Using Chalk Art for Ministry, Education & Fun!
A Color Filled Chalktober Fest Issue 6 Fall 2012
This Issue:
Cliff Beaman
Started in Chalk: Part I pg. 6 k Getting St k The First TThanksgiving pg. 12 Pictures on Sheets? pg. 15 k Hidden Pi on Target (new column) pg. 21 k Bowman o k Memories of the Greatest Generation pg. 24 American Art Assemblies
The Features, Stories & Columns Inside This Issue.
3,4 Letters & E-mail: Cartoon Idea, Three Saved, Roofing Paper, more 4,5 Extras: Summer Contest Survey Results, Subscriber Incentive Offer 6 My Tuppence Worth: Why I Became a Chalk Artist (Getting Started 1) 7 Cover Artist: Cliff Beaman: Master of Montage 12 Background Checks: William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving 14 Chalk Be Nimble: Why Be Thankful? 15 Chalk on Sheets: Hidden Pictures on Sheets? 16 Oddio Re-Cordings: Bible Stories of Shipwreck & Serpent (and more) 18 Step-By-Step Studios: Shipwrecked! 21 Bowman on Target: Solving Glazing on Sticks of Chalk 21 Taming Hidden Pictures: Reader's Choice: Freehand or Stencil 22 In the Workshop: New Zeasel and Spinning Easel Follow-up 23 Lightning Cartoons: Biggest "Party" Animals, Drumstick to Pilgrim 24 Farm Fresh Chalk Ideas: Memories of the Greatest Generation 25 Cruising the Internet: God's Thanksgiving Feast 26 The Chalk Vault: Christian Artist 1970, 1 & 2 28 Nub Tub: Thanksgiving Ambigram, Harvest & Veteran's Day Ideas
Chalk Illustrated is an e-zine designed and produced to educate, edify and unify the chalk art community worldwide. It is published on a quarterly basis (as Cha time allows), and the e-version is distributed to subscribers without cost. A full-color print version is also available. Each printed issue may be purchased at actual cost of $4.50 printing + 1.75 shipping anywhere in the US (foreign orders please e-mail for actual postage charges). You may also place a yearly subscription (4 issues) for $25 (US). Subscriptions, donations and submissions may be made through the official web site at www.ChalkIllustrated.com. To order, visit the web site and click on the PARTICIPATION page where you will find both a downloadable order blank (for sending checks), and an online order form (for using credit cards and PayPal). You may also mail a donation to help with this ministry, to: Kerry Kistler,1722 N. Waverly Ave., Springfield, MO 65803. All correspondence should be directed to the editor, Kerry Kistler, at ChalkIllustrated@gmail.com. Your articles and idea submissions are always welcome— every effort will be made to include your material. The entire contents of this publication is protected by copyright © 2012, and may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. It may be shared freely but not sold.
Your open fforum tto communicate, Y i t commentt & critique. iti
E APPRECIATE YOUR notes of encouragement, ideas, news, tips and chalk related questions. Send all this and more to ChalkIllustrated@ gmail.com, and we'll include as many notes as possible in the next issue.
Using Training
I attended Ding Teuling's [chalk] school in Michigan about 12 years ago. I have a Dave Teuling easel and a collection of his "Drawing of the Month" programs which I use often for programs. I've also attended Gary Means training too. I've done many church and camp programs, and now I'm doing nursing homes in Lancaster PA as a retired pastor. —Bill Offutt
Vital Ministry
Thank you for another wonderful issue of CHALK ILLUSTRATED! It is filled with helpful ideas and encouragement. I was very impressed with Nancy Anderson's use of calligraphy with chalk art. It was an original idea I'd never seen. Peggy Esher's story was inspiring! I so agree with her: "I feel that chalk art is becoming a lost art. . .We need classes so that students can learn how to enhance their artistic talents for the Lord and reach more people for Him." Amen and amen! I thank the Lord for what she and
others are doing to pass on the legacy of Gospel chalk art. Dave Winchell's TricKartoons are a fabulous idea! Kids love cartoons : ) Thank you for this vital ministry! JOYfully, —Pat Holt
Much to Learn
We had a very slow year last year but are booking programs again, Praise God. We so love to serve with h puppets and black light chalkk programs.. So much to keep learning and your ministry through CI iris so inspiring and helpful in our lives. —Patty Vineyard Growing Vines Ministry Flint Michigan
Cartoon Idea
I am soooo excited about your latest edition of Chalk Illustrated. I could hardly wait to get it and, as usual, am far from disappointed!! Beautiful article on dear
Peggy Esher. She's such a gem and sooo talented and humble. Her beautiful faces remind me a lot of Darlene Thieses' faces. So special! Your magazine gives us such a variety of ideas and food for thought. They indeed are treasures and I keep going back constantly to previous issues as well. A GREAT job well done! Thank you! I traveled to Ecuador in August for two VBSs, back-to-back each day and about 5 presentations in the evenings (for a total of 15 programs). For the VBSs I use cartoons and no black light pictures. I have sent you one I did recently for kids that originated from God convicting me about complaining. It's been
fun doing it and quite a few kids have come to Christ through this drawing, according to the follow-up by the leaders. —Cathy Patnovic [See pg. 14 for Cathy's drawing idea for kids.]
Many Resources
You are doing a good work and I appreciate all your efforts. There was not too much to work with when I got started in chalk 26 years ago, but now all that has changed. I was a graphic designer/art director and account executive in advertising for over 30 years. Now I just do pottery, chalk art and did I mention, drive a school bus? —Keith Carpenter
Three Saved!
I just wanted to share a "Praise the Lord" with you. I did a chalk drawing of the "Serpent in the Wilderness/Christ on the Cross" for the
Chattanooga Rescue Mission this past Thursday night. Praise the Lord three men were saved! This is the first chalk drawing I have done in a while and that was a real encouragement. —Jay Johnson [See Chalk on Sheets, pg. 15 to view Jay's drawing and also Chalk Be Nimble, pg .14 to see more on this Teuling classic.]
Roofing Paper Tip
I have found the pink, roof paper, available from Lowe's (by the 3ft tall roll) very good for practicing purposes rather than waste bogus. —Cathy Patnovic
Continually Amazed
I continue to be amazed at how the Lord uses my chalk art ministry. It is a blessing to me as much as to my audiences. To God Be the Glory! —James Lochridge, Jr. Letters \ next page
Letters \ continued
Working on Building Confidence
I do lots of the cartoon drawings (chalk talks) on a white board. Am working on the more artistic chalk illustrations. I'm still trying to get good enough and more confidence to do them out in public! Hope to do them in public soon! —Beth Mattinson
Appreciate Sharing
I would greatly appreciate other people's news and views and tips to learn more. —Marilyn Schwartz
Chalking Soldier
As a soldier in the US Army and a chalk artist, I am just a few weeks away from deployment to Kuwait for a year. What a joy it would be to win the Peggy Esher DVD to use it for God's eternal Glory for those people. —Joseph Dunbar Patrioticimpressions.com [Joseph, sorry you didn't win the mid-Summer contest, but perhaps you can take advantage of the Incentive Program that David LeGrand is running through September: If you subscribe to the print version of CI, he will gift you any DVD he carries for FREE. See pg. 5 for details.]
Enjoy Subscription
I'm enjoying my subscription and hoping to collect the issues in hard copy as well. —Brett Belleque
My Dream
Having teaching in this form of ministry has been my dream. I do paint with pastels. —Gloria E. Barnes
Devoured Issues
I am just beginning in chalk art, and need all the help I can get. I have devoured the last few issues of Chalk Illustrated. Thank you so much for the help. —Chris Burt
Great Ideas
Really enjoy your e-magazine. Keep it coming. I get lots of great ideas from it. —Gary D. Palmer
Survey Results from the Summer Contests
E CONDUCTED TWO contests this past Summer and here are the results of the 3 survey questions.* Roughly 14% of our 400 subscribers participated in these contests/surveys—which I am told is a great response. So, thanks to all who take the time to get involved. Let me encourage even more of you to participate since a greater sampling of readers will result in more accurate survey statistics. Because of the time required to produce this magazine, I do not usually respond to every comment made on every contest entry form, but I DO read every one of them, AND I will always respond to your specific questions. Which reminds me—is there a question you would like to pose to the chalk art community? Send your question to chalkillustrated@gmail.com and we'll ask the chalk art family to weigh in.
The prize for the summer contest was the story CD Joseph & His Brothers (donated courtesy of WorldsGreatestStories.com—many thanks to George Sarris). The winner was David West from NC.
1* What happens to your drawings following a program? [based on 55 respondents] Other (19)
Sell them (1) Give to host (21)
7% 38%
Don't chalk yet (10) Draw on sheets and wash/reuse (4)
Here are some comments from the entry forms: k If it is a week long VBS or Crusade, they are prizes for learning memory verses, inviting guests, or both. If it is a one night event, I give it to the coordinator and suggest that they have a drawing from among those who attended, because I believe it means more to one who saw it drawn, and that way the Holy Spirit can direct who receives it. Linda Schiro k Some I throw away, some I keep for later reference, or reuse if there is a black light drawing. Sherry Beeson k I leave a copy of framing instructions with the drawing. Tom Morris k I may give them to whoever asks for them. Jane Lininger k Give them to someone in the audience, but mostly I use sheets & wash them out. Ida O'Dell
k Sometimes I take them home, vacuum the bottom part off and save the black light picture for my next presentation. Cathy Patnovic k At some return engagements, the host sometimes asks for the drawings. They like to use them in contests. Richard Vance k I don't want to be the bad guy who picks which person receives my drawings, but it depends where I am as to how I manage it. At the rescue mission and women's & children's shelter, they know they have to be the first one to ask for it when I get there—their lives are so transitory, I can't promise from one month to the next. Jerry Wescott k I allow the Holy Spirit to guide me in the decision as to who I give my drawings to. Vicki Sanderson k What better tool for someone to be able to extend the message than to leave the drawing for the audience to share in the story re-telling!?! James Snyder k I also do smaller acrylic paintings like the chalk drawing, no more than one for a program. If someone says they would like to have the picture I offer that option. SuZie Zoerman k I've only done drawings for my church, and most of the drawings go to the youth center, and they hang them up. Gloria McLain k I usually give them to one of the children at my programs. Angel Contreras
The prize for the Mid-Summer contest was two copies of the chalk training DVD by Peggy Esher called Jesus, the Living Water (donated courtesy of Peggy Esher & ChalkMart.com). The winners were Deloris Poling from IN and Sara Bryan from FL.
2* How many chalk drawings do you have in your repertoire? [based on 57 respondents] 16%
11-20 21-30 31-50 6-10
There was one comment from the entry forms: k We draw different pictures at different events depending on what subject they want or picking the subject ourselves. Pictures are always changing, not exact repeats. Not sure if that puts any in our repertoire. Something to think about... Patricia Vineyard
See Contest Survey \ next page
Contest Survey \ continued
3* Should Chalk Illustrated have a Facebook page? [based on 57 respondents] (37)
Warm-ups from the Editor 65%
21% No
14% What's FB/no response
Here are some comments from the entry forms: k Some of us refrain from the Facebook thing. Cheryl Parker k I don't do Facebook anymore. It got to be a time drainer. I love your downloadable issues. Lynn Bearden k I do not use Facebook but it is great for some people. I would seriously consider getting involved if it were offered. Glen Allen West k I am eager to see how this works for us all! Thanks! Nancy Anderson k Us "oldies" do not use facebook, but you young "whippersnappers" go at it. David LeGrand
a Facebook page now? There times when we would like to Wsharehyareinteresting chalk art informa-
tion and ideas—or ask questions—but it doesn't feel quite right to do it via e-mail. We never want to be a burden to your Inbox. Also, if subscribers want communicate to com mmunicate with Chalk Illustrated, Facebook is the clear winner over e-mail for sheer convenience. So, if you are a fan of Facebook, visit/like us here:
Here are some comments from our new FB page: k Great to see Chalk Illustrated on FB, from a chalk artist in Canada. Jerry Wallace [See Jerry's work on the back cover, Nub Tub.] k Hooray! SEE THE LIGHT— "Drawing Children to Him" welcomes Chalk Illustrated to FB with great joy and delight! We are partners in reaching children and adults for Christ with gospel chalk art! JOYfully, Pat Holt www.seethelightshine.com k Thank you for all you do to help us better our ministry with the chalk. In the short time I have gotten Chalk Illustrated, and in reading back issues, there are several areas where I have been greatly helped. David Colwell
Claim Your FREE Chalk Training DVD, $22 Value!
ecently, David LeGrand of ChalkMart. com called and made me an offer I couldn't refuse. Here is what he said in a follow-up e-mail: "I believe so strongly that every chalk artist should receive the PRINTED edition of Chalk Illustrated every quarter, that I am offering a FREE DVD to every NEW subscriber who sends Kerry a $25 check within the next 30 days. This is like a $22 rebate. WOW! You get a full year subscription (4 issues) for three bucks. "The computer version is nice, but things get lost in computers. In the future you will wish you had those back issues for reference. And consider giving someone a GIFT subscription too every NEW subscription you order will get you a FREE DVD! "There has never been anything like this magazine for chalk artists, so go to www.chalkmart.com and pick out the FREE DVD you want. Then, all NEW print subscribers should send Kerry a check and tell him which DVD you want. He will send me your names, addresses and DVD selection. Do not try to order/ process your DVD from my site or the system will charge you as if it is a purchase." David has already given away over $200 worth of DVDs during this Subscriber Incentive Offer and has even extended this offer through the end of September 2012.
Chalk Training @ Alpha Arts
The link to find the downloadable order form for ordering back issues & new subscriptions is ChalkIllustrated.com/p/participation.html. PayPal and credit cards are also accepted.
Here are some comments we've received about this incentive: Print Version Too? I just subscribed to the print version of Chalk Illustrated. I guess I did not realize it came in print form…only e form. I have really enjoyed the past three issues I have received. I think you are doing a super job!!!! I am excited about this offer from David LeGrand. Please let him know how much I appreciate his generosity. Again, thank you for all you are doing with Chalk Illustrated and spreading the Good News of Christ. Darrell Jennings Back Issues Available? Wow! That is quite an endorsement. I was thinking about the printed version...So many rich things to see and a lot of technology to get it. If I want back issues are they available at the same price? Nancy Anderson
[We do have a limited supply of back issues, and, yes, they are the same price.]
Thoroughly Enjoying DVD I just wanted to say thanks for getting Mr. LeGrand my choice of DVD so quickly after subscribing to the printed edition of Chalk Illustrated. I have already received the DVD and am thoroughly enjoying it. Jay Johnson Bless Mr. LeGrand Well, this is quite unbelievable and awesome! May Mr. LeGrand be richly blessed for doing this. Hopefully, once new subscribers have enjoyed the printed version for a year, they'll want to keep receiving it! Love, Mom
[Thanks, Mom. Like a few others, I still prefer to read from paper rather than pixels.]
2013 Chalk Classes Teuling March 4-8 Phase 2 March 18-22
For more details contact David LeGrand at ChalkMart.com.
Inspiration & Insight from the Easel of Jim Pence.
Getting Started in Chalk Art: Part 1
Why I Became a Chalk Artist
OW DID YOU become a chalk artist? I’ve been asked that question many times over the years. A question that usually goes with it is, “Have you always been artistic?” Often I find that people who ask the second question are really saying, “I’d like to try chalk art, but I’m not sure if I have enough ‘talent’.” For me, becoming a chalk artist was a long process. I’ve always been interested in drawing, painting, and art in general. When I was growing up I did a lot of sketching and worked in oils. But I wasn’t what you would necessarily call “talented” or “gifted”. And although I enjoyed drawing and painting, it wasn’t something that I did all the time. I was first exposed to chalk art when I was a freshman in college. A group of us attended a Bill Gothard conference, and Bill did a couple of drawings on stage during the week. We were in a huge auditorium and my group was far removed from the stage, so I couldn’t see his picture very well. Nevertheless, his drawings made a powerful enough impact on me that, almost forty years later, I can still remember seeing them. I was fascinated, but that experience didn’t
make me want to be a chalk artist. The next time I saw a chalk artist was when I began attending Dallas Bible College. One of the students, Gary W., did chalk art in chapel occasionally. This time we were in a small auditorium and I was able to see a lot better. I was fascinated as I watched him draw and, when he turned on the black light, it took my breath away. Because Gary and Bill Gothard, circa late 1960s I went to the same church, I got to see him several times over the next few years. "When Bill saw different chalk artists, including But even though I loved to watch Gary draw, I still had no desire to Ding Teuling, Dr. Karl Steele, and Phil Saint (the brother of Nate Saint), he realized that this technique become a chalk artist. could be used to attract the attention of young people After I graduated, I started to work in the streets of Chicago and share the Gospel with as a youth pastor in Lake Charles, them." (Photo and quote from BillGothard.com)* Louisiana. Our church participated in a Christian camp and I attended along with my junior high youth group. The speaker that week was Jerry L. and—you guessed it—he was a chalk artist. We met in a very small chapel so I got to see this man draw up close twice a day for a whole week. In the middle of that week, something clicked. As I watched him draw, and saw the impact his art and messages were having on the kids, I understood that chalk art could be a very powerful tool for communicating the message of Jesus Christ. That’s when I decided to become a chalk artist. One afternoon that week, I asked Jerry to teach me a little bit about chalk art. Then, after camp, I went home, built a monstrosity of an easel, ordered some chalk, and began to draw. And thirty-three years later, I’m still drawing. Chalk art isn’t just a medium. It’s a medium designed to communicate the greatest message of all— salvation through God’s son, Jesus Christ. If you’re going to be a chalk artist, that’s the first point you have to grasp.
Chalk art isn't just a medium. It's a medium designed to communicate the greatest message of all— salvation through God's son, Jesus Christ.
James H. (Jim) Pence is a man of many talents. He is a former home schooling dad, a published author, an accomplished singer and speaker, a performance chalk artist, and in his spare time he teaches karate, writing, and art to home schooled children. You can learn n more about Jim at his Website: jamespen-ce.com. James also represents and blogss for See the Light (www.seethelightshine.. com). This article is a reprint from that blog, posted September 20,, 2011. *[Editor's note: Despite some controversy surrounding various elements of Mr. Gothard'ss
teaching, his influence on chalk art has been enduringly substantial and is clearly noteworthy.]
Presenting • the • Cover • Artist! Introducing another neighbor from our chalk art community. BBe Ye Thankful (left) is a trad traditional Thanksgiving theme whic which reminds us to be grateful for f not only the material thin things we possess but also for tthe opportunities we have and the freedoms we share in Ame America. Pilgrims, family, a cornucopia, school setting, and corn scen scenic beauty, all focus our attention on this holiday visual atte treat complete with uplifting trea and inspirational music.
f f i l C
n a eam
Perhaps you have noticed the tag line under the Chalk Illustrated logo: “Using Chalk Art for Ministry, Education & Fun!” Cliff Beaman tends to focus on the “Education” part of that slogan with his intricate chalk montages. Get ready to learn a thing or two from this experienced “Professor of Chalkology.”
OR MORE THAN 40 years, Cliff Beaman has ha reached into the minds, hearts and emotions of young people and adults throughout schools, churches and organizations across America. When performing any of his eight energetic patriotic, multicultural, environmental or inspirational programs, Jacksonville, FL based artist/educator Cliff Beaman has been called the David Copperfield of art. His fifty-minute performances challenge and delight school students who watch transfixed as Cliff creates his colorful murals to the beat of accompanying music and special lighting effects. Character education concepts appear throughout his dynamic show which includes a 15-minute pep talk, 4’x7’ art creation and background music with narration. Whether relating to citizenship, drug/tobacco education, multiculturalism, or excellence themes for K-12 young people, Cliff’s desire is to use these art and music performances to reinforce positive messages to every audience. Cliff’s performances provide not only educational enrichment for school systems across America but inspiration and spiritual growth for church families too. Beaman\ next page
"Sharing Brotherh ood" Sharing Brotherhood (right) is a multi-cultural presentation instilling self-respect and encouraging non-violent behavior. Music from around the world and an excerpt from Martin Luther King, Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech remind us that we are to exhibit loving care to all. A great Anti-Bullying message.
that I was enthusiastically engaged doing chalk art presentations and later on gave me his personal 4'x5' easel made of aluminum, wood and galvanized pipe. This was my initial chance to develop my own themes for young people and churches.
The Earth, You & Me (below) reminds us to appreciate our unique planet and encourages all of us to share in the responsibility of preserving it.
CI: Have you ever been to a chalk art conference or classes?
Beaman \ continued
CI: Have you always been interested in art? Art has been an integral part of my life since I was challenged to excel in it by my sixth grade art teacher in Washington State. After my family moved to Idaho, my art experiences were further strengthened throughout my junior high and high school years. After graduating from college, I moved to Jacksonville, Florida, and taught in both public and private schools, elementary through college. In 1976, I graduated from Florida State University with a Master’s Degree in Art Education and Constructive Design.
CI: What was your first exposure to chalk art, and how did you get involved with it? One summer, while in college, I worked as a counselor at Word of Life Ranch in the Adirondack Mountains in upper New York State. Among the many speakers throughout the summer, two of them were also artists—George Sweeting (then at Moody Bible Institute), and Ding Teuling. As I sat there with other middle and jr. high students, the chalk presentations amazed me—to put it mildly. Although artistic myself, I had never seen chalk used in such a vivid manner. The Gospel message, live music and vivid black light effects strengthened the message. I wanted to learn to do that! This is the first time I could imagine the Lord possibly using me to work with young people and illuminating spiritual lessons with art. Little did I know then that God was preparing to have a college professor teach me CHALK ART, a one semester class, not offered in the regular curriculum. I jumped into it with heart and soul.
The Gospel message, live music and vivid black light effects strengthened the message. I wanted to learn to do that!
Although tempted once or twice, I have never been to a chalk conference or classes. Usually the lack of funds at the time was a big deterrent.
CI: How did you transition into a career as a full time chalk artist? While teaching in the public and private school for eleven years, I created several themes to present in churches. One particular July 4th, my pastor encouraged me to come up with a patriotic theme. By this time I decided to take some of the construction ideas of the 4’x5’ easel I used and redesign the structure into a sturdier 4’x7’ easel, so I could share with larger audiences. I practiced drawing a scene of the Statue of Liberty standing proudly in the New York harbor. Brilliant red and magenta clouds with striations of white and soft blues became a sunset and hinted of our United States flag. A friend of mine worked at a Christian radio station in Jacksonville, Florida and I used her 20-minute compilation of music as my background sound track while I created the artwork with lecturer’s chalk. It was probably the next
CI: It sounds like you had a special chalk art mentor. Yes, Darrell Koons, a professor of art during my under-graduate studies, and an award winning Southeastern United States artist, is whom I consider to be my first mentor. Mr. Koons saw
"Earth, You & Me”
Fourth of July that I put a different patriotic scene together with a collage of patriotic symbols of our American heritage and a totally different music sound track. I called this presentation “God & Country.” Along with teaching, I also started a commercial art business which provided local businesses with graphics, brochures, logos and cartoons. I even used my cartooning ability to present cartoon programs for businesses and professional/ civic groups. Early in my career, I also put together an art assembly program called “The History of Art” which I’ve performed in schools all over the southeastern United States. Using original cartoon characters, animation, slides of famous works of art, and a live demonstration of art, I presented my programs to elementary and secondary students, inspiring them to become aware of the many kinds of art around us. Of course, there were also chalk art presentations for churches, and it was during one of these that I met a teacher whom I had known at a private Christian school; she invited me to her public school to perform two assembly programs. The enthusiasm of the K-5th graders, teachers and administration convinced me that as a Christian I might be able to present valueoriented art programs to inspire young people, not only at her school but at others as well. This became the first stepping stone that encouraged me to be a full time chalk artist. For several de-
God & Country (left) is a stirring patriotic program, drawn with some of the most important symbols of our American heritage. This program has been performed more than one thousand times throughout our great country.
ry" "God & Count
This became the first stepping stone that encouraged me to be a full time chalk artist.
Exploring America Thru Art & Music (below) is a program which cleverly intertwines music with scenes across our beautiful American landscape. Classical along with American composers’ music moves the th audience through this exciting thirty-five minute exc performance.
cades, my art ministry/graphic arts business has been my livelihood.
CI: What do your programs look like today? The reader may want to refer to my YouTube video to get an idea of how I present a program. Search: “Cliff Beaman.” Or, check my website for several videos: www.AmericanArtAssemblies. com. After a one-hour set up of art and sound equipment at a school or church setting, I am introduced to the audience-generally broken up into two groups; i.e., grades K-2 & 3-5—I speak from 5-15 minutes on one of eight different themes available that the school has chosen. After that the house lights are dimmed, and I start the sound track of music/ideas (sometimes including narration), I begin “painting” the artwork on the 4’x7’ gray bogus paper (specifically cut and spliced to fit my easel size). This takes about 35 minutes. Toward the last one or two minutes during the musical climax I turn on a color wheel to change the color spectrum of the finished artwork. While these color changes do their work, I flip on the black lights, turn down the main photo floods and colored lights. And voila! I prefer not to prepare invisible fluorescent chalks in areas ahead of time. I just let the black light maximize the fluorescent colors that I’ve worked in with the regular lecturer’s chalk.
CI: Are all of your programs/drawings secular/ educational in nature today, or are some gospel in nature? "Exploring America Thru Art & Music"
I offer several Christian based themes (Calvary, Easter, Christmas, The Second Coming, etc.) I have developed. However, within some of the educational/values themes, Christian values are Beaman \ next page
ago. For lighting, I use two 500 watt (5,200 degrees Kelvin) photo bulbs under photo flood hoods. In a draped box in front of the easel, I use a color wheel plus a fluorescent black light fixture for special lighting.
Calvary—God’s Love (right) is one of the drawings I present during Holy week, and occasionally throughout the year. He is Risen (below) is the main drawing I have developed and use around Easter ster time.
CI: Where and how do you rehearse? “Calvary—God’s Lo ve” Beaman \ continued
often integrated into a program via the music or the visuals.
CI: Do you ever teach chalk to others? I have held a few Chalk Art teaching seminars in the past, but prefer to invest my time creating new themes and shows. During April 2011 my wife and I ministered in Ukraine. After presenting shows in several public schools and churches in various cities, I donated my portable easel to a seminary in Kiev, Ukraine, anticipating that God will use this art ministry to reach others with the Gospel.
CI: How many different drawings are in your “tool box” and what is your favorite?
Most of my prep begins in a restaurant with a cup of coffee or in my art and music studio in our home.
Over the years I have created over 12 different themes/presentations, each with accompanying sound tracks. “God & Country” is one of my favorites because it not only inspires love for our country but also encourages young citizens to take responsibility for their actions—it’s also a favorite of the audiences. Of the 4,700 shows to date, I have presented more than 1,000 of the “God & Country” programs. It is peppy because of the patriotic music and during part of the presentation, while I am “He Is Risen” dashing on the brilliant colors, I am marching back and forth to the strains of “The Stars and Stripes Forever.”
After getting an idea for a new theme, it has usually taken me three to four years (while performing other shows) to develop the music accompaniment and visuals. When the line artwork is finished, I will then do several small scale color sketches. After choosing the colors, I draw a detailed line drawing and water color rendition. Using this 11”x14” artwork, I spend time scaling up that drawing onto the 4’x7’ gray bogus paper. Most of my prep begins in a restaurant with a cup of coffee or in my art and music studio in our home. Because my garage is more spacious, I set up my easel, lights, and sound equipment there. This brings me one step closer to an actual performance. With my completed chalk mural displaying near my blank easel, I then start my accompanying sound track of music and/or narration and create the artwork portions in sync with the music. Often when a song ends, I will have completed one portion of the mural. Several of my themes are a collage of several ideas. The first several “trial performances” are often far from the ideal of what I intend the finished mural to look like, due to the self imposed time limit on each portion of the music. Most of the themes I create are completed in a 35-minute
CI: Do you do other art besides chalk? I love painting water colors, drawing people and sculpture, along with illustrating children’s books. I have written and illustrated The Boy Who Grew Too Small (an anti-smoking book) and illustrated books by three other authors.
CI: What is under your hood (type of easel and lighting)? I designed a 4’x7’ easel many years
time frame, with the exception of two more complex themes.
an "Excellence" has eme. th Olympic Games
Excellence (left & below) is one of 8 different themes in Cliff’s repertoire. Excellence can be more than winning an important sports event or emulating the top entertainers of today. Artwork, with historical and contemporary examples, narration and exciting music are closely integrated to encourage young people and adults to do their best, whether in sports, academics or personal lives. This program will make you want to run out and carry the “torch of excellence” wherever you go.
CI: Can you share something amazing that has happened at one of your programs? Recently I was presenting programs at a school in Jacksonville that has invited me back at least twelve different times. One of the PTA ladies that helped that day remarked, “How long have you been doing this? I saw your program at this school when I was a student, and it was amazing.” Subsequently, someone took a picture of my helper with her third grader and me in front of the mural. This has happened on several occasions with the current generation of viewers. It is very humbling that God can use visuals to help share good values with young people. And, I have had several van breakdowns and experienced God’s provision via pickup trucks, SUVs, trailers—willing helpers—so as not to ever miss a show.
CI: How about your most embarrassing experience on stage? On more than one occasion I found out that having an unzipped fly does not encourage my credibility as a speaker, no matter how earnest my message is! And, once during one of my performances, when I was drawing a large caricature of the principal in front of the audience, she slowly leaned over, like the leaning Tower of Pisa, and crashed to the floor taking some of my art equipment with her.
CI: Could you share some of the special media attention you have received?
several of my presentations and has aired them periodically. WBRC, Inverness, AL aired a segment featuring my God & Country presentation, and KFOL/KJUN HTV 10, Houma, LA has broadcast my Sharing Brotherhood presentation. Several newspapers have also run stories including, Times, the official publication of American Associations of Respiratory Care, July 2009, page 184, Anti-Smoking Message. The Times Daily, Sheffield, AL Nov. 26, 2008, The Mandarin Sun, Jacksonville, FL Feb. 6, 2008, and the Florida Times Union, Jacksonville, FL Lifestyle cameo, February 7, 2007.
“ ”
...4,700 shows and counting.
I’ve been blessed to be featured on WJXT-TV with a segment on my (then) new anti-drug, alcohol and tobacco program called Choices. I’ve also been on WJEB-TV’s Focus on Florida. WJEB-TV, a Christian station in Jacksonville, taped
CI: Finally, why chalk art? What is it about chalk that continues to compel and motivate you?
The lively thirty-minute creative experience of a presentation completely captures the attention of all audiences, youth to adult. Many of my scenes are constantly changing as I refine the images with shape and color, so the audience is often trying to guess what I am drawing. The visual black light effect at the end of the show usually produces a WOW effect. Elementary students are given a line drawing which looks like the presentation they just saw. They color this in their classroom, and their teacher can reinforce the message of the show with their students. Later, the murals are often framed and hung up in the hallway of a school. Yes, it is hard work and wears down my finger tips because of the intense physical blending of the colors on the gray bogus paper. However, it is extremely rewarding to think that, in some way, I have encouraged, brought hope, planted a seed of the Gospel, or visually illuminated values that our youth desperately need today. Clearly, the quickness of the medium, if done properly, can make a lasting visual impression in the minds of youth and adults.
“Excellence” (close up)
Contact Information: Cliff Beaman (904) 608-5098 www.AmericanArtAssemblies.com YouTube (search Cliff Beaman)
1 Secrets of Animation Background Art
William Bradford:
the First Thanksgiving by b Kerry K Kistler Ki tl
NCE AGAIN, Nest Entertainment provides us with background inspiration from a 1992 film in their series of Animated Hero Classics titled William Bradford: The First Thanksgiving. I was glad to find the complete Crew Credits at IMDB.com and discovered the background artist who created these gems was Jim Coleman. Not familiar with the story? In 1620, John Carver, William Bradford, Captain Standish and 99 pilgrims set sail on the Mayflower toward America in search of religious freedom, but in the new world they also discovered that the price for religious freedom was hunger, sickness and death. As a peacemaker, Bradford befriended Native Americans Samoset, Squanto and Chief Massasoit who taught the struggling Pilgrims how to survive. By the end of the first year, William Bradford became governor of the new land, and after their first critical harvest, he set aside time for the Pilgrims and their new Native American friends to feast together and express their thanks to God. The film presents this speech by Bradford: “Let every fall, at the close of harvest, we set aside a day of feasting-not a a feast feas of gluttons or fools, but a feast fea of Thanksgiving to honor God Go for surely without Him we would not be.” w Thus, William Bradford became the Father of Thanksc giving Day. To study even g more backgrounds from this film, I encourage you to purchase the DVD from NestEntertainment.com.
Observations & Ideas
Some of these background ideas would clearly work with a Thanksgiving chalk theme, but some of them were chosen because of their strong layout design and vibrant color usage. Here are a few thoughts that should open your mind to the possibilities.
If you would like to try a “Mayflower” drawing, this is as simple as it gets. The ship is distant enough to make precise detail unnecessary. The stormy sky could easily be changed out for a hidden drawing such as a pilgrim. See Taming Hidden Pictures (pg. 31) for ideas, or Nub Tub (back cover) for a Mayflower chalk picture idea by Vester Arnold.
Perhaps you want to show more of the Mayflower. Here is a strong composition you might try. The large tree in the foreground adds depth and frames the ship nicely.
This is the exact same composition as #2 but illustrates the fact that the Pilgrims were hit with winter almost right away. This background is included to show a winter color palette as well as how flying snow might be rendered.
This background is included to show atmospheric perspective. Notice how each tree line grows darker as the hills come nearer the viewer? Again, the colors used are not from the regular “green tree” palette. This could also be adjusted to reflect a strong fall mood by adding fall colors in the foliage. There is also plenty of room for a fall/harvest hidden drawing in the sky.
Notice how well the large tree trunk in the foreground works without showing any foliage at all? And much of the forest uses colors you might not usually associate with trees—blues, purples and cool greys.
This background is actually a continuation of the previous background which was shown in a slow pan. You would not need to show William Bradford and Squanto unless you are good at drawing figures quickly. Try some fall colors and a flock of flying geese or a hidden picture of a cornucopia in the sky.
What a pretty little woodland scene. The original background was used to show a turkey walking behind the bush—followed by a gunshot and flying feathers! I include it here to show the strong composition and a creative approach to rendering trees in the background—again, not your standard “green tree” solution.
This uphill perspective shot shows the Plymouth meeting hall, but why not try a similar composition with a country church instead? Be sure to see Oddio Recordings (pg. 16) for a free Thanksgiving story sound track that may suit your needs.
Chalk Be Nimble
CCreative tti Ch Chalking h lk ki CConcepts t ffor Child Children h ld off All A Ages.
Why Be Thankful?
By Cathy Patnovic
in the desert did all that complaining and how He punished them to death HY AREN’T WE more thankful? This chalk by the poisonous snakes. He said: “As Moses lifted up the serpent in the drawing for kids originated wilderness, so alsoo must tthe Son of Man be lifted up, that from God convicting g me HE WAGES of death. The sin is whoever w hoever believes in Him should not perabout complaining. I couldn’tt help idea is fro cartoon ish but have eternal life” (v. but think how often, in the course rse of m a child ren’s Bible publi shed by 14-15). The book of Romans the day, we (I) complain. ComplainplainZondervan . I love th tells us that “All (you & I) have ing is sin and we should look ok att o se cartoons a nd often u se them. I’ve sinned and come short of the scripture to see how God dealt with wit ith noticed Ro d Snow also glory of God”. There you have His people when they complained. ned. uses them . it: death—eternal separation When presenting this chalk drawawfrom God—because of our sins. ing, I tell, from Scripture, how the But Jesus took our sins upon Israelites complained and commH Himself on the cross so that plained and complained. They ey w we may be set free if we accept complained about the food, d, Hi His offer of mercy and grace. Not having no water etc. etc. Theyy on only did He die for us, but He rose wanted to get a Big Mac att aga again the third day that whosoMcDonalds, but they got Manever believes—trusts in Him na instead and didn’t like it a for salvation—will be saved bit. Finally, after they complained, ain ned, forever. and complained, and complained, ained, God said: “I’ve had it with you guys! Cathy Patnovic Enough is enough!”, and He sent was born in the poisonous snakes that killed a lot Netherlands and d came to the US of people. You see, complaining is at age 20 wheree SIN! God does not take SIN lightly. she pursued a Sad to say, we do. We complain, and nursing career. Her life’s story complain, and complain—about the (marked by adfood, about the weather, about our diction and deliverance) has been teacher etc. Complaining is SIN! dramatized on the “Unshackled” radio program. She now draws S.I.N. That is what nailed Jesus to people to Christ through her chalk the cross to redeem us from everart ministry based in Delaware. o shall the Son of man be lifted up that whosoever believes in Him should lasting punishment. In John 3, JeVisit Cathy’s site at not perish, but have eternal life. —John 3:14,15 www.CathyPatnovic.com. sus reminds us of how Gods’ people
Patnovic’s Pointers
Y INVISIBLE PICTURE is partially inspired from this Ding Teuling picture If I Be Lifted Up [teaching DVD available from ChalkMart.com], although Mr. Teuling does not draw the empty grave in it, as I do. I think it’s VERY important to always stress the resurrection as much as the cross since there would be no salvation for us apart from the resurrection. [See Oddio Recordings, pg. 16, for three dramatized productions of the Brass Serpent story.]
Hanging Your Fears Out to Dry with Large Format Chalking.
I Hidden Pictures on Sheets? By SuZie Zoerman
Is it possible to draw a hidden picture on a sheet and actually camouflage it so it will not be seen ahead of time?
F YOU CAN’T imagine mixing hidden drawings with sheets, that’s simply a failure of imagination! SuZie explains why.
Yes, the good news is invisible pictures can look as nice on sheets as they do on paper, but it is necessary to be more creative with your white "camo" spot. A big white cloud in the middle of a black sheet is not the only way to do it. I try to think of my whole program or the message of my picture to find the right shape. A plain white circle is immediately seen as the moon and works well. Be sure to keep it slightly off center. Other shapes I’ve used are a heart, an open Bible, a large star, a cartoon bubble, a Christmas ornament, a square window, an oval mirror, a simple splash or the look of fireworks. Using the side of your chalk, color your chosen shape solid white. Then, under black light, draw your invisible picture. Remember, the white now becomes your black and you need to think in terms of a “negative.” Leave space between colors to define your forms. Defined lines and solid color rather than a sketchy look will play better at a distance. For the most part, try to keep your invisible simple and d, don’t use visible fluorescents too close to it since they might fight with your invisible picture and, therefore, take away from its impact. s, It is best to decide whether you are drawing two separate pictures, showing two different thoughts, h or one picture that flows to another and completes the whole idea. I more often do the later, though there is a place for both, and at times it’s just a matter of style.
I have an invisible picture placed in the cloud on the bedsheet, but I am going to havee to transport it to the rescue mission for a chalk talk. Can hair spray be used on thee bedsheet like it can on bogus paper? Thanks, —Jay Johnson
In the Summer issue of CI I mentioned “stacking” sheets on my easel when I need to do moree than one drawing in a program. In those cases, I will sometimes use an inexpensive aerosol hair spray to help protect the black light picture from those sheets stacked on top of it—if I have time to let it dry. However, for the most part, I think hidden pictures are best done on location at your program. Therefore, you need to make sure you are able to have a darkened room to prepare the picture prior to the program. This is why most of the pictures I design will work with or without an invisible effect in case I find the lighting is not what was expected. If you absolutely must do the hidden drawing at home and transport it, remember to spray the hidden drawing with a couple of LIGHT coats. This will only “set” the colors and make them a bit less fragile, but too much spray will melt the chalk away and darken the hidden drawing, just like a regular drawing. SuZie & Bob Zoerman, have a thriving ministry using both chalk art and illusion. They live in Grand Rapids, MI and can be found online at MagicBob.org.
Above is a completed sheet drawing by Jay Johnson called The Brazen Serpent, based on the Ding Teuling concept. Jay needed to complete the hidden picture (below) at home and transport it to the program location. To preserve maximum brilliancy, Jay avoided using any spray fix to "set" the chalk. Instead, he laid the prepared sheet flat in the back of his van for transport—with good results— three men were saved! For more ideas on The Brazen Serpent theme, see pages 14 and 17.
Hidden drawing on sheet by J. Johnson
Oddio Recordings
Stories St i & SSongs ffrom Vi Vintage t RRecords d a and d Old Old-Time Ti RRadio. di
Free DownLoads
Chalk Art Audio:
Bible Stories of Shipwreck & Serpent (and more!)
by Kerry Kistler
Hall of Presidents from Disney World
1972, Disneyland Records, With an ensemble cast astt
ISTEN TO THIS inspiring album and energize your right to vote this hi NNovemovem mber! This was the original sound track to The Hall of Presidents attraction, located in Liberty Square at Disney World. Opened in 1971, this multi-media presentation/stage show features audio-animatronic figures of U.S. Presidents. Great material for Veteran's Day, President's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, etc. From MountainEarsOrg.ipage.com Run time: 22:33
Story of Thanksgiving from Golden Age of Radio
1954, Anthology (of poetry), Read by Agnes Moorehead
HIS IS A "collection of readings from poets, past and present, and the music to accompany them." This Thanksgiving edition of the radio program Anthology is packed with classic material such as Thanksgiving Day and The LLanding of the Pilgrims. Extract your favorite segments, and combine them wwith selected Thanksgiving music to produce a dazzling seasonal chalk art track. From DigitalDeliFTP.com (Golden Age Radio Anthology) Run time: 28:22
by Pat Holt
2012, See The Light, Audio story from the DVDD
ish engl sh ni a p s & ions s ver
ACCOMPANIES HIS father on an unforgettable journey urneyy Gapart.IOVANNI of fear and hope. The storm at sea is unrelenting. The ship is being torn All seems lost, and yet. . .one prisoner, a courageous hero, knows God. As
cchildren experience this dramatic story of the Apostle Paul through the eyes of GGiovanni, their faith in the power and mercy of God will be strengthened. From SeeTheLightShine.com Run time: 15:05 (English & Spanish available)
OST CHALK ALK ARTISTS ARTIST are pretty fussy about what goes into their sound tracks. Trying to find the perfect audio material (whether music, narration, story, etc.) can be a fun but daunting challenge. This task was once even harder, but the Internet is awash with audio material making the job much easier for today's chalk artists. This column regularly features the best seasonal and thematic audio tracks we can find—most of them FREE and in the public domain. When the material isn't public domain, we sometimes negotiate exclusive agreements with current copyright holders which allows CI subscribers to download audio tracks for chalk art work. This is why the mp3 links are protected on the Secret Download Page at ChalkIllustrated.com. Of special note this time, Pat Holt of See The Light and Dean Sanders of The Bible in Living Sound are permitting CI subscribers FREE access to some of their audio Bible story material. If you use it, please take a moment to send them a note of thanks.
4 T
1990-97, Faith Comes By Hearing, Dramatized Audio Bibles
HIS STORY OF Paul's shipwreck on the isle of Malta is a verse-by-verse dramatization, complete with voices, music and sound effects. Here are the four different versions/translations offered and their run times: New International Version (10:53), King James Version (10:53), New Revised Standard Version (10:27) and the Contemporary English Version (9:00). From www.FaithComesByHearing.com All four versions in one zip file.
Even More Joseph 1
The Ship Wreck
Acts 27 2007-10, Bible Stories My Kids Love, Told by E.K. Linder
YOU EVER faced a storm that seem impossible to exit? In this Bible Hof life.AVE story, learn how God is faithful and how He can help you through the storms This story is told by Pastor K, a children’s minister with a calling to help kids. She relates dozens of familiar Bible stories while pointing out the lessons they can teach us. Note: Ads have NOT been edited out. From www.BibleStoriesMyKidsLove.net Run time: 15:50
BONUS: Newly Discovered Audio
Paul Shipwrecked & Malta Acts 27 & 28
Storm at Sea & Shipwreck
Acts 27 & 28
FTER THE PUBLICATION N off the last issue, I discovered even MORE audio Bible stories of Joseph & his brothers! If you didn't find anything you liked last time, one of these SIX tracks should fix o zip file. that. All tracks are inn one
1968-1972, The Bible in Living Sound, Volume 8 & 2
FROM Vol. 8, The Life & Times of Paul: Victorious! Fully dramaTAKEN tized. Three tracks in one zip file. Combined run time: 20:15
Plus Israel Plagued by Serpents
Numbers 21
AKEN FROM Vol. 2, The Old Testament: Challenged! Fully dramatized. Run time: 5:58. From www.BibleInLivingSound.org
7 S
The Serpent of Brass Numbers 21
1958, Moody Institute of Science, Filmstrip Series
OME OF YOU will remember the days of filmstrips. For those who don't, stories were produced on a 35mm film reel and advanced one frame at a time while a sound track played from a record or cassette tape! Moody produced over 20 Bible stories around 55 years ago, and a preservationist has digitally re mastered them for viewing on YouTube. The "advance beeps" are edited out. From www.YouTube.com (search Moody Filmstrips or HytchJR) Total run time: 7:36
8The Brazen Serpent T
Numbers 21 1990-97, Faith Comes By Hearing, Dramatized Audio Bibles
HIS STORY OF Moses lifting up the bronze serpent in the wilderness is a verse-by-verse dramatization, complete with voices, music and sound effects. Here are the three different versions/translations offered and their run times: King James Version (5:28), New Revised Standard Version (5:07) and the Contemporary English Version (5:21). From www.FaithComesByHearing.com All three versions in one zip file.
in Egypt (1958), Moody 1Joseph filmstrip, run time: 9:08. Joseph (1990—1997), Faith 2-4 Comes by Hearing, run times (3 versions, 8 segments each): 43:10 (KJV), 36:00 (CEV), 40:00 (NRS).
of Joseph (1968—2007), 5timeStory Bible in Living Sound: Vol. 1, run (9 segments): 49:00.
[All BLS on this page ©® 2012 Sentinel Recordings, PO Box 234, Nordland, WA 983580234. Leal V. Grunke, Producer.]
Joseph the Dreamer (1999), 6segments): Word & Song Bible, run time (3 ts): 20:00.
Step-by-Step Studios Exploring the Creative Chalk Art Process via Storyboards.
O BENEFIT CHALK ARTISTS everywhere, our friends at See The Light (featured in past issues) have agreed to an idea we suggested. Gloria Kohlmann created six original chalk drawings which are featured on See The Light’s professionally produced art training DVDs. Each of these have bonus features—including segments of Gloria drawing along with her step-by-step commentary. Our suggestion was to combine all six of Glori’s bonus segments onto ONE DVD and make them available exclusively to Gospel chalk artists. Pat Holt approved the project and The Art of Chalk with Gloria Kohlmann is now available (more details at the end of this article). These frame captures are taken from Shipwrecked, the story of Paul being castaway on the island of Malta. Bonus: See The Light has also agreed to make the 15 minute Shipwrecked audio drama available in both English AND Spanish—courtesy of Pat Holt. Simply visit CI’s Secret Download Page to get your FREE mp3 copy. See Oddio Recordings (pg. 16) for more details on this audio drama dram (plus five other FREE audio versions of Paul’s shipwreck sh story).
Before your presentation, create this undertone drawing with Blue, Turquoise and Purple. The hidden drawing is also pre drawn in the sky. [Note: This new DVD compilation does not describe how to do any of the hidden pictures, however Gloria has prepared instructions on how to create the “Shipwreck Angel”—see Taming Hidden Pictures, pg. 21.]
Use Blue & Lt. Blue to squiggle in a suggestion of water. Toss in a few random wood planks with Brown. Add texture with Lt. Brown highlights, Black shadows & a touch of White to show a waterline. Add Lt. Brown to form a rocky texture on the hills.
Punch up some of the deeper rock shadows with Black, and use some White again to form a waterline. Draw the bow of the ship with Brown & accent it with Peach highlights. Add masts & tattered sails, outlining them to provide some contrast against the sky.
Create simple silhouettes of people using Black circles for heads, and fill in a general, solid form. Draw as many as you want but use variety—some with arms up and others down, etc. Keep in mind their scale next to the boat—not too large or small. Observe rules of perspective—more distant should be smaller; closer should be a bit larger. In the center foreground, add close-up faces of Paul, Giovanni (a character in the audio story) and Giovanni's father. Use a china marker to draw the basic outline & details, following very faint guidelines to help with proportions & speed. Use Peach for a base color with a touch of Red. Leave some Blue undertone for the shadow areas. Use your fingers to quickly blend the Peach and Red and repeat on all of the faces. Use Lt. Brown for the hair on Giovanni and Black on his father's hair/beard.
Shipwrecked \ next page
Shipwrecked \ continued
Choose the colors you like for clothing, but be sure they contrast with the tonal value of the water— either lighter or darker. Add a wooden beam for the three characters to hold on to—use Brown, Lt. Brown, and outline with Black as shown. Dash in a few waves using Dk. Blue to provide some depth. Paul was an older man at this time so give his hair a greyish look using White and some strands of Black. Add some highlights with Fluoro Yellow so the general shapes of the characters may still be located under the black light. Here is the final black light reveal of the angel which protected Paul and the other passengers. Drawing time in performance: 20 minutes. Remember that this art is meant to be seen from a distance, so the more contrast you have with lights and darks, the better the viewers can see it. Here is a variation of the basic composition, simplified, without the figures in the water. Again, see Taming Hidden Pictures (pg. 21) for complete instructions on drawing the hidden angel. [Note: The DVD compilation The Art of Chalk with Gloria Kohlmann has nearly two hours of chalk training material. Drawings include: Cross Hill, Jesus Loves the Children, God’s Runaway (Jonah), The Gift of Love (Christmas), God’s Special Surprise (Moses) and Shipwrecked. Order for $9.99 + shipping by e-mailing info@ seethelightshine.com.]
Taming Hidden Pictures • O N
Mastering Those Invisible Pictures Without a Whip & Chair.
T A R G E T •
By Matt Bowman
Free DownS Load
What causes the hard/slick shell I someQ: times find on lecturer's chalk, and what can I do about it? A:
The condition you are seeing—the shine or glare which refuses to go on the paper—is called glazing. We find this problem is limited to dark colors like dark green, green, and dark blue. Older chalk artists will remember that, over the years, Dixon-Prang always had this trouble with their green and dark green chalk. Eternity Arts has the problem mostly solved, but we still have some old inventory too. The problem arises when a lot of pigment is required. Lecturer’s chalk has much more pigment than other types of pastels (although some colors of chalk like white or light blue use very little pigment). Getting every color to draw with equal consistency is the biggest challenge we face as a company. The issue essentially comes down to chemistry. Some of our chalks have 16 ingredients while others have 6 or 8. The increased level of pigment means trouble with the rest of the ingredients. Special chemicals are used to spread out the pigments to their fullest extent giving the chalk a nice visual color to the stick—as well as brilliance on the paper. The problem is that the chemicals used to spread the color evenly are often left behind in the form of an oily glue in the chalk. This glazing is not even noticed by street painters since they draw on such a rough surface. However, paper artists sometimes notice that the chalk doesn’t like to come off on chalk paper (bogus), which is another challenge we face—chalk paper is smoother than it used to be—this only adds to the problem of glazing and not going on the paper smoothly. Sometimes, when people call in and tell us their chalk won't draw, it's not the chalk’s fault at all. In some cases, it is because they have sprayed their chalk drawing with hair spray while it was still on the easel, and the spray misted down onto the chalk in their tray. This can make the chalk unusable on one side, so always spray your drawing OFF the easel or pack your chalk away first. What is the solution to the glazing problem? There isn't a good one. Sometimes scraping the film away will allow you to draw for awhile before it glazes over again. But if you purchased some chalk from us that is giving you fits, please let us know, and we will replace it. Matt Bowman operates EternityArts. com, a ministry that conducts chalk classes and manufactures materials for Gospel chalk artists around the world. Send your questions for Matt c/oo chalkillustrated@gmail.com
1 reader's choice reader' choice:
Freehand or Stencil F YOU LIKED the Step-by-Step picture Shipwrecked (pp. 18-20) and would like to Iherknow how to freehand the hidden drawing of the angel, Gloria Kohlmann has shared detailed method in this FREE 15 page booklet, 1 (the front cover and last page are
shown). The guide was written as a free download for the See The Light web site. It instructs children to use fluorescent pastels on dark blue construction paper, but it would be easy enough to translate the instructions and substitute invisible chalks. Our thanks to Pat Holt of SeeTheLightShine.com for allowing us to sh share har a e tthe booklet with CI subscribers. If you prefer to stick with the aid of stencils tto create your hidden pictures, design 2 is available for a President's theme and 3 for Thanksgiving. Both stencils were designed by Jay Ball and are free from PumpkinGlow.com. The pilgrim stencil, design 4, is not free but may be purchased as part of the 2004 Fall-Thanksgiving Pattern Set (10 designs for $9.95) from MasterpiecePumpkins.com. Designs 1-3 are also available as FREE dow do downloads w from the Secret Download page at Chal Ch ChalkIllustrated.com. alkI al kIllllll kI
in the Project Ideas Especially for the Do-It-Your-Selfer.
New Zeasel bscriber u s Y L N UR O ealand, tos Z w e N in ares pho h s , g n o Paul L ilt chalk u b y l w e of his n . art easel
OON AFTER RETURNING to New Zealand from taking private chalk lessons with Eris Gillis in Australia, Paul Long began designing and building a custom chalk art sheet easel. in TThere is no light hood yet, though that may be added later. It just goes to show—you don't need a a fully outfitted rig to get started as a chalk artist. It all starts with vision and a little determination. Congratulations, Paul!
1. Showing how the picture frame fits onto the
easel frame. I have velcro fasteners on the back as well so I can stick on a second black cloth to prevent light bleed-through. 2. View from the side (the picture frame sits snugly onto the easel frame). 3. I am holding the picture frame with one hand to show the top horizontal easel frame on which the picture frame sits. 4. This shows the adjustable legs of the frame. Helps shorten the height so I can pack it in my "people mover" and lengthen to adjust to my height or my wife's. 5. This is a removable "tray" that is for a bit of chalk (though rather small). It also helps to make the picture frame extra secure.
Spinning Easel Follow-up:
I appreciate your magazine. I always find the content to be of exceptional quality. I have been involved in chalk ministry for a number of years and I am booked to speak/chalk at numerous camps this summer. I would like to use a large spinning easel for some of my presentations. However, the ones I have (or have used) are not really impressing me. Do you or any of your readers know of a good one that travels well? Richard Hight, Visual Mpact
Richard, I'm glad we had the chance to connect earlier this summer. As you know, this Workshop column from last issue featured Matt Bowman's sheet easel design. Clearly, when spinning a frame that size, it is tough to eliminate all of the wobble. After chatting with David LeGrand A: spinning on this subject, he believes the most practical solution is to increase the size of the Lazy Susan bearing hardware which
would spread out the center rotational pivot point, providing increased stability to the spin. After a quick internet search, I discovered many options, some as large as 30"! I also discovered a nifty 12" swivel bearing with a built in, spring-loaded cam stop—which would be perfect to lock the sheet in the primary drawing position without the use of a clamp (photo, left from KitchenSource.com). As far as an overall design that is portable and travels well? That would partially depend on whether you want to leave the drawing behind on a stretched, wooden frame (as Matt Bowman does), or reuse your sheets by securing them in place on a DaLite frame with removable snaps (ala SuZie Zoerman). Each approach would require a different "spinning sheet" solution, and designing those solutions would require a better engineer than me. Any readers out there have ideas?
L i ghtn i ng Cartoons ! Adding Laughter to Your Program With TricKartoons.
Arty A rty & Nub N ub
Hi Gang! Arty and Nub here! Q: Why did they ask the turkey to join the band? A: Because he had the only drumsticks (rim shot). This Autumn, try using these humorous trick cartoons by Ed Harris as a lead-in to your full length chalk drawing!
1 Angel Contreras
Caan You u Nam me thee Tw wo Biggeest Paarty An nimalls?? ITH THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION coming up, this idea might find a place in one of your W programs. Here's the original joke that Ed Harris told with this trickartoon: "There's many a politician that would like to turn a Democrat...into a Republican." Here's a fuller script idea I put together
which also reminds audiences that chalk talkers have been around for a long time: "In 1828, when Democrat Andrew Jackson was campaigning for president, his opponents called him a jackass—for you kids, that was an old-school term for a donkey (1). But Jackson decided he liked the image of a strong-willed animal and used it on his campaign posters. Then along came a chalk talk cartoonist named Thomas Nast. In 1870 he made the donkey symbol famous in a political cartoon, and it soon became the unofficial symbol of the Democratic party. Four years later, Nast drew another political cartoon (2) showing the already famous donkey, clothed in a lion's skin, scaring away all the animals at the zoo—including the elephant—which was labeled "The Republican Vote." That was all it took for the elephant (3) to become the symbol of the Republican party. Thanks to a chalk talker!
From Ed Harris' Chalk-Talker's Comic Trickartoons (Self published, 1977). Script idea from FactMonster.com.
This trick cartoon by Ed Harris appeared in Chalk Talk Stunts for the Clown—a collection of chalk talk stunts from Laugh Makers magazine and The New Tops magic magazine. Published in 1989 by Maher Studios, but currently out of print.
Farm Fresh Chalk Ideas from Elva’s Barnyard Art Studio & Gallery · ElvasChalkArt.com
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ies r o m e M of The st e t a e r G n o i t a r Gene
Elva Hurst comes from the heart of Amish country— Lancaster county, PA. Chalk art has opened some surprising doors for Elva including military organizations and bases where she has presented this tribute, over 100 times, to many WW2 veterans.
By Elva H
I didn’t win the medal; I just accepted it for all who deserved it.
UST WHEN THERE was a glimpse of economic recovery, war exploded across Europe and Asia. Adolf Hitler turned on the Jews in an act of hatred so intense and so immoral it will mark the twentieth century forever. Then on a Sunday afternoon, December 7, Americ cans everywhere heard the news of Pearl Harbor. Th United States government turned to ordinary The pe people and asked of them extraordinary service an sacrifice. You answered the call to help save and th world from the two most powerful military mathe chines ever assembled. By 1944, 12 million Americans were in uniform. War production represented 44% of the gross national product. Men and women who stayed behind were fully immersed in the war effort—they worked long shifts, rationed gas, ate less meat, rolled surgical dressing for the American Red Cross and waited for the mail and dreaded the unexpected telegram or that visit from the local pastor. Rev. Harry Hammond served as 1st Lieutenant during the war. He was awarded five battle stars and a bronze star for meritorious service. He said: “I saw more bodies in a short time than most undertakers will see in a lifetime.” He concludes that “God does not bring war upon us, we bring it upon ourselves—man’s inhumanity to man is not God-driven. I think we were on God’s side; the U.S. has done ssome foolish things but in that war I knew God was with us.” Another veteran said, “He doesn’t talk much about the war but spends most of his time trying to forget it.” This brief extract is part of a five page script which Elva uses with this drawing. She is generously sharing the entire script with subscribers of Chalk Illustrated. It may be freely downloaded from the Secret Links Page on the CI web site.
Scenic Stops Found on the Information Superhighway.
God’s Thanksgiving Feast By DDwight wight Haynes Haayness Dwight Haynes has written and released two collections of Good News Chalk Talks. The Thanksgiving drawing (right) is from the collection called "Portraits with Purpose" published in 1999.
A Time to o Count Your Blessings
(Exodus 23:14-16) 3:14-16) There were three feasts commanded of God in the Old Testament. The first was the Passover to celebrate freedom. The second was the feast of firstfruits to acknowledge God’s continual provision and care. The third feast was that of ingathering. This last feast, held after the whole year’s harvest was gathered, praised God for His sustaining care and provision through the year.
A Time to Consider Your Tithes
Exodus 23:14-16, 19a; Leviticus 23:22
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
Where did our forefathers get the idea for a feast of thanksgiving? Our American Thanksgiving Day feast comes from the Old Testament Jewish celebration known as the “feast of ingathering” recorded by Moses in Exodus 23:14-16. What is Thanksgiving?
(Exodus 23:19a) Exodus 23:19a reminds us that our tithe to the Lord should be the first portion of our blessings. Honor the Lord in giving back a portion of that which he has provided. This is not a yearly proposition, but a continual principle found throughout the Word of God. Part of gratitude is a gracious attitude in giving.
A Time to Share with Others
(Leviticus 23:22) The Lord has always provided for the poor and needy to receive gleanings from those who have fared well. Thus, we find that this feast of ingathering included the command to share material blessings with others in need. The world looks upon me as I struggle along, And they say I have nothing, but they are so wrong; In my heart I’m rejoicing, how I wish they could see, Thank you, Lord, for your blessings on me.
Each of Dwight's chalk talk collections are 50 page paperback books featuring 25 color illustrations of chalk drawings and accompanying messages. The current price for each collection is $10. For more information or to place an order for one or both books visit ChalkTalks.net.
Rev. Dwight D. Haynes is a master chalk-artist and Bible evangelist. Dwight has utilized God’s ministry gifts since 1994 as a Gospel Chalk Artist, serving professionally as a missionary to extended-care facility residents, as senior pastor of churches in Virginia and North Carolina, and as an international evangelist. His wife and two beautiful daughters serve alongside him to inspire and relate God’s love to many. Visit Dwight's web site at ChalkTalks.net
CRACKING OPEN THE Rediscovering the Chalk Archives of “The Christian Artist.”
The Christian Artist March & June 1970 (vol. 4, #1 & #2)
March 1970
Original archive courtesy o off Avonelle Slagle
W Western Baptist Bible College C By Violet Whittaker
" "Plans are being made to have some of the t better-known chalk artists conduct the various workshops." pg. 1
perspective, and it was a good question. The cross is used many times in chalk illustration.” pg. 4-5
Try This One By Jerry Zwall
“Here is an effective Chalk-Talk done with little effort.” Basic concept is the Cross Spanning a Chasm to Heaven. pg. 6
Illustrating Songs By Art Layne
pg. 2
Free Down Load
n order to make material from The Christian Artist archives more accessible, this column features brief extracts from the newsletters’ articles to help you decide what to read, download or print. This time, Chalk Illustrated subscribers are offered an additional 14 pages of supplementary material. From these pages, we have also selected and reprinted one standout article.
Former editor Ren Dueck deserves our gratitude and thanks for producing these issues and allowing their reproduction as a bonus feature of Chalk Illustrated.
Tes Testimony and Autobiography of Larry MacAllen By Larry MacAllen "In the spring of 1930, I...saw my first Chalk Artist,...in 1946 I saw a presentation by Rev. Gerald Bonney...[using Gospel magic and also] ventriloquism very effectively. The impact of these mediums was so great that it seemed to me very wrong to fail to use them." Article includes two trick cartoons: “Self” and “Greed.” pg. 3
Larry MacAllen
”As we explore the words of our beautiful gospel songs and hymns, they unfold into pictures that can be illustrated on the chalk board.” pg. 7 SEE REPRINT NEXT PAGE
Learn Chalk Art By Roberto Camargo ”Would you like to attend a weekly class with personal help?” pg. 8
Perspective for the Chalk Artist
June 1970 Another Successful Colorama and Workshop
By Ren Dueck By Richard “The 1970 OceanMrs. Babel Turner, Charles Stuz, Jean Johnston side Colorama and Aldcroftt workshop was not “Someone asked the largest, but it was one of the best...” me in one of my lectures how they could pg. 1 make the arms of a cross appear in true
Suggestions for Chalk Artists By Ren Dueck
their eyes were riveted to my easel. Perhaps they had never seen a presentation of the Gospel in chalk.” pg. 3-4
Thoughts regarding drawing paper, lighting controls/fixtures, and programming & presentation. pg. 2
Trick Cartoon By Larry MacAllen The word “Carnal” turns into a face. pg. 5
Chalk Talks Among the Navajos By Jerry Zwall
“Having an interpreter is an advantage because, while he is speaking, I am drawing the next phase of the chalk talk...As I draw,
Illustrating Songs By Art Layne
S WE EXPLORE the words of our beautiful gospel songs and hymns, they unfold into pictures that can be illustrated on the chalk board. I’m thinking of an illustration in Dr. M. R. DeHann’s booklet, “The Song and the Story” where this phrase is illustrated: “In the Cross of Christ I glory, towering o’er the wrecks of time.” The picture was something like this (image at right). Really, the hidden truth is, in the Lord Jesus
Ren Dueck Joyce Stewart &
Book List & Art Classes A list of chalk art books available in 1970 and chalk/painting classes offered. pg. 6 Christ I glory towering o’er the wrecks of time. While in Manilla, we visited the American Burial Grounds of World War II. It covered over one hundred acres—17,000 white crosses marked the graves of the men who gave their lives that we might continue to have our freedom as a nation. This thought came to us: “Men are born, have great building programs, then die. Often their attainments die with them, but the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ will forever live on.” Read through the words of our wonderful songs, then picture the thoughts that come to your mind. Rev. Kenneth Mead has pictured very well quite a number of hymns in his booklet, “Hymn Illustration.” Why not try it? [Reprinted from March, 1970 Christian Artist]
Here is a Thanksgiving idea from Illustrated Hymn Talks by Barnett, based on the hymn Come, Ye Thankful People, Come (edited for clarity and space). hearts should rejoice that a day of Thanksgiving is set aside each Hall owyearour ourblessings, by our government, a day when we pause to remember the Source of a day when we come as a nation to praise Him from Whom
Warm-ups from the Editor
Hymns & Chalk
N THE ABOVE article by Art Layne, he mentions the booklet Hymn Illustration by Kenneth Mead. After considerable research on the Web, I am still unable to locate this elusive publication. However, this was a popular topic among chalk artists over 70 years ago, and between 1938—1940 at least three books were published reflecting this theme: 1. Illustrated Hymn Talks by Stella O. Barnett (1938) 2. How to Picture Hymns by William Bixler (1940) 3. Hymns Illustrated with Chalk by Harry Githens (1940) Eventually, these three volumes will be scanned and posted on the Golden Chalk Classics archive website for free download. If you can’t wait, look for used copies of these books on sites such as ebay.com, Amazon.com and Biblio.com. Note that one weakness of these books is their lack of color—colors are described, but the pictures are rendered in black and white.
all blessings flow. HISTORY: Our own American Thanksgiving Day was begun in a spirit of gratitude and celebrated with a feast. Surely the Pilgrims got their idea of a feast from similar customs in ancient Bible times. In the days of Moses this command was given: “Thou shalt keep a feast unto me...the feast of the harvest...when thou hast gathered in thy labours out of the field.” Exodus 23:14-16. CAUSE: What prompted the idea of thanksgiving in the hearts of the Pilgrims? It was the sight of plenty, of an abundance of food. It was a consciousness that they were the recipients of manifold blessings...The “good and perfect gifts” that have been showered upon us are far too numerous for us to mention. OBSERVE: How should we today observe this season? We seek God’s word for the answer. “Offer unto God thanksgiving.” Psalm 50:14. “Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving.” Psalm 95:2. We should make the day fulfill the meaning of its name. Then, we should think of others on Thanksgiving Day. For the Pilgrims it was a day of sharing. The Israelites were commanded, “When ye reap the harvest...thou shalt not wholly reap the corners of thy field...thou shalt leave them for the poor and stranger.” Leviticus 19:9-10. Our Thanksgiving should continue throughout the year. “With thanksgiving,” wrote Paul, “let your requests be made known unto God.” Philippians 4:6. [Note: Dwight Haynes was influenced and inspired by this hymn talk and shares his presentation of it on pg. 25, including a color photo of his finished drawing.]
rted Chalk Bit o s s As
Se s lect nd Odds & E Dr. David West calls this chalk drawing Remembering Our Vets (black light). “We had the ROTC down and a lot of Vets. At the end they played Taps—a very moving service.” Veterans Day is November 11, 2012. See NCChalkArtist.com.
Erisi GGillis i li cr created at H He W Willll PProvide Provide, r vide a sh sheet heet dra drawing awing wwith th a har harvest a est th theme theme. m
Here is a simple, old fashioned harvest scene called Harvest Time created by Jerry Wallace. Visit AdventuresInArtAndMusic.ca to discover more.
This ambigram says Thanksgiving right side up and GivingThanks upside down! Created by Michael Irving. See more at Ambigrarama.soup.io.
Iff April ri showers bring i May ay fflowers flowers, o er what h ddo M May flowers l bbring? g Pilgrims! Pil rii s! The Pi T Mayflower (black light, above) was created by Vester Arnold. Discover more at VesterArnoldMinistries.com. Watch for more of Vester in future issues.
EEvery now andd th then, h chalk h lkk artists tit t are called lll d upon tto ddesign i a custom t ddrawing i for a specific event. Back in the late 1990s, a small country church in upstate NY—Pine Meadows Wesleyan—asked Kerry Kistler to present a special chalk drawing to commemorate their 100 year anniversary. He drove out to the church, took reference photos and designed this drawing called Harvest Fields. Although there is no hidden picture, the church framed the drawing because it was a personal reminder of the potential spiritual harvest all around them. The drawing hangs in the church foyer to this day. (Photo by Brianne Liddick)