ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING CHURCH CALENDAR Bible Study, Dec 8th, 7PM Kulp UMC Chalk Artist, Dec 5th, 6PM Fisherdale UMC UMW Christmas Party, Dec 7th, 7PM Christmas Open House at the Parsonage: Dec 11th, 4-7PM Church Christmas Party: December 12th, 1PM Next Breakfast: December 18th Blue Christmas, December 19th, 6PM Fisherdale Church Council Meeting: January 6th, 7PM
Mt Zion United Methodist Church Catawissa, PA Pastor Chad Carter “The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fat‐ tened calf together; and a little child shall lead them… They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord” Isaiah 1:6,9
Wanted: Volunteers for visitation & hospitality teams. See Pastor Chad Chalk Artist at Fisherdale UMC Dec 5th, 6PM. Jeff Baker from Drawing In His Glory A Chalk Art Program combines inspirational Christian-based messages with contemporary Christian music and dramatic lighting effects. During the message a chalk painting is drawn live in front of the audience. The presentation usually has a dramatic climatic ending with a "hidden" picture being revealed using a black light. The hidden image emphasizes the underlying point of the Scripture Message. The Combined Parish Choir There will be a choir practice for the combined choir on Sunday December 19th, at 3PM in the sanctuary at Mt. Zion UMC. UMW Christmas Party December 7th, 6PM at Em Styer’s House. All ladies are invited. Prayer Pals will be revealed and new ones will be assigned! Bible in One Year MONDAY Dec 6: 2 Chrn 6; I John 5; Habakkuk 1 ; Luke 20 TUESDAY Dec 7: 2 Chrn 7; 2 John; Hab 2; Luke 21 WEDNESDAY Dec 8: 2 Chrn 8; 3 John; Hab 3; Luke 22 THURSDAY Dec 9: 2 Chrn 9; Jude; Zephaniah 1; Luke 23 FRIDAY Dec 10: 2 Chrn 10; Rev 1; Zeph 2; Luke 24 SATURDAY Dec 11: 2 Chrn 11&12; Rev 2; Zeph 3; John 1 SUNDAY Dec 12: 2 Chrn 13; Rev 3; Haggai 1; John 2
December 5, 2010 Home is where Hope is