12-26-10 KP

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ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING CHURCH CALENDAR UMW Meeting, January 3rd, 7PM Bible Study, Jan 5th, 7PM Mt. Zion UMC UMC Youth Group: Jan 9th, 5-7PM at Mt. Zion

Kulp United Methodist Church Catawissa, PA Pastor Chad Carter

Acolyte Training: Jan 23rd, 3:30PM at Kulp UMC

“And going into the house they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh.”

Youth & Jr. Youth Group: Jan 23rd, 5-7PM at Kulp UMC

Luke 2:11

Service of Christian Unity; January 19th 7PM Kulp UMC Movie Night, January 22nd at Kulp UMC, 6PM

Food Bank at Cat 1st UMC, Jan 27th 4:30-6:15PM Church Council Meeting: February 8th, 7PM FIND US ON FACEBOOK: facebook.com [search Catawissa Parish UMC] Wanted: Volunteers for visitation & hospitality teams. See Pastor Chad Kulp Scholarship Fund On January 9th, we will be taking up a love offering for the scholarship fund. There will be an envelope in your bulletin designated for the scholarship. When the offering is collected, if you have a gift for the fund, put it in the special envelope and place it along with your offering in the plate.

Bible in One Year MONDAY Dec 27: 2 Chrn 32; Rev 18; Zech 14 ; John 17 TUESDAY Dec 28: 2 Chrn 33; Rev 19; Malachi 1; John 18 WEDNESDAY Dec 29: 2 Chrn 34; Rev 20; Mal 2; John 19 THURSDAY Dec 30: 2 Chrn 35; Rev 21; Mal 3; John 20 FRIDAY Dec 31: 2 Chrn 36; Rev 22; Mal 4; John 21 SATURDAY Jan 1: Gen 1; Matt 1; Ezra 1; Acts 1 SUNDAY Jan 2: Gen 2; Matt 2; Ezra 2; Acts 2

December 26, 2010 “The Gifts of Faith”

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12-26-10 KP by Chadrick Carter - Issuu