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The official magazine of the

Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Australia ACN 004 677 570

July 2014 Volume 49 Number 3

Henry and Trish Alger’s 1935 Dodge, during the June run to Mount Macedon 15h. June 2014.

CHACA Coming Events

July 24th. (Thur sday, 8pm.) Gener al Meeting, 8/41 Nor cal Road Nunawading. Mel. 48-G11. August 17th. (Sunday, Club Run ). Queenscliff (Peter Bar ker , TBC). August 28th. (Thur sday, 8pm.) Gener al Meeting, 8/41 Nor cal Road Nunawading. Mel. 48-G11. September 21st. Run in the Countr y and Pub Lunch, Wer r ibee Aviation Museum (J ohn Baker )

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