General Qualifications
October 2016
Architectural Aviation Bridges Educational Environmental Geospatial Geotechnical Government Health & Safety Healthcare Highway Industrial Energy Industrial Environmental Manufacturing Rail Recreation Roadway Sports Survey Technology Solutions Traffic Utilities
Firm Overview CHA is a highly diversified, full-service engineering and construction management firm working to responsibly improve the world we live in. Located throughout the United States and Canada, we provide a wide range of planning and design services to public, private and institutional clients. Our talented professionals strive to elate our clients in everything we do. We act as your single point of contact from start to finish, adapting teams, schedules, budgets and services to each unique challenge. Together with you, we design, study, manage, and build results that enhance our world. Engineering and engagement go hand-in-hand. Providing both yields amazing value‌ and amazing projects. 1.800.836.0817 Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
For more information contact:
CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER Michael Carroll, PE CHA Consulting, Inc. 518-453-2857
REGIONAL BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT LEADER Dean Angelakos, Senior Vice President CHA Consulting, Inc. 347-721-5661
AVIATION MARKET Michael DeVoy, PE, Senior Vice President CHA Consulting, Inc. 317-780-7232
TRANSPORTATION MARKET Lee Ecker, PE, Senior Vice President CHA Consulting, Inc. 518-453-3984
FACILITIES MARKET Tracy Gunther, PE Associate Vice President CHA Consulting, Inc. 973-538-2120
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects De-Icing Facility Interim Pavement Improvements JFK International Airport
CHA developed contract documents for temporary improvements to the existing pavement structure leading to the existing de-icing structure at the JFK International Airport. In order to accommodate the larger Group V aircraft, a revised access route had to be established immediately south of the previously demolished Hangar 12, via Taxiway “PB�. The revised route consists of Portland cement concrete pavement, previously used to access Hangar 12 and some of which served as the Hangar 12 floor. CHA performed field inspections to determine where concrete pavement repairs would be required and designed an asphalt concrete pavement overlay to support the larger aircraft. Contract drawings included removal, layout and alignment, grading, drainage, paving and utility plans as well as all associated site sections and details.
Rehabilitation of Pan Am Road Pavement JFK International Airport
CHA developed contract documents for the rehabilitation of approximately 4,000 lf of Pan Am Road, including a complete redesign of a substandard horizontal curve and the inclusion of superelevation to meet current AASHTO standards. CHA performed pavement inspections along the full length of the roadway in order to assess the pavement condition and determine the most feasible and economical methods for rehabilitating the pavement structure. CHA developed contract documents for the complete rehabilitation of the roadway surface including full depth pavement replacement, pavement milling and replacement and pavement overlay. Contract drawings were prepared including removal, layout and alignment, grading, drainage, paving and utility plans as well as all associated roadway sections, profiles and details.
Rehabilitation of East & West Hangar Roads JFK International Airport
The sections of East and West Hangar Roads involved approximately 2,800 ft in length, and are used primarily by aircraft refueling tankers and aircraft service vehicles. CHA performed pavement inspections along the full length of the roadways in order to assess the pavement condition and determine the most feasible and economical methods for rehabilitating the pavement structure. CHA developed contract documents for the complete rehabilitation of the roadway structures including full depth pavement replacement, pavement milling and replacement and pavement overlay. The project also included an evaluation of the West Hangar Road profile and cross slopes in order to facilitate proper drainage of the roadway surface.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects Ground Based Augmentation System (GBAS) Modifications Newark Liberty International Airport
CHA performed civil/site and structural engineering design services for the implementation of a GBAS. The system consisted of an electrical control equipment building, a VDB antenna mast and four Remote Satellite Measurement Units (RSMU’s). CHA designed the caisson foundations for the VDB and RSMU’s, performed all layout, grading, drainage and utility trench design services and provided the necessary contract drawings and supporting documents. Subsequent to the installation and testing of the original system, the manufacturer made modifications to the system design to further enhance the system performance. CHA performed the necessary structural analyses and prepared the required civil and structural contract drawings including site plans and civil/structural details and notes.
Runway 11 Engineered Materials Arresting System (EMAS) Stage 1 Report Newark Liberty International Airport
CHA prepared a Stage I Design Study and Report in order to determine the feasibility of installation of an EMAS, the maximum length of EMAS that can be accommodated, development of technical components, construction cost estimate and anticipated work schedule. CHA’s analysis included investigating the feasibility of relocating Brewster Road, removal of an existing earthen berm, relocation of perimeter security fences and barricades, modifying Taxiways “Z” and “CC”, along with all associated site improvements required to install an EMAS. The final engineering study was prepared and presented in accordance with PANYNJ standards and included a comprehensive narrative report, preliminary drawings, construction staging plans and a planning level construction cost estimate packaged in a single document.
Fence & Embankment Restoration Newark Liberty International Airport
CHA performed civil and electrical engineering design services for the restoration of approximately 500 lf of perimeter fence and peripheral ditch bank damaged during Hurricane Sandy. The project involved an analysis of the pre-Sandy topographic mapping and the post-Sandy topographic surveys in order to assess the extent of the bank erosion/failure and determine the extent of the improvements required to reestablish pre-Sandy conditions. Furthermore, whereas the restoration work was being funded in part by FEMA, the restoration work was required to employ the use of marine mattresses to further stabilize the peripheral ditch embankment. Removal and replacement of the perimeter fence included the removal and replacement of existing obstruction lights as well. CHA prepared contract drawings including removal, layout, grading and drainage plans as well as all associated pipe profiles, site sections and details.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects Rehabilitation of East End Roadway LaGuardia Airport
Due to a history of vehicular accidents along a section of the East End LaGuardia roadway at LaGuardia Airport, CHA was requested to prepare contract documents for the rehabilitation of the East End Roadway, from the LaGuardia Road/East End Roadway split adjacent to Parking Lot 4 to Taxiway ‘M’, as well as the Delta Manager Parking Lot adjacent to Parking Lot 4. The project included field investigations, existing pavement condition assessments and evaluations, milling and overlay of the existing asphalt roadway and parking lot, full depth reconstruction of portions of the roadway and parking lot, regrading of the landside portion of the roadway in order to establish required superelevation, evaluation of drainage structures and culverts within the limits of the project, evaluation and rehabilitation of all ADA accessible routes within the limits of the project, replacement of guiderail, signage and pavement markings, and landscaping improvements necessitated by the roadway and parking lot improvements.
Rehabilitation of Parking Lot #1 LaGuardia Airport
CHA developed contract documents for the rehabilitation and reconstruction of the entire 450-space Parking Lot #1. The required improvements included a complete removal and replacement of the existing pavement structure, a complete replacement of the existing drainage system and the addition of water quality control facilities. The project also included the redesign of the pedestrian access facilities including the provision of concrete ramps, walkways and handrails. CHA prepared contract drawings including removal, layout and alignment, grading, drainage, paving and utility plans as well as all associated site sections and details. During the construction phase of the project, CHA’s responsibilities included the review of shop drawings, review for approval of working drawings, evaluation of alternative construction details and provision of interpretations of contract drawings and technical specifications.
Development of Ingraham’s Mountain LaGuardia Airport
CHA provided civil, traffic, electrical, structural, environmental and landscape architecture design services for the development of Ingraham’s Mountain. The scope involved selective tree clearing, removal of existing soil/rock material to provide an approximate 8 acre “level” area sufficient in size to serve as a contractor laydown/ staging area, installation of an access road to provide access to and from Berrian Boulevard, installation of a Bowery Bay Extension to provide access between Bowery Bay Boulevard and the intersection of 19th Avenue and 81st Street, installation of a stormwater management and conveyance system including bioretention facilities and installation of retaining walls associated with the roadway construction. In addition, whereas the project involved approximately 200,000 tons of soil removal and 100,000 tons of rock removal, CHA assisted the PANYNJ in locating suitable disposal facilities.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects West End Utility and Roadway Relocation LaGuardia Airport
CHA developed contract drawings and associated documents for the relocation of roadways and utilities to accommodate the construction of the new West Parking Garage. Due to the size and configuration of the garage, all of the surrounding roadways including LaGuardia Road, 94th Street, the Frontage Roadway and Runway Drive have to be reconfigured and reconstructed in order to accommodate the West Parking Garage. The roadway reconfiguration involves the removal of two existing traffic signals and the installation of two new signalized intersections, relocation/modification of ITS systems (variable message signing and communications), as well as the reconfiguration of an existing taxi stack area.
Relocation of Redneck Avenue Teterboro Airport
A portion of Redneck Avenue, a county roadway, had to be relocated due to the addition of an EMAS at the southerly end of Runway 1-19, as mandated by the FAA. CHA was contacted to complete the design of the relocated portion of roadway including all affected subsurface utilities, as well as all required site work improvements required to accommodate the installation of the EMAS. CHA’s duties included the design of a detailed stormwater management system to address the water quality issues, mitigation of peak runoff rates and the offsetting of any losses in available floodplain storage. CHA’s responsibilities included the preparation of engineering documents in support of the necessary permit applications, as well as the preparation of all general, civil and environmental contract drawings, an index of technical specifications and a detailed construction cost estimate.
Runway 1 Safety Area Stage 1 Study Teterboro Airport
The Federal Aviation Administration requires that all federally obligated airports comply with the Runway Safety Program. As part of that program, either a standard overrun area or an EMAS must be installed in the runway safety area of the Runway 1 departure overrun at Teterboro Airport. The Facility Management Group contracted CHA to prepare a Stage I Design Study and Report in order to determine the feasibility of the installation of a standard 1,000 ft long turf overrun versus an EMAS system, development of technical components for each option, construction cost estimates and anticipated work schedule. The final engineering study was prepared and presented in accordance with PANYNJ standards and included a comprehensive narrative report, preliminary drawings, construction staging plans and a planning level construction cost estimate packaged in a single document.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects Backflow Prevention Facilities Teterboro Airport
The PANYNJ is mandated by code to provide protection of the public water supply source, as well as its own water supply network, from potential contamination. As part of continuous upgrades and improvements to their facilities, the PANYNJ embarked on a program to install state-of-the-art backflow prevention facilities at Teterboro Airport to protect both the domestic and fire protection water systems in accordance with current NJDEP Safe Drinking Water Act Regulations. This phase of the program involved the installation of backflow prevention facilities at three locations in close proximity to the Jet Aviation facilities. CHA provided the necessary civil engineering design services and developed the civil contract documents for the project. This included detailed research of existing utility records, coordination with the local water utility and development of a utility-water base map based on all available records and field investigations/surveys.
Temporary Overflow Parking Stewart International Airport
CHA assisted in the engineering design and development of contract documents for a new 411-space passenger car parking area. The new parking area was developed to alleviate congestion and address severe parking deficiencies in the existing long term parking area located directly in front of the main terminal. Bid phase services performed by CHA included compiling all contract drawings developed by PANYNJ engineering staff and CHA collectively into a complete set of contract drawings, as well as the development of a complete contract bid booklet including general conditions, bid forms, agreement forms and standard technical specifications, as provided by the PANYNJ. In addition, CHA assisted in the review of bid proposals and recommendations relative to the award of the contract and provided full-time construction inspection services.
Compliance Study for Stewart Boulevard Stewart International Airport
CHA assisted in the preparation of a compliance study for the existing Stewart Boulevard at Stewart International Airport. The purpose of the study was to provide an analysis of both the original design and construction standards as compared to PANYNJ standards; to identify any noted deficiencies and to provide an order of magnitude cost estimate to mitigate any deficiencies found. CHA was responsible for developing the civil engineering section of the study which included research and detailed analysis of the original design documents relative to all aspects of horizontal and vertical roadway design, vertical and horizontal clearances, side slopes, retaining walls, pedestrian accommodations, curbing, pavement composition, drainage and utilities. In addition, CHA performed a thorough visual inspection of the as-built roadway corridor and noted any construction deficiencies relative to the above noted civil items.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Projects Enhanced Markings for Runway Holding Positions Stewart International Airport
CHA completed the engineering design and development of contract drawings for the removal of all existing runway holding position markings and the installation of new enhanced runway holding position markings for Runways 16-34 and 9-27. The existing markings did not meet current FAA criteria for holding position markings and as a result, needed to be completely removed and reconstructed. CHA prepared detailed drawings including site specific plans and details for each of the 17 marking locations involved. In addition, CHA developed an index of standard PANYNJ technical specifications as well as a construction cost estimate.
Condition Survey of PATH Open Air Structures East of Penn Station Newark Penn Station
CHA performed a cyclical condition survey of the PATH structures East of Newark Penn Station including 241 catenary poles, the portal retaining walls for Tunnels G and H, the Harrison Station buildings and platforms, a steel electric transmission tower, two pedestrian footbridges, six bridges carrying PATH over other features, and nine bridges carrying other services over PATH.
PATH Harrison Maintenance Facility North Rail Loading Yard
CHA generated concept level track layout and vehicular access options, as well as preliminary engineering, for the development of a site at the existing PATH Harrison Car Maintenance Facility to support the installation of a material transfer rail yard. CHA was responsible for the final design of all civil/site aspects of the development including vehicular access design, material transfer yard design, stormwater management, grading design including a 1,200 lf retaining wall, compressed air systems, signal systems and soil erosion control design.
PATH Yard C, Block 507 and Conrail Tract Jersey City NJ
In support of the World Trade Center redevelopment, the PANYNJ contracted CHA to prepare a concept level study of an existing site in Jersey City to support the installation of a flat car loading and unloading rail yard. The yard would be used to transport construction materials and debris to and from the WTC site. The project involved the development of multiple schematic track layout plans as well as vehicular access design. A concept level study report was generated outlining the advantages and disadvantages of each option including impacts to stormwater management, earthwork and utilities including an analysis of all environmental permits that would be required to implement the proposed improvements. In addition, a concept level construction cost estimate was generated for each option.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Aviation Planners Skill Sets •• •• •• •• ••
Airport Master Planning Aviation Demand Forecasting Airspace Evaluations Noise & Land Use Planning Environmental & Sustainability Planning •• Feasibility Studies •• Financial/Economic Analyses Aviation Design Staff Unique Capabilities •• •• •• •• •• •• •• •• ••
Airfield Pavement Design Navigational Aids Airfield Lighting Pavement Management Aircraft Parking Aprons Runway Safety Areas Deicing Facilities Stormwater & Drainage Vehicular Roads & Parking Facilities
Facility Designers Experience •• Passenger Terminals •• Air Cargo Facilities •• Hangars •• Airport-related Support Facilities (ARFF, Maintenance Facilities, Equipment Storage Facilities, etc.)
Aviation Overview CHA has provided planning and design services to public and private sector clients for over 60 years. The CHA team is comprised of dedicated engineering, architectural, and construction services professionals who can fully execute all your facility and infrastructure requirements. As we have grown to meet our clients’ needs, our commitment to quality and constant improvement has remained a unifying focus. CHA provides multi-disciplined professional services to aviation clients around the globe. We have partnered with airports and airlines on thousands of projects, including planning, design, construction management, and general consulting services. Our aviation professionals have experience at a wide array of airports, from small general aviation facilities to large-hub commercial service airports. We are trusted advisors who help clients solve the many challenges that face them in an ever-changing marketplace and a challenging economic environment. Our staff has worked with airport authorities, city and county governments, airlines, aviation-related businesses, regulatory agencies, contractors, and equipment providers for more than five decades. We have also worked in every region of the FAA. We pride ourselves in our ability to serve as on-call general consultants to our aviation clients. Our team can see projects through their entire cycle, from initial planning through design to construction and project close-out. We have the qualifications, capabilities, and experience to serve as an extension of staff. Our multi-disciplined nature enables us to provide a broad range of expertise. Our commitment to maintaining this technical expertise allows CHA to drive project schedules resulting in reduced costs.
The skill sets, unique capabilities and experience of our aviation planners, design staff, and facility designers is shown in the sidebar.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Aviation Planning Projects Airport Master Plan
Nashville International Airport (BNA)
CHA was selected to update and re-evaluate the master plan in light of the many changes that have occurred in the aviation industry, and in the regional, national, and global economies. CHA developed a comprehensive 20-year plan of development on and around BNA that considers a long-term visionary program that meets the needs of BNA and the region that it serves. The 20-year planning program considers additional airfield facility improvements, terminal area improvements (passenger complex, parking, access, and support facilities), onairport land use, and financial considerations.
Airport Master Plan Study
Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport
The master plan update provides strategic guidance necessary to address landside and airside facility needs for the next 20 years and beyond and includes a comprehensive evaluation of all components of the airport with a focus on terminal configuration and expandability, parking and landside access, financial sustainability, and instrument approach capability. CHA produced forecasts of future aviation activity, prepared demand-capacity analysis, developed terminal configuration concepts, improved parking facilities, assessed current instrument approach capability for potential upgrade to a Category-II ILS, evaluated on- and off-airport land-use, prepared a financial analysis and generated an updated airport layout plan consistent with the FAA’s ongoing airport layout plan initiative.
Airport Land Re-use Study T.F. Green Airport
CHA developed a formal implementation plan for the disposition of the airport’s noise lands, but with consideration of the requirements of the runway improvements. The plan recommends 3 approaches for over 400 former residential properties. These include combining and rezoning parcels into commercial/ industrial districts, selling the property for private development, combining and redeveloping the property for non-residential low density activities, and retaining the properties needed for the proposed runway improvements. The plan alternatives and recommendations were developed and reviewed by the FAA.
Planning Services
Connecticut Airport Authority
CHA has extensive experience working with all six Connecticut Airport Authority (CAA) airports. CHA’s first planning study for the state airports was the full Environmental Impact Statement for runway safety area improvements at Groton-New London Airport. Since successfully completing that project, CHA has continuously provided services for all six CAA airports. To date, CHA has completed various environmental assessments, noise studies and wildlife hazard assessments for all six airports and master plans for Waterbury-Oxford, Harford Brainard, Windham, Danielson, and Groton-New London airports. CHA was recently selected to begin work on the airport master plan and airport layout plan update for the Bradley International Airport as well. Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Aviation Airside/Landside Projects Runway 18R Departure End EMAS Memphis International Airport
This project involved providing preliminary and final design, bidding, and construction support services for the design and installation of an EMAS. The FAA and the Airport Authority selected an EMAS to rectify the non-standard runway safety area. CHA completed a Project Definition Report where three EMAS alternatives were analyzed and presented. The Project Definition Report included preliminary design for the three alternatives, construction safety/ phasing concepts, cost estimates, and construction schedules.
New Taxiway A
Austin-Bergstrom International Airport As part of our on-call contract, CHA was tasked with the completion of Taxiway A and serves as one of two westerly parallel taxiways. This project completed the parallel taxiway by constructing the remaining portions of the taxiway between Taxiway F and Taxiway G to the north and Taxiway M and Taxiway L to the south. Due to FAA funding, the project was split up into two separate projects. The first project was the completion of Taxiway A to the north including the pavement modifications to the north and south portions of the airfield for AC compliance. The second project was the completion of Taxiway A to the south.
Centralized De-Icing Facility
Cleveland Hopkins International Airport
CHA provided final design, permitting, engineering, bidding and construction administration services. The $50M project included two deicing pads, five new taxiways, apron and taxiway pavement, deicing fluid storage and delivery systems, and spent fluid collection systems. Other components included conversion of a closed runway to a taxiway, taxiway edge and centerline lighting systems, and electrical vault and computerized lighting control system modifications. Gas, electrical supply, and communications were also developed for a deicing operator control building and administrative facilities.
UPS Ramps 9 and 11 Expansion and Feeder Guard Facility Louisville International Airport
CHA provided engineering services for the expansion of aircraft parking Ramps 9 and 11 at the Louisville International Airport to accommodate the increased fleet of aircraft. This expansion included three design packages to maximize available ramp space and minimize airfield interruptions. The first two packages accommodated ramp parking for six additional wide body aircraft during the 2008 peak season. Feature design elements and construction plans for this 38-acre concrete project included: removal of existing pavement and internal coordination of existing building demolition; removal and/or relocation of all associated utilities; closure of two public roads that will be directly impacted by the ramp expansion; construction of a new feeder guard entrance and guard facility; installation of new apron storm drainage system and associated diversion structures and oil/water separator; construction of concrete and bituminous pavement; and installation of new apron lighting, blast fence and AOA security fence. Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Aviation Facilities Projects East Side Development and Support Facilities Tampa International Airport
CHA provided design, permitting and construction administration services for the new cargo and GSE facilities. Additionally, a portion of the airport perimeter road was rehabilitated, and a new service road was constructed. The facilities were designed to replace the existing buildings in a “like-for-like” fashion to maximize square footage available while minimizing additional lease costs. Both facilities were planned to accommodate future airport growth. During construction, the authority requested that we redesign the alignment of the new service road and the rehabilitation of Taxiway Echo. These changes did not affect the construction schedule, and the project was completed on time and under budget.
Hawaiian Airlines Hangar and Cargo Facility Honolulu International Airport
As part of a $2.3B statewide airport modernization program, Honolulu International Airport redeveloped most of their Mauka Concourse. A central program component was the addition of a hangar and cargo facility that can accommodate simultaneous maintenance of A330, A350 and B717 aircraft. CHA served as the hangar/air cargo/ airfield consultant and provided design quality control peer review services for this 240,000 sf project. In conjunction with the lead design firm, we also advised the design team on critical issues inherent to the facility. Design services were provided for airfield aprons, taxiways, lighting, markings, fuel systems, and the facility’s telecommunication and security systems. Other responsibilities included bidding and construction administration services.
Terminal Renovations
Greater Rochester International Airport
CHA provided engineering services for the relocation of two existing security checkpoints to a new six-lane centralized checkpoint. The project included installation of new escalators and an elevator; upgrading HVAC; fire protection and electrical and telecommunication systems upgrades; and renovated affected concession, airline ticketing offices and counters, and rental car areas. CHA provided design for renovation of two public restrooms, replacement of existing escalators, replacement and installation of new elevators, replacement of four terminal entry vestibules, and design of a new chapel and veteran’s area. Additional improvements included lighting upgrades, flooring finish upgrades and upgrades to security system, paging system, and signage for affected public areas. Construction management services were also provided.
Etihad First Class Lounge Dulles International Airport
CHA was the architect-of record, design manager, and construction manager for the interior construction of a new first class/business lounge. The scope of work included the demolition and renovation of an existing 5,700 sf lounge. Seating has been provided for 100 patrons carefully arranged throughout the facility into smaller semiprivate zones. This lounge also includes a generous seating area for majlis located on the mezzanine level. In addition, the business lounge includes a full kitchen, warming pantry, coffee / juice bar, family toilet room and private showers, and private toilet facilities. Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Aviation Military Projects North Ramp Utilities Increment Parking Anderson Air Force Base (Guam)
The purpose of this project is to provide a fully functional aircraft rinse facility, refueling pads, and associated taxiways to support the relocation of United States Marine Corps aviation units from Okinawa, Japan to Andersen Air Force Base. The facilities will accommodate both permanently stationed aircraft and transient units. The primary function of the new aircraft rinse facility is to provide a clear water rinse for aircraft returning from flights to remove corrosive materials. A secondary function affecting the project design entails the potential for long term absence of USMC aircraft. Any pavement or embedded structure falling within the limits of the existing Air Force apron along Taxiway Delta is designed to support the Air Force KC135 and B-52 aircraft.
P-442 Vertical Landing Pads MCAS Beaufort
The purpose of this project was to provide a fully functional aircraft rinse facility, refueling pads, and associated taxiways to support the relocation of United States Marine Corps aviation units. The facilities now accommodate both permanently stationed aircraft and transient units. The primary function of the new aircraft rinse facility as to provide a clear water rinse for aircraft returning from flights to remove corrosive materials. A secondary function affecting the project design entails the potential for long term absence of USMC aircraft. Any pavement or embedded structure falling within the limits of the existing Air Force apron along Taxiway Delta was designed to support the Air Force KC-135 and B-52 aircraft.
New Presidential Helicopter Hangar and Airfield Improvements NAVFAC Marine Corps Base
This design-build project involved the construction of a new LEED Silver certified hangar facility that houses the Presidential Helicopter Squadron HMX-1. The facility provides clear-span hangar space, maintenance shops, a clinic, and office areas. Additionally, the project included a new airfield taxiway and apron pavement. The apron can accommodate eight HMX-1 aircraft and two transient aircraft. Airside improvements comprised airfield apron and taxiways, taxiway lighting, airfield markings, and signage. Landside improvements included grading and drainage, parking, roadways, and water, sanitary and stormwater systems.
Air Traffic Control Tower and Building Addition Fort Drum
CHA provided engineering services related to the expansion of an existing hangar facility, and for the construction of a new air traffic control tower. CHA provided expansion and civil services for the air traffic control tower. In addition to design services, we are also assisting Upstate Construction by providing required construction phase services during project construction.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Transportation Overview CHA continues to be passionate about enhancing the nation’s roads, bridges and railways. We couple innovative products and practices with creative design solutions to deliver lasting structures. Our specialists have planned, designed and helped construct thousands of miles of track and more than 6,700 miles of highways and bridges. We have worked with an array of highway and bridge organizations, including the FHWA, NYS Thruway Authority, PA Turnpike Commission, and departments of transportations in more than 16 states. CHA specializes in the preliminary and final design of primary and secondary road systems for states, transportation agencies, counties, towns and municipalities. We have developed an extensive knowledge and understanding of state and federal policies, procedures and design requirements through our roadway projects. Our group is also experienced in performing corridor studies, traffic impact studies, and major transportation planning studies. We offer the staff depth, diversification, and experience to evaluate all issues associated with today’s transportation projects and provide solutions specific to our client’s needs. Our nationally recognized bridge experts combine cost-effective, progressive practices with charismatic designs that blend creatively into their environment. Our staff is well-informed of the latest design standards and concepts, and they employ this knowledge in design and management of a diverse array of bridge types, from stream culverts to major river crossings and moveable bridges. Our team has also been responsible responsible for the inspection of thousands of bridges. CHA’s transportation expertise includes a thorough understanding of railway safety, compliance, productivity, and user-friendliness. Our seasoned rail professionals have planned, assessed, and selected sites; and coordinated, designed and reconstructed rail facilities, tracks and infrastructure. We have participated in over 100 rail facility projects. Our clients include Amtrak, Metro-North Railroad, New Jersey Transit, Class 1 railroads, Shortline railroads, state DOT rail agencies, scenic railroads, transportation authorities, and metropolitan planning organizations.
“If we are to do this work… it must create a neighborhood, as well as a highway, that we can live with and be proud of for decades to come.” John Clarkeson, Founder CHA Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Highway and Roadway Projects Tappan Zee Bridge/I-287 Corridor - Alternative Analysis/Environmental Assessment/EIS NYS Thruway Authority
CHA performed a multi-modal alternative analysis for the Tappan Zee Bridge replacement and improvements to the I-87/I-287 corridor. Responsibilities included an in-depth bridge inspection, survey, alternatives analysis, environmental impact studies, and an extensive agency and public outreach program. The project included development and evaluation of a bus rapid transit option followed by a future commuter rail option within the same footprint. The $6B commuter rail option included 3 stations, a maintenance yard, a 1.5 mile long viaduct and tunneling.
Woodbury Toll Barrier Modification NYS Thruway Authority
CHA provided engineering services for the preliminary design of modifications to the Woodbury Toll Barrier and Thruway approach to the barrier to accommodate highway-speed electronic toll collection as well as cash transactions. The new facility provides 2 highway-speed lanes in each direction for electronic (E-ZPass) toll collection and 10 lanes for ticketing and cash transactions. Nearly 3 miles of the Thruway mainline were widened and resurfaced, with positive separation provided between the highway-speed E-ZPass lanes and low speed cash/ticket traffic. Auxiliary lanes were also be added to accommodate ramps from Route 17 (future Interstate 86) traffic. CHA was responsible for the geometric layout, preliminary grading and drainage, signing and striping, and other preliminary highway design.
US 31 Reconstruction (Major Moves) Project
Indiana Dept. of Transportation
CHA is the program manager and principal design consultant for the construction of a 20-mile section upgrading of US 31 to freeway standards, 15 miles of the project are on new alignment. CHA developed a contracting strategy that divided the overall project into 18 construction contracts that fit within an allocated funding strategy over six years. The project required usable segments that could be implemented in a manner to provide interim traffic relief until the entire facility is constructed.
Taconic State Parkway Reconstruction NYS Dept. of Transportation
CHA completed the preliminary design including traffic analyses, environmental studies and report, and final design to widen and reconstruct 4.2 miles of the parkway from four lanes to six lanes. The project included upgrading the roadway to current standards, improving design standards at 3 interchanges, design of 8 new overhead highway sign structures, and reconstruction of nonstandard bridges over the TSP. Complex construction sequencing and maintenance of traffic plans were developed to accommodate the daily traffic demand of 50,000 vehicles. Due to the highly erodable colloidal clays found in the project area, detailed soil erosion and sedimentation control plans were prepared to limit the contractor’s operations in the New York City water supply watershed. The project was staged in 2 construction contracts and designs on an accelerated schedule. The project also included improvements to the Route 6, Route 132 and Route 34/202 within the limits of the three interchanges. At these locations, CHA designed intersection widening, 3 signal installation, and construction of sidewalks. Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Bridge Design and Biennial & Interim Bridge Inspection Projects North & South Grand Island Bridges, Inspection and Design NYS Thruway Authority
CHA performed detailed inspection of all structural steel elements of these 4 bridges in conjunction with the repainting of these structures. Included were 2 parallel 30-span arched deck truss bridges, 4,025 ft in length, and two parallel 33-span deck truss bridges with through truss main spans, 3,440 ft in length. Inspections were performed after a portion of the structure is blast cleaned and prior to repainting. Information obtained in the inspection was used to analyze areas of deterioration, select elements in need of repair and develop rehabilitation contract documents.
Ohio River Bridges
Indiana Dept. of Transportation CHA teamed with Jacobs Engineering to design a $900M bridge over the Ohio River. We are designing the $175M approach roadways on the Indiana side of the bridge. Our value engineering process has uncovered several million dollars of post bid savings including the elimination of 3 new bridges. I-65 will be widened and realigned with widths varying from 11 to 14 lanes in order to accommodate the new cable stay bridge. The new bridge will carry 6 lanes of northbound traffic while the existing bridge will be converted to carry 6 lanes of southbound traffic. One bridge rehabilitation and 20 new bridges are included in the project. This designbuild project is broken into 38 buildable units and requires 6 phases of maintenance of traffic for the I-65 mainline.
Route 17/Exit 126 Bridge Replacements NYS Department of0 Transportation
CHA prepared preliminary type studies through final plans, specifications and estimates for the replacement of three bridges at the NY 17 (Future I-86)/Exit 126 Interchange. The project utilized staged construction with median crossovers to maintain all four lanes of Route 17 traffic during each stage of construction.
Bridge Avenue Bridge over the Fifth Branch of the Mohawk River City of Cohoes
CHA completed the design and construction inspection for the $6.1M replacement of this historically significant bridge connecting the Van Schaick Island neighborhood of Cohoes with downtown. The new structure consists of a 460 ft long, 3-span continuous steel multi-girder bridge with a varying structure depth of at the abutments and 8 ft at the piers. Ornate “Texas Concrete Barrier� was use as the bridge barrier type.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Traffic Design & Transportation Planning Projects I-87 Exit 4 Scoping and Design Services NYS Dept. of Transportation
CHA developed and evaluated alternatives for improved interchange access and mobility between I-87, the Albany International Airport and the Wolf Road commercial corridor to determine feasibility, potential environmental/community impacts, benefits and costs. Feasible alternatives were advanced for detailed study and preliminary design for the environmental impact statement. Traffic engineering services provided by CHA included origin-destination studies, traffic counts, queue studies, travel time-delay studies, MPO coordination for traffic forecasting, traffic operations analysis, roundabout analysis, traffic simulation modeling (VISSIM), and crash history analysis.
Albany Convention Center Master Plan and GEIS NYS Dept. of Transportation
CHA led a multi-disciplinary team to prepare a District Master Plan and GEIS for a new convention center. Our efforts included the evaluation of impacts and site design issues relating to parking, traffic operations, transit services and pedestrian/ bicycle linkages. Our services included traffic data collection, inventory of existing transportation system characteristics, projections of future multi-modal travel demand, and operations analysis/simulation modeling of the urban street network. Key transportation issues that were addressed included logistics for truck access, circulation, and event staging, site traffic access, circulation and impact mitigation, site parking and shared-use demand analysis, relocation of intercity bus transit parking, circulation and terminal access, and modification of local public transit service routes and bus stop locations.
Evansville Regional Airport Traffic Study & Design Evansville Vanderburgh Airport Authority District
The relocation of multiple roadways was required to accommodate the relocation of Runway 4-22 at the Evansville Regional Airport. The project was needed to meet FAA design standard criteria and to enhance the operating safety conditions at the airport. The study evaluated the impact of the proposed roadway realignment on the overall roadway network. Trip generation, trip assignment, and trip distribution patterns were developed by CHA and were approved by local officials. Traffic analysis software was then utilized to determine all required improvements to the local roadway network based on the 20-year design year traffic volumes.
Falls City ITS Design
Indiana Dept. of Transportation
The project included the modernization of existing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) facilities and the design/installation of new ITS facilities on the interstate system in the New Albany/Jeffersonville area north of Louisville. The project area included portions of I-64, I-65, and I-265. The new ITS facilities installed included pan/tilt/zoom CCTV cameras with accompanying camera towers and sites, fiber optic cable and conduit for data communications, communications shelters for the housing of communications equipment, and a mix of solar powered and direct powered vehicle detection sites. Existing dynamic message signs and traffic signals were integrated into the network. A communications link was established at the INDOT Falls City Subdistrict for transfer of CCTV and detection data to and from the INDOT Indianapolis Traffic Management Center.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Rail & Transit Planning, and Design Projects Albany-Schenectady Double Track / Rensselaer Station 4th Track NYS Dept. of Transportation
CHA provided planning, design, and technical support services to NYSDOT and Amtrak as part of the high speed rail development program on the Empire Corridor (CSX’s Chicago and Hudson Lines). CHA developed the design of several critical capacity improvements in the most congested segments of this, shared use corridor. CHA worked closely with NYSDOT and Amtrak on the $91M design and construction of the new double track (concrete ties), improved interlockings and signal system, and bridge rehabilitations for the Empire Corridor based on passenger (Amtrak) and freight (CSX) operating requirements, as well as physical and capital cost constraints. We are also working with NYSDOT, Amtrak and CSX on the $50M Rensselaer Station project including track design, platform extension, utility relocations, and improved interlocking layouts from CP 140 to CP 145.
Lee Shaker Station Renovation
Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority
CHA is providing civil, structural, electrical and track design services and construction support. The station consists of two 300 ft long low-level platforms, 1 for eastbound and 1 for westbound travel, and serves GCRTA’s Green light rail line on Shaker Boulevard at Lee Road. The Green Line is part of Cleveland’s original rapid transit system. The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate the station, last updated in the 1980s, and bring it into compliance with ADA requirements and the GCRTA Station Safety and Security Design Criteria.
Syracuse Railroad Congestion Relief NYS Dept. of Transportation
CHA provided design services and grant application assistance to the NYSDOT for alternatives development to relieve congestion and improve the movement of passenger trains in the Syracuse area. Alternatives analyzed the installation and/ or upgrading of existing freight sidings, the installation of additional crossovers and control points, new and/or relocated signals, and new station tracks at the Syracuse Amtrak station including a second platform. CHA also assisted with alternatives to replace the adjacent structure to the Amtrak station to accommodate more tracks.
Merritt 7 Railroad Station
Connecticut Dept. of Transportation
CHA is providing transportation planning and design services for improvements to the Merritt 7 Station. The project includes a new high-level platform and canopy; pedestrian overpass; surface parking expansion; and multimodal improvements to address current station needs and the future ridership forecasts of CTDOT’s Danbury Branch Electrification Feasibility Study.
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Life Safety & Security Projects Perimeter Security Enhancements Teterboro Airport
Under the direction of the Transportation Safety Administration and the FAA, the Port Authority of New York & New Jersey conducted extensive evaluations of the overall security master plans for their numerous facilities. CHA was contracted to implement the final recommendations relative to perimeter security at Teterboro Airport. The improvements included complete replacement and redesign of the perimeter security fence, the design of additional gated/guarded entrances and the design of approximately 1.5 miles of airside patrol road. The patrol road design included three stream crossings through existing flood plain/wetland areas. The design of the stream crossings involved the completion of an extensive hydraulic analysis using HEC-1 and HECRAS methodologies.
American Airlines Warehouse CCTV System John F. Kennedy International Airport
CHA designed area and interior lighting, as well as CCTV system solutions for an American Airlines facility. These upgrades helped fulfill client security and workforce safety objectives.
Airport Security Fiber Optic Cable System Improvements Albany International Airport
The purpose of this project is to replace and upgrade the existing aging multimode airport wide fiber optic system with new single mode fiber, and conduit where required, to meet current standards and security requirements (TSA TSR1542 and the Airport Security Program) for the Albany Authority Airport Authority (ACAA) at Albany International Airport (ALB). The improvements to the system will call for an immediate increase in safety and security at the airport through the replacement of the ‘at capacity’ and aging communications infrastructure (single mode fiber optics/copper based systems) therefore allowing the airport to add much needed communications capacity. In addition to adding much needed capacity and replacing the aging infrastructure, these improvements will increase the reliability of the current communications systems (CCTV, Card Access, and Telephone).
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications
Office Locations
Port Authority of New York & New Jersey Qualifications