ANNOUNCEMENTS & UPCOMING CHURCH CALENDAR No Bible Study This Week Cluster Lenten Services, TONIGHT, 6PM at Lime Ridge UMC (Bloom) Next Church Council Meeting: April 20th, 7PM Maundy Thursday Svc, 6PM Covered Dish Dinner at 5:30PM at Fisherdale Good Friday Service, 7PM St. Paul’s UMC Food Bank: April 28th, 4:40—6:15PM
Kulp United Methodist Church Catawissa, PA Pastor Chad Carter
“You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth.” John 18:37
Card Shower for Margaret Helwig Please help Margaret’s family celebrate her 90th birthday on April 21 by sending a card to her: Margaret Helwig, 246 Poor House Road Catawissa, PA Kulp Scholarship Anyone who is a member of the Kulp United Methodist Church and is pursuing a degree at an institution of higher learning or a technical school, is invited to apply for a monetary scholarship for the 2011-2012 academic year. If you are interested please contact Jan Hickey (3562478) or Penny Fetterman (356-7865) to obtain an application. The amount of the scholarship will be determined by the available funds and the number of applicants. VCFD Chicken & Waffle Dinner April 30th at the Red Brick Church in Numidia. See bulletin board for details. Easter Egg Hunt April 23rd 11:00AM Please sign up to donate prizes and goodies for the kids! Food Bank April 28th Kulp & Mt. Zion are helping hand out food this month. Please sign up in the social room outside the sanctuary. Bible in One Year MONDAY Apr 18: Lev 22; Psalm 28&29; Eccles 5; 2 Tim 1 TUESDAY Apr 19: Lev 23; Psalm 30; Eccles 6; 2 Tim 2 WEDNESDAY Apr 20: Lev 24; Psalm 31; Eccles 7; 2 Tim 3 THURSDAY Apr 21: Lev 25; Psalm 32; Eccles 8; 2 Tim 4 FRIDAY Apr 22: Lev 26; Psalm 33; Eccles 9; Titus 1 SATURDAY Apr 23: Lev 27; Psalm 34; Eccles 10; Titus 2 SUNDAY Apr 24: Num 1; Psalm 35; Eccles 11; Titus 3
April 17, 2011 Christ’s Kingdom—Not of This World