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Tiger Talk

Look who’s new--and not so new

By: Sami McDonald

Guess who’s new? We have a bunch of new faces at our elementary staff. All of them are doing important things to keep our school running. Our first person is Mrs. Trofolhz. She works with kindergarteners in Mrs. Dorcey’s room. She has been a substitute teacher for five years. Mrs. Trofolhz likes to help with math. “They are all funny and know a lot of jokes,” she says. Our next person is Mr. Uhing. He works as the janitor. Before this, he was a mechanic for 27 years. His favorite parts of his job are meeting new kids, working on different equipment and that there’s something new everyday. He has a wife Kristin and two sons, Mason and Austin. Another one is Mr. Baehr. Mr. Baehr teaches fifth and sixth grade social studies. He has a wife and two sons. Before moving here, he taught 4-7 graders. His favorite things to teach about are the Revolutionary and Civil wars. “I just like history. It never changes.” he said. Our fourth person is Mrs. Sterup. Her favorite things about

being the P.E. teacher are getting to know all the kids and getting to play fun games every day. Before this, she taught social studies for fifth and sixth grades. Some things that have changed for Mrs. Sterup are seeing and knowing all the students in the building and having to travel from school to school. She loves teaching all of the different activities and watching the students learn new things and working hard to get better at it. She has a husband and two kids, Lauren and Drew. Our last person is Mr. Smith. He has taught in Missouri and Nebraska before moving to North Bend. He grew up with two older brothers and his mom was a principal. He is married and his wife’s name is Megan. Mr. Smith likes teaching because it is different every day. He also likes coaching and helped coach the high school football team. Welcome to our new staff. Hope you have a good school year!

October 2013

Fire Safety

By: Jade Barnes

On October 4, during Fire Prevention week, members of the North Bend Fire Department came to talk to NBE students about fire safety. I interviewd Jeremy Knapp, a local firefighter. He said, “The most important thing to do if there is a fire is to get away from it.” After doing a little research myself, I found the seven most important Fire Safety Rules. #1 - Don’t hide. Go outside. #2 - Fall and crawl. #3 - Stop, Drop and Roll. #4 - Have an escape plan. #5 - Have an outside meeting place. #6 - Know the number: 911. #7 - Remember that in less than 30 seconds, a small flame can turn into a major one. These are just some of the ways to stay safe during a fire.

Pre-school The Tiger Cub Preschoolers have roared into a new year learning about their letters. They have pudding painted pigs, painted with their feet, and visited the pumpkin patch. They have enjoyed learning the classroom routines and playing with all of the fun toys during their day.

Class Notes Second Grade In Social Studies we have been working and discussing communities. As well as “Goods and Wants”. Talked a lot about matter in Science, a solid, liquid, and a gas. The 2nd Graders have been coming up with lots of different story problems. They are about to write and solve even their own problems by using lots of different math strategies. Third Grade

Kindergarten Kindergarten has been counting and writing numbers. Mrs. Johnson’s class has enjoyed having our student teacher, Miss Spath during the first quarter. She will be working with fourth graders during the second quarter.

First Grade Things are getting noisy in the first grade classroom...but it’s not the kids. Construction has begun right outside our windows. We are starting to work with story problems and learning strategies to help us solve the problems. In science we have talked about animal groups and their needs.

Mrs. Wiebold’s class toured the Fremont Area Medical Center in October. Students were able to see the lab, laundry room, physical therapy area, emergency room and life flight helicopter. They learned about eating the right foods, exercising, and not smoking to be healthy. Each student received a t-shirt. In math we have studied addition and subtraction, especially with word problems. We have also studied some geometry concepts. In social studies we have worked on different sizes of communities (urban, suburban, and rural) and created collage murals of each. We have studied about resources (natural resources, renewable resources, and nonrenewable resources). We have been practicing some of our lower case letters in cursive.

Fourth Grade Fourth graders recently did their “random act of kindness” by painting some pumpkins and dropping them off at houses without a pumpkin and at the senior center. Science classes have been growing NE crops in garden gloves, making edible flowers, constructing a backbone, and testing the weight of balls and the depth of the craters they create. Ten fourth grade students attended the Literacy Festival at Camp Luther.

Fifth Grade Fifth grade math just completed our unit on place value, estimating, and word problems. Most of first quarter students enjoyed writing personal narratives and reviewing the writing process. Currently we are working on persuasive writing. Learning about thesis statements, topic sentences, and providing details to support our views. In fifth grade science we are currently working on a program put together by OPPD called the “Energy Detective Program.” Through this program the fifth graders are learning about energy, water, and the importance of conservation and efficiency. They are each provided with a kit that includes materials students and their families can use to save energy.

Class Notes (continued)

Sixth Grade In 6th grade math we are finishing up Unit 3. We have been adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions and decimals. The sixth grade class has been studying Biomes. Students have worked in pairs to study and become experts on a particular biome. They wrote a report on the biome and with Mrs. GrossRhode’s help, were able to put together the slides for a power point presentation. The sixth graders have been practicing and will present their biomes to the class on Monday and Tuesday.

Guidance We started out the year working on following directions and listening. In October we have been working on Bully Prevention, as October is Bully Prevention Month. We will now be moving into some safety lessons and learning No Go Yell Tell.

Resource You may be seeing a new face around NBE with Mrs. Wacker. Makayla Fowler is student teaching with Mrs. Wacker. She will be with students in the resource room until the middle of December.

The entire second grade class takes a break before lunch at the Plum Creek Festival at Concordia College in Seward.

Second Graders Enjoy Plum Creek Festival

By: Aleya Bourek

You’ve probably enjoyed going to the Plum Creek Festival when you were in second grade. Or maybe you are looking forward to going some day. On September 27, this year’s second graders went to Seward Nebraska to attend the Plum Creek Festival. They saw two different authors/illustrators. The first was Carol Frazee. One of her favorite books is “A Couple

of Boys Have the Best Weekend Ever.” The second author/ illustrator was Judy Schachner, the author of the Skippyjon Jones books. Kate Peters liked the authors because they talked to them about skills for writing. Shayleigh Danielson and Kayden Korth liked the illustrators because they liked to look at the pictures. In between visiting with authors, they were able to go do all sorts of fun activities. Brady Jedlicka liked getting his face painted and playing with the parachute. Tayden Korth liked making bunny ears the most. Trey Osborn liked the rock museum a lot. The second graders enjoyed attending the annual Plum Creek Festival.

Pre-school’s adventure at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch

By: Grace Hunke

The pre-school class spent a nice September day at Vala’s Pumpkin Patch.

Fifth Grade Adjustments

By: Adrianna Halladay

Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong…in fifth grade that is. The move from fourth grade to fifth grade is a big step. In fifth grade you have one classroom and for most of the day you have the same teacher. You have your own desk with all of your supplies instead of a cubby in the hall above your coat hook. In fifth grade you have four classroom teachers, and move to their rooms throughout the day. The expectations are much higher. In fourth grade there were fewer tests, but in fifth grade it seems like we have some sort of test every week. In addition to tests, we also have quizzes in fifth grade. In fourth grade we had more preparation for our tests because we had study guides. Sometimes in fifth grade we don’t get that. Hannah Williams said she feels the stress because there is more homework and four teachers. Jace Owen states that the consequences are higher. By this, he is talking about the late slips that have to be signed by a parent if an assignment is not turned in on time. Kaila Lorence thinks that there is more homework and it is much harder. I personally agree with all of their thoughts on fifth grade. So for all of you underclassmen, Good Luck in fifth grade!

On September 27, the Preschool classes went to Vala’s Pumpkin Patch near Gretna. I asked some of them about their favorite parts. Mack Ruzicka’s favorite part was the pumpkin-eating dragon. Merrit Smeal liked picking apples, while both Drew Sterup and Elliot Vech liked riding the train. All the kids I asked seem to love Vala’s Pumpkin Patch. I would too with all the stuff I found about it. Vala’s has been a working farm for over a hundred years. It also has 15,000 - 17,000 kids come from all over Nebraska. It has fun games and rides like the train or a barnyard adventure ride. It also has a pumpkin-eating dragon, corn maizes, a barnyard animal show, and much more. Vala’s Pumpkin Patch is not only a fund place to visit, but it’s also a great learning adventure.

Flight of the Painted Lady

By: Jordan Ondracek

Do you have butterflies in your room? Mrs. Grueber does. They are Painted Ladies, also known as Monarchs. The fourth grade class let them go two weeks ago. The can fly up to 100 miles a day at speeds up to 30 miles per hour. They are on every continent. What classroom pets do you have?

Missing Crab

Jordan Ondracek reaches into the stomach of a cow that was brought by the UNL Extension Mobile Beef Lab.

A Cow Visits School

By: Sydney Emanuel

Forty fourth grade students had the opportunity to reach their hand into a cow’s belly when the UNL Extension Mobile Beef Lab visited North Bend Elementary. The Beef Lab, out of Lincoln, Nebraska, brought a live cow with a hole in one of the cow’s stomachs called the rumen. Students were able to reach into the stomach, feel the food being stored along with the cow’s backbone, and look inside the stomach. The 4th graders learned about a cow’s stomachs and how bugs break down food in the stomachs. When Trevor Ortmeier was asked what it looked like inside the cow he said, ‘’Brown water.’’ Lexi Montoya who reached inside the cow said, ‘’It felt like really warm soup.’’ These 40 fourth graders learned a lot on this very exciting day.

By: Jordan Ondracek

Have you seen a lost hermit crab? One day a fourth grader in Mrs. Grueber’s class was playing with Sandy, our hermit crab. He forgot about Sandy we he set her down in the classroom. Sandy hasn’t been seen since then. Luckily, there are still three crabs left! NOTICE: Sandy was found under the water bowl in Mrs. Grueber’s room. Whew!

Here Comes Halloween

By: Andrew Hall

Do you know what you are going to wear for Halloween? Do you wonder who’s going to be what on Halloween? I have interviewed people about their costumes. Bailey Rhynalds wants be a ghost, while Charlotte Leners is going to be a black cat. Jailee Howe is going to be a girl monster, but Amy Murray is going to be a cheerleader. Trent Harris is going to be a zombie doctor. Jaden Smith wants to be Captain America. We’ll see you trick or treating on Halloween!

Teddy Bears in School?

By: Emily Brodd

Do you have a teddy bear that is special to you? On Wednesday, September 18th, the first graders in Mrs. Peterson and Mrs. Lorence’s classes brought their favorite teddy bears to school for the annual teddy bear picnic. You might wonder why they have the teddy bear picnic and the answer is mostly to have a day of fun with their furry friends. In addition, the students learn to write descriptive writing about their bears and sing songs to them. When asked what Danial Mullally enjoyed the most about the teddy bear picnic, he said he liked to play games with his bear. Gracie Westwood thought the snacks were the best. Ava Harms and Alexa Brodd liked to play with their bears at the city park. Also, these first graders were asked why their teddy bears were special. Danial stated that his bear had stitches just like him. Gracie and Ava said that their bears were cuddly and soft. Finally, Alexa thought that her bear was important because she sleeps with it. These bears are pretty special to these kids. Wouldn’t you like to have had as much fun as these first graders did? There were a lot of things these students got to do with their bears at the teddy bear picnic. My guess is that they all had a wonderful time with their furry four-legged friends.

Coming soon...

North Bend Elementary Library November 14 and 15 3:30 - 7:00

FPS Starts Again By: Bethany Wiebold Just like at the start of every school year, most of the classic North Bend Central activities have started up again...including an all-time favorite: FPS (Future Problem Solvers). And just like every year, these kids are having a great time which learning and studying everything the need to know. Mrs. Streff’s reading room has started doing and getting into FPS. This activity helps challenge these reading students to come up with ways to solve problems that might arise in the future, based upon what’s happening now. Most of the scenes or scenarios they use are based on a time around 2040, or in 27 years.

They do this by brainstorming as a group, categorizing, summarizing, researching, and investigating. Right now they are working on coming up with an acronym to help them remember their research catagories and are researching the effect social isloation has on the brain. “If I could use any word to describe FPS, I would say awesome,” Breckin Peters informed me. “I would say laughterous,” Jaxon Wietfeld told me. I think entertaining,” Sami McDonald said. Kelsi Korth said that, “FPS is exciting.” So there you have it. Mrs. Streff’s reading class has discovered that FPS can be challenging and fun at the same time.

Homecoming Comes to NBE

FPS Topics for 2013-2014 Social Isolation - People who are not able to be around others tend to be less healthy. Desertification - More land around the world is becoming more desert-like. Surveillance Society - People are watching and following each other through cameras and the internet. Land Transportation - What is the best way to get from point A to point B.

PBIS is back!

By: Reagan McConnell

By: Charles Madsen

Why are people dressed so wierd? What kind of school are we at? Ohhh, it’s Homecoming Week! Homecoming is the best week at North Bend Central Elementary and High School and I’ll tell you why. “It was five days of fun at NBE,” said Shyanna Sindelar. Homecoming Week started with Color Day where each class wore a special color. The dress-up days were: Crazy Hair Day, 80’s Day, and Camo/Western Day. The last day was Jersey/Tiger Day. Arissa Obershaw said, “It was super exciting.” Jarrett Poessnecker told us, “It was awesome!” Paxton Mitties liked Color Day, while Riley Hall liked Crazy Hair Day. During the week the NBE students also went to the high school and joined them for a pep rally and then students from both schools posed for a picture where the new addition at the high school will be.

P.B.I.S. is how we learn to be respectful in school. We follow the rules of ROARS. ROARS stands for Respect, Own your own behavior, Active learning, Responsibility and Safety. Every week we learn a new skill. If we follow the skills we learn with ROARS, we get a chance to earn bracelets. At the end of the day we turn them in for a chance to win prizes. Keep acting respectful and get those bracelets turned in.

Fantasy Jr. | Halloween Word Search – Halloween Fun

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