BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
WARREN — Former Warren Mayor James Fouts filed an appeal with the U.S. Supreme Court in August to hear the case against the Warren City Council that denied him from being on the ballot and running for an unprecedented fifth term.
It all started in 2016 when Warren residents voted to extend the term limits of only the mayor from the greater of three four-year terms, or 12 years, to the greater of five four-year terms, or 20 years. However, in 2020, residents voted that the mayor should have the same term limits as the other elected officials, which then limited him again to three fouryear terms.
In an ensuing lawsuit by Fouts, Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Joseph Toia ruled that the language on the 2020 ballot and in the city charter was “unclear and omitted language that stated previous years served would be counted.” As a result, Toia ruled Fouts could remain on the ballot.
The case then went to the Michigan Court of Appeals where three justices ruled unanimously to overturn Toia’s decision. The Court of Appeals concluded, “The charter language was not ambiguous, the words
BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
WARREN — The Democratic and Republican national conventions in August and July, respectively, officially ushered in the political season
the Republican National Convention, representing the 10th Congressional District,
his way around the convention floor.
leading to the U.S. general elections. Politically involved Warren and Macomb County residents who attended the conventions brought back strategies to help the community.
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
WARREN — When voters in the Van Dyke Public Schools district head to the polls Nov. 5 for the general election, they will have the opportunity to support their school district.
The school board recently voted to place a $36.1 million bond proposal on the ballot. If the bond initiative passes, it will generate funding for a number of updates across the district.
Superintendent Piper Bognar said the bond is for 25 years. She is optimistic the bond will pass.
“It’s very exciting and would keep our buildings upgraded and beautiful,” Bognar said. “We can’t wait to see everyone at the polls. Our community has always been so supportive of our district.”
A bond proposal is developed by the school district and presented to the voters for approval. When a bond proposal passes, the bonds are sold in the capital markets at a date determined by the district, a financial adviser and an underwriter. Upon closing, funds generated from the bond sale are deposited in the district’s construction fund and are available to spend for
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
WARREN — As the new school year started, a press conference was held Aug. 28 at Regina High School where attendees discussed a federal bill that supporters say would give parents more choices for their children’s education.
Bill No. 531, titled the Educational Choice for Children Act or ECCA, was introduced last year and is currently under review in the Committee on Ways and Means.
Proponents of the bill include the Invest in Education Coalition, U.S. Rep. John James, R-Shelby Township, and Beth DeShone, executive director of the Great Lakes Education Project. All attended the press conference. Invest in Education Coalition advocates at the federal level for legislation so K-12 parents can choose the best school or education service for their children.
“The design of this bill is basically to ensure that families who face obstacles and barriers at the state level will be able to access the resources they need to broaden the array of educational options available to them,” said Greg Brock, a senior advisor with the Invest in Education Coalition.
Bill No. 531, if passed, will fund K-12 scholarships through private donations that cover essential elements including tuition, tutoring and special needs services for public, private, charter and homeschooled children.
“This Educational Choice for Children Act is such an exciting opportunity to change the dynamic here in Michigan and provide families with supplemental support for their children’s education,” DeShone said. “This
See CHOICES on page 11A
TOP: U.S. Rep. John James, R-Shelby Township, said the Educational Choice for Children Act, if passed, would provide $10 billion in annual tax credits to taxpayers to fund textbooks, tuition, supplies and equipment for public, private, charter and homeschooled students. BOTTOM: Greg Brock, a senior advisor with the Invest in Education Coalition, addresses attendees at the press conference Aug. 28 at Regina High School in Warren.
Currently serving as the elected Macomb County Prosecutor since 2020.
• Chief Law Enforcement Officer of Macomb County, managing over 70 attorneys and 75+ legal support staff handling more than 60,000 legal actions during the last 4 years.
• Restored integrity & competency in one of the most corruptly run Prosecutor’s Office in the history of Michigan.
• Private practice attorney & founder of a Macomb County based law firm defending rights of individuals, families and seniors for over 35+ years.
• Litigated hundreds of cases in Macomb County Courts.
• Represented thousands of clients in Macomb County.
• Member of the Macomb County Bar Association, 40 years.
• Over 36 years as licensed attorney.
• Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Washtenaw County Prosecutor’s Office, 3 years.
• Assistant Prosecuting Attorney, Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office, 6 years.
• No top-level experience managing a County Prosecutor’s Office or a private law firm.
• No experience fighting corruption in a Prosecutor’s’ Office.
• Never litigated a case in a Macomb County.
• Never represented a client in a Macomb County Court.
• No membership in the Macomb County Bar Association.
• Less than 10 years as licensed attorney.
• First Conviction Integrity Unit.
• First Hate Crimes Unit.
• First Warrant Appeals Unit.
• First Major Crimes Unit.
• Hired most women attorneys during a four-year term.
• See web site for complete list.
• National Association of Counties County presented 26 awards to the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office during Prosecutor Lucido’s tenure.
• See web site for complete list.
• Served 2 years in the Michigan Senate, and 4 years in the Michigan House of Representatives.
• See web site for complete list.
• Never arrested or charged with a crime.
• Criminally charged in Ann Arbor (Case # 08W186476).
• Macomb Hall of Fame Inductee.
• Macomb Community Correction, Board Member.
• Macomb Care House, Board Member.
• Current or past member of more than 10 non-profit and community organizations based in Macomb County.
• See web site for complete list.
• President of less than 2 years old nonprofit organization that co-sponsored a public event at Warren City Hall in June of 2024 during which children were exposed to sexually explicit materials and sex toys according to a July 8, 2024 report in the Macomb Daily newspaper.
• Founded one of Macomb County’s largest independent law firms.
• Founder & former Publisher of Macomb Now Magazine.
Peter J. Lucido went to Lansing to make law. Now, Peter is home working to end the corruption in Macomb County.
Under Pete’s leadership, he has activated a “Public Corruption & Ethics Unit” at the Prosecutor’s ofce, because justice demands it!
Tuesday, November 5th
BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
BRIGHTON — Former Warren Police
Commissioner William Dwyer has partnered with Fortis Group LLC to bring his more than 60 years of law enforcement and security experience to the security management firm.
“This is a great opportunity for me now and for Fortis. And with my experience, I think I bring a lot to the table,” Dwyer said.
The partnership was formed when Dwyer and Associates, where the former commissioner is now the president, joined with Fortis Group, where Brian Bastianelli serves as CEO. Bastianelli is a retired command officer with the Farmington Hills Police Department where he served 26 years, most of which when Dwyer was the chief.
“We stayed in contact professionally since he left the department,” Bastianelli said. “When he left (the) Warren Police Department, he contacted me and was interested in getting into the private sector. And of course, I was just delighted. I get to work with my former chief.
“I have so much love and admiration for him,” Bastianelli said. “I feel truly blessed to be alongside him again.”
Dwyer started his law enforcement career with the Detroit Police Department where he rose in the ranks and led narcotics investigations shutting down drug cartels in Mexico that were bringing drugs into Detroit. He retired from the Detroit police after 23 years. Then, he became chief of the Farmington Hills Police Department, served 23 years, retired and became the commissioner of the Warren Police Department, where he served a total of nine years in two stints before being terminated from his appointment in April by Mayor Lori Stone, who was elected November 2023.
I’m sad over leaving Warren,” Dwyer said. “I miss Warren. I thought I did an excellent job there. I had the backs of the men and women in Warren.”
With Dwyer’s credentials, it was just a matter of time before he was back doing what he loves.
“I want to be able to stay in the public, to use my experience to keep people safe,”
See DWYER on page 12A
PONTIAC — Volunteers are needed for Fleece & Thank You’s seventh annual “Make a Blanket Day” to be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept. 21, 2024, at the UWM Sports Complex, 867 South Blvd. E.
“Make a Blanket Day” brings together participants to create no-sew fleece blankets for children in hospitals across Michigan. This year, the goal is to reach 1,000 blankets, each one providing warmth and comfort to a child in the hospital.
The event will include a live DJ, giveaways, and the chance to win prizes. The event is free to attend and there is no cost to purchase blanket-making kits that include easy-to-follow instructions. Participants are encouraged to bring their teams, families, and friends. It’s also an opportunity for company team-building activities or service hours for high school students.
To register, visit fty.charity/mabd24. Fleece & Thank You is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing comfort and support to children in hospitals through the donation of handmade fleece blankets. Each blanket is accompanied by a video message of encouragement and hope. For more information, visit fleeceandthankyou.org.
WARREN — Macomb Connect has formed a partnership with Mayor Lori Stone to serve as the Chamber of Commerce for the city of Warren. Formerly the Sterling Heights Regional Chamber of Commerce, Connect Macomb is a chamber of commerce at its core but offers so much more, according to its President and CEO Stacy Ziarko. The event is at 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 17, at Betty Jane’s Bar located at 13791 E. 13 Mile Road in Warren.
“One pathway for economic development is through chambers of commerce. Chambers are independent business affiliations that businesses get memberships to belong to. Membership often includes business-related benefits such as networking events, workshops, trainings, and more,” Stone said. “I have met with Stacy Ziarko of Macomb Connect. They want to expand to serve businesses in Warren. As we have a mutual interest in offering business engagement, development, and support to the community, my office has worked to plan an event that raises awareness among Warren residents and business owners that this is an available organization.”
Macomb County prosecutor to host hate crimes telephone town hall
MACOMB COUNTY — The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office will host a telephone town hall at 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 12, to address various topics about hate crimes.
The town hall, hosted by Macomb County Prosecutor Peter Lucido and Hate Crimes Unit Chief Patrick Coletta, offers residents an opportunity to engage directly with the Prosecutor’s Office on hate crime issues. It will also offer residents an opportunity to ask general questions and to learn what a hate crime is; what resources are available to victims; how to report a hate crime; and what a community can do.
To join, register by visiting macombgov.org/departments/prosecutors-office/units/hate-crimes or by calling (586) 466-8722.
EASTPOINTE/WARREN — Knights of Columbus Council No. 2835, based in Warren, will hold its third-annual chili cook-off from noon to 3 p.m. Oct. 12 at Cloverleaf Bar and Restaurant, 24443 Gratiot Ave. The cost is $5 to taste. There is no fee to enter the contest. Participants can enter one pot of chili with any toppings. To enter the contest, contact Greg Childs at (586) 822-6567 or email him at gchildsnixon@gmail.com. All proceeds will benefit Knights of Columbus charities.
CLINTON TOWNSHIP — Michigan Schools and Government Credit Union is accepting applications for its Classroom Cash Grants program, which provides grants up to $750 for educators to bring an innovative project to life.
Approximately 60 teachers will receive grants this year.
The 2024 application period is open through 5 p.m. Oct. 4. Michigan teachers can submit their project ideas on ClassroomCash.org. After the application period closes, community members are encouraged to vote for their favorite projects from Oct. 16-26 using the Classroom Cash Grants website, with options to vote via email or text. The projects with the most votes will receive grants and winners will be announced in early November. The 2023 program gathered more than 108,000 votes from local community members hoping to see their favorite ideas win.
The program is open to public, private, parochial, and charter school teachers. Applicants who previously received a grant or submitted a project may reapply with a new learning experience for their classroom.
Applicants do not have to be an MSGCU member to enter, but winners must become a member to receive their grant.
from page 3A
completion of the projects contemplated in the bond proposal.
According to school officials, the Van Dyke bond proposal is a zero-mill increase ballot question. If the bond passes, it will generate funding to pay for improvements to school facilities districtwide. School officials have outlined the bond projects on the district’s website at vdps.net. Officials said the bond would not increase the current school property tax because of the previous bond issue.
“There would be no net increase of school property taxes as a result of this bond proposal because of an expiring bond,” the website states.
The district’s last bond issue passed in 2008 for $62.6 million, which provided funding for school building safety and security upgrades, technology enhancements and building updates throughout the district. With that bond, taxpayers paid 8 mills on it. If the 2024 bond proposal passes, the tax rate will decrease a bit with district residents paying 7 mills. That is why school officials are calling it a zero-mill increase.
“At the end of the 2023 tax year, the mills were 8 mills,” Bognar said. “It will be less than it is now.”
While the mills stay the same amount over the course of the bond, the tax rate could go up if the homeowner’s property value increases. If the bond initiative passes, it will provide a number of upgrades, which will assist with reducing operational costs, utility bills, and energy usage.
Bond dollars will address several health and safety concerns by replacing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, removing asbestos, adding access controls to doors, and by providing upgraded laptops and classroom technology to students.
A project summary has been added to the website. The summary includes a list of projects scheduled at each school, including new roofs at some schools, new boilers, upgraded classroom furniture and more.
Part of the funds would renovate the old high school area into a multipurpose space to be used for a number of activities, including robotics, community rental space and mom-to-mom sales. School officials also hope to install artificial turf on the high school’s football field.
School Board President Ivan Thomas said that after many discussions among the board members, “We came to the realization the best route for the community and district was to put forth the bond.”
He is “very optimistic” the bond proposal will pass.
“Our district, our neighborhoods, our community has a long-standing history of passing bonds,” he said. “That gives me great hope our bond will pass. There is no mill increase to the taxes our community is paying.”
Thomas believes the updates made possible through the bond will give the students a sense of pride, and the safety updates will make them feel more comfortable in class.
“The kids can just focus on learning and the staff and administrators can focus on teaching,” Thomas said.
If the bond proposal passes, Bognar said construction would begin next summer when students are not in class. The goal is to finish the projects within “two to three years,” she said. If voters approve the bond, the school will then vote on a construction company and architects for the projects.
Bognar plans to have several community meetings this fall where people can ask questions about the bond initiative. Residents are encouraged to check the district’s website for dates and locations at vdps.net.
Call Staff Writer Maria Allard at (586) 498-1045.
BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
WARREN — Five suspects appeared in two Macomb County courts Aug. 20 where they were arraigned on felony larceny and conspiracy charges for allegedly trying to steal several brand-new vehicles from a Warren automotive shop.
One adult man and five juveniles allegedly attempted to steal six Dodge Durangos from Ground Effects, located at 1990 Concept Drive in Warren, on Aug. 19. Warren Police Department investigators estimated the damages and the amount of the attempted theft at around $500,000. Police said five of the vehicles targeted were SRT models.
Police were dispatched at approximately 6:35 a.m. to Ground Effects and saw a Dodge Durango in the rear lot driving into the security gate as the driver allegedly attempted to gain entry into the lot. The driv-
er of a second Dodge Durango also allegedly tried to break the security gate. The Durangos were disabled, and the suspects fled the vehicles on foot running in different directions. A short foot pursuit ensued, and five of the six suspects were arrested by Warren police and taken into custody.
The five suspects were charged with conspiracy to commit larceny ($20,000 or more), a 10-year felony, and conspiracy to commit motor vehicle theft, a five-year felony, in addition to other felony charges.
Craig Ray, 24, of Detroit, the only adult in the group, was arraigned in the 37th District Court before Judge Suzanne Faunce where he entered a not guilty plea.
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
STERLING HEIGHTS — The Philip S. Killoran Chapter of the National Honor Society at Sterling Heights High School is holding two events this fall to raise money and awareness for the Friends of Foster Kids in Macomb County. It’s a cause the students have taken up in recent years to help children in foster homes. The goal is to raise $5,000 for the nonprofit organization.
On Sept. 21, the students will hold their second annual Back-to-School Mom2-Mom sale from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Sterling Heights High School, 12901 15 Mile Road, building entrance No. 12. The sale offers a space to families and businesses that want to share resale items and/or products related to families with infants up to college-aged freshmen.
Things will get spooky for the chapter next month when it holds its third annual Frights & Delights Halloween fundraiser from 7-9 p.m. Oct. 25. The ghoulish fun will be indoors and outdoors at the high school, building entrance No. 12.
The festivities will include a free trunkor-treat with a contest for the best-decorated trunks; a carnival with games prizes at $5 for
Judge Faunce set bond at $50,000 cash or surety only, and a GPS tether is required if bond is posted.
Paul Stockyj, Ray’s attorney of record, could not be reached for comment at press time.
Ray remained in the Macomb County Jail on Sept. 5. The results of a scheduled preliminary examination in Judge John Chmura’s courtroom were not available at press time on that date.
The four juveniles, two 17-year-olds and two 16-year-olds, all from Detroit, appeared before Macomb County Juvenile Court Referee Eric Lundquist. Warren police do not release the names of minors.
Lundquist set bond for one of the 17-year-olds at $10,000 and the other at $500. The bonds for the 16-year-olds were set at $3,000 and $500, respectively. Each
bond required cash or surety only.
The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office has made motions to waive jurisdiction of the juveniles to adult court. A pretrial hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m. on Sept. 4 before Macomb County Circuit Court Judge Matthew Switalski.
“The actions of these juveniles are not just illegal but also incredibly dangerous. This level of criminal activity is unacceptable, and we intend to treat it with the severity it deserves. That’s why we are seeking to charge these juveniles as adults — because when you commit adult crimes, you face adult consequences,” said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido.
Police said this is an ongoing active investigation involving the Macomb Auto Theft Squad and the Warren Police Department.
A petition to rezone land has been presented to the Planning Commission of the City of Warren, Macomb County, Michigan, which petition affects property at the following location:
Property description for property zoned “R-1-C”, One-Family Residential District, “R-1-P”, One-Family Parking District, and “R-4”, Mobile Home District, to be zoned “R-3”, Multiple-Family Dwelling District.
The lands referred to in this commitment are situated in the City of Warren, Macomb County, State of Michigan, as follows:
Nine (9) parcels of land located in Section 31, City of Warren, Macomb County, Michigan; being described as:
PARCEL 1: 13-31-453-001, to be rezoned from R-1-P to R-3
PARCEL 3: 13-31-453-005, to be rezoned from R-1-P to R-3
20 tickets; a haunted hallway at $5 per entry; and concessions with Halloween baked goods, popcorn, cider and doughnuts. Family-friendly costumes are welcome.
Community members who would like to participate in the trunk-or-treat or have further questions can send an email to shhs. psk.nhs@gmail.com. Please put “Frights & Delights” in the subject line.
Friends of Foster Kids was founded by Theresa Toia, whose daughter was a caseworker in the state’s foster care system. Toia works with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services to help foster children in southeastern Michigan who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. Some children are living in foster care facilities or foster care homes.
With the help of volunteers and private donations, the Friends of Foster Kids is about “the five Cs.” Those are Christmas, care, college, careers, and the coalition of community commitment. Each component provides needs for children removed from a bad situation, including shoes, coats, clothing, undergarments, pajamas and blankets.
To book a table at the Back-to-School Mom-2-Mom sale, scan the QR CODE.
PARCEL 4: 13-31-454-001, to be rezoned from R-4 to R-3
PARCEL 5: 13-31-454-002, to be rezoned from R-4 to R-3
PARCEL 6: 13-31-454-003, to be rezoned from R-4 to R-3
PARCEL 7: 13-31-454-004, to be rezoned from R-4 to R-3
PARCEL 9: 13-31-452-029, to be rezoned from R-1-C and R-4 to R-3
PARCEL 10: 13-31-477-022, to be rezoned from R-1-C to R-3
Subject to any and all easements and/or right-of-ways of record or otherwise.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public hearing will be held at the meeting of said Planning Commission at 7:00 p.m., Monday, the 7th day of
‘terms served prior’ did not have to appear in the ballot proposal question section but was on the proposal section and a prospective application was applied from 2020, meaning after Fouts had completed his fourth term, having served more than the greater of three complete terms or 12 years he was not eligible to run for mayor.”
The Michigan Court of Appeals ordered Fouts to be removed from the primary election ballot on April 21, 2023. The Michigan Supreme Court and the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit later upheld the ruling and opted not to hear the case.
Fouts argued he was warranted a fifth term since the language on the 2020 ballot was “unclear and omitted language.”
“We are hoping the Supreme Court looks at this and realizes there’s an injustice that happened when the Sixth Circuit United States Court of Appeals refused to change the direction of the federal district court in Detroit,” said Attorney Nabih Ayad, who is representing Fouts.
“So we’re hoping that the Supreme Court looks at this and sees this is an important issue for all dignitaries and government officials that run for office and see this has to be a level playing field when someone runs for office and not dictated by the politics of the community,” Ayad said. “And that’s what we think happened here, the politics played a role, and they undermined the due process for Mayor Fouts and hampered his ability to run for office again for the last number of years he was entitled to.”
Ayad and Fouts are aware the likelihood of the Supreme Court hearing this case is slim, but they are optimistic that if it is heard by the court, their ruling will be favorable.
“I think if they (the Supreme Court) take it up, yes, I think that we have a very positive belief that the Supreme Court will rule in our favor,” Ayad said. “Our position has always been that the political forces of the City Council had diverted the will of the people. And I think that they have been duped into voting for something they did not truly understand what they were voting for.”
According to Ayad, it is a matter of retroactivity. Since the ballot did not state retroactivity or prior years served will be counted, voters did not know whether the three terms or 12 years started from that point forward or if it was a cumulative count of the years served.
“So we are hoping that the Supreme Court fixes that,” Ayad said. “They have fixed it for others in similar situations as Mayor Fouts.”
According to the former mayor, he is us-
ing his own money from his retirement savings to pay for this case.
Fouts, who recently lost his Democratic primary bid to incumbent state Rep. Mike McFall for a seat representing District 14 in the Michigan House of Representatives — which now encompasses Center Line, Hazel Park, Madison Heights and parts of Warren after redistricting — admits partisan politics is not for him. He has been a bipartisan politician for most of his career of more than 40 years.
According to Fouts, he did not receive any party support and used his own money to finance his campaign.
“I spent more on this campaign than my campaigns for mayor, which were all a success. Again, I had nobody in Lansing to help me out at all, either Republican or Democrat. So I was basically a third-party candidate running,” Fouts said. “You better already have the endorsement of the party leaders, particularly the speaker of the house. Otherwise, you can’t win.”
Fouts doubts if he will ever be on an election ballot again but would like to share what he has learned.
“In the event that a miracle would occur, and the U.S. Supreme Court would rule (in our favor), my attorney feels that if the U.S. Supreme Court does choose to hear it, then we will be successful, and then I would be on the ballot again,” Fouts said. “That is the only way my name will probably ever appear on the ballot again.”
Fouts said he stays active by exercising three times a day. He starts his morning with a jog or walk for about 45 minutes to an hour. Midday he works out on the elliptical machine and after dinner takes a walk for 40 to 45 minutes.
“So I have a lot of energy despite being up there in years,” Fouts said.
Fouts would like to continue working and has no plans for retirement.
“I’m not a retired type of person,” Fouts said. “I’m not sure I have any choice but to work creatively at doing things which would not involve retirement.”
Fouts is exploring different opportunities including doing a podcast, consulting other political candidates and writing a book.
“I think I have a lot to say about the courts. I’ve got a lot to say about elections. I’ve got a lot to say about city government and things of that nature. I think in my 40 years of service, 16 as mayor, and even in this campaign, I think I’ve got some things to say that would be of interest,” Fouts said. “It might be a little disconcerting for some, but in general I’d like to approach it as this is what I’ve learned that would make our government process a little more fair and (more) democratic.”
legislation would allow families to pay for things like tuition, tutoring and many other educational enrichments they desperately need to set their children on the best path for a successful future.”
If signed into federal law, the ECCA will allow individuals and corporations a new tax credit after 2023 for charitable contributions to tax-exempt organizations that provide scholarships to elementary and secondary school students. Beneficiaries must be members of a household with incomes not greater than 300% of the area median gross income and be eligible to enroll in a public elementary or secondary school.
According to the bill’s language, it excludes from the gross income of taxpayer dependents any scholarship amount for the elementary or secondary education expenses of eligible students. It also prohibits governmental control over scholarship granting organizations.
Anthony J. de Nicola, chairman of the Board of Invest in Education Coalition is a Michigan native who grew up in the Albion area and attended Catholic school, as did his three children. He would like to see other families have the same opportunity if they choose.
James, who co-sponsored the bill, said it would expand education freedom by providing $10 billion in annual tax credits made available to taxpayers to fund textbooks, tuition, supplies and equipment. Math and reading scores and student mental health are among his concerns.
“Mental health issues are skyrocketing because there’s hopelessness running rampant among generations who do not see a brighter future. A quality education is a basic civic right and we must fight to protect it,” said James, a graduate of Brother Rice High School in Bloomfield Hills. “I believe
every child regardless of ZIP code or income should have the opportunity for success. I firmly believe that when you give parents a choice, you give children a chance. We have to return power to the people and get money down to the lowest level so teachers can do their jobs.”
Sterling Heights parent Michelle Smith has a first- and second-grader who attend a private Christian school, but it is a sacrifice financially.
“The most important thing we can do as parents is give our kids the best start. We have no issue necessarily with public schooling but for us what felt right was making sure our kids grew up in a faith-based environment,” she said. “This bill would be an excellent opportunity for other families who might not be able to afford to send their kid to a private school to have that opportunity.”
Eastpointe Community Schools Superintendent Christina Gibson, however, is not in favor of the ECCA and believes vouchers — whether as direct payments or tax credits — do not correlate with improved student outcomes.
“Vouchers primarily serve to save money for wealthier families, rather than addressing the broader needs of all students,” she said in a statement. “Studies have shown that voucher systems can have a more detrimental impact on student performance than significant disruptions like the COVID-19 pandemic or natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina.”
Gibson has reached out to James’ office to express her concerns.
“Instead of competing for students, we should be united in advocating for our children by supporting communities and strengthening public education,” Gibson said. “What we know works is placing highly qualified, well-trained, and well-compensated teachers in front of students. The primary beneficiaries of voucher systems are often families who already have their children in private schools.”
Dwyer said. “I have always felt that way. I feel it’s my life.”
In his new role, he will be working to ensure people’s safety in partnership with someone he was once in command of.
“I hired him (in 1996),” Dwyer said. “It’s been 30 years. Brian Bastianelli is a true professional. He started Fortis Group several years ago. I’m looking forward to working with him because I know who he is. I know his background. I know how he is dedicated. I know his professionalism. It’s really a winwin. I think it’s a win for me and a win for him and Fortis.”
Bastianelli started Fortis in 2010. Fortis, which means strong in Latin, started off with a focus on law enforcement training and consulting but quickly grew into a private investigative and high-level armed security services firm with covert and overt operations for schools, the public and the private sectors.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, Fortis added security guard and private in-
vestigator licenses. It also intensified its security training program, and these services have resonated with his clients, according to Bastianelli.
“We saw the deficiencies in the delivery in service,” Bastianelli said. “We felt we could put together a better security program. And it starts with really qualified people.
“There is a need for security, the way society is and crime rates,” Bastianelli said. “As well as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, which caused a lot of safety and security concerns in the Detroit area. That’s why those verticals have taken off.”
“After the Oxford shooting, we created a very educational-centric security program that’s really resonating by putting retired police officers that are armed to protect the schools. Just as it would work out, a year later after we created the program, we went to work for Oxford (Public Schools) so it kind of came full circle.”
According to Bastianelli, Fortis has around 170 employees, of which 95% are retired police officers from the federal, state and local levels.
Call Staff Writer Gena Johnson at (586) 498-1069.
Welcome to RON’S AUTO CARE. We are glad to be of service and appreciate the support and patronage that you have given our family. We have a new manager named Hass who brings 13 years of experience owning and managing mechanic shops. We look forward to serving you in the future with the same honest, trustworthy, and high quality work we have prided ourselves in.
We are proud to say that our business is American Family owned and operated with many years of experience in the automotive eld.
Warren City Councilwomen Angela Rogensues and Melody Magee were delegates at the Democratic National Convention at Chicago’s United Center Aug. 19-22. They represented Warren and nominated Kamala Harris and Tim Walz as candidates for president and vice president of the United States.
“It (the energy) was electric. There was incredible momentum and enthusiasm around the Harris-Walz ticket,” Rogensues said. “It was fantastic to see our governor speaking in a primetime slot and Michigan was really on display there.”
“I thought it was pretty incredible that the two delegates from Warren were both women and one was a woman of color, given the top of the ticket,” Rogensues said.
Harris is the daughter of a Jamaican father and Southeast Asian Indian mother.
“The strength that Kamala Harris showed as a woman in interviewing for the highest seat in this country,” Rogensues said as to what stood out most to her at the convention. “I think she demonstrated in her speech an unwavering conviction to protect
the country, her record of service, and really honing in on her strength as the leader of the free world. I left feeling that this is someone that could absolutely lead the country. She displayed a tremendous amount of strength.”
Magee was excited about representing Michigan and the parties coming together to support the Democratic nominee.
“To sit there with your state was exciting, Magee said. “The number of people who really wanted to support, that is something I’ve never seen before. You had Republicans and Democrats come together along with Independents. Even Oprah Winfrey got up and said, ‘I’m not a Republican. I’m not a Democrat. I am an Independent and I’m here in support of Kamala as president.’”
Magee said Harris’ education and experience makes her very qualified to be the next president. Harris is a former prosecutor, California attorney general and U.S. senator, and currently serves as the vice president under President Joe Biden.
Each of the states, the U.S. territories represented, and the District of Columbia were introduced in the roll call by DJ Cassidy with music that was reflective of that state before giving their votes to nominate Harris for president and Walz for vice president.
See CONVENTIONS on page 15A
from page 14A
The Michigan contingency including Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, elected officials, delegates and various celebrities gathered around anticipating what song would represent the state, according to Magee. The group initially thought it would be a Motown tribute, but the music so intertwined with Detroit was already used for another state.
Just before the music played, “We guessed it,” said Magee.
Michigan was introduced by Eminem’s “Lose Yourself.”
“That was really exciting for Michiganders but specifically for Melody and (me) because we obviously live in Warren and represent Warren and that is his (Eminem’s) home.” Marshall Mathers, who later became the globally famous rapper, producer and actor Eminem, grew up in Warren.
In addition to the speeches in the convention hall, there were a host of seminars, workshops and sharing of information among the states.
“They had workshops that brought together the local municipals and talked about the concerns within each community and how to fix them,” Magee said. “I learned about different grants that help cities, ways to bring finances into the city, and policies to make changes to help people economically within the city and state.
“How we can help with the voting process, register voters, register young voters, how to talk to young people about the importance of being registered to vote and voting,” Magee said.
Ronald Singer, a Republican candidate for the Michigan House of Representatives District 13, was a delegate from Warren at the Republican National Convention July 15-18, at Fiserv Forum in Milwaukee.
“It was unlike anything you’ve ever experienced,” Singer said. “What happens is, you’ve never seen so many people, so friendly, who just all know that we’re all on the same team.
“If there was a picnic table there made for let’s say six people and there were already eight people sitting there, and you walked up with your dinner and said, ‘Hey can I fit here,’ and she said, ‘Well, heck yes.’”
Singer said the days were long, ending some nights around 1 a.m. after leaving the convention center and taking the charter buses back to the hotel about 80 miles away. There were workshops and events, which Singer described as too many to do
all of them.
“It was really a lot more fun than you would have ever imagined,” Singer said.
Precinct delegate Benjamin Joseph of St. Clair Shores spoke at the RNC. According to Joseph, the Trump public relations team reached out to him because they were looking for “an everyday American to bring in, whether it was a small business owner or someone with a big family.” Joseph owns a home improvement business, is married, and is the father of six children ages 1-11.
“It was just a very humbling experience. I didn’t feel like I belonged there,” Joseph said. “There is Charlie Kirk there, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Glenn Youngkin, all these high-powered people are there speaking. Yet, there was not a single person there that treated me any different than they treated any of those other people. They made me feel welcomed.”
Everyone was put in the same room in the speakers lounge, where they worked on their speeches together and had makeup applied, said Joseph.
Joseph described a shift in the Republican Party.
“The Republican Party under Trump’s leadership is not a party of the elite but a part of the people,” Joseph said. “Which was shown by having three times as many everyday Americans speaking at the convention over previous years.”
“Trump himself insisted they have everyday Americans come in. He wanted, when people were watching the RNC, to be hearing about the struggles and different things they are going through right now,” Joseph said.
The energy of the Republican National Convention was described as electrifying by Joseph.
“Sometimes more than others. But overall, it was very positive, very hopeful, very energetic,” he said.
“And there is a lot of trusting that God is going to bring our country back to where it needs to be,” Joseph said.
He elaborated on what he meant by back where the country needs to be.
“Closer to God and not further away. We need to get away from worrying about the DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) kind of stuff, and doing things based on people’s skin color,” Joseph said. “As opposed to what Martin Luther King said, ‘based on the quality of their character not the color of their skin.’ And the last three years we have moved toward doing things based on people’s skin color instead of just people being people and treating them the way they should. That has been prolific in the country for the last three years.”
All politics are local Rogensues, Magee and Joseph emphasized local elections matter because they make an important difference.
“We (local politicians) are the closest to constituents,” Rogensues said. “They have my cell number. They call me about local, state and federal issues.”
Some of the delegates encouraged voting and engaging in the democratic process.
For those looking to get involved in
politics, there are local Democratic and Republican groups.
If one would like to serve in a more nonpartisan way, the Warren City Clerk’s office needs poll workers on Election Day. Call (586) 574-4557 for more information. Register to vote at michigan.gov/sos/ elections/voting/register-to-vote.
Call Staff Writer Gena Johnson at (586) 498-1069.
• Invisalign and traditional braces
• Root canal treatment
• Implant restorations
• Children’s dentistry
• Zoom whitening
• Cosmetic dentistry
• Digital impressions
• Same Day Emergency
Community Choice Credit Union truly lives up to its name by actively supporting local communities and assisting the small businesses in the area with their banking needs.
“Since we are smaller than many of the larger nationwide banks, we can provide personalized service that meets members where they are—not only guratively but literally,” said Eastpointe Member Center Manager Brooke Bieber. “Our nancial representatives have the autonomy to come to their place of business if their schedule doesn’t permit them coming to us. Our representatives will talk with owners and their team members about the bene ts of choosing Community Choice, and o er solutions tailored to their speci c business needs and challenges— and also address the concerns that may impact their peace of mind. Our representatives can even open accounts on their behalf, right there at their place of business.”
Community Choice also has a strong digital presence and o ers all the digital solutions that larger banks do, including solutions that save money, generate revenue, conserve time and enhance convenience.
“Our small business accounts are ideal for companies with a few employees, requiring just a $500 minimum balance and providing
100 free transactions per month,” Bieber said. “We also provide a comprehensive suite of treasury management services, such as merchant services for debit or credit cards, payroll solutions and lending opportunities.”
Unique to Community Choice, and unlike many other credit unions and banks in the area, they are cannabis-friendly. “ is means we can assist employees who earn their income from cannabis-related businesses like dispensaries or grow facilities with their banking and lending needs. We even o er a dedicated Choice Cash service that ensures compliance with Michigan’s cannabis regulations so our members can operate worry-free.”
By supporting segments of the community that are often underserved by traditional banks, Community Choice not only aids in the success of small or cannabis-related businesses but also contributes signi cantly to the broader economic vitality of the area.
Moreover, understanding how to establish a solid nancial foundation can be challenging for both small businesses and individuals.
To meet this challenge, in mid2023, Community Choice Credit Union launched Choice Map, a complimentary nancial management tool aimed at guiding members toward making sound decisions and achieving their nancial goals.
“We take great pride in o ering Choice Map to assist our members
in their wellness journey and help them achieve the life they desire,” Bieber said. “Most importantly, our wealth management tools can help them ensure they’re not losing the money they’ve spent all those years earning.”
e tool o ers access to a personal nancial plan created by a certi ed team member, along with a suite of user-friendly tools avail-
and everything else that we do for our communities,” she continued. “We also have a scholarship foundation that awards $100,000 each year across metro Detroit to graduating seniors and those pursuing skilled trades and continuing education.”
able through their mobile app. Members can check their credit score, set savings targets, create a budget and more.
Bieber added, “Choice Map is an e ective resource for families, couples and individuals aiming to establish a secure nancial future and reach their savings goals.”
“I love that we are helping small businesses achieve their dreams,
Community Choice Credit Union has 22 member centers located across the state of Michigan, including such metro Detroit communities as Eastpointe, Warren, Roseville, Royal Oak, Farmington Hills and more. It o ers comprehensive mobile banking services online or via its app from anywhere in the world.
Visit www.communitychoicecu.com to learn more.
BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
WARREN — The Warren Planning Commission voted unanimously Aug. 19 to approve the site plan for a Sheetz gas station and convenience store amid resistance from area businesses and residents.
The commission’s decision to approve or deny a project is based on whether the plan meets the zoning requirements and ordinances, according to Warren Planning Commission Chairman Warren Smith.
“As long as it meets the ordinance, and as long as it meets all the requirements, we have an obligation to approve it,” Smith said at the meeting.
Sheetz is to be located on the southeast corner of 12 Mile and Mound roads, at 5920 12 Mile and 28950 Mound,
which is the current location of the Victory Inn, a Warren restaurant that has been in the community nearly 80 years.
Sheetz was presented as a family-owned business that is a friend to the community it serves. David Bruckelmeyer, a representative of the company, gave the presentation to the commission in which he said, “None of its stores are franchised; rather, corporately owned through the family.”
Sheetz concentrates on food, according to Bruckelmeyer.
“We operate a 24/7/365 kitchen. Every menu option is open all day all year. It’s an incredible offering, so we are heavily food focused. We also offer a very large amount of premium convenience items,” he said.
Among those premium items at the gas station, store and restaurant will be liquor, wine and beer.
“I would like to note that we will not be able to sell liquor
24 hours. We do sell liquor; we do not consider ourselves a liquor store,” Bruckelmeyer said. “We are not going to have a large selection. It will be very limited and carryout beer and wine as well. So we do not feel we need private security.”
Because the stores are open 24 hours, Bruckelmeyer stressed how the store’s lighting offers security.
“Sheetz takes a really big emphasis on security. Because we are open 24/7/365 we do want to provide that sense of security to our customers and employees, so we properly light our sites. It’s something that’s really critical,” Bruckelmeyer said. “Lighting does deter any kind of issues going on. In addition to that, on an average site Sheetz provides roughly 60 high definition monitored cameras that are monitored 24/7/365 by Sheetz employees back in Altoona, Pennsylvania, something that’s really incredible.”
Bruckelmeyer praised the work environment.
“Something that sets us apart is Sheetz has an incredible culture and that’s spoken to by Sheetz being named to Fortune’s ‘100 Best Companies to Work For’ nine years running,” Bruckelmeyer said. “Along with that, we’ve grown to offer 30 to 35 positions per location.
Those include preferably full-time positions that offer benefits, paid time off, 401(k), the entire package, so it’s really a premium offering to our employees.”
Bruckelmeyer’s presentation extolled Sheetz as a business that would be a positive addition to the community.
Warren business owners and residents had a different view. Their concerns included the reputation of the company, crime, taking business away from local small business owners, and a history of discrimination practices.
Sharkey Haddad from the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce said at the meeting, “I’m here today to ask you to do your due diligence and check with other states and their police departments about
their experiences with Sheetz years after their approval so you are not misguided by their sugar-coated presentations and public relations campaigns,” Haddad said.
“Ask your police chief about their public safety concerns with Sheetz 24-hour restaurant, gas station and liquor store near a highway,” Haddad said. “Or ask your police chief to Google crimes at Sheetz. Ask Sheetz how much their employees must pay per month per person for their competitive prices for health care.”
Other Warren residents spoke at the meeting.
“We know they have this problem with discrimination. We know they have a record of bad gas. They had to shut down the Romeo (Michigan) place for selling gas in January because they had water in the gas,” said Michael Brzoska.
“We know (they) don’t support local businesses, it’s a national chain, so the chips, the pop, whatever other stuff that’s not coming local they are going to kill local business,” Brzoska said.
“We know they have late-night problems,” Brzoska said. “I did a late-night trip and ended up in Raleigh, a very nice area, and it didn’t look like that at midnight (pointing to a photo on the screen of Sheetz).
It’s a hangout spot for people that have no place to go or nothing to do.”
Beverly Suida, owner of the Victory Inn, said, “I just want the record to reflect that an actual completed and closed sale of the Victory Inn property cannot happen any sooner than August 1, 2027.
“The Victory Inn is not closing and will continue to be open and operating as usual,” Suida said.
In a previous interview with the Warren Weekly, Suida said, “I am excited about celebrating our 80th anniversary in 2026.”
In light of the agreement with the Victory Inn, Smith questioned whether Sheetz would be able to move forward with their plans.
“I don’t think it affects anything, they can get a two-year approval here and if they haven’t changed anything in the lease, or whatever their intentions are with the owner, they can get an extension,” said Ron Wuerth, director of planning for the city of Warren. “Getting a year extension is not something that is uncommon. It’s more common than
Smith implored the representative from Sheetz to address the concerns of the business owners made during the meeting.
“We are working on engaging with the Chaldean Chamber. Some of those conversations are being worked on,” Bruckelmeyer said. He attributed much of the comments to businesses not wanting additional competition.
“We have picked a property that really fits the appropriate zoning. Another fuel station operator could come in here and build another site by right, and they would also therefore be competition,” Bruckelmeyer said.
“I’m sure it’s going to have some impact (on business) because of the amenities that you offer, some of the other businesses don’t offer,” Warren Planning Commissioner Claudette Robinson said at the meeting.
Sheetz also has plans to bring another gas station and convenience store to Warren, at Van Dyke Avenue and Murthum Avenue, the site of the former Pampa Lanes.
Viewing in Butcher Park creates buzz on social media
WARREN — On Sept. 3, the Warren Police Department investigated pictures that appeared on social media showing an open casket and someone sitting next to it in Butcher Park.
According to a press release, police became aware of this incident at approximately 11:15 a.m. and went to Butcher Park located at 4700 Martin Road in Warren to investigate. Once at the park, they did not see a casket, anyone in the park or any suspicious activity.
According to police, neither the Warren Police Department nor the city were apprised of any special event scheduled at Butcher Park that day. Officers canvassed the area for residential security video, but the results were limited. They contacted funeral homes in the area, and none had funeral services scheduled at Butcher Park.
Warren police then enlisted the public’s help on social media. From several tips via social media, police learned that a funeral director in New York was transporting the body of a 97-year-old woman who died in New York and had been a lifelong Warren resident. The body was to be buried at Mt. Olivet Cemetery in Detroit.
According to police, information they received from the decedent’s family, the New York funeral director and Mt. Olivet Cemetery confirmed the funeral director temporarily situated the casket in the park so that the deceased’s family could say their final
goodbyes prior to the burial.
According to police in a written statement, “The Warren Police Department respects the wishes of the deceased and her family members during their time of mourning. While parks in the City of Warren are intended for recreational purposes, we would ask that the public please contact City Hall or the Police Department in advance if requesting a viewing at a City park so that we can ensure the necessary protocols are respected.”
Warren celebrates 67 years as a city
WARREN — Warren’s birthday bash was celebrated Aug. 22-24 on the front lawn of City Hall with rides, bands, games, magicians and a host of other events for the entire family.
The sparkling blue skies and mild temperatures for a Michigan summer were ideal weather to have an outdoor birthday party.
According to Mayor Lori Stone, Warren was settled in 1830, became a village in 1893, and incorporated as a city in 1957.
“We celebrate it all,” said Stone in response to which date is celebrated at the birthday bash.
A crowd favorite at the birthday celebration was the Magic Bus Band, which plays psychedelic music from the 1960’s and sings about love and peace. Many in attendance were loyal fans who follow the group around to various performances.
“We’ve got to get everybody from stopping the hate and loving one another,” said Lisa Woods of Clinton Township. “That’s what ’60s (music) was all about, except for the sex and drugs. But the love part we have to do.”
— Since mid-August on the I-696 east service drive at 11 Mile Road west of Van Dyke Avenue, drivers and pedestrians have noticed a crumbled wall that borders state and private property.
The wall is located in the city of Center Line and is under the jurisdiction of the Michigan Department of Transportation.
“The cause (of the crumbling) has not been determined,” said Diane Cross, spokesperson for MDOT, but engineers are working on a long-term plan.
The Macomb Transportation Service Center of MDOT was notified and assessed the sound wall, blocked off the sidewalk, tested the rest of the wall, and removed any loose bricks or materials from the wall, according to Cross. They also notified the private homeowners on the other side.
“The wall has been there for about 50 years now. It is possible that numerous different things could have caused the collapse,” said Center Line City Manager Dennis Champine.
No timeline has been given as to when the repairs will take place, according to Champine.
“I think that they are just focusing right now on resolving the issue, getting the wall rebuilt and that section back in place using the current building codes,” Champine said. “That’s part of the issue, I think, the wall was constructed during a time when the building codes weren’t as tight as they are today.”
MACOMB COUNTY — The office of Macomb County Treasurer Larry Rocca has readied itself to receive claims for re-
maining proceeds from tax foreclosure sales.
This is pursuant to a recent Michigan Supreme Court ruling that found persons with an interest in tax foreclosed properties were entitled to surplus proceeds after the taxes, fees and costs of sale were paid. The ruling has retroactive effect. Parties that had an interest in tax foreclosed properties that were sold between December 22, 2014, and December 22, 2020, can now start the process to claim remaining funds from the sale.
“Despite our best efforts to keep properties from foreclosure through our ‘Keep Macomb Your Home Program’, there are instances where vacant, commercial, and even residential properties must be sold at auction for non-payment of taxes as dictated by state law. Our office carefully follows the law in that process, and additionally makes numerous mailings and attempts at personal contact over a period of years to avoid a foreclosure sale. Macomb County is committed to a thorough and simplified as possible method for eligible parties to make their claims and be paid what is due them,” Rocca said in a written statement.
The process to make a claim begins with filing a completed “notice of intent to claim remaining proceeds form.” The form can be filed in person or sent by certified mail to:
Macomb County Treasurer’s Office, 1 S. Main St., 2nd Floor, Mount Clemens, MI 48043.
This form must be received by March 31, 2025. A copy of the form and additional information can be found on the Treasurer’s website at macombgov.org/departments/ treasurers-office/tax-foreclosure.
After the claim form is filed, the trea-
Continued on page 24A
Once I get the right diagnosis for the cause of your heel pain, I will provide you with a tailored treatment plan, which outlines exactly how we can fix your heel pain and keep you free from future foot pain. If you are ready, call me for an appointment to start your journey back to normal life, free from heel pain.
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
CENTER LINE/WARREN/STERLING HEIGHTS — The Warren Weekly emailed local school officials for comments to find out how the new school year started off, tips for getting back into a learning routine and information on new programs slated for 2024-2025.
Official enrollment count day is Oct. 2.
First day: Sept. 3. New administrators: Crothers Elementary Principal Jillian Hamilton. Approximately 10 new teachers were hired.
“Our staff has worked really hard at getting everything ready for the start of school. Some of our bond construction work has put us behind, however, we will be ready for the first day of school,” Superintendent Joseph Haynes said. “There are always hiccups with bus routes and schedules, but we are moving students back into two newly renovated buildings (Crothers Elementary and the Kaltz Center), so there are likely to be a few adjustments that will need to be made.”
Center Line Public Schools closed schools of choice last year because there wasn’t room for additional students. Schools of choice allows students to attend schools outside of the district in which they reside.
“Our hope is that our enrollment will grow. We added classes and moved programs to accommodate more students,” Haynes said. “We are seeing a good number of local and school of choice families accessing our schools. We will have a better account of student enrollment the first week of school.”
Center Line adopted the new math curriculum Envision Math 3.0, and ParentSquare, a new communication platform for parents. Haynes had tips for getting back into a school routine.
“I would encourage families to start talking about what they want from this school year. Encourage kids to try something new,” he said. “Families can start establishing routines like ‘homework time,’ bedtime routines and engage in conversations about what occurred at school today.”
Superintendent Hollie Stange and Director of Communication & Culture Jessica Percy provided information about the upcoming school year, which began Aug. 26.
Administrators felt starting before Labor Day was a better schedule for families and students.
Enrollment prediction: 2,400 students.
Across the district, Fitzgerald will introduce BenQ boards, a digital learning tool designed to make lessons more interactive between teachers and students. The Great Start Readiness Program expanded with a full-day program. GSRP is Michigan’s state-funded preschool for 4-year-old children. Families qualify for the free program based on annual income guidelines.
Rose Paterson is the new Westview Lower Elementary assistant principal.
School officials are still searching for a new Fitzgerald High School principal, with current Assistant Principal Gary Stevens serving as interim principal.
Over the summer, 19 new teachers were hired, and according to Stange and Percy “the excitement during new teacher week was palpable.”
Fitzgerald held two weeks of professional development this summer. The first week was for new staff to become acquainted with the curriculum, meet staff, and undergo Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate (ALICE) training and CPR training.
All staff participated in Week 2. Employees were trained in lesson plan management for new programs and on the district’s new parent app. Teachers, too, went through trauma training designed to help all students when necessary.
Dyke Public Schools
First day: Aug. 26.
New administrators: Lincoln Middle School Assistant Principal Jackie Hoekstra.
“We are excited and ready to have another great year together. Our teachers and all staff have been preparing for the return of our amazing students. We’ve been working on updating safety training; new curriculum resources; district procedures; and building information to help things run smoothly for everyone,” Superintendent Piper Bognar said.
“I always look forward to seeing and being part of how much everyone grows. It’s so much fun to check in where they were when you see them throughout the year,” Bognar said. “You don’t always realize how much they’re growing academically, socially, or behaviorally right in front of you. I also love that we have the absolute best staff around
The public is invited to comment on the City of Warren’s 2023-2024 Community Development Program (CDBG, HOME, and HOPWA) performance. A meeting will be held as follows to review program performance and allow the public to comment.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Warren City Hall
2nd Floor Township Meeting Room One City Square Warren, Michigan 48093
The City’s Community Development Program is intended to address the Priority Housing and Community Development needs and objectives identifed in the City’s Consolidated Plan. These needs and objectives are listed in the table below along with a summary of the activities undertaken in the 2023/2024 Program Year and the resulting accomplishments.
Priority Need Objectives Activity Accomplishments (Completed Activities)
Rehabilitate housing. Maintain supply of affordable housing.
Reverse neighborhood decline. Preserve single-family neighborhoods.
Maintain supply of affordable housing.
Reverse neighborhood decline.
Correct environmental problems/ physical disorder.
Preserve single-family housing stock.
Preserve single-family neighborhoods. Preserve single-family housing stock.
Senior services. Preserve single-family neighborhoods. Preserve single-family housing stock.
Encourage homeownership & provide opportunities to purchase decent, safe, & sanitary affordable housing.
Provide housing and supporting services for the homeless and those in danger of becoming homeless.
and cooperate with providers of homelessness prevention services.
Reverse neighborhood decline. Repair/reconstruct streets. Improve Parks and Recreation Facilities Preserve single-family neighborhoods.
Emergency Short Term Housing Assistance for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS (PLWH/A) in the Warren EMA (Lapeer, Livingston, Macomb, Oakland, and St. Clair Counties).
Long Term Housing Assistance for PLWH/A in the Warren EMA.
In Home Support Services for PLWH/A in the Warren EMA.
Provide PLWH/A in the Warren EMA with access to permanent, stable, decent and affordable housing.
69 households which included a PLWH/A with short term emergency housing assistance (rent, mortgage, or utility payments) or assistance with permanent housing placement
Provide PLWH/A in the Warren EMA with access to permanent, stable, decent and affordable housing. Tenant Based Rental Assistance55 households which included a PLWH/A received rent assistance payments.
Provide PLWH/A in the Warren EMA with access to permanent, stable, decent and affordable housing. In Home Care for the Medically Fragile Provided services such as homemaker
If you would like to comment on the priority needs and objectives listed above or on the type of activities to address the identifed needs and objectives, please attend the public meeting listed above or submit written comments prior to the close of business at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25, 2024.
City of Warren
Community Development Program
One City Square, Suite 210
Warren, Michigan 48093
Comments may also be submitted via e-mail to home@cityofwarren.org.
Beginning September 11, 2024, the City’s complete 2023/2024 Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER) will be available for public review on the City’s website: https://www.cityofwarren.org/government/c-e-d-development/ community-development/
To request more information about the 2023/2024 Consolidated Annual Performance Report (CAPER), please call the Community Development Program staff at (586) 574-4686.
Lori M. Stone, Mayor
Published in Warren Weekly 09/11/2024
from page 22A
and I have the privilege of being superintendent of this extraordinary district.”
The district updated curriculum and programs in many areas. About 15 new Van Dyke Public Schools teachers were hired this year. Van Dyke’s enrollment last year was just over 2,100 students, plus 200 students attending the Early Childhood Center.
Bognar offered the following to help your child get back into a school routine. For starters, she reminded parents the district serves free breakfast and lunch at school.
“Everything depends upon your child and your family’s routine, but some helpful things are to keep a consistent bedtime and schedule,” she said. “Setting aside time for homework and reading together are also helpful. Involve your children in things like making lists, cooking, and other household tasks to show them learning in action.”
Warren Consolidated Schools
The district was supposed to begin Aug. 28, but due to a power outage it was delayed one day. An enrollment of more than 12,000
See SCHOOL YEAR on page 28A
BY GENA JOHNSON gjohnson@candgnews.com
WARREN — An alleged drug deal gone bad has left two men facing multiple felonies and a shooting victim in critical condition.
Robert Johnson Jr., 18, of Eastpointe, was arraigned Sept. 3 in 37th District Court before Judge Steven Bieda. He was charged with armed robbery and conspiracy to commit armed robbery, both felonies punishable by up to life in prison; and carrying a concealed weapon, a five-year felony.
Illya Green Jr., 22, of Detroit, was arraigned Sept. 4, also in Bieda’s courtroom. He was charged with carrying a concealed weapon, a five-year felony; and delivery of a controlled substance, a four-year felony.
Both men also face felony weapons charges punishable by a mandatory two years in prison.
Warren police responded to several dispatch calls regarding a shooting at Veterans Memorial Park, located at 27400 Campbell Road, at approximately 7:40 p.m. on Aug. 31. According to Warren police, witnesses saw Johnson along with a 16-year-old juvenile male approaching a white sedan and talking to those inside the vehicle. According to the Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office, Johnson and the juvenile were allegedly trying to buy drugs at Veterans Memorial Park from Green, who was in the white sedan. During the transaction, Johnson and the juvenile allegedly produced handguns and took the drugs from Green, according to prosecutors. Green allegedly fired multiple shots at Johnson and the juvenile as they were running from the vehicle, hitting the juvenile in the arm and lower extremities, according to police.
Once police located the juvenile, the
Continued from page 21A
surer will notify the claimant by July 1, 2025, as to whether there are remaining funds to be claimed. If there are funds, the claimant then needs to file a motion in the same circuit court proceeding in which the judgment of foreclosure was entered. The motion must be filed by Oct. 1, 2025. The
Warren Fire Department transported him to a local hospital where he remains in critical condition.
The other man from the vehicle was not found by police. The white sedan was last seen traveling northbound on Campbell Road.
Bieda set bonds for Johnson and Green at $500,000 each, cash or surety only. If either posts bond, they would be required to wear a GPS tether.
Johnson’s attorney of record is Andrew John Hubbs, who was not available for comment at press time.
According to court records, Green had not been assigned a public defender at press time.
“What began as an alleged drug transaction quickly escalated into a dangerous situation involving firearms, causing great risk to the public. These actions endangered not only those involved but also the entire community. We take this matter seriously and will ensure that those responsible are held accountable for their reckless and violent behavior,” said Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido.
Both suspects were in the Macomb County Jail at press time ahead of a probable cause conference at 9:30 a.m. Sept. 12 in Judge John Chmura’s courtroom.
court will then hold a hearing and decide on the claim. There also may be multiple claims for the same proceeds as lienholders and other parties with an interest in the property may file claims. The court will decide how the proceeds should be allocated.
The treasurer’s office cannot provide legal advice on how to pursue a claim. If you do not have an attorney, for assistance in pursuing a claim you may go to the State Bar of Michigan’s legal resource and referral web page at lrs.michbar.org or call (800) 968-0738.
SECTION 1. That Chapter 37, Article III, Division 1, Section 37-552 of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Warren, Michigan, which currently reads as follows: Sec. 37-552. - Duties of licensee.
All wrecker licenses under this article shall be issued subject to the following conditions:
(1) Markings. Wrecker vehicles shall bear the name and address of the owner in letters painted on the vehicle not less than three (3) inches in height on each side of the vehicle and not lower than the bottom edge of the door. A licensed wrecker plate shall at all times be prominently displayed on the rear of each wrecker vehicle. Wrecker vehicles shall not display the words “police towing” or other similar language which indicates the vehicle is owned or operated by the police department.
(2) Equipment. Wrecker owners shall keep and maintain towing equipment which is adequate to perform such towing service in a reasonably workmanlike manner. All vehicles shall be equipped with warning lights required under state law.
(3) Rate schedule. No person performing towing or storage service on behalf of or at the direction of a Warren Police Offcer on such wrecked, impounded, disabled or abandoned vehicles shall charge fees in excess of the following standard rates:
a. Towing rates:
i. Standard tow (including dolly or fatbed) .....$145.00
ii. Vehicle in excess of 10,000 pounds .....175.00
iii. Vehicle in excess of 60,000 pounds .....325.00
iv. Tractor/trailer, empty .....325.00
v. Tractor/trailer, loaded .....375.00
vi. Hourly labor rate .....45.00
vii. Mileage charge—As determined by council resolution.
viii. Administrative fee .....50.00
ix. Removal of all debris, clean up, sweeping, and administering oil dry shall not exceed that which may be allowed by the carrier insurance policy or the actual retail cost whichever may be less. .....
b. Daily storage rates:
i. Motorcycles and cars .....$20.00
ii. Tractor/trailer .....30.00
iii. Boats/motor homes 22 feet or less .....30.00
iv. Boats/motor homes over 22 feet .....45.00
v. Storage of vehicle over 10,000 pounds .....30.00
vi. Mopeds .....10.00
c. [Additional rates.] An additional ffteen (15) percent may be charged for services rendered on any Sunday or legal holiday.
d. Vehicles placed on hold. Rates for vehicles placed on hold by the police or vehicles seized for drug or alcohol forfeiture are capped at six hundred dollars ($600.00).
e. Crime Victim Rights Act. Rates for vehicles towed from victims of crimes defned pursuant to the Crime Victim’s Rights Act, Act 87 of 1985, MCL 780.751 et seq. as amended shall include:
i. Towing fee shall be ffty dollars ($50.00) and may be waived/paid by the city, if approved by council. In the event the towing fee exceeds the standard fees normally assessed for a routine tow, the police commissioner is authorized to grant additional fees upon submission of proof by the wrecker owner and determination by the police commissioner that a deviation from the ffty dollars ($50.00) fee is warranted.
ii. No fee shall be generated for storage of the vehicle during the period where there is a police hold in effect.
iii. If the owner or secured party fails to pick up the vehicle within seventy-two (72) hours after removal from the police hold, the storage rates listed in subsection (b) may start accruing after the seventy-two (72) hour period has elapsed. This subsection supersedes any other fees set forth in this section.
(4) Liability. The wrecker owner shall assume all responsibility for all liability and shall indemnify and hold the city harmless from such liability for damages (or any loss to vehicles or contents while being towed or stored due to theft, vandalism or other damage), and for all personal injuries occurring to any of the wrecker owner’s employees or other persons.
(5) Records. The police department shall maintain an approved records and claim check system to assure release of vehicles to the rightful owner or authorized person.
(6) Storage of towed vehicles. All vehicles towed at the request of the police department must be dropped and stored at a secured storage lot zoned in accordance with the provisions of section 17.02 of the zoning ordinance and which storage lot has been granted site plan approval pursuant to section 22.16 of the zoning ordinance.
Is hereby amended to read as follows:
Sec. 37-552. - Duties of licensee.
All wrecker licenses under this article shall be issued subject to the following conditions:
(1) Markings. Wrecker vehicles shall bear the name and address of the owner in letters painted on the vehicle not less than three (3) inches in height on each side of the vehicle and not lower than the bottom edge of the door. A licensed wrecker plate shall at all times be prominently displayed on the rear of each wrecker vehicle. Wrecker vehicles shall not display the words “police towing” or other similar language which indicates the vehicle is owned or operated by the police department.
(2) Equipment. Wrecker owners shall keep and maintain towing equipment which is adequate to perform such towing service in a reasonably workmanlike manner. All vehicles shall be equipped with warning lights required under state law.
(3) Rate schedule. No person performing towing or storage service on behalf of or at the direction of a Warren Police Offcer on such wrecked, impounded, disabled, or abandoned vehicles shall charge fees in excess of the rates set by resolution of the City Council. After adoption of a resolution by the City Council, the fees shall be: (1) Published in a daily newspaper of general circulation; (2) Made available at the Police Department and at the Offce of the City Clerk; (3) Published on the city website; and (4) Reviewed by the City Council at least once every two years for adjustment, if any, of the fees established under this section.
(4) Liability. The wrecker owner shall assume all responsibility for all liability and shall indemnify and hold the city harmless from such liability for damages (or any loss to vehicles or contents while being towed or stored due to theft, vandalism or other damage), and for all personal injuries occurring to any of the wrecker owner’s employees or other persons.
(5) Records. The police department shall maintain an approved records and claim check system to assure release of vehicles to the rightful owner or authorized person.
(6) Storage of towed vehicles. All vehicles towed at the request of the police department must be dropped and stored at a secured storage lot zoned in accordance with the provisions of section 17.02 of the zoning ordinance and which storage lot has been granted site plan approval pursuant to section 22.16 of the zoning ordinance.
SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect on September 11, 2024.
I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing Ordinance No. 80-821 was adopted by the Council of the City of Warren at its meeting held on July 9, 2024.
BY MARIA ALLARD allard@candgnews.com
METRO DETROIT — If there is a car cruise in town, chances are Gary White is there.
Last month, the Warren resident made the rounds at the Woodward Dream Cruise in Oakland County and Cruisin’ Hines in Hines Park in Wayne County.
“I’ve done the Woodward cruise every year since it started. I started that with my sons,” White said. “Hines Park is always moving. You very seldom see a traffic jam.”
He’s also a regular at the Ukrainian Cultural Center car show on Tuesday nights in Warren, and Sandbaggers on Wednesday nights in Center Line.
On Aug. 28, White brought his 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe to Macomb County for the annual Shorewood Kiwanis Club of St. Clair Shores Harper Charity Cruise. Girlfriend Betsy Spence accompanied him. Amid the tires screeching on Harper, the
BOTTOM RIGHT: John Marino, pictured at the steering wheel, brought his 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 convertible to the annual Shorewood Kiwanis Club of St. Clair Shores Harper Charity Cruise Aug. 28. A number of family members and friends joined in, as did a family pet, a dachshund named John. TOP RIGHT: Gary White, of Warren, takes his 1941 Plymouth Deluxe Coupe to various car shows every week.
horns honking to celebrate the occasion and a live show from local cowboy rockers the Orbitsuns in the background, the pair enjoyed the evening. The event also raised money for local charities.
“The people here are great. You can cruise around,” White, 72, said. “I’ve gotten a lot of compliments on the car today.”
White bought his brown-and-beige model two years ago.
“It’s one that I happened to run across,” the car buff said. “I liked the two-tone.”
He did some work on it to make it road ready.
“I changed all the exhaust on it and I changed up the engine. Things like that,” he said. “We drive the car anyplace we want to go.”
White takes his car out every week, often with Spence by his side. In the early days of the Woodward Dream Cruise, White built his own car, a 1948 Chevy aero sedan. White described the aero sedan as a fastback.
See CRUISERS on page 30A
students this year is predicted.
New administrators: Superintendent John Bernia; Carter Middle School Principal Mike Lee and Assistant Principal Grant Syswerda; Susick Elementary Principal Lisa Mullins; Black Elementary Principal Stacy Ary; Siersma Elementary Principal Michelle Babbish; Theresa Callahan, director of Assessments, Latchkey, Preschool and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) at Angus Elementary; Director of Budget and Grant Accounting Bryan Wood; and Marla Otterbacher, administrator of state and federal programs.
Literacy and math teacher training occurred throughout the summer.
“We are ready and excited for school to begin,” Bernia said. “All students in WCS will engage in high quality instruction aligned to the district’s continuous improvement plan. Students in specialized programs will have new resources to foster their learning in all content areas.”
There are 53 brand-new teachers. Warren Consolidated Schools will offer extended day tutoring through the MI Kids Back on Track grant to K-12 students with gaps in learning in math or English language arts. Three tutoring cycles will be scheduled.
“In addition, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) will be a continued focus area with elementary students engaging in lessons from the Positivity Project while secondary students explore complex topics throughout the year such as resilience and adaptability, responsible decision making, and social awareness,” Bernia said.
A good bedtime routine is essential for learning.
“A successful morning begins the night before. Take some time to make sure backpacks are ready and clothes are picked out,” Bernia said. “This is a wonderful time of year to talk with your children about your expectations. Be clear about what you want to see from them. Maintaining high expectations is one of the biggest ways parents can support what we do at school.”
First day: Sept. 3.
New administrators: Briarwood Elementary Principal Beth Mager and Director of Curriculum Michelle Voelker.
“Both new leaders have been integral members of our team for many years serv-
ing as both teachers and literacy/instructional coaches. The district is proud to be able to continue the long-standing tradition of developing leaders and promoting from within, when possible,” Superintendent Stacey Denewith-Fici said. “The anticipation of welcoming our students back, seeing their bright smiles, and working alongside our dedicated staff fills me with excitement. This year, we’re prepared to build on our successes, tackle new challenges, and create an even more enriching learning environment for everyone.”
Staff underwent professional development Aug. 27-28 for training in Kagan Cooperative Learning, restorative practices, trauma informed schools and some specific training for special education staff. Eight new teachers are joining the Warren Woods family. District officials expect an enrollment decrease of 36 students. Last year, the district implemented a new elementary level math program, Bridges.
“This year, our middle school math team will be implementing a new math program that aligns with the learning that has taken place at the elementary level. In addition, we have expanded our reading intervention instruction and now have that available at all levels,” the superintendent said. “We will continue with High Dosage Tutoring at all three levels to support students who need that extra small group instruction. Finally, we will be increasing our use of Kagan Cooperative Learning Structures across the district.”
Staying positive can help create a successful school year. Reinforcing morning and evening routines, such as organizing backpacks and supplies will help. Denewith-Fici also suggests families limit screen time, especially before bed as this helps children wind down more easily and improves sleep quality.
Incorporating light educational activities like reading or math games can help get students back into learning mode. Denewith-Fici also encourages parents to discuss the new school year and independence.
“Talk about what they’re looking forward to, any concerns they might have, and set positive expectations. This can help ease any anxieties and build excitement,” Denewith-Fici said. “Empower your children by involving them in preparing for school. Whether it’s packing their backpack or choosing their outfit, giving them a role in their routine fosters responsibility and confidence.”
Call Staff Writer Maria Allard at (586) 498-1045.
The fastback features a car body style in which the roofline slopes continuously down at the back.
“When I built the car, I found it for $500. I took it completely apart and rebuilt the whole car,” he said. “With help from my friends, it took me seven months. I had it for 20 years.”
He passed his love for cars onto his sons, Willis White and Gary White II, who are now grown.
“My son Gary has a 1947 Pontiac coupe,” White said. “He drove it on Route 66 all the way to Arizona.”
Other car enthusiasts made their way
around different car shows this summer, including John Marino, who is the owner of a 1967 Dodge Coronet 440 convertible. The car had already been primed for painting by the previous owner when he bought it last fall. Marino, 65, stripped the car down to bare metal.
The St. Clair Shores resident made a plan to restore the Coronet, anticipating it would take five years. But after working on the car each day for two hours at a time, he finished everything in just five months.
“When I bought it, I made a long list of everything that needed to be done. I tried to finish things off the list every day with shortterm goals,” Marino said. “I’m happy with it. It’s been photographed a lot. It gets a lot of compliments.”
Marino has always had a passion for
working on cars.
“It’s in my blood,” he said.
At age 15, his first car was an Opel model that his dad brought back from Italy. He’s been tinkering under the hood ever since. He’s known to buy inexpensive cars, fix them up and sell them.
“Every car I’ve had, I’ve had to do something to it,” Marino said.
Marino, too, was at the Harper Charity Cruise with a number of family members
and friends. They spent the evening together as automobiles of all styles decorated the avenue. The cruise ran from Old Eight Mile Road to Bayside Street near 11 Mile Road.
“This is my favorite cruise. We just have a blast,” Marino said. “I like to go to any car cruise where I can drive.”
If the Marino name sounds familiar it’s because he and his brother, John, own Paisano’s Restaurant in St. Clair Shores, which their grandfather started in 1955.
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SEPT. 12
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Type 2 diabetes diet basics: Presentation by health instructor from Michigan State University Extension, 6-7:30 p.m., Warren Public Library - Burnette Branch, 23345 Van Dyke Ave., registration required, (586) 353-0579, warrenlibrary.net
Hate Crimes Telephone Town Hall Event: Learn about what they are, how to report them, resources available for victims, community involvement and ask hosts Macomb County Prosecutor Peter J. Lucido and Hate Crimes Unit Chief Patrick Coletta questions, 7 p.m., register at macombgov.org/hate-crimes or (586) 466-8722
SEPT. 14
Glow Run 5K: Benefit for The Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation, route includes River Bends Park and Jimmy John’s Field, also mile run at ballpark, 7:40 p.m. start (5:30 p.m. registration), 7171 Auburn Road in Utica, www.cassiehinesshoescancer.org/event/13th-annualglow-run-5k
SEPT. 15
Police/fire open house: Displays, demonstrations, K-9 Unit, dunk tank, smoke house, building tours, bounce house and more, also free lunch, gun safety locks, child safety ID kits, bike helmets and bike raffle, noon-3 p.m., Warren Police Department, 29900 Civic Center Blvd., cityofwarren.org/events
SEPT. 18
Senior health care seminar: Free events featuring vendors, lunch, speaker (topic: natural supplements) and door prizes, 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m., Warren City Hall, 1 City Square, cityofwarren.org/events
SEPT. 19
Senior Fun Festival: Free health screenings and wellness information, community safety and awareness resources, raffles and giveaways, and more, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., Lorenzo Cultural Center on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, macombgov.org/departments/senior-services/ senior-fun-festival
TayTay Dance Party: Tribute hosted by The DJ Swiftie, 7 p.m., Macomb
Tree Service BERGBROS.LLC. “Fullyinsured, highlyreferred.” Seniordiscounts. Tree-removal,stump grinding,tree-trimming, hedging,shaping, Emergency-Service Residential/Commercial Freeestimates! (586)262-3060
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ELITETREE SERVICE "Bringing30yearsof experiencetoyourdoor!" Treetrimming, removals&stump grinding.Insured&FREE estimateswithfairprices! FirewoodForSale 586-756-0757
PROLINES TREESERVICE TreeRemoval/Trimming, Pruning,StumpRemoval, SpecializeinLargeTrees Licensed/Insured 20%SeniorDiscounts 313-293-1337
Police assist with getting drunken moviegoer to leave
STERLING HEIGHTS — Police went to a movie theater in the 44000 block of Mound Road, near Dobry Drive/M-59, Aug. 9 upon hearing that an intoxicated man wouldn’t leave. According to cinema staff, a man was sleeping in one of the top rows and, using vulgar language, told off staff who woke him up and tried to get him to head out.
Police said they roused the sleeping man and told him he had to go, and then the man allegedly stumbled and fell. Police gave the man a preliminary breath test, which reportedly resulted in a 0.399% blood alcohol content. The police and fire departments arranged his hospitalization, the report concluded.
Dog groomer makes, cleans up mess at park ballfield
STERLING HEIGHTS — Police heard a complaint Aug. 11 about a man who was grooming his dogs at the baseball facilities at Donovan Park, 11550 Clinton River Road, and leaving big tufts of dog hair on the baseball diamond. Park staff had reportedly told the man to refrain from doing this before.
Police met with park staff and the dog groomer, and the latter reportedly agreed to pick up the hair and dispose of it rather than blow it around with a leaf blower. Police witnessed the man cleaning up the area and then left.
Restaurant evicts man for trying to swipe tip jar
STERLING HEIGHTS — Police went to a restaurant in the 5000 block of 17 Mile Road, near Mound Road, Aug. 11 upon hearing that a male suspect had tried to steal a tip jar. According to the report, there was a disagreement about the man’s food, and he wanted to get new food.
Although staff said they offered a half-off discount for food, the man reportedly said the business wouldn’t return his money, leading to the alleged attempt to take the tip jar. The restaurant reportedly declined to press charges, but the man was ordered not to return.
Shoplifting suspect found with narcotics
STERLING HEIGHTS — Police investigated a shoplifting report Aug. 9 at Target, 2310 Metropolitan Parkway, near Dequindre Road. A female suspect was searched, and police reportedly found suboxone strips and some sort of pills, for which the suspect allegedly lacked a prescription. The suspect was arrested for second-degree retail fraud as well as possessing narcotics.
Center for the Perfoming Arts on Macomb Community College - Center Campus, 44575 Garfield Road in Clinton Township, macombcenter. com, (586) 286-2222
SEPT. 20
Crafts on the Clinton fundraiser: Features nine local breweries and wineries, art, food and live music, proceeds support Clinton River Watershed Council’s programs/initiatives to protect Clinton River and Lake St. Clair, 6:30-9:30 p.m., Farmers Market Pavilion at Dodge Park, 40620 Utica Road in Sterling Heights, must be 21 or older, crwc.org/ crafts
SEPT. 20-21
Rummage sale: 9 a.m.-2 p.m. (early bird 8 a.m.) Sept. 20 and 8 a.m.-1 p.m. (fill-a-bag noon-1 p.m.) Sept. 21, St. Paul United Church of Christ, 31654 Mound Road in Warren, (586) 264-4777
SEPT. 21
Vaccination clinic: Also microchips for dogs and cats, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Warren Department of Public Works, 12801 Stephens Road, (586) 275-5181, warrenanimalwelfare@gmail.com, cityofwarren.org/awc
SEPT. 23
Macomb Fall Senior Expo: Connect with dozens of organizations specializing in assistance and care, also free health screenings, prizes, giveaways and refreshments, 10 a.m.-1 p.m., The Palazzo Grande, 54660 Van Dyke Ave. in Shelby Township, (248) 524-4868, seniorexpousa.com
SEPT. 26
Shells, Scales, and Pollywog Tails: Games, activities, artifacts and live animals, 6-7 p.m., Warren Public Library - Miller Branch inside Warren Community Center, 5460 Arden Ave., (586) 751-5377, warrenlibrary.net
City Square Street Fair: Street vendors, food trucks and activities, 5-8 p.m. Sept. 11 and 25, and Oct. 9 and 23, 1 City Square, cityofwarren.org/events
Warren Tri-County Fine Arts: Meets every first Tuesday of month
With the same link, click and sign in using your Google or Facebook information, or easily create a CitySpark account.
Input the details, upload a photo and select “Review Changes,” then “Submit and Finish.” Events should appear online within 2 hours, and will appear in print as space permits. There’s no limit as to how many you can submit.
Juvenile allegedly shoots person with gel blaster gun
STERLING HEIGHTS — A male juvenile was accused of shooting a gel blaster gun at people in the area of Cherry Creek Lane and Ryan Road during the afternoon of Aug. 11. Police said a caller had been shot but refused medical treatment. Police checked the vicinity, but couldn’t find the suspect.
Property damage reported
ST. CLAIR SHORES — At 6:50 a.m. on Aug. 8, a report was made about property damage on Interstate 94 at 12 Mile Road.
An officer reportedly observed black spray paint with an anti-Israeli message on a concrete privacy wall separating the homes on Hughes Avenue from eastbound I-94. The graffiti was found in three separate sections. The officer took pictures of the graffiti and had dispatch notify Michigan State Police and the Michigan Department of Transportation for removal.
Felony assault reported
ST. CLAIR SHORES — At 7:41 a.m. on Aug. 7, a felony assault report was made in the 31000 block of Harper Avenue.
An officer spoke with the victim, a 26-year-old man, who stated he was assaulted with a car after a nearly physical altercation. The victim and the suspect, a 52-year-old man, were waiting to donate blood when the suspect bumped into the victim. They got into a verbal argument and the manager, a 62-year-old man, told them to leave and denied their donation that day. Outside, the two
until June, 5:30 p.m., Warren Community Center, 5460 Arden Ave., warrenfinearts.net, facebook.net/WTCFA
Car shows: Also music, 50-50, food and drinks, 5-8 p.m. Tuesdays, Ukrainian Cultural Center, 26601 Ryan Road in Warren, (586) 7578130
• 7 p.m. Fridays through late fall, Michigan Collegiate High School, 31300 Ryan Road in Warren, find Friday Night Flex on Facebook
Mad Scientist Club: Meets every last Tuesday of month, Warren Public Library - Miller Branch inside Warren Community Center, 5460 Arden Ave., (586) 751-5377, warrenlibrary.net
Historical Society of Center Line: Meets 10 a.m.-noon most first Fridays of month, Center Line Public Library, 7345 Weingartz St., (586) 758-8274, centerline.events.mylibrary.digital
La Leche League of Warren: Meetings for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers, 6:30-7:30 p.m. every third Wednesday of month, Warren Public Library - Civic Center inside Warren City Hall, 1 City Square, lllofwarren.weebly.com
Senior activities: Cards, chair exercising, puzzles and more, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays, Fitzgerald Recreation Center, 4355 E. Nine Mile Road in Warren, (586) 759-0920
Widowed Friends events: Book club meets 10:30 a.m. every second Friday of month, National Coney Island, 30140 Van Dyke Ave. in Warren, books announced at previous meetings, RSVP to Elaine at (586) 291-2471
• 30-minute Bible discussions led by minister, also brunch, 10:30 a.m. every fourth Thursday of month, National Coney Island, 30140 Van Dyke Ave. in Warren, RSVP to David at (586) 484-3148
PAWS to Read: Children can tell stories to therapy dogs Desmond and Sashi, 5-6 p.m. Wednesdays, Warren Public Library