t s o P h s i r a P The Spring 2011
Volume 1; Issue 4
To my beloved Church Family,
You can reach Pastor Chad at:
It was the new year when I asked you to pray for the church and our lives together in 2011. I laid out a vision for us to strengthen 3 things, individually and corporately.
(570) 356-7022 ccarter@susumc.org www.kulpmtzion.org FB search “Catawissa Parish”
1.our temples: our bodies and our buildings 2.our families: our community and our homes 3.our faith: through bible study and prayer
On Mondays & Tuesdays, Chad is at seminary in Washington DC. If you have an emergency, please call Rev. Ed Minnich at (570) 799-5636.
This vision for the church is woven throughout this edition of the Parish Post. Please, take time to read and reflect on the news and articles. I am excited about the opportunities that are available to our community in the coming months.
In order to strengthen our families this spring and summer we are going to offer two special bible studies. The first is a marriage seminar that will be held Wednesday nights in May and June. It is going to be a challenge for the churches to provide childcare and a meal for 6 weeks in a row, but I know with God’s grace we can offer our community this special gift. The second study is for the men in our families. We are going to get together this summer to read and discuss the book Desiring God by John Piper. This book has made a profound impact on my life and walk with God. If our families are going to be strengthened, men, we are going to have to step up and lead them. Recently several members from both churches attended an seminar on hospitality in the church. After the seminar, we met at the parsonage to discuss what we heard, and what it might mean for Kulp and Mt. Zion. Out of our work that day, both churches recognized the importance of a “visitor” friendly church—be on the lookout for changes at our entrances and information areas. Also, we will start to make use of Pew Hosts, men and woman who are responsible to extend hospitality everyone in their section. I am very excited about what God is doing in our valley. Mt. Zion and Kulp are alive, growing and active in the community. I am very grateful that God has allowed our family to be part of your family. BUT, we must remember the urgency that the gospel requires. Jesus’ last words to his disciples in Matthew 28 were, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..” Jesus told us to “Go”. We cannot wait until the community comes to us, we must “Go” to it. How can you help the church accomplish its mission? Has God called you to lead a bible study at home? Who are you praying God will bring into the kingdom? Who can we show the love of Christ, and how might that look? Yours in Christ,
Mt. Zion is looking for volunteers to serve during the 11AM wor‐ ship service. We are in need of individuals to welcome visitors and regular attendees alike. There is a sign up sheet on the table outside of the sanctuary.
We are looking for pew hosts to help make Kulp and Mt. Zion hos‐ pitable churches. A pew host will be responsible for certain pews in the sanctuary. They will be asked to greet EVERY person in their section and be on the look‐
Guatemala Team Fundraiser St. Paul's UCC, Numidia ('red church') It will be a buffet‐style roast beef dinner on Saturday, March 26th from 4:30 to 7PM at a cost of $10/person. This is the ministry that Cale and Deanna Beaver are a part of. Come out to support them and their passion for witnessing to Christ is Guatemala.