Presentación eli summer camp

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Campamento de Verano En Toronto Canadá

Overview The camp for our interna0onal students is divided into two programs. The Children's Cultural Camp is for kids ages from 9-­‐12 years old and the Teenage Cultural Camp is for students ages from 13-­‐16 years old. Both programs are hosted at the University of Toronto campus. The program is an all inclusive one and is a combina0on of classroom instruc0on where students learn English as well as about different cultures and par0cipate in a lot of ac0vi0es and excursions. On Saturdays and Sundays students go on day long trips in the city and further.

Toronto, la ciudad más Importante de Canadá

Alojamiento en Residencia Universitaria The Campus The Victoria Campus of University of Toronto is located at the heart of Toronto in the Bloor/Avenue area, steps away from the famous ROM and a lot of other world famous aHrac0ons. The CCP residence is the Annesly Hall and the TCP residence is the Margaret Hall. Each residence offers great ameni0es and services. Rooms are single and double occupancy and each room has a bed, desk, drawer and shelves. Internet is available in the residence and all campus. The residences offer shared washrooms and showers for the students well as laundry facili0es are available in each residence

Residencia y en la Universidad De Toronto

3 horas diarias de Clases de Inglés

Cataratas del Niágara

Roger Centre, estadio De los Blue Jays

Ontario Parliament, In OHawa

De shopping…..

Paseo a las Toronto Islands

Go Karts

Toronto Zoo

Transportación a todos Los paseos y excursiones

AcQvidades en la Universidad

Qué incluye el Programa? What does the overnight program include?

1. Two-­‐Way Airport service 2. Emergency Medical Insurance 3. Accommoda0on in the University of Toronto residence 4. All meals, everyday 4. All the transporta0on to all organized aTernoon ac0vi0es 5. All entrance 0ckets to all organized ac0vi0es and events 6. All transporta0on to all organized ac0vi0es and events 7. FiTeen (15) hours of classes per week and all its learning materials 8. Cer0ficate of Comple0on and Report Card 9. EliCamps staff supervision 24.7 10. Campus security 24/7

Horario de AcQvidades Typical Schedule of the day from Saturday and Sunday Monday to Friday 08:00 -­‐ 09:00 / Breakfast 08:00 -­‐ 09:00 Breakfast 09:00 -­‐ 12:20 / Classes 09:30 -­‐ 17:30 / Ac0vity/event or excursions of the day 12:30 -­‐ 13:30 / Lunch 8:00 -­‐ 19:00 Dinner 14:00 -­‐ 18:00 / ATernoon ac0vity/event or excursion 19:30 -­‐ 21:00 / Evening ac0vity or event or excursion 18:00 -­‐ 19:00 / Dinner 22:30 Quiet hours and lights out 19:30 -­‐ 21:00 / Evening ac0vity/event or excursion 22:30 / Quiet hours and lights out

Lista de Precios $$$ En dólares canadienses Summer 2016 Prices and Dates Overnight Extra services and costs 1 week program $1,800 Custodianship LeHer $100 2 week program $3,000 UM Airport Service fee $100 3 week program $4,200 Program Damage Deposit $100 (refundable) 4 week program $5,300 3.5 days Quebec trip $499 Addi0onal weeks aTer $1,050 Addi0onal day of stay $ 200 *All prices are in Canadian Dollars + $ 110 dólares de gastos administra0vos


Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 301-­‐A , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284

! Haz una cita con un Asesor !

Nosotros te aclaramos todo Somos profesionales y tenemos la experiencia de haber vivido varios campamentos y de haber sido también estudiantes en Canadá y USA , por eso te comprendemos. Además somos padres de familia como Tú

Solicita una Asesoría: tel.-­‐ ( 01 55 ) 5698 4284 ! LA ASESORÍA ES TOTALMENTE GRATIS !

Asesoría Profesional

Atención de nuestro personal en Canadá

Trámites de Aplicación con la Escuela en Canadá

Trámite de Visa


Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 276-­‐Bis , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 276-­‐Bis , Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284


Ins0tuto Villa de Cortés

. Parque Victoria

Pedro Santaciiia esq. Luis G. Inclán No. 283 Col. Villa de Cortés

Pedro Sa ntacilia



Metro Villa de Cortés



Tel.-­‐ 5698 4284 / mail


La Asesoría me aclaró todo….. Gracias a Student World ahorré 0empo y dinero y ahora voy bien preparado para aprovechar al máximo mi…. !Experiencia Internacional en Canadá !

Oficinas en México , D.F. Pedro Santacilia No. 283, Col. Villa de Cortés México , D.F. cp 03530 / tel.-­‐( 01 55 ) 5698 4284

! Ven a Student World , las ventajas son enormes y el servicio excelente!!




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