Report on 16 Days of Activism in Syrian refugee camps The 16 Days of Activism against Gender Based Violence is an international campaign sponsored by the Center for Women's Global Leadership. The campaign spans from November 25th (International Day of Combating Violence Against Women) to December 10th (International Human Rights Day) in order to symbolically link violence against women and human rights and to emphasize that such violence is a violation of human rights. The 16 Days Campaign has been used as an organizing strategy by individuals and groups around the world to call for the elimination of all forms of violence against women so Al Mesalla organization supported by
(UNFPA) has been joined in conducting different activity in camps (Basrma, Qushtapa, Kawrgos,Darashakran ) at Nergiz Women Spaces, a total of ---- of camp residents were participate and most of other organization participated in activities ,with Al –Mesalla org, fallowing is the series of different activities in each camp.
DARASHAKRAN CAMP: On 11/25/2015 was a day of combating violence against women in collaboration with Sardam youth center in Darashakran camp, starting ceremony was with a lecture about 16 days of activisms, the idea and the goal of all these activities, total number of participants were 300 individuals. - On 11.26.2015 community mobilizers conducted tent to tend visiting for camp community and distributed procures related to the campaign and focusing on child marriage and child education rights.
- On 11/29/2015 in coordination with DVAW presented a lecture on early marriage and its impacts on young girls in a girl’s high school. 50 female students have participated in the lecture. -On 11.30.2015 in collaboration of DVAW conducted a legal session on the rights of women. 15 women have participated in the session. -On 12/2015 with coordination of Warvin org. arranged a legal lecture on the laws defending violence against women. 17 women and girl have participated in the lecture. -On 02/12/2015 till 5-12-2015 in collaboration of a high school presented awareness sessions on early marriage and its negative impacts on education. Total numbers of participants were 50 students.. -On 07.12.2015 till 10-12-2015 community mobilizers conducted tent to tend visiting for camp community and distributed procures related to the campaign and focusing on child marriage and child education rights.
KAWRGOSK CAMP: On 25,Nov. 2015 presented awareness lecture and distributed brochures on early marriage and the individual rights to education. 44 women and girl have participated in the activity. On (26,29-11-2015)-( 2,8-12-2015) community mobilizers conducted tent to tend visiting for camp community and distributed procures related to the campaign and focusing on child marriage and child education rights. 40 people have participated in the activity. On 1, De. in coordination with UPP conducted a lecture about the psychological pressure on individuals. 22 male and female have participated in the lecture. Day of 3,9,10-12-2015 lecture was given on the importance of education from the right of every child study and education the number of participants was 45 people. On 6 December lecture was given on (TB) disease presented by IOM org 26 person males and female have attended. 10 December lecture on the (AIDS) disease presented by UPP org. 20 people are attended .on 10 December showed a performance about annoyances verbal words by young people from the project Al shahrazad campaign to raise awareness of harassment against people aged below 18 years old. The total number of participants has reached 215 people .
BASRMA CAMP: -On 25,26/11/2015 Al Mesalla organization for development of human resources and in contribution with some organizations such as the DRC, TDH, NRC, INTERSOS, UPP,BARZANI CHARITY , HEALTH CENTER, BASIRMA PRIMRY SCHOOLCHILD FRIENDLY SPACE ,and women Committee are conducted deferent activity by distributing advertisements and publications on the participants of the camp the invitation is open to all and have been sent to the camp manager and all organizations in the camp, the presence of many public and number of attendees has reached 394 peoples. The ocassion started by Al Mesalla Organization and al mesalla space manager delivered a speech about the 16 days of activism impact of education in women life
- On 29,30/11/2015 space manager from Al mesalla in nergiz women center gave a lecture entitled (not to early marriage and its negative effects on society) in the presence of (190) of women and girls have been listening to everyone's opinions and discuss the matter in positive ways. - On 01/12/2015, Dr. (Shamsa Ali) gave a lecture on the negative aspects of early marriage and its impact on health and the presence of girls (40) of women and girls and has been answered questions everyone by the doctor, the hospitality has been distributed to the audience . - On 02.12.2015 and 03.12.2015 were distributing leaflets and educate women , girls and parents to support education and not to exploit the crumbs to work and marriage. - On 06.12.2015 there was a lecture given by Diar from Wravin org.on Anti-Violence Organization educate parents and encourage them concern the rights of girls in education and culture. And in the presence of 24 participants and cakes have been distributed to the audience. - On 07.12.2015 and the Al Mesalla Organization visited parents and make them aware of where they were visiting (50) family and make them aware of the support women and their right to education. - On 8,9,10.12.2015Al Mesalla invited people to participate in drawing exhibition was inaugurated in the presence of residents and organizations have been display graphics in the training room .number of attendees were 90 people and hospitality were distributed to the audience at the end the al mesalla space manager giving thanks to all .
QUSHTAPA CAMP: On 25 of November 2015AL Mesalla conducted activity on 16 days of activism THE CHILDREN , YOUTH COMMITTEE and INTERSOS organization in the camp at Nergiz Women Center -first day lecture on the importance of women education in presence 30 men and women -Second lecture is titled on(islam is not against education of women amd girls ,20 peopls are attended -thisd day lecture entitled of definition for penalties of domestic violence the number of attendees about 20 person -in the forth day Al mesalla gave a lecture on confidence 20 women are participated
-fifth day lecture was given on impact of early marriage and health -in the sixth day Al mesalla team visited tent to tent rased awareness by distributing promotional puplication in defferent title regarding early marriage and violence against women -another lecture is presented entitled of equality between women and men number of participants were 25 person -in the last day of ocassion Al mesalla space manager gave a lecture on sanction law domestic violence in nergiz women center 30 of men are attended -the total number of participant in thi 12 days around 293 person.