7/1/24 Madison-Park News

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Officials: Schools millage renewal would not tax homeowners

MADISON HEIGHTS — A millage renewal proposal for the Madison District Public Schools will be on the ballot Aug. 6, but officials say it will not affect the taxes paid by residents.

They said the proposal is a routine adjustment that the school district makes to offset automatic millage rollbacks caused by the Headlee Amendment. Per recommendations by the state, the measure will allow the district to levy the statutory rate of up to 18 mills on all property, except principal residences.

For the Madison schools, this would mean levying an additional 2 mills to reach the full statutory amount of 18 mills on nonhomestead properties. The school district collects $1 for every $1,000 of a property’s taxable value, multiplied by the millage rate.

“This is just a normal, annual renewal that does not affect homeowners and their properties,” said Mark Kimble, a trustee of the Madison District Public Schools Board of Education. “This is no higher than the millage rate that has been paid in the past. It’s just a renewal.”

Kimble added that the measure serves as an override on

See MILLAGE on page 9A

Garden at Page Middle School

MADISON HEIGHTS — What began as a small gardening club at John Page Middle School in the Lamphere Public Schools district has grown into something more, with one project receiving acclaim from the country’s largest wildlife conservation group.

Rachel Harwell, a science teacher at Page who leads the Ecology Club, said she was approached last winter by school administrators who had been contacted by Nickole Fox, a parent who has a child at Page and serves on the city’s Environmental Citizens

GARDEN on page 2A

A sign recognizes the garden’s certification by the NWF. It will be set up in the fall when the students return and the garden is in full bloom.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes



The ECC was offering grants through its Bloom Project, funding native pollinator gardens in spaces around town — in this case, an interior courtyard at the middle school. Harwell agreed that it would be a great teaching tool for her students.

“I applied for the grant and figured it would be a good way to get the kids involved hands on, digging in the dirt,” she said. “At the time, it wasn’t really related to anything we were doing in class, but I saw it as an opportunity to literally grow something with them, and to really have a connection with the world around them. Today, there is a bit of a disconnect (for students) between what happens in the natural world and on their phones.”

Harwell said the courtyard was well suited for the project, which incorporates native plants such as milkweed, bee balm, coneflowers and asters. These provide food, cover and nesting places for pollinators including butterflies, bees and birds.

“It’s very protected from things like deer and rabbits, and it’s an excellent habitat for birds and flying creepy crawlers who are pollinators. And those pollinators are fantastic for food production. We can’t do anything without them,” Harwell said. “When you replace invasive plants with native, you’re also doing great things like retaining water so you don’t need to water as often, and there’s less flooding. The roots run deep, too, so they do a great job of cleaning the soil.

“So it’s more than just supporting pollinators,” she said. “It gets us thinking about how we can take a lawn that requires so much maintenance and transform it into something beautiful that will maintain itself, and really improve the health of the ecosystem where we live.”

Recently, the school garden received special recognition from the National Wild-

life Federation, billed as America’s largest wildlife conservation and education organization. The NWF declared the garden a “Certified Wildlife Habitat” through its Garden for Wildlife movement.

Since 1973, the program has recognized more than 300,000 gardens, spanning an estimated 4 million acres. Some of them are located on school grounds, like the garden at Page, while others can be found in backyards and urban gardens, or at businesses, churches, parks, farms and zoos.

According to the NWF, research shows certified properties have the potential to support twice as much wildlife compared to noncertified properties.

“Anyone, anywhere, can restore wildlife habitat right in their own yards and communities,” said David Mizejewski, an NWF naturalist, in a statement. “Whether you garden in a suburban yard, an urban area or a rural plot of land, you can make a difference for local wildlife.”

As a bonus, the NWF also gives each certified garden its own personalized certificate with a unique habitat number, a oneyear membership to NWF that includes a subscription to its magazine and e-newsletter, discounts on the NWF catalog, rights to post a Certified Wildlife Habitat yard sign, and discounts on native plants at gardenforwildlife.com.

As for the Ecology Club at Page, it’s open to anyone at the school, comprising a mix of grades. Members meet after school twice a month on Tuesdays, with extra meetings as necessary.

“Our group started very small, but it is growing. The kids have really taken to it,” Harwell said. “A lot of them come in and say they plant with their grandparents, or their mom has this in the yard. They want to know more about each plant, maybe because they have it at home. But they’ve also been very open-minded, with no pushback wanting certain types of flowers. There is such a thing as overexplaining things, but when they engage with it, they’re doing something and really understand.”

During the winter, when it may be too cold to work in the garden, the group works indoors, doing research for the spring when they can get back outside. They learn about the needs of animals, build items like bird feeders, and discuss what items to add to the garden, and where.

“Going into winter, we didn’t do any grooming in the garden, since with native plants you want to leave them there so the birds can come and eat the seeds, and many pollinator (insects) will lay their eggs and burrow in the stems of dead plants, which becomes a habitat in itself,” Harwell said. “The kids really get to see it work.”

Harwell said the Ecology Club now has even greater ambitions.

“The goal moving forward is to start doing small gardens around the exterior of Page, so that they’re more noticeable to the community,” she said. “Maybe we can be a reference for other people. Like they will look at our garden and say, ’Hey, look at that. That’s easy enough for us to do.’”

Call Staff Writer Andy Kozlowski at (586) 498-1046.

FAR LEFT: Students in the Ecology Club at John Page Middle School have created a courtyard garden with funds from the Madison Heights Environmental Citizens Committee. The garden features native plants that support pollinators and it was recently recognized by the National Wildlife Federation.
NEAR LEFT: A bee visits a foxglove beardtongue, one of the native plants in the garden.
Photos by Patricia O’Blenes



MADISON HEIGHTS — While searching for a vehicle stolen at the Red Oaks Water Park in Madison Heights, an undercover officer with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office was confronted and gunned down in Detroit by the suspects he was tracking.

Bradley J. Reckling, 30, a decorated deputy, leaves behind a pregnant wife and three daughters ages 5, 4 and 1. Three suspects are now in custody. At press time, their names had not been released.

“As a parent, I can’t imagine the pain that his wife and family are experiencing right now,” said Oakland County Commissioner Ann Erickson Gault.

The shooting occurred shortly before 11 p.m. Saturday, June 22 on Detroit’s northeast side. Reckling and two other detectives from Oakland County’s Auto Theft Unit were in separate unmarked cars searching for a Chevrolet Equinox reported stolen at the Red Oaks Water Park earlier that day. They had

See RECKLING on page 10A

Bradley J. Reckling, a deputy with the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, with his wife and three daughters. He was killed June 22 by suspected car thieves in Detroit. His wife is pregnant with their fourth child. To donate to the family, visit oakgov.com/ government/ sheriff and scroll down to “Mission Oakland.”

Corktown Health breaks ground for new clinic in Hazel Park

HAZEL PARK — The nonprofit Corktown Health recently broke ground in Hazel Park for its second location, set to open in the first quarter of 2025. The medical clinic will be open to all people, and specializes in services for the LGBTQ+ community, which has been historically underserved.

Corktown Health @Hazel Park is located at 24310 John R Road, between Woodward Heights Boulevard and Interstate 696. The site was once a lumberyard and later Cellarmen’s, which made ciders and meads. The groundbreaking was June 14, and construction is now underway.

The property there has been mostly vacant since 2019 and will undergo a full-scale renovation as part of its transformation into the new clinic. The building will be a state-of-the-art facility that spans about 19,000 square feet,

Photo provided by the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office
Corktown Health officials stand at the site of the nonprofit’s second clinic, now under construction in Hazel Park. From left to right is Anthony Williams, CEO; Teresa Roscoe, chief operating officer; and Mike Flores, chief financial officer.
Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
See CORKTOWN on page 19A

Coyotes: A nuisance or necessary neighbors?

METRO DETROIT — It’s 10 p.m. and a howl breaks the calm of an earlysummer evening. It doesn’t matter if you are already in bed or up and waiting to see what the night brings as all ears turn to the sound that pierced the darkness.

Whether it comes nestled along a city block or lodged deep into the Michigan wilderness, a coyote’s howl is not an uncommon sound in the night. For some, the thought alone of a coyote lurking about is enough to cause panic. But for as prevalent as the animal’s calls and reputation are around the region, few Michiganders truly understand coyotes for what they are.

“Coyotes are wild canines,” said Cathy Wesley, an instructional guide and naturalist at the Johnson Nature Center in Bloomfield Township. “In Michigan, we have three wild

otes are kind of the mid-sized of them.”

While coyotes are essentially taken (or loathed by some) for granted as part of Michigan’s wildlife, they were not always residents of the Great Lakes State.

“They were more in the central United States, and they are now in 49 of the 50 states; they are not in Hawaii, they haven’t figured out how to swim to those islands yet, but they have swum to islands off of the coast of Massachusetts and Canada,” Wesley said. “The reason we have coyotes in the Great Lakes is because when the European settlers came in, they got rid of wolves and cougars in the area and also created prime coyote habitat by cutting back forests and creating farm fields.”

Wesley says coyotes are “edge species” animals, preferring to hang around where the forests give way to fields. The mass expansion of farms across the continent created edge conditions beyond where they


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HUNTINGTON WOODS — Bob Weltman hasn’t missed the Huntington Woods Fourth of July parade since 1986.

He has driven his 1978 Volkswagen Beetle in the annual event for 38 years.

You can’t miss the tomato-red car. Bob decorates the Beetle with American flags and other trimmings

‘It’s my contribution to the community’ See

of red, white and blue to celebrate the holiday. He is always the caboose of the parade.

“I’m the last one,” said Bob, who resides in Huntington Woods with his wife, Robyn. “It’s fun. It’s my contribution to the community. I get a kick out of doing it.”

Bob said the parade lasts about an hour. It is always held right on July 4.

“The Fourth Of July parade is huge here. It’s a

TOP LEFT: Bob and Robyn Weltman pose with their 1978 Volkswagen Beetle. The Beetle again will be in the annual Fourth of July parade in Huntington Woods on July 4. TOP RIGHT: The Weltmans purchased the tomato-red Volkswagen Beetle in 1985. LEFT: The 1978 Volkswagen Beetle’s engine is in the rear and the trunk is located at the front of the car.
Photos by Patricia O’Blenes



Facade improvement grant

HAZEL PARK — The Hazel Park Downtown Development Authority is offering a 50% matching reimbursement grant for up to $15,000 for businesses looking to make improvements and/or repairs to their buildings within the DDA area. Grants are awarded on a case-by-case basis. The program will accept applications until 5 p.m. Wednesday, July 31.

Eligible uses for funds include installing, repairing or replacing entrances, doors, windows, architectural details or awnings; removing, repairing or replacing signage; lighting, painting, restoring or replacing architectural features; landscaping and other site improvements (excluding parking lot or sidewalk repairs); fencing improvements; creating barrier-free access; and paying for architectural and civil engineering assistance related to the improvement project, done by licensed professionals.

For more information, including how to apply, email jfinkley@hazelpark.org.

Preschool nature program

MADISON HEIGHTS — The Red Oaks Nature Center at Suarez Friendship Woods, located at 30300 Hales St. in Madison Heights, will hold a preschool nature program from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. on Friday, July 5. Parents and guardians are invited to bring children ages 3-6 to the nature center for a reading of the book “Ladybugs: Red, Fiery, and Bright,” along with a related hands-on, nature-based activity. The cost is $5 per child. Preregistration with payment is required by calling (248) 858-0916 weekdays or (248) 585-0100 during nature center hours.

Star Wars party

HAZEL PARK — The Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, will hold a Star Wars-themed party for the entire family at 1 p.m. and again at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 9, as part of the library’s ongoing summer reading program, which this year has an adventure theme.

Attendees will get to create their own Jedi lightsaber, decorate cookies and play games such as learning Jedi mind tricks. Guests are also encouraged to come dressed as their favorite characters and get their pictures taken in the photography booth. There will also be treats such as milkshakes made with the “blue milk” seen in the movie. For more information, call the library at (248) 546-4095.

Webinar on land research

MADISON HEIGHTS — The Madison Heights Public Library will host a free online program from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, July 11 titled “Land Research and Sanborn Maps,” which will discuss how researching land ownership is an underutilized but effective way to learn more about one’s family history. To register for the program and gain access to the presentation, click the link at the events calendar at madison-heights.org. For more information, call (517) 335-1477.



ABOVE: During the 2024 Madison Heights Juneteenth Celebration,hosted by Madison Heights Citizens United at Civic Center Park on June 15, Gregory Hines, 8, shares a picnic lunch with his mom, Taylor Cadwell, and grandmother, Linda Taylor. A variety of food trucks were offering eats and drinks.

TOP RIGHT: Placards with the history of Juneteenth were on display in a pavilion at the park. The holiday commemorates the date the last of the slaves learned of their freedom following the Civil War. ABOVE: Groove Fellowship performs for the crowd. The funk band was one of five musical acts to perform at the celebration. LEFT: Vanessa Turner takes her daughter Vaeda for a pony ride.

Photos by Liz Carnegie

from page 1A


Amendment that will bring an additional $200,000 to $300,000 per year from nonhomestead

“Although that is not a lot of money for a school district, every dollar counts when you’re tight on money,” Kimble said.

District Superintendent Patricia Perry said in an email that while the millage renewal will not have any effect on the taxes paid by homeowners, it could make a difference in the services that the district is able to provide.

“Madison District Public Schools needs this Headlee override ballot proposal to fulfill our mission of preparing all students for the next phase of their lives,” Perry said.

Kimble said the school district is still recovering from a costly public corruption case where a previous board president, Albert Morrison, accepted more than $560,000 in bribe money from his friend John David, and in turn awarded $3.1 million in maintenance and construction work on school properties to David’s company, Emergency Restoration, without the board’s knowledge or approval.

Morrison, who was board president from 2012 through 2018, pled guilty in federal court and was sentenced on Nov. 9, 2023, to 45 months in prison, followed by two years of supervised release.

He also did not file a federal income tax in any year during his time as board president except for 2014. In this way, he avoided paying the government roughly $118,200 in taxes. Because of this, he was

also ordered by the court to pay $118,200 in restitution to the Internal Revenue Service.

As for David, he also pled guilty in federal court for his part in the scheme. He was sentenced on Aug. 14, 2023, to two years in prison.

In each case, the school district did not receive any compensation for the loss suffered.

“Despite having millions of dollars stolen from us, the district did not receive any restitution from the court,” Kimble said. “We suffered greatly from the actions of previous leaders, and we’re still in the process of recovering. But under new management now, I’m very confident that we’re moving in the right direction.”

Call Staff Writer Andy Kozlowski at (586) 498-1046.

Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
The Madison District Public Schools is seeking a millage renewal this August. District officials said the proposal does not affect the taxes of homeowners either way.


from page 3A

traced the missing vehicle to Detroit, and Reckling was the first to spot it.

However, while the other detectives were on their way to the scene, at least one of the three suspects stepped out of the stolen vehicle and opened fire. Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard described the maneuver as an “ambush.” Reckling was shot multiple times and died at a hospital shortly thereafter.

Officers with the Detroit Police Department and Michigan State Police troopers quickly learned of the shooting and formed a perimeter around the area. The suspects were arrested and taken into custody.

Hired in April 2015, Reckling received multiple honors in his nearly 10 years at the Oakland County Sheriff’s Office, including commendations for saving lives, meritorious service and professional excellence. He had been assigned to the Rochester Hills substation, but had recently transferred to the Auto Theft Unit.

In a series of statements issued by Bouchard, he and other members of the department testified to Reckling’s character and the impact of his passing.

“This agency is crushed,” Bouchard said. “If you are someone who believes in prayer, please pray for his family and this agency.

“You can see it in their eyes, how soulcrushing this is,” the sheriff added, referring to the colleagues Reckling left behind.

“Brad was always there to lend a helping hand,” said Deputy Nicholas Bohon. “He loved his family more than anything. He was a great cop, but an even better father and husband.”

“Brad was one of the most selfless colleagues, and the most dedicated husband and best father to his girls,” said Deputy Nathan Rogers, who worked with Reckling at length — first in corrections, and then studying for a promotion and graduating from the police academy together. “There’s no other way to describe him other than just the best person.”

The statement also featured Deputy Matthew Morrison, who said Reckling had spent recent months remodeling the family home for the fourth child he was expecting.

“Brad was a loving husband, father, and an amazing friend. He loved the outdoors, was an amazing fisherman, loved to deer


Those who wish to support Reckling’s family can donate at oakgov.com/government/ sheriff by scrolling down to the “Mission Oakland” donation page. One hundred percent of the donations will go to Reckling’s family.

hunt, and enjoyed growing his farm and raising animals,” Morrison said. “Anyone who knows Brad knows it doesn’t take long before he starts cracking jokes and gets him laughing. He was a great worker and an amazing friend who’d do anything for anyone. Brad was a prime example of what a great parent, husband and friend means. He was loved by many, and will truly be missed.”

Bouchard noted that Reckling’s death, which comes one week after the shooting at the splash pad in Rochester Hills that injured nine people, including three children, has taken a toll on the mental health of his staff. So, too, have incidents in recent years such as the shootings at Oxford High School and Michigan State University, during which deputies from Oakland County responded.

A crisis intervention team recently provided counseling to the deputies. Bouchard has also renewed calls to better fund mental health programming for the office’s first responders. The office now has a full-time position for peer-to-peer support, but the agency itself has nearly 1,500 employees.

“It’s been a challenge,” Bouchard said. “It’s like a boxer: How many punches can you get and remain standing? … (The officers) see these things every day. You can’t just un-see tragedies.”

Gault said that she would consider any request for additional funding the sheriff brings before her and her colleagues on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners.

“I am absolutely in favor of doing everything we can to provide mental health support, not just for our employees but for the entirety of Oakland County. It’s a signature goal of mine to expand and improve access to mental health care treatment. Mental health care is health care, and we should provide it, openly and freely, to everyone who needs it,” Gault said. “I, myself, have seen how the availability of good mental health care can make a difference in people’s lives.”

Call Staff Writer Andy Kozlowski at (586) 498-1046.


from page 6A

wild parade,” Bob said. “It’s an old-fashioned, 1950s parade. It’s a throwback to another era. Half of the community is in it and half is watching. It’s so popular.”

The fun of participating in the Fourth of July procession started when a former City Council member asked if Bob could drive him in the convertible during the parade. Bob enjoyed the patriotic experience so much that he’s geared up ever since, becoming a piece of Huntington Woods history.

“There’s a little trick to it,” Bob said of driving in the parade. “You’re on your clutch a lot and your foot hurts because there are cars in front of you stopping.”

Over the years, Bob, daughter Karlie and sons Peter and Trevor have appeared in the parade, as has Trevor’s wife, Van. This year’s parade will start another tradition: there are plans for the Weltmans’ two granddaughters, Dolly, 8, and Lana, 6, to ride in the procession for the first time.

Not only do local residents know Bob from behind the steering wheel of his Volkswagen, but also through his career as an associate broker at Real Estate One and Max Broock in Royal Oak.

“When I go into people’s homes, there’s pictures of the parade — of Robyn and I — in the car on their wall,” Bob said.

Bob and Robyn, too, have met people when they take the car out for leisurely drives and when they head over to the Woodward Dream Cruise. Last year, for instance, Bob

mingled with other Dream Cruise car enthusiasts on Old Woodward in Birmingham.

“This car brings up so much nostalgia for older people. They start crying. You just see it in their face and their eyes — especially our ages. You know, this was the ’60s car,” Bob said. “And younger kids love this car.”

“If we do drive around here, people ask him, ‘Are you going to be in the parade?’” Robyn said. “Some of the kids are now grown and have their own kids, and they remember it. It’s just really being part of the community.”

Bob and Robyn married in 1981, and Bob purchased the Beetle in 1985. After he saw it for sale, he just had to have it. There, however, was one problem. Bob did not know how to drive a stick shift, but he quickly learned by watching

Robyn, who could drive a stick.

Bob really wanted a Porsche but settled for the Beetle, as he and Robyn had already started a family and a sports car at the time wasn’t feasible. Bob said his model is considered a Super Beetle and it’s a Karmann Ghia design.

“This is definitely more rounded than the older Volkswagens,” Robyn said.

Bob is the second owner of the Volkswagen, which came with running boards. In addition, the engine is in the rear and the trunk is located at the front of the car. The car is mostly original with a few modifications. The first owner changed the radio. The Weltmans also updated the car’s hubcaps while keeping them in the family.

“My father-in-law had the same car, and he had hubcaps from it that were better than the ones I had that were already aging,” Bob said.

The Huntington Woods parade will begin at 10 a.m., July 4, and will be held rain or shine. According to the city’s website at ci.huntington-woods.mi.us, the parade route will begin at the corner of Salem Road and York Street. It will then proceed onto Salem, which turns into Nadine Avenue.

The route will then turn right at Wyoming Road, followed by a left onto Borgman Avenue. Then it turns left onto Scotia Road and travels until it ends at the corner of Nadine and Scotia at Burton Park, with a hot dog roast and speeches scheduled at 11 a.m. There are several other activities planned for the holiday in Huntington Woods, including fireworks at approximately 10:05 p.m. over Rackham Golf Course, 10100 W. 10 Mile Road. For more details, visit the city’s website.

Photo by Patricia O’Blenes
Bob Weltman’s 1978 Volkswagen Beetle is always the last car in the Huntington Woods Fourth Of July parade.



Class of 2024 seniors!

Your hard work, dedication, and resilience have brought you to this momentous achievement. As you embark on the next chapter of your lives, remember to cherish the memories you’ve made, embrace new opportunities, and continue to strive for excellence. Your future is bright, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible things you will accomplish. Here’s to your success and a promising future ahead!

- Mrs. Cauley & Mrs. Helchowski

Valedictorian: Gabriel Yammine

Salutatorian: Omari Fisher

Angel Cano Sanchez

Serenity Downing

Anisah Gazi

Jalen Moss

Omar Al Saadi Cameron Gerard



Hayes Treasure O’Neal

Banks Faez Hemmi Abigail Perry Terraniya Bonds




Braylon Howard Abrianna Reed

Jason Howard

O’Laya Rodgers

Scarlett Carpenter

Naomi Kauffman

Harley Russell

Chloe Carr

Telayjah King

Daniel Shepherd

Kyron Cauley

Joshua Lester

Demiah Simmons-Jones

Hailey Coulston

Jalani Lilly

Essencia Stimage

Brenden Dearing

Donoven Lipa

Tyler Tramell

Daniel Logan-Chatman

Jacob Walsh

Isiah Ervin

Skky Mack-Stimage

Tatiyana Wiggins

Donata Essa

Fiona Louise Madarang

Aniyah Womack

Jordan Fisher

Donato Marcozzi

Gabriel Yammine

Omari Fisher

Johnathan Mendoza

Shantia Foremen

Zamaya Molton

Felecia Fritz

Darryn Moore


MACKINAC ISLAND: a summer destination

MACKINAC ISLAND — For a destination seemingly frozen somewhere in time, Mackinac Island always boasts something new each summer.

And this summer is no different.

This season much of the buzz centers around the reopening of the Inn at Stonecliffe after a $40 million renovation. Built in 1904 as a lakeside estate for a Chicago family, the refurbished inn includes new common spaces, renovated guest rooms, new bathrooms and upto-date comforts. Among the new additions is a 26,000-square-foot Summer House building, with 32 king and queen guest rooms with spacious layouts. Each is equipped with a kitchenette, small dining table and lake or garden views.

The two-year renovation restored many parts of the 18,500-squarefoot mansion and property, staying true to its historic charm but adding modern elegance and amenities. For overnight guests, that means an elevated experience with personalized concierge service.

But you don’t have to be an overnight guest to enjoy some of the new amenities; three new dining concepts have been created and are open to the public. They feature products from Michigan and the Great Lakes and from the resort’s orchard and gardens. Dinner at The Straits, a fine dining option, is well worth the trek to the Inn at Stonecliffe, but for a casual option, consider its outdoor eatery, The Backyard, where you can eat and drink while stunning views of the Mackinac Bridge. The menu highlights include brick oven pizzas and a daily special called The Daily Flame. On Mondays, for example, the specials are beef kebab and smoked yogurt or cucumber and tomato salad — dubbed the Mediterranean Mingle.

The inn is home to a chef with Michelin-star credentials —

See MACKINAC on page 16A

Inn at

has reopened after a two-year, $40 million property-wide renovation.

Photo provided by The Inn at Stonecliffe
BELOW: Arch Rock is often called the “Star Attraction of Mackinac Island State Park.”
Photos provided by the Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau


Stolen vehicle recovered

MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, officers recovered a 2002 Honda Odyssey in the 31000 block of Dequindre Road around 10 p.m. June 20.

The vehicle belongs to a Shelby Township resident, 41, and had been reported stolen out of Sterling Heights. It was found abandoned in Madison Heights. Police were investigating.

Fraudulent purchase

MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, an unknown suspect opened a credit card in the name of a Madison Heights resident, 69, in the 28000 block of Couzens Avenue, and used it to purchase about $4,000 in unknown merchandise around 2 p.m. May 22. Investigations were ongoing.

Property taken

MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, a 35-year-old Madison Heights resident believes that sometime between 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. June 18, a 25-year-old acquaintance stole assorted property from the victim’s resident in the 26000 block of Brush Street.

The acquaintance lives in St. Clair Shores. Police were investigating.

Wallet looted

MADISON HEIGHTS — According to a police report, sometime between 5 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. June 18, an unknown suspect stole an undisclosed sum of money from the wallet of a Madison Heights resident, 76, while they were in the 31000 block of Dequindre Road. An investigation was ongoing.

Stolen vehicle recovered

HAZEL PARK — According to a police report, the owner of a black 2019 Kia Soul reported her vehicle missing from a driveway on West Hayes. The woman told police she parked there at around 10:30 a.m. June 21.

The vehicle was reported missing at around 7 a.m. June 22. The doors were not locked when it was taken. The vehicle was later recovered, unoccupied, on Santa Rosa Street in Detroit, with damage to the ignition.

There were no suspects. The Hazel Park Police Department reminded residents to always lock their vehicles and to never leave valuables inside.

If you know more about these crimes or others, call Hazel Park police at (248) 5426161.


page 14A

believed to be a first for the island. Executive Chef Joseph Nardo most recently held the same title at the Camden Harbor Inn and Natalie’s Fine Dining in Maine. His Michelin background includes The French Laundry, Lazy Bear and The Dabney.

It’s a bit of an adventure to get to the Inn at Stonecliffe. It’s about two miles from downtown following Cadotte Avenue past the Grand Hotel and then taking Annex Road to the interior of the island. Expect some hills. You can get there by foot, bicycle or horse-drawn taxi.

Milliken Nature Center

If you’ve biked the island’s perimeter, you’ve passed or likely stopped by Arch Rock, perhaps Mackinac’s most notable among several natural landmarks. A newly opened nature center at Arch Rock shares its geological story as well as the island’s. It’s believed Arch Rock is about 4,000 years old, hollowed out by splashing waves when water levels were much higher.

With its stone facade and wood beams, the $7.5 million Milliken Nature Center accentuates the natural beauty of Arch Rock. The main exhibit, “Arch Rock: Unsurpassed in Nature’s Beauty,” celebrates what is often called the “Star Attraction of Mackinac Island State Park.” There are dozens of historic images of Arch Rock on display and a timeline showing how the limestone arch was formed. Kids will enjoy an interactive 3D map of the island.

Arch Rock and the Milliken Nature Center are reachable by bike, foot or horsedrawn carriage. The new nature also features new public restrooms. And you can still climb the 207-step stairway to the Arch Rock viewing platform.

Closer to Mackinac’s downtown is the new Carousel Arcade, a great spot for families. The arcade offers state-of-the-art games and a selection of snacks and drinks — including adult drinks. The arcade is located on Market Street, which runs parallel to Main Street, and is part of the Bicycle Street Inn and Suites properties.

Resort additions

On the island’s east side, Mission Point Resort continues to focus on curated experiential offerings for guests and non-guests alike. The headliner this summer is The McCartney Years, a live concert celebrating the life of former Beatles Paul McCartney and his many hits. It’s the first time the resort’s Mission Point Theater has offered a show of this nature. Shows are performed at 3 p.m. Wednesdays through Sundays. Other offer-

ings include bird watching, painting classes, culinary events and cooking workshops.

One of my favorite spots to chill is Mission Point’s Round Island Kitchen. The resort renovated its main lobby and the bar and restaurant last year, creating a more open space with a summer-cottage-like vibe. It’s a relaxing spot to grab a bite to eat or drink and enjoy the panoramic views of the Straits.

Another favorite hangout is the Cupola Bar at the top of the iconic Grand Hotel. The one-of-a-kind bar has been updated and redesigned for the season, paying homage to one of the hotel’s former owners, W. Stewart Woodfill. The redo includes a glass display of Woodfill’s walking stick collection. If you’re a fan of the hotel’s colorful, bright decor, you’ll be pleased to know the Grand has renewed its partnership with the acclaimed design firm Dorothy Draper & Co. and there is now a retail shop on the property — Dorothy Draper Home at Grand Hotel.

Lastly, on the mainland, the first new building constructed at Colonial Michilimackinac — part of Mackinac State Historic Parks — since 2013 will open in early July and tells the seldom-told story of enslaved people at the settlement. Located at the east end of the Southwest Rowhouse, the building hosts the Slavery in the Straits exhibit.

Combining archaeological and archival research, the exhibit shows how slavery was an integral part of the fort community — as well as the rest of Michigan — throughout the 17th and 18th centuries. Enslaved Black and Native American men and women worked in all levels of society, doing everything from domestic work to skilled labor.

The role slavery played at Colonial Michilimackinac has been explored in recent years. State park officials introduced a walking tour of the fort describing slavery in 2020 and have kept the tour on the schedule since then.

“Once we knew that we would have a new gallery space at the fort the decision was made to expand on this subject and dedicate an exhibit to the topic,” says Dominick Miller, chief of marketing for the Mackinac parks. “Slavery was an integral part of the community at Michilimackinac, and this allows us to highlight some of these people who were enslaved at the fort.”

Already a hub of the Great Lakes fur trade, Michilimackinac also served as the center of the regional trade in enslaved workers as French and British colonists exploited pre existing systems of Native American enslavement to feed a growing demand for enslaved labor.

For information on the Mackinac State Historic Parks, visit mackinacparks.com. For information on Mackinac Island, visit mackinacisland.org.

Greg Tasker is a Traverse City-based freelance writer.

‘Where the Wild Things Are’

ABOVE: An orange motley reticulated python named Jules — short for “Julius Squeezer” — winds its way around Mark Rosenthal at the Hazel Park Public Library on June 11. Rosenthal restored the snake to good health after it arrived at his rescue, Animal Magic. Jules will someday be about 12 feet long.

RIGHT: Niko, a 32-year-old yellow nape parrot with more than 1 billion views across social media — including the third most popular video on TikTok, according to Rosenthal — can mimic the sound of children laughing or crying.

ABOVE: Animal Magic had two showings on June 11, marking the start of the summer reading program.
Photos by Patricia O’Blenes


from page 4A

already occurred, giving coyotes favorable territory to expand along.

The mass expansion led to behavioral changes in coyotes. Once pack animals that operated by day, coyotes have since become a primarily nocturnal species that live and hunt either alone or together as a family unit. This and coyotes’ territorial nature are reasons why they have been able to spread so far across the continent. It also explains their howling.

“When you hear coyotes howling, sometimes it’s over territorial disputes and sometimes it’s kind of like a check-in to see how many coyotes are in the area,” Wesley said.

As one of Michigan’s wild dog species, coyotes play a large role in managing the population of various groups of animals.

“In southeast Michigan’s ecosystem, coyotes actually play an important role because over 40% of their diet consists of rodents,” Wesley said. “They keep the rodent population down and they also help keep the Canada geese population down because they’ll eat Canada geese. And then about

20% of their diet is fawns, so because they will eat fawns they actually keep the deer-car collision rate down. In urban areas, they’ll eat feral cats. When you have a coyote in the area keeping the feral cat population down, it actually increases the songbird population in the area.”

To say human-coyote interactions are common is an understatement. From agricultural settlements aiding their movement to residential areas providing prime habitats for rodents, fawns, cats and other prey, coyotes popping up in neighborhoods is not at all as unexpected as it may seem. This means

calls to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources about a neighborhood coyote sighting are more likely to result in a quick lesson about the animal’s behavior than anyone showing up to investigate further.

“It can vary anywhere from low concern to high concern,” said Kaitlyn Barnes, a DNR wildlife biologist. “If we’re hearing reports of coyotes that (are) acting normally or we’re hearing it’s healthy and it’s behaving in a normal way that a coyote should, there would not be any intervention at that point from the DNR. If we’re starting to hear about a coyote that’s approaching people, that’s lost its fear of humans, is potentially acting aggressively or maybe growling or barking when its being hazed instead of running away, that it’s following or stalking children or taken pets, then that’s a much higher concern and we would probably initiate some sort of removal either by us or through USDA Wildlife Services or a nuisance wildlife contractor, depending on the situation. Often intervention comes down to if it’s not acting sick or aggressive in any way, we’re usually trying to figure out why it’s causing an issue and it’s usually linked to food.”

Food — be it rodents or cats or fawns or dogs — is usually around for a reason. Keeping garbage tidy keeps rodents attracted

to trash away, while hazing in the form of unpleasant sounds or odors keep fawns and coyotes themselves away. Pets should be supervised when outside, preventing cats from becoming feral and all pets from potentially becoming an easy meal. Food sources like bird feeders can attract rodents and other animals, creating another way for coyotes to become attracted to a particular property.

While coyotes have not always been in Michigan, they have made the state their home. As long as there’s space and food for them, coyotes will remain part of the state’s ecosystem — and they are well equipped to keep it that way. Coyote populations remain stable not only through their territorial and solo nature keeping them spread apart, but also by making up for numbers lost due to hunting through increased breeding.

“If we were to hunt coyotes in the area, it would actually have the reverse effect of what we could want on it,” Wesley said. “There would actually be more coyotes born the following year.”

Next time there’s howling in the night, take a moment to listen. It may just be a coyote trying to figure out who else is in the neighborhood.

Call Staff Writer Dean Vaglia at (586) 498-1043.

Shutterstock Image
Coyotes are one of Michigan’s wild canines and can be found throughout the metro Detroit area.


To view more Community Calendar and to submit your own, use the QR code or visit candgnews.com/calendar. To advertise an event, call (586) 498-8000.


Red Oaks Waterpark: Open select dates until Sept. 2, 1455 E. 13 Mile Road in Madison Heights, (248) 8580918, redoakswaterpark@oakgov.com, oakgov.com

Play ‘Pokémon Go’: July 11 (Madison Heights Civic Center Park, 360 W. 13 Mile Road) and July 25 (Red Oaks Nature Center, 30300 Hales St.), all in Madison Heights, facebook.com/hpdlibrary

Fun Fridays: Games, crafts, snacks and movies, 3 p.m. every Friday, Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, (248) 546-4095, hpmlibrary@gmail. com, hazel-park.lib.mi.us

Senior card playing: Noon-3 p.m. every Monday and Thursday, Hazel Park Community Center, 620 W. Woodward Heights, (248) 547-5535, facebook.com/ CityofHP

Book clubs: Mind Readers (discussions of selfimprovement through self-help books and narrative nonfiction), LitWits (general club for avid readers), Novels & Neighbors (focuses on range of viewpoints and life experiences) and Golden Bookworms (for ages 50 and older), Madison Heights Public Library, 240 W. 13 Mile Road, find times, dates and more at madison-heights.org/1907/Book-Clubs

Social clubs: Ham Radio (7:30-9 p.m. every second Wednesday of month), Stitch & Knit (4-6 p.m. every first Thursday of Month), Lego/Pokémon (6:30-7:30 p.m. every first Tuesday of month) and various book clubs, Hazel Park District Library, 123 E. Nine Mile Road, (248) 546-4095, hpmlibrary@gmail.com, hazel-park.lib.mi.us

Hazel Park Garden Club: Workshops and events include Irrigation and Rain Barrels (July 10), Rain Garden (July 24), Harvesting and Biological Insect Controls (Aug. 14), Fruit Tree Pruning and Berries Care (Aug. 28), Harvest Festival Potluck (Sept. 11), Beekeeping 102 (Sept. 25), Composting (Oct. 9), Vermicomposting (Oct. 23), Putting the Garden to Bed (Nov. 13), and Bug and Bat Houses (Nov. 27), noon, Hazel Park Community Center, 620 W. Woodward Heights, (248) 546-7000, facebook.com/HPBeautification

Speaker Series: Hear from bestselling authors and thought leaders, topics are “A Visit to Deckawoo Drive with Mercy Watson” for students in grade 2 and younger (2 p.m. July 9), “Surviving the Summer with The Last Kids on Earth” for grades 3-6 (2 p.m. July 16), “Learning the Power of Poetry” for grades 9-12 (2 p.m. July 23), and “Graphic Novels are Life!” for grades 5-8 (2 p.m. July 30), Madison Heights Public Library, 240 W. 13 Mile Road, registration required, (248) 588-7763, libraryc.org/mhlibrary/upcoming

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held by the Hazel Park Planning Commission at 6:30 p.m. on July 18, 2024, at 111 E. Nine Mile Rd., Hazel Park, MI 48030. This public hearing is being held in conjunction with a proposed text amendment to the Hazel Park Municipal Code, Title 17 - Zoning Ordinance, to consider the adoption of a new Zoning Ordinance in its entirety. All are invited to attend this hearing and express views pertaining to this matter. The proposed text of the amendment may be examined at the Planning Department (111 E. Nine Mile Rd., Hazel Park, MI 48030) during public offce hours of Monday through Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Written comments may be submitted to the Planning Department until 4:00 p.m. on the day of the hearing. www.hazelpark.org - (248) 546-4072.

Published: Madison-Park News 07/01/2024





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the August 6, 2024 Primary Election is scheduled to be held on Monday, July 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. in the Municipal Building, Executive Conference Room, at 300 W. Thirteen Mile Road, Madison Heights, Michigan.

The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to demonstrate that the program and computer that will be used to tabulate the results of the election counts the votes in the manner prescribed by law.

Cheryl E. Rottmann, MMC, City Clerk City of Madison Heights 300 W. 13 Mile Road Madison Heights, Oakland County MI 48071 (248) 583-0826

Published: Madison-Park News 07/01/2024 0244-2427

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING [Modifed for Correct Date]

Notice is hereby given that the City Council for the City of Madison Heights will hold a public hearing on Monday, July 8th, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of the Municipal Building at 300 W. 13 Mile Road, Madison Heights, Michigan 48071 to consider the following Special Approval requests:

Case # PSP 24-03 – 28245 John R Road

The applicant, Steve Gunn, requests a modifcation to a previously-approved Special Approval application per the procedures set forth in Section 10.201(5) of the Madison Heights Zoning Ordinance. The applicant owns and operates Wash Pointe Car Wash at the subject property (28245 John R Road; PIN 44-25-14-232-014) and requests to increase the number of exterior vacuums from four (4) to eight (8). NOTE: This item was postponed from the May 28th City Council meeting.

The applications and any supporting documents can be viewed during regular business hours at the Community and Economic Development Department. In addition, the agenda item can be viewed online after 4:00 p.m. on the Friday prior to the meeting at www.madison-heights.org in the Agenda Center.

For further information, please contact the Community and Economic Development Department at (248) 583-0831.

Cheryl Rottmann, CMC City Clerk (248) 583-0826

Published: Madison-Park News 07/01/2024



To the Qualifed Electors of Madison Heights:


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that any qualifed elector of Madison Heights who is not already registered, may register to vote at the offce of the City Clerk; the offce of the County Clerk; a Secretary of State branch offce, or other designated state agency. Registration forms can be obtained at mi.gov/vote and mailed to the City Clerk. Voters who are already registered may update their registration at www.expressSOS.com.

The last day to register in any manor other than in-person with the local clerk is Monday, July 22, 2024.

After this date, anyone who qualifes as an elector may register to vote in person with proof of residency (MCL 168.492) at the Madison Heights City Clerk’s offce, located at 300 W. 13 Mile Rd., Madison Heights, MI 48071 at the following times:

• Regular business hours: Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Saturday, August 3st from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

• Election Day, Tuesday, August 6th from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.




A sample ballot may be viewed at mi.gov/vote.

Persons with disabilities needing accommodations should contact the clerk’s offce.

Cheryl E. Rottmann, MMC, City Clerk City of Madison Heights

Published: Madison-Park News 07/01/2024


The clinic in Hazel Park is the second Corktown Health location to date — the other being Corktown Health @Detroit, at 1726 Howard Street in Detroit — and shares the goal of providing quality medical care for all, including LGBTQ persons and their families, regardless of ability to pay.

“In terms of health care disparities, data has shown that the most marginalized groups are also the ones that have experienced the highest level of disparity with regards to health care services — LGBTQ+ persons of color being the most marginalized of all. So, if we can close the (coverage) gaps within those communities, we know we can serve everyone,” said Mike Flores, chief financial officer at Corktown Health. “Even though we’re focused on LGBTQ+, we serve everyone, and everyone gets served as they present themselves. Regardless of how you identify, you are welcome here.

“And our data proves this,” he said. “At our Detroit location, 60% of our patients identify as LGBTQ+ and 40% do not; and 60% are on Medicaid and Medicare or any of those managed plans, while 40% are not. So what our data shows is that if we can provide the highest level of care in the most affirming environment, then we’re able to serve everyone, and our patients do feel that way.”

He said a wide range of services will be offered at the new site, including primary medical care, dental care, geriatric care, STI testing and treatment, behavioral health services, gender-affirming care, tobacco cessation, cancer screenings, telehealth services and health insurance navigation.

For persons living with HIV, the clinic will also offer HIV medical care, HIV prevention services, early intervention services and medical case management, emergency financial assistance and housing services, and food and nutrition services including nutri-

tional counseling and food vouchers.

The food and nutrition services will also be available for those with other conditions such as diabetes, prediabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and obesity.

The clinic aims to be thorough in understanding each person and their situation. Each patient is guaranteed 45 minutes for their first consultation; follow-ups are allotted at least 15 minutes but often extend to 30 minutes.

“This allows enough time for the provider to ask important questions, and lets the conversation evolve organically from the patient’s perspective,” Flores said. “Not being rushed allows the patient to be more honest and true about their experiences, and more comfortable sharing what they may need or want going forward.

“Let’s say there’s a patient that presents as female, and she has experienced trauma related to sexual assault,” he said. “If we’re able to identify that immediately, we may know that the best person to provide care is a female provider versus a male provider. And as we learn more about the patient, we may decide that the only people who should interact with that patient are people who also present as a female.”

The first location, in Detroit, opened in 2017, billing itself as Michigan’s first medical center to focus on the LGBTQ+ community. It currently serves more than 4,000 people, of which roughly 30% are people living with HIV. The Detroit location even remained open during the COVID-19 pandemic by quickly implementing telehealth and other forms of remote service delivery.

“We often use the example of the patient who works in the service industry and really doesn’t have the flexibility to take a 30-minute drive to the city, wait in our lobby, seek our services they need and then go back to work to start their shift in a timely manner. With our tele-services, they can be available during their lunch break and receive our services without leaving their


Water bill assistance

HAZEL PARK — Hazel Park residents who are having difficulty paying their water bills are advised to call the Hardship Assistance Program at (844) 211-4994. If qualified, the program can assist with paying the water bill directly to the Hazel Park Water Department. — Andy Kozlowski

location. This can be especially helpful for follow-ups, and we see people taking advantage of that,” Flores said.

“We also have patients as far north as Battle Creek and Grand Rapids who seek our services because of our affirming care, and the telehealth services allows them to stay in touch even though they’re in a different part of the state,” he said. “It also allows us to bridge a comfort level, since some of our patients might not feel comfortable coming in at first.”

Corktown Health itself is a nonprofit that started in 1986 under the name Health Emergency Lifeline Programs (HELP), specializing in HIV care. In 2021, HELP and the Detroit clinic consolidated into the current Corktown Health organization.

To help fund its operations supporting the LGBTQ+ community, Corktown Health launched a campaign last summer called “Driving Health Equity,” which has a goal of $8 million. As of last month, the campaign had brought in $6.2 million. Donations can be made at corktownhealth.org/ donate.

Other funding sources include a mix of federal, state and local grants, along with donations from foundations and individuals, and reimbursable services.

Rep. Mike McFall, D-Hazel Park, who currently serves District 8 in the Michigan House of Representatives and is running for the newly formed District 14, said that he was proud to help make the new clinic a reality by securing state funds for it.

“They also got funding from the federal government and the county,” McFall said. “I think it will be a nice catalyst for our John R corridor. The marijuana businesses have done quite a bit already, but I think we’re moving beyond marijuana, seeking out other businesses. I also think this clinic will be great since its design looks like a community center and it will function like one, open to all to use. And the design will feature a lot of glass, opening up the front so that it will feel light and airy.”

McFall said Corktown Health has already made positive impacts on the area.

“They have hosted two dental clinics here, where they partner with the University of Detroit dental school, and if you have insurance, they like to bill your insurance, but if you don’t, you still get the services. Even though they’re primarily serving LGBTQ, they will work with anyone, so if anyone here or in the area needs services, they won’t be turned away,” he said. “Corktown Health has really been a good partner for the city.”


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