AVN CHAtter: Issue 10

Page 1

Issue Ten Highlights...

Sustainability Corner | Page 2

Welcome Message

The Good Old Days

Project Highlight | Page 3

Bowling Green-Warren Co Regional Airport Rehabilitation of Terminal Apron and Runway 3-21

Client Spotlight | Page 4

Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority Lee Weitz, Director of Aviation

Employee Interview | Page 6

Adanna Ryce

Section Manager/Project Engineer IV | Atlanta, GA

Our Vision Statement says we will operate a sustainable business line. Sustainable can mean a lot of things but in this context, I believe it means a reliable, steady business that we all can rely on now and well into the future. With any business, it is important to have a solid group of seasoned professionals to confidently guide the various aspects of the business based on lessons learned/successes and failures. To be sustainable, we must also have a robust group of young professionals ready to take the reins.

I can confidently say we have both.

So, to my fellow seasoned professionals, we have an obligation to ensure the success of our young professionals, just as our mentors did for us. To our young professionals, these are your good old days – carpe diem. Take on the projects and tasks that are not easy. Challenge yourself to get out of your comfort zone. These will be your fondest memories and the stories you will want to tell in the future.

New Faces to CHA Aviation Service Awards

Zendlo Planner
I Cleveland, OH * Please note we recognize milestone anniversaries after they have been acknowledged by HR.
Don Fix Project Manager III Cleveland, OH Adam Hall Engineer III Birmingham, AL
* Since last newsletter.
YEARS OF SERVICE Thank You For Your Service! Calvin Kuang Larisa Susinskas 02 YEARS Larry Kalousek 05 YEARS WELCOME BACK! Adam French Sr Planner V Indianapolis, IN



In November of 2021, the FAA released its U.S. Aviation Climate Action Plan which outlined a pathway to achieving netzero emissions by 2050. Net-zero refers to the reduction and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions, which within aviation primarily includes carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane. This ambitious goal is aimed at addressing climate change-related stressors that threaten airport infrastructure and operations but will also benefit health and well-being of communities by improving air quality and reducing noise.

Airports are encouraged to reduce carbon emissions by evaluating their Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions. Scope 1 emissions are generated on-site through airport-owned and controlled sources such as vehicles and equipment. Scope 2 emissions result from the purchase of energy.

In an effort to bolster these goals, the FAA awarded $92M in grant funding last month to support the installation of on-airport solar projects, the introduction of electric buses and charging stations, and to electrify gate equipment and vehicles. Energy audits, electrification studies, Sustainability Management Plans, and other planning initiatives were also funded through the program. More information can be found in the FAA’s press release on July 11th, 2023.

CHA aviation staff can be accredited with helping secure grant funding under this opportunity and will work closely with our clients to fulfill requirements of the funding.

Strategic Initiatives

Strategy Development

Below are updates on the progress we have made on our strategic initiatives since our last newsletter:

Market Goal

Expand aviation business into CHA expansion area(s):

Business Line Director: Mike DeVoy

• Completed design/bid of air cargo facility at Birmingham (BHM), started construction phase services - client very happy

• Won airfield electrical project at Akron (CAK)

• Will book 2 projects with Rhode Island Airport Corp (RIAC) – Stormwater Conveyance and South Cargo Development

• Won new airport in Gulf County, FL

• Added to EXP Team for On-Call Engineering with Palm Beach County, FL

• Capture Plans for Cleveland (CLE) Program Management, On-Call Planning, & RW 6R-24L; TF Green Intl (PVD) RW 5-23 Reconstruction; Albany Intl (ALB) RW 1-19 Rehab; Indianapolis Intl (IND) RW 5L-23R Reconstruction

Service Goal

Expand specialized aviation services:

• Continue to focus on sustainability opportunities – master plans, management plans, ESG reporting, envision integration

• Working with Power Sector to pursue opportunities in Energy Management

• Establishing plan for addressing FAA Safety Management System (SMS) initiative - led by John DelBalso

Technology Goal

Increase productivity/quality using technology-based solutions:

• Aviation Innovation Team identifying technology based solutions to increase productivity/quality

• Developing airport specific approach to asset management

• Nine Plan Production Series presentations completed to date – 4 more scheduled

to the Sustainability Corner! This space serves to provide greater insight into the sustainability practices, programming, and onging efforts of CHA Aviation.

Project Manager Casey Jones Evansville, IN

CHA Revenue: $370,000

Start Date: 2023

Completion: 2024

Key Staff: Adanna Ryce, Clint Weimer, Ken Omlor, Tony Laws, Elliott Clements, Chris Sweet, Shane Gahan, Lauren Bailey

Brief Description of the work provided:

The initial need for the project came about when the Bowling Green-Warren County Regional Airport Board began experiencing multiple maintenance issues and failures with the airfield electrical systems for Runway 3-21. During the completion of the Rehabilitate Taxiway A and Taxiway Connectors project at BWG (2019-2020), it became apparent that the HIRL system (including both lights and guidance signs), REILS and PAPIs were in poor condition. During that project, there were multiple system failures, including the failure of the Runway 3-21 constant current regulator (CCR). There has been no rehabilitation or replacement of these systems in at least 10 years, which is the expected minimum useful life of airfield lighting and signage according to the FAA.

The rehabilitation of the pavement serving Runway 3-21 came about when the surface markings of Runway 3-21 began showing signs of deterioration in 2020. The markings were repainted in 2016, however over the past 6 years, the reflective media and paint have worn considerably and the brightness of the markings, in both daylight and at night, has degraded significantly. The bituminous pavement surface was last rehabilitated with a surface mill and overlay in 2009. BWG recently completed their annual Part 139 certification inspection; the inspector noted cracking on the runway which was noted as a deficiency, and recommended crack sealing. With the need for new pavement markings and crack sealing, but no signs of structural pavement failure, a surface treatment of the pavement would further extend the useful life of the runway. Also, during the Part 139 inspection earlier this year, the inspector noted that the RSA’s “do not appear to be properly graded”, including several areas with ruts or surface irregularities. The areas identified are within the extended RSA for both Runway 3 and Runway 21. CHA performed a brief analysis of the grades per the inspector’s demands, and after further investigation, the RSA does in fact not meet grading tolerances as outlines in AC 150/5300-13B.

While the Runway 3 instrument landing system (ILS) approach procedures are coincident with the glidepath of the Runway 3 PAPI, this is not the case for Runway 21. The Area Navigation (RNAV) approach procedures for Runway 21 has listed a glidepath angle of 3.00 degrees and a threshold crossing height of 55 feet. However, the Runway 21 PAPI is positioned with a glidepath angle of 3.0 degrees and a threshold crossing height of 30 feet. Since the scope of the project calls for replacement of the Runway 21 PAPI, the siting of the PAPI is planned to be revised to make both the PAPI glidepath and approach

Project Name: BWG Rehabilitate Runway 3-21

Client Name: Bowling Green-Warren Co Regional Airport

Location: Bowling Green, KY (BWG)

procedures coincident.

With the eventual replacements expected for the visual/vertical guidance equipment for Runway 3-21, the Owner also has a need to replace the primary wind indicator and rotating beacon as both pieces of equipment have required increased maintenance efforts in recent years. The 2022 Part 139 inspection also noted in a deficiency noted for not having a segmented circle; this is planned to be included and collocated with the replacement of the primary wind indicator.

Any challenges or major hurdles CHA had to overcome to complete this project?

The schedule of this project was challenging when it came to phasing because BWG had some flights that required us to have RWY 3-21 open during the fall to accommodate the Western Kentucky football team’s travel schedule. There was also a lot of pressure to lock in a contractor to at least complete the runway pavement rehabilitation work this fall because if not BWG would lose their Part 139 certification. Another challenge in completing this project was that the first attempt at bidding in June 2023 was unresponsive. CHA was very disappointed as bids needed to be in hand to submit the grant application for the project the following week. The unresponsive bidding resulted in conversations with the FAA and BWG in order to get a grant application extension. A contractor suggested that if the project was separated into 3 individual projects for the runway pavement rehabilitation, RSA grading, and electrical rehabilitation there would be more interest in the project. By lumping all of these jobs together the contractor stated that it would be difficult to get a single contractor to take liability for the entire job. This advice was very valuable and something that CHA did not consider prior. CHA took the suggestion from the contractor and repackaged the project with approval from the FAA. In addition to repackaging the project CHA did a considerable amount of outreach contractors to garner interested in the projects. These efforts resulted in being able to award all projects contingent upon receiving a grant. These challenges have provided an abundance of insight as to how we look at projects going forward.

Project Highlight

Client Spotlight

Client Name: Niagara Frontier Transportation Authority

Location: Buffalo, NY (BUF/IAG)

Jeremy Martelle and John DelBalso recently had the pleasure of speaking with Lee Weitz, Director of Aviation, at Buffalo Niagara International and Niagara Falls International Airports.

Q: Thanks for agreeing to meet with us today. Please tell us about yourself.

A: I started here at Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF) as a customer service agent for Allegheny Airlines. I decided I wanted to do something bigger and better with the airlines, and they offered me an opportunity to get into management. (We had become US Airways at that point.) I went to PHL and worked in various positions for a little over seven years when one of the VPs asked if I would be interested in a GM position at EWR. The US Airways operations at EWR was really large, but it was being transformed and there would no longer be any connecting points at EWR, so I basically went up there to be a “closer.” The staff at EWR was a wonderful group. They knew what was happening –and why – and it ended up being a good experience for me. I was then asked to become the GM for the operation at DCA. I was there for two years, when I was asked if I wanted to be Director at PIT. It was a huge opportunity for me to run a hub operation with 2,000 employees and over 500 flights a day. I was there for seven years. When the PIT hub was downsized after 9/11, I ended up going back to PHL. By this time, I was tired of moving my family around, so I decided to leave US Airways. Two days before my last day, I was asked to be the Interim Deputy Director for NFTA. I decided to go for the job, got it, and after 18 years became the Director of Aviation for the 2 airports here (BUF and IAG).

Q: You have worked for an airline and a system of airports throughout your career. How did your airline experience prepare you for your role in airport management?

A: My airline experience really helped with the transition to airport management. I knew what airlines expected since I had worked with multiple airport authorities in five different cities. Those experiences gave me credibility and the ability to bring a lot to the table.

Q: What is your vision for BUF and IAG? What impact does the airport have on the region?

A: We’re here to serve as a catalyst of economic growth in Western NY. We’ve been a good partner with the community and have helped them to promote the city and the county. Airports are measured in every area of operations – it’s all about the metrics! So obviously, we’re very customer oriented. In 2018, we received the JD Power Award for customer satisfaction – the best medium hub in the country and 2nd best in all classes. We’re in the top 5 JD Power Awards every year! But even with our customer service awards, I still have a vision to make our customer experience even

Director of Aviation: Lee Weitz

better. Before I retire, I’d like to provide a better experience for our parking and car rentals patrons. For example, we only have 400 covered parking spots; and for an airport like BUF – that gets 100 inches of snow a year – we want to do better. As for IAG, we have very limited service now that our only carrier is Allegiant. We continue to have discussions with Spirit, but it’s difficult to recruit legacy carriers to IAG since it’s only 25 miles from BUF. One of the main reasons we’re in IAG, though, is because of our partnership with the military. Thus, it’s important to the community that IAG stays viable.

Q: You are very active in the New York State Airport Management Association (NYAMA). Why is this important to you? What do you think are some of the challenges our industry is facing (i.e. pilot/mechanic shortage, PFC increase, electric aircraft, etc.)?

A: I’ve been on the board for about 18 years now. It’s been a great experience. I’ve met so many airport professionals who are now friends. There’s definitely power in numbers, be it solving an aviation issue or being able to pick up the phone to run something by another Airport Director in the state of New York. Having this huge network makes it a lot easier to operate an airport. As for challenges, we definitely need to be preparing for the EV charging stations – we’ll be addressing that in our master plan update (Sept 2023). There is not much we can do about pilot shortage, but it is a real issue.

Q: We have the pleasure of being one of your airport consultants with an on-call/term agreement through the NFTA. From your perspective, what are the most important things you and your staff need from your airport consultant?

A: Our engineering department has done a great job of compiling a list of term consultants. CHA, for example, is a very good consultant who can handle multiple trades at the airport. I’m looking to add to our list of term consultants in some specialized fields, i.e. baggage systems, jet bridges, etc

Q: A big reason we are doing this is to give insight to our staff into the aviation industry, particularly our young professionals. What advice do you have to people coming into our industry?

A: We’re big proponents of sponsoring Trade Days at our local high schools. It’s important to let these young people know that there are a ton of different jobs within aviation – pilots, engineering, customer service, lawyers, etc. Working in an environment where you can rotate positions is such a great way for young professionals to find their niche, grow in their job, and figure out what they want to do long term.

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“Working in an environment where you can rotate positions is such a great way for young professionals to find their niche, grow in their job, and figure out what they want to do long term.” - Lee Weitz

Fall Conferences

Conference (Location)

AAAE National Airports (NAC) (Spokane, WA)

NYAMA Annual (New York City, NY)

ACI-NA Annual (Long Beach, CA)

GLC Airports Conference (Rosemont, IL)

Aviation Indiana Annual (Fort Wayne, IN)

Georgia Aviation Annual (Jekyll Island, GA)


Sept 10-12

Sept 11-13

Sept 30-Oct 3

Oct 3-6

Oct 10-12

Nov 1-3

Professional Development

ACC Webinars:

• 16 seats remaining for 2023.

• Contact Renee to register!

• Recording and handouts posted here


Paul Puckli, Mike DeVoy, Rob LaFayette

Jeremy Martelle, John DelBalso

Paul Puckli, Mike DeVoy, Steve Lawrence

Simon Davies, Taylor Koutropoulos

Nathan Lienhart, Rob LaFayette, TBD

Paul Puckli, Adanna Ryce

Upcoming Aviation CoPs

Pavement Marking - Bhandari/Dunn - Sept 14

Utility Plans - Schultheis/Dunn - Sept 21

Spot Elevations & Jointing - Schultheis/RichterOct 19

Navaids - Crimmins/Sweet - TBD

WE NEED PRESENTERS! Please reach out to Todd Schultheis (Engineering) or Paul McDonnell (Planning) with your ideas.

Plan Production Series

Employee Interview Adanna Ryce

Adanna has been with CHA since 2022 and is an integral part of the Aviation Design Team. Manager Nathan Lienhart says, “Adanna continues to take hold of her new role as Section Manager, and continues to develop not only her own skillsets, but also her team’s. She takes everything in stride, treating opportunities and assignments as true learning experiences, and is always eager to share it with her team. So glad Adanna joined our team - she is CHA Aviation!”

Q: What is the one thing you cannot resist?

A: I can’t resist a meal from Trinidad called doubles. It is my favorite thing to eat.

Q: What is your greatest fear?

A: My greatest fear is that one day I might have to be the caretaker for my parents and not be prepared financially for it.

Q: Where is your favorite place to be?

A: My favorite place to be is in my bed or on vacation.

Q: Where is the best place you’ve traveled to and why?

A: Dubai was the best place that I traveled to. The architecture was amazing and many things there were very aesthetically pleasing.

Q: What would you do (for a career) if you weren’t doing this?

A: I think that I would be a teacher but not in the traditional classroom setting. I randomly got certified to be a Zumba instructor a few years back. I also had a plant-based meal prep company and I use to make videos on social media of how to make the meals. During the pandemic I also became a math tutor when I got laid off from my job. I really enjoy teaching people that what they might think is difficult to accomplish can be achieved when it is presented to them in bit sized steps.

Q: Tell us something that might surprise us about you.

A: I have been playing the violin since I was 3 years old.

Q: If you won the lottery, what is the first thing you would do?

A: I would pay off my family’s debt and buy a house.

Q: When you have 30 minutes of free time, how do you pass the time?

A: I either scroll on social media or watch reality TV.

Q: If you could learn to do anything, what would it be?

A: I really want to learn how to play the drums. I am waiting until we buy a house to start but I think it will be a lot of fun.

Q: What music is on your iPhone/Android phone?

A: My family is from Trinidad and Tobago so I listen to a lot of Soca music. I also listen to Amapiano music from South Africa and Afrobeats.

Q: If you could meet anyone, living or dead, who would you meet?

A: Beyonce. I am so inspired by her. She has had a pretty long career and she has managed to stay culturally relevant the entire time. She has a great work ethic and I think that it is something to aspire to.


Project Awards/Selections


Asheville Regional Airport (AVL)

• On-Call Consulting Services (AVCON)

Bridgeport Sikorsky Airport (BDR)

• Runway 11-19 Improvements

Akron Canton Airport (CAK)

• Runway 1-19 Electrical Design

Norfolk International Airport (ORF)

• Airside Design On-Call (Kimley Horn)

Palm Beach International Airport (PBI)

• On-call Consulting Services (EXP)


Burlington International Airport (BTV)

• Noise Land Reuse Plan Update

William H. Morse State Airport (DDH)

• Obstruction Analysis Study


• B777 Hangar Development

Gulf County, FL

• New Airport Engineering Services WA 1

TF Green International Airport (PVD)

• South Cargo Development

• Stormwater Conveyance Design

Frederick Douglass Greater Rochester Int’l Airport (ROC)

• Rehabilitation of Taxiway C and Taxiway P, CA/RPR


Warsaw Municipal Airport (ASW)

• Rehabilitation of Taxilane E1

• Rehabilitation of Taxiway B

• Improve Runway 9-27 RSA, Phase 2 EA

• Wildlife Hazard Site Visit

Birmingham-Shuttles Worth International Airport (BHM)

• Air Cargo Facility 2 Construction Services

Wayne County Airport (BJJ)

• SRE Procurement Services

Delaware Municipal Airport (DLZ)

• Apron Expansion CA/CI

• Fuel Farm Concept Study


• B777 Hangar - Pkg. 1


• NH State Police Hangar Part 1

Evansville Regional Airport (EVV)

• Term Apron Rehabilitation - CA/CO

Fort Wayne Int’l (FWA) and Smith Field (SMD)

• Obstruction Surveys

Indianapolis Airport Authority (IAA)

• General Planning Services

• Runway 14-32 Closure Cross Electrical Infrastructure

• IND - IAB Pavement Rehabilitation CA/CI

Grissom Air Reserve Base (GUS)

• Hangar 200 Rehabilitation Construction Services

McGhee Tyson Airport (TYS)

• Runway 5R-23L MOS Coordination

New Castle-Henry County Municipal Airport (UWL)

• General Services

AVN Events

CHA sponsored DKX Community Day on April 15. Pictured from L-R: John Paul Saalwaechter (TDOT), Patrrick Wilson (MKAA President), Bill Barley, Todd Henry, Jon Niebel (Rogers Group), Indya Kincannon (Knoxville Mayor), and Brian Simmons (MKAA Board Chair) CHA sponsored the ROC Airshow on Aug 11-12. Pictured from L-R: David Norden; Todd & Jacquie Ewell; and Bob, Everett, & Addisyn Schaefer CHA sponsored the FWA Golf Outing on Aug 18. Pictured from L-R: John Schoenle (FWA), Nathan Lienhart, Rob LaFayette, and Jeff Hermansee (FWA)

Job Opportunities

If you or anyone you know is interested in these positions, please refer to our website listing to apply.

Southeast Aviation Team Leader| Job ID 5924

Location: Winter Springs, FL; Atlanta, GA; Doral, FL

The Southeast Aviation Team Leader, a key role at CHA, leads the technical execution of projects within his/her discipline and provides expert consultation in one or more areas of the respective field of engineering. At CHA, our Southeast Aviation Team Leader plans, schedules, conducts and coordinates detailed phases of a project independently with other engineering disciplines and project management staff. This key role provides guidance, mentorship, and technical review of work completed by junior level staff. The Southeast Aviation Team Leader provides technical development of proposals and external presentations (i.e., clients, public, regulatory agency, etc.)

Federal Programs Team Leader| Job ID 5934

Location: Any CHA Office Location

The Aviation Team Leader works diligently to complete projects within the scope, budget, and schedule while thoroughly understanding all project risks and applicable financial measures. This key role is responsible for managing the overall client relationship including any technical, financial, or logistical issues that may arise. Additionally, the Aviation Team Leader secures and develops work with specific clients in the federal market, including US Air Force, US Army, Federal Aviation Administration, etc., ultimately leading to a “seller/doer” role.

Electrical Engineer IV| Job ID 5975

Location: Colonie, NY; Indianapolis, IN; Rochester, NY; Syracuse, NY

At CHA, our Electrical Engineer IV provides advanced judgment and analysis techniques for the design development, implementation, and technical analysis of various systems to implement new products, or changes to an existing scheme, to suit individual client needs. This key role is responsible for planning, scheduling, and coordinating detailed phases of a project independently with other engineering disciplines and project management staff. The Electrical Engineer IV mentors junior staff members and provides technical review of their work as needed.

Structural Engineer | Job ID 6015

Location: Duluth, GA; Atlanta, GA; Indianapolis, IN; Rochester, NY; Colonie, NY

Our Structural Engineer conducts the design development, implementation, and technical analysis of technical various systems to implement new products, or changes to an existing scheme, to suit individual client needs. At CHA, the Structural Engineer works on multiple projects in a timely and cost-effective manner to meet client, contractual and company requirements.

Civil Designer| Job ID 6069

Location: Evansville, IN

The Civil Designer assists with the research, preparation, and creation of various types of contract or construction drawings and documents. This individual collaborates with design teams on multiple projects in a timely and cost-effective manner to meet client, contractual and company requirements. At CHA, our Civil Designer attains knowledge of the engineering discipline standards, codes, and systems through assisting with contract document preparation. This professional examines drawings for errors and uses drawing production software (REVIT, AutoCAD, MicroStation etc.) to create construction documents.

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Federal Programs Team Leader Southeast Aviation Team Leader Structural Engineer Electrical Engineer IV Civil Designer

Job Opportunities (cont.)

Engineer I | Job ID 6111


Evansville, IN

The Engineer I assists in the design development, implementation, and technical analysis of various systems to implement new products, or changes to an existing scheme, to suit individual client needs. This individual works on multiple projects in a timely and cost-effective manner to meet client, contractual and company requirements.

CHA is continuously working hard to identify top talent, and we believe it takes one to know one. Our Network of CHAmpions program recognizes the critical role you play in our ability to add key talent to our team. Help us reach our goal of being the best in the industry by referring talented professionals to join our team!

Gross Bonus Amounts:

• $2,000 – For a referral that leads to a hire in a Full-Time role which requires 3 years or less of professional experience.

• $4,000 – For a referral that leads to a hire in a Full-Time role which requires 4 or more years of professional experience.

For more information, please visit the CHA Network of CHAmpions page here

Excellence Awards

Recipients of CHA’s Excellence Award have contributed in extraordinary ways; demonstrating exceptional commitment and going far above and beyond the normal duties of their job.

Congratulations to the following employees for their recent CHA Excellence Awards!

“Nicole has been instrumental in the conceptual and final design as a lead engineer for both the Welty project (working long hours to meet very demanding deadlines for our client), in addition to completing the 777 hangar conceptual design (60%) in a short 3 week timeline for a premier Aviation client (DHL). Nicole has contributed to our Team in many ways and has shown true dedication to completing all that has been asked of her not only on these projects but also on BDR Wildlife fence, and U of R Phase II ductbanks over the last 3 months. I believe that Nicole is more than deserving of this excellence award for her outstanding work in Aviation and dedication to client service.”

“Dan is the lead airfield engineer for the cargo expansion project at Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM). Dan and the airside civil design team have brought solutions to the client throughout the course of the project and according to the CLAD, Paul Puckli, and the Project Manager, Larry Kalousek, his contribution to constantly meeting client needs has been exceptional. He has demonstrated superior client service providing solutions and meeting schedule challenges throughout the project and has positioned our airfield design team as a preferred provider of these services to BHM.”

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Nicole Cullen nominated by Todd Ewell Dan Ford nominated by Bill Barley
Engineer I

Excellence Awards (cont.)

LARRY KALOUSEK nominated by Bill Barley

“Larry is the Project Manager for a significant air cargo facility expansion project at Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM). The construction value is $26 million. Larry has led internal CHA staff, and multiple external subconsultants local to Birmingham through changing work scopes and schedules to deliver the design of this project to the complete satisfaction of the client. According to Paul Puckli, the CLAD for BHM, Larry has established himself as a preferred project manager with this client and has CHA positioned for significant follow-on work with Phase 2 of the Cargo Expansion. Larry’s air cargo facility technical knowledge and project management skills have proven to be exceptional in his leadership role. Because of Larry and excellent performance of a few others, CHA is now a preferred provider for BHM!“

“James consistently performs at a level above expectations for his formal job title and time of experience (less than one year). James can be given nearly any task, with very little guidance, and be trusted to make substantial and meaningful progress. For a current project at SKF, he was tasked with analyzing an aircraft operations list, categorizing for various pavement uses, and developing various pavement designs based on pavement section layer thickness and associated costs. James immediately understood the intent of the task, asked nearly no questions about how to complete the task, and produced more pavement design options/unit costs than were expected in the allotted timeframe. James has never once complained about any task assigned to him, regardless of scope or scale. He’s always flexible to help other design teams if needed on short notice. He’s excelled with both design and construction administration tasks, and has even started asking about scope/fee preparation for the subsequent phases of a project.”

“Riley has done a fantastic job as an active contributor in 6 of our Plan Production Series and helping to develop Aviation’s overall Cadd standards. To effectively manage the time required to take these on while balancing a full workload, is no easy task. The guidance and content Riley provides for our team is excellent and is helping to pave the path forward in terms of plan production and plan presentation. Job well done Riley!.”

MELISSA ZENDER nominated by Bill Barley

“Melissa is serving as an airfield civil engineer on the air cargo expansion at Birmingham Shuttlesworth International Airport (BHM). According to Paul Puckli, CLAD, Larry Kalousek, PM, and Dan Ford, Lead Airfield Engineer, Melissa has excelled beyond her level of experience at providing exceptional graphics and airfield design work products to the project team and to the client. She has delivered through significant schedule acceleration requests to assure the new cargo facility will be available to a new cargo tenant that has leased the new building before it was even finished with the design. Melissa’s contributions have helped to establish CHA as a preferred provider of professional airport design services to BHM.”

CHA’s Recognition by Design is a program designed to create a culture of recognition through providing both formal and informal avenues to celebrate contributions, hard work and successes; while also encouraging continued dialogue about the importance of recognition throughout the company. The program includes opportunities for recognition between peers; leaders and managers to individual contributors or teams, and Project Managers to project teams.

Please visit the Recognition at CHA page here to learn more about the awards and offerings for your employees.


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JAMES POINSETTE nominated by Jamin Heldt RILEY RICHTER nominated by Steve Lawrence


“My wife and I have had 23 eagle/hawk rescues since Memorial Day!”

On August 5, we held an Eagle Court of Honor for our daughter, Olivia (Liv), who earned her Eagle Scout after a successful board of review on April 17, 2023.

Liv was the first girl in her Troop and the first female in our district to earn Eagle Scout. The requirements to earn Eagle Scout are: Earn 21 merit badges, including 14 that are required. Liv has Earned 28, held the leadership positions of Assistant Senior Patrol Leader, Senior Patrol Leader, Historian, and Den Chief and is currently a Junior Assistant Scoutmaster.

Liv joins her brother, Alex, and her late grandfather as Eagle Scouts in the family. Fewer than 5 in 100 Scouts earn the rank of Eagle and only 2.5% of all Eagles are female.

Pictured clockwise from top left: Fledgling Bald Eagle, Fledging Kestrel, Red Shouldered Hawk, Great Horned Owl Simon Davies | (Indianapolis, IN) On June 2, 2023, PFC Tristan Bailey graduated from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, achieving Lima Company Honor Graduate and Company Ironman. Lauren Bailey | (Indianapolis, IN)
Good News
bought my first house in May!” Taylor Hammill | (Indianapolis, IN) Ken Omlor | (Works at Home) Sean passed his PE in August. Way to go! Sean Morris | (Rochester, NY)


We will responsibly improve the lives of our clients and co-workers by:

• Operating a sustainable business line that provides our aviation clients exceptional service and industry thought leadership.

• Being the most admired business line at CHA through outstanding performance, career advancement, and staff retention.


• Providing career opportunities through sustainable growth (5-10% NSR growth/year)

• Retaining our valued aviation employees (top industry quartile)

• Delivering quality service and solutions (95% client retention; add min. 2 potential CLAD clients/year)

• Performing as a highly effective and efficient business line (MU > 2.20)

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