ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING CHURCH CALENDAR Bible Study Wed, 7PM Next Breakfast: October 16 Sunday Evening Worship, St. Paul’s Esther Furnace UMC 6PM Charge Conference October 27, 6:30 @ Mt. Zion NO UMW Meeting in November Church Council Meeting: November 4, 7PM
Mount Zion United Methodist Church Catawissa, PA Pastor Chad Carter
“They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Acts 2:46‐47
Combined Worship with Catawissa Circuit We will have a special service of prayer and praise. The service will be led by Pastor Anna and Pastor Chad. It will begin at 6PM. Fun Night is Tonight Through the work of the breakfast, we supported Jake Williams and a mission trip to Honduras. He is going to come to Mt. Zion tonight at 7:00 and share with us his experiences. Harvest Home & Thanksgiving Baskets We will be collecting non-perishable food items for Harvest Home & to make thanksgiving baskets the next several weeks. Please bring them up and place them in the chancel area. The donations will go toward the baskets and the Catawissa Food Bank. Crop Walk is TODAY If you would like to participate, the sign up sheet and donation envelopes are on the table. The group will meet at the Catawissa Lumber parking lot at 1:30. You have the option to do a 1 mile or 3 mile walk. Bible in One Year MONDAY Oct 11: 1 Kings 14; Colossians 1 Ezek 44; Psalm 97&98 TUESDAY Oct 12: 1 Kings 15; Col 2; Ezek 45; Psalm 99&100 WEDNESDAY Oct 13: 1 Kings 16; Col 3; ; Ezek 46; 101&102 THURSDAY Oct 14: 1 Kings 17; Col 4; Ezek 47; Psalm 103 FRIDAY Oct 15: 1 Kings 18; 1 Thessalonians 1; Ezek 48; Psalm 104 SATURDAY Oct 16: 1 Kings 19; 1 Thess 2; Daniel 1; Psalm 105 SUNDAY Oct 17: 1 Kings 20; 1 Thess 3; Dan 2; Psalm 106
October 10, 2010 A Model Church
Welcome to the Mt Zion United Methodist Church! We are glad to have you worshipping with us this morning. If you are visiting with us, please fill out the visitor card and place it in the offering. We want to know who is worshipping with us, and who you are! Welcome and announcements
“A Model Church”
Acts 2:42-47
Offering (We give our gifts to God) *Doxology ‘Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Prelude (Take silent moment to enjoy the prelude God will provide)
praise Him, all creatures here below; praise him above ye heavenly host;
Lighting of the candles (the flame represents the presence of the Holy Spirit) Call to Worship Leader: Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise! Congregation: All the earth worships you and sings praises to you; (Psalm 66)
praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.” *Hymn 131 “We Gather Together” Benediction Postlude
*Opening Hymn 730 “O Day of God, Draw Nigh” The Acolyte will take the light of Christ into the world Music ministry of the choir * please stand if it is comfortable for you to do so Old Testament Lesson
Jeremiah 29:4-7 Pianist Rebecca Schlieder
Lesson From the Psalms
Psalm 66:1-12
Pastor Chad Carter Email:
New Testament Lesson The sharing of thanksgivings and needs for prayer Invitation to Prayer, Hymn “Shall We Gather at the River” Pastoral Prayer, closed with the Lord’s Prayer in Unison
Luke 17:11-19
Office: (570) 356-7022