Marshfield High School 2016
I am . .
Purple &Gold
Authenitc Energetic Awesome crazy helpful beautiful Theatrical artistic Powerful Independent Bilingual Confident International Brave Coos Bay Unique Strong Alive Upbeat Inspired different coll ege-bound Respectful El egant Oregon smart
2017 Mahiscan Vol. 77
Artisitc Dutch Successful Committed
Educated B r a v e
Bl essed
young Free
di ver g e nt Intelligent
Talented present
Expressive w o r k
Q ueen
G r o u n d e d Quirky Joyful Magical Powerful Smart Thoughtful Adventurous Creative Courageous Felicity Imaginative E L I T E Invinsibl e Motivated Spritied Authentic
Mr .
4/13/2017 3:25:57 PM
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Cl ever
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C on s id erat e
Delightfully Insane
Funny Optimistic Upbeat Loyal Resilient Irreplacea ble Coos Bay spiritual Inspirational Fast Unique Theatrical w e s t social excell ence Strong f a b u l o u s Honest Change Coast W i s e C O M P A S S I O N A T E MHSKing extreme human Fierce Independent International I n n o vat i v e B e n e v o l e n t extraordinary Confident2016-2017 unstopable
Job #: 10010
I am Marshfield 10th
& Ingersoll
Coos Bay, Oregon 97420 (541) 267-1405 Mahiscan Vol. 77
2016-2017 Published in USA
Printed in China
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2/17/2017 11:21:42 AM
Joe Walker
After working at Marshfield for years, Joe Walker decided to retire. He first started his career in graduate school, studying to be a seminary minister in California but found his joy in teaching. “I took some time off to do substitute teaching which was back in the s and early s to pay off the school bill, and that was when I realized I really enjoyed teaching,” said Walker. He started working at Marshfield in when he was looking for a small town in the coastal area to raise his family. “My wife and I had gotten married in Sutherland, California and we just started having kids and realized that it was not where we wanted to raise a family.” During the time the school district was short in Math teachers, so teachers were allowed to have no credentials in math to become one. He says that it was easier to become a teacher but, “I had to learn the hard way.” Walker had many di culties, but he was in his dream job. ”I love seeing the lights turn on, and I love being part of that process.” Walker retired in but plans to continue to substitute for approximately two years.
he PARTICIPATED IN Track and Field
he was Vice President of the math club
Walker has three kids and six grandchildren
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Montiel is on itunes! He hAS been married for 18 years Montiel’s favorite food is carne ASAda tacos.
Montiel met his wife Tammie in the 6th grade.
Floyd Montiel
Floyd Montiel has been working as a Spanish teacher since . He graduated Marshfield in . He started his teaching career because he appreciated school. “I enjoyed school as a kid. I enjoyed going to elementary school, middle school, high school. I didn’t like missing days of school,” said Montiel. When he first entered college he studied to major in another subject. “I actually studied to become a health teacher, and I had taken some Spanish classes, and I had a little bit of a background in Spanish, and I think when I graduated from college I realized that the market wasn’t going to be that great for a health teacher,” he said. He decided to become a substitute teacher to build a money base until a job opened up for a Spanish teacher. Montiel liked teaching because of the student’s energy. His favorite part is, “Just like with any subject you get a joy when it catches on, and I know it’s not easy for a lot of people, but some people can actually get it, and when people put the effort in and work hard at it, it’s kind of nice to see them start create some sort of fluency,” Montiel said. “some people embrace it and I think the ones that embrace it are the ones that are successful.”
4/13/2017 12:33:57 PM
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Intro to Theme
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Intro to Theme
High school isn’t easy, but we all have similar struggles. We may have different lives, And different stories, yet we all have something in common From forgotten homework to dutch bros. driven days. We can all say, “I am Strong because I’ve been weak, I am fearless because I’ve been afraid, I am Wise because I’ve been foolish.” We can all say I am...
Artwork By: Gabrielle Beauchamp
3/24/2017 4:38:11 PM
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Job #: 10010
Table of Contents Activities.......................................08-25 Clubs................................................26-43 Fall Sports.....................................44-61 Winter Sports...............................62-79 Academics.......................................80-95 Performing Arts...........................96-107
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Eighth Grade.................................108-113 Freshmen.........................................114-119 Sophomores.....................................120-125 Juniors............................................126-131 Seniors.............................................132-145 Group Photos.................................146-153
4/13/2017 12:35:24 PM
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“Sometimes great possibilities are right in front of us but we don’t see them because we choose not to. I think that we need to be open to exploring something new.” -Barry Allen, The Flash
4/13/2017 12:41:24 PM
Spirit Week
I am fearless hromebooks and Dutch Bros gift cards were on the line. It was the first year
Chromebooks were used in classes, so the
contest encouraged students to use their new technology for learning. Chromebook winner, freshman Jason Hinds said, “I dressed up to show spirit
“Do it and go all out. If
for Marshfield.”
you don’t do it now, you
The people that
will regret it.”
dressed up to the
-Senior Chloe Tompkins
max had the best chance to win
one of the prizes. The themes for the week were Would You Be My Friend if I Wore This Day Monday , Twin Tuesday, Wacky Wednesday, Pirate Pride Day Thursday , and Tropical Day Friday . Senior Chloe Thompkins wacked it out on Would ou Be My Friend Day by wearing shorts over jeans, a tie-dye shirt, a lei around her neck and a pink flower in her hair. “Do it and go all out. If you don’t do it now, you will regret it,” she said.
Sage Nelson, Senior
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Sage Nelson, Senior
Karina Skurk, Freshman
Isabella Webster, junior
“We dyed everything from head to toe in tiedye,” she said.
Karina Skurk, Freshman “Dress up because it’s more fun and the more people that dress up the better it is,” Skurk said. To her, dressing up and having school spirit means getting out there and gettting everyone to dress up.
Isabella Webster, junior “I think it’s just showing pride in your school and showing spirit that you care about your school.”
Photograph: Sabra Strain
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
zel Bruno
Photograph: Madison Bauer
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Sabra Strain
Photograph: Cassidy Carr
Photograph: Julianna oster
Photograph: Cassidy Carr
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Casey Gillet, Junior “Dressing up means a lot. You get to show pride and get people active,” said Gillet. She stressed that if not dressing up has to do with what other people think, “ ou shouldn’t listen to bullies. Do what you want to do.”
Christina calhoun, sophomore Rachel simon, senior “Don’t worry about feeling crazy cause other people will dress up crazier than you.”
Spirit Week
1.To get into school spirit, senior Julia Mapilisan dressed up for W BMFD by dressing up in a crazy outfit. 2. Eighth graders Daniella Cruz and ady Acuna dress up for Twin Tuesday to show support for Homecoming week. 3. During W BMFD, seniors Ireland Gerber and Chloe Thompkins dress up in their wacky clothes. “It’s a good way to get involved and remember high school,” said Thompkins. 4. Senior Brandon Richards shows off his tie-dye for Homecoming spirit week. 5. Erin Nelson, junior, and Christina Calhoun, sophomore, wear their tropical gear to get ready for the Homecoming football game against the Douglas Trojans. Marshfield won - . “ ou get to have school spirit and wear pretty colors ” said Calhoun. 6. Jaycee Smith, junior, Emily ruse, sophomore, and Ana Schleissner, senior, finish eating their ice cream that was provided by the MHS ASB while sporting their pirate gear Thursday during the hour long lunch period. The lunch activities included tiedye, slip-n-slide, and dodgeball. . Skylar Houghtaling, junior, brought his best outfit for tropical gear to get ready for the theme of the homecoming football game. 8. Freshman ynsint Hill wears his cookie monster hat for Would You Be My Friend Day.
“If students don’t have school spirit, they kinda miss out on an opportunity that comes with high school,” said Simon. She also said that having school pride isn’t just about wearing gold and purple, “it’s participating in school events and dressing up silly with your friends.”
3/24/2017 3:39:18 PM
1.Samantha Jackson, junior, and her guest dance to the beat of the music, enjoying her second to last homecoming before her graduation year. . After getting ready with two other friends and eating dinner at ittle Italy, juniors Ellise McMillan and ourtney Garnett encourage others to join the dance floor. “I like to dance with everyone and see all people dance,” McMartin said. They had fun dancing on the floor dancing to “Teach me how to Dougie” by Carli Swag District 3. After entering the tropical gymnasium, junior Cody Eastwood and his friend enter ready to dance and have a great time. 4. ooking fantastic as they enter the dance, junior Maddie Suppes and Charis iblett join the dance after taking homecoming photos with her friend and dining at Momiji. “The energy of the place was easy to get caught up in,” said iblett. 5. Meeting up with her friends, senior Tianna Dickey gets everyone together to take a photo to commemorate the night they are all waiting for whilst looking forward to the excitement that awaits them on the dance floor. . In midst of the great news, senior Taylor Stark is being hugged and congratulated by her mother. Stark was announced homecoming queen. Stark along with Mackenzie Johnson, Ireland Gerber and Samantha Waldrop were a part of the senior homecoming court.
Bailey Elkins, Senior
Choosing to save her first homecoming for senior year, senior Bailey Elkins had a blast hanging out with her band friends at local diner ozy itchen before attending the dance. Elkins attended the dance with her friends as well as her date, graduate aleb Sheline. “It was pretty fun since this was his first homecoming as well.”
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Jenna Frank, Senior
“I loved being able to get dressed up and dance like crazy with my friends. I’m so sad that this year is my last homecoming, but I made sure to enjoy every moment, and I definitely won’t forget it anytime soon. I’ve never had so much fun in my entire life, and I wish I wasn’t a senior so I could go next year.”
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Shaylynn Jensen, senior For her last homecoming, senior Shaylynn Jensen chose to continue a long tradition with her friends. She started off her night with dinner at her house where she and all her friends gathered. “The dance was fun because we always stay in a group together, laughing, singing and dancing.” Jensen continued her night with her friends hanging out, eating food and playing games at her house all through the night.
Photograph: Maria Arellano
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
I am memorable
ond to eating dance ncing opical time. dance e was y gets oking senior oming art of court.
a Arellano
ete Susick Stadium was packed with students, parents, and members around the community on
September 30th to support the football team. Senior princess
tells how she felt on the
“Homecoming was
field: “I wasn’t nervous just
great because I was
thinking about how cool of a
with friends and we
night that I was having with
had fun chillin’ like
all my family and friends.”
Later on, we won against
-Sophomore Raven
Douglas Trojans 74–13. The
night of Oct 1st contained tropical decorations and loud music. “Homecoming was great because I was with friends and we had fun chillin like villains,” said sophomore Raven English. She said
la Barnes
everyone was in the moment and they had no worried so that was definitely memorable. Photograph:
asmin Aguirre
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
7 Photograph: Michaela Barnes
11 Photograph:
asmin Aguirre
asmin Aguirre
asmin Aguirre
7. After senior Taylor Stark was announced as the Homecoming Queen, the princesses gather to the track for a group picture. 8. As other princesses take their positions on the field, senior Samantha Waldrop and her father stand patiently with big smiles. 9. The eager senior Mc enzie Johnson waits with her father to find out who the Homecoming Queen will be. 10. After announcing the ueen, sophomore Ravyn Miranda and the rest of princesses spend the rest of half time talking with friends and family taking pictures. 11. With the seconds counting down, junior Bailey Pederson and her father listen intently to the announcer. . Senior Breanna England and junior Bailey Pederson are excited to see Pederson all dressed up looking very elegant with her sash and flowers.
3/24/2017 3:40:34 PM
Our cheerleaders are big part of assemblies, raising our spirits and getting us excited. “We are trying to get everyone in the crowd to want the Marshfield Pirates to win,” said cheerleader Hughes.
Sophomore Kaleb Hughes
Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi Photograph:Zaraya Estrada
senior and asb vice president taylor stark Assemblies can produce some memorable moments. “My favorite assembly memory was my sophomore year when we had a dance off between Mrs. Free and Mr. Guthrie,” said Stark.
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Junior Chris Folan Favorite moments in an assembly aren’t always silly. Folan’s favorite moment was, “Probably when we were doing whose house with Mr. Mulkey and he fell down while screaming because of his knee, but we all thought he had a heart attack.”
Photograph: Maria Arellano
1. The students get ready to perform the “Roller Coaster”, an action that requires the students to lift their hands up in the air and move them side to side like they were on an amusement park ride. It has been a long tradition in our assemblies. 2. During another one of the innovative games ASB comes up with, senior Jeremy Bess gets his hair drenched in hair gel by Mr. Mulkey so he can look like him and yell ”whose house“ at the crowd. 3. Mr. Mulkey kneels after yelling “whose house” and hearing the students yell “our house.” Mr. Mulkey was highly known for his phrase and participation in sports. 4. Dancing to the beat of the music are senior Sarah Gayewski and junior Peyton Thomas. “This is my third year on Up Beats dance team, and I chose to do it because it would improve my dancing abilities and it would teach me good life skills,” said Thomas. 5. Receiving an award and recognition is senior Julia Mapilisan. Mapilisam’s class banner art earned her appreciation. 6. Showing off their dance moves are The Up Beats. They performed in many assemblies and were always energetic in their performances. “I have only been on The Up Beats for two years. Before that I danced at the practice School of Dance, and I joined because I knew the people in the team, and I wanted to be able to perform more often,” said senior Sarah Gayewski. 7. Playing the traditional game of musical chairs with a slight twist are seniors Andrew Falconer, Mackenzie Johnson and junior Bailey Pederson. It’s a traditional homecoming assembly game where boys are pulled from the stands and are used as chairs while the homecoming princesses rush to find a knee when the music stops.
Eighth Grader Adriana Ramirez Helping with the assemblies is a great way of showing your school spirit. Ramirez was inspired to help when she attended her first assembly. “I got interested in planning as well as helping with the assemblies because while I was in the audience I enjoyed their performances,” said Ramirez.
9 krats
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Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
a Arellano
8. Seniors Riley Kirby and Angel Perez await the judgement of their tin foil gowns. The student body awarded first place with the loudest applause. 9. The cheer team surrounds senior Brady Pickett at the end of their floor routine. 10. Clapping to the beat of the fight song are senior Sabra Strain, sophomores Cassandra Casey and Rayne Quinones as well as junior Samantha Jackson. “My favorite part would be when we get to show off what we’ve working on for all year and it’s a lot of fun,” said Quinones.
Photograph: Jose Ramirez-Duarte
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
IA Am excited 7
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi
dents ement innogel by neels highly senior m, and od life apilishe Up ances. ool of rform s with on. It’s used stops.
ssemblies: where school spirt is shown, sports are announced, and our rivalry is fueled toward the Bulldogs. “What’s super fun about it is figuring out with my fellow ASB members what’s going to appeal to the student body the most at that time like a basketball themed assembly because it’s the night of the civil war, then we try to figure things out that this big event is coming up and they should get involved in the pep assembly “I don’t think the and the activity nervous pit in my that’s going stomach will ever go on,” said senior Rachel Simon, away.” the activities -Senior Rachel Simon coordinator. Most people get stage fright getting in front of a large crowd, and it’s no different for Simon. “I don’t think the nervous pit in my stomach will ever go away,” said Simon. “My favorite part of an assembly is what [gets] the students excited and what they enjoyed,” said Simon.
Photograph:Itzel Bruno
3/24/2017 3:42:49 PM
Foreign Exchange
In hope of discovering different cultures and learning international languages, James Kim decided to travel to Coos Bay in May. Kim wants to take up a career in international travel agencies. He misses his family and Korean barbeque. While in South Korea, “I went to karaoke and hung out with friends and went to the PC room and played League of Legends and Over-watch and went to movie theaters and shopping,” said Kim. He likes to discover new things. He planned to go to Europe after graduation.
One year ago his parents proposed the idea of coming to America and Carlos Bravo decided to come to Coos Bay. He enjoyed the sport, tennis and soccer but the worst part was the weather of Coos Bay. Although he enjoys America, he misses his family and friends in Spain. “I can be without things that I have there but the people are really important to me,” said Bravo. While in Spain he was involved in multiple activities because the city was large enough that there were many activities to be involved in as a teenager.
Experiencing new things and growing allows one to improve in their independent life. That’s why Ana Scheissneir Granda decided to come to America. “The most di cult was the language because, well, at first I couldn’t understand anyone because the people who talk with me in English are also from Spain so the accent is a Hispanic accent,” said Granda. She had di culties when she first came like missing her family and friends, but she pushed through it because she was experiencing new things and wanted more freedom.
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Job #: 10010
With glish ing a Pedr he w swim Coos foun caus stud beca they class jects subj them
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ve t’s
“The ge n’t
in o nt,” ies ing e he and
With the goal of improving his English, making new friends, and finding a university to enroll in, Tommas Pedretti came to America. In Italy, he was involved in track, karate and swimming. When he first came to Coos Bay, the biggest difference he found was the school system because it’s more di cult. In Italy, the students wouldn’t change classrooms because the teacher would move and they didn’t get to choose their own classes. “You don’t choose your subjects and every school has different subjects and you need to study all of them,” said Garbi.
Foreign Exchange
Coming from Slovakia, Filip Mahalda came to learn new culture, English and new people. “I think English because when I arrived here I don’t understand a lot of things,” said Mahalda. In Slovakia, Mahalda would go fishing, soccer and tennis with his friends and family. While his time in Coos Bay, he enjoyed the variety of lakes where he could go to catch fish and meeting new people. When he first came he was surprised by the school bus system because in his Europe they do not have buses.
2/17/2017 8:25:08 AM
FutureBook Yearbooks Template: Inside Pages Dimension: 8.5” x 11” (Portrait) Black line: Trim line (Finished dimension) Red line: Bleed line (Page will be trimmed 0.118” in from this outside bleed line) Note: Please make sure all text and page numbers are at least 0.125” away from the trim line SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
kourtney garnett
Junior Kourtney Garnett got her job at Bayshore Chevron the summer before her junior year. She easily balanced work and school because she requested to only work on the weekends, and her manager was very good with her schedule.Her duty at work is to pump gas. When she had homework for school, she was allowed to do it at work while they weren’t very busy, and she usually got all of it done. She encouraged other students to get a job because it helped make her more independent. She said, ”While I have been working, I feel like a more independent person, and I feel like I have grown.”
maireni santana
“There are no shortcuts. You have to work for what you want,” junior Maireni Santana said. She loved the fact that she got to see people from everywhere around the world and she heard about people vacationing from everywhere they had been. She balanced school and work by only working on the weekends for 5 hours a day. Santana said, “To me it’s really not that hard.” She liked the fact that she got to make her own money and could spend it however she wanted. Before, she would ask for things and she would get told no on occasions, but with her own income she was able to to shop whenever she wanted. She said she loved it besides having to sometimes clean gross things.
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
jonathan torres
Junior Jonathan Torres worked at Wendy’s as a cashier. He loved to work with his co-workers because he said “they are a good crew.” He enjoyed being able to see everyone everyday, and he loved the fact that he got to see his friends come in. When his friends went into his work, they made it even more eventful than what it was before. He said, “Having a job is one of the best things ever.” He worked almost every day, so any of the free time he had he did his homework so he didn’t fall behind. He said, “I stay up late anyways, so it doesn’t really affect me.”
tianna dickey
Senior Tianna Dickey was employed at the Human Bean located in Coos Bay since the end of her junior year. She said, “It’s fun to be able to work with people, and it’s fun to be able to meet new people every day.” She had new experiences all the time and it kept her interested. This was her first job, so she learned a lot from it. She barely had any free time, but with the free time she had she had to do her work from school or would fall behind because she worked about 72 hours every two weeks. Overall, she loved her job because it gave her something to do and she loved to have her own money to spend.
4/13/2017 12:49:33 PM
Freshman Jamie Foster
Q: What’s exciting about Younglife? A: The most exciting part about Younglife is meeting and helping new people. Q: Who got you involved? A: I got involved my 8th grade year when Brandon Richards asked me if I wanted to go do something fun and exciting. Q: What does Younglife mean to you? A: To me, Younglife is a place of content. It’s a place where you can be yourself and not get judged.
Q: What’s exciting about Younglife? A: What’s exciting about Younglife to me is that it’s fun to be able to just go and have a good time and not have to worry about people judging you. It’s exciting to go and interact with people and make new friends. Q: Who got you involved? A: I got involved with Younglife by Jean Trendell as a 7th grader. She would always come to my school encouraging me to go. Q: What does Younglife mean to you? A: Younglife literally means everything to me, and it’s the highlight of my week, and it’s the only thing I look foward to on Wednesdays.
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi
1. Senior Anna Pedro and sophomore Taylar Floyd take a brief rest from singing. Their time at Younglife brought them closer as friends. 2. Senior Richard Godden smiles big after club while attempting to show his “muscles.” 3. Freshman Danielle Pedro dances with her friend freshman Casey Strine while they sing at the top of their lungs. 4. Sophomore Parker Stocker tries to figure out what the audience is planning. 5. Sophomore Anastasia Marca sings along with friends. 6. Senior Angel Perez and sophomore Matthew Hasel attempt to keep balance on the yoga ball blind folded. 7. Cadie Callaway, sophomore, with her Younglife leader Caitlyn Shoemaker sings her heart out. 8. Todd Tardie and senior Brandon Richards became very close over time. Tardie was a positive support system for Richards during di cult times.
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Sophomore Cadie Callaway : What do you find fun about oung-
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sENIOR sKYLAR TecocoatzI
life? A: I enjoy the games we play and socializing with my friends. Q: What is your favorite memory at the Younglife house? A: My favorite memory was watching Kendra come into club after her wreck. It was awesome. She was so happy and so joyful. It brought a smile to all of our faces. Q: How did you hear about Younglife? A: I started going to Wyldlife as a 6th grader, then I got into Younglife as a freshman. I never stopped going. I got told about it in the 6th grade because my friends were involved in it. I absolutely love Younglife.
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Photographs: Anna Pedro
Q: What’s exciting about Younglife? A: I love how crazy it is and how you can be yourself and meet so many new people. Q: How did you get involved? A: I got involved from my friend Anna Pedro, and after she introduced it to me, I started going ever since. Q: What does Younglife mean to you? A: Younglife means a lot to me. It’s made my highschool career a lot more fun.
I Am Living
Senior Brandon Richards has been involved in Younglife since the 8th grade. Todd Tardie introduced Richards to the club. “After my dad had passed away, I really seeked out for help. I thank the Lord that I found someone like Tardie,” said Richards. When asked about his favorite memory, Richards looked down with a smile and said, “My best memory is when a year after my dad passed “It’s been amazing away, I went to Younglife watching Brandon grow on a Wednesand seeing how Younglife day, and it happened to brings out the best in be the same him.” day he passed which was May -Senior Anna Pedro 15th. It was special because Todd and the rest of the club prayed and cared for me. I was surrounded by nothing but love. I will never forget that.” Richards plans after high school to attend SOCC for 2 years for criminal justice and hopes to transfer to a university to further his education. Richards hopes to continue helping kids with similar situations and stay involved in Younglife as long as possible.
4/13/2017 12:56:57 PM
Deonne Cotell Junior Deonne Cotell, avid reader and new member of OBOB said, “I thought OBOB would be a good option. I just really like reading.”
Courtney Jeffs Freshman OBOB member Courtney Jeffs’ favorite book was An Ember in the Ashes by Margaret Weis. It’s a fantasy adventure book with lovely characters. She enjoys the competition aspect of OBOB. “It can be tense sometimes when you are against a really good team,” said Jeffs.
Brendan Will Freshman OBOB gave its members an environment where they were able to feel confident and comfortable with one another. “Reading is my favorite part of OBOB because I have an excuse to read. I just feel happy because I am doing something I enjoy,” said freshman Brendan Will.
Photographs: Itzel Bruno
. Eighth grader Hannah Bernhardt reads The Outsiders by SE Hinton before the bell rings to go to her first period. Bernhardt explained that she was reading the book to catch up on her chapters for class so that story made sense to her. .The “Orphan Train” team members of OBOB wait to see if they got the answer to the question correct. . Freshmen Maritza Millan and Cheesekaye Ramos read different genres of books. Millan read a book called The ampire Diaries by .J. Smith, a story about Elena Gilbert, a young human high school girl who finds herself between Stefan and Damon Salvatore, two Italian vampire brothers. Millan explained that when she reads, she feels that she is in the story. “I like to read these kind of books because when I read them, it makes me feel like I am one of the characters, and I like books with action,” said Millan. . During their first OBOB competition, the OBOB members the “Cranky Readers” were listening to the question about a book they read so they could get points for it.
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zel Bruno
H 4
aving a great imagination is a terrific asset when it comes to reading. “I see vivid pictures of what I’m reading. It’s like a movie, but it feels like you’re in it,” said junior John Johnson. In the world of reading, there are many authors and genres to choose “I see vivid pictures of from. “John what I’m reading. It’s Green is one my like a movie, but it feels favorite authors like you’re in it.” because he has -Junior John Johnson just enough romance in his books where it’s not overbearing, and he’s funny as well. He writes beautifully,” said freshman Julianna oster. Marvin Ord, th grader, said, “If you just read an assignment, all you do is learn from that world, but if you read for fun then you can absorb and learn from many different worlds.”
7 . OBOB students get ready for a civil war battle with orth Bend. Teams competed throughout the year in hopes to make it to state the competition at Chemeketa Community College. This was the first year that the OBOB team progressed to the state tournament. . Junior essenia Millan works hard finishing her cubic functions and polynomials homework during her seventh period in the library for Mr. Guthrie’s class. . Members of OBOB prepare for a competition. They practice answering questions about the books that they have read.
4/13/2017 1:04:59 PM
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Job #: 10010
I Am...
I am
Jordyn leep, Senior Pushing himself to the limit, senior Jordyn Leep tried his hardest to succeed through his hard work and patience. He was involved in both swimming and bowling and had no trouble partaking in both activities with the help of his coaches and family who pushed him to excel. Leep is involved in many activities because he says, “It is a lot of fun and you meet a lot of great people.” After high school he plans to attend Oregon State University to become a forest engineer.
I am
Zealous Tess Garrett, sophomore Finding her love for singing, sophomore Tess Garrett was involved in Choir. “The choir room is such an accepting place and has such loving people,” Garrett said. Not only is Garrett involved in choir but she’s played basketball and track. She doesn’t find these activities stressful because she is doing the things she loves with her brother, Ernest, who motivates her to do her best. Garrett said, “The benefits of doing these activities are making amazing friendships, staying in shape, learning how to work on a team and various other life lessons.”
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Sta Pey dan fee und Lyn hea her pra stat dan som of,” Tho coll bec
Junior Peyton Thomas
Starting from the age of eight, junior Peyton Thomas anticipated the joy of dancing. “I enjoy the way it makes me feel. The emotions I feel while dancing are undescribed,” said Thomas. With the help of Lynn Scott who encourages her to keep her head up and never give up, Thomas pushes herself to the limit during state practices, practicing four hours every night to get a state championship banner while on the dance team. “I think it would be cool to see something in the gym to know I was a part of,” said Thomas. After graduation, junior Thomas wants to attend USTA or community college in San Antonio to fulfill her dream of becoming an RNA Nurse.
I am
Liam Webster,Freshman Freshman Liam Webster was involved in journalism and he managed the girls’ basketball varsity team, and played football and baseball during his free time. He is self-motivated and said, “I think my love for being busy and I like social interactions,” is the reason why he gets so involved in school activities. He’s excited about what he can participate in his next three years of high school. After school he plans to take on a career in physics, engineering or in the medical field.
I am
Self-Motivated 4/13/2017 1:08:08 PM
Clubs 10010_026-027.indd All Pages
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“Dear Mr. Vernon, we accept the fact that we had to sacrifice a whole Saturday in detention for whatever it was we did wrong. But we think you’re crazy to make us write an essay telling you who we think we are. You see us as you want to see us in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But what we found out is that each one of us is a brain and an athlete and a basket case, a princess and a criminal.” -the Breakfast Club.
3/24/2017 6:15:56 PM
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Job #: 10010
“My favorite part of journalism is when the paper is distributed and my younger brother finds my story or any art work that I do and says That’s my sister My sister did that ’” said Charis Niblett. “My brother was in it [Journalism] and he really enjoyed it. I thought it would improve my social and writing skills. I really enjoy the people, it’s like a small family. I also like that it allows me to be artistic,” said Julia Mapilisan. “My favorite part is the final product. When we finish the paper and you see it all done,” said Hannah irk.
k, Sierra Ward PAge De
signers Mckena Peder son Re
CHaris Niblet Artist Jessica Baimbridge Distribution Manager Julia Mapilisan, ISabella Webster Artists Jorda HArlow designer Alex Hernandes , Michaela Barnes Reporters “I’ve always had a passion for writing and journalism allowed me to grow in ways I didn’t expect. Although I may have started in yearbook initially sorry about that , the intensity the journalism staff brought to the table was something I didn’t realize I desired so much. I’m glad I decided to join when I did,” said Jessica Baimbridge.
“Journalism is an adventure. I wanted to participate because of the cool people on the staff,” said Andrew Post.
“Journalism is a way to express my creativity. I wanted to join journalism because it’s something that has always interested me., and I wanted to learn the inner workings of publishing and the work that it would take to be a published journalist,” said Michaela Barnes.
Andrew Post, Hannah Kir
“I wanted to do it because one of my friends signed up for it. Journalism to me is an art of informing people through news. It is also the art of working together to create something that we went people to read and see,” said Mc ena Pederson. “My favorite moment in journalism was when we had an all-night work party for our seventh issue. We were playing the board game uelf’ and it was Mrs. Hampton’s turn. I’ll never forget that,” said Isabella Webster.
“Journalism, through my high school years has grown on me. I use to enjoy writing stories , but I like design more now,” said Matthew Hampton “Journalism is one of the most challenging stressful and rewarding actives I have ever patriated in. The journalism staff honestly like a family to me, and as many times as I’ve gotten mad them, I still love them appreciate each and every one. They’re so talented,” said Riley irby. “An artistic and creative way of informing the public of news and opinions of fellow students,” said Jorda Harlow. “looking at pictures of giraffes drinking water and fighting. It’s hilarious. would recommended,” said Alex Hernandez.
JAcob Dean, Zach Kellar Business Manager Matthew Hampton Design Editor Philip Hernandez Managing Editor of copy Michael Ebanol Web Master Riley Kirby Managing editor of design
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
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“Visiting Disney World and experiencing it for the first time with the greatest people. I think this will be something I remember as the best part of high school,” said Rosy Cervantes.
29 “As stressful as twelve-hour work parties have been, I wouldn’t exchange them for the world. Work parties provide opportunities to get to know people I never would have gotten to know otherwise,” said Rachel Simon.
IE AM PUBLISHED stablished in 1928 and nationally recognized, The Marshfield Times
produced and distributed seven issues of the newspaper. Editor-in-Chief Rosy Cervantes was on staff for her entire high
“All my best high school
school career.
m that me., e shing uld
“I wanted to
memories have been in
be involved
this journalism room.”
in school and
-Managing Editor Allison
seemed like a good way to
Allis0n Putman, Rachel Simon Managing Editors Rosy Cervantes Editor-in-chief
do it. Through journalism I have met my best friends and made the best memories,“ said Cervantes. Managing Editor Allison Putman was on staff for three years. As managing editor, Putman made sure everyone was
en we issue. nd it hat,”
writing stories for the online paper. “All of my best high school memories have been in this journalism room,” said Putman.
Jace Sperling, Aj Lovell, and Liam Webster consider them selves “The Squaaaaad”. “To me, journalism is a great group of friends and a creative outlet,” said ovell. “Journalism is a good way to acquire important skills that I’ll need later in life,”said Sperling . “I love teaching journalism because it’s relevant and timely and challenging, but beyond that, it has been more special with this staff because I have shared so many unique experiences with this particular group of students, from discussions about our favorite news sources to basketballs, many, many meals shared over work parties, huge hide and seek games, late at night at school, to attending the national convention in Orlando at Disney World. I will never forget those times or these talented, amazing students.”- Catherine Hampton, Adviser
liam webster advertising designer. Aj lovell, jace sperling design editors,
Catherine Hampton Adviser
4/13/2017 4:00:25 PM
1. Publicist Jazmin Chavez helps prepare the whip cream for the upcoming game during the holiday pep assembly. 2. Sophomore Jazmin Chavez and junior representatives Chris Folan and Justin Banks look at the program during the homecoming assembly preparing to present the homecoming court. 3. Sophomore Erin elson and junior Justin Banks announce the September boy and girl of the month, seniors Samantha Waldrop and Ian Emlet. .Senior Will Roderick gets soaked while Junior Chris Folan asks questions during splash trivia at a pep assembly. Meanwhile Sophomore Parker Stocker holds the timer on every participant. The faster the participants answered, the less likely was for them to get wet.
Photograph: Julianna oster
Photograph: Itzel Rodriguez
“I have learned that leadership is more about influencing others than the title it gives you.”
Peyton Thomas tREASURER
“ASB has taught me responsibility, good work ethic, and leadership.”
Photograph: Maria A
Jazmin Chavez Publicist
“ASB has taught me how to work with others and be a better leader. I always try to include everybody in what we are doing.”
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FutureBook Yearbooks
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Ian Emlet
his year, ASB came out with innovating
ideas which were incorporated into
assemblies, spirit week themes and school dances. Early in the school year, they put on the decorations for the homecoming dance where members decorated the main gym and
“We all do the equal amount of planning...
later at the dance
That makes us more
showed their DJ
of a family and good
skills. In October
they hosted their first annual
-Sophomore odee Harwood
blood drive of the school year. Members worked different shifts thoughout the day and assisted students and staff who were donating blood. “We all do
“ASB means getting involved and giving back in your community along with a great group of friends,” said student body president Ian Emlet. Since the beggining of the year, Emlet kept himself busy by helping pioneer the project “ eep Our Campus Clean,” an initiative to improve our campus and make it greener. “I ran for president because I wanted to make this school a brighter place... I wanted to see a positive change,” said Emlet. ASB has taught Emlet irreplacable lessons “on how a team works in a classroom as opposed to a field or a court.”
the equal amount of planning...that makes us more of a family and good friend,” said event coordinator odee Hardwood. Photograph: Maria Arellano
Kodee Harwood
Erin Nelson Secretary
“I like being in ASB because [I] get to make decisions about the school and become more involved.”
“I like being the event coordinator for ASB because it gets me out of my comfort zone and excited for the events I host.”
Rachel Simon
aCTIVITIES Coordinator
“ASB has proved to me how much happens behind the scenes at Marshfield.”
4/13/2017 3:41:10 PM
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Job #: 10010
8th/9th Leadership
Ian P
Djerriah Johansen, freshman “Leadership has taught me that it’s okay to be goofy and not care what others are gonna think of you.”
Michael Pederson, freshman “I love being a part of the assemblies and being involved with the school.”
Jerry Rodriguez, 8th grader
Fin te enrol des The ro to and wa challe
“I really enjoy organizing assemblies and hanging out with my leadership team.”
I AM lIvely
he robotics team won 15th place in a
competition by building a robot with a
constructor’s kit. “We would build the robot, write down what we did, program it and document it,” said Michael Ebenal. It was designed to seperate the balls in a bin. Every day after school they constructed the robot
Photographs: Danielle Pedro
for one and a half
“It has really helped
hours. Not only
me come out of my
did the robotics
comfort zone.”
team work hard,
- 8th grader Maria Rodriguez
but leadership did, too. 8th and 9th grade
Leadership was in charge of hosting the boy and girl of the month and showing leadership during pep assemblies. Leadership helped create ideas for the assemblies, cleaned up, and hosted assemblies. “Some of the big projects we do are homecoming, prom, assemblies, and we work with 100 percent to fundraise money to go to charities of our choice in our community,” said sophomore Jasmin Chavez.
Photograph: Julianna Koster
1.Maria Rodriguez and Mykalean Lawrence in Ms. Bunnell’s class brainstorming ideas for the assemblies. 2. Freshman Gage Pederson and 8th graders Connor Heckard and Jerry Rodriguez come up with new project ideas for student leadership. 3.During a pep assembly, 8th and 9th grade leadership hosted a dance where they wore cardboard faces of teachers and showed the crowd their skill.
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33 Ian Pickett, 8th Grader
Finding a passion for technology, Pickett enrolled in Robotics to design and construct. The robot was designed to separate the blue and red object. “I can’t wait to see what the challenge is next time,” said Pickett.
Brendan Will, Freshman
Jonathan Graber, Senior Graber joined Robotics because he enjoyed the idea of being able to create a robot to complete particular tasks. Graber said his favorite thing was “being able to experiment with the robot, being able to take it apart multiple times and put it back together and then changing some of the codes affecting what we wanted it to do.”
Wanting to connect with people that had the same interest as him, Wilson participated in the Robotics club. “We just simply built a frame and then we just sort of added parts and we modified it until we could complete challenges,” said Pickett.
Photographs: Glen Crook
6 7
na Koster
rming onnor udent dance r skill.
4. Looking at robot 11545, senior Jonathan Graber, freshman Cole Cardoza, and sophomore Dakota Frost decide what changes to make to improve the robot. 5. The team receives advice from another team about coding to adjust the robot. “It basically allows us to tell the controlling computer what inputs from the computer should cause what output in the robot,” said Graber. 6. Frost, Graber, and Cardoza present their robot to the judges and observe other opponent’s robots to decipher what they should fix for the final presentation. 7. With the robot in the arena, the team shows off their creation to the judges as they ask questions. They had two phones attached to the robot controlling the power distribution module and another one connecting to the controller so the phones were able to control the robot’s function.
4/13/2017 1:08:32 PM
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Job #: 10010
1. Raegan Rhodes, eigth grade, resets the levels after class so everyone can start new the next day. 2. Jacob Post, junior, records an underwriting to play on the Morning Kazam in radio class. During the writing process, students need to practice their reading for how it sounds out loud which is what Even Viea is practicing. 3.Andrew Post, senior and sound professional, checks the sound for the video in the TV and Broadcasting class.Everybody has a different job to do to make the product. 4.To prepare for the runthrough on the announcements, anchors Cassandra Casey, sophomore, and Sam Waldrop ,senior, read a script to get ready. Casey is laughing at a funny error in the script. 5. The camera focuses on Carson Shield as he reads his script for the daily announcements. The green screen behind him created a virtual reality to the viewers watching. 6. Keizer Howerton, sophomore. records a promo in the production room in the radio station. 7. Justin Bartlett, 8th grade, levels the sound on the weather broadcast for the Morning Kazam. 8. During the announcements, interviews are conducted about what’s going on around the school or important dates coming up. Jeremy Beasley, senior, adjusts the camera so a team can do an interview which airs the very next day.
1 Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph:Jose Ramirez
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
I Am skilled
he time ticked down as the Monday group produced the announcements for
the whole school to see. They had forty-five minutes to build a five-minute product. Days went into making interviews and intros and outros. “My favorite thing about the tech program is getting hands on experience in a stable enviroment,” said Scott Bradley. The script was written for the anchors to read the
“My favorite thing about the tech program
morning of, so
is getting hands on
everything was
experience in a stable
up to date. “It’s
very important
-Junior Scott Bradley
Jeremy Beasley, Senior ”This class teaches you the importance of doing things on time and not procrastinating.”
for me to delegate jobs and tasks to people so I don’t Photographs: Sabra Strain
get overwhelmed,“ said Sam Waldrop, senior and producer. These programs and the radio program developed and grew and helped people get real life jobs. Students learned to work a camera and talk on the air. The radio class broadcasted the Morning Kazam every week day which was led by senior Sarah Gayewksi and junior Andrew Prince. They talked about upcoming events, and students
Joe Martin, Sophomore ”The fact that I get to work with people everyday and knowing that I’m helping out with the station is great.”
were able to request songs by calling the station.
Mackenzie Johnson, Senior
”TV and Broadcasting helps you make friends and communicate after high school.”
3/24/2017 4:23:57 PM
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
1. In the second meeting of the year, president Shaylynn Jensen shares news on potentially collaborating with ASB to run the annual blood drive. 2. NHS members help at the annual Pre for ids Run carnival by running different activity stations making crowns and bracelets using pipecleaners and beads. “It was a great opportunity to have fun with little kids while doing what you like,” said senior Mixtli Rodriguez 3. Seniors Katarina Allison, Julia Mapilisan and Shaylynn Jensen work alongside juniors Courtney Grant and Deonne Cotell by giving a quick bracelet tutorial to race participants. 4. Senior Katarina Allison makes animal figures using pipe cleaners during the Pre for ids carnival. 5. SNHS secretary Jessica Baimbridge keeps up with her notetaking on the planned projects of the year. She participated in the campus cleanup, a project which she enjoyed greatly. 6. SNHS co-advisors Mr. Hill and Mrs. Seedborg oversee the club’s meetings and activites. They motivated students to take more science classes by including fun material and activities.
Photogra Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Julia Mapalisan sECRETARY
Ian Emlet Treasurer
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Allison Putman Vice-President
Rosy Cervantes Publicist
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Catherine Hampton Advisor
National Honor Society 10010_036-037.indd All Pages
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
wo societies, 28 students, one purpose: help by giving back to the community. Senior Shaylynn
Jensen took on the challenge of being the president of both National Honor Society and Science National Honor Society. Time management and organization
from members was expected. In November both societies got together and did a campus cleanup; school members gathered and picked up trash while others removed bushes. The project was initially started by SNHS. “Even if you are in one group and not the other, it doesn’t mean we can’t come together and work,” said Jensen. Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Both societies wanted to
“If you do good, you
achieve the same goals
can get good back”
by showing dedication
-Junior Kayla Wyatt
in the activities that they do. “If you do good, you can get good back,” said junior Kayla Wyatt. These individuals volunteered throughout the year by helping community members. They collaborated with other clubs and created their own projects for the year focusing on
Science National Honor Society Phillip Hernandez, Junior Vice-President Hernandez was President Shaylynn’s right hand man when it came to SNHS. He gave a presentation on politics and science’s relationship showing how different countries view things like climate change and advancement in technology. Overall, he had a great time.“It is really cool that people in high school know more about it,” Hernandez said.
jESSICA bAIMBRIDGE, Junior sECRETARY Baimbridge enjoyed seeing change, not just to feel better but because “it gives you opportunities to grow as a person,” she said. On days when she felt like things were not going her way, she would go to the Marshfield Pioneer Cemetery and pick up trash to take her mind off things.
getting involved in the local schools by working with young kids, tutoring, and helping in school festivals and carnivals.
Shaylynn Jensen, senior President Selflessness was Jensen’s brightest attribute. She had high expectations and was determined to run both societies while doing club volleyball, performing well in her academics, and keeping her job working for about 30 hours a week. While she had a busy schedule, she made time for volunteering because it “makes you go out and see what is going on in the community,” Jensen said. She liked helping people in the community because “the focus is not really on ourselves, but really is what it is going to do for others.” Being involved in NHS and SNHS took a lot of her free time, but ultimately helped her learn more about herself and create important new relationships.
Kiersten Martin, senior Treasurer As a second year member, Martin decided to manage the club’s finances. She enjoyed meeting new people and forming new relationships, but she also emphasized that the club was an opportunity to “know that what you are doing does have an impact.”
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
3/24/2017 4:26:22 PM
Key Club
I am selfless
bout 40,000 babies are born with congenital heart defect (C.H.D), a
problem with the heart structure when the baby is first born. This happens because of the incomplete or abnormal development of the fetus during the first weeks of pregnancy. Key Club heard about this heart defect from a member freshman oselin Aguirre. “I
“Working with Warren and his parents has made me feel joyous!” -Freshman Yoselin Aguirre
heard about this heart defect my 8th grade year from the parents of a kid named
Warren who has CHD,” said Aguirre. When Aguirre was
in leadership, they threw parties for Warren before he’d go into surgery. Key Club loved the idea and continued to work with Warren and his parents. Key Club also knitted and sewed red infant hats for Warren’s parents and put together “comfort bags” and donated them to the children’s hospital where they will be given to mothers with babies born
Photographs: Yasmin Aguirre
with CHD. This is just one of many projects
Key Club worked on since the beginning of the year. Meanwhile Z Club was also hard at work. Z Club noticed that there were many issues affecting the community, specifically bullying. About
teens suffer from bullying either online or
around the community. Z Club started the anti-bullying week in 2015. During this week they hosted activities to encourage students to pledge against bullying. Once the students pledged, they got a free bracelet and received free ice cream and a concert from the local band Crushing Crayons.
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Job #: 10010
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
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in Aguirre
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Z Club
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Jasmine Herrerea, Senior
“I’ve all ways wanted to be involved in ey Club. I wanted to become more social, get to know new people at our school.”
mixtli rodriguez, Senior 7 1. Juniors Kayla Wyatt and Jonas Langarcia worked hard to get all the hats done so they were able to donate them to the children’s hospital. 2. Right before the meeting, seniors Arianna and Jasmine Herrera prepare while sophomore Timothy Kent sits quietly for the meeting to start. 3. The smell of fresh hot chocolate is always a good way to start off the day. Seniors Sarah Gayewski and Itzel Bruno sold hot chocolate and other baked goodies to raise money for Z Club. 4. Freshman Makayla Neal sews hats for the babies at the children’s hospital in Portland, Oregon. She was overjoyed to contribute to this project. 5. As senior Maireni Santana pays close attention, senior Jasmine Herrera shows her how to knit hats to donate them to babies in the hostpital. 6. Key club members sit as they listen to president senior Arianna Herrera as she went over what they will be doing to raise money. 7. Sophomore Timothy Kent and seniors Arianna and Jasmine Herrera talked and ate before they had to start the meeting. 8. It’s all smiles and laughter during the ey Club meetings. Senior Itzel Bruno gots ready to talk about last week’s meeting. 9. Key Club donated hats for mothers at the children’s hospital for babies with CHD.
“I’ve been able to touch people’s hearts through Z Club and Key Club. I’ve grown as a person by being a leader in my school and community being responsible, diligent and humble.”
Itzel bruno rodriguez, Senior “It makes feel like I’m in two important clubs that are like a family. I like to help people because helping the community or students makes me feel like I’m making a difference.”
Photograph: Maria Arellano
3/24/2017 4:42:43 PM
FutureBook Yearbooks Template: Inside Pages Dimension: 8.5” x 11” (Portrait) Black line: Trim line (Finished dimension) Red line: Bleed line (Page will be trimmed 0.118” in from this outside bleed line) Note: Please make sure all text and page numbers are at least 0.125” away from the trim line SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Photograph:Maria Arellano
Photograph:Maria Arellano
s a fifth year veteran, senior Shyanne Bolton led the forensics team as a co-captain. Bolton particularly felt that competition was stressful. “It’s really intense competition, and if you’re not on top of it in every second, if you don’t practice every day, you can fall behind, and that person that you are competing against is going to jump ahead of you. It’s really stressed, but super fun. I love it,” said Bolton. Forensics has a wide variety of events like Dual Interpretation, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Prose, etc. Senior Jeremy Bess performed Dual Interpretation and Dramatic Interpretation. Out of both events he enjoyed Dramatic Interpretation the most. He liked to challenge himself when he was the competition. Even though competitions were really tense and stressful, "Forensics taught he liked to experience other me a lot about people’s pieces perserverance." and taking new acting advice - Senior Arianna from judges. “Competition is Herrera definitely fun, very challenging. It’s great to see other people acting, like learn how to make yourself better so you can compete better. It’s really good to improve yourself and watch the people around you improve, “said Bess. Senior Arianna Herrera, also as a fifth year veteran, explained that she joined Forensics to give herself a voice. “Forensics taught me a lot about perseverance,” said Herrera. The Forensics team had an impressicve year overall with Marshfield taking out of available spots for our district to compete in the state competition. Coach ayla Crook also earned her FIrst Diamond award by accruing 1500 points in her Forensics career.
1 Photograph:Michaela Barnes
Photograph:Maria Arellano
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Photograph: asmine Aguirre
RACHAEL SIMON SENIOR GA E - For understanding chair at ational ualifiers Members P A UE- ational ualifier for Dual Interpretation with uinn Earle META - Fifth place at State in her sophomore year. “I wanted to be a captain because I felt I can make a difference in my team. I wanted to know people that they can trust me, and I want the best for the Marshfield Speech and Debate team.”
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Job #: 10010
SHYANNE BOLTON SENIOR TROPH : In , the Forensics team won rd place at Willamette University during a Speech and Debate tournament. “I really love the team and the environment that I surround myself in with them and the relationships I built.”
Tem Dim Blac Red Note
a Arellano
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Photograph:Maria Arellano
JACE sperling SENIOR
Jace Sperling enjoyed Forensics because he learned a lot from it. Sperling’s Dramatic Interpretation focused on an older gentleman who fell in love, married months later, and shortly after, his new wife passed away. He said the piece related to many people because the man was, “getting over [his wife’s death] which is something that people identify with.” Dealing with important life issues was something Sperling especially enjoyed in writing his pieces. He also enjoyed the challenge that Forensics provided. Throughout the year, he competed in seven events including Public Forum, Poetry, Dual, DI, PI, Impromptu Speaking and Informative Speech. His most successful event was Dual Interpretation earning first place in the Ashland tournament with senior Riley irby.
Sheena Eickhoff has been in Forensics for four years. Eickhoff performed Dual Interpretation and Dramatic Interpretation. Dual Interpretation is an event between two people using different voices and a script. It can be dramatic or humorous depending on the interpretation of the performance. Eickhoff joined Speech and Debate to gain confidence and help her public speaking. “Speech and Debate taught me how to become confident, speak, how to write, how to better myself in general. It has really made an impact in my confidence,” said Eickhoff.
1. Performing a Dramatic Interpretation at the South Coast Invitational, senior Sheena Eickhoff and Aria Davis show a story named Sisters Smith by aura Morris. Eickhoff explained how her sister Aria Davis got into a car wreck resulting in her becoming mentally disabled. 2. Doing a Dramatic Interpretation, senior Fatima Ruiz performed a girl who grew up with photographic memory from Forgiven Forget by Bridget Grace Shiffs in the first tournament of the year at South Coast Invitation. 3. Practicing and getting ready are senior Jeremy Bess and junior Jorda Harlow. They present Sibs by Diane Flacks, a story about two siblings going through their parent’s house after their father dies. Di cult childhood and adolescent memories are drudged up, but it ultimately brought them together. 4. At the first South Coast Invitational, senior Jace Sperling and sophomore Timothy ent wait their turn to perform their Dual Interpretation. 5. Dancing in their wedding, senior Shyanne Bolton and Matthew Hampton perform at the alentine’s s Murder Mystery, a fundraiser to earn money for the Forensics’s team. 6. Senior Arianna Herrera performs a poem at the South Coast Invitational. She explained that the piece was about two brothers that had different personalities but tried to get along. 7. At the South Coast Invitational, senior Riley irby and Richard Godden perform a Dual Interpretation about a boy and girl who date for a while and were both actors. She has an unplanned pregnancy of which he didn’t approve and asked her to abort. In the end, she decided to give the baby to a good family, and even though they didn’t stay together, they both end up satisfied.
Photographs:Itzel Bruno
Humorous Interpretation and Dual Interpretation were two main events that junior Jorda Harlow performed in Forensics. Harlow practiced her pieces constantly. She gained more confidence in herself, but she is still working on getting there. Harlow said, “Forensics is just like a really great place to come out from your shell and just be more open and to get to know new people and new things.” Harlow plans to become a captain in Forensics in her senior year. “I want to be a captain, but I know there is a lot leadership and hard work, and they just need someone who is willing to be leader and to be strict and compassionate when needs to be because having a successful team means that you have successful individuals,” said Harlow.
4/13/2017 1:20:42 PM
FutureBook Yearbooks Template: Inside Pages Dimension: 8.5” x 11” (Portrait) Black line: Trim line (Finished dimension) Red line: Bleed line (Page will be trimmed 0.118” in from this outside bleed line) Note: Please make sure all text and page numbers are at least 0.125” away from the trim line SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
I am...
I am
Arianna Herrera, Senior
Arianna Herrera, senior, was a devoted member and president of Key Club. The club’s members volunteered at different local events such as elementary school carnivals, Salvation Army bell ringing, and Backpacks for Kids. The members were set on volunteering and creating a better community for everyone. “When I was younger, I struggled a lot, and that’s the reason why I am dedicated to helping people who are struggling. I’m glad that Key Club started up again because there aren’t many opportunities like [Key Club]. Key Club helps people get their community service in for graduation, and it helps improve the community. It is time consuming, but it helps others,” said Herrera.
Carson Shield, Freshmen
Freshman Carson Shield was a member of the TV Broadcasting and Radio team. Shield was an anchor for the announcements shown to staff, students, and were welcome to parents on the Marshfield website or outube. “I like producing something that is all me. It’s cool to see myself on a screen. It’s almost like you’re in a movie and everyone knows you. ou get to meet more people. I didn’t know some of these people before joining [TV Broadcasting]. I like coming up with ideas and working with others,” said Shield. He also recorded liners that were heard on KMHS 91.3 FM. “My mom [was in Radio] and it sounded fun. I like recording stuff that’s original and mine. It’s definitely my favorite class,” told Shield.
I am
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
I am
Senior Michael Ebenal
Michael Ebenal, senior, was a member of the Robotics team. Robotics was a new club coached by Mr. Crook, the manufacturing teacher. The robotics team designed their projects on the computer and then put them together. “It’s fun working on the computer and then being able to make that with my hands. It’s cool to see them on the computer and then physically seeing them. There is a different mindset about it. I like making something from basically nothing. I will continue using skills I have learned in the future,” explained Ebenal.
I am
Junior Kendall Morgan
ASB planned many of the activities including dances, assemblies, and new things for students to learn about. They started the “Keep Our Campus Clean” trend and they encouraged #live100. Live 100 was a program set up to encourage students to live their best and act their best toward others. Junior Kendall Morgan was part of the ASB club. Morgan plans to continue ASB throughout her junior and senior year. “I like watching the assemblies and contributing to the fun. I learned about it my eighth grade year. We get to decorate dances and plan games for the assemblies. The student section is really awesome,” said Morgan.
4/13/2017 1:19:38 PM
Fall Sports 044-045.indd All Pages
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“so many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable.� -Christopher Reeve
3/24/2017 6:14:11 PM
8th cross Country
I AM Invincible
here were a variety of people on the CrossCountry team with different mind-sets and goals in life, but one thing they have all agreed on was that their team was like a family who encouraged everyone to do their best and to succeed, not just in the sport but also in their personal lives and everything they want to make possible. Although an unexpected injury held senior captain Ian Emlet “I think the team is a from competing family. There is a lot of in several competitions, bonding that goes on he managed to and everyone’s there to recover with a encourage you.” season best of 17.06. Emlet began -Sophomore Jazmin running in the first Chavez grade through the Blossom Gulch laps program and started o cially running Cross Country in the 6th grade. Sophomore Jazmin Chavez made 5th place in the state championships. She said the main thing that led her to achieving this goal was her teammates. She said they gave her the encouragement she needed and pushed her forward. She liked how Cross Country was a different from other sports being a co-ed team, and her teammates ended up being more, “like brothers and sisters, so it’s like family.”
Photograph: Madison Bauer
Gabe Delgado, sophomore Kaylee Delzotti, Freshman “Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute or a day or a year, but eventually it will subside and something great will take its place, but if you quit, that pain will last forever.”
“Cross Country has kept me up and motivated all my life, and you make so many friends. It’s just so enjoyable.”
Kyran Erwin, freshman “Cross Country is like a family. We run together, we cry togther, we hug together. Everyone encourages everyone. No one ever tries to hurt anyone’s feelings.”
Ian Emlet, Senior
“There’s just something about distance running that’s intrinsic... You challenge yourself and your own self-will and you overcome what you never thought you could before.”
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
son Bauer
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Cross Country
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
8 6
Photograph: Madison Bauer
1. Eighth grader Kensey Harlow speeds through to the ďŹ nish line at Sunset Beach for a competition. 2. Junior Madelyn Suppes running the Prefontaine Memorial Run. 3. Sophomore Jazmin Chavez gets interviewed by man from The World newspaper. 4. Eighth grader Cade Roe gets close to the end of the race at the Sunset Beach competition. 5. Teams beginning their run for the Prefontaine Memorial starting near the Coos Bay library. 6. Connor Heckard, 8th grader, at the Sunset Beach competition. 7. Freshman Jordan Baarstad and Sophomore Rayne Quinones relax after the Prefontaine Memorial Run at Pete Susick Stadium. 8. Senior captain Ian Emlet takes a memorable photo with the team after the Prefontaine run.
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Madison Bauer
4/13/2017 1:22:10 PM
Photograph: Madison Bauer
8th grade Volleyball
1. As freshman Ashley Warrick starts off the game, the crowd gets hyped to see her spike the ball to the Siuslaw team. Even though we lost with the final score being - , the ladies played a hard game. . Eighth graders Maria Rodriguez , Caprina Mathias and Makayla Goble rush over to get the ball from the Bandon team. . Eighth grader Caprina Mathias does her normal warmups as she tries to serve the ball over the net. 4. The crowd yells as freshman Aubrie Rush , Portia McAnally , Karina Sandberg-Holley and sophomore Jaiden Bohanan come together after they made a point against Siuslaw.
Cedar Ward, eighth grade
Cedar Ward grew up in an environment revolving around volleyball. Her sister influenced her to play volleyball and that’s how her love for the sport began. “I feel like we’ve improved a lot since last year,” she said.
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph:Skylar Tecocoatzi
Karina Skurk, Freshman
Karina Skurk grew up with volleyball. Her family and friends all played making her want to get involved. One of her goals this year was to be libero. As the season went on she played libero for a time along with other positions.
Photograph: Madison Bauer
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
JV Volleyball
Photograph:Skylar Tecocatzi
I am Vigorous T
hree players left the team. There was not much hope for a winning season, but it was
an opportunity for growth. “Even though the team didn’t always win the games, they played
2 Photograph: Anna Pedro
their hardest,“ Jessica Rojas, sophomore, said. Photograph: Madison Bauer
That meant that being flexible was more important
ever to focus on improving. “Some people got put in different positions. That
“Some people got put in different positions. That made us come together as a team.” -Freshman Aubrie
come together as
a team like, for example, one of our liberoes
had to be outside hitter and she never did that before,” said freshman Aubrie Rush.
“Sometimes you have to think about yourself and become a better player individually despite the negativity and give something to the team,” said Rojas.
“The highlight of the season was us getting better because we all improved tremendously from last year,” said Rush.
aubrie rush, Freshman Photograph: Victoria Backer
Jessica Rojas, Sophomore . Taylor Waddington , th grade varsity player, readies to serve the ball to Coquille. They had a fun time playing and getting experience for next year. . The th grade team warms up for their game against each other to gain more knowledge of the sport and practice their plays. . Don’t miss the ball!! All thoughts are on the ball from the opposing team, Siuslaw, as it gets closer and closer toward freshman Ashley Warrick . She hits the ball over the net to the Siuslaw team. . “Get the ball,” the JV volleyball team yells as Karina Skurk, freshman, dives to return the ball to Siuslaw. She does and makes the Siuslaw team work hard to get the ball.
4/13/2017 1:25:24 PM
Varsity Volleyball
1. Kenadi Rhodes (6), sophomore, bumps the ball to senior Kelsey Jackson (8). Jackson hit it over the net to her opponents, South Umpqua. Although the girls ended up losing 1-3, it was still good experience and a good game. 2. Before hitting the ball over the net, freshman Makenna Anderson (3) gets ready to serve the ball. This was the girls’ second time playing orth Bend. The first game they won 3-0, but this time they lost 2-3.
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Karlie Whitson
Photograph: Karlie Whitson
Photograph: Cassidy Carr
Photograph: Karlie Whitson
3. While her opponents, Douglas, go to serve the ball, sophomore Alex Locati (5) and her teammates get ready to return the ball over the net. 4. Sophomore Ravyn Miranda (4) sets the ball to her teammate Marissa Erickson (11), junior. Erickson hit it across the net to the South Umpqua team. 5. Kelsey Jackson, senior, sets up to bump the ball to setter Ravyn Miranda, sophomore. The girls played well in their second game against South Umpqua, but they lost 1-3. 6. After warming up for their game against Douglas, the Lady Pirates cheer each other on by saying “1,2,3, Pirates.” 7. To get the game going, sophomore Ravyn Miranda serves the ball over the net to South Umpqua.
Ravyn Miranda, Sophomore “There is pressure to do better. Coach Tammi holds high expectations, and I try to meet them. It’s different having to play with older girls, but I look up to them.”
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Makenna Anderson, Freshman “Getting on the team was a big accomplishment for me. My goal was to make the team and get that libero position. The coaches and fans motivate me to do better. They cheer us on, and when they watch, we go 100%.”
Marissa Erickson, Junior “Age doesn’t affect us, it makes the program stronger. My goal was to not look like a fish out of water.”
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Varsity Volleyball
I am Resilient T
he varsity volleyball team went through a rough year with four girls making the
choice to quit early in the season. The team felt that they had to work much harder to fill in the missing spots. “Definitely, we had some issues. In the end it made us stronger and closer than it would have,” said junior Marissa Erickson. Despite the team’s struggles, the girls ended up winning against Coquille, Gladstone, Junction City, Brookings-
“I saw a lot of improvement in our skills and how we worked as a team.” -Senior Melissa Giacomini
Harbor twice, and even our school rival North Bend. They were also ranked 26th out of 40 in their league. “It was definitely di cult in the beginning. I had no background with these girls since I was new, but over the course of the season, I developed good relationships with them. I saw a lot of improvement in our skills and how we worked as a team. It’s a shame the season ended so soon,” said Melissa Photograph: Karlie Whitson
Giacomini (12), senior.
Seniors Melissa Giacomini
“At the end of the day, I just wanted to make my mama proud. Whenever I do a sport, I know she’s in the stands supporting me, so I work hard to show her that her support doesn’t go unnoticed.”
Kelsey Jackson
“It took a while to adapt to the changes, but overall the negativity on the team disappeared and we became a closer and more connected team.”
Kelsey Jackson
Melissa Giacomini
Captain 4/13/2017 1:28:23 PM
Boys Soccer
I am Passionate T he boys chance to make it to play-ins laid in the hands of Coquille. As they went into their final game against South Umpqua, it seemed that everyone on the team was more focused on the Coquille vs. Douglas match. Coquille had to take the win for the Pirates to advance to the play-ins. They had been told before their game that Coquille was winning with a 1-0 lead, so they were feeling quite excited and confident about making the playins. “I was feeling hopeful that we would give the seniors one last chance to fight for the state title,” said sophmore Jose Ramirez. After taking an easy win against South Umpqua, the Pirates huddled up around their coach, anxious to get the final results of the Coquille game. Coquille had been in the lead for the majority of “I was feeling hopeful the match, but in the that we would give the seven final seconds of the game the Red seniors one last chance Devils had given to fight for the state the Douglas Trojans title.” one more chance to -Sophomore Jose score after giving Ramirez up a corner kick. Douglas was able to get a header in the final seconds of the game to tie it up which meant the Pirate boys had lost their opportunity to go to play-ins. “I felt crushed realizing our season had come to an end. I didn’t believe it at first, but then I saw it for myself, and I felt horrible for the seniors,” said Ramirez. Even though the boys didn’t make it to play-ins, they still had fun bonding and playing together and they can’t wait until next year.
7. Callista Martin, sophomore, looks to fake out a defender while in a pre game warm up with her team. Even though they lost 6-0 to the Brookings Bruins, they fought to the very end. 8. Sophomore Maddie Arzie looks to throw the ball out to one of her teammates and saves one of the many shots taken by the opposing team, Douglas. 9. Maricela Casas, junior, races head on head with one of the girls from the Brookings team in the first half of the game with the Bruins leading 2-0.
Photographs:Maria Arellano
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“I’m thing expe of t
a Arellano
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph:Maria Arellano
Girls Soccer
1.Senior Diana Chavez scrimmages with her teammates before the big game against the Brooking Bruins. 2.The boys’ varsity team chants, “What do we do? Fight!” at halftime to get pumped for the last half of the game. 3.Pedro Casas, freshman, battles to get the ball back from one of the Douglas Trojan defenders. In the first half of the game, the Trojans were winning 1-0, but junior Cody Eastwood was able to score 2 goals, one in the first half and one in the second, to earn the Pirates a victory. 4. Foreign exchange student Carlos Bravo takes the ball up the field with the support of junior Tommy Nguyen at the civil war against the Bulldogs. 5. Richard Godden, senior captain on the boys varsity soccer team and first time soccer player, does a diving save in his pregame warm up against the Douglas Trojans. 6. Jaime Flores, MVP for his team and one of the senior captains on the boys varsity soccer team, looks to play a pass after winning the ball from one of the Douglas offensive palyers. Flores, in charge Photograph:Skylar Tecocoatzi of the defensive line on his team, helped keep the 2-1 lead against the Trojans.
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Photographs:Cody Eastwood
Darby Imel, Senior
“I’m very passionate about soccer. It’s something I love doing and it’s made my high school experience a lot more fun,” said senior captain of the boys varsity soccer team, Darby Imel.
Ria Gutierrez,Senior
Jaime Flores, Senior
“I’ve played soccer my whole life. My sophAs one of the three senior captains omore year was the first time I ever played of the girls varsity soccer team, soccer on a team, and it was one of the best deGutierrrez said, “I enjoy playing soccer because it frees my mind. I cisions of my life,” said Flores, one of the three senior captains on the boys varsity team. get to let go and have fun.”
4/13/2017 1:29:14 PM
8th grade football
I am Supportive
upport. It was the most imporant thing
to the players. As sophomore Sirus Robie
stated, "We support one another by... try[ing] to keep a positive attitude. We also try to lift each other up and reduce the negative thoughts going
“We support one
about certain
another by trying to
actions." Even
keep a positive attitude. We also try to lift each
the players who didn't get as much field time
other up and reduce the
as they wanted
negative thoughts going
were supported
around about certain actions.” - Sophomore Sirus Robie
Photograph: asmin Aguirre
by the rest of the team." TK Capps and Cade Hite both came out in front
of the team and gave their speeches, both of which were supportive. "I remember one time where I was feeling so down that Cade Hite had actually pushed me into the right direction, focusing more on the positive side of things," said sophomore Mark Larson.
Photograph: Maria Arellano
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
1. It’s Gilbe to the It’s th At the .M Titus Firken numb line ru ones matte , The b quart 7. Jun will th a touc Phoen
JV Football
Luis Arellano eighth Grade “We have all come together working hard, and we have all become really good friends, and I think of them as family.”
Photograph: asmin Aguirre
Devin Benson Sophomore “I think the season was really great although we could’ve improved our mental state before entering our games, getting more focused.”
a Estrada
Photograph: asmin Aguirre
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
1. It’s celebration time for sophomores Taylor Gilbert (30) and Kaleb Hughes (20) soon after Gilbert succeeded in making a touchdown. Gilbert ran from around the 30 yard line all the way to the end-zone scoring six points for the team. They played against Springfield, and they won. 2. It’s the end of the game, and it's time to congratulate one another regardless of how they played. At the front of the line is junior Kanyon Kohl (57) followed closely by sophomore Aidan Adams . Marshfield won with a score of to zero against Phoenix. 3. The eighth grade offensive line Titus Simon, Anthony Villareal, Hunter Hargens, Kolton Roswewwwsback, Noah Niblett, Mason Firkens, and David Nielson. Villareal managed to recover the ball before the North Bend players number 12 and 68 were able to fumble it. 4. As Springfield continued to run the ball, the defensive line rushed after player number 30. Juniors Bradley Easton (16) and Cody Jadin (21) were the ones who managed to take him down. The Pirates took yet another victory with this game. 5. No matter how fast player number of the Phoenix Pirates ran to catch sophomore Gabe Prasad , was no match for his speed. Prasad ended up scoring another touchdown for this game. 6. The ball is in play, and sophomore Matthew Hasel (18) attempts to get into an open area for the quarterback Justin Banks (17) to pass. Hasel ended up receiving the ball and scoring a touchdown. 7. Junior Justin Banks, quarterback of the JV team, has to make a quick decision as to where he will throw this ball. Banks threw the ball toward sophomore Devin Benson who ended up making a touchdown yet again. This game was the first home game of the season, and they played against Phoenix.
Landon Ginn-Forsberg Freshman “We have improved a lot, and I believe that we will not stop improving even off season.”
4/13/2017 1:42:07 PM
Varsity Football
Sirus Robie, Sophomore In the fifth grade, his dream was to be in the NFL. So like any other young dreamer, he joined the football team and now years later he has kept on the same track. Football also helps Robie relieve stress and meet other people with the same interests as him. o matter whether his team has won or lost, “I feel like my team and me did our best.”
Zach Kellar, Junior
P Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
ellar, wide receiver, started playing when he was a young child, influenced by his father who taught him how to play football. During the season, “The game against Cascade, I won the game winning catch.” His main goal overall was to win and go to state, so he pushed himself to succeed and do his best in every game.
Skylar Amsk, Senior Amsk started playing after he watched his cousins play and was influenced to take it upon himself to join the football team. When asked about how he felt on the field, Amsk said, “When I’m on the field I feel that I am in a place that gets you away from trouble and a place that you can have fun and compete to be the best.”
1. The pirates tackle the Bulldogs after they’ve taken the ball.. 2. On the defense team, sophomore Chase Howerton tries to block our rivals, orth Bend, during the Civil War game. The Bulldogs tried to block Howerton, but he got through. 3. Senior Hunter Campbell readies to pass the ball to the quarter back. He looked over at Coach Line to guide his next move. 4. Siuslaw’s runner took the ball, but seniors T Capps , Cesar Castro and sophomore Tristin emmons are faster and tackle the runner all at once. . Once the whistle blows, the defense team starts to tackle the opposing team. Sophomores Trevor Johnson and Gannon Holland used all their force to push the Bulldogs away from the receiver. . After tackling the orth Bend rival team, senior Cade Hite , sophomores Tristin emmons and Gabriel Prasad tackled a Bulldog who tried to steal the ball . Running the ball to get a touchdown, Tristin emmons, sophomore, heads to the end zone to gain a point for his teammates. Although he got tackled, he protected the ball.
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Varsity Football
I am DetermineD
S 5
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
enior captain Chance Jacobs has been involved in football since he was two
years old. On the offensive line, he was a
Photograph: Maria Arellano
running back and on the defensive line he was a linebacker. Jacobs, as an athlete always trying to improve, always seemed to think positive. “I feel like a warrior getting ready for battle. When we win, I think on how we won and what helped us, but when we lose I think on
“I feel like a warrior getting ready for
what we need to
do better or more
-Senior Captain
of to not let that
Chance Jacobs
happen again,” he Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
Photograph: Maria Arellano
said. Football deals with lots of tactics and strategies to win the game, but everyone has
a Barnes
different opinions. “I love the physicality of football it just gets me fired up every time I play,” said junior Tyler Post. Post started on his path to football by playing flag football
in first grade and has played ever since. Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
The team finished the season ranked rd in the Far West eague. They scored a total of points with an overall win of
Cascade, Phoenix, Junction City, Douglas, Siuslaw, Brooking- Harbor, and Sweet Home
a Estrada
with only three losses.
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
. Starting from the -yard line, the players take their position and lock their eyes on the target ready to score a point against the Bulldogs. 9. Coach Line calls a timeout and consults with his team on how to improve their strategies describing what plays they should follow to win the game. . Before a game, Sirus Robie , sophomore, warms up by practicing running the ball to strengthen his game. 11. Jacob Dean , junior, goes to his offense position as wide receiver. During a pause in the game, he looks at Coach ine to see what play to do to block the opposing teams’ wide receiver.
4/13/2017 3:22:13 PM
I Am Powerful
heerleaders do more than just yell and dance at football games. Behind the
peppy faces, there were hours of practice and stunting involved for game day and eventually, competitions. During football season they learned their routine for state competition. “It’s so much time and energy devoted to one
thing, but it’s really worth it in the end when
“I have watched our family grow, and I’m so
we have state in mind,” said senior captain
excited to see what we
can do this year.”
-Junior Courtney Grant
Marshfield the
cheer competition
in history during January. This year was also the first year the team had nine boys. Hunter Bales joined last year and is now head captain. “I’m doing what I want to do, and it’s fun,” said Bales. Courtney Grant said, “I have watched our family grow, and I’m so excited to see what we can do this year. The boys make a huge difference strength wise and energy wise.
Senior Captains
They add so much to the team,” Grant said.
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Sabra Strain
Alexis Gonzalas
“Joining the team was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my high school career. There’s always something to improve on.”
”Cheerleading is a tough sport mentally and physically, but the work is worth it seeing the look on your coach’s face when you hit a perfect routine.”
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
1. During a football game which our team dominated 73-13, our cheer team rallies and pumps up the student section with Cassandra Casey, sophomore, front and center. The theme for the homecoming game was tropical, so everyone brought their flower leis. 2. All captains smile for a picture during the civil war game with Courtney Grant, junior, Alexis Gonzalas, Hunter Bales and Sabra Strain, seniors. During the month of October, the cheer team wears pink bows for breast cancer awareness month. 3. During quarter break, Cassandra Casey, sophomore, cheers at the crowd while performing a lib on a stunt group. 4. Junior captain Courtney Grant talks to a mini cheer leader during a kids clinic when young members of the community can learn how to become a cheerleader and perform during half time at a football game. 5. Let’s Go Pirates! Rain Quionones, Haylee Nanez, and Erika Ramirez, juniors, scream their hearts out while cheering for our boys on the field. Behind them our football team was chasing for the win with a tough loss against the North Bend Bulldogs.
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
Jake Gerhardt, Junior
Gerhardt joined the cheer team his junior year and has loved it ever since. He learned how to do a back flip and immediately was a student section favorite. A former friend that was on the team last year got him hooked on the idea of being a cheerleader.. “I was amazed he could do flips, and so I wanted to do it, too,” said Gerhardt. After joining the squad, Gerhardt, fell in love with the sport and after high school, he wants to continue his cheer career.
Photograph:Mixtli Rodriguez
4/13/2017 1:49:16 PM
I am...
I am
Junior, Courtney Grant
Friday night lights, state competition, screams from the crowd, but most importantly the feeling of support from your squad became part of Courtney Grant’s life after her third year as a arsity cheerleader. At first Grant was concerned about performing in front of a crowd. “I’ve had to overcome my fear of thinking what other people think,” said Grant. The team expanded since last season. With nine new boy members, there were more opportunities for creative stunts. “Our season [was] a success so far; we have passed my expectations from last year. Our goals [were] to win state but most importantly make our community, our coach, and ourselves proud of what we represent,” Grant said. A major influence to Grant was coach Kallie Mill. “She doesn’t just represent enthusiasm and spirit she is like a mother to the team. She has influenced me to be myself, to express... who I am… like learning from mistakes, encouraging others and never giving up,”said Grant.
Energetic I am
senior Captain’s Jaime Flores & Dianna Chavez
Ke Flores’s interest in soccer began at a young age. He joined the Pirates team at the beginning of his sophomore year, mainly playing as mid defense. As captain, Flores had to work with his team in order to meet season goals. ”My goal was to give the younger kids a good example on how to act. I believe I met my goal,” he said. Not only was Flores dedicated on the field, but in school as well. By taking rigorous classes such as AP Biology. He proved himself to be capable of taking a role as captain while doing well in his academics. By the end of an outstanding season, Flores was announced team M P and was recognized as second team in the Far-West eague. “I felt ecstatic when I was voted M P of the team. It was a surprise because we had many good players this season,” Flores said. After high school, Flores plans to attend SWOCC for the first two years and join their soccer team. If things go well, he will later transfer to Oregon State. Senior Dianna Chavez has been kicking a soccer ball, up and down the field for seven years. “I wanted to be a part of a team and do something out of school,” she said. Chavez helped her struggling teammates by showing them her skills while doing practice drills. Most of the time Chavez would give directions during the games either from a mid-field or defense position. As a captain, Chavez needed to work along her team and come up with strategies to beat their rivals. She relied on others to help her get better and improved important skills such as her ball control and passes. Chavez always remained enthusiastic even in tough situations. “If you are struggling or something bad happened to you, you can’t let it hold you back. You need to just get through it,” she basketball. She plans to become a veterinarian at OSU when she graduates college.
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
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mainly to give on the aking a mM P t was a OCC for Chavez mething e drills. aptain, elp her ic even u need college.
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Fall Sports
Sophomore,Gabe Delgado & Junior Maddie Suppes Since a very young age, sophomore Gabe Delgado showed interest in running long distances, preferably those over 4,000m. He started to take this sport more seriously in 7th grade. As part of a running family, he knew this was his sport. Delgado’s dad, Steve Delagdo, was a huge factor in Delgado’s running career. With Mr. Delgado as the head coach for cross country, he pushed Delgado to his limits at all times. For the past two years, Delgado consistently placed in the top three of the arsity C boys and earned his personal best at the A- Far West eague Championships with a time of : for the . The atmosphere on the team influenced him to improve. His teammates encourage him at every race. As he said, “When you do a sport as hard as Cross Country if you are able to suffer together you grow that sort of bond together.” As the school year began, junior Maddie Suppes concentrated on balancing running and school work. The absence of Suppes’s older sister this season encouraged her to get to know her team even more. Though she is a quiet person, she got along with everyone on the team. Suppes managed to stay focused during practice. She would eat healthy and follow her coach’s instructions to perform at her best during competitions, avoiding potential injuries. Suppes persistently dedicated herself at every practice until she achieved a personal record of : in the during the Country Fair Classic in eneta. Suppes’s optimism towards her teammates encouraged not only them, but her as well. “A lot of times, if you have a bad time or bad day in general, you just have to move aside from it and do your best,” said Suppes
I am
SenIor captaIn
Kelsey Jackson
With more than half of the volleyball team members being freshmen and sophomores and only two seniors on the team, senior Kelsey Jackson stepped up for her team taking over as senior captain. For her last season, she continuously played in the middle back position. Jackson has been part of the varsity team for the past three years, but played the sport for seven years. The training and hard work put into every practice made Jackson go through the toughest games of the season. Her growth as a volleyball player was evident. Jackson will miss the atmosphere during practice, getting to be part of a unique family, and being surrounded by amazing coaches that had a great impact on her performance on the court. “[They] influenced me to be a better person and teammate,” she said. Coach Tammie Montiel said of Jackson, “She stepped into a leadership role this season as a captain and was recognized for her play on the first team all-league [and] was also voted team M P by her teammates.” 4/13/2017 1:56:06 PM
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“If somebody says no to you or you get cut, Michael Jordan was cut his first year, but he came back and was the best ever. That is what you have to have, The attitude that i’m going to show everybody, to work hard to get better and better.” - Magic Johnson
4/13/2017 2:43:51 PM
64 Chloe Tompkins, Senior
Allison Putman, senior “I like the challenge of dance because you’re constantly working your muscle but you’re also being worked mentally. You have to go 100% the whole time. My coach is probably the best coach anyone could ask for. My team is the sweetest and my family is very supportive.”
“My favorite part of being on the dance team was the girls and getting closer to them as the season goes on. I think we’ve improved since summer. The girls are growing more technique skills. If you are looking for a team that consists of a community of girls that love one another and push one another, then dance is for you.”
Kayla Wyatt, junior “My best memory was going to Disneyland and performing on stage with my team. I joined Upbeats because I loved watching them perform, and it looked really fun to do. Plus I wanted to make some new friends.”
“Bei [is my the the p me b to th every a
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
he Upbeats raised enough money for the whole team to perform in Disneyland.
Many of the girls were ecstatic about the experience. “The Disneyland trip was
amazing. My spotlight moment was being
included in the most advanced dance at Disneyland,”
“The Disneyland trip was amazing.” -Sophomore Elise Martin
said sophomore Elise Martin. The girls watched film every Friday after school to better improve
their performances in hopes of placing at
state. They also hosted a dance clinic for young children who learned a dance with the team and performed it during a basketball game. They had over 100 kids attend the clinic and perform. “I dance because it gives me a chance to make new friends and build a strong family with the team,” said Celeste Cardoza Freshman.
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Job #: 10010
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o Distage eats hem fun some
65 Ireland Gerber, Senior “Last year at the state competition we went into it in 6th place then came out with a 4th place trophy which I know isn’t close to winning, but we were so proud ‘cause we pushed ourselves so hard. When we were announced, I saw Kendall Morgan’s face (she freaked out and it was amazing) and we all realized that all of the hard work was worth it.”
Elise Martin, sophomore “Being with the team all the time [is my favorite part] and I just love the active dancing. My team and the people I dance with motivates me because I have a responsibility to them to work as hard as I can at every practice because I know they are all doing their hardest.”
Alexandria Randle, Senior “The team [is my favorite part] because we aren’t like other teams. They became my second family. I love dancing with them. It makes me happy to watch them have a lot of energy. I see the girls working hard and I want to work hard and be a leader to them. Deb pushes us. She knows we can work harder and we can be our best.”
la Barnes
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
1. Chloe Tompkins, senior, performs the Pink Panther dance routine at the last rehersal before attending a state competition where they placed 4th. Senior Captains Chloe Tompkins and Alexandria Randle made the All State team, a huge accomplishment. 2. At the Homecoming game during half time, Chloe Tompkins, senior, Kendall Morgan and Maliyah Miller, juniors,
dance for the crowd. “I like dance because it is unlike any other team you will be on because we love each other,” said junior Kendall Morgan. 3. Chloe Tompkins, senior, teaches the group of kids their routine for the basketball game. 4. At a pep assembly, some of the Upbeats perform their routine that they performed in Disneyland. 5. Parker Stocker, sophomore, bonds with her group of kids at the dance clinic. 6. Ellise Martin, sophomore, poses in position and waits for the music to come on to start dancing. 7. Freshman Mckena Pederson poses before the dance begins during an assembly. The dance team performs at every pep assembly to entertain the audience. 8. Ireland Gerber, senior, dances at the pep assembly along with her team.
Coach Debbie Brown
Photograph: Skylar Tecocatzi
Photograph: Skylar Tecocatzi
After loving, inspiring and coaching the Upbeats dance team for 16 years, Brown was named the 2017 Coach of the Year for the class 4A-3A-2A-1A dance division. “ I am just always inspired when I go to practices and see how hard these girls work and I love watching the way that they support each other” Coach Brown said. Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
4/13/2017 2:14:27 PM
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Job #: 10010
I am aquatic
his year’s swim team fought through
swim meets in the pouring rain, gusts
of wind, and freezing cold nights. During Skip Rumbaugh, the only meet during the season where Marshfield is the only A team, sophomore Anna Hutchins broke a old record in the
freestyle set by Shannon
Hasack, an Olympian trial participant with :
. During
“I want to improve
Skip Rumbaugh,
more than I did last
Marshfield had
the most people
-Sophomore Mark Larson
the swim team has had in finals for many years.
Coach athe and co-coach Stephanie pushed the team on a daily basis whether it was eating right or kicking a little harder during practice. They told the team to practice like it’s a race because how you practice is how you race. Mark Larson said, “I want to improve more than I did last year. My times were pretty good, but I want to make them better.”
Photographs: Cassidy Carr
JAck LArson, senior Captain
Larson has been swimming for 11 years. During his four years of swimming for MHS, arson was captain for two years. Larson said, “You have to have leadership skills, and you have to be hardworking. You always have to show that you have a goal so the rest of the team will have goals, too.”
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
HAnnah kirk, senior captain
Kirk was a valuable asset to the team. Kirk was one of very few breaststrokers the girls team had. “A lot more responsibility is involved than just being a member of the team. You have to represent the team, so I have to make sure the team looks good and that they are representing Marshfield well,” said Kirk.
To Roderick being a captain means a lot. Roderick said,“You have to have good communication skills and lots of dedication.” With that, Roderick said, “People look up to me, and I have to be the leader. I have to show the team what to do.”
will roderick, senior co-captain
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Job #: 10010
brean Senio
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Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Brooke Perdo
la Barnes
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
t, eople nd I ader. e ”
breanna england, Senior co-captain
1. Mark arson ,sophomore, takes a breath during the freestyle relay in the third leg. . During the fly, Gabe Delgado, sophomore, starts off strong to go for a personal record. . At the orth Bend Invitational meet, senior Jack arson pushes ahead of his competition for a win in the fly. . As the buzzer goes off, junior Zaraya Estrada dives into the water to start the individual medley. Estrada took first place for the event. “I was nervous before my event because it’s not one I usually swim, but after the first half something clicked and I ended up getting a personal record.” 5. Sophomore Brianna Billeter comes up for a breath of air and to take another stroke in her breaststroke. Billeter tied for a personal record that could qualify her to go to state. Billeter also had another goal. “I have two major goals for the season: to make it in state for my breaststroke and my butterfly.” 6. Alexander liewer came up out of the water to take a breath of air during his butterfly. 7. In the back: Hannah irk, senior, and Taylar Floyd, sophomore. In the middle: Zaraya Estrada, junior, sophomores Alexander liewer, Mark arson, Brianna Billeter, Frankie Figueroa. In the front: Anna Hutchins, sophomore, Breanna England, senior, Cassidy Carr, sophomore, and Maddie Suppes, junior. The group poses for a picture during the meet against Grants Pass. . Tanner oster, sophomore, swims the backstroke against Junction City. 9. Senior Jordyn eep does an open flip turn for the last length of his breaststroke.
ga lot. u d kills
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
With her favorite race being the freestyle, England was always ready to go. England said, “Being a captain gives you responsibility, and I also always try to take care of everyone on the team.” Captains posess certain qualities and England said, “You have to have respect and you have to make sure that you are a trust worthy person.”
Photograph: Mixtil Rodriguez
anna hutchins, Sophomore
Sophomore Anna Hutchins already broke one high school swim record and is hoping to also take the records in the fly, free and hopefully break her own record in the free again. “I finished at the wall and the clock still had my split time, and I didn’t think I got the time, but then it changed, and I looked at Steph and there are no words to how I felt,” said Hutchins after getting the record in the free.
4/13/2017 2:16:22 PM
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Photograph: Maria Arellano
Job #: 10010
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Job #: 10010
efore every game Travis Wittlake Jr.,
junior, embraced his dad and put his hand
over his dad’s tattoo which is Wittlake’s birth date and name. Wittlake was a two time state champion and a four time national champion. He was the first person at Marshfield to ever be a national champion. He went to Russia to compete at the World
“It’s my dream.”
-Junior Travis Wittlake Jr.
He brought home the World Bronze Metal
ranking him as 3rd in the world. “This was my plan as a little kid, but I didn’t expect it to actually happen,” said Wittlake. He currently has a full ride scholarship to attend college. “I have a full ride to Penn state. It’s my dream,” Wittlake explained.
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Brittani Gederos
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
1. Kody Koumentis wraps his arms around his opponent in an attempt to get a point. 2. Sophomore Frankie Harlow grabs his competitor from Crook County. 3. Kelly Floyd, sophomore, wrestles his competitor. Although he lost, it was a close match. 4. Richard Rayburn and Kody Koumentis, freshmen, dual at the North Bend tournament before one of their matches. 5.Sophomore Frankie Harlow tries to get underneath his competitor from Crook County. 6. Philip Hernandez, junior, competes at the successful North Bend tournamnet against Douglas. Happy with winning this match, Hernandez said, ”This was my first wrestling season, and I started it with a lot of losses, but around this time things sort of clicked. Wrestling this guy allowed me to see the improvment I made during the season. He pinned me early in the season and then I went on to pin him twice, once in this match and again at districts.” 7. Kody Koumentis, freshman, pins his opponent on the mat. 8. Kody Koumentis tries to take his competitor down with the help of his team mates cheering him on.
Frankie HArlow, sophomore “When I win a match, I feel tough. When I lose, I have my coach and team with me. Coach Wittlake is a really great coach and he keeps me in line, and ever since I started [to wrestle] my grades got better.”
Chase Dibala, senior
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
“I feel this rush of happiness and strength knowing that all the hard work that I have put in for this sport is paying off. All the blood, sweat, and tears that I’ve shed for this sport have pushed me to become a better wrestler. So all in all, it’s a pretty dang good feeling getting your hand raised. We are all a family... everybody pushes everybody and we all come together as a unit. We are unstoppable.”
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Peyton Forbes, Freshman 7
“I do wrestling for the challenge and to see how far I can push myself in practice.”
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
4/13/2017 3:58:40 PM
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Job #: 10010
Eighth grade Basketball
oth eighth grade girls and boys basketball teams worked hard this year to improve
their skills while at the same time enjoying
the sport and having a lot of fun. “We struggled a little with listening and really coming together as a team, but overall, we did amazing! The most memorable part of the season was probably when coach Line would sing to us
“I’m very proud of my team this year. We only had three losses!” -Jaden Sperling
during drills,” said eighth grader Sterling Williams.
Williams said
she fell in love with the game this season and plans on continuing with it throughout high school. The eighth grade ladies had a successful season winning 10 out of 14 of their games and placing 2nd in both tournaments they participated in. The boys team shared that success. “I’m very proud of my team this year. We only had three losses!” said eighth grader Jaden Sperling who’s been playing basketball
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
since he was six years old. The eighth grade
Luis Arellano
boys finished the season with a best score of
“I’m really proud of my team and how far we’ve come as a team and how much we’ve improved as basketball players and individuals. I made some great friends along the way, and I wanted to thank my coach for helping us become better athletes,” said Arellano.
66-38 against Sunset. The boys took a great victory in becoming the champions in the Myrtle Point tournament.
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and m ed as duals. ong nk ome o.
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Cassidy Carr
Photograph: Julianna Koster
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Eighth Grade Basketball
1. Jaden Sperling (2) dribbles the basketball to a teammate against Sutherlin. The boys took the win with a score of 33-32 2. The 8th grade boys huddle around coach Fendall during their game against Siuslaw to come up with a counterattack 3.Titus Simon (32) quickly decides on which teammate he should pass the ball to during their victorious game against Sutherlin. 4. Caprina Mathias and the rest of the girls basketball team huddle around coach Line as he gives them a quick pep talk before one of their big games. 5. Hobie Ainsworth from the 8th grade boys gold team gets ready to pass the the basketball to a fellow teammate during their game against Sutherlin. 6.Kaitlyn Dae (55) and Amanda Markussen (42) watch as halftime begins with smiles on their faces as they see their leading score against Coquille at one of their final games. 7. Sperling Williams (22) comes back from halftime with Raegan Rhodes (13) following close behind her. The girls took this game’s victory against Coquille Middle School. 8. Sydney Trendell (5) gets ready to recieve the basketball from one of her teammates during their game at Sunset Middle School against Coquille. Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Sydney Trendell
Sydney Trendell went to a few basketball camps that later persuaded her to join basketball teams in 7th and 8th grade. “With both wins and losses, we as a team grew and became better than we were in the beginning,” said Trendell.
Noah NIblett
“I try my best and do what I think is good, not what other people want from me,” says Niblett, who’s been playing basketball since 6th grade. He plans on continuing with basketball and persevering to improve his skills.
4/13/2017 3:21:42 PM
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Job #: 10010
JV Girls & Boys Basketball
I am strong
eing the oldest on the team, Isabella
Webster learned a lot about leadership
throughout the season and really enjoyed
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
watching the rest of the girls grow from their first game to their last game. “It was a little challenging
“We went
- this
being on a team
season with our only
mostly made
two losses from varsity basketball teams!”
up of freshmen with not as much
-Robert Fisher
experience as me, but
because of this, there was a lot of room for
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
improvement,” said Webster. The girls ended the season with
wins. The boys J and J
teams did really great as well. “We went
this season with our only two losses from varsity basketball teams,” said Robert Fisher, number
on the J
team. Fisher’s most
memorable part of the season was hitting a last second buzzer beater while getting
fouled to go to halftime.
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
LUke Inskeep, Sophomore
“Fighting for a starting spot really kept me motivated throughout the entire season. My favorite memory would probably have had to be this summer being able to play with everyone in the program and making close friendships with the older guys during open gyms.”
Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Cameron Nye, sophomore
“I first started to play basketball because I have a very competetive nature, and I love the game. Over these last 8 years since I started playing basketball, my love for the game has grown stronger. This year, there were a lot of people who doubted us at the beginning of the season, but we definitely proved them wrong.”
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FutureBook Yearbooks Template: Inside Pages Dimension: 8.5” x 11” (Portrait) Felicity Smoak, Freshmen Black line: Trim line (Finished dimension) Red line: Bleed line (Page will be trimmed 0.118” in from this outside bleed line) Note: Please make sure all text and page numbers are at least 0.125” away from the trim line SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
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zel Bruno
n Aguirre
ball tetive Over ted or This le ning ely
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
JV Boys & Girls basketball
. Freshman Robert Fisher along with the rest of his J team sit watching their game against the Panthers. . Tyler Fitzgerald-Thorton and Robert Fisher try to block the opponent from passing the ball. The boys took a great win with a score of - during this game. . Sophomore Melanie Cavanagh gets ready to shoot the ball from the free throw line. . Taylor Shea , sophomore, dribbles down the court with an opponent guarding. The J girls won this game. . Freshman Kiana Holley waits in anticipation for a civil war game against North Bend to begin. . Sophomore amren Chard dribbles down the court with an opponent reaching for the ball. . Danielle Pedro along with freshmen teammates Michaella Wright, Aubrie Rush, and Cailin Beauvais smile in a timeout with Coach Guthrie. . Freshman Aubrie Rush practices her shots before the game against orth Bend begins. . Freshman arina Skurk dribbles the ball as an opponent tries to take it away from her.
Photograph: Yoselin Aguirre
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Brianna Giacomini, freshman
“I always loved watching my sister play basketball, and it really made me want to try it out in th grade. I’ve been playing since then. My J team did an awesome job this year. In fact, we won league and that was an amazing thing to experience especially when the majority of the team is made up of freshmen.”
Cailin Beauvais, Freshman
“I joined basketball because I’ve always loved it, and I get to meet new people every year. I definitely plan on playing basketball for the rest of high school and hopefully into college. Some of my favorite memories I made this year were bonding with my team, getting to know them, and playing on the court with them.”
4/13/2017 4:01:23 PM
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Job #: 10010
Varsity girls Basketball
IW AM A CHAMPION ith only one senior starter in a team of
mostly sophomores, the Pirates won their
first Far-West eague title since OSAA started sanctioning the sport in
. Despite being
younger, the girls reached their season goal of
Marissa Erickson (34), Junior
As a two year varsity player in post position, Erickson was an essential member for the team. Unfortunately, she suffered a knee injury early on in the season however, this did not sway her dedication to the team. Erickson continued to participate in games throughout the season despite her injury.
going to state. During their final league game, the Pirates were tied with the Trojans at the beginning of the 4th quarter, but that
“The M
P was the whole
entire team.” -Sophomore Tess Garrett
changed quickly after a - run from the Pirates. Point guard sophomore Tess Garrett led the Pirates with points and teammate sophomore Alex ocati scored of
. They earned the title with a final score . Sophomore Tess Garrett was named Far
West eague most valuable player after leading
Hailey Browning (12), Sophomore Since the first grade, Browning has been a naturally talented player with a promising future in basketball. Her defense playing in the post position makes her stand out. “I love it because all of my anger, I can take it out to my defense and my offense,” said Browning. She excelled at what she did, which made her presence essential at every game.
Emily Kruse (21), sOPHOMORE
As a swinger for the J and arsity teams, ruse got to learn from the older girls. “It really made me excited to have the opportunity to practice and get better, being introduced to this whole new style and level,” she said. She went above and beyond to standout on the court. Her work ethic and leadership allowed her to earn a arsity spot in the wing position.
the Pirates to their league title. “The M P was the whole entire team... everyone made big shots,” said Garrett. The Pirates won nine out of ten games in the league. At state, the girls advanced to the semifinals after crushing Baker
. The
Pirates finished fifth in state after a hard battle against Seaside for the third place trophy.
Photograph: Jose Ramirez-Duarte
Photograph: Jose Ramirez-Duarte
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Job #: 10010
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
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Mixtli Rodriguez
Varsity Girls Basketball
. Sophomore Tess Garrett goes up to cut the net after winning the first league title. She led the pirates with points in the game. . Sophomore Alex ocati hits a two for the Pirates during the first half of the game against the Siuslaw ikings . . Point guard Tess Garrett comes out at full speed as she reaches to make a basket and scores two points for the Pirates. . Junior Marissa Erickson prepares herself for a free throw which contributed to their second victory against the Bulldogs with a final score of - . . Sophomore Alex ocati plans her next move when standing in front of the orth Bend offense. . eft wing Brandi Thompson dominates the ball as she runs into a orth Bend rival during an attempt at scoring. The Pirates won the civil war game against the Bulldogs with a score of - . . Sophomore Hailey Browning shoots the ball past orth Bend rivals during the second quarter of the game. . The Pirates celebrate their first Far West eague title since the Oregon School Activities Association sanctioned the sport in . At the beginning of the th quarter there was a tie with both teams at points. The student section roared with excitement after senior Brandi Thompson scored a three pointer to pull the Pirates ahead.
Photograph: Itzel Bruno-Rodriguez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
4/13/2017 2:47:11 PM
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Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Job #: 10010
Varsity boys Basketball
. eaping to make a layup is sophomore Cory Stover against the Bruins. In a fight to get the points, Stover had to get past the Bruin senior David Freeman. . Senior Scott Clough goes in for a layup. Sophomore Jordan Miles passed the ball to Clough who put two points on the score board for his team. 3. ooking for an open teammate is sophomore Jordan Miles who passes to senior Scott Clough to score on our rival orth Bend. . After calling a time out, coach Doug Miles strategizes with his team on a counter attack. 5.On the jump ball is sophomore Cory Stover. Using his height to his advantage, Stover out jumps his opponent earning the Pirates possession of the ball. 6. Surrounded by Bruins, sophomore Grant Webster takes a shot over his opponents. 7. Making a layup is senior Scott Clough. Clough had to get past his Bulldog opponent to help his team get points on the board.
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
Photographs: asmin Aguirre
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
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77 Richard Godden(42), Senior
Nick MINton (2), Senior
Jacob carpenter(15), Sophomore Athletics creates lifelong relationships. Sophomore Jacob Carpenter experienced this first hand. “I think just being there as a team and just being there with your friends and doing what I like is what I like about basketball,” said sophomore Jacob Carpenter.
Traditions run deep in athletic families. Taking after his father, senior Richard Godden chose jersey . “It was my dad’s number when he was in high school, and he always wanted me to have it, so might as well take it my senior year,” said Godden.
Every player has moments they will always remember. “I think the highlight of this season so far is our two-point win against Scappoose in consolation championships of the Evergreen Tournament because we played as a team at the end, and it was really nice seeing these guys get together. We ended up winning. [It was a] close game and they are a top ranked team,” said senior ick Minton.
Varsity Boys Basketball
e Ramirez
ocused teams set a goal for themselves, and our pirates had their eyes set on the
league title as well as a chance at state. “Our main goal is winning league right now. We are
n Aguirre
e Ramirez
e Ramirez
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
just trying to get to that point,” said freshman Gri n ine
. Great athletes possess many
qualities, but one of the most important is being selfless. Senior ick Minton supports his
“I think we are all M Ps.” -Senior ick Minton
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
says, “I think we are all M Ps.” The atmosphere and crowd play a huge
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
8. Sophomore Grant Webstershoots a free throw after being fouled by a Bulldog. The pirates were down two points and Webster’s shots tied up the game. 9. Sophomore Grant Woolsey finds his teammate sophomore Cory Stover open. He passed the ball and Stover earned two more points on the Bruins. . Senior ick Minton finds open pirate senior Scott Clough. He passed the ball to Clough who got fouled by a Bulldog.
teammates and
role in games as well. “Going in was really encouraging seeing all these people here. [We] had to put on a good show. We played a tough game, tight game,” said Minton. Any focused team has the potential to achieve greatness.
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
4/13/2017 2:49:17 PM
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Job #: 10010
I am...
Francisco Figueroa, Sophomore
Looking for a challenge, sophomore Francisco Figueroa joined swimming during his freshman year. Figueroa participated in many events such as the 200 medley, 50 free, 100 free and 200 free. His ultimate goal was to improve his 100 Freestyle time under a minute. “I think it’s my favorite because it actually pushes me and I have to compete hard to get a better time,” said Figueroa. He accomplished that goal during his sophomore year with a time of 55.87 and participated in district finals. Besides swimming he is involved was football. Once he graduates he plans to attend the University of Southern California to major in radiology or become a rescue swimmer for the Gold Coast.
I am
Chloe Tompkins, senior
I am
Senior Chloe Tompkins has danced for 15 years, “My mom always told me that I would be dancing at home when the music came on so my mom put me in a ballet class.” She started at RWBA when she was three years old then at age thirteen she moved to alley Pacific School of Dance and later joined their company. At the company, she took classes and preformed. During her sophomore year, Tompkins joined Upbeats where Tompkins would practice three to four hours daily. Balancing school and dance was hard but she enjoyed the time dancing and with her friends. After graduation Tompkins would like to attend Western Oregon to become an Occupational Therapist.
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Job #: 10010
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Michaella Wright, Freshman
Winter Sports
Starting off watching her siblings play basketball, freshman Michaella Wright joined basketball and has been playing for two years. “I look up to my big brother since he was always good at sports, especially basketball and my dad because he encouraged me to play basketball and stay active.” With the support of her family Wright was motivated to play basketball. She plans to become a veterinarian at OSU when she graduates college.
Jared Kyllo, Junior
After high school, junior Jared Kyllo plans to become an engineer and going to college at Oregon State University. He began playing basketball in eighth grade, he wanted to discover new experiences and discover new things. “The aspect of running around and pining the ball in the hoop,” said Kyllo. Throughout the season, his most memorable moment was when they were winning and he was appointed point guard.
I am
I am
Garrett Lefebvre, Junior
Wrestling was nothing new for junior Garrett Lefebvre because he began wrestling as a young child. Although there were many obstacles that crossed his path he tried his hardest to overcome them. He loved the wrestling since he was a young boy but the best part was, “My freshman year at state I had to win a match to place and I was losing until ten seconds left and then I ended up taking the kid down and winning,” said Lefebvre. Before he gets ready for a wrestling match he liked to listen to music to help motivate himself.
4/13/2017 2:50:52 PM
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Job #: 10010
Academics 10010_080-081 NO RESUB.indd All Pages
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“Learning through the arts reinforces critical academic skills in reading, language arts, math and provides students with the skills to creatively solve problems.� -Michelle Obama
4/13/2017 2:51:21 PM
Core Classes
I am educated
tudying, learning, listening: all important things
were an essential part to planning future “... it helps me focus on
what I might want to do
after high school”. -Sophomore Anna Hutchings
mathematics, teacher
Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi
Photogrpah: Skylar Tecocoatzi
Montiel first started to
her love for math when taking Algebra II during her freshman year. “It’s given me a broader appreciation for areas of life outside of my normal interest,” said Montiel. She found her passion for teaching and continues to spread wisdom to others hoping that it will inspire them to continue on their path to success. Core classes help others with their life, even if we don’t realize it. Sophomore Anna Hutchins said, “By taking these classes and future classes I plan on taking, it helps me focus on what I might want to do after high school.”
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
Photograph:Itzel Bruno
1. Dur 2. Sop the ye every in a te to me starts laugh did th lab. 6 filling using the te
Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre
Photograph: Mixtli Rodriguez
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Matthew golder, sophomore Q: What classes are you taking in high school to help you in a postive way in the long run? A: “In the long run my classes will prepare me for college, so when I’m in the real world I can make good money and support myself.”
el Bruno
Core Classes
Kady cooley, freshman Q: What’s your favorite class at Marshfield A: “Spanish is definitely my favorite class. My teacher is Sr. Lorincz. My favorite part of the class so far is the oral test.” Being a freshman, Kady has many years to take classes to help her with future career.
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
1. During English 12, senior Johan Robinson researches years of literature on an iPad for a test. 2. Sophomore Jordan Cowan measures the fermentation of yeast by adding different things for the yeast to eat such as glucose and starch. Measuring the bubble at the top of the test tube every 4 minutes for 40 minutes gives the results of the lab. 3. With 10mm of yeast solution in a test tube, sophomore Hailey Browning tops off the rest of the tube with a starch solution to measure the fermentation of the yeast during Biology. 4. 8th grader Brandon Arreola-Soto starts an essay for his English class, but before everyone has to get serious he gets his last laughs out. 5. When learning about fermentation, we caught Mrs. Seedborgs classes as they did their yearly yeast lab. Sophomore Taylar Floyd sits happily as she shows off her completed lab. 6. As senior Austin Adams is almost halfway through his last year of high school he is filling out a paper in his English class. 7. Sophomore Aidan Adams tries to fix a problem using a calculator making test corrections during Integrated III math class. His challenge on the test was finding all real zeros.
zach boice, junior Q: What classes will you take at Marshfield to help with what you want to do after high school? A: “I would like to take Psychology so it can help me learn more for my major.”
4/13/2017 3:22:20 PM
AP & Honors
I am Inspired
tudents really started to take harder classes in order to further their college goals. Students took advantage of the classes that were offered and earned as many college credits as they possibly could have. Caela Stolle, senior, took advantage of the college classes because she struggled in her younger years in high school. She said, “Since I didn’t do as well as I could have sophomore year, I took harder classes to make it look better on my transcript.” “Since I didn’t do as Being a senior, she well as I could have took school even sophmore year, I took more seriously and harder classes to make recommended to it look better on my other students not transcript.” to skip or flake off in school because -Caella Stolle later on it caught up with her. Many seniors said that they wished they took harder classes over the years to expand thier horizons with knowledge instead of taking free periods, and the majority in AP classes said AP Psychology was the most fun because it taught them about why the human body is the way it is. Senior Jaime Flores said, “Since I have been taking Pshycology I have learned a lot about people and the reason why they take the actions that they do. It’s just really interesting.“
Jorda harlow, junior
“I took College History because I love history and have a passion for art, and history is just another form of art in my own opinion.”
cassandra casey, sophomore “The reason I decided to take CP English was because I wanted to qualify for an honors diploma. They look very good to colleges.”
Andrew dunning,junior
“I’m doing college classes because I’d like to make my transcript look as good as possible, and I like to have a challenge.”
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Photographs:Skylar Tecocoatzi
AP & Honors
1 Examining shrimp for her AP Biology class, Rosy Cervantes, senior, had to calcuate the average shrimp count per scoop for thier next lab. 2. Junior Andrew Dunning types an essay about what he plans to do in life for his college writing class. Students had to take an entrance exam to join this SWOCC class. He enjoyed the class because he got to be more independent while doing his work. 3. In an AP History class, senior Cade Hite enrolled in this class to earn extra credits. He took the course because he’s always been interested in history throughout school. He said, “So far AP US history is my favorite class because Mrs. Brown gives a lot of lectures, and we end up having big discussions about the topic we are learning about.” 4.Darby Imel, senior, looks at shrimp for his AP Biology class. 5.Sophomore Gracie Jenson reads A Tale of Two Cities in Mr. Parrish’s CP English 10 class. She said, “Even though we aren’t far into the book, it has caught my attention because of the teacher making things fun.” 6.Students in AP U.S History class during a lecture from Mrs. Brown. They learned about World War II and who was all involved.
jaime flores,senior
“I like to take college classes because it’s preparing me for my future career, and I like to have a challenge.”
darby Imel , Senior
“Science really interests me, and I didn’t want college to be so stressful when I get there.”
rosy cervantes, senior
“I wanted to challenge myself, and I wanted to make sure I could do all the courses that are this challenging later on.”
4/13/2017 2:52:18 PM
Foreign Language
I am bilingual
nyone around me speaking Spanish, I can understand and translate what they
say,” said senior Alexis Gonzalez. During her four years of learning and studying Spanish, her grammar in both Spanish and in English has improved. But even with her experience she
said, “Of course the class would be a lot harder
“I’ve learned to understand culture and language more then I thought I would.” -Senior Alexis Gonzales
considering it’s a college
specific that
celebrated in the advanced Spanish classes
called “El Dia de los Muertos” which translates to The Day of the Dead. On that day, they make specific foods and breads that the dead family members loved and bring it to their graves for them to feast on in the afterlife. In the class, they made paper mache masks to look like skeletons and cooked Mexican food plates including pozole, pico de gallo, and tostadas de tinga.
Ria Gutierrez,senior Gutierrez discovered there was more than just language to Spanish, there was also culture. “It’s not all about Mexico but about other Spanish speaking countries...Not every Spanish country is the same,” she said.
1 Photograph: Itzel Bruno
A.J. Lira, junior
Aidan adams, sophomore
Lira has been inspired by his Spanish classes and teachers to become a Spanish teacher. “I took Spanish 4 because I plan on being a high school teacher after I go to college, and I want to teach a high school Spanish class,” he said.
Adams’s life has been impacted by Spanish greatly. “I have been able to have full conversations with people in Spanish...I’m having a lot of fun, and I’m always excited when we learn something new,” he said.
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
zel Bruno
d by able peoot of when said.
5 4
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre
Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Tyler Post,junior Post expanded his understanding of culture throughout his three years of Spanish. “Learning Spanish isn’t just about learning the language, but also learning the culture of many Spanish speaking countries,” he said.
phillip hernandez,junior Hernandez believes Spanish is a great skill to have. “I want to be a surgeon when I grow up, and I know being able to speak Spanish will make me a more valuable asset,” he said.
Foreign Language
1. Celebrating Day of the Dead is senior Alexis Gonzales. Day of the Dead acknowledges the passed away family members. To participate, Gonzales and her class made masks and a Spanish dish called pozole. 2. Painting his mask for Day of the Dead is junior A.J. Lira. To participate in the holiday, he helped cook food. 3. In Señor Lorincz’s Spanish 2 class, sophomores Jake Carpenter and Luke Inskeep take an exam for Unit 2 where they learned how to bargain in swap meets. 4. In señor Montiel’s Spanish 3 class, juniors Tyler Post and Phillip Hernandez write in their journals for the class. The journals were meant to be written in a diary on a certain topic Señor Montiel gives to them to write about. 5. Señor Montiel in his Spanish 1 class teaches gender agreement rules. The gender agreement rules are part of Unit 2. Gender agreements rules are when and where the “o” or “a” go depending on the gender. 6. Practicing their future tense are juniors Yesenia Millan and Kayla Wyatt. They used their book to look at examples of the future tense and made some sentences to practice tense. 7. Señor Lorincz explains the things that the predicate and imperfect have in common to seniors Jack Larson and Ireland Gerber. They were confused with the subject and asked him to explain the concepts the day before the test. 8.Discussing the future tense are juniors Maria Arellano, Tori Baker, and Jonas Langarica in Spanish 3. They referenced their books to get a better understanding.
MARITZA MILLAN,freshman Millan learned more about her culture than she thought she ever would. “It helps me keep my first language and open my mind to my culture,” she said.
4/13/2017 3:23:09 PM
1. In Intro to Drawing class, freshman Shailynn Ramer concentrates on finishing her art assignment. 2. Senior Cara Brooks colors with oil pastels in class while Mr. Jacobson gives a demonstration on different art techniques. 3. Painting a watercolor forest, freshman Jordan Baarstad practices her skills in her fourth period art class. 4. During first period, freshman Portia McAnally draws a sunset in her College Art Appreciation class. They learned how to draw something different using a color pastel. “I chose the sunset because I liked the colors and they looked like a real sunset when blended,” said McAnally. 5. Fourth period in Intro to Drawing class, sophomore Heather Grant draws a pair of eyes that allowed her to show her imagination with an artists pencil.
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph:Michaela Barnes
Photograph :Itzel Bruno
Poetica Munoz is a student in Painting Class who has been painting since she was seven years old. It is her passion. ”It’s really hard to start art when you don’t have any motivation, but it’s a nice feeling when it’s over and you feel accomplished,” said Munoz.
Poetica Munoz FRESHMAN
Nick Smith JUNIOR
Art can show who you really are. “I really couldn’t say what my favorite type of art is. I like choarcal drawing definitely. I like the look of it on paper,” said Smith. Since Smith was little, he liked art. Smith feels it’s a passion and a hobby. He would like to become an artist or animator. Smith’s favorite of art work is:The Great Wave (a Japanese wood cut).
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
zel Bruno
I am original 5
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Brooke Pedro
tudents who decide to take Mr. Jacobson’s class will be creating abstract drawings, 3D drawing and simple mixed media. Several students say the class has been a great experience. There have been many creative and marvelous works and projects of art from this class. Many students have come with an idea that art is part of their own life, not just a sim- “Art is my world because ple thing or hobI can express myself by because in art they transmit and what I want to saw feelings, emowithout words.” tions, sensations. “Art is my world - Freshman Makayla Neal because I can express myself and what I want to say without words,” said freshman Makayla Neal. Although art can show individuality when it’s finished, it can be very hard to find inspiration to start a new piece of art. Brooke Pedro, sophomore, said, “When I draw, it takes my mind off of everything. When I’m stressed or worried, I’ll draw.” Mr. Jacobson encourages his student’s to show creativity and originality. Some students choose to take Pirate Graphics. In this class students worked on creating brochures and logos. Students use Corral Draw to create their logos for businesses. Although there are many different styles of art, they all share one common purpose, as a way to express individuality and emotions.
Photograph:Itzel Bruno
Tabetha Collins sENIOR
Tabby Collins a senior in Intro to Drawing. Collins explained that when she got something to go right, she feelt good about her art work. Her former art teacher inspired her to draw what she enjoyed. “Art means individuality and shows who you really are,” said Collins.
Kaylee Hall JUNIOR
Kaylee Hall, junior in Pirate Graphics, took the class because Mr. Jacobson recommended it to her. She enjoyed her time in Pirate Graphics. “I really enjoyed making logos for businesses,” said Hall.
6. Eighth grader Makayla Goble draws a foot in Intro to Drawing. Mr. Jacobson taught the students casting and shadowing. ”I did this drawing because it attracted me and I wanted to see if I could draw it,”said Goble. 7. Painting with watercolors, sophomore Taylor Floyd and junior Nick Smith in their Intro to Drawing class blend many colors together using paint brushes. Mr. Jacobson chose this project beacuse he liked the vivid colors blending into each other.
4/13/2017 2:53:28 PM
I am athletic
hysical education and health are two classes which generally don’t recieve much recognition, but both play important roles. Physical Education is important to keep students in shape and to stay physically active, as well as keep student atheletes in peak physical condition for sports. Health class is important for learning about “Our society in general anatomy and certain risks that is developing into a high school students may face. very sedentary life Recreational team style.” sports and senior health teach-Doug Fendall er Doug Fendall strongly belives in the importance of these classes. Fendall said, “Our society in general is devoloping into a very sedentary life style.” Especially given the obesity rate in the United States, healthy eating ,physical activity ,and general health knowledge are three very important ways to help make not only our school, but the whole country a more healthful and informed place.
Photograph:: Itzel Bruno
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
1. Raegen Rhodes, 8th grader, throws up her arms to Jennifer Lopez’s new single in Ms. Toy’s zumba class. 2. Freshman Jake Bolles takes notes in Ms. Toy’s health class about healthy eating habits. 3. Junior Dhiran Charatar prepares to take a shot while him, junior Anthony Smith, and sophomore Raymond Engholm enjoy open gym. 4. Senior Dillon Farkas gets ready to dead lift the bar in Mr. McKechnie’s class. Farkas loved seeing the progress he made saying, “It’s something that I work at every makes me happy.” 5. Sophomore Anthony Petralli-Widmar completes a power clean in weight training without a sweat. 6. During weightlifting, sophomore Tess Garrett works on her triceps, sides, and chest muscles with the dumbbell incline.
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
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ela Barnes
Physical Educaton
Danielle Pedro, freshman “PE helps me reach my goals in my physical activity level. It also helps me during sports season, and it makes me feel healthy throughout the year.”
Photograph: Itzel Bruno
WILL JANTZER, JUNIOR “I am in weight training because I am in wrestling and football, and it helps me stay in shape.”
KJ Henry, Senior 6
When asked about her time in PE, Henry replied, “It inspires me to be a better athlete and keeps me in good health.” Photograph: Michaela Barnes
4/13/2017 2:54:20 PM
I Am creative
Photograph: Madison Bauer
reativity and an imagination were key
factors in Manufacturing and Carpentry
classes. The students in these classes enjoyed not just the work, but also the teachers,
Mr. Ainsworth and Mr.
“It just feels good
only learned life skills
who need it.”
they needed for future
-Senior Shay Neal
careers, but they also got
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
to help people
Photograph: Madison Bauer
out into their community by doing projects to help people in need. One main project for Manufacturing was creating the new south side bleachers for the away
teams at Pete Susick stadium. The carpentry
class helped build houses for the Habitat For Humanity program. “It just feels good to help people who need it,” said Shay Neal. 1. Junior Brooke Ellis welds in manufacturing. She took the class because she “wanted to do something that most people think is only for boys.” 2. Sophomore Andrew Villareal sands a piece of his castle, an assignment for Mr. Ainsworth. 3. Junior Trenton Johnson adds a cedar coat to the table-top piece he made. 4. Sophomore Brandon Thompson works on a Technical Skill Assement (TSA) that includes using the guide and torch to cut a piece of scrap metal. 5.Using a blade he owned as a template, junior Colton Tavernier custom fabricates a new blade to suit his needs.
Photograph: Madison Bauer
Photographs: Madison Bauer
Jerred hales, sophomore
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
dakota frost, sophomore
Dakota Frost was in the 7th period manufacturing class. Frost has been welding and building his whole life and plans to keep building for his future career. He has built many cars and even a computer control system.
Hales has been involved with maufacturing since the 9th grade and wants to continue to be in maufacturing throughout the rest of his high school years. Hale’s favorite part of maufacturing was to weld. He also completed many projects for others. “I wanted to be able to build stuff and help out the community,” said Hales. Photograph: Julianna Koster
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Photographs: Jose Ramirez
e Ramirez
e Ramirez
Photograph: Madison Bauer
6. Freshman Erika Langley practices with diameters on a piece of metal on a machine called a lathe. The lathe is used for making bolts or like Langley said “circular thingys.” 7. Freshman Skyler Hollingshead burns an image using the wood burner. The image was of a forest on one side of the road while on the other there was a distant forest with a couple of men rock climbing. He got inspiration for his image from his love of rock climbing. 8. Brent Flackus helps Dylan Brainard, both juniors, use the die grinder to work on an elk head for a personal project in Manufacturing.9. Freshman Ross Seat carefully uses a vertical band saw in Carpentry to cut out a piece of wood out for his jewelry box for a gift to his mom. 10. Junior Jakob Slosser works on a ninja star that he has always wanted. He was using the grinder to smooth out the edges to make it less dangerous. 11. Chris Stover, senior helps fix the bleachers using the aluminum gas metal arc welder (GMAW) so they can go down to the football field for use.
Photograph: Madison Bauer
Photographs: Jose Ramirez
Photograph: Madison Bauer
trenton cooksey, sophomore Cooksey was in 7th period carpentry with Mr. Ainsworth. Cooksey said he enjoyed carpentry because Mr. Ainsworth made it a fun class. He does not plan to go into any buliding carreer, “I just think it will be a useful tool for the future.”
shay neal, senior
Shay Neal, or “Big Play Shay” as his friends call him, enjoyed his carpentry class. Neal liked learning about building and cutting. He has been in carpentry since 8th grade. He and his fellow classmates built many houses for The Habitat for Humanity project.
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Job #: 10010
I am...
I am
Gabrielle Beauchamp, Senior
Academia isn’t an easy feat with a learning disability like Gabrielle Beauchamp’s. It requires working harder and longer in order to pass both state standards and your own. Like most students with an independent educational plan, Beauchamp was allowed certain commodities to help her in the classroom, but what makes her unique is her use of art in the classroom to help her learn. “Art is something I can always refer back to if my day has been hard. It’s one of my greatest passions. To be able to put what i’m feeling on paper, without words, relieves some of the emotions I feel so I can later concentrate on my work and be effecient in the classroom.” explained Beauchamp. Throughout Beauchamp’s academic career, she faced many obstacles in the way of her success like having to miss months of school due to the many surgeries it took and will take to correct her scoliosis. It didn’t discourage her from following her dreams, though. “I want to be a physical therapist because I want to be able to help people. I’ve been a patient in physical therapy and I have seen first hand what amazing work physical therapists do and how much they are able to help people and I want to be able to offer that kind of help.
Cayce Hill, Senior
In the year 2036, remember to vote Cayce Hill for President of the United States. While doing well academically, Hill found a passion for politics. “There isn’t a path to successin politics, there’s a rock wall. Grab, hold and keep climbing.”. Hill took political science classes at SOCC in order to further his knowledge of politics and confirm that he plans on going into the political science sector. Hill also internshiped under Caddy Mckeown to further involve himself in both local and state politics. After attending (Said) University to major in political science and international affairs, Hill plans to work his way up to becoming an Oregon senator. “I want to become a senator because blah blah Blah.”
I am
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Mikaela Chimeo, Senior
Balanacing high school and college are some of the few things senior Mikaela Chimeo dealt with, on top of voulunteering at the hospital and playing soccer. “The fear of failing” is one of the many things that keeps Chimeo inspired to due well in school as well as her friends and family. “ I suround myself with people who are really successful so that I don’t get destracted.” Chimeo’s best academic experience was volunteering at the hospital. “ olunteering at the hospital has helped me figure out what kind of career I want to go into.It’s also given me a lot of job experience, enough that I was even offered a job at the hospital so that’s helped me think about my future education because I’ll have to go to school for something but now I know i want to go into the medical field.”
I am
Balanced I am
Jessica Baimbridge, Junior
Motivated by the success of upperclassmen, Jessica Baimbridge maintained a 4.0 GPA all throughout her high school career. On top of being a prominent figure in band and being a member of National Honor Society and Science National Honor society Baimbridge took advanced classes such as chemistry and trigonometry to improve her personal educational standards. “Don’t compare yourself to what other people are doing. You compare yourself only to yourself.” said Baimbridge her advice for future classmates looking to obtain similar achievements as herself. Baimbridge plans study either education or journalism.
4/13/2017 2:57:09 PM
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Performing Arts 10010_096-097 Done.indd All Pages
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
“I was probably more scared of my high school exams than I was of the Oscars. At the time you think it’s everything and if you don’t do well, your life’s over. Opportunities are gone. So the more you do it, the less the fear is present.” - Hugh Jackman
4/13/2017 2:56:49 PM
usic is a place for people to be able
to freely express themselves and feel
comfortable with their peers. There is no age limit to whether or not you can be a musician, in fact, most of the students who are in band have been playing since they were in th grade. Music can have a very powerful effect on people which is one reason why most students join band. For some students, band
can mean many
“Everyone is really
different things,
welcoming, and it just
but for sophomore
happens to be the one
Joshua Olson he
place where I feel free
said, “To me, band
to be me.”
means ‘Family’
- Sophomore Brandon
which means
that people in
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
band are really close together, and we care for everyone individually.” Sophomore Brandon Clingings agreed with this statement by saying, “We’re just a family, and everyone is really welcoming, and it just happens to be the one place where I feel free to be me.” Brandon Clingings told about some of his favorite
songs that he played for band, songs of which
Jo s
were from last year and this year. Clingings said, “My most favorite music piece is the
“Wh band of pl ent i horn the fl was a go both sion and cam
sountrack to the movie Guardians of the Galaxy. It was the only sountrack where I just let go and had the most fun with it.” Band has its serious moments, but everyone was always welcomed with open arms ensuring no one felt as if they were ignored.
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Photographs: Michaela Barnes
Joshua Olson, sophomore “When I first started band, I had the option of playing four different instruments, two horns, the drums, and the flute. But, since I was unable to achieve a good sound with both, brass and precussion, I tried out flute and somehow it just came natural to me.”
1. Tooting his own horn, freshman Kyren Erwin, a trumpet player, plays “7 Nation Army” at a local basketball game against Siuslaw. 2. The Holiday Concert was filled with heavy humor and excitement as the band waited to perform their first concert of the year. Each band group was assigned to play about four songs each. 3. At the football game versus Siuslaw, the Trumpet section, senior Jenna Frank, sophomore AJ Kliewer, junior Jonas Langerica, and freshman Kyren Erwin, led by Frank, played the National Anthem to start the game. 4. To make sure he kept his tempo, sophomore Andrew Payne, also known as Bubu, counted his rests inbetween the times he played. Payne has been in band for five years and counting. His go-to instrument is the tenor saxophone. 5. As everyone gets ready for the next song to play, sophomore Troy iggett looks over to one of his peers for confirm the next song to play. 6. At a home basketball game, returnee graduate Isaiah Kingery, plays his tenor saxophone alongside junior Jessica Bambridge and sophomore Sierra Ward. They played “Crazy Train,” a classic. 7. Jamming to “Crazy Train,” junior Sam Machida sets the beat and the rhythm for his peers. 8. The drumline decided to put their own little twist on the Charlie Brown Christmas tree. In fact, it brought joy to the band as teacher Cameron Jerde allowed it to be placed on the drum set. 9. Among the vast amounts of instruments in our band, senior Sage Nelson was the only one who played the bass clarinet, making her a hero to the clarinet players. 10. As the basketball game against Siuslaw rages on, junior Issac Hasel plays his part of the Pirate fight song.
Alexander Kliewler, sophomore
Brandon Clingings, Sophomore
“I joined band because it reminds me of how my great grandfather played music in his house all the time. So I got a lot of positive influence through that, and here I am. But, band is a place where I can truly be myself and have the ability to play music, with which I love.”
“At first, I had played trumpet, and I switched to baritone. Then, after some time, I realized that a dear friend of mine, Lane Koster, had played the tuba, and after he graduated, we wouldn’t have any more tuba players. So, I thought that it would be nice to continute Lane’s legacy and play the tuba, also.”
4/13/2017 2:57:36 PM
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Job #: 10010
Jazz Band
I am harmonious
usic can be used as a way to escape reality and allow everything to just
go towards a healthier lifestyle. Both New Horizons and Jazz Band show a great example of just how much music can affect each different individual’s life. Clayton Stagner, sophomore, agrees with this statement saying, “Music has
“I’ve always wanted to expand my horizon of music and be able to play different types of genres of music while still being free to be
had the ability
positive about it all.”
music, I feel as
-Sophomore Clayton
if I can focus a
to change my life and turn it towards a positive and supportive
horizon. Playing
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
lot easier on my education and
allow myself to feel free to express myself. I’ve always wanted to expand my horizon of music and be able to play different types of genres of music while still being free to be positive about it all.” It doesn’t really matter whether or not a student had ever played a musical instrument, they still had an opportunity to be able to harmonize with Jazz Band and ew Horizons. Clayton Stagner, a sophomore, recalls a moment where he himself got to experience this, but from the musician’s point of view. “When we got to play a song called Hot Chocolate’ from Polar Express, I couldn’t help but be astonished by how the crowd reacted. Everyone who knew the song just started to dance around and harmonize which had left a proud feeling for everyone on the stage playing the song.”
1. Melanie Cavanagh, sophomore, had her moment to shine at the first band -concert of the year, which just so happened to be the holiday concert. 2. Not many people know just how challenging it is for band students or choir students to learn new music, and not a whole lot of people understand the struggle each of those students has just before their performances. Clayton Stagner, sophomore, said, “One of the most memorable songs I had ever been a part of playing was Route . ow, this wasn’t a very popular song, but it was actually really good. It taught me a life lesson, and it turned out rather really amazing. I believe that we nailed that song really well for not even enjoying it much which is actually something I can never forget.” 3. Jazz Band isn’t just for seriousness, but it is for any personality. Jenna Frank, senior, proves this as she poses uniquely in front of the camera. 4. Elise Martin, sophomore, performs a solo with the ew Horizons group during a spring performance. 5. At the beginning of every football game either the band played or New Horizons sang the national anthem. This game was a chance where New Horizons had their moment to shine.
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Andrew Payne, Sophomore
Photograph by: Michaela Barnes
“Jazz band is kind of a way for me to escape reality and just have fun with other students. It allows everyone to just have fun with the music, and you can play around with tuning. I started off playing the alto-saxophone, but then a friend of mine told me to try out tenor-sax, so here I am.”
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
la Barnes
-conmany learn those , said, Route aught nailed hing I sonalmera. during band where shine.
New Horizons
“I joined Jazz Band as a way to expand my horizon in music. I became interested in Jazz Band when I discovered different types of playing which had made band a more free’ or ad-lib’ twist to it making it more upbeat. I play the trumpet, guitar, and the french horn.”
Samantha Jackson, Junior
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
Photograph: Zaraya Estrada
6. Jazz Band is full of many different personalities all of which are unique and necessary to create the atmosphere that our jazz band represents. 7. ew Horizons, although filled with musical interest, shows a multitude of unique personalities for such a small group. Samantha Jackson, a junior, said, “ ew Horizons allows everyone to be able to form close bonds within the choir and you become close friends and family figures for one another.”
“I really enjoyed listening to ew Horizons when I was younger, and I really looked up to them. So, my freshman year, I got brave, and I tried out making it in which was rather exciting I’ve always wanted to be someone for other students to look up to, especially for choir. My Horizon color is rose pink which I feel is important to me.”
River Ginn-ForsberG, Sophomore
“ ew Horizons is a place where you can truly bond with one another and become a musical family which brings everyone closer. Although, ew Horizons is also a way you can expand your singing career. My Horizon color is a darker shade of blue.”
4/13/2017 2:58:07 PM
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Job #: 10010
he definition of connect is “Bring together so that a real link is established” which the new choir
director, Mr. Paget, did. He brought new methods and goals of not only going to state but to excite students about music and how it connects everything and everyone. For
“My favorite part of choir is the buzz that everyone gets to complete a common goal and the friends we make without even trying.” -Senior Keegan Holmes
example, feeling the relationships
between posture, breathing, even the shape of the mouth and how it all works together to create music
that makes people have goose bumps. Senior Keegan Holmes, with six years of choir under his belt said, “My favorite part of choir is the buzz that everyone gets to complete a common goal and the friends we make without even trying.” Holmes was involved with New Horizons, concert choir, and men’s ensemble and said the most important thing he learned was that, “We can go further.”
Photograph: Skylar Tecocoatzi
mr. paget
Born in afayette, Indiana, Paget was involved with choir and many other activities including a metal band with two other music lovers. After 24 years, he decided to look for something more. He found himself in Coos Bay, Oregon. When not goalie coaching the boys’ soccer team or helping with plays for the theater company, he taught our choirs and said, “It has been the best year of my life, and it’s not even done with.” Even though it was Paget’s first year, he already was in love with teaching. “My favorite part about choir is showing students a lot more than anyone’s ever told them they can do.” Everyone saw that Paget was invested in teaching and his students, which made him a perfect addition to MHS.
Photograph: Michaela Barnes
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1. For a due ensem the m Decem Carde is a so “Send in Sou They end o more singin to go things said G freshm thing” chose
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la Barnes
Photograph: Karlie Whitson
Photographs: Yasmin Aguirre
Ever since Schlager started women’s ensemble and later concert choir, she learned and evolved. ”Every year I learn new things that only makes me want to progress into choir more in my future.” Schlager’s favorite part about choir was performing for people which is why she wanted to continue her choir career well into her college years.
jayston wolf, junior
6 1. For the third concert of the year, the crowd was silent as Nathan Damewood, freshman, sang a duet with fellow student senior eegan Holmes titled “Homeward Bound” for the men’s ensemble. .The men’s ensemble transformed into elves rapping out Christmas lyrics and later the men rang with joy as they performed “Elf in Tights” during the winter choir concert held on December 11, 2016. 3. Concert choir juniors Keara Coleman, Deonne Cotell, and Kelly Pacheco Cardenas sing “Agnus Dei” in the soprano section during the Fine Arts assembly. “Agnus Dei” is a song that was added into their state piece. . The Concert Choir practiced their song “Send in the Clowns” during class for the Douglas Invitational, a showcase for all the choirs in Southwestern Oregon where they were judged by a group of professional choral inductors. They received three comprehensive scores of , and . They came in third place by the end of the invitational. “It was fine we didn’t get first because the experience was worth way more to us” said Samantha Jackson, Junior. 5.Women’s Ensemble sounded very mature while singing for the spring concert. They have proven throughout the year that they have the ability to go above and beyond in their expectation for each other. “Every day we are taught new things but it’s up to us to take that information and execute it, that’s when we really learn” said Gracie Schlager, Sophomore. 6. Mr. Paget gives a round of applause to the duet couple, freshmen Aaron Holman and Vynsint Hill. “It was not what I expected but that’s also not a bad thing” said Hill. They sang “Sherry”, a song made famous by the four seasons. This song was chosen by Mr. Paget so that he could strengthen his high tenors.
After only being in men’s ensemble as a tenor for one semester, Wolf was eager for concert choir auditions for his senior year. Already he had learned new techniques and material that had a big impact on him. “This experience so far in choir has changed me and created many new opportunities,” said Wolf. He plans to apply this new knowledge for his goal of performing on Broadway.
karlie whitson, Senior
Even though she didn’t plan on going into a career in music, Whitson found it to be an outlet. “It’s an hour a day where I can forget about everything else and get to enjoy myself with awesome people.” She was a member of women’s ensemble and concert choir all four years of high school. “It’s different every year. The one thing that doesn’t change is everyone’s love for music and each other.” 4/13/2017 2:58:16 PM
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Job #: 10010
I Am histrionic
n IRS agent dies. A trial is held. “Death and Taxes” combined mystery and
comedy unraveling the events of an IRS agent’s death. Almost every character in the play was a suspect in the murder case, so the drama amped up quickly while every one fought for their
“Theatre is definitely a
own innocence.
family to have in school.
It ended up that
You spend lots of time
the murder was all
a mix up. Junior
-Senior Riley irby
Shawn Zousel’s character meant
to poison his wife with a tea that ended up being given to the neighbor who offered it to the IRS agent who died. While the play set characters against one another standing
accused of murder, the actors had a great time practicing and performing together. Senior Riley irby said, “Theatre is definitely a family to have in school. You spend lots of
time together.” 1. Skylar Houghtaling, junior, addresses the audience as Dr. Bishop, his character in “Death and Taxes.” He is a suspect for the murder of the IRS agent. 2. Portraying his character as the sheriff is freshman Carter Edwards. He ran around trying to blame others when he was also a suspect. 3. Freshman Brianna Giacomini and senior Riley Kirby sit quietly while senior Elyshia Kinney points and accuses freshman Carter Edwards when he is trying to speak during the trial. 4. Both juniors Skylar Houghtaling and Shawn Zousel sit quietly, as well as senior Breanna England, while they watch as people were being accused for murder.
Photographs: Michaela Barnes
3 Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre
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la Barnes
5. Bewildered, freshman Zoe Lockhart, playing as Evelyn Matindale the drama teacher, stares off speechless. She stands accused of murder. 6. Freshman Carter Edwards arrests junior Shawn Zousel’s character for murder. He tried to poison his wife with a tea, but she took it to the neighbor where Micheal Thomas Benedict drank it by accident. 7. Senior Elyshia inney, who plays as Cora Sedgwick the nosey neighbor, knits on the couch. As she knitted, she tried to find ways to accuse people. 8. Junior Skylar Houghtaling rests on the couch. 9. Breanna England, senior, relaxes in a rocking chair while reading a newspaper. 10. Senior Riley Kirby, who plays Lydia left, attempts to stop freshman Carter Edwards and junior Shawn Zousel from removing her desk. 11. Senior Gregory Warren-Baker, a reporter on the case, records statements made by the suspects. 12. Elyshia inney, senior, and junior Shawn Zousel react to something outlandish that the sheriff said.
Shawn Zousel, Junior
Zousel has been doing theatre since 8th grade. He likes it because he can do whatever he feels like without anyone judging him. He wants to go to University of Oregon and major in theatre. He said theatre feels like a second home to him.
Riley Kirby, Senior 7
Photograph: Yasmin Aguirre
Kirby explains that theatre is where unique kids go to express themselves as other people but in other people’s words. She did theatre sophomore, junior, and senior year. After highschool she plans on doing plays for her community.
Elyshia Kinney, Senior
inney has been in theatre for five years and would like to pursue theatre after high school like taking classes at SWOCC or being in plays at Little Theatre on the Bay. Her favorite play that she acted in was “Death and Taxes.” She played Cora Sedgwick who was the nosey neighbor. Theatre to her was all about family.
4/13/2017 2:59:27 PM
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Job #: 10010
I am...
Katarina Allison, SEnior
Her love for singing encouraged Senior Katarina Allison to join choir her eighth-grade year; New Horizons, Women’s Ensemble, and Concert Choir. Allison’s father and mother were artists, so she grew up with music all around her. “I love to sing, I love to perform, I love to be up there and share something special with the audience, and it gives me a thrill. It’s enjoyable,” said Allison. During times of di culty, she would turn to choir, and it helped her. “Little things impact people,” said Allison. During her junior year, she was diagnosed with depression, so all her motivation went away. Once she stepped in the choir room, she felt that everything was going to be okay. “Some days you’ll be feeling down, and you just go in the choir room and you sing and you’re just with other people who love to sing, and it doesn’t matter if you mess up, you keep learning and it makes you feel like you’re a part of something wonderful, and I don’t want to lose that,” said Allison. Allison will continue to build new memories, but will not forget her enjoyable expressions with her family and friends. Although she may be graduating, she hopes to build new memories as a veterinarian. She loved spending time with animals, and that lead her to want to become a veterinarian in the future by attending Oregon State University.
I am
Maxwell Young, Senior
Dreaming of creating music, Senior Maxwell Young joined band in the 5th grade and has been playing for 7 years. “I wanted to learn to play an instrument and make music,” Young said, “It was a way to express yourself.” Young learned to play the trumpet and tuba through his music experience. “It was really hard at first, but it was all worth it because I really wanted to do it so I put a lot of effort into it,” said oung. He has worked hard to accomplish his goal; he is the band drum major and also helps others learn to play an instrument. “This year was tougher than most years because we had a new teacher and it’s been hard adjusting,” said oung. Although this year was di cult, he tried his hardest adjusting to the new instructor and through communication he was able to overcome the di culties. oung wants to further his career by attending band and choir at Central Oregon Community College.
I am
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
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Cody Peterson, Junior
Choir is a home to all those who join. Junior Cody Peterson started singing in sixth grade with his instructor Mr. Baker and ever since choir has turned into his family. “I just feel amazing. I feel that every bright face that I see is always smiling and they just feel how I feel and they are there for a reason, “said Peterson. He is the vice president and stage monitor of choir. Choir has inspired him to do his best and it has helped him along the way. “It really helped with my grades, like it really helped change my attitude a lot. It really inspired and exposed a lot of things to me in life that really helped me find my voice and where I want to be in life,” he said. Peterson found himself in music and stated that the choir group could show their true selves. “I can be myself and how I can show some people that you don’t always need to hide that goofiness, like you can show them that you have that inspiration in you that you can show them in stage that you are who you are,” said Peterson. Peterson can show what he loves to do: beatboxing, acting, and stage crafting. When his parent would put rock and roll music or heavy metal on, he would air guitar it and slide on the floor. He hopes to continue his passion for music.
I am
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Performing Arts
Emily Kruse, Sophomore
Finding her love for putting a smile on other people’s faces, sophomore Emily Kruse was involved in band. “I really love how everyone is free to express themselves, and people in band definitely don’t wear mask,” she said. ruse has been playing music since she was in kindergarten with her dad by her side and teacher leading her. She has grown up with music around her; her father and mother were both musicians and her uncle was a band teacher at Marshfield for many years. “I love performing for other people ‘cause I’m making other people happy, and I like creating sparking memories,” She spent a few months trying to perfect a solo so that she could compete with others in the district, and she won. ruse qualified to represent Marshfield at state with her fantastic saxophone skills. After graduation, Kruse hopes to qualify for a scholarship. During her free time, she goes home to the piano and saxophone and starts playing her instruments. “I really lose trace of time. When I’m playing sometimes, I look up at the clock, and go oh my gosh an hour has gone by,” said Kruse. After graduation, Kruse would like to inspire others just like her teachers have inspired her. She wants become a pilot or private instructor teaching music. “My dad’s a pilot, but he flies commercial airplanes,” said ruse. She wishes to accomplish her goal: “I want to inspire others to develop the same love of music I have developed myself.” 4/13/2017 3:01:23 PM
Class of 2021
Acuna-Vega, Kady Aguilar, Marisa Ainsworth, Hobie Alby, Marrissa Allen, Kyle Alvarez-Maine, Adrian
Anderson, Sierra Arellano, Luis Arreola-Sota, Brandon Bailey, Marshall Bartlett, Jett Bartlett, Justin
Baxter, Cason Bernhardt, Hannah Billeter, Morgan Bindra-Cowan, Alexander Bolton, Marissa Bradbury-Cervantes, Noah
Bradley, Harlan Brekeller, Roane Brick, David Briggs, Maycee Brown, Ryah Bruno, Marco
Buell, Logan Burton, Aerin Cadwallader, Mason Calhoun, Joshua Camarillo, Evan Cameron-Gray, Blaze
Alison Coplin
Alison Coplin was a member of the 8th grade concert band and a club member of the Oregon Battle of the Books OBOB . Once she gets into high school she plans to join nowledge Bowl and marching band. She plans to become a college history teacher and major in anthropology and architecture. Her favorite quote was, “Humans can live weeks without food, days without water, minutes with out air, but only one second with out hope.”
Jacob Thompson was a member of the 8th and 9th grade leadership. He also wants to be in ASB and maybe wants to join tennis. He wants to be a teacher when he graduates. His plan is to go to SWOCC for years then transfer to OSU. His favorite quote was, “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened,” by Dr. Seuss.
Jacob Thompson
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
is y use
eighth Grade
Campbell, Kiara Chaee, Jasmine Chamberlin, Christopher Chase, Makenzie Chavez, Abygail Christian-Wayne, Aidan
Clark, Anthony Colvin, James Coplin, Allison Cotell, Jordan Cowan, Alexander Crane, Blake
Crawford, Megan Crawford, Natalie Cross, Ryan Davidson, Michael Deleon, Madeline Dub, Nathan
Dugan, Tarra Ebenal, Danielle Eichelberger, Jordyn England, Donovan Feather, Alexandria Ferren, Jordan
Fillingame, Briana Firkins, Mason Firman, Zoey Flood, Jonathan Flores, aylee Flores, atalia
Flores Rodriquez, Adrian Forsberg, ander Fraser, Ethan Gallegos, Angel Galway, Jolene Galway, Justin
Garcia, Jaiden Gaskins, Donaven Gaston, Julia Goble, Makayla Goering, Natalie Gonzalez, Alliah
4/13/2017 3:00:43 PM
Class of 2021
Grant, Heather Grissom, Alexandran Guthrie, Courtney Guzman, Justin Haan, Madeleine Hack, Kaylee
Halbert, Christian Hall, Caleb Hall, Lashele Hampton, Katrina Hannah, Jacob Hargens, Hunter
Harlow, Kensey Harvey, Baetheah Harvey, Jade Haynes, Kiera Heckard, Conor Higgins, Garrett
Hinkel, Paige Holloway, Austin Houk, Maliyah Huckabee, Harlee Inskeep, Grace Johns, Thomas
Johnson, Aurora Johnson, James Johnson, Konnor Johnson, Makenna Jones, Elijah Kelso, Trista
Kinyon, Rebecca Kliewer, Robert Koenemann, Kristopher Kokel, Erik Kralicek, Samantha Labrousse, William
Latimer, Emmilee Lawrence, Mykalean Lemmer, Jason Leos, Avery Lewis, Matthew Locati, Anthony
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
eighth Grade
Lock, Devon Lopez, Jasmire Ludwig, Jemmial Maggard, Annalyse Markussen, Amanda Martin, Travis
Martinez, Benito Martinez, Justin Mathias, Caprina Matthews, Mirabella Mauri-Newell, Chloe Mccowin, Shalexi
Mcintyre, Jesse Mcmillan, Mia Mead, Alexandra Meade, Makyra Mendoza Hernandez, Yasmin
Meyers, Madyson
Milburn, Mya Mill, Kamara Miller, Aubrey Miller, Cameron Montez, Dialo Morado-Camacho, Justin
Morris, Ryker Moyer, Kade Mukaida, Rowan Nesmith, Imogen Niblett, Noah Nicholson, Amy
Nielsen, David Ord, Marvin Pallas, Kendra Patnode, Mercedyz Pennington, Michael Phillips, William
Phipps, Tristan Pittenger, Mason Place, Ethan Pope, Aubrey Price, Jeremiah Pringle , Emily
4/13/2017 3:01:22 PM
Class of 2021
Prow, Domynik Putman, Lindsey Quinones, Kelden Ramirez, Adriana Reed, Hunter Reed, Josie
Rescorla, Mckenzie Rhodes, Raegan Richards, Megan Ricketts, Conner Ringgold, Christian Roberts, Dustin
Roderick, Taya Rodriguez, Jerry Rodriguez-Gomez, Maria Roe, Cade Rogers, Ethan Rojas Flores, Sheila
Rosales, Karina Rosevear, Alexis Rossback, Kolton Roth, Leslie Sacket, Dakota Salinas, Anthony
Salyers, Colton Samuels, Carmen Sarmento, Ryan Semenchuk, Daryna Semenchuk, Mariia Short, Eva
Simon, Titus Skinner, Shaun Skordahl, Kodi Smith, Keenen Smith, Tyanna Smith-Bacon, Venetra
Sotelo Hernandez, Mariana
Speed, Frances Sperling, Jaden Stanger, Jacob Summers, Whitney Sy, Nadelly
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
eighth Grade Terry, Jennifer Thomas, Kyran Thompson, Jacob Thor, Nickolas Tinsley, Tabitha Trendell, Sydney
Trontvet, Zoe Vandre, Kaley Villa, Giana Waddington, Taylor Walton, Keanon Ward, Cedar
Weatherly, Kiya Weaver, Aina Wheaton, Nevaeh Wilkerson, Tyler Williams, Sterling Wilson, Shelby
Winger-Pooler, Logan Wright, Isaih Wyatt, Hanna Zhu, Samantha
Beauty and the Beast
A live action version of the Disney classic Beauty and the Beast came into theaters March 17, 2017. At the Pony Village Cinema, tickets costed $7.50 with a student ID. The very first teaser for Beauty and the Beast was viewed over 91.8 million times within 24 hours of being shown which marks it as the most viewed trailer in history. This was also the most expensive musical ever made with a production budget of $160 million dollars. Another noteworthy thing about the movie was that the character La Fou was the very first o cal GBT character in a feature length Disney film. Beauty and the Beast was also one of the very first live action disney movies to be in 3D as well. Live action Disney movies became extremely popular with other movies such as Cinderella and Alice in Wonderland.
Madie Hann
Madie Hann participated in many activites. She was a member of the 8th grade cheerleading team and an award-winning member of the 8th grade forensics team. She won 1st place in public forum debate, 2nd place in poetry, and 3rd place in improv just to name a few. Her plans for a future career are to become a lawyer. Her favorite quote was, “Give a 100% each day because what you don’t give will be lost forever.”
4/13/2017 3:01:51 PM
Class of 2020
Yoselin Aguirre
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Aguirre’s favorite place to hang out was at her locker by her friends talking about different things and doing homework. “Most of my classes are up there, and it’s more convenient to hang out there rather than some random place,” said Aguirre.
to H
TwentyOne Pilots At the 2016 American Music Awards (AMA’s), Twenty One Pilots were nominated for best duo or group in pop/rock and won. Twenty One Pilots became extremely popular with favorites such as Car Radio, Heathens and Stressed Out.
Aguirre, Yoselin Aker, Gabriel Allemani, Isaiah Allen, Trevor Allison, Tharon Amato, Skyla
Amsk, Jordan Anderson, Makenna Baarstad, Jordan Bahena-Contreras, Anai Banks, Kaylie Barlow, Matthew
Bauer, Madison Beasley, Shayna Beauvais, Cailin Becker, Joseph Beltran, Elena Bender, Austin
Bennett, Sydney Blatz, Daniel Bolles, Jacob Brandis, Shyann Brueckner, Kyah Burbee, Haley
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Busby, Kimberleigh Cadwallader, Madison Calender-Alcaraz, Triston Calhoun, Miles Cantrell, Carlee Cantu, Roberto
Cardozo, Cole Carreno Yanez, Maria Carroll, Cashus Casas, Pedro Clarke, Edie Cleveland, Henley
Coer, Ezra Cole, Brady Conde, Alyssa Cooley, Kady Coon, Logan Crawford, Kai Damewood, Nathan Daniel, Samantha Dascomb, Sara De Almeida, Gabriela Delzotti, Kaylee Devi, Archal
Dillard - Bollin, Madison Donley, Erin Duvan, Barry Eckley, Heather Edwards, Carter Ekholm, Michael
Entgelmeier, Jaden Erwin, Kyran Fisher, Robert
Fitzgerald-Thornton, Tyler
Flores, Jose Flores, Miguel
Forbes, Peyton Ford, Logan Foster, Jamie Franklin, Anthony Garcia, Haley Garrett, Christian
4/13/2017 3:02:30 PM
Class of 2020
Garrett, Eddie George, Taylor Gerber, Nicholas Giacomini, Brianna Gilmore, Aneeka Ginn-Forsberg, Landon
Goodrich, Macey Graves, Melody Greiner, Tryce Guillen-Ruiz, Alvaro Gutier Hammond, Gage
Hampton, James Hansen, Dauminic
Harding-McGraw, James Edward
Harwood-Thompson, Mason Heitman, Kaitlyn Hernandez, Alexander
Hill, Vynsint Hinds, Jason Hinds, Joshua Hiner, Katelyn Hollingshead, Skylar Holman, Aaron
Holman, Joseph Horton, Shirley House, Dessarrae Hubbard, Gabrielle Jeffs, Courtney Johansen, Djerriah
Johnson, Annika Johnson, Daniel Jolley, Braxton Juan de Dios, Erica Kar-Batman, Selena Kasal, Kobe
Kazzee, Dylan Koch, Titus oehler, Conner Koster, Julianna Koumentis, Kody Ksenzulak, Abby
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Jacob Bolles
Are you a belieber?
Most Dedicated Freshman Jacob Bolles has always put his schoolwork and future ahead of everything. He was in multiple activities out of school in order to prep for his future. His activities included Sea Cadets, SOAR, and outh Group. Bolles also did community service for the Salvation Army and plans on joining the Coast Guard. One of his favorite quotes is: “The more you sweat in training, the less you bleed in war.�
NO:68% Yes:22%
Kuntz, Mary Langley, Erika Ledesma Vazquez, Arturo
Linao, Jonalyn Lindsey, Braydon ine, Gri n
Lockhart, Zoe Magdaleno, Osvaldo Martin, Danny Martin, Noah Martinez, Jesse Matthews, Traver
Mayer, Hannah McAnally, Portia McCulloch, Riley Mc Donald, Jayce Mc Donald, Justin McDonald, Summer
Millan-Figueroa, Maritza Millan-Rodriguez, Alvaro Miller, Michael Mollier, Christopher
Montufar-Cardoza, Celeste
Mork, Hannah
Mullins, James Munoz, Poetica Murray, Kayla Myers, Shianne Neal, Makayla Niblett, Josiah
4/13/2017 3:05:17 PM
Class of 2020
Oliver, Jonathon Osborn, Connor Osorio, Bryan Peck, Logan Pederson, Mckena Pederson, Michael
Pedro, Danielle Pedro, Mikaela Perez, Alexis Perez, Queren Pickett, Ian Plummer, Adam
Potter, Kylie Prince, Aaron Ramer, Shailynn Ramirez, Itzel Ramos, Cheese Kaye Randle, Zachary
Rayburn, Richard Real, Jean Reed, Riley Roberts, Dakoma Roderick, Grace Roman, Christian
Rosales-Nanez, Marcos Ross, Julia Rush, Aubrie Russell-Bostwick, Emerald Sampier, Jonathon Sandberg-Holley, Kiana
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them
No: 10%
Do you plan to go to college?
Yes: 90%
On November 18, 2016, we were brought back into the wizarding world of Harry Potter with Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Fantastic Beasts was based off of the Hogwarts text book published in 1927 by the same name. The story took place 70 years before Harry Potter arrives at Hogwarts. Author of the book, Newt Scamander, was the main character. While attending Hogwarts, Scamander was a Hu epuff and while many of us wish we were attending Hogwarts, we would all be attending the American equivalent, Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Fres se Pirate o and open
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Saxton, Victoria Schrag, Faith Seat, Ross Sedies, Alexander Sheerin, Andrew Shellhamer, Brogan
Shield, Carson Sierra, Azmara Skurk, Karina Smith, Ammon Smith, Samuel Sperling, Izabella
Strine, Casey Strong, Tundra Stubblefield, Jaeda Szenasi, Eric Ward, Joseph Warrick, Ashley
Watson, Kaylah Webster, Liam Welborn, Austin Weldon, Izzabelle West, Macen White, Zaron
Whitney, Diego Whitten, Macie Will, Brendan Wilson, Moira Winquist, Shaylie Woodcock, Hunter
Wright, Kody Wright, Michaella Yarbrough, Jacob
Freshmen Victoria Saxton and Joseph Holman along with senior Keegan Holmes sit on the library ground during Pirate Undergroud, one of Saxton’s favorite places to hang out. “The library is a beautiful place, full of knowledge and different cultures. ou can learn almost anything and open your eyes a bit more with every book you read,” said Saxton. Photograph: Michaela Barnes
4/13/2017 3:16:59 PM
Class of 2019
Adams, Aidan Aguilar, Khaley Annaloro, Amy Arzie, Madelyn Backlund, Megan Badial, Trevor
Baldwin-Chee, Jorney Baller, Joseph Bastian, Myriah Benson, Devin Billeter, Brianna Bjornerud, Kira
Black, Jillian Blohm, Branson Bohanan, Jaiden Bradley, Dylan Brady, Bryson Brandis, Mercedes
Browning, Hailey Brugnoli, Gracie Bruno Estrada, Daniela Burt, Dale Bywater, Taylor Calhoun, Christina
Callaway, Cadie Cantrell, Jordan Cardenas, Gisselle Carr, Cassidy Casey, Cassandra Cavanagh, Melanie
Gracie Jensen Gracie didn’t really interact with older students her freshman year, but her sophomore year classes put her with older people which was scary at first. However, she faced her fears and got to meet new friends. ”It’s beneficial in the long run because change has helped me grow as a person,” said Jensen.
FAVORITES YOUTUBERS OF THE YEAR Favorite youtuber: Amazing Phil Favorite video: Our Awkward Fancy Meal Her favorite type of videos is vlogs, she suggest for anyone new to watch Donandphilgames.
Favorite youtuber: Troye Sivan. She explains that she relates with him because it makes her laugh. Favorite video: Coming Out
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
ber: e he m es
Chard, Kamren Chase, Makayla Chavez, Jazmin Clark, Desiree Clingings, Brandon Coleman, Kayla
Compton, Jordan Cooksey, Trenten Cowan, Jordan Cuevas, Laticia Davidson, Payton Delgado, Gabriel
Diaz, Alicia Doench, Dakota Donho, eura Dorantes, Eryka Ebenal, Brian Echols-Rodriguez, Ezekiel
Emond-Hopper, Kerri Engholm, Raymond English, Raven Fabela, Ashley Figueroa, Francisco Floyd, Kelly
Floyd, Taylar Fowler, Forrest Fromm, Connor Frost, Dakota Frost, Kammeron Garcia, Payton
Garrett, Tess Gaskins, Christopher Gaston, Kermit Gauvain, Brianna Gilbert, Taylor Ginn-Forsberg, River
Goble, Tyler Golder, Matthew Gomez-Carpenter, Jacob Gonzalez, Carlos Graham, Ryan Gray, Ian
4/13/2017 3:05:59 PM
Class of 2019
Gulseth, Trevor Gutierrez, Keanu Hales, Jerred Hanburg, Brogan Hannah, Destany Hanson, Cody
Harlow, Frankie Harris, Mckenzie Harwood, Kodee Hasel, Matthew Heitman, Eathen Heyer, Mallory
Hidalgo, Haley Holland, Gannon Holman, Rachel Holmes, Brianna Holt, Meg Hosack, Dereck
Houk, Martika Howerton, Chase Howerton, Keizer Hughes, Kaleb Hutchins, Anna Inskeep, Luke
James, Lindsay Jensen, Gracie Johnson, Amber Johnson, Karleigh Kent, Timothy Kliewer, Alexander
Koster, Tanner Krause, Kattie Kruse, Emily Larson, Marcus Larson, Tyler Leahy Crooks, Aiden
Lemmons, Tristin Liggett, Troy Locati, Alex Lockwood, Kelsea Mansfield, Caleb Marca, Anastasia
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Sophomores Marchetti, John Martin, Callista Martin, Elise Martin, Joseph Martin, Samantha Martinez, Elena
Matusz, Timothy Mayer, Brody Mccarthy, Collin Mede, Madison Menning, Kody Messenger, Brandon
Miles, Jordan Miller, Jadyn Miranda, Ravyn Mitchell, Jaiden Moen, Trevor Moses, Kaden
Moyer, Kaleb Mullins, Jonathan Murphy-Hughes, Trevor Negrete, Isabella Neuharth, Scotty Nicolaus, Joshua
Nicolaus, Maxwell Noblitt, Braden Nye, Cameron Olson, Cameron Olson, Joshua Paramo, Joseph
Parker, Haley Payne, Andrew Pedro, Brooke Perez, Samantha Petralli, Anthony Place, Brian
Pratt, Alaina Quinones, Rayne Ramirez Duarte, Jose Reed, Trenton Reigard, Payton Rhodes, Kenadi
4/13/2017 3:06:47 PM
Class of 2019
Richardson, Destiny Richarte, Timothy Riley, Sarah Robie, Sirus Rodriguez-Flores, Javier Rodriguez-Martinez, Omar
Roe, Jeremy Rojas Flores, Jessica Sandusky, Cade Santana, Veronica Schlager, Gracie Schleissner Granda, Ana
Searchfield, Robin Seevers, Nickolas Seevers, Spencer Sharp, Erin Shea, Taylor Sifford, Alexis
Sisneros, Kieran Smith, Kylie Smith, Riley Solano, Rosemary Soto-Arias, Ashlen Speed, Raiel
Stanger, Clayton Stocker, Parker Stover, Cory Stump, Gregory Sunderland, Benjamin Tardie, Micah
Thompson, Brandon Thompson, Daisy Thurman, Madeline Thurman, Sabrina Upton, David Vance, Isaac
Vandre, Sierra Villa Valdez, Jeovany Villareal, Andrew Ward, Sierra Webster, Grant West, Colton
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
West, Kinnidi Wilkerson, John Wilson, Fox Wilson, Hannah Wilson, Joseph Woolsey, Grant
Yaws, Timothy Young, Amanda
favorite snapchat filter Puppy Filter
Gabriel Prasad
Sierra Ward
Brooke Pedro & CAssidy CArr
2016 was an interesting year. There were lots of new popular trends like The Bottle Flip Challenge, Juju on that Beat and much more, but the one thing everyone liked and used was Snapchat. People liked experimenting with new filters every day sharing moments with friends whether it was good or bad. By far, the most popular Snapchat filter was the puppy filter because it made you look like a super cute little puppy dog.
Have you taken any Cp or college credit classes?
no are you involved in any sports or clubs?
Amanda Young “My favorite class is English because Mr. Parrish is super cool.”
4/13/2017 3:07:23 PM
Class of 2018
College Miliitary Work Unsure
Sean McLean
“I know for a fact I want to go to college, but I'm unsure of where I want to go. Although, I know for a fact that I wish to start off at a small and local at Central Oregon Community College (COCC), and transfer over to a larger college in Australia. I want to focus mostly on boosting up my musical career and knowledge. I've already had the opportunity to be involved with the U of O band camp, and I'm soon going to be able to get the chance to go to a Blue Devil's band camp. I've always had a love for music since I started getting involved in band at least six years and still counting. Yet I still have not regretted it."
Acton, Kelly Aguirre, Yasmin Alberts, Melissa Anguiano, Ignacio Arellano, Maria Baimbridge, Jessica
Baker, Victora Bauer, Rylee Benson, Katelynn Betts, Jada Boice, Zachary Bozek-Esty, Brandon
Bradley, Scott Bradshaw-Vance, Leigha Brainard, Dylan Brakeman, Lindsey Brawley, Trentn Brick, Hayden
Brown, Chance Brown, Jayden Brugnoli, Dylan Caldwell, Justin Calhoun, Brady Casas, Marisela
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
a to
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Yasmin Aguirre
"I like to use both Instagram and SnapChat. I use Instagram to look through other people's memories, sort of like a scrapbook, but I use SnapChat to be able to live in the moment while I see what my friends are doing."
What social media do juniors normally use?
None Twitter SnapChat MySpace Instagram
Kik Facebook
Charitar, Dhirendra Cleveland, Ethan Coleman, Keara Coplin, Justin Cotell, Deonne Dean, Jacob
Derezotes, Trent Deshazer, Austin Donovan, Bridget Dugan, Kirra Dunning, Andrew Easton, Bradley
Eastwood, Cody Echols, Cassandra Ellis, Brooke Entgelmeier, Amanda Erickson, Marissa Estrada, Zaraya
Faulkner, Nathan Flackus, Brent Flores Rodriguez, Adolfo Folan, Christopher Forbes, William Ford, Cameron
4/13/2017 3:08:27 PM
Class of 2018
Garnett, Kourtny Gerhardt, Jake Gillett, Casey Grant, Courtney Guthrie, Denea Hack, Amber
Hall, Abigail Hall, Kaylee Hampton, Bella Harlan, Britney Harlow, Jorda Hasel, Isaac
Heffner, Sarah Hernandez, Phillip Holcomb, Alissa Horath, Julie Hosack, Joshua Houghtaling, Skyler
Jackson, Samantha Jadin, Cody Jantzer, William Jeffs, Mckayla Johnson, Cody Johnson, John Wayne
Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Trenton Johnston, Jacob Kasal, Kayden Kellar, Zachary im, Minhuck
King, Trystan Kinyon, Gabriel Kohl, Kanyon Kyllo, Jared Langarica, Jonas Lathrom, Amy
Leigh, Zachary Linden, Alexis Lira, Angel Locken, Kyrin Long, Hannah McIntyre, Tyler
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
Juniors Mc ean, Sean McMillan, Ellise
Mendoza-Magdaleno, Mayra
Messenger, Tristan Meza, Miguel Angel Millan-Estrada, Christian
Millan-Rodriguez, esenia
Miller, Maliyah Morgan, endall Morris, Daniel Mukaida, Samuel Murray-Hysell, Connor
Nanez, Haylee Nelson, Brittney elson, Erin Nguyen, Tommy Niblett, Charis O’Donnell, Caitlin
Pacheco Cardenas, Kelley
Parrish, Ceiara Pearson, Yasmine Pederson, Bailey Pennington, Kenneth Perez, Adam
Perez Denova, Jonathan Peterson, Cody Portnell, Alexander Post, Jacob Post, Tyler Prince, Andrew
Puclik, Kayla Ramirez, Erika Richardson, Faith Rohlik, Brady Rossback, Hannah Sacket, Jesse
Schmidt, Roger Shea, Preston Sheline, Nathan Skordahl, Jake Slosser, Jakob Smith, Anthony
4/13/2017 3:09:02 PM
Class of 2018
Smith, Cyriss Smith, Jaycee Smith, Kimberly Smith, Nicholas Souza, Dakoda Strong, Shane
My Id My Ip My My My
Sunderland, Georgia Suppes, Madelyn Tavernier, Colton Thomas, Peyton Tine, Luca Torres, Jonathan
Trumbull, Macee Vandre, Trever Villa, Evan Villa Valdez, Jayson Waller, Samantha Warren, William
Webster, Isabella Wheeler, Miles Wolf, Jayston Wright, Frederick Wyatt, Kayla Zousel, Shawn
When these Juniors hear the word Twinkie, they think of... “Brandon Thompson. A.K.A. The Twinkie champion @ “Extinction.” - Jessica Baimbridge football coach.” - Andrew Dunning “Short.” - Mayra Mendoza
“The food, truly delicious!” “My junk food addiction.” - Kayla Wyatt - Skylar Houghtaling
“My pinkie finger.” - Jaycee Smith “A frosting filled blob of cakey goodness.”
- Jonathon Torres
“A heart attack.” Travis Wittlake Jr.
“No. Just, no.” - Bailey Pederson -
“Gross.” - McKayla Jeffs.
“Pink fluffy unicorns dancing on rainbows.” - Caitlin O’Donnell “Zombieland.” Dylan Brainard
“Stars and bananas.” “Little star.” - Justin Caldwel - Marissa Erikson
“Diabetes.” - Madelyn Suppes
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SCHOOL NAME: Marshfield High School
Job #: 10010
This Year...
My Grade I drive a My Favorite Teacher was I participated in My favorite song was My Best friend was My Best memory was
4/13/2017 3:10:02 PM
Austin Adams
Bradley Albers
Jadon Allemani
Katarina Allison
Skylar Amsk
Jose Arellano
George Babs
Hunter Bales
Ashleigh Ballard
Walker Banry
Michaela Barnes
Leo Baughmann
Jeremy Beasley
Gabrielle Beauchamp
Clay Beauvais
Tristen Benson
Jeremy Bess
Andrea Bishop
Rachael Blumenshine
Shyanne Bolton
Jenny Bridges
Itzel Bruno-Rodriguez
Hunter Campbell
“The obstacles that bear down upon each of our minds are different"-Clay Beauvais
“My success will be my best revenge.”-Gabrielle Beauchamp “Chidlhood is when you idolize batman. Adulthood is when you realize that the joker makes more sense”.- Michaela BArnes “I gotta feed my pet fish.”-Skylar Amsk
“Dying’s easy, living’s harder.”-Katarina Allison
“It always seems impossible untill it’s done. -Mandela” -Sarah Gayewski
"This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow, to high five you yesterday my friend. Peace" - shyanne Bolton
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Job #: 10010
“Look. bouncy
Tem Dim Blac Red Note
Cassidy Cantrell
Cesar Castro
Rosy Cervantes
Devin Chard
Dianna Chavez
Mikaela Chimeo
Kody Clark
Scott Clough
Daniel Cunningham
Phoebe Davis
Alicha De Almeida
Evelyn Deniz Soloria
Braden Denton
Chase Dibala
Tianna Dickey
Jordan Douglas-Bunch
Brad Dubisar
MIchael Ebenal
Sheena Eickoff
Bailey Elkins
Ian Emlet
Breanna England
Jadin Espy
“It is what it is”-Mikaela Chimeo
“Everything is possible in the way that you believe that it’s possible"-Itzel Bruno
“Life is good, you should get one"-Dianna Chavez
“I’m addicted to respecting women”-Jeremy Bess
“It’s been magical but I’m alone”-Sheena Eickhoff “Life is like a camera. JUst focus on what’s important and capture the good times. Develop from negatives and if things don’t turn out, just take another shot.” -Rachael Blumenshine “Look. Life is bab. Evryones sad. We’re all gona die. but i already bought this inflatable bouncy castle so r u guna take ur shoes off or wat.-Jonny Sun”-Rosy Cervantes
They say “It’ll change your life.”-Tianna Dickey
4/13/2017 4:11:04 PM
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Job #: 10010
Class of 2017
Andrew Falconer
Dillon Farkas
Jaime Flores
Sequoia Ford
Jenna Frank
Tommaso Garbi
Jose Garcia
Daniel Garrett
Sarah Gayewski
Brittani Gederos
Ireland Gerber
Melissa Giacomini
Richard Godden
Mireya Godinez
Alexis Gonzalez
Jonathan Graber
Chase Griffith
Ria Gutierrez Camacho
Austin Hales
Connor Hammond
Matthew Hampton
Victor Hanks
Rianna Haynes
“My sassiness will conquer all.”-Brittani Gederos “Sometimes I like to think that I have my life together” -Ireland Gerber “Stress level: Kim Kardashian losing her diamond earring in the ocean”-ria Gutierrez camacho
“Should’nt you be at school, you’re not going to graduate. -mom” -Chase Griffith
“Never give up. Surround yourself with people who push you to do better.” -Mireya Godinez
“I’m not superstitious, but I am a little stitious.” Michael Gary Scott -Alexis Gonzalez
“Don’t stress and relax.”-Jaime Flores
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Job #: 10010
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Arianna Herrera
Jasmine Herrera
Brayden Heyer
Cayce Hill
Cade Hite
Jasmine Hoaglen
Keegan Holmes
Christian Hongell
Zackery Howell
Sean Hunt
Darby Imel
Kelsey Jackson
Chance Jacobs
Shaylynn Jensen
Kolton Johnson
Mackenzie Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Francis Jones
Donald Karr-Mcintosh
Chase Kazzee
Nicole Keith
Shauni Kingery
Elyshia Kinney
“It’s time to move on and continue to go through the mysterious path of life.”-Jasmine Herrera “If you’re gonna doubt, be willing to cry out!” -Richard Godden
“Babysitting tasmanian devils is a one time thing” -Darby Imel
“Only you can control your future.”-Rianna Haynes
“That’s what she said.” Michael Gary Scott -Brayden Heyer
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go. - Dr. Seuss”- Elyshia Kinny
4/13/2017 4:13:35 PM
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Job #: 10010
Class of 2017
Riley Kirby
Hannah Kirk
Mersadies Kohanes
Cassie Krause
Jacob Ksenzulak
MAtthew Kuntz
Joshua Kyllo
Rose Labrousse
Jack Larson
Aaron Lawrence
Austin-Jordyn Leep
Rhyan Londo
AJ Lovell
Mailei Magana-Kanui
Kaitie Main
Julia Mapilisan
Tyler Marchetti
Kierstin Martin
Kilan Martin
GArrett McCarthy
Dominic Mcclure
Ty Mclean
Bailee Mcmahon
“Life sucks and then you die-Carolyn DEMETZ.”-JENNA FRANK
“Fill your life with adventures. Have stories to tell, not things to show.”-Amber Nelson
“I always mean what I say... I may not always mean to say it out loud, but I always mean it”.- Nicole Keith
“We know a little about a lot of things; Just enough to make us dangerous.-Dean Winchester”-Bailey Elkins
“I forgot my headphones” - Sadie Kohanes
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Job #: 10010
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Roarke MCneely
Spencer Mead
Filip Mihalda
Nicholas Minton
Elizabeth Moore
Brienna Mullins
Austin Muncy
Shae Neal
Amber Nelson
Jonathan Nelson
Sage Nelson
Tatum Oliver
Carmen Pacheco
Lauren Parks
Justin Patterson
Anna Pedro
Angel Perez
Deborah Perez
Joshua Philips
Brady Picket
Newton Pittulo
April Platt
Andrew Post
“ Look at me glow, look at me glisten, Look at me stunt on you.”-Anna Pedro
“If life is a game, then school is the fetch quests..”-Spencer Mead
“Remember to always be yourself, unless you “The senior quote’s due today?"-Justin Patterson suck. Then pretend to be someone else.”-Christian Hongell “The only test I ever scored high on, was a how depressed are you “Ok-Jonny Sun”-Julia MapilisAN questionnaire”-April Platt “You haven’t failed until you quit trying.-Gordon B. “They come around like honey, because I’m fly Hinkley”-Kiersten MArtin like a bee.” -Rooarke McNeely 4/13/2017 3:14:36 PM
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Job #: 10010
Class Of 2017
Breanna Potter
Allison Putman
Heather Rabey
Alexandria Randle
Brandon Richards
Johan Robinson
William Roderick
Mixtli Rodriguez
Fatima Ruiz
“You’d like to think, we’ve defeated, but we’re hereto stay forever and always”-Sierra Spencer (Motionless in WHite) “Be Happy” -Allison Putman
“If no one comes from the future to stop you, How bad of a decision can it be?”- Andrew Post “What a long, strange tripit’s been in Forman’s basement.”-Breanna Potter
“I just shotgunned a juice box...”-Jace Sperling “there can only be one B Rich.”-Brandon Richards
“I’m ready to see new places, meet new faces and conquer the world.” -Mixtli Rodriguez “Don’t Tell me the sky is the limit when there’s footprints on the moon.” -Fatima Ruiz
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Job #: 10010
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mateo Tupac
Gregory Warren-Baker
RHianna Wear
Christian Wellard
Karlie Whitson
Jonathon Yaws
Kyle Yockey
MAxwell Young
“High school had it’s great moments, but I’m ready to move onto bigger & better things.” -Chloe Thompkins “Look at me prosper, look at me make it out.”-Skylar Tecocoatzi
“I always got you.”-Brandi Thompson
“Even though you’re fed up, you gotta keep your head up.” -Karlie Whitson (Tupac)
Tanner Wilson
“Sorry for being late. I got caught up enjoying my last minutes of not being here”.- Staci THurman
“I’m 15 years old. I’m smart, I’m fun, I’m sassy, and I don’t know how to put my own hair up.”-Rachel Simon
4/13/2017 4:21:59 PM
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Job #: 10010
Senior Messages
Anna Pedro
Nick Minton
To our dearest Andriana, We can’t explain how proud we are of you. It’s been such a blessing watching you grow in the things you love most, beauty and fashion. You brighten our days with your sassiness and that smile of yours. You will succeed in anything you do. Always chase your dreams! Love always, Momma and Sissy
Nick We love you more than anything in this world. You have made us so proud of the young man you have become. We cannot wait to see what lies ahead of you as you enter into a new chapter of your life. Remember we will be here for you and will love you always! Love, Mom & Pete
Hunter Campbell
Alexis Gonzales
“We are so pround of the young man that you have become. We know you have a bright future ahead of you and cannot wait to see where the world takes you. We love you Hunter!”
Hannah Kirk
Seems like just yesterday you were in first grade... and now you are graduating! Through all the goofy times & trying times, you make me SO proud to be your mother! Love you Bailey!
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Dear Lala, It’s been pleasure watching you grow into an amazing young woman. You stayed true to who you are while exploring life with your eyes wide open. Stay true to yourself but always without fail... Live! Love! Laugh! and ADVENTURE! -Dad & Mom I think this is my heart. -E.
Bailey Elkins
Hannah Renee, “The moment you looked into our eyes, you had our hearts. What an amazing adventure it has been to watch you grow,to find out who you .are, to see you be true to yourself. We are extremely proud of you and can’t wait to see what the future holds. Be strong, courageous and full of grace.” We Love you, Mom and Dad
Go m des
Job #: 10010
Meli Ther are o Jere We l Mom
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ve e oa u
man. es ove!
Brayden Heyer
Sarah Gayewski
Brayden Houston Heyer, I am so proud of you and hope all of your wished come true. Thanks for being such a great kid and making my life as a parent fun and easy. Smile and Laugh LotsStay Humble and Kind- No RegretsAnd for what it worth: Don’t take life to seriously, nobody gets out alive anway. Love you bunches, Mom
Go make your dreams come true, you can do it, you deserve it! We are so proud of you! Tim, mom and Hunter
Itzel BRuno
Julia Mapilsan
Somos las persona mas afortunadas de tenerte como hija porque eres tan inteligente, dedicada, noble y linda. Esto que has logrado es un gran paso para iniciar tu carrera professional. Ahora en adelante tendras mas metas que estoy totalmente segura vas a poder enfrentar y superar. Recuerda que te adoramos mucho, con mucho amor tus papas.
Our Dearest, Lovely JuliaRosa~ deep beauty, brains & a BEAUTIFUL HEART! THANK YOU for being such a blessing to us! Your capabilities can go beyond limitless! BELIEVE in yourself, we do! VERY PROUD & GRATEFUL FOR YOU! WE LOVE YOU!
Melissa Giacomini
Rose LaBrousse
Melissa, There are not enough words to say how much we love you and how proud we are of you. Thank you for the love, laughter, and joy you have given us. Jeremiah 29:11 We love you, Mom, Jayson, Brianna, and Joshua
Rose, my great joy has been watching you grow and experience life. You are strong, hard -working determined, kind, sensitive, and caring. Take advantage of all that life has to offer. This is just the beginning! Love, Mom
4/13/2017 4:26:18 PM
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Senior Messages
Job #: 10010
Senior Messages
Clay Beauvais
We ue
He who fears being conquered is sure of Defeat-Napoleon Bonaparte Congratulations Clay!! You make us beyond proud and bring immense happiness to our lives. You are such a great role model, responsible, giving, caring young man who will make a great leader; we treasure and admire your kindness and compassion. Your wonderment for the world around you and your passion for History has always amazed us and held our interest. We enjoy your stories and history lessons and thank you for all that you have shared and taught us in this short time. 18 years went by way too fast! It has been a truly treasured gift parenting, guiding, sharing and experiencing this World through your eyes. We have no doubt that you will continue to accomplish great things. You will always be Our Treasure Clay. Be proud of who you are, stay true to yourself and remember we will be here to support you wherever life takes you! Love you to Infinity and Beyond Mom, Dad and Sister
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Job #: 10010
To Ali We lo molde throw the co Love,
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Andrew Post
We hope each and every avenue you pursue, you continue to be successful. Dream big and reach for the stars. You can accomplish anything you endeavor. You always make us proud and we will always love you! Love Mom, Dad, Carol, Papa and Gramma
FRancis Jones
Andrew, Congratulations on finishing this chapter in your life Moving on you will face challenges, experience amazing things and meet so many different people. Wherever you go, whatever you do, no matter what, we will always love you. Mom and Dad
Matthew Hampton
Matthew, You’ve always had a twinkle in your eye, a mischievous smile and a sharp wit. It has been fun to watch that grow into a great sense of humor, a love for people and the potential to do anything you put your mind to accomplishing. We are proud of you and love you dearly. Love, Mom and Dad
Great Job Francis, We are so proud of you! Love, Mom & Dad
AlExandria Randle
To Ali our firecracker , We love you so much. Your bubbly personality, high energy, and perseverance have molded you into a wonderful young lady inside and out. We know that no matter what’s thrown in your path, sprained ankles, broken collar bones, concussion, etc you will stay the course. Can’t wait to see what’s ahead of you baby girl! Love, Mom & Dad
“I’m still a kid. I’m like six years old, but it’s just a matter of wanting to get up, it’s just a big journey. I felt like when I left home that I was on a journey, and I still am.” -Heath Ledger
4/13/2017 3:17:23 PM
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Senior Messages
Job #: 10010
Jonat John
I AM an educator
Josh L
Catherine Hampton Anita McHaney
Foreign Langauge
Floyd Montiel Mark Lorincz
Physical Education
Doug Fendall Linda George Brooke Toy Brad McKechnie
Physical Education
Fine Arts
Foreign Language
Fine Arts
William Paget Cameron Jerde Not pictured: Jeff Jacobsen Josh Schierman
Drew Jones Fred Hunt Glen Crook Doug Miles Not Pictured: Jesse Ainsworth
Math Joe Walker, Tanya Goodson, Tammie Montiel,
Kayla Roberts Not pictured: Andrew Giniger and Kevin Guthrie
English Karin Hinrichs, Alexa Clausen, Marcia Stewart, Stephani Howe, Josh Schierman, Gypsy Warrick, Kevin Black, Luke Parrish
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Job #: 10010
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Science Jonathan Hill, Anthony Johnson, Chelsea Seedborg, Kevin Cellura, Lynda Sanders, John Sutfin
Social Studies Josh Line, Lena Moro, Bruce Bryant, Debbie Brown, Chad Scriven
Student Services
Bobby Wheaton, Chelsea Feger, Laura Osbon, Jessica Sprague, Rebecca Otterbach, Karla Bertolini, Wes Ferrin, risti Shaffer, Jennifer Bunnell, Heidi Banks
Social Studies
Special Education
Special Education
Travis Howard, Eli Ashton, Not Pictured: Greg Mulkey
Jennifer Torres Kayla Crook Kathie McMullan Mike Seedborg Doug Landrum James Johnson Jayna Tomac Adriana Villa Joanna Cobb Bobby Wheaton Not Pictured: Anita Coy, Amber Willis, Stacy Szymik, Crystal Davis, Amy Johnson
Life Skills Dianna Jackson Diane Aurdahl Cindy Grout Connie Waits Joe Kuehner Ron Nance
Office Lynn Scott, Sandy Reiber, Sherrill VanVleet, ori Croff ot pictured: Stacy Gulseth, Aubrey Bartholomew, Todd Tardie
Life Skills
4/13/2017 3:27:35 PM
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Job #: 10010
Team Photos
Varsity Volleyball Front Row: Coach Montiel, Kenadi Rhodes,
JV Volleyball Front Row: Jaiden Bohanan, Kaylie Banks, Gabrielle
eighth Grade Volleyball gold Front Row: Heather Grant, Reagan
eight grade volleyball purple Front Row: Marisa Aguilar, Natalia
Rhodes, Taylor Waddington, Grace Inskeep, Carmen Samules. Middle Row: Sydney Trendell, Cedar Ward, Mercedyz Patnode, Aurora Johnson . Back Row: Courtney Guthrie, Emmilee Canaday, Coach Banks, Mirabella Matthews, Kira Campbell.
Flores, Maria Rodriguez- Gomez, Makayla Goble , Second Row: Caprina Mathias, Aerin Burton, Maliyah Dawn, Shelby Wilson, Julia Gaston Third Row: Aina Weaver,Coach Sam Becket , Kady Vega, Daniella Cruz
Ravyn Miranda, Makenna Anderson, Jamie Foster. Back Row: Al- Hubbard, Portia McAnally, Karina Skruk, Aubrie Rush, Ashley exandra Locati, Kelsey Jackson, Marissa Erickson, Rhyan Londo, Warrick, Coach Brittany Prescott. Back Row: Sierra ward, Jamie Foster, Taylar Floyd, Jessica Rojas, Kiana Sandberg-Holley, Melissa Giacomini Coach Lindsay Cross
Varsity Cheer Team Front Row: Haylee Nanez, Kodee Harwood,
Eighth grade cheer team Front Row: Bryton Brooke, Nevaeh Hannah Mork, Cassandra Casey, Alexis Gonzales, Martika Houk, Wheaton, Whitney Summers, Katrina Hampton, Caitlin Hite, McKayla Chase. Middle Row: Annika Johnson, Samantha Perez, Second Row: Heather Grant, Aliah Gonzalez, Ryan Brown Samantha Jackson, Sabra Strain, Erika Ramirez, Courtney Grant, Rayne Quinones, Sierra Cobb. Back Row: Brady Pickett, Jeremy Beasley, Ryan Graham, Johnathan Mullins, Kaleb Hughes, Cody Jadin, Hunter Bales.
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Job #: 10010
Maria Good Golde Carr, F McNu Rena ander
JV 2 F
Blake Amsk, Noah M Guille Brian E Brando land, J
Krahn Coac Thurm Stubb
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swim team Front Row: Zayaya
Varsity/JV Football Front Row: Colton Tavernier, Sirus Robie, Jordan Miles, Chris Murrilo, Brady
JV 2 Football Front Row: Kameren Chard, Peyton Fornes, Francisco Figueroa,
Dance Team Front Row: Peyton Thomas, Chole Tompkins, Allison Putman, Alexandria Randle, Ireland Gerber, Sarah Gayewski. Middle Row: Jaycee Smith, Kendall Morgan, Callista Martin, Kayla Wyatt, Kira Bjornerud, Elise Martin, Payton Davidson. Back Row: Celeste Montufar, McKenna Pederson, Amanda Entgelmeier, Bridget Donovan, Madison Mede, Maliyah Miller, Parker Stocker, Izabella Sperling
Estrada, Brianna Billeter, Anna Hutchins, Maria Arellano, Cady Cooley, Gabe Delgado, Will Roderick , Macey Goodrich, Zach Randle , Kimberleigh Busby, Maddie Suppes, Matthew Golder, Josh Olson. Middle Row: Hannah Kirk, Taylar Floyd, Cassidy Carr, Francisco Figueroa, Tommaso Garbai, Jack Larson, Coach Kathe McNutt, Tanner Koster, Brian Place, Collin McCarthy, Garrett McCarthy, Rena Krahn, Jordyn Leep, James Kim. Back Row: Connor Fromm, Alexander Kliewer, Mark larson.
Blake Brickey, Traver Matthews. Second Row: Robert Fisher, Titus Koch, Jordan Amsk, Coach Bruce Bryant, Coach James Johnson, Josiah Niblett, Aaron Prince, Noah Martain. Thrid Row: Trevor Allen, Liam Webster, Cashus Carroll, Alvaro Guillen-Ruiz, Gri n ine, Tyler Thornton, ieran Sisneros, Skyler Hollingshead, Brian Ebenal. Back Row: Tryce Greiner, Ross Seat, Dereck Hosack, Andrew Villa, Brandon Thompson, Tanner Koster, Forrest Fowler, Ryan Graham, Henley Cleveland, Jonathon Mullins.
Pickett, Hunter Campbell, Nick Minton, Cesar Castro, Chance Jacobs, Jacob Dean, Justin Banks, Josh Hosack, Zach Kellar, Trevor Johnson, Gabe Prasad, Devin Benson. Second Row: Matthew Hasel, Coach Corey Shaffer, Coach Greg Mulkey, Coach Bruce Bryant, Coach Brian Thornton, Coach Floyd Montiel, Coach James Johnson, Coach Josh Line, Coach John Lemmons, Coach Brad McKechnie, Coach Ty Volin, Manager Shea Neal, Manager Macee Trumbull, Manager Johnathan Yaws, Frederick Wright, Third row: Justin Patterson, Jadin Espy, Cade Hite, Cody Jadin, Aidan Adams, Kaleb Hughes, Ben Sunderland, Andrew Falconer, Chase Howerton, Jacob Carpenter, Greg Stump, Mark Larson, Gannon Holland, Andrew Dunning, Jared Kyllo, Grant Woolsey. Back Row: Grant Webster, Johan Robinson, Andrew Post, Kanyon Kohl, Francis Jones, Cory Stover, Mason Jussila, Garrett McCarthy, Tyler McIntrye, TK Capps, Phillp Hernandez, Richard Godden, Tyler Post, Tristan Lemmons, Skylar Amsk, Collin McCarthy.
girls soccer Front Row: Mikaela Chimeo, Mireya Godinez, Rena
boys soccer Front row: Co-coach Ryan Reed, Bryan Osorio, Gage
Krahn, Ella Johnston, Ria Camacho, Dianna Chavez. Back Row: Coach Pio Figueroa, Cadie Callaway, Callista Martin, Sabrina Thurman, Marisela Casas, Khaley Aguilar, Madelyn Arzie, Jaeda Stubblefield, Camilla Camacho.
Hammond, James Crompton, Jose Ramirez, Christian Millan Estrada, Pedro Casas, Cody Eastwood, Miguel Flores, Darby Imel, Alexander Hernandez, Javier Rodriguez, Coach Drew Jones, Zach Randle, Jaime Flores
4/13/2017 3:22:10 PM
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Job #: 10010
N Photos Team
cross country Front Row: Rayne Quinones, Jordan Barrstad, Maddie Suppes, varsity Boys Basketball Front Row: Jacob Carpenter, Gri
n ine, Zach ellar, Jordy Miles, Nick Minton, Grant Woolsey, Skyler Amsk. Middle Row: Cory Stover, Grant Webster, Scott Clough, Richard Godden, Ian Emlet, Josh Kyllo. Back Row: Manager Cameron Olsen, Coach Bo Cutting, Coach Tanner Howard, Coach Doug Miles, Coach Scott Banks, Coach Aaron Mason, Coach Dillion Boyer.
Jazmin Chavez, Jaycee Smith. Second Row: Kyran Erwin, Daisy Thompson, Kaylee Delzotti, Tess Garrett, Isabella Webster, Jonathan Sampier. Back Row: Ethan Cleveland, Andrew Prince, Ian Emlet, Coach Steve Delgado, Gabe Delgado, Jeremy Roe, Isaac Hasel.
Jasmin Mallor Hailey
JV Boys Basketball Front Row: Micah Tardie, Adolfo Flores, Dhiren Chari-
jv2 boys basketball Front Row: Pedro Casas, Johnathan Oliver, Kameron
tar, uke Inskeep. Middle Row: uca Tine, Jared yllo, Chase Howerton, Justin Banks, River Ginn-Forsberg. Back Row: Manager Trevor Gulseth, Coach Bo Cutting, Ignacio Anguiano, Coach Dillion Boyer.
Chard, Gabe Prasad. Middle Row: Tyler Thornton, Gage Perderson, Josiah iblett, Jordan Amsk, Robert Fisher. Back Row: andon Ginn-Forsberg, Erasto Jimenez, Coach Jacob Dub, Coach Aaron Mason, Ammon Smith, Cameron Nye.
Colton ton Fo Jantze ro Gu
Eighth Grade Boys Basketball gold
eighth grade boys basketball purple Front Row: Adrian Flores, Jaden
Key cl
Front Row: uis Arellano Middle Row: Hobie Ainsworth, Keanon Walton, Coach Anthony Johnson Back Row: Cason Baxter, Eric Kolal.
Sperling, Hunter Hargens. Middle Row: Garrett Higgins, Conor Heckard, Robert liewer, Christian Phillips. Back Row: Anthony ocati, Titus Simon, Coach Doug Fendall, Ethan Place, Noah Niblett.
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Job #: 10010
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Team Photos
varsity girls basketball
jv girls basketball Front Row: Aubrey Rush,
Key club Front Row:
z club Front Row: Tess Garrett, Gracie Jensen, Julia Mapilisan, Darcia Schae-
Front Row: Melanie Cavanugh, Ravyn Miranda, Jasmine Chavez, Samatha Waldrop, Isabella Webster. Middle Row: Emily Kruse, Mallory Heyer, Brandi Thompson, Tess Garrett. Back Row: Marrissa Erickson, Hailey Browning, Melissa Giacomini, Gracie Brugnoli.
arina Skurk, Erika angley, Taylor Shea. Middle Row: Danielle Pedro, Kiana Holley, Cailyn Beauvais, Isabelle Weldon. Back Row: Julia Ross, Brianna Giacomini, Coach Kevin Gutherie, Ana Schleissner.
Front Row: Richard Rayburn, Kody Koumentis, Frankie Harlow, Back Row: Jonathan Hill, Tyler Marchetti, Community member, Jonathan Colton West, Raymond Engholm, Josh Hinds, Kelly Floyd,Tryce Grinder , Pey- Torres, Chance Brown, orth Bend Student, Jonas angarcia, Sarah Heffner, ton Forbes, yrin Irwin, Back Row: Joseph Paramo, Garrett efebvre, William ynda Sanders. Front Row: Evalyn illa Sunset Staff , Adriana illa, Mikaela Jantzer, Cade Hite, Chance Jacobs, Travis Wittlake, Jr., Aidan Adams, AlveChimeo, Sydney Bennet. ro Gulrren, Tyler Post, Anthony Petralli-Widmar, Phillip Hernandez, AJ ira.
oselin Aguirre, Itzel Bruno, Jonas angarcia, ayla Wyatt, Arianna Herrera, Sarah Johnson, Maria Arellano. Middle Row: Connor Koehler, Maireni Santana, Mixtli Rodriguez, Yasmin Aguirre, Meg Holt, Jasmine Herrera, esenia Millan, Sofi Munoz. Back Row: Mrs.Gulseth, John Johnson, Daniela Bruno, Rylee Bauer, Gisselle Cardenas, Rosemary Santos, Amanda Young, Ireland Gerber.
fer. Second Row: Sarah Johnson, Yasmin Aguirre, Maireni Santana, Itzel Bruno, Sydney Bennett, Mixtli Rodriguez. Third Row: Yoselin Aguirre, Jasmine Herrera, Judge Paula Bechtold. Back Row: Rylee Bauer, Skylar Houghtaling, Arianna Herrera, Yesenia Millan, Alexandria Randle, William Paget, Bailee McMahon, Deone Cotell, Sarah Gayewski, Ireland Gerber, Chloe Tompkins, Maria Arellano.
4/13/2017 4:28:03 PM
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Job #: 10010
Team Photos
Jazz band Front Row: Troy Liggett, Emily Kruse, Drew Payne, Josh Olsen. Middle Concert Band Row: Noah Bradbury-Cervantes, Brandon Clingings, Cameron Olsen, Melanie Cavanagh. Back Row: Alex Hernandez, Sean Mclean, Bailey Elkins, Alexander Klewier, Clayton Stanger, Cameron Jerde
Front Row: Trenton Johnson, Sierra Ward, Erin Donley, Jessica Baimbridge, Samantha Daniels, Casey Gillett, Jada Stublefield, Peyton Davidson, Christian Garrett, Bridgett Donovan, Clayton Stanger, Jordan Cantrell, Taylor Bywater, Josh Olsen, Sarah Heffner. Second Row: Cameron Jerde, Samantha Martain, Rosemary Salono, Erika Dorantes, Sage Nelson, Drew Paine, Emily Kruse, Troy Liggett. Third Row: Sara Dascomb, Jonas Langarcia, Ryan Johnson, Alexander Klewlier, Annika Johnson, Isacc Hasel, Cameron Olsen, Alex Sedies, Melanie Cavanagh. Back Row: Bailey Elkins, Hannah Mork, Sam Mukaida, Austin Welborn, Megan Bucklund, Sean Mclain, Kiresten Martin, , Maxwell Young, Brandon Cliggings.
eighth grade band Front Row: Cameron Jerde, Kendra Pallas, Danielle Ebenal, Jasmine concert choir: Front Row: William Pagent, Carter Edwards, Breanna England, Elise Martain, Ali Chaffee, Harlee Huckabee, Allison Coplin, atalia Flores, Reese Tipler, atrina Hampton, Taylor Waddington, Aina Weaver. Second Row: Blake Crane, Rowan Mulcaida, Robert Kliewer, Imogen Nesmith, Noah Bradbury-Cervantes, Jacob Stanger, Kamara Mill, Malryah Houk, Natalie Goering, Mckenzie Rescorla, Harlan Bradley, Conner Ricketts. Back Row: Jordan Grawes, Frances Speed, Chole Mauri- ewell.
new horizons Front Row: Keegan Holmes, Carter Edwards, Elise Martin, Catarina Allison, Deonne Cotell, Maddy Suppes, William Paget Second Row: Samantha Jackson, Anna Hutchins, River Gin-Forsburg, Andrew Prince, Landon Ginn-Forsburg, Gregory Warren-Baker.
Randle,Rose Labrousse, Deonne Cotell,Keara Coleman. Second Row: Victoria Saxton, Anna Hutchins, Emerald Russel, Riley irby, Ravyn Miranda, Julia Mapilisan, Maddy Suppes. In Back: Aidan Adams, atarina Allison, Sofia Munoz, Rylee Bauer, Jillian Black, Dylan Brainard, Michael Ebenal, Barbara Elston, Tess Garrett, andon Ginn-Forsberg, River Ginn-Forsberg, Aaron Holman, Joseph Holman, eegan Holmes, Samantha Jackson, Sarah Johnson, Braxton Jolley, Savannah Jonesi, Elyshia inney, Hannah irk, Gri n ine, Alyn Lovell, Kierstin Martin, Noah Martain, Kelley Pacheco, Cody Peterson, Aaron Prince, Andrew Prince, Allison Putman, Gracie Schlager, Evan Villa, Gregory Warren-Baker, Kinnidi West, Karlie Whitson, Maxwell Young
Women’s Ensemble Front Row: William Pagent, Maria Carreno,Paige Hinkel, Lindsey Putman, Kaley
Vandre, Jada Betts, Megan Richards, Makenna Johnson, Erica Evers. In the back: Sydney Bennett, Angel Bossen, Shyann Brandis, Haley Burbee, Edie Clark, Kayla Coleman, Natalie Crawford, Laticia Cuevas, Gabriela De Almeida, Madeline Deleon, Shasta DeOs, Madison Dillard, Danielle Ebenal, Heather Eckley, Saraphina Embry, Brianna Giacomini, Aneeka Gilmore, Camilla Gutierrez-Camacho, atelyn Hiner, Courtney Jeffs, Julianna oster, Zoe ockhart, Jemmial udwig, Summer McDonald, asmin Mendoza, Jaiden Mitchell, Lindsey Putman, Itzel Ramirez, Jean Real, Sarah Riley, Gracie Schlager, Justice Schuhmann, Alexis Sifford, Tundra Strong, Jennifer Terry, Aina Weaver, Macie Whitten, Moira Wilson.
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Job #: 10010
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Men’s Ensemble Front Row: William Paget, Nathan Damewood, Justin Morado, Tyler Wilkerson , Ian Pickett, Justin Guzman, Konnor Johnson, Logan Buell, Kyle Parker. In the Back: Aeris Aker, Daniel Blatz, Zachary Boice, Aidan Christian, Henley Cleveland, Brady Cole, Kai Crawford, Michael Davidson, Donovan England, Ethan Fisher, Aaron Harvey, Mason Harwood, Damian Healy, Aaron Holman, Keegan Holmes, Braxton Jolley, James Mullins, Cody Peterson, Christian Ringgold, Dakoma Roberts, Alexander Sedies, Jake Skordahl, Samuel Smith, Kyran Thomas, Jayston Wolf.
Team Photos
Front Row: Riley irby, Ashley Warrick, Sheena Eickhoff, Arianna Herrera, Izabella Sperling, April Platt, Rachel Simon. Second Row: ictoria Sa, Jorda Harlow, Fatima Ruiz, Aiden Leahy-Crooks, Jessica Baimbridge, Itel Ramirez, Trevor Moen, Todd Tardie. Third Row: Sam Mukaida, Timothy Kent, Jace Sperling, Jeremy Bess, Madison Bollin, Skylar Haughtaling, Connor Murray. Back Row: Shawn Zousel, Shyanna Bolton.
asb Front Row: Ian Emlet, Rachel Simon Second Row: Chris Folan, Taylor Stark,
kmhs radio team Front Row: Madison Mede, Maddie Arzie, Sarah Gayewski,
Parker Stocker, Isabella Webster, Khaley Aguilar, Erin Nelson, Kodee Harwood, endall Morgan, Peyton Thomas Third Row: Justin Banks, Jake Carpenter, Gabe Delgado
uke Inskeep, Cassandra Casey, Hannah Rossback, haley Aguilar, Peyton Thomas, Andy Prince, Steve Walker. Back Row: Joe Martain, Nicl Lahr, Evan Villa, Bailey Pederson, Tyler Post, Grant Webster.
nhs & SNHS Front Row: Maria Arellano(SNHS), Mixtli Rodriguez(SNHS), Deone Cotell (SNHS). Second Row: Alexandria Randle, Rosy Cervantes(SNHS), Courtney Grant. Third Row: Isabella Webster(SNHS), Alexis Gonzalez, Kayla Wyatt(SNHS), Alison Puttman, Jessica Baimbridge(SNHS). Fourth Row: John Johnson(SNHS), Rachel Simon, Bridget Donovan, Samantha Waldrop S HS , Chloe Tompkins, Mackenzie Johnson, Justin Coplin S HS , Ireland Gerber S HS . Back Row: Andrew Post, Phillip Hernandez S HS , Jack arson, Shaylynn Jensen S HS , Matthew Hampton, Ian Emlet S HS .
4/13/2017 4:29:43 PM
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Job #: 10010
Yearbook Staff
Michaela Barnes Editor-in-Chief
Mixtli Rodriguez Design Editor
“I don’t suffer from insantity because it’s in my blood. “
“You’ll miss me.”
Brooke Pedro Photography Editor
Maria Arellano Managing Editor
“I do what I want
“Pineapples may not grow on trees, but Papaya does.”
Anna Pedro Designer/Photographer
Brittani Gederos Photography Assistant
“Ms. Howe is my everything.”
“No one will ever be sassy like me.”
Zaraya Estrada Photography Assistant “I walk, I look, I see, I photograph.”
Karlie Whitson Design Assistant
“Brush your teeth.”
10010_152-153 Done.indd All Pages
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Job #: 10010
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153 Jose Duarte Designer/photographer
Stephani Howe Adviser
“If they mad about it, they mad about it.”
“Where are all the SD cards?”
Cassidy Carr Designer/photographer “When the world says ‘give up’ hope whispers ‘try’ one more time.”
Yearbook Staff
Yasmine Aguirre Designer/photographer “Superficial with a rotten sou.”-G-eazy
Itzel Bruno Designer/photographer
Yoselin Aguirre Designer/photographer
“We’re all addicted to Peanut Butter.”
“Cool Beans.”
Julianna Koster Designer/photographer “Ex hoc momento pendet aeternitas.”
Danielle Pedro Designer/photographer
Chocolate, Vanilla, Neopolitan as an example.”-White Chicks
4/13/2017 3:22:16 PM
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Job #: 10010
Index A
Arzie, Madelyn R.
126 11, 108 55, 83, 86, 120 83, 132 120 108 126, 127, 153 38, 114, 153 71 114 132 126 108 114 132 114 36, 101, 132 114 108 114 114 56, 76, 132 50, 114 108 126 120 132 54, 70, 108 87, 126, 152 83, 108 52, 120
Baarstad, Jordan R. Babbs, George T. Badial, Trevor M. Bahena-Contreras, Anai Bailey, Marshall A. Baimbridge-Bailey, Jessica M. Baker, Gregory Baker, Victoria J. Baldwin-Chee, Jorney O. Bales, Hunter J. Ballard, Ashleigh M. Banks, Justin M. Banks, Kaylie J. Banry, Walker R. Barlow, Matthew Barnes, Michaela B. Bartlett, Jett A. Bartlett, Justin S. Bastian, Myriah T. Bauer, Joseph M. Bauer, Madison Bauer, Rylee M. Baumann, Leo J. Baxter, Cason Beasley, Jeremy W. Beasley, Shayna L. Beauchamp, Gabrielle J. Beaulieu, Hannah G. Beauvais, Cailin M. Beauvais, Clay A. Becker, Joseph W. Beltran, Elena E. Bender, Austin M. Bennett, Sydney S.
47, 88, 114 132 120 114 108 28, 36, 37, 94, 99, 126 101 87, 126 120 60, 61, 132 132 30, 54, 55 114 132 114 28, 132, 152 108 108 120 120 22, 114 38, 126 132 108 34, 35, 132 114 5, 94, 132 22 114 132, 142 114 114 114 114
Acton, Kelly S. Acuna-Vega, Kady Adams, Aidan W. Adams, Austin W. Aguilar, Khaley N. Aguilar, Marisa M. Aguirre, Yasmin P. Aguirre, Yoselin P. Ainsworth, Hobie D. Aker, Gabriel M. Albers, Bradly A. Alberts, Melissa D. Alby, Marissa R. Allemani, Isaiah S. Allemani, Jadon Allen, Trevor M. Allison, Katarina M. Allison, Tharon N
Alvarez-Maine, Adrian C.
Amato, Skyla B. Amsk, Jordan J. Amsk, Skylar J. Anderson, Makenna K. Anderson, Sierra L. Anguiano, Ignacio d. Annaloro, Amy A. Arellano, Jose D. Arellano, Luis A. Arellano, Maria C. Arreola-Soto, Brandon
Benson, Devin R. Benson, Katelynn E. Benson, Tristen M. Bernhardt, Hannah G. Bess, Jeremy S. Betts, Jada N. Billeter, Brianna R. Billeter, Morgan R. Bindra-Cowan, Alexander Bishop, Andrea J. Blatz, Daniel E. Blumenshine, Rachael A. Bohanan, Jaiden L. Boice, Zachary A. Bolles, Jacob E. Bolton, Marissa R. Bolton, Shyanne R. Bozek-Esty, Brandon E. Bradbury-Cervantes, Noah Bradley, Dylan J. Bradley, Harlan Bradley, Scott E. (Bradshaw-Vance, Leigha Brainard, Dylan M. Brakeman, Lindsey J. Brandis, Mercedes A. Brandis, Shyann E. Bravo-Salas, Carlos Brawley, Trentn T. Brekeller, Roane J. Brick, David W. Brick, Hayden E. Bridges, Jenny E. Briggs, Maycee L. Brooks, Cara L. Brown, Chance T. Brown, Jayden Brown, Ryah N. Browning, Hailey L. Brueckner, Kyah G. Brugnoli, Dylan A. Brugnoli, Gracie T. Bruno,Carlos Bruno, Marco A. Bruno Estrada, Daniela Bruno-Rodriguez, Itzel Buell, Logan G. Burbee, Haley A. Burt, Dale C. Burton, Aerin G. Busby, Kimberleigh M. Bywater, Taylor B.
54, 55, 120 126 132 108 14, 27, 40, 81, 132 126 67 108 108 132 114 132 49 83, 126 90, 114, 117 108 40, 132 126 108 120 108 35, 126 126 93, 126 126 120 114 12,53 126 108 108 22, 126 132 108 88 126 126 108 74, 75, 81, 83, 120 114 126 120 16 108 120 27 ,38, 39, 132, 153, 141 108 114 120 108 115 120
Carroll, Cashus Casas, Marisela R. Casas, Pedro C. Casey, Cassandra Castro Roman, Cesar E. Cavanagh, Melanie J. Cervantes, Rosy Chaffee, Jasmine S. Chamberlin, Christopher Chard, Devin R. Chard, Kamren M. Charitar, Dhirendra C. Chase, Makayla M. Chase, Makenzie T. Chavez, Abygail B. Chavez, Dianna Chavez, Jazmin R. Chimeo, Mikaela M. Christian-Wayne, Aidan J Clark, Anthony D. Clark, Desiree K. Clark, Kody L. Clarke, Edie R. Cleveland, Ethan L. Cleveland, Henley E. Clingings, Brandon F. Clough, Scott D. Coffer, Ezra E. Cole, Brady J. Coleman, Kayla R. Coleman, Keara L. Collins, Tabetha S. Colvin, James A. Compton, Jordan N. Conde, Alyssa Cooksey, Trenten E. Cooley, Kady A. Coon, Logan W. Coplin, Allison L. Coplin, Justin S. Cotell, Deonne M. Cotell, Jordan E. Cowan,Alexander Cowan, Jordan R. Crane, Blake A. Crawford, Kai T. Crawford, Megan A. Crawford, Natalie R. Cross, Ryan P. Cruz, Daniella A. Cuevas, Laticia M. Cunningham, Daniel C.
115 52, 126 12,53, 115 14, 34, 61, 84, 120 58, 133 75, 100, 101, 120 29, 36, 85, 133 23, 109 109 133 121 90, 127 121 109 47, 109 53, 60, 133 30, 46, 47, 74, 75, 121 95, 133, 143 109 109 121 133 115 45 , 47, 127 115 98, 99, 101, 121 63, 76, 77, 133 115 115 121 103, 127 89 109 121 115 93, 121 63, 83, 115 115 23, 108, 109 127 22, 36, 101, 103 , 127 109 109 83, 121 109 115 109 109 109 11 121 133
Cadwallader, Madison L. Cadwallader, Mason L. Caldwell, Justin A. Calender-Alcaraz, Triston Calhoun, Brady E. Calhoun, Christina M. Calhoun, Joshua M. Calhoun, Miles B. Callaway, Cadie D. Cameron-Gray, Blaze N. Campbell, Hunter J. Campbell, Kiara A. Cantrell, Carlee M. Cantrell, Cassidy K. Cantrell, Jordan L. Cantu, Roberto R. Capps, Timken K. Cardenas, Gisselle C. Cardozo, Cole A. Carr, Cassidy R. Carreno Yanez, Maria V.
115 108 92, 126 115 126 11, 120 108 115 20, 21, 45, 120 108 56, 132,140 109 115 133 120 115 54, 56 120 33, 115 67, 120, 153 115
Damewood, Nathan E. III Daniel, Samantha R. Dascomb, Sara J. Davidson, Michael G. Davidson, Payton H. Davis, Aria Davis, Phoebe D. De Almeida, Alicha L. De Almeida, Gabriela L. Dean, Jacob A. Deleon, Madeline E. Delgado, Gabriel J. Delzotti, Kaylee R. Deniz Soloria, Evelyn Denton, Braden J. Derezotes, Trent J. Deshazer, Austin E. Devi, Archal R. Diaz-Bellinger, Alicia C. Dibala, Chase A. Dickey, Tianna R.
102, 103, 115 115 115 109 64, 121 40 133 133 115 28, 57, 127 109 45, 46, 47, 63, 67, 121 3446, 47, 115 133 133 127 127 115 121 69, 133 12, 19, 133
Dillard - Bollin, Madison A Doench, Dakota L. Donhoff, Keura A. Donley, Erin M. Donovan, Bridget A. Dorantes, Eryka L. Douglas-Bunch, Jordan C Dub, Nathan F. Dubisar, Brad I. Dugan, Kirra M. Dugan, Tarra J. Dunning, Andrew C. Duvan, Barry K.
115 121 121 115 127 121 133 109 133 127 109 84, 85, 127 115
Easton, Bradley A. Eastwood, Cody A. Ebenal, Brian J. Ebenal, Danielle M. Ebenal, Michael B. Echols, Cassandra N. Echols-Rodriguez, Ezekie Eckley, Heather L. Edwards, Carter J. Eichelberger, Jordyn C. Erickson, Marissa R. Eickhoff, Sheena M. Ekholm, Michael P. Elkins, Bailey A. Ellis, Brooke M. Emlet, Ian C. Engholm, Raymond S. England, Breanna M. England, Donovan G. English, Raven A. Entgelmeier, Amanda D. Entgelmeier, Jaden P. Erickson, Marissa R. Erwin, Kyran J. Espy, Jadin D. Estrada, Zaraya D.
55, 127 45, 12, 53, 127 121 109 28, 43, 133 127 121 115 101, 104, 105, 115 109 45, 50,51 27 , 40, 41, 133 115 12, 101, 133, 140 92, 127 30, 31 , 36, 46, 47, 76, 133 121 13, 67, 105, 133 109 13, 121 127 115 74, 75, 127 46, 99, 115 133 67, 127, 152
Fabela, Ashley J. Falconer, Andrew V. Farkas, Dillon R. Faulkner, Nathan L. Feather, Alexandria P. Ferren, Jordan S. Figueroa, Francisco Fillingame, Brianna J. Firkins, Mason Fisher, Robert M. Fitzgerald-Thornton, Tyle Flackus, Brent W. Flood, Jonathan P. Flores, Kaylee D. Flores, Miguel A. Flores, Natalia L. Flores Herrera, Jose A. Flores Rodriguez, Adolfo Flores Rodriquez, Adrian Flores-Garcia, Jaime Floyd, Kelly T. Floyd, Taylar A. Folan, Christopher J. Forbes, Peyton M. Forbes, William D. Ford, Cameron Z. Ford, Logan J. Ford, Sequoia J. Forsberg, Xander N. Foster, Jamie L. Fowler, Forrest C. Frank, Jenna R.
121 15, 134 81, 134 127 109 109 67, 78, 121 109 109 115 115 93, 127 109 109 12, 115 109 115 127 109 53, 84, 85, 133 68, 89, 121 20, 67, 121 14, 30, 127 69, 115 127 92, 127 115 134 109 20, 115 121 12, 99, 100, 101, 134
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Job #: 10010
Franklin, Fraser, Et Fromm, Co Frost, Dak Frost, Kam
Gallegos, Galway, Jo Galway, J Gamma, Jo Garbi, Tom Garcia, Ha Garcia, Ja Garcia, Jo Garnett, K Garrett, C Garrett, D Garrett, E Garrett, T Gaskins, C Gaskins, D Gaston, Ju Gaston, Ke Gauvain, B Gayewski, Gederos, B George, Ta Gerber, Ir Gerber, Ni Gerhardt, Giacomini, Giacomini, Gilbert, Ta Gillett, Ca Gilmore, A Ginn-Fors Ginn-Fors Goble, Mak Goble, Tyl Godden, Ri Godinez, M Goering, N Golder, Ma Gomez-Car Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Gonzalez, Goodrich, Graber, Jo Graham, R Grant, Cou Grant, Hea Gray, Ian Greiner, T Griffith, C Grissom, A Guillen-Ru Gulseth, T Guthrie, C Guthrie, D Gutierrez Gutierrez Gutierrez Guzman, H Guzman, J
Haan, Mad Hack, Ambe Hack, Kayl Halbert, Ch Hales, Aus Hales, Jer Hall, Abiga
Tem Dim Blac Red Note
Franklin, Anthony N. Fraser, Ethan J. Fromm, Connor M. Frost, Dakota D. Frost, Kammeron R.
115 109 121 33, 92, 121 121
Gallegos, Angel J. Galway, Jolene L. Galway, Justin A. Gamma, John N. Garbi, Tommaso Garcia, Haley L. Garcia, Jaiden B. Garcia, Jose L. Garnett, Kourtny J. Garrett, Christian A. Garrett, Daniel J. Garrett, Eddie Garrett, Tess A. Gaskins, Christopher M. Gaskins, Donaven Gaston, Julia A. Gaston, Kermit M. IV Gauvain, Brianna M. Gayewski, Sarah R. Gederos, Brittani L. George, Taylor R. Gerber, Ireland R. Gerber, Nicholas C. Gerhardt, Jake J. Giacomini, Brianna R. Giacomini, Melissa I. Gilbert, Taylor S. Gillett, Casey K. Gilmore, Aneeka Ginn-Forsberg, Landon T Ginn-Forsberg, River I. Goble, Makayla E. Goble, Tyler J. Godden, Richard A. Godinez, Mireya R. Goering, Natalie T. Golder, Matthew I. Gomez-Carpenter, Jacob Gonzalez, Alexis R. Gonzalez, Alliah M. Gonzalez, Carlos B. Goodrich, Macey L. Graber, Jonathan D. Graham, Ryan D. Grant, Courtney L. Grant, Heather R. Gray, Ian T. Greiner, Tryce J. Griffith, Chase A. Grissom, Alexandran G. Guillen-Ruiz, Alvaro J. Gulseth, Trevor C. Guthrie, Courtney I. Guthrie, Denea D. Gutierrez, Keanu L. Gutierrez Camacho, Ria Gutierrez-Camacho, Camila Guzman, Holden M. Guzman, Justin N.
109 109 109 17, 45 , 47, 134 115 109 134 12, 18, 128 115 134 116 24, 47, 63, 74, 75, 90, 121 121 109 109 121 121 14, 15, 27, 34, 38, 39, 134, 141 134, 152 116 11, 12, 13, 65, 87, 134 116 61, 128 104, 116 51, 75, 134,141 54, 121 11, 128 116 55, 101, 116 101, 121 49, 89, 109 121 20, 41, 53, 77, 134 134 23, 81, 109 83, 121 76, 77, 87, 121 15, 44, 60, 61, 86, 134,140 109 121 116 33, 134 121 36, 58, 59, 128 63, 89, 110 121 116 134 110 116 122 15, 110 15, 128 122 53, 81, 86, 134 116 101 110
Haan, Madeleine J. Hack, Amber R. Hack, Kaylee A. Halbert, Christian L. Hales, Austin L. Hales, Jerred T. Hall, Abigail R.
23, 110, 113 128 110 110 134 92, 122 128
Hall, Caleb M. Hall, Kaylee A. Hall, LaShele M. Hammond, Gage W. Hampton, Bella R. Hampton, James R. Hampton, Katrina K. Hampton, Matthew T. Hanburg, Brogan A. Hanks, Victor S. Hannah, Destany S. Hannah, Jacob D. Hansen, Cody Hansen, Dauminic R. Harding-McGraw, James Hargens, Hunter G. Harlan, Britney L. Harlow, Frankie E. Harlow, Jorda R. Harlow, Kensey C. Harris, McKenzie E. Harvey, Baetheah G. Harvey, Jade R. Harwood, Kodee M. Harwood Thompson, Mason
Hasel, Isaac T. Hasel, Matthew D. Haynes, Kiera A. Haynes, Rianna P. Heckard, Conor J. Heffner, Sarah E. Heitman, Eathen D. Heitman, Kaitlyn E. Henry, Kaylynn J. Hernandez, Alexander Hernandez, Phillip A. Herrera, Arianna Herrera, Jasmine Heyer, Brayden H. Heyer, Mallory L. Hidalgo, Haley R. Higgins, Garrett D. Hill, Cayce I. Hill, Vynsint J. Hinds, Jason A. Hinds, Joshua P. Hiner, Katelyn R. Hinkel, Paige E. Hite, Cade B. Hoaglen, Jasmine R. Holcomb, Alissa J. Holland, Gannon L. Hollingshead, Skyler R. Holloway, Austin L. Holman, Aaron T. Holman, Joseph L. Holman, Rachel L. Holmes, Brianna Y. Holmes, Keegan K. Holt, Meg S. Hongell, Christian A. Horath, Julie A. Horton, Shirley J. Hosack, Dereck R. Hosack, Joshua Houghtaling, Skyler T. Houk, Maliyah D. Houk, Martika A. House, Dessarrae A. Howell, Zackery Howerton, Chase D. Howerton, Keizer E. Hubbard, Gabrielle I. Huckabee, Harlee J. Hughes, Kaleb N. Hunt, Sean I. Hutchins, Anna E.
110 89, 128 110 12, 116 128 116 45, 63, 110 28, 40, 134,143 122 134 122 110 122 116 116 55, 110 128 68, 69, 122 27, 28 , 40, 41, 84, 90, 128 46, 110 122 110 110 15, 31, 122 116 47, 45, 99, 128 20, 55, 122 110 134 32, 47, 110 128 122 116 91 28, 101, 116 28, 37, 87, 128 38, 40, 42, 135 38, 135 135,141 75, 122 122 110 94, 135 103, 116 116 116 116 110 54, 56, 85, 135 135 128 56, 122 116 110 103, 116 116 122 122 101, 102, 103, 135 120, 122 135 128 116 122 128 11, 27, 104, 105, 128 110 15, 122 116 135 56, 122 27, 122 116 110 14, 27, 54 135 66, 67, 82, 101, 122
Imel, Darby W. Inskeep, Grace E. Inskeep, Luke E.
53, 85, 135 110 87, 122
Jackson, Kelsey E. Jackson, Samantha M. Jacobs, Chance C. Jadin, Cody M. James, Lindsay N. Jantzer, William J. Jeffs, Courtney D. Jeffs, McKayla R. Jensen, Gracie D. Jensen, Shaylynn K. Jimenez, Erasto J. Johansen, Djerriah M. Johns, Thomas W. Johnson, Amber R. Johnson, Annika L. Johnson, Aurora L. Johnson, Cody P. Johnson, John Wayne C. Johnson, Karleigh A. Johnson, Kolton C. Johnson, Konnor Z. Johnson, Mackenzie M. Johnson, Makenna A. Johnson, Ryan E. Johnson, Sarah G. Johnson, Trenton D. Jolley, Braxton D. Jones, Elijah B. Jones, Francis T. Juan De Dios, Erica L.
50, 51, 63, 135 12, 15, 83, 101, 128 57, 135 55, 128 122 91, 128 22, 116 128 85, 120, 122 12, 36, 37, 135 13, 32, 116 110 122 116 110 128 110 128 122 135 110 12, 13, 15 , 35, 90, 135 110 135 128 128 116 110 135,143 116
Karr-Batman, Selena R. Karr-Mcintosh, Donald J. Kasal, Kayden Kasal, Kobe M. Kazzee, Chase A. Kazzee, Dylan P. Keith, Nicole M. Kellar, Zachary S. Kelso, Trista L. Kent, Timothy W. Kim, Minhuck Kim, James King Holling, Trystan R. Kingery, Shauni L. Kinney, Elyshia G. Kinyon, Gabriel J. Kinyon, Rebecca R. Kirby, Riley A. Kirk, Hannah R. Kliewer, Alexander J. Koch, Titus C. Koehler, Conner L. Koenemann, Kristopher W Kohanes, Mersadies M. Kohl, Kanyon H. Kokel, Erik J. Koster, Julianna Koster, Tanner D. Koumentis, Kody G. Krause, Cassie L. Krause, Kattie A. Kruse, Emily R. Ksenzulak, Abby Ksenzulak, Jacob C. Kuntz, Mary A.
116 135 128 116 135 116 135 28, 56, 128 110 27, 38, 39, 40, 122 128 16 128 135 104, 105, 135 128 110 28, 104, 105, 136 66, 67, 136,140 67, 99, 101, 122 116 116 110 136 55, 128 110 116, 153 67, 122 68, 69, 116 136 122 11, 74, 75, 101, 122 116 136 117
Kuntz, Matthew E. Kyllo, Jared D. Kyllo, Joshua D.
136 128 79, 136
Labrousse, Rose M. Labrousse, William J. Langarica, Jonas A. Langley, Erika G. Larson, Jack C. Larson, Marcus T. Larson, Tyler J. Lathrom, Amy M. Latimer, Emmilee N. Lawrence, Aaron N. Lawrence, Mykalean J. Leahy Crooks, Aiden L. Ledesma Vazquez, Arturo Leep, Austin-Jordyn W. Lefebvre, Garrett J. Leigh, Zachary T. Lemmer, Jason L. Jr Lemmons, Tristin L. Leos, Avery Lewis, Matthew C. Liggett, Troy R. Linao, Jonalyn Linden, Alexis V. Lindsey, Brayden Line, Griffin K. Lira, Angel J. Locati, Alexandra N. Locati, Anthony J. Lock, Devon E. Locken, Kyrin T. Lockhart, Zoe R. Lockwood, Kelsea L. Londo, Rhyan M. Long, Hannah R. Lopez, Jasmine Lovell, Alyn J. Ludwig, Jemmial K.
135,141 110 38, 87, 99, 128 117 66, 67, 136 54, 55, 66, 67, 122 122 128 110 136 32, 110 122 117 67, 136 79 128 110 56, 122 110 110 99, 101, 122 117 128 117 76, 117 86, 87, 128 45, 50, 74, 75, 122 110 111 128 105, 117 122 136 128 111 29, 136 111
Machida, Sam Magana-Kanui, Mailei Ari Magdaleno, Osvaldo Maggard, Annalyse R. Maine, Katie L. Mansfield, Caleb L Mapilisan, Julia Rosa M. Marca, Anastasia G. Marchetti, John M. Marchetti, Tyler J. Markussen, Amanda R. Martin, Callista A. Martin, Danny R. Martin, Elise M. Martin, Joseph M. Martin, Kierstin R. Martin, Kilan M. Martin, Samantha M. Martin, Travis J. Martinez, Benito J. Martinez, Jesse A. Martinez, Justin M. Mathias, Caprina R. Matthews, Mirabella O. Matthews, Traver J. Matusz, Timothy J. Mauri-Newell, Chloe N. Mayer, Brody J. Mayer, Hannah A. Mc Millan, Ellise H. McAnally, Portia M.
99 136 117 111 136 122 10, 11, 14, 28, 36, 136 ,140 20, 122 123 136 70, 71, 111 53, 123 117 15, 64, 65, 101, 123 35, 123 37, 136 136 123 111 111 117 111 49 111 117 27, 123 111 123 117 12, 129 49, 89, 117
4/13/2017 2:54:19 PM
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Job #: 10010
McCarthy, Collin J. McCarthy, Garrett R. McClure, Dominic C. McCowin, Shalexi N. McCulloch, Riley D. McDonald, Jayce T. McDonald, Summer R. McIntyre, Jesse T. McIntyre, Tyler J. McLean, Sean P. McLean, Ty G. McMahon, Bailee R. McNeely, Roarke R. Mead, Alexandra J. Mead, Spencer R. Meade, Makyra N. Mede, Madison E. Mendoza Hernandez, Yasmin Mendoza-Magdaleno, Mayra Menning, Kody A. Messenger, Brandon A. Messenger, Tristan A. Meyers, Madyson J. Meza, Miguel Angel N. Milburn, Mya I. Mihalda, Filip Miles, Jordan J. Mill, Kamara N. Millan-Estrada, Christian Millan-Figueroa, Maritza Millan-Rodriguez, Alvaro Millan-Rodriguez, Yesenia Miller, Aubrey A. Miller, Cameron M. Miller, Jadyn R. Miller, Maliyah A. Miller, Michael W. Minton, Nicholas M. Miranda, Ravyn L. Mitchell, Jaiden M. Moen, Trevor P. Mollier, Christopher W. Monroe, Lauren K. Montez, Dialo A. Montufar-Cardoza, Celeste Moore, Elizabeth G. Morado-Camacho, Justin Morgan, Kendall G. Mork, Hannah L. Morris, Daniel A. Morris, Ryker R. Moses, Kaden S. Moyer, Kade W. Moyer, Kaleb B. Mukaida, Rowan M. Mukaida, Samuel Y. Mullins, Brienna M. Mullins, James A. Mullins, Jonathan R. Muncy, Austin M. Munoz, Poetica E. Murphy-Hughes, Trevor J Murray, Kayla J. Murray-Hysell, Connor D. Myers, Shianne M.
123 136 136 111 117 117 117 111 128 101, 129 136 80, 136 137 111 29, 137 111 63, 123 111 129 123 123 93, 129 111 129 111 17, 137 76, 123 111 128 23, 117 117 23, 87, 129 111 111 123 65, 129 117 76, 77, 137 13,47, 51, 75, 123 123 123 117 101 111 64, 117 101, 137 111 15, 42, 65, 81, 129 15, 117 129 111 123 111 123 111 129 137 117 123 137 117 123 117 129 117
Nanez, Haylee L. Neal, Makayla R. Neal, Shae D. Negrete, Isabella Nelson, Amber D. Nelson, Brittney L. Nelson, Erin L. Nelson, Jonathan L. Nelson, Sage M.
15, 61, 129 39, 117 92, 93, 137 123 137 129 11, 30, 31, 129 137 10, 99, 137
NeSmith, Imogen O. Neuharth, Scotty D. Nguyen, Tommy D. Niblett, Charis A. Niblett, Josiah J. Niblett, Noah A. Nicholson, Amy L. Nicolaus, Joshua S. Nicolaus, Maxwell G. Nielsen, David S. Noblitt, Braden M. Nye, Cameron M.
111 123 12,53, 129 12, 28, 129 117 55, 71, 111 111 123 123 55, 111 123 123
O’Donnell, Caitlin M. Oliver, Tatum G. Olson, Cameron J. Olson, Joshua J. Ord, Marvin C. Osborn, Connor L. Osorio, Bryan
129 137 101, 123 99, 101, 123 111 118 118
Pacheco, Carmen L. Pacheco Cardenas, Kelley Pallas, Kendra K. Paramo, Joseph P. Parker, Haley R. Parkes, Lauren J. Parrish, Ceiara L. Patnode, Mercedyz M. Patterson, Justin A. Payne, Andrew R. Pearson, Yasmine G. Peck, Logan G. Pederson, Bailey K. Pederson, McKena M. Pederson, Michael G. Pedro, Anna Pedro, Brooke C. Pedro, Danielle A. Pedro, Mikaela M. Pennington, Kenneth R. Pennington, Michael D. Perez, Adam Perez, Angel D. Perez, Deborah Perez, Queren C. Perez, Samantha J. Perez Denova, Jonathan Peterson, Cody J. Petralli Widmiar, Anthony Phillips, Joshua J. Phillips, William C. (Phipps, Tristan S.) Pickett, Brady S. Pickett, Ian A. Pittullo, Newton E. Place, Brian A. Place, Ethan A. Platt, April E. Plummer, Adam R. Pope, Aubrey E. Portnell, Alexander J. Post, Andrew C. Post, Jacob A. Post, Tyler A. Potter, Breanna J. Potter, Kylie A. Prasad, Gabriel (Pratt, Alaina R.) Price, Jeremiah J. Jr. Prince, Aaron I. Prince, Andrew K.
137 103, 129 111 123 123 47, 137 129 111 137 99, 101, 123 129 118 13, 27, 129 28, 118 118 20, 21, 137, 152 123, 152 118, 153 118 129 111 129 118, 137 137 118 15, 123 129 129 123 137 111 111 15, 137 118 137 27, 123 111 137 118 111 129 28, 34, 137 34, 45, 47, 129 57, 87, 129 138 118 27 , 55, 56, 125 123 111 118 35, 45, 47, 101, 129
Pringle, Emily J. Prow, Domynik C. Puclik, Kayla C. Putman, Allison K. Putman, Lindsey N.
111 112 129 29, 36, 62, 63, 64, 90, 138 112
Quinones, Kelden W. Quinones, Rayne C.
112 15, 47, 61, 123
Rabey, Heather B. Ramer, Shailynn D. Ramirez, Adriana M. Ramirez, Erika E. Ramirez, Itzel Ramirez Duarte, Jose A. Ramos, CheeseKaye Randle, Alexandria B. Randle, Zachary S. Rayburn, Richard A. Real, Jean R. Reed, Hunter D. Reed, Josie R. Reed, Riley A. Reed, Trenton D. Reigard, Payton A. Rescorla, Mckenzie P. Rhodes, Kenadi R. Rhodes, Raegan M. Richards, Brandon M. Richards, Megan L. Richardson, Destiny M. Richardson, Faith V. Richarte, Timothy A. Ricketts, Conner M. Riley, Sarah J. Ringgold, Christian J. Roberts, Dakoma Roberts, Dustin B. Robie, Sirus X. Robinson, Johan K. Roderick, Grace C. Roderick, Taya L. Roderick, William S. Jr Rodriguez, Jerry C. Rodriguez Cardoso, Mixtl Rodriguez-Flores, Javier Rodriguez-Gomez, Maria Rodriguez-Martinez, Omar Roe, Cade M. Roe, Jeremy L. Rogers, Ethan A. Rohlik, Brady R. Rojas Flores, Jessica Rojas Flores, Sheila Roman, Christian G. Rosales, Karina O. Rosales-Nanez, Marcos Rosevear, Alexis Y. Ross, Julia F. Rossback, Hannah G. Rossback, Kolton C. Roth, Leslie G. Ruiz-Guillen, Fatima S. Rush, Aubrie J. Russell-Bostwick, Emerald
138 88, 118 112 15, 61, 129 118 45 ,52, 123, 153 118 65, 138 118 118 118 54, 112 112 118 123 123 112 50, 123 71, 90, 112 11, 20, 21, 138 112 124 129 124 112 124 23, 112 118 112 54, 56, 57, 124 83, 138 118 112 66, 138 32, 112 39, 138, 152 124 32, 49, 112 124 47, 112 45 ,47, 124 112 129 49, 124 112 118 112 118 112 118 129 55, 112 112 40, 138 49, 118 118
Sacket, Dakota J. Sacket, Jesse J. Salinas, Anthony P. Salyers, Colton J. Sampier, Jonathon
112 129 112 112 118
Samuels, Carmen A. Sandberg-Holley, Kiana R Sandusky, Cade M. Santana, Veronica Santana Pablo, Maireni A Sarmento, Ryan L. Schaefer, Darcia Q. Schlager, Gracie M. Schleissner Granda, Ana Schmidt, Roger J. Searchfield, Robin R. Seat, Ross Seevers, Nickolas S. Seevers, Spencer A. Semenchuk, Daryna O. Semenchuk, Mariia O. Sharp, Erin N. Shea, Preston C. Shea, Taylor R. Sheline, Nathan A. Shield, Carson B. Short, Eva M. Simon, Rachel M. Simon, Titus S. Sisneros, Kieran S. Skinner, Shaun M. Skordahl, Jake W. Skordahl, Kodi L. Skurk, Karina A. Slosser, Jakob D. Smith, Anthony M. Smith, Cyriss A. Smith, Jaycee L. Smith, Kimberly D. Smith, Kylie J. Smith, Nakeita K. Smith, Nicholas V. Smith, Riley M. Smith, Trenton Smith, Tyanna M. Smith-Bacon, Venetra M. Solano-Salgado, Rosemary Sotelo Hernandez, Maria Soto-Arias, Ashlen N. Souza, Dakoda M. Souza, Deven A. Speed, Frances T. Speed, Raiel T. Spencer, Sierra L. Sperling, Jace J. Sperling, Jaden J. Stanger, Clayton M. Stanger, Jacob R. Stark, Taylor M. Stocker, Parker D. Stolle, Caela K. Stover, Christian D. Stover, Cory M. Strain, Sabra L. Strine, Casey L. Stringer, Jesse J. Strong, Shane A. Stump, Gregory J. Summers, Whitney M. Sunderland, Benjamin F. Sunderland, Georgia M. Suppes, Madelyn M. Sy, Nadelly N.
112 49, 118 124 124 18, 39, 138 112 138 103, 124 11, 16, 124 129 124 93 124 124 112 112 124 129 124 129 43 112 11, 29, 31, 40, 138 55, 71, 112 29, 81, 124 112 129 112 10, 48 129 129 130 11, 40, 41, 47, 130 130 124 138 88, 89, 130 124 92 112 112 124 112 124 130 138 112 124 138 26, 29, 138 63, 70, 71, 112 100, 101, 124 112 12, 13, 14, 30, 138 65, 124 138 138 76, 77, 124 15, 60, 61, 138 20 138 130 124 112 124 130 12, 47, 63, 67, 101, 130 112
Tardie, Micah L. Tavernier, Colton L. Tecocoatzi, Skylar J. Terry, Jennifer M. Thomas, Gage H.
124 45, 92, 93, 130 21, 138 113 138
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Thomas, K Thomas, Pe Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Thor, Nick Thurman, Thurman, Thurman, Tine, Luca Tinsley, Ta Tompkins, Torres, Jo Trendell, Trontvet, Trumbull, Tupac, Mat
u V
Upton, Dav
Vance, Isa Vandre, Ka Vandre, Si Vandre, Tr Villa, Evan Villa, Gian Villa Vald Villa Vald Villareal, Villareal, Villers, M
Waddingto Waldrop, S Waller, Sa Walton, K Ward, Ceda Ward, Sier Warren, W Warren- B Warrick, A Wear, Rhia Weatherly Webster, G Webster, I Webster, L Wellard, C West, Colt West, Kinn Wheeler, Whitson, K Wilkerson Will, Bren Williams, Wilson, Fo Wilson, Ha Wilson, Jo Wilson, Sh Wilson, Ta Winger-Po Wittlake, Wolf, Jays Woolsey, Wright, Fr Wright, Is Wright, M (Wyatt, Ha Wyatt, Kay
Tem Dim Blac Red Note
Thomas, Kyran E. Thomas, Peyton A. Thompson, Brandi M. Thompson, Brandon R. Thompson, Daisy M. Thompson, Jacob M. Thor, Nickolas J. Thurman, Madeline A. Thurman, Sabrina K. Thurman, Staci C. Tine, Luca A. Tinsley, Tabitha M. Tompkins, Chloe S. Torres, Jonathan J. Trendell, Sydney S. Trontvet, Zoe M. Trumbull, Macee L. Tupac, Mateo A.
113 14, 15, 25, 30, 130 74, 75, 139 124 124 108, 113 113 124 124 139 130 113 10, 11, 64, 65, 78, 139 19, 130 113 113 130 139
Upton, David A.
Vance, Isaac Vandre, Kaley R. Vandre, Sierra R. Vandre, Trever L. Villa, Evan M. Villa, Giana O. Villa Valdez, Jayson O. Villa Valdez, Jeovany Villareal, Andrew P. Villareal, Anthony L. Villers, Micheal S.
124 113 1241 130 34, 130 23, 113 130 124 92, 124 55 139
Waddington, Taylor S. Waldrop, Samantha R. Waller, Samantha A. Walton, Keanon T. Ward, Cedar L. Ward, Sierra L. Warren, William Warren- Baker, Gregory Warrick, Ashley R. Wear, Rhianna A. Weatherly, Kiya R. Webster, Grant M. Webster, Isabella R. Webster, Liam C. Wellard, Christian S. West, Colton T. West, Kinnidi A. Wheeler, Miles A. Whitson, Karlie R. Wilkerson, John H Will, Brendan L. Williams, Sterling A. Wilson, Fox L. Wilson, Hannah M. Wilson, Joseph M. Wilson, Shelby L. Wilson, Tanner B. Winger-Pooler, Logan J. Wittlake, Travis J. Jr Wolf, Jayston B. Woolsey, Grant D. Wright, Frederick R. Wright, Isaiah M. Wright, Michaella (Wyatt, Hanna S.) Wyatt, Kayla M.
48, 113 12, 13, 30 , 34, 35, 75, 139 130 113 48, 113 28, 99, 124, 125 130 105, 139 48 139 113 63, 76, 77, 124 10, 28, 47, 75, 130 25, 29, 119 139 47, 124 125 130 103, 139, 152 125 22,33 70, 71, 113 125 125 125 113 93, 139 113 68 103, 130 76, 77, 125 130 113 79 113 15 ,37, 38, 64, 87, 130
u V
Yaws, Jonathan D. Yaws, Timothy B. Yockey, Kyle R. Young, Amanda Mara E. Young, Maxwell E.
139 125 139 35, 125 100, 139
Zhu, Samantha M. Zousel, Shawn R.
113 26, 104, 105, 130
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Job #: 10010