8/24/23 Grosse Pointe Times

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Tentative contract reached with GPPSS teachers BY K. MICHELLE MORAN


GROSSE POINTES — After sessions with a mediator Aug. 15 and 16, it appears that the Grosse Pointe Public School System has come to a tentative agreement with its teachers on a new contract. In a joint statement issued by email Aug. 17, the district and the teacher’s union — the Grosse Pointe Education Association, which is affiliated with the Michigan Education Association, or MEA, and the National Education Association, or NEA — announced that they had “entered into a tentative agreement for a successor collective bargaining agreement for the 2023-24 school year.” Both sides “have agreed to keep the terms of the tentative agreement confidential until the Union’s bargaining members have ratified the agreement,” the statement continued. The lack of a contract has been a point of contention in the district, which has been hemorrhaging teachers and administrators in recent months as contract talks dragged on and educators left for more lucrative positions in districts that they deemed more stable and supportive. As of early August, about 32 teachers had left to accept teaching jobs elsewhere. The district has been contending with reduced revenues and budget cutbacks. Dozens of teachers and supporters appeared before the Grosse Pointe Board of Education during a July 25 meeting See CONTRACT on page 14A

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Dozens of creatives to engage in Art Takeover of The Village BY K. MICHELLE MORAN kmoran@candgnews.com

CITY — September is going to be eventful — and artful — in The Village. The downtown Grosse Pointe City district is going to be in the midst of an Art Takeover shortly after Labor Day. More than 60 artists will be showing one or more of their works in about 26 Village businesses and common areas as part of Art Takeover, which will start with a kickoff event from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Sept. 7 at participating locations. The art will remain on display through Sept. 30. Art Takeover is the brainchild of Michelle Boggess-Nunley, an artist and art educaSee ART on page 16A

Artworks like this by Estela, top, Mark Mardirosian, above, and Lucy Synk, left, will be on display during Art Takeover in The Village. Photos provided by Michelle Boggess-Nunley



candgnews.com AUGUST 24, 2023 Vol. 42, No. 19

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