Chalk Illustrated - Issue 1 - Summer 2011

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Chalk ILLUSTRATED Using Chalk Art for Ministry, Education & Fun!

















Special Inaugural Issue I Issue 1 Summer 2011

This Issue:

Ding Teuling ALSO: k The Best Coating for Colored Bulbs pg. 21 k Chalk Be Nimble - Chalking for Children pg. 20 Back: Cracking The Chalk Vault pg. 24 k A Look B Tri “Lightning” Cartoons pg. 17 k Using Trick Step-by-Step, Chalk on Sheets, Taming Hidden Pictures & MORE! k Step-by-S

The editor spills some ink – and a drop orr two tw of coffee.

The Secret to Standing Taller

In This Issue 2. Editorial 3. Letters & E-mail 4. Survey Says! 5. Cover Artist - Ding Teuling

7. My Tuppence Worth - Chalking Behind Bars

8. Best of the Chalk Loft 9. Taming Hidden Pics - The Sneaky E-Z Way

10. Ren's Faire - Habits

11. Sparrows Nest

- Chalk & Audiences

12. Step-By-Step Studios - Patriotic Sunset

15. Cruising the Internet

- Leaders Respond Timely

17. Lightning Cartoons

- Trickartoons, Ed Harris

20. Chalk Be Nimble

- Jesus Walks on Water

21. In the Workshop

- Colored Light Solutions

23. By All Means!

- 8 Helpful Chalk Tips

24. The Chalk Vault

- Christian Artist #1

25. Chalk on Sheets

- Performance Chalking

27. Chalked & Amazed! - Where's the Podcast?

28. Ordering Print Edition - And other ads

BELIEVE IN CHALK ART. I believe in its power to captivate, educate, entertain, inspire and delight. Most of all, I believe in the power of sanctified chalk art to change lives. I have witnessed this impact first hand, again and again. Elsewhere I have written:


“I cannot explain the awesome power that the Holy Spirit gives to sanctified chalk art, but it unmistakably draws people to Jesus. And yet, there is this paradox: chalk art is perhaps the rarest, least seen and best kept secret in the world of gospel performing arts.” I cannot account for this mystery and have puzzled over it for many years. Where there should be thousands of chalk artists throughout the world, I am aware of, perhaps, only several hundred. Over the years, a small band of stouthearted veteran chalkers have tried to change this situation. But it seems that whatever “growth traction” is gained along the way eventually dissipates. Not completely, of course, for here we are. You and I are the inheritance of that faithful company. Thus, when we step up to the easel,

we should remember the words of 12th century theologian John of Salisbury:

“We are like dwarfs sitting on the shoulders of giants. We see more, and things that are more distant, than they did, not because our sight is superior or because we are taller than they, but because they raise us up, and by their great stature add to ours.” I like how business leader Bob Moward rephrased it, “Help others get ahead. You will always stand taller with someone else on your shoulders.” That is the conviction behind Chalk Illustrated. We honor those giants of yesterday by helping a new generation up onto our shoulders today. Beginning with this inaugural issue, may the pages of Chalk Illustrated lift you higher and help you “see more, and things that are more distant.” Standing taller because of you,

ler t s i K Kerry

Chalk Illustrated is an e-zine designed and produced to educate, edify and unify the chalk art community worldwide. It is published on a quarterly basis (as time allows), and the e-version is distributed to subscribers without cost. A print version is also available at our cost ($6.25 per issue, postage paid, or $25 for an annual subscription (see back cover for details). Your articles and idea submissions are always welcome—every effort will be made to include your material. Subscriptions, donations and submissions may be made through the official web site at All correspondence should be directed to the editor, Kerry Kistler, at Advertising rates are free—contact the editor for details. The entire contents of this publication is protected by copyright © 2011, and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. It may be shared freely but not sold.




Your open forum Y f to t communicate, i t commentt & critique. iti Love to Learn “I’ve seen chalk art at FCM [Fellowship of Chrissh tian Magicians] tia Convention Co and would a llove to learn more about it. I hope to give it a try this summer at FCM.” m

! k c a B d Fee

No B Black light ERE ARE A FEW responses gleaned from the Subscription Survey. Because most of the surveys were not signed, some of this feedback is anonymous. This also explains why a few of you never heard back regarding questions which you asked on the survey. Please drop me an email so I will know who you are and may respond.


Blessings “One of the blessings of the computer age.”

Great idea! “I hope it’s a huge success! In addition to being a chalk artist, I’m

a full-time freelance writer and published author. I would definitely be interested in contributing." - Jim Pence [see Jim’s new column, “My Tuppence Worth” on page 7.]

“[plea include] “[please material that is non-black light required.”

ideas and helps on keeping the ministry [aspect] strong, how to get programs, how to advertise, how to be the best we can be. I love God and hurt for people who don’t know Him, and feel blessed every time I do a program and that God allows me the privilege to do visual ministry.”

I wish there Interested were more Sharing resources available for chalk artA Place to Comment? ists. Thanks Q: for doing this. “I think we are all in different areas, serving in ministry—sharing themes would be great. Also,

- Jay Johnson

“I am not a chalk artist. I’m an illusionist and balloon artist. However, I am a good artist and I’m very inter-

Letters \ next page Î

“Any possibility to provide a place to comment on the articles in the magazine?” Yes, this page is the place. Send your comments to or use the submission form on the site (click the Participation page). Or, post comments online at


Letters \ continued

The Survey asked, “Would you consider writing a column, articles or submitting ideas intended to help other chalk artists?” A surprising 43% of you said “Yes” and another 20% said “Maybe.” This is great news!


ested in learning more about this medium.”

Printed “Looking forward to seeing it printed on our high speed color copier.” - Richard Vance

Warm-ups from the Editor

Survey Says!

Thanks “Thanks so much. I’m very interested to read the new magazine.” - Mats Rydin

Chalk Website “I’ve been enjoying your website Chalked & Amazed! Very helpful.” - Shirley Frye

Awesome “This will be great! Thanks so much for doing this.” - Phyllis Blakeslee

Can’t Wait “This looks like a great idea! I can’t wait to read it!” - Kristi Thomas

Ministry “Thank you for this service and ministry.” - Nora Carter

Very Excited “I am very excited by this new ezine” - Melanie Webb

OUR ANSWERS FROM the Subscription Survey have been interesting, surprising and helpful in the planning and production of Chalk Illustrated. Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey. Here are the results.


Nearly a third of subscribers requested a bimonthly publication. Maybe in the future. Production of Chalk Illustrated began in mid-March, shortly after receiving survey data from over 100 new subscribers. And it was almost immediately slowed down due to the editor going from being unemployed (with free time on his hands), to starting a new job.


As you know, a new job brings new learning curves, and finding free time has suffered. In addition, learning the page-layout program InDesign has brought its own lengthy learning curve. Hopefully, Chalk Illustrated will be published on a steady, quarterly basis. But, realistically, this publication will be published as time permits.

However, the survey was anonymous unless you signed it—and only a few did. That means you should NOT wait for us to contact you about writing, because we do not know who you potential writers and submitters are. Please be proactive and take the initiative. Bottom line—the more material YOU submit, the less time the editor has to spend trying to find or write interesting material. Send something today! This digital age has changed the way we receive and process information. 60% of you said you would read this e-zine on your computer and 40% said you would probably print and save each issue for reading or filing. A few said they would not read Chalk Illustrated unless it was printed and mailed to them.*



The most difficult question to decide was what format this e-zine should take—horizontal or vertical. Both formats have advantages, but I went with the majority: 43% of you voted for vertical, 41% preferred horizontal, and 16% were neutral. Vertical should be easier on those who decide to print it. PRINTED VERSION is also available at cost plus shipping. See the back page for details!



3UHVHQWLQJ Ć WKH Ć &RYHU Ć $UWLVW Introducing another neighbor from our chalk art community. How long has Ding Teuling been at it? He once did chalk art on the Ark for Noah and his family!

DinG “

If the Lord tarries, put

in everything you do. And if he's not it out.

by Kerry Kistler

ING. THE NAME RINGS A BELL for most chalk artists. I had been chalking for only a short time when I heard his name and realized that he was a living legend among g g chalk artists. There are re few that can match Ding's pedigree digree as both a presenter and teacher of chalk art. So, five or six years ago, when our family was presenting a series of programs nearr Ding's Michigan home, e, I determined to meet this icon of chalk. And d I'm glad I did. He invited ted me into his home, and nd for the next several hours we never ran out of things to talk about. We discussed the challenges of life as traveling evan-


gelists, and our former careers in the commercial art world—he even pulled out his old portfolio and took me on a stroll down memory lane. Iq quizzed him about how he ever started prod producing invisible chalks heard the fascinating story and he his quest for the formulas, of h and an long hours of experimenting in his "lab." We m talked about how, in bygone days, it was common to "pack the house" ffor 10 or 14 day revivals. He talked with pride a about how his son, David, abo was a better chalk artist than himself. Which brings me to a quote that Ding made on the new DVD, The Life and


Ding \ next page Î


Ding \ continued

Ministry of Ding Teuling: "I've had folks say, 'Aren't you afraid of competition?' I say, 'Competition? If there's a hundred guys over there shooting at me, and I've got a gun and you step up and say, 'I've got a gun, do you mind if I help you shoot at those people?' I don't consider that competition. I don't consider a single one of [my] students as competition—we're on the same team. And if I can do something to help that person shoot better or straighter or faster, [then] any chalk artist that can top me is welcome!" Several years later I had a second opportunity to spend time with Ding, only this time I was one of his many students. Those days at Ding's Maranatha workshop left a forever-impression on me. The small man with a big heart and mischievious smile understands the power of chalk art to touch lives for Eternity. His response? The 92 year-old legend continues to teach—and pass on the gift of chalk art to a new generation.

LL OF THE images used in this article are from the new DVD produced by David LeGrand, "The Life and Ministry of Ding Teuling, the Dean of Chalk Art." Order your copy today from for $19.95 and get the FULL story (40 minutes).

All images used court esy of Davi d LeGrand .


ere is one of Ding's early promotional posters which he designed and illustrated. His first chalk drawing was presented on November 11, 1937. This clearly qualifies Ding as one of our early pioneers in Gospel chalk art.

A Gallery of Ding Teuling Classics


Inspiration & Insight from the Easel of Jim Pence.


that after nearly 40 years of driving I've only had one ticket. I had no idea of what to expect behind the walls of a medium-security prison unit and, quite frankly, the prospect of being in one room with a couple of hundred convicts scared me to death. But I had made that promise to God. As I thought about it, I got a little cocky. After all, there would be a chaplain there and he would hold my hand and protect me if anybody tried to kill me. I was sure I could handle it. Two weeks before I was supposed to do the program, the chaplain called me and said, “Jim, I have to have gall bladder surgery and they’ve scheduled it on the same day you’re coming in. But just come on down anyway. The guys will come out and you’ll have a good time.” That’s what I was afraid of. But, I had made that promise. And so I went. And my life was changed forever. When I went in, I expected to find a couple of hundred angry men just daring me to bless them. What I found were men who were hurting, who were hungry, and who simply wanted someone to care about them. I didn't see "prisoners" or "inmates". I saw men. People just like me. And I realized, perhaps for the first time, "There but for the grace of God, go I." Those men were in prison because of bad choices they had made and bad things that they had done. I could just as easily have made some of those choices, and it's only by God's mercy that I didn't. I also saw that God's grace was sufficient to change the minds and hearts of even hardened

Behind Bars ARLY-ON IN MY chalk art ministry I promised God that as long as he kept me in chalk and paper, I'd draw wherever he opened a door. And over the years, I’ve drawn in some weird places and situations. My all-time favorite was for a weight-loss group’s annual celebration banquet. But I never imagined that God would ask me to draw in a prison. Back in the mid-nineties, I was invited to do a chalk-art presentation at the Wynne Unit in Huntsville, Texas. To be honest, I wasn't too keen on the idea. I'm so squeaky clean

E “ Chalk Art can take you into the strangest places.


Behind Bars \ next page Î

Behind Bars \ continued

criminals. When those men sang during the worship time, I saw a deep hunger and passion reflected on their faces that I rarely see in churches. Don't get me wrong. Many of those men (and women) have deep, serious issues to deal with before God. But they know that God loves them and that he is a God of grace, mercy, and forgiveness. And they love him. Finally, I saw that chalk art could be a powerful tool for communicating the Gospel behind bars. Prison inmates often become interested in drawing after they’re incarcerated. Let’s face it, there isn’t all that much to do behind razor-wire fences. And when they hear that an artist is drawing pictures in chapel, many guys who are not regular “church� attendees will come out just to see what all the fuss is about. And when they come out, they don’t just see an artist, they see and hear about God’s love. When I walked out of the prison that day I said, “Lord, I don’t know what your plan is, but I’d like to

do more of that.� Within a few years of that time I had resigned my pastorate and launched full-time into prison ministry. Since that time, my chalk art ministry has taken me into prisons throughout Texas and also in Alabama and Florida. A few years back, an inmate—tears streaming down his face—told me, “You don’t have any idea how much this means to us.� As you use chalk art to reach out to your world, I hope that you will consider taking the time to chalk behind bars once in a while. There’s no pay, but you’ll never forget the joy that you see in the faces of the men or women with whom you are sharing. And it might just change your life. James H. Pence is a chalk artist, a singer, and a published author with six books to his credit and a seventh to be released this fall. He has been called a “renaissance man�, but prefers to be known sim-ply as a storyteller. You can learn more about James Pence at his Website:

B off the cHALK lOFT Best Highlights from the On-line On line Chalk Art Forum. Forum

$750 for a Few Hours of Chalk Art!!

F YOU HAVEN'T HEARD about the free online forum for chalk artists, visit There are 27 topic categories under these hese six main sections:

" There is even a new place to post comments about Chalk Illustrated. Currently, we have 155 registered members but you do not need to be a member to read comments posted by


others. However, if you want to add your own comments to the discussions, you will need to register—which is easy and free. Here is an edited excerpt from a recent post by member Don Herron: "Dan [Ondra] let us know about lookk ing for places other than churches to do drawing. [Some] book stores will pay $50 for this type of drawing presentation. Most people love the artistry ti when done with beautiful music. w Dan D told of a Grand Opening—it paid $750 for drawing once an p hour for several hours. Also h Hometown Fair Days look for this H type ty of talent. I was offered $500 for fo a two day booth to represent and draw for a Credit Union. So look for "out of the box" places and you will be suprised how the Lord provides. God Bless, Don" Stop by The Chalk Loftt today and join the many conversations going on now.


Taming Hidden Pictures Mastering Those Invisible Pictures Without a Whip & Chair.

Creating Hidden Pictures the Sneaky, E-z Way finished hidden IDDEN DRAWINGS. Invis-


ible drawings. Phantom drawings. Call them what you want, they are like the prize in a box of Cracker Jack that every audience loves to discover. Hidden drawings elicit a gasp of wonder and delight because they sparkle with the mystery of a magician’s stage illusion. In fact I often feel a twinge of guilt when I reveal the “secret” of hidden drawings to a spectator who begs, “How did you do that?!” But, to be honest, I have a love-hate relationship with hidden drawings. I love how they strengthen the message of the finished drawing. I love the response that they produce from young and old alike. I love that magical moment under the black light when I get to “pull a rabbit out of the hat.” Yet, I hate the demands of preparing hidden drawings. . .the preprogram work. . .the extra hours. . .the difficulty of repairing mistakes. Some chalk artists have tried to find various shortcuts that solve this love/hate dilemma. Wanda Cumings Vincent describes creating her hidden drawings by painting special invisible, fluorescent lacquers on the paper. She then vacuums

the drawing off the paper after each program and reuses the prepared painting over and over. I, however, prefer to leave the drawing behind with the group as a gift—there are always people who want to take it home. Some chalk artists are projecting hidden pictures onto their finished drawings using various kinds of projectors. But, what happens when you tell the recipient of the drawing that they will never see the hidden picture again because it only exists in your projector? I have tried to find a solution that will help me get to the

by Kerry Kistler

Free Down Load

drawing faster and easier—a solution which produces consistent, repeatable results every time. Voila! Enter the stencil. I first began experimenting with this technique around 1997, but I would be amazed if I was the originator of this method. Surely, others have discovered, and are using, this same time-saving technique. In fact, Gloria Kohlmann developed this approach around 2004 quite independently of me and now markets a modest line of stencils (more in the next issue). And, if you prefer to freehand your hidden drawings, stick with it! There are many resources available to aid you in producing elaborate, freehand, hidden drawings. This book shows just one method of producing hidden drawings—using a stencil. Hey, give it a try! If done correctly, the audience should never know the difference. This 65 page book contains 120 patterns that may be turned into stencils for quick invisible drawings. Full instructions for creating and using stencils are included. Download your FREE copy now from ChalkIllustrated. com. If you would like a printed copy for the cost of postage, send an e-mail request to


Building B ildi ld tthe h K Kingdom i d Through Th h Chalk Ch lk Ch k Art A t with itth Ren R Dueck. D k

Habits HIS EASY CHALK TALK was first published 40 years ago this summer, in August, 1971. It was the first of many chalk talks by Ren, published in the pages of The Christian Conjurer magazine (now called The Voice—the magazine of The Fellowship of Christian Magicians). Stay tuned for more of Ren's Kingdom-building ideas (reprinted here with his permission).


be easily broken. But, like breaking a small cord, it seems so easily done and insignificant, that there is no use in trying. However, habit once formed is hard to break, and attempts are like ropes. The small cord that is wrapped around and around soon becomes too hard to be broken. A boy fell into the company of boys who smoked cigarettes. He did not like them at first, but learned to like them, and the more he smoked the more he wanted to do so. He had formed the habit, and before he knew it he felt its clutches. He decided in his mind that he would quit a little at a time, say two or three cigarettes a day (using chalk the same color as the paper or background, rub out the letter H).

Illus. 1

Lesson Habits, like chains, bind the soul. There is only One who can successfully break them.

Chalk Needed Black for the word HABIT, Red for the outline of the cross, Brown for the hill, with touches of Green.


A Christian to whom he went pointed him to the only One who can take away a habit. In order for Christ to be able to do this, the boy had to yield himself wholly to Him (rub out letter I and immediately change the T to a cross and make the hill brown with rays of light from the cross in orange—you may add a path to the foot of the cross plus other details A R D as desired—illus. 2). Then you can give an invitation to those whoo want Christ to take away their bad habits. Illus. 2


(As you speak, print the word HABIT to one side of the paper so that the letter "T" is about in the center of your paper—illus. 1) There are numberless kinds of habits—some are good and some are bad. When a habit is first started it can

That went quite well, but he found he had A BIT of the habit left. He decided to cut down some more (rub out letter A). He found he still had a BIT of the habit but was determined to cut out more (rub out letter B). To his dismay, after cutting out more than half his smoking, IT—the habit—was still there. With all his human strength he was really a failure.



Ren Dueck was the editor-in-chief of The Christian Artist st Newsletter for over 16 years (see pg. 24). Ren currently works in real estate and resides in Redding, California.


Finding Great Value in the Little Things by Jackie Gillespie

HAT IS IT ABOUT CHALK dust and kids? They are both like magnets. Richard and I have been serving as Children’s Evangelists for almost 13 years now and each and every performance has been so unique. We have gone through a metamorphosis during those years. First, we started out presenting more mature themed pictures for our VBS programs. (Really, that’s the only kind of pictures I knew at the time.) I drew mostly landscapes, then inserted a blacklight drawing that presentnted the Gospel. After er awhile awhiile it became apparent paren nt that some of them didn didn’t n’t seemed to jibe, butt the Spirit blessed ed and God continued ed d to open doors. Now, after several years, I have started tailoring thee pictures for the audidience. For instance,, if I know I am going too be presenting for an older crowd, I will do something mething ng with a landscape or similar simila ar drawing. An older audience ce loves to watch more re detailed ed drawings. On the other hand, d, if I am working in front off a children’s children’ n’ss group, group I will use a more simplistic picture— cture— one that can be done relatively fast and uses more bold colors with a very simple design. Kids love fluorescents


Chalk Drawings & Audiences

and anything bright, so I work with maybe one great big design. We have a picture that we do on black that is done with all daylight fluorescent chalk. If we have a program where we have classes instead of an audience we will let the kids come up and make a mark, (such as a circle, line, etc. and we can turn it into a planet or a cross, so not only are they involved, nvolved they are part of the presentation. I move a little lit slower with an adult drawing and a whole lot faster in a children’s presentation. I adjust the tempo of the music mu usic to enhance the picture and help me tell a complete com mple story. I am always learning and ask the Lord Lor ord for wisdom for each group I am ministering in ng to. Sometimes, the older folks are more excited than the younger ones, but with a lot eex of o prayer, the Lord always leads me to the right theme and the right picture for each ri event. ev The T blessing of it all is, is that when I am praying and seeking the Lord’s guidance, ance I learn more about the Master Artist. He is continuing my education every time I step in front of the board. I guess it’s my “Board of Education”, LOL! For me, it’s “Bo all about being a little fearless and trying something new; those are the best experis ences I have en nces and drawings dr ever Be fearless! Try eve ver done! do something totally out of the box; someth so you’ll you’ll be amazed at you’ a what He will teach you! Learn more about Jackie & Richard Gillespie and Sparrow Chalk Art Ministries at m or e-mail them at


Step-by-Step Studios Exploring the Creative Chalk Art Process via Storyboards.

The Inspiration for "Patriotic Sunset" NSPIRATION IS EVERYWHERE. When my kids were little we often watched VHS collections of old public-domain cartoons. One day a WW2 era cartoon by Disney called The Spirit of '43 was playing. When the closing image (to the left) came on the screen, I sat up in a EUREKA moment and hit the pause button. "Look at that sky! It's a US flag!" I exclaimed, with a hypnotic stare. My kids had become accustomed to this kind of weirdness and went for a snack. From that tiny moment grew the following chalk drawing called Patriotic Sunset (I hope our non-USA readers don't mind). Oh, and it requires NO hidden drawing. Thanks, Walt!


Lay in a Red patch with a ragged left edge and add Fluoro White clouds on top. Keep them uneven to suggest flag stripes. Blend quickly to soften the white. A Quick dash of Fluoro Red over the Red "stripes" will help at the Black Light stage.

by Kerry Kistler

Lay in a Turquois patch w/ Dark Blue accents for variation in the upper left corner. blend quickly with your hand to soften the interlace between blue sky and red/white stripes.


I add the eagle now because it fits with sound fx on my music track (available as a free mp3 at - 12:45 run time). But you could also add the eagle at the end. Block in a general mountain shape with a felt blackboard eraser (cut in half), and then cut in the mountain outline with th Purple.

F Do ree Lo wn ad -

Quickly fill in the mountains and add Purple Fluoro "mist" on top. Blend together with your hand in a diagonal direction. With the edge of your felt eraser cut in the general area for the mountain highlights. by removing some of the underpainting, the highlights will "stick" better.

Add Dark Blue shadows to the left side of the mountain, accenting with subtle Fluoro Blue for reflected highlights. Now cut in the mountain highlights with the sharp edge of some Fluoro Yellow. Blend these highlights down into the mountain with quick, diagonal strokes.

Lay in the foreground water to simulate A sky reflection using Dark Blue with a touch of Black to the left, and Red in the center. Blend horizontally with your hand to soften the transition between the Red and Blue. Patriotic Sunset \ next page Î


Patriotic Sunset \ continued

Add some Dark Green trees across the base of the mountains at the waterline. Add touches of Black for shadows and pull it down with quick strokes to simulate the reflection of trees in the water - a trick I learned from Gary Means. Cut in a quick and simple shore line with Fluoro Yellow and add highlights to the trees using fluoro Chartreuse. Make cooresponding reflections in the water. I always add some splashes of Fluoro orange above the shoreline for shrubs. Add the land mass using Red Orange (rust) and blend in streaks of Black. Add Fluoro White reflections and ripples at the shore. Dash in horizontal water lines with Fluoro White and Throw in some quick Fluoro Green grass, Fluoro Red flowers and Fluoro White "sparkles" at the shore. Use Black for the pine tree trunks and some Fluoro Yellow for highlights. The foliage is Dark Green with splashes of Fluoro Chartreuse for highlights. Add stars to the Blue sky with Fluoro White. Here is the Black Light view. "May the wings of Liberty never lose a feather." You may watch a time-lapse video of this drawing being created on the download page of


Scenic Stops Found on the Information Superhighway.

Great Leaders Respond Timely What’s Your Response Time? OMMUNICATION IS ESSENTIAL to leadership. To communicate well is ga to influence others into making difference. Most leaders understand the importance of communication, and they spend a great deal of time on what they want to say and how they want to say it. Unfortunately, many emerging leaders do not understand that WHEN they respond is as impor-

C by

Kelly Croy


HIS ESSAY WAS originally written by world-class chalk artist Kelly Croy for his blog. With his permission this editor is rerunning it here because it clearly responds to one of my biggest pet peeves EVER: People ignoring my communication. Pardon my rant for just a moment. This happens to me several times a week - I will send someone an e-mail, or leave a phone voice message, and it is NEVER answered. I’m not sure why this behavior has become normative in our culture, but it still astounds me every time it happens. I understand that people are busy and that e-mail sometimes gets lost in transit or buried in an overburdened in-box. But this problem has become epidemic.

tant as their message, and in some cases even more.

Leaders Master Responsiveness. T story of NASA’s Apollo The 13 mission is a highlight 1 iin history of how leadersship emerges during times oof trouble, and how great rresponse time identifies lleaders within an organization and in life. The story of the Apollo 13 mission is full of heroes, See Great Leaders \ next page Î

So, here is my pledge to you: If I ever fail to respond to your e-mail query (not junk-mail “forwards”) or your phone message within a couple of days, it is because one of three things has happened:

1. HARDWARE FAILURE - My computer has crashed or my internet is down or I lost my phone (or your e-mail got lost).

OF RANGE - I’m out of town with OUT internet or cell phone service. DEAD - Or perhaps in the hospital 3.andI’M too weak to type or dial. End of rant. Be sure to read what Kelly has to say on the issue. He does it with so much more eloquence and grace.


Great Leaders \ continued

but what I love most about it is how the men in mission control, not just the astronauts themselves, are proven to be heroes for responding timely. They emerge as leaders. In a world dominated with the ability to communicate quickly with smart phones, laptops, and social media sites, it is sad that so few do. Calls are not returned promptly. Thank you cards are never sent. Emails fill inboxes. Text messages hang in limbo. Assignments gnments miss their due date.

What is the Consequence of Not Responding Timely? Much. You may not be leading a mission to safely return wayward astronauts from a mission gone wrong, but you really should respond to every message with a sincere level of diligence and importance.

to respond quickly (aka promptly) is a sign of weakness: they’re afraid it will show they don’t have more important activities, and that others will judge them inferior for too quick a response. But what does a quick response mean to the person receiving it? It tells them, “Hey! I matter. I’m important.” We like people that recognize us, spend time with us, and reach out to us. We admire them. We become enchanted. We want to do business with them. We want to help them. A quick response is endearing. It fosters loyalty. It matters. I’m hoping that the leaders that dig these communication moats around their castles don’t mistakingly believe they or are protecting themselves hem o their business by delaying their response. They’re not. They are, in actuality, creating more problems, creating more work and damaging the positive image they work so hard to make. The solution: Respond Timely.

But I Don’t Have Time to Respond to Everyone. Wrong! You can’t afford not to. You will be surprised how little time it actually takes.

Remember, You’re Not Replying to a Message, You’re Replying to a Person. How do you feel when you wait on hold, an e-mail remains unanswered, a call unreturned? If you’re like me you begin to question whether it was received, question the person on the other end, become frustrated or worse. When questions go unanswered people fill in the gaps. They often assume the worst. False information is spread, and negative impressions are formed. Am I not important enough to merit a reply? Is my question less important than others? Some leaders mistakenly believe that

What does a leader need to make timely responses? Some courage, some time, a good attitude, and most importantly a plan. In a future post I will address some productivity secrets that I have gleaned from the greats, and some I probably mistakenly credit to myself. These will be helpful, but you have to convince yourself of the need to respond to the people that contact you. Great leaders in all walks of life master the timely response. They don’t react. They don’t shoot from the hip. They measure, weigh, and time their response accordingly. Please consider your communication habits and see if timeliness is an area you may wish to give some greater attention. Kelly Croy is a chalk artist and professional speaker. He has entertained and amazed audiences across the nation including corporations, schools, churches, conferences, and anywhere people come together to be entertained and inspired. Please consider booking Kelly for your next event. or 1-800-831-4825 or e-mail at


L i ghtn i ng Cartoons ! Adding Laughter to Your Program With TricKartoons.


Comic Trick Cartoons 101

N THE NOST NOSTALGIC DAYS of vaudeville and the Chautauqua circuit, almost every program featured a "Lightning Cartoonist" or "Chalk-Talk Artist." As it was then, it is just as much a pleasure today to watch a clever cartoonist perform his art. Everyone loves to watch the artist draw an object, then, while telling a funny story relating to the subject, change it into anotherr object—yet o it all relates to the original object. bject. A chalk talk presentation ntation is the perfect instrustrument for the clown, wn, or magician as welll as the gospel and safety instructor. Any platform entertainerr will find chalk talk alk the ideal tool to keep the attention of the audience, young g Ed H ar numb ris created or old. er a


of or

nd co m l trick piled a w o carto on id rld-record eas.


Gearing Up & Keeping Mom Happy

A few props are necessary for the beginning chalk talk artist. A simple easel (self-built or manufactured), some paper sheets such as blank newsprint, large art pads or bogus, and chalk. A good, free source of practice paper is the want ads from the newspaper. A small side table should be used to discard finished drawings. Place them face to face to keep the chalk surfaces contained. See Ed Harris \ next page Î


D HARRIS, has earned a spot as the most prolific creator of Trick Cartoons in chalk c history. There were other The creative legcre ends like e Tarbell, Balda and Bjorklund, but Harris eclipsed them all. a His production of clever ti trick cartoon tr ideas spanned ide some 30 years and som numbered in the num hundreds. Portions hun his legacy of h will be featured regularly in this Lightning Cartoons column.


Ed Harris \ continued

Some S me chalk lk talkers t lk protect from the messy their the heir fin he fingers fr wearing several fingers chalk by wear from surgical gloves. Or wrap the end of the chalk in paper. Have plenty of chalk handy as it sometimes crumbles or breaks. Some chalk talkers are implored by the children to give them the drawings as they are finished, but this would be frowned upon by most mothers because of the mess it can create on their kid's clothes. If you wish to give away the cartoons, using large, bold, felt-tip markers works well too, but watch out for bleedthrough.

It's OK to Cheat a Little As you draw your cartoons, do it with an easy flair, with bold, sure strokes! Do not laboriously sketch. When using new, untried stunts, lightly pencil in the cartoon on your paper before hand. These lines will not be seen by your audience and will help you apply your chalk without mistakes. You will find that after you have done the stunt a few times, you will be able to do it without any preliminary lines—the good result of practice. To be certain you won't forget any of your routine, write an outline of your act and attach it to the back of your easel. You can glance at it as needed to insure a smooth performance. CHALK ILLUSTRATED SUMMER 2011 ISSUE 1 PAGE 18


Easel Etiquette E ette As you perform, rm, m, do no not ot stan stand d d directly in front nt of yo your easel,, with your back w ck to the audience. udien SStand to the side and d perio periodipe ccally step aside side so tha that all can ssee what you are doing—all tthe while you will be reciting your patter. And smile a llot and show the audience tthat you are having a good ttime too! When you do up-side-down or sideu ways pictures, let them w have a good look before h yyou turn the finished drawing over. d With some practice yyou will be ready tto entertain, teach and inspire young a and old with comic trick cartoons. OST OF ED HARRIS' chalk talk stunts


were first published in the pages of the Tops magic magazine (which act tually featured a cover article about Ed iin December, 1972), and also Laugh Makers m magazine. Over the years, Ed compiled these cchalk stunts into six different books. To our great loss, Ed Harris passed away in 2003. In order to guarantee that a Ed's legacy will endure, all six of his E chalk talk books will eventually be made available, as FREE downloads m from Chalk Illustrated (through a f generous arrangement made with the copyright holder). One title is available for you to download right now. DID YOU MISS YOUR FREE book download when subscribing to Chalk Illustrated? This article was based on the Introduction to that book, "40 Chalk Talk Gags" by Ed Harris. Grab your FREE PDF version now by visiting the Secret Download page at (if you forgot how to access the Secret page, click the Download tab for instructions).


Free Down Load

Chalk Be Nimble CCreative tti Chalking Ch h lk lki Concepts C t for f Children Child h ld off All ll Ages. A

Jesus Walks on Water ATHAN DORRELL and his family love to share Bible stories using many different creative methods. His 2001 book Drawing Bible Stories with a Surprise for the Eyes (left), is a cclever collection of quick chalk talks that kkids of all ages will love. Here is one of Nathan's many ideas using Matthew Na 14:22-36 as a basis (with permission). 14

N athan also wrote a book filled with Gospel ambigrams called Amazing Mirror Messages which I reviewed in the July/August 2006 issue of The Christian Conjurer magazine (now The Voice). oice).


Jesus sent the disciples on ahead. So they got into a boat to go across the water to the other side (draw boat with a man in it).



A storm came (draw cloud and lightning). The winds were strong! Suddenly they saw someone or something walking on the water. They thought it was a ghost! But Jesus said, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." The disciples recognized his voice and knew it was Jesus.


Peter said, "Lord if it is you, tell me to come to you." Jesus said, (tum the picture on its side) "Come!" And Peter stepped out of the boat onto the water and began walking to Jesus. But when Peter saw the winds and the storm, he b became afraid and began to sink. Jesus took him by the hand and they got back into the boat.

3 Free Down d a Lo above reThe ab view may be downloaded from Chalk Illustrated and both books may be purchased at

Are you going to be ready when you hear the Lord say, "Come"? Or do you realize he's calling you to take a step of faith and "come" to Him for the very first time? If so…come! CHALK ILLUSTRATED SUMMER 2011 ISSUE 1 PAGE 20


in the Project Ideas Especially for the Do-It-Your-Selfer.

n e T p o T


t h g i L d olore s n o i t u Sol tler Kis y r r e K by


Colored LED RGB Bulbs

These are similar to #10 but are designed to screw into a standard bulb socket. These bulbs will not work with typical easel dimmer controls. Rather, they have a built in wireless control module which allows the bulbs to throw a menu of standard colors using a small remote. However, you cannot crossfade from color to color—they have two modes: hard changes between colors or an auto fade cycle between predetermined colors that cannot be programmed. Plus, their lumens are still dim compared to a 100 Watt bulb. These issues may change in the future, but those are the current limitations of these bulbs.

LMOST FROM THE BEGINNING, Gospel chalk artists Colored LED PAR Lamps have used colored light effects to add atmosphere These are designed to look like flood lights to their drawings—usually as a prelude to their but use LED technology. The main problem today black light effects. Over the years a few creative alteris that they will not work with typical easel dimmer natives have emerged—such as projected color—but controls. I've been told that technology, time, and the the vast majority of chalk easel hoods are designed eventually solve these issues. market will event to accept standard, incandescent bulbs. However, Federal law has scheduled thesee Fluorescent Bulbs bulbs to be phased out in the US by 2014 4 With today's & Tube Covers and replaced by more energy efficient These Th spiral bulbs come in several colcolored bulbs lighting. 100 Watt bulbs are the first to goo ors or but have two main problems—they next year. Here are the Top Ten solutions looking so dim lack brightness, and they cannot be la to help you plan ahead. and anemic— faded or dimmed. They are either on fa or off. The colored tube covers which combined with slide over standard fluorescent tubes sl LED Light Bars the government (li(like a theatrical gel), seem promising These RGB (red/green/blue)) until you consider that a custom hood u phase-out of fixtures are probably the wave of the is required with special ballasts and future for chalk artists, and several have most incandes- co controllers to make them dimmable. already made the jump. While LED's havee cent bulbs—what some advantages—such as infinite color Dichroic PAR Lamps is a chalk artist programming and very low heat—this These lamps have a special solution is at #10 for several reasons: g glass filter which allows only certain to do? w wavelengths of light to pass through. Th This makes them brighter than most

$ $ other color-coated PAR lamps. However, after testing, I & &

was disappointed. The red is bright and rich but also Until chalk easel hoods are manufactured with LED has a lighter yellowish "halo" around the outside of fixtures and the proper dimmer controls, this solution the color wash which shows up on the drawing. The is only viable for those who have the shop know-how blue does not have a halo but the color was only modand time to tinker. Top Ten \ next page ĂŽ







Top Ten \ continued

erate in its richness. In addition, at such close range, these lamps produce uneven coverage and hot spots on the drawing. Plus the price of $40 per lamp keeps this choice low on the Top Ten list.


Ceramic Coated PARs & Bulbs

I have seen many chalk hoods with coloredflood lamps installed. They are easily found, affordable and available in bright wattage. However, the color quality tends to vary among brands and the color wash they throw is generally uneven. Also, many light hoods simply cannot accomodate larger diameter flood lamps. For a broad, even wash of rich, colored light, coated incandescent bulbs produce the best result. Yet, quality bulbs no longer seem to exist. I have experimented with every available brand of colored, 100+ Watt bulbs and they are always too dim or their colors anemic. One or two brands of red bulbs are not too bad, d, but I have yet to find a blue bulb that is worth buying.. Coating your own bulbs seems to be thee best solution. The following Top Four For a ideas should get you started.

because the visible filament will throw a definite hot spot onto the drawing. Of the four major brands I tested (Testors Transparent Model Paint, Krylon Stain Glass Paint, Valspar Stain Glass Paint, Tamiya Polycarbonate Spray PS), the best choice was Krylon Stain Glass Paint. Although it required three coats and becomes soft when the bulb gets too hot, the colors were fairly rich. The other brands were very pale and unuseable. Another alternative here is Delta Glass Paint which is also transparent and withstands high temps. However, unless you have an airbrush, you will need to brush it on with an art brush (which can make it tough to get an even coverage).


Colored Bulb Dip

This low cost solution is about as close to oldschool ceramic-coated bulbs as we can get. Here are my discoveries: Although g Rosco Colorine Bulb Dip is the most common, avoid it. Anything over a 40 Watt m bulb bu will burn it off and produce a toxic chemical. ch broad, After testing Auto Air Transparent even wash of Colors, which are fairly rich after two dipCo pings, the coating remains soft and does pi Colored Bulb Covers rich, colored not cure to a hard state as expected. no A similar approach as theatri-light, coated I also tested several other products, cal gel material, these color-tinted bulb but my top pick and recommendabu covers are made of silicone and slip incandescent tion is Lacquer Based Glass Paint from tio over a standard A-19 bulb (maximum of bulbs produce I tested Red (#65) Ju 100 Watts). They are moderately priced and an Royal Blue (#55) and was very at $13 and their color richness is okay. I the best result. pleased with the results. Each quart pl have only found them online at McMas-Coating your own is around $15 and will coat dozens of ter-Carr ( bulbs seems to bulbs. bu Colored Gel Sheets Here are the easy steps: Tie a string be the best Several chalk artists currentlyy to the bulb threads and clean the glass use this approach because it is relative-solution. with w rubbing alcohol to remove oils and ly cheap and easy. Most theatrical supfingerprints. Pour the lacquer into a confin ply houses sell Rosco lighting gel which h tainer that will allow the bulb to be fully ta is available in many colors. This thin, plastic l i sheet h dipped and, holding onto the threads, dip the bulb until material is designed to withstand the higher temperathe metal touches the lacquer. Hang the bulb(s) up to tures of theatrical lighting. Those that use gel material dry. Two coats work great, but for an even richer jewel wrap it around standard incandescent bulbs and secure tone try three. it to the neck with wire or high-temp tape. The gel will SUMMARY: semi-melt to the bulb over time but can melt through if Since nearly all chalk artists have light hoods that the bulb gets too hot. were built for 100-150 Watt incandescent bulbs, we are Stain Glass Spray Paint faced with the reality that these bulbs will be phasedThese products are translucent and must out soon. But we can still postpone the inevitable be sprayed p y on in several coats. Since each coating g switch-over switch over to LED fixtures by stocking up and color blocks some of the bulb's lumens, you will want to use dipping a few dozen bulbs now. For most of us, that 150 Watt frosted bulbs. Clear bulbs are a poor choice should last a lifetime of busy chalking.







“That Some Might be Saved”—Ideas from Chalker Gary Means.

8 Helpful Chalk Tips


HE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW hints that might help some to get started in a chalk art ministry (and are good reminders for the rest of us too).

Keep the drawing simple but have a purpose. Keep away from complicated compositions until you have more experience.


Use ideas that will speak to children. This will help keep you simple and also help get across the lesson. I realize that some who are good artists can draw very expressive pictures, but this often discourages those who just don't have the gift.


Last, butt not least,t, pray that thee Lord will help p you in this ministry. Remember, it was the Lord who gave wisdom to those who built the Tabernacle cle and Temple.


Above is a chalk instruction page taken from Chalk Notes (cover at right). This article was adapted from the 12-page booklet with permission and may be purchased from Gary for $4 +$3 s/h. Send a check to: Gary Means, 121 Heath Drive, Baden, PA 15005

Use colors to express the mood of the drawing. There are many different hues of different colors, and these can be used to a very good advantage if carefully chosen.

Don't try to draw freehand. If necessary, draw the picture with a pencil using light lines to be filled in with color. It won't be noticed from a distance of six feet and will give you the confidence you need to give the drawing and story.


Keep the drawing moving. Develop the picture as you tell the story, If nothing more, just keep filling in what you have already drawn with details and shading.



Remember, practice makes perfect. It will do you good to draw the drawing in private and also to give the story along with it as if you were giving it to the children. This will give you confidence and needed practice.



Don't feel that you have to be in competition with anyone in your drawings. You are teaching the Word of God to the children. Their minds are very imaginative and a drawing that you might think isn't very much will really be something impressive to them.

Gary Means and his wife, Marty, travel full-time ministering with chalk art. They are based in Baden, PA and hold annual chalk training workshops. Gary doesn't have a web site yet but finally caved recently and got e-mail.


CRACKING C CRACK CRAC RACK CK OPEN N THE RRediscovering Rediscove di er the Chalk Archives of “The Christian Artist.”

The Genesis of The e Fre Christian Artist DowandLo

You probably know David LeGrand, nd the guy who owns, but did you also know he was there when The Christian Artist got started 45 years ago? He was the official printer for awhile! Now, the entrepreneur comes full circle with a fresh version all his own. ARCH 1958: Three men gathered at Green Oak Ranch in California to discuss the formation of workshops designed especially for Christian chalk artists. Jerry Zwall, Bill Leach and Art Layne organized the Christian Artists Workshop that year and it began to grow. Around 1963 the organization's name was changed to The Christian Artists Fellowship. By May 1967, its ninth annual worksshop session had been held, and it was time for the organization to launch an official newsletter to keep the growing organizatio chalk artists connected. A few months later Ren Dueck ranks of ch ((see pg. 10) published the first issue of The Christian Artist, and he served as editor for over 16 years. Many of you will not remember The Christian Artist Newsletter, but it was the first periodical of its kind, designed especially for Gospel chalk artists. The inaugural issue (above left), was published in October 1967, and ran until 1996 when it merged with Dan Ondra's Christian Art News (which became Chalk Art News in 2000). Then David LeGrand, the original printer, picked up the torch in 2009 and began publishing a free electronic version of Chalk Art News at For over 45 years, this chalk art newsletter, in one incarnation or another, has been serving Gospel chalk artists and helping us stay connected. By gracious permission of former editors, we will be sharing from the original Christian Artist archives (19671995) in this column. The first issue of The Christian Artist may be freely downloaded NOW from


courtesy archive l a in g ri

elle of Avon



Editor Stats 1967-1995 Ren Dueck 10/67 to 12/80 : 49 issues Ken Stroman 2/81 to 3/84 :

12 issues

Ren Dueck 9/84 to 12/87 :

11 issues

Avonelle Slagle 1/88 to 12/95 :

29 issues

Total (approx) : 101 issues


Hanging Your Fears Out to Dry with SuZie Zoerman

Performance Chalking paint and can be easily smeared. For many artists it might be considered a waste of time, a throw-away style of art. However, chalk art has long been dedicated to drawing people into the presence of God by illustrating some of His attributes or wondrous works, supported with scripture, a sermon, a hymn, or some beautiful praise music. Therein lies its true, eternal value.

on Sheets

ERFORMANCE chalking is an art that became popular in the days of Revival Tent Meetings. From its inception, it was dedicated to God. Although it is an old art, there are still many people who have never experienced it. Why has it stayed an art mainly in the church? As an artist, there is joy in creating something, but also a desire to create something lasting; a legacy that speaks to generations to come. The more lasting and prized, the greater its value. Does chalk art qualify?


We Have a Few Problems Let's be honest, performance chalk art is done in much less than an hour, usually for a large audience. It's too large to fit in the average decor, and though it is beautiful at a distance of fifteen feet or more, up close it can appear crude—not necessarily something you would choose to gaze at each day. It also loses something without witnessing its creation in performance. Sadly, the chalk is not as easy to preserve as

It Is An Art, Drawn On the Heart Having once struggled with its perishable nature, I've come to understand; "It is an art drawn on the hearts of men and women, boys, and girls." I don't know who coined that phrase, but it is very true. The artist's name is usually forgotten, but many years later a person having witnessed performance chalk art can tell you about the picture and what it said to them about God. The actual picture may fade quickly, y, but God is able to use the gift to change the world one heart at a time. Therefore, I find performance chalk art a privilege too create. I believe the creativity is from God the Great Creator. r. Sometimes He gives an artistt an idea to work out through Performance Chalk \ next page Î


Performance Chalk \ continued

a verse, a song, or a story, and sometimes He gives an artist a complete picture in glorious color, in a dream or vision.

Performance? For me, using the term "performance" in front of "chalk artist" came about because of the lack off understanding about what I did. It immediately helped people understand that they were not calling to order a chalk picture they could pick up or have delivered. It was also about the presentation. After praying about an idea, I might search for scriptures on the topic or listen to music that speaks the message. I use different types of music according to the message and my audience. I always try to pick arrangements whose words are clear or familiar. If there is any doubt, I will emphasize those words or use the lyrics in my introduction. Putting God's word first in both the introduction and the music is my goal, knowing that God has promised it will not return void. Therefore, even if my picture is, in my mind, a failure, or myy easel collapses in thee middle of my presen-tation, or the lights go out, or the music ceases to play, (all of which have happened), I still will not have wasted their time.

Further Aspects of "Performance" "Performance" can be many things to many people. For me it is feeling my message and my

music and conveying that to my audience. That may mean, in practice, I will read the same text over and over, or listen to the music many times. Though we usually work from back to front on a picture, I may draw an element mentioned in a song lyric at the moment it is sung instead of in relation to the drawing. It is good to keep your audience interested, so it is best to get out of the way of your picture and suggest shapes at first. Then, come back and give the objects more definition. A good example would be in drawing a face. The shape could help you form the whole picture, its spacing and proportions, and then you can come back and more easily have it take on a life, a personality. Further, clothing needs to be mentioned. Many articles can fluoresce under blacklight—including your underwear, if worn under a loose weave. Most of the time I choose black slacks or a long skirt with loose fitting tops that don't have colors that fluoresce. I don't want my shape or clothing to be a distraction to my picture, and I want to be comfortable while moving. I believe the best performance chalk art is created with four times more effort made on your knees than your easel. More details on sheets next issue. SuZie & Bob Zoerman have a thriving ministry using both chalk art and illusion. They live in Grand Rapids, MI and can be found online at


chalked & amazed

TThe he IInte h Internet nte t Podcast Designed Exclusively for Chalk Artists.

by Kerry Kistler


Happened to the Podcast

F YOU HAVE SOMEHOW missed the Chalked & Amazed podcast, go online to and you will find a collection of interviews with chalk artists sharing their stories (see the sidebar for a listing). Each interview is about an hour long and you may subscribe without cost via iTunes or listen to streaming versions right on your computer. You will also find some chalk resources which may be freely downloaded, and a listing of chalk art web sites from around the world. If you do not find your web site listed there and want it included, ed, just send an e-mail to chalkillustrated@


Life Gets In the Way Unfortunately, the podcast has suffered a grievous lack of attention for over a year—in fact, no new interviews were released during the year 2010. The reasons are many and complicated, but the main issue had to do with the loss of podcasting equipment. There were several pieces of expensive, specialized equipment that I used to record live telephone interviews to my laptop hard drive. But the equipment was on temporary loan and was unexpectedly reclaimed by its owner.

About the same time, a complete relocation to another state along with a career change created a scarcity of free time to even think about how to reboot the podcast. So, between these unavoidable situations, the podcast had the cider squeezed from its adams apple. Oh, did I mention launching Chalk Illustrated?

A Promising New Hope? Then late last year one of my Google Alerts (such a handy tool) sent me an e-mail notification about a new chalk art podcast. I discovered that my friend and fellow chalker Dr. Rick Honea* had picked up the baton and was producing a podcast ccalled Chalk Art Radio using a free sservice called Blog Talk Radio. So ffar, Rick has posted three, halfhour interviews—Gloria Kohlman, h Dan Ondra, and myself. Hopefully, D I will get these linked to Chalked & Amazed soon, but you can llisten to these shows now at B Rick may produce more sshows later, or I might give the sservice a try (with his blessing), but there are limitations. First, b there is a 30 minute constraint per show— longer interviews require a fee. Second, there is no option for editing shows. They are essentially done on the fly, in a single "take." And, because I sometimes stumble around like Porky Pig during interviews, I prefer to edit what gets released. Maybe YOU would be interested in tackling on an interview podcast as a ministry to chalkers. Pray about it, and if you would like to collaborate in some way, e-mail me.



NTERVIEWS you may have missed on C&A (with running time and date posted):


1. Robert Smith 66:40 Dec. 4, 2009

2. Elva Hurst 71:16 Aug. 10, 20099

*3. Rick Honea 61:50 July 16, 20099

4. James Snyder 40:48 8 July 11, 2009 9

5. David Le-Grand 57:40 July 9, 2009

6. Dan Ondra 63:00 July 7, 2009

7. Gary Means 63:00 July 4, 2009

8. Thorn Creek Bridge, 20:35 Original Christmas story soundtrack

Chalk Art Supplies & Stuff All the Gear, Gadgets, Equipment & Training You Will Need.

The LeGrand-Prix The Most Precision-Engineered & Built Chalk Easel on the Planet. ! " # $ # % '( )) * $ + , % , '/ " # 0 " 1 " 2 344 # ) 5 6

$ , 778 9 4




Ordering O d the th Print P t Version V of Chalk Illustrated UBSCRIPTIONS FOR THE e-version of Chalk Illustrated are FREE, but I have found a company to also produce a 28 page, color-copied & bound (saddle stitched) version. Each printed issue is available at my cost: $4.50 printing + 1.75 shipping anywhere in the US (foreign orders please e-mail for actual postage charges).


Wo Would ld it cost you $6.25 in paper and printer ink to print each issue at home? Probably not, but the option is there if you want the quality, finished look and convenience. You may also place a yearly subscription (4 issues) for $25. To order, visit and click on the PARTICIPATION page where you will find an appropriate form. Credit cards and PayPal are both accepted, but having a PayPal account is not necessary to place an order. You may also mail a check to Kerry Kistler, 1722 N. Waverly Ave., Springfield, MO 65803.


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