If cancer goes undetected, however, it can grow into stage three or stage four with difcult
Our third Shelby Township branch is now open!
treatments. We can also identify conditions such as brain, abdominal, chest, and groin aneurysms,” stated the founder of the Southfeld clinic called Bionicc Body Screening.
Te primary focus of Bionicc Body Screening is to deliver peace of mind, ofering a comprehensive and detailed imaging of the body’s internal structures. Te ultimate hope is for excellent health. However, in the event that something is detected, the advanced screening aims to catch any potential issues at their earliest stages. Tis approach ofers the best opportunity for successful treatment outcomes, should the need arise.
Robert B., age 50, opted for a full body scan from Bionicc Body Screening and a very small tumor
was detected. He said, “It saved my life. Teir MRI found a kidney tumor that had been missed by a recent CT scan. I cannot recommend this service more.”
Take the first step to learn more about full body scans by visiting www.BioniccBodyScreening.com and request a free, no obligation Information Kit. Request it today and you’re also guaranteed a copy of their FREE eBook, Catching Cancer Before It’s Too Late! (Tis is a limited time ofer.) Schedule today at 1-833-BIONICC
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Anyone in Michigan can bank with us.
The glasses will be taken to Albion College’s Physics Department, which is a collection point for Astronomers Without Borders.
The Collection will be happening through June 1. The community can send glasses to Beacon Tree Elementary, Attn: Amy Orlando, 55885 Schoenherr Road, Shelby Township, MI 48315.
Orlando said that she remembers when she was in the first grade in the late 1970s and they used a paper plate with a hole in the center to view an eclipse, so she was very excited to view the April 8 near total eclipse with her class.
“Utica Community Schools ordered glasses for all students, and we have about 26,000 students, and staff, so it was really cool that we could all view the eclipse together. We talked a lot about how we could view the eclipse safely with the glasses,” she said.
Orlando enjoyed the experience.
“It was amazing. We went out and saw
the eclipse when it was about halfway, and then we went out a little bit later to see the eclipse when it was almost completely covered. It was incredible,” she said.
She said the students in her class will be adults the next time an eclipse happens in Michigan, and she hopes they remember viewing the eclipse this time just like she remembers doing it with her classmates when she was in first grade.
“It was so cool that I’m teaching first grade and we got to do this together. I hope they remember how important and special the experience was. When I told the class there were other places that could view the eclipse at different times of the year, we talked about how some people don’t have the resources that we have. So, we talked about how we could help those kids be able to see the eclipse. When I realized the district was buying the glasses for everyone, I was extremely excited. We used them the one day and I thought to myself, ‘What are we going to do with all of these glasses?’” she said.
She said it was a big opportunity for her students and she wanted to help offer that opportunity for other students as well.
The glasses will be sent to South
America, where there will be an annular solar eclipse on Oct. 2, and then there will be future eclipses in other places around the world.
“So maybe they will pass on our glasses, too,” Orlando said.
She said she gets a few donated glasses every day and they are still coming.
Beacon Tree Elementary first grader Sunny Roeske said this one small task can make a big difference in the world.
“We are helping the earth by reusing the glasses and passing them on to other people,” Roeske said.
Call Staff Writer Kara Szymanski at (586) 498-1029.
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Before planting a tree, residents should call Miss Dig toll-free at 811 so they don’t accidentally hit or sever underground utility lines.
“As important as it is to look up, you also have to consider what’s underground,” Colter said.
Watering trees — especially those that are newly planted — is the most important thing people can do to keep them healthy. Colter said standard lawn irrigation isn’t adequate for trees, as it doesn’t encourage the roots to grow deep underground.
“Right after planting a tree, you want to saturate it,” Colter said.
Climate is a consideration as well. Colter said Michigan is now in the same hardiness zone that the Carolinas were in, in 1994. That means some trees are more prone to pests than they were 30 years ago, because those pests can survive the winter. But, it also means that species like crepe myrtle can also now be planted here, he said.
Pines provide year-round greenery but are also among the tallest trees.
“Pines are fine, but not as street trees,” Colter said. “It’s an obstruction for the line of sight.”
There are three pines native to Michigan: white, jack and red, Colter said. Austrian pine commonly gets fungus, and he also cautions against Scotch pine — also known as Scots pine — as it’s susceptible to pine wilt and other disease and pest problems.
Some of the small trees Colter recommends include tree lilac, hornbeam, redbud and staghorn sumac.
Colter said oaks are good shade trees,
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and the Michigan State University Extension lists white, red and bur oaks as native to Michigan. However, because of the concern over oak wilt — which hasn’t yet been found in metro Detroit but is common in northern parts of the state — Colter warns against planting too many oaks, in case it spreads here. People should refrain from bringing firewood home from northern Michigan as well.
“Buy your firewood locally … because you could (otherwise) be bringing in (the oak wilt) tree fungus that’s underneath the bark,” Colter said.
Trees to avoid for reasons including health and pest issues include Callery pear (also known as Bradford pear), tree of heaven, silver maple and black locust.
Trees should only be pruned when dormant and should never be topped, Colter said. Homeowners shouldn’t remove more than 25% of the foliage during the growing season and should avoid using wound paint. Colter said the branch collar should always be left intact.
When in doubt about pruning, Colter said people should consult with a certified arborist.
As to when to plant a tree, Colter said fall and spring are equally good times.
Although Colter gave his presentation in the Pointes, Grosse Pointe Farms Assistant City Manager Derrick Kozicki said his advice was applicable regionally.
“These issues are being dealt with in every community in southeast Michigan,” Kozicki said of pests, diseases and other concerns that impact urban forestry.
To find an ISA-certified arborist in Michigan, visit asm-isa.org.
Call Staff Writer K. Michelle Moran at (586) 498-1047.
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Traveling through the engineering feat of the Panama Canal is an experience unlike anything else. And your clients can learn all about this man-made marvel and other wonders that dot this unique region- exploring the lively streets of the coastal Cartagena, Colombia. Trekking lush rainforests. And discovering natural splendors in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. They’re sure to fall in love with the
from page 10A
library, fire station, Grant and Memorial parks, and more,” Weiss said.
A map with locations of all nine images will be available at DIA.org/events/insideout-2024 at the end of this month when the project is fully installed.
Weiss said that whether residents reference the map or just discover Inside|Out as they go about their daily lives, she hopes they enjoy a taste of the DIA close to home and maybe even plan a trip to see the real pieces at the museum.
“Our partners in Utica are excited to
Six UCS schools honored for commitment to teaching about the environment
MACOMB COUNTY — The Macomb County Board of Education honored six Utica Community Schools buildings as “Green Schools” for their commitment to environmental education.
The schools have initiatives that encourage students to participate in activities that are good for the environment and that promote energy efficiency and savings.
To receive the Green School designation, schools completed an application that provided an overview of their green efforts.
UCS Schools were honored as “Green” or “Emerald.” Green schools documented at least 10 environmental activities, while emerald schools demonstrated at least 15 such activities.
Eisenhower High School, Utica High School and Duncan Elementary were honored for receiving emerald school designations.
Bemis Junior High School, Davis Ju-
participate in this popular program and are busy making plans to bring it to life this summer by incorporating the program into their summer activities roster,” she said.
Inside|Out is made possible by the tricounty millage investment in the DIA. In addition to experiencing Inside|Out in their communities, residents of Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties always receive free admission to the DIA.
To see the full list of participating Inside|Out communities and sites, including those in Wayne and Oakland counties, and to learn more about the Inside|Out program, visit dia.org/events/insideout-2024.
Call Staff Writer Kara Szymanski at (586) 498-1029.
nior High School and Switzer Elementary were honored as green schools.
Schools from Macomb, Oakland and Wayne counties were honored for their environmental efforts at a special celebration on April 22 — Earth Day — at the Detroit Zoo.
— Kara Szymanski
The work session was called to order at 12:32 p.m. by Supervisor Richard Stathakis. ROLL CALL
Members Present: Richard Stathakis, Stanley Grot, James Carabelli, Lisa Casali, John Vermeulen
Members Excused/Absent: Lucia Di Cicco, Vince Viviano
Also Present: Mai Lee, Mai’s Lanna Thai Restaurant LLC; Craig Cowper, Deputy Clerk
Class C Liquor License Request for Mai’s Lanna Thai Restaurant LLC (Requested by Clerk’s Office) MOTION carried to adjourn at 12:57 p.m.
Published: Shelby-Utica News 05/08/2024
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Supervisor Richard Stathakis.
The Invocation was led by Supervisor Richard Stathakis followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Members Present: Richard Stathakis, Stanley Grot, James Carabelli, Lucia Di Cicco, Lisa Casali, John Vermeulen, Vince Viviano Also Present: Rob Huth, Township Attorney
A. Minutes: Board Meeting -- March 5, 2024 (Requested by Clerk’s Offce)
To approve the minutes, as presented.
B. Township Travel Policy (Requested by Financial Management)
To concur with the recommendation of Financial Management Director Allan McDonald and approve the Charter Township of Shelby Travel Policy, as presented, effective April 1, 2024.
C. Engine 6 Repairs (Requested by Fire Department)
To concur with the recommendation of Fire Chief Frank Pierce and approve the repair cost for Shelby Fire Engine 6 on invoice #64453 from Apollo Fire Apparatus Sales & Service in Romeo, MI for $13,320.19. Funds are to be taken from Fire Fund line item 206-336-931-000.
D. Old Settlers Post 4659 Requests Permission to Solicit Donations (Requested by Clerk’s Offce)
To grant permission to Veterans of Foreign Wars, Old Settlers Post 4659, to solicit donations at store fronts throughout Shelby Township for “Buddy Poppy” days on April 26, 27, and 28, 2024. All solicitors shall be readily identifable, fully insured, and carry proper credentials.
E. Cancellation of April 2, 2024 Regular Board Meeting (Requested by Clerk’s Offce)
To cancel the regular meeting of the Board of Trustees on April 2, 2024.
F. Credit Card Purchases in the Amount of $21,098.35 (Requested by Treasurer’s Offce)
To approve the Credit Card Purchases in the amount of $21,098.35, as presented.
G. Bill Run in the Amount of $2,354,460.93. (Requested by Financial Management)
To approve the Bill Run in the amount of $2,354,460.93, as presented.
MOTION carried to approve the Consent Agenda, as presented.
Roll Call: Ayes - Grot, Di Cicco, Stathakis, Vermeulen, Viviano, Carabelli, Casali Nays - none
MOTION carried to approve the Regular Agenda, as presented with the addition of Item Number 9 (Amend Motion – Township Hall Chiller Purchase); and Item Number 10 (Subdivision Reconstruction Program).
1. Brownfeld Redevelopment Plan Resolution of Support (Requested by Planning and Zoning)
MOTION carried to approve the resolution of concurrence in support of the Brownfeld Development project at the southwest corner of Ryan Road and Hamlin Road.
Roll Call: Ayes - Grot, Viviano, Carabelli, Casali, Di Cicco, Stathakis, Vermeulen Nays - none
2. Site Plan Special Land Use #24-02 Teresa Bruce (D & G Investment Company) for Lutz Roofng (Requested by Planning and Zoning)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation from the Planning Commission and approve Site Plan Special Land Use #24-02 Teresa Bruce (D & G Investment Company) for Bill Borgiel (Lutz Roofng) for Parcel No. 23-07-30-200-014, located on the southwest corner of Hamlin Road and Ryan Road for Lutz Roofng proposing an offce, warehouse, and outdoor storage. The applicant has addressed all the special land use standards, and the approval is contingent upon the developer addressing the comments from the Planning Commission, departmental, and engineer’s comments. Roll Call: Ayes – Casali, Vermeulen, Viviano, Carabelli, Di Cicco, Grot, Stathakis Nays - none
3. Site Plan Special Land Use #24-03 Todd Quatro (Quatro Construction) for Clark Gas Station (Requested by Planning and Zoning)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Site Plan Special Land Use #24-03, applicant Todd Quatro of Quatro Construction, for the property located at 46555 Van Dyke Avenue, Parcel No. 23-07-33-276-037, south of 21 Mile Road, on the west side of Van Dyke Avenue for an existing Clark Gas Station renovation. The applicant has met the standards in the Zoning Ordinance, including Section 6.5, Special Land Use Standards and Section 4.28 Gasoline Self-Service Stations, and contingent on complying with all the Planning Commission, departmental, and engineering comments and subject to granting of the required variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Roll Call: Ayes - Grot, Vermeulen, Viviano, Carabelli, Casali, Di Cicco, Stathakis Nays - none DEPARTMENTAL & COMMITTEE
4. Vehicle Purchase - Dump Truck (Requested by DPW)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of DPW Operations Manager Danielle Allen to purchase a 7-9 yard Freightliner dump truck chassis from Wolverine Truck Group and dump body from Truck and Trailer Specialties, Inc. at a total cost of $149,637.00 with a contingency cost of $5,363.00 for a total project cost not to exceed $155,000.00. Funds are to be taken from Water and Sewer Fund Reserves.
5. Vehicle Purchase - 2024 Pickup (Requested by DPW)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of Public Works Director David Miller and purchase a 2024 Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Pickup Truck from Berger Chevrolet, Inc. of Grand Rapids for an amount not to exceed $47,632.00. Funds are to be taken from Water and Sewer Fund Reserves.
6. Award Contract - Replacement Flooring (Requested by Parks, Recreation & Maintenance)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of Parks, Recreation and Maintenance Director Joe Youngblood and contract with Carpet One Floor & Home, 50170 Van Dyke Avenue, Shelby Township, MI 48317 to replace the fooring at the Burgess-Shadbush Nature Center for a cost of $24,641.45. Funds are to be taken from Capital Improvement Fund line item 427-753-985-000.
7. Award Contract - 2024 Youth Baseball/Softball Uniforms (Requested by Parks, Recreation & Maintenance)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of PRM Director Joe Youngblood and contract with Burke’s Sport Haven, 21529 Kelly Road, Eastpointe, MI 48021 for all seasons of the 2024 Youth Baseball/Softball Uniforms. The contract pricing will be $9.29 / per hat, $16.59/ per youth jersey and $18.69 / per adult jersey. Funds are to be taken from General Fund line item 101-788-840-787.
8. Award Contract - Goose Control Program Township Grounds (Requested by Parks, Recreation & Maintenance)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of PRM Director Joe Youngblood and contract with Goodbye Geese for the use of a low-tolerance goose control program on the Township grounds and lake at a total contract price of $17,000.00. The program would start April 1st and run through November 30th. Funds are to be taken from General Fund line item 101-789-751-000 and amend the budget accordingly.
9. Amend Motion - Township Hall Chiller Purchase (Requested by Parks, Recreation & Maintenance)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation Parks, Recreation, & Maintenance Director Joe Youngblood and amend the motion previously approved on 1/16/24 and approve additional installation costs for the Municipal Building chiller to Limbach at a cost of $37,326.00 resulting in a revised total project cost of $206,295.00. Funds are to be taken from Capital Improvement Fund line item 427-265-985-000 and amend the budget accordingly.
10. Subdivision Reconstruction Program: Nadine Drive (Requested by Supervisor’s Offce)
MOTION carried to concur with the recommendation of Township Supervisor Rick Stathakis and approve Anderson, Eckstein and Westrick to provide design services for Nadine Drive reconstruction at a cost of $15,500.00. Funds are to be taken from Capital Improvement Fund line item 427-446967-200.
Autos Wanted
WANTED CarsForSeniors $1,500to$15,000pd. ForRunningCars We'reNotaJunkYard PrivateBuyer Macomb/Oakland Kelly248-338-0852 (Cell-24/7)
Cars For Sale
1965MUSTANG 6/Cylinder,3/Speed, Stick-Shift,200/Motor, 2ndOwner,Senior, 44,000/mi. GarageKept,$10,000, Call248-224-5346
Apartments/Flats For Rent
HARRISONTWP./ MT.CLEMENS Nice2-Bedroom Apartment-$895 FourplexBuilding NearMetroBikePath, Clean,Quiet, WellMaintained, Sec8Considered, Heat/WaterIncl. 586-468-7183
Apartments/Flats For Rent
ST.CLAIR APARTMENTS 2254512MileRd. Spacious,1/Bedroom, HeatIncluded,$750/mo. 586-296-1912
& Time
Construction Apprenticeship beginning Monday, June 10th, 2024, through June 27th, 2024. Application days and times will be as followed: Monday, Tuesdays & Wednesdays from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Thursdays from 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 PM. Saturday June 15th, 2024 and June 22nd, 2024 from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Qualifications necessary for an applicant to be considered are:
1. Must be 18 years of age or older.
2. Complete the application and return to the Pipefitting Industry Training Center with:
a. A valid driver’s license.
high school equivalency (GED) certificate.
b. High School diploma or high school equivalency (GED) certificate.
c. There is a $45.00 OR $100.00 testing fee that will be collected when turning in application.
c. There is a $45.00 OR $100.00 testing fee that will be collected when turning in application.
This is a drug free Program. An individual tentatively selected for entrance into the Program after testing and interview will be required to submit to a drug test, which will include testing for marijuana. ThePipefittingIndustryTrainingCenterislocatedat636ExecutiveDriveinTroy,MIbetween JohnR.andDequindre north of E. 14 mile Road. PH: 248-585-0636 Noresumesplease. For more information please contact our web site at: www.pipefitters636tc.org. DF-GCI1062707-01
This is a drug free Program. An individual tentatively selected for entrance into the Program after testing and interview will be required to submit to a drug test, which will include testing for marijuana. ThePipefittingIndustryTrainingCenterislocatedat636ExecutiveDriveinTroy,MIbetween JohnR.andDequindre north of E. 14 mile Road. PH: 248-585-0636 Noresumesplease. For more information please contact our web site at: www.pipefitters636tc.org. DF-GCI1062707-01
Permanent full-time Assistant Superintendent of Water & Sewer position $89,030 -$106,202 annually (40 Hours per week) includes benefit package. Successful completion of Civil Service Examination is required and applicant must meet all requirements set forth in the Employees Civil Service Ordinance. Pre-employment background investigation and substance abuse testing is required. Interested, applicants must submit application to the Clinton Township Employees Civil Service Commission, 40700 Romeo Plank Rd., Clinton Township, MI 48038 on or before the close of business, Friday, May 17th, 2024. The Charter Township of Clinton is an Equal Opportunity Employer, applicants are considered for all positions without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status or disability. For further information pertaining to this position or to download employment application please refer to www.clintontownship.com, click on Employment. 0394-2419
Help Wanted General Project Manager Persico USA, Inc. seeks a Project Manager in Shelby Twp, MI resp for sup auto rltd cust projects to ensure tech reqs align w/ local needs of cust in N AM. Min req Mast deg or frgn deg equiv in Mech Eng or clsly rltd fld + 7 yrs exp in equip & tool mfg. To apply, email resume to leo.centofanti@persico.com w/ job title in subject. 0408-2419
Home Improvement 586-610-1209
PaintingInterior/Exterior RemodelingKitchens, Bathrooms,Finish Basement,Tiles, Drywall,Repairs, RemoveWallpaper, RepairingandStaining Decks,Powerwashing. FreeEstimates.
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Decks/Patios 2024SPECIALS CustomDeck Building/Repair, Power-Washing, DecksRemoved, Composite,Treated &CedarMaterials, CustomRailingMaterials, CustomFence Installation. 586-260-5218
COMPLETEDECK MAINTENANCE Our30thYear! PowerWashing, Repairs,Stain/Paint HouseWashing/ HousePainting FreeEst./Insured WearetheDeckDoctors! 586-463-9564 marathonpowerwash.com Drywall LAKESHORE DRYWALL MasterFinisher SmallandLarge Repairs SmallHangJobs AnySizeFinishJobs DonePerfectly Shon- 586-801-6190
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Fence Service
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Kitchens/ Cabinets/ Countertops
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SILVERSMITHROOF MAINTENANCE FlatRoofSpecialist $225•MinorShingle ReplacementSpecial •GutterRepairs Residential/Commercial InsuranceWork 30-yrsexp/Family-Owned WeAcceptAll MajorCreditCards 248-707-4851
LAFAVORITE ROOFING Construction& HomeRemodeling 30YearsExperience WeCrush Competitors'Quotes CallUsAboutYour RooforAnyHome Improvements 586-873-4430 Licensed/Insured
MAY 9-11
Teeny, Tiny Gardens: Exhibit of planters designed by Shelby Gardeners Club, 11 a.m.-9 p.m. May 9, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. May 10 and 9 a.m.-2 p.m. May 11, Shelby Township Library, 52610 Van Dyke Ave., (586) 739-7414
MAY 11
Orchard Lake Philharmonic: Concert featuring movie theme songs, 8 p.m., St. Therese of Lisieux, 48115 Schoenherr Road in Shelby Township, orchardlakephil.org
MAY 11-12
Utica Antiques Market: 8-5 p.m. May 11 and 8-4 p.m. May 12, also July 13-14 and Sept. 7-8, Knights Park & Pavilion, 11541 21 Mile Road in Shelby Township, uticaantiques.com
MAY 13
Changing HerStory: Group supporting women living in poverty, meeting includes guest speaker from nonprofit Sueños (Sowing Together Education for the Children), St. Thomas Community Presbyterian Church, 55355 Mound Road in Shelby Township, free but registration required, (586) 781-3025, from.changingherstory@gmail.com
New Kayak launch: Also activities, prizes and more, bring own kayak and life jacket, 11 a.m., Clinton River Heritage Park, 44505 Van Dyke Ave. in Utica, (586) 739-1600, cityofutica.org
Women’s Health Expo: Free event with 20-plus vendors, prizes and giveaways, 2-4:30 p.m., F45 Training, 56270 Van Dyke Ave. in Shelby Township, (586) 234-4102, facebook.com/f45shelby
MAY 19
BBAC Swap Meet, Car Show & Used Car Corral: Hosted by Bearing Burners Auto Club, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Knights Park & Pavilion, 11541 21 Mile Road in Shelby Township, call Jim at (248) 925-2801 or Franko at (586) 293-1035
MAY 24-27
MICHAELNORTON BUILDERSINC. BuildingValueEveryday 586-436-9600 Licensed/Insured Since1965 Servicing-Roofing, Siding,Basement, Bathroom,Kitchen Remodeling,Decks& AllYourHome ImprovementNeeds. Tree Service BERGBROS.LLC. “Fullyinsured, highlyreferred.” Seniordiscounts. Tree-removal,stump grinding,tree-trimming, hedging,shaping, Emergency-Service Residential/Commercial Freeestimates! (586)262-3060
DAVE'S TREE&SHRUB 20%-SpringDisc.Insured, EmergencyStorm Damage,Large-Tree Removals,Trimming, Stump-Grinding,Gutters, Season-Firewood (100acord)Free-Estimates/10%Senior-Disc. (586)216-0904 davestreeandshrub.com
"Bringing30yearsof experiencetoyourdoor!" Treetrimming, removals&stump grinding.Insured&FREE estimateswithfairprices! FirewoodForSale 586-756-0757
England’s medieval royal house
58. Rabbit’s cousin
59. Nymph chaser
60. Genealogist’s creation
61. Blackhearted
62. George Gershwin’s brother
63. “For ____ a jolly...”
64. It often goes with a rod
1. What the Big Bad Wolf did 2. First name in jeans 3. “Pop it in the ____!”
Cuban drums
Secret clique
21 Mile Road in Shelby Township, shelbytwp.org/our-township/summer
MAY 28-30 1931 Packard Salon Special Showing: Vehicle photoshoots, site tours, dinner and visits to other local automotive attractions, Packard Proving Grounds, 49965 Van Dyke Ave. in Shelby Township, see times and more details at packardprovinggrounds.org
Farmers markets: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturdays May 18-Oct. 19, Packard Proving Grounds, 49965 Van Dyke Ave. in Shelby Township, www.Shelby FarmersMarket.org
United Shore Professional Baseball League: Select Thursdays-Sundays from May 17-Sept. 7, Jimmy John’s Field, 7171 Auburn Road in Utica, uspbl.com
Shelby Writers’ Group: Meets 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, Shelby Township Library, 52610 Van Dyke Ave., (586) 739-7414
Monthly book clubs: Evening Book Club (meets 6:30 p.m. every second Tuesday), Mystery Book Club (10:30 a.m. every second Saturday) and Afternoon Book Club (1 p.m. every third Thursday), Shelby Township Library, 52610 Van Dyke Ave., shelbytwp.org/government/ departments/library
• Not Your Parents’ Book Club, 7 p.m. every last Tuesday, 22nd Street Steakhouse, 48900 Van Dyke Ave. in Shelby Township, shelbytwp.org/ government/departments/library
• 11 a.m.-noon every first Friday, Utica Public Library, 7530 Auburn Road, uticalibrary.com
Shelby Township Fine Art Society: Meets 6:30-9 p.m. every second Wednesday of month, Shelby Township Activities Center, 14975 21 Mile Road, facebook.com/ShelbyTownshipArt
Widowed Friends events: Breakfasts 10:30 a.m. every third Tuesday of month, Pancake Factory, 13693 23 Mile Road in Shelby Township, RSVP to Ellen at (586) 489-2569
Cards, games and friendship, 1-3:45 p.m. every fourth Friday of month, bring snack to share and own beverage, St. Therese of Lisieux,