Logistics and Supply Chain Management / Master

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Representante en México

Program Overview

You will study and live in Canada for approximately 16 months. All concentraBons include 12 prescribed courses completed over four academic terms. Each program starts in September or January.

Program ObjecBve

Prepare you for leadership posiBons in the global business world by giving you the tools needed to rise to the top of your chosen industry. The Master of Management program will: • Enhance your knowledge of internaBonal accounBng and finance • Develop your core management and leadership skills • Teach the necessity and value of markeBng in the global business environment • Improve your strategic, business knowledge • Allow you to fully understand the role of a manager and leader • Increase your quanBtaBve knowledge and abiliBes

Program CharacterisBcs

• Three courses per term (Monday to Friday classes) • A fixed curriculum to learn business principles while focusing on your SpecializaBon • Begin and end your studies with the same cohort of students • Limited class size, and personal interacBon with faculty • Dedicated program administraBon staff • An employment program to assist in developing your career porYolio • OpportuniBes for employment aZer

The Master of Management

Master of Management program courses are conducted over four terms (approximately 16 months). You will take three courses each term for a total of 12 courses. While you will study your specializaBon of choice, you will also be equipped with core business courses with mulB-­‐ disciplinary relevance and receive the pracBcal knowledge required to excel. Below, you will find a list of topics covered in each specializaBon.

All students take the same seven required courses, regardless of their program: •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Accoun9ng Concepts and Techniques Finance in a Global Perspec9ve Managing Employees Marke9ng Interna9onal Business Quan9ta9ve Studies Business Strategy

EsBmated TuiBon and Fees Precios en Dólares Canadienses

Tui$on and Fees are $30,000 (2016-­‐17 Fee Schedule) for instruc$onal costs. Se paga por Term / Son 4 Terms Term 1: $ 15,000 cad Term 2: $ 5,000 cad Term 3: $ 5,000 cad Term 4: $ 5,000 cad

Other expenses include (approximate): •  Text books esBmated at $1,500 •  Living Expenses esBmated at $10,000 Residence: $5,500 a $7,00 Meal Plan: $ 2,000 •  Health Insurance esBmated at $2,000 (required) •  También tenemos opciones de alojamiento en casa de familia / Homestay hep://www1.uwindsor.ca/professional/master-­‐of-­‐management-­‐tuiBon-­‐fees

Lety Moreno

Ram Balachandar, Ph. D., P.Eng. Vice Provost (InternaBonal) Professor, Faculty of Engineering University of Windsor

Carlos Villaseñor

Dr. Ram Balachandar durante la Sesión InformaBva En la Embajada de Canadá, en Marzo del 2016

Alma Quintero De la Embajada de Canadá EducaBon Outreach Officer

Ram Balachandar, Ph. D., P.Eng. Vice Provost (InternaBonal) Professor, Faculty of Engineering University of Windsor



Carlos VillaseĂąor Director y Fundador de Student World

Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 283 , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 www.studentworld.com.mx / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


! Nosotros te asesoramos en todo ! Somos profesionales y tenemos experiencia en Canadá. Solicita una Asesoría Totalmente Gra9s: tel.-­‐ ( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 283 , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 www.studentworld.com.mx / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 283 , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 www.studentworld.com.mx / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


InsBtuto Villa de Cortés

. Parque Victoria

Pedro Santaciiia esq. Luis G. Inclán No. 283 Col. Villa de Cortés

Pedro Sa ntacilia



Metro Villa de Cortés



Tel.-­‐ 5698 4284 / mail info@studentworld.com.mx


La Asesoría me aclaró todo….. Gracias a Student World ahorré Bempo y dinero y ahora voy bien preparado para aprovechar al máximo mi…. ! Experiencia

Internacional en Canadá !

Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 283, Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 www.studentworld.com.mx / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284

! Ven a Student World , las ventajas son enormes y el servicio excelente!!

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