Tour des Dents-du-Midi

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Media Pack 2010

Le Tour des Dents-du-Midi

Table of contents

1. Welcome to the Portes du Soleil-Chablais region .............................................. page 3 2. Presentation of ÂŤ Le Tour des Dents-du-Midi Âť ................................................. page 3 3. History, storytelling and legends of the tour ..................................................... page 4 4. Itinerary, information, variation in levels and optional paths ......................... page 6 5. Mountain leaders and accommodations............................................................. page 7 6. Information and contacts.................................................................................. page 10 7. Contacts in the Portes du Soleil-Chablais region ........................................... page 11

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1. Welcome to the Portes du Soleil-Chablais region Escaping reality and enjoying leisures between Lake Geneva and the Dents-du-Midi Can you imagine a place where snow-capped mountains rise straight out of a lake fringed with palm trees? Do you dream of adventure, fresh air and wide-open spaces? Welcome to the Portes du Soleil – Chablais Region ! Our region lies at the juncture between the Swiss cantons of Valais and Vaud and the French Haute Savoie, where the majestic Dents-du-Midi Mountains stand guard over Lake Geneva. Welcome to the Franco-Swiss Portes du Soleil recreational area with its 12 charming villages and communities. The mountain resorts of Champéry, Val-d'Illiez / Les Crosets / Champoussin, Morgins, and Torgon, in conjunction with French resorts across the border, form the world-renowned Portes du Soleil recreational area. In summer, the Portes du Soleil is a paradise for mountain biking, horse riding and hiking. Winter sport lovers can choose from an abundance of ski and snowboard slopes, snowshoe trails, cross-country skiing tracks and winter walks. The region is known for its international events (FOJE, MTB World Cup...) and offers unparalleled diversity within a radius of 35 km, with events and activities which appeal to children and adults alike. Amusement parks, educational walking trails and animal parks cater to the young and the young at heart while others enjoy the countless historical, cultural and natural sites. Saint-Maurice is known for its history and culture, Monthey is the place for an evening outing at the theater or for shopping and Le Bouveret and St-Gingoph are ideal for lakeside and water sports, cruises and mouth-watering fish dishes served up fresh from the lake. At the Val-d’Illiez or Lavey-les-Bains thermal baths, guests in need of rest and relaxation will enjoy the therapeutic effects of warm, thermal waters in a spectacular natural setting.

2. Presentation of « Le Tour des Dents-du-Midi » The Tour des Dents-du-Midi, the pioneering hike of the Valais (inauguration in 1972), owes its reputation to the marathon which has been run here for almost 40 years. You may organise the stages of your walk as you wish, using the various huts along the route for accommodation, to eat meals in or simply to buy refreshments. The Dents-du-Midi landscape with its striking contrasts will be your constant companion all the way along this well-marked and well-maintained path. The altitudes during the tour vary from 1040 m to

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2500 m. It will take you 3 to 4 days to hike this tour of 42.5km. Lakes, waterfalls and fast-flowing streams jostle with forests, scree and high mountain pastures in the attempt to win your admiration. At a bend in the path, you will be surprised by the alarm call of a marmot, the delicate perfume of a flower or the profound silence of the mountain in the early hours of the morning. Ibex, black grouse, chamois, bearded vultures and other of our mountain treasures will persuade you of the enchanting nature of the Dents-du-Midi massif. Visible from almost every part of the French-speaking part of Switzerland, tourists see the Dents-du-Midi Mountains as imposing and proud. It’s not surprising this multi-day hike is one of the most popular of this part of Switzerland. During three days, a demanding path will lead you into this wonderful world. The Mont Blanc looks so close and yet in the background, in the valley, the Rhône follows its course. Thanks to Fernand Jordan, this tour was one of the first mountain marathons. It was the perfect tour to train mountain soldiers of the Swiss Army and adepts of mountain trials as well. The Dents-du-Midi marathon lasted about 40 years and is still mythical today (inauguration in 1962, last marathon in 2000). In 2001, the organisation of this event was not possible anymore as the security contraints did not meet ends. The record time is 4 :21 :20 realised in 1991 by Pierre-André Gobet from the canton of Fribourg.

3. History, storytelling and legends of the tour The Dents-du-Midi chain has become famous due to its unique geological form and also thanks to the Château de Chillon. Numerous engravings of this edifice have pictured our famous mountains in the background. They have also inspired many painters and writers such as Victor Hugo, who loved to stay in Champéry. But thanks to the sporting opportunities it provides, this massif has gained the status it has today. The Tour des Dents-du-Midi was trialled in 1961, created in 1962 by Fernand Jordan and organised by the Daviaz Ski Club in 1963. These mountains had the honour of welcoming the world’s first high mountain race. In 1968, in view of the success of this competition, a study was carried out. Its goal: creating a path for hikers around the Dents-du-Midi. Certain visionaries who were among the most important names in the development of tourism in the Alps, for instance Joseph Varone, Georges Pillet, René Coquoz, Georges Ex-Henry, Fernand Jordan and Hans Gemmet, were behind the project. These entrepreneurs obtained private funding and financed the route thanks to the Migros cultural service. They obtained permission, constructed 10 kilometres of paths and renovated 32.5 kilometres of existing routes. They put up signposts, studied walking times and established the stages and their huts; in short, they created the hike.

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1972 saw the inauguration of the “Tour des Dents-du-Midi” hiking path. Economically speaking, this jewel of the Alps has not yet stopped astonishing and revealing its natural and topographical treasures. Its eastern side represents an exceptional European site for a future summer and winter resort. The name « Dents-du-Midi » is relatively recent since people used to say, about 100 years ago, the « Dents de Tsallen», also pronounced Dents de Challan or Dents de Sallan. However, this appellation was supposed to represent the whole massif, and only the actual « Haute Cime » was supposed to be named « Dent du Midi ». The appellation Dents de Tsallen disapeared, so this last one gave its name to the ensemble of the massif. Mountain lovers have named each summit individualy : from left to right : Cime de l'Est (3178 m), Forteresse (3164 m), Cathédrale (3160 m), Eperon (3114 m), Dent Jaune (3186 m), Doigts (3205 m) and Haute Cime (3257 m).

Back in the day, people from Val-d’Illiez, Vérossaz, Mex, Salvan, lived mainly from agriculture. During the summer season, the patriarchs and young herdsmen lived in the mountain farms. Evenings were long, so herdsmen gathered to share old stories around the fire. Only the older herdsmen could tell stories, as they were the ones who had lived difficult moments with spirits purging their eternal pain on the glacier of Plan Névé, or encounters with the Vouivre, the Follaton, the Feux-Follets, the Sinegougue or the black Zenaillette. These stories filled the spirits of the young herdsmen with terror and sometimes even provoked hallucinations. Souls moaning in pain dressed with white capes, descending to the chalets from the glacier, were stopped by the storytellers transformed in heros for an evening. As they went to their encounter, praying, the chalets were delivered from these souls. The truth of these heros : often upon their awakening, the bottle of Kirsch or apple brandy was empty at their bedside, and the dreams intoxicated of Bacchus became reality. 27 chalets, 2 hotels and a chapel are immersed below the Lake of Salanfe. In this place, the story of these storytellers disappeared with the construction of the dam. Maybe you too, after an evening spent at the Auberge de Salanfe, will hear souls moaning in pain descending from the glacier.

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4. Itinerary, information, variation in levels and optional paths Situated in Switzerland at the border of the Valais, 90km from Geneva, the Dents-du-Midi chain dominates the Swiss-French Chablais. The starting points of the tour are accessible by car, train and postal bus via Aigle, Chamonix (F), Martigny, Monthey or St-Maurice.


Interactive hiking maps available on

The map „Chablais valaisan“ (1 :25'000) is available at Chablais Tourisme (CHF 29.80 / 20 €)


Starting and ending points: Champéry, Mex, Monthey/Les Giettes, St-Maurice, Salvan/Van d’en Haut and Vérossaz/La Doey Access to starting points: by car, train and postal bus. Champéry : Train AOMC from Aigle (train station SBB/ CFF). Mex and Vérossaz/La Doey : postal bus from St-Maurice (train station SBB/CFF). Monthey/Les Giettes : postal bus from Monthey (train station SBB/CFF or AOMC). St-Maurice : Train station SBB/CFF. Salvan/Van d’en Haut : Train MOMC (TMR) from Martigny (train station SBB/CFF) or Chamonix (F) to Salvan. From there TMR bus to Van d’en Haut Level of difficulty: Physical condition: Time : Validity : Accommodation and meals :

Middle Good 3 to 4 days (depending upon chosen paths) From June to October (depending upon snow conditions) In the huts along the tour Page 6

Variation in levels:

This 42.5-kilometre hike covers a height difference of 6000 metres (ascent and descent). This is the equivalent to around 80 kilometres’ worth of effort and 18 hours of actual walking.

Optional paths:

Ascent of the Haute Cime (3257 m) Between Salanfe and Susanfe, this ascent offers a magnificent view of the Swiss and French Alps. Recommended for good hikers and in nice weather. From the Col de Susanfe 2 hours 30. Refuge des Dents-du-Midi (2884 m) Situated at the edge of the glacier, this small hut belonging to the alpine club offers exceptional panoramic views on the Alps of the Valais and the Mont Blanc massif. It provides access to several Dents-du-Midi summits (climbs). From Salanfe 3 hours. Aiguille de Mex (1866m) A mountain peak easily accessible awaits you at the foot of the Dents-du-Midi. Enjoy a 360 degree view and admire the peaks reaching over 4000 m of altitude. Round trip from Mex 2 hours 30.

5. Mountain leaders and accommodations In addition to the security that a guided hike provides, mountain leaders will also be able to tell you all about the fauna and flora of the region, as well as their secrets! We work with : MĂŠlanie Chollet Tel. +41 79 489 56 84 English and French speaking Graduated mountain leader and member of ASAM

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Accommodations on the tour :

Auberge de Salanfe (1950 m) Fabienne and Nicolas Marclay Tel. : +41 27 761 14 38 Tel. : +41 24 485 36 18 (out of season) Fax : +41 27 761 14 38 Email : Website : Opened from June to October Restaurant with panoramic terrace. 100 beds in dormitories, continental quilts and pillows at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). 20 beds in double or triple rooms, continental quilts and bath towels at disposal. Balcony with view on the lake and running water. Shower cubicle. Dogs are accepted only in rooms. Cabane de Susanfe (2102 m) CAS section Yverdon Fabienne Debossens Tel. : +41 24 479 16 46 Tel. : +41 79 478 57 30 (out of season) Email : Website : Opened from June to October 71 beds in dormitories, no showers, continental quilts at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Dogs accepted upon request

Refuge de Bonavau (1550 m) Christine Jouglas Tel. : +41 79 205 50 23 Opened from May to October 18 beds in dormitories, no showers, continental quilts at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Dogs accepted

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Auberge de l’Armailli, Mex (1112 m) Marlène Winkler (on the picture on the left) Tel. : +41 27 767 19 79 Email : Website : Opened all year long 24 beds in dormitories, showers, blankets at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Dogs not accepted Cabane d’Anthème (2037 m) Fernand Jordan Tel. : +41 79 473 71 40 Tel. : +41 24 479 13 40 (out of season) Fax : +41 24 479 23 35 Opened from June to September 35 beds in dormitory, showers, blankets and pillows at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Dogs accepted (not accepted in the dormitory). Alpage de Chindonne (1604 m) Stéphanie and Raphaël Lamon Tel. : +41 24 471 39 39 Email : Website : Opened from June to September 66 beds in dormitory, 16 beds in rooms, showers, continental quilts at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Massages upon request. Dogs accepted. Centre Sportif des Jeurs (1560 m) Bernard Jordan Tel. : +41 24 471 34 95 Tel. : +41 79 634 20 00 Email : Opened from June to October 40 beds in rooms with bathrooms, dormitories, showers Refuge des Dents-du-Midi (2884 m) CAS Argentine section Bex Tel. : +41 24 499 18 02 Mobile : +41 79 680 60 71 Email : Website : Opened all year long Guardian at the refuge only during season. 24 beds in dormitory, no showers, blankets at disposal (personal silk sleeping bags recommended). Dogs accepted (in the basement).

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Accommodation at the beginning of the tour: Hôtel de la Dent-du-Midi Jean-Marie Torrenté 1890 Saint-Maurice Tel. : +41 24 485 12 09 Fax : +41 24 485 19 02 Email : Site :

Auberge du Vallon de Van Lometti Elisabeth et Reymond Daniel 1922 Salvan Tel. : +41 27 761 14 40 Email : Site :

Pension Souvenir Fernand Jordan 1874 Champéry Tel. : +41 24 479 13 40 Fax : +41 24 479 23 35

6. Information and contacts Marketing & media contact : Steve Beck Marketing and Sales Manager Chablais Tourisme SA Case Postale 1429 1870 Monthey 2 Suisse Tel. +41 (0)24 471 12 12 Fax. +41 (0)24 471 12 00

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7. Contacts in the Portes du Soleil-Chablais region The tourist offices : PORTES DU SOLEIL-CHABLAIS REGION Chablais Tourisme SA

Champéry Tourisme

CH-1870 Monthey 2 Tel. +41 24 471 12 12 Fax +41 24 471 12 00

CH-1874 Champéry Tel. +41 24 479 20 20 Fax +41 24 479 20 21

Morgins Tourisme CH-1875 Morgins Tel. +41 24 477 23 61 Fax +41 24 477 37 08

Torgon Tourisme CH-1899 Torgon Tel. +41 24 481 31 31 Fax.+41 24 481 46 20

VLCC Tourisme Val-d’Illiez Les Crosets Champoussin CH-1873 Val-d’Illiez Tel. +41 24 477 20 77 Fax +41 24 477 37 73

Saint-Maurice Tourisme CH-1890 St-Maurice Tel. +41 24 485 40 40 Fax +41 24 485 40 80

Office du Tourisme de Monthey

Vouvry Tourisme

CH-1870 Monthey Tel. +41 24 475 79 63 Fax +41 24 475 79 66

CH-1896 Vouvry Tel. +41 24 482 12 21 Fax +41 24 482 12 13

Bouveret Tourisme CH-1897 Le Bouveret Tel. +41 24 481 51 21 Fax +41 24 481 51 81

St-Gingolph Tourisme CH-1898 St-Gingolph Tel. +41 24 481 84 31 Fax +41 24 481 84 38

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