The official magazine of the
Classic & Historic Automobile Club of Australia ACN 004 677 570
November 2014 Volume 49 Number 7
Williamstown Garage Crawl
CHACA members and their families enjoyed a fantastic club run, organised by Bob Clark, to Kevin Klower’s museum and work shops in Williamstown. See story inside.
CHACA Coming Events
November 23rd. Club Display Day and Pr esentation Dinner , Somer ton Road Gr eenvale November 27th 2014 Club social night at our club r ooms on Nor cal Rd, Nunawading December 7th CHACA Chr istmas. Tr i-club meeting, Como Gardens January 26th 2015 Austr alia Day Club r un fr om Lilydale Lake to Mar ysville February 8th 2015 Tr i Cub Spor ts Day, VDC Club r ooms, Nor cal Rd Nunawadding