The Rev. Harold E .Bailey, president of the Probation Challenge organization and the board of directors, would like to thank each person who supported the organization’s 34-year annual ‘Portrait of Achievers’ Awards Dinner and the Show of Shows stage presentation.
ith an overwhelming number of African American's incarcerated in these Not-So-United-States, you would think that our youth would have gotten the message!
It was a delight noting the many faces who attend to say Something is not psychosocially equating in the mentalities of ‘keep on’ working to help in the community! This made some of our youth of today! Nonetheless, there's blame enough to go around which includes the absence of the father it worth it all! figure and the absence of that needed spiritual fiber! Its noted We look forward to seeing you again next year - The and statically proven that African American black and HispanLord Willing - and the Creek Don’t Rise! ic youth are void of educational and spiritual frames of referPastor Lottie Woods Hall, Greenville, South Carolina, In- ence! tercessory Center, received the ‘Portrait of Achievers’ Statistics prove that as black youth drop out of what is considAward. ered the white educational process, they (by large) drop into Pastor Pauline Frank, Greenville, South Carolina, deliv- the criminal just us system! It is safe to say that most drop out ered the powerful invocation. because their frame of reference is not based out of the white experience (in the book) which is often instructed ... often Marshall Thompson of the world famous Chi-Lites, reblack students cannot relate! ceived the ‘Hall of Fame’ Award. Marshall, of Chicago, has been a long time friend to Probation Challenge. Historically, documents from earlier years indicates that education was not meant for colored people! It was also documented that a person of color found with a book in hand could and would be put to death! Allowing people of color an opportunity to read and write was tabooed and lawfully prohibited. These theories of thought were shared by many... not in Russia nor the middle east - but in America. Changing the mind-set which would allow blacks to share in the educational process to become educated Cont. Pg 2.
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‘Black Killing Blacks’ would in later years changed. Change would come but the law was just a silent word for those harboring a deep seeded hatred for people of color. The hearts for many had waxed cold, as some became desperately wicket. These deep seated seeks of wicket behaviors often surfaced when least expected. That devious hand of Satan and his followers continue to fight justice on every front, even into this 21st Century! We must become aware as to the greater demon leaching in the shadows to deprive and incarcerate our youth. This demon seeks to cause educational and racial havoc ... this force is hidden in the bowels of the United States government! In years past, blacks were not suppose to read data, stats and figures... for to read any written materials were forbidden! Now, documented are available for those who care to read, and for those who would care to concern themselves with matters of truth. Slavery has been abolished legally, however, there are those who continue to live in the past and bent on repeating America's despicable yesterdays! These spiritually deprived persons have an on-going desire to recapture the runaway slaves! Their quest is to have colored persons returned to the bowels of the plantation! This method could/would be done by way of the present-day Criminal Just Us System. Youth without a word of reason are in-fact returning back into the jail and prison systems, which many are conducted as plantations! Youth are strangely not aware as to United States history, thusly, they are not aware that they are going back into slavery ... legally. Their return through the criminal justice system is based on drugs... which in earlier years were allowed for financial reasons. Years ago, there was a need to create jobs. Those jobs in Chicago were designed for white and would operate what was then division 1. At first history has it that inmates were incarcerated during the week, but allow free on the weekends... white folk only. More inmates were needed for this financial venture, and because blacks lacked educationally, and without an ability to understand the proposed plot against them, they were selected as the commodity ... blacks were then subjected to the justice system and the delighted powers-that-be. In the recent 10-years there have been an increase in crime which now include a large volume of murders. The massive effort to control and incarcerate youth for minor infractions of marijuana has now gotten out of control! Now, out-of-control youth without a sense of direction continue in the world of crime without an ability to rationalize with the offense or the consequences of their behavior. Education missing! Note: As youth are perishing for the lack of knowledge and work, a body of dismal persons in the United States Congress, continues to major on minor subjects. As these congressional bigots bigger with the ideologies of the first African American President, who is seeking better education tools for youth, and jobs for youth and elders alike, there are those plotting to divert public attention away from matters of truth! Truth that could and would bring this country back into the guides of sanity! With the lack of sincerity, and a good dose of truth comprised of reality, we will definitely continue sending African American and Hispanic youth into the clutches of the criminal justice system. Some demented citizens of this country would prefer sending blacks back in time, returning them back to the unpleasant days of servants who are beholding to others! Given this theory of thought - the process could expedited by massive arrests, convicting and have blacks travel in time to Prisons and Jails - which are the many Plantations that would and are built in all white communities! · African Americans now constitute nearly 1 million of the total 2.3 million incarcerated population · African Americans are incarcerated at nearly six times the rate of whites …
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Blacks Must Wake-up! · Together, African American and Hispanics comprised 58% of all prisoners in 2008, even though Afri-
can Americans and Hispanics make up approximately one quarter of the US population · According
to Unlocking America, if African American and Hispanics were incarcerated at the same rates of whites, today's prison and jail populations would decline by approximately 50%
· One in six black men had been incarcerated as of 2001. If current trends continue, one in three black
males born today can expect to spend time in prison during his lifetime · 1 in 100 African American women are in prison · Nationwide, African-Americans represent 26% of juvenile arrests, 44% of youth who are detained,
46% of the youth who are judicially waived to criminal court, and 58% of the youth admitted to state prisons (Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice).
Chinta, Strausberg, prominent radio and news reporter/ Talk-show host for the PCC Internet Broadcast Network, says, "Just as Native American Indians were given blankets contained of smallpox by the US army." Strausberg said, "I believe there is a hidden hand that has invaded the black and brown community of urban America, dropping off their social and weapons of mass destruction in the form of drugs and guns. This, coupled with inundation of violence of movies and videos have negatively transformed our minds turning some of us into human killing machines." Believing that there is an avenue of escape for youth, Chinta said, "To correct this we must return to the rock which we have long abandoned. Rev. Bailey's Observation of the Criminal Justice System for 40-plus-years 1.) It is quite apparent that criminal justice will be conducting business for many moons to come based on the subliminal message that has been forwarded into the Black community... that there is little or no hope. The Black community has been induced with pain-killers consisting of various drugs, from ghetto crack to cocaine ... to not feel the agony and frustration of crime that has been inflicted. Now with the political struggle in Washington and the President Obama fight for a just America, it is a proven fact that the evils that were once subtitle are now blatant and disrespectful to African Americans and Hispanics by large. Without emphasis on the creation of jobs - because of the created diversion, it leaves many communities without hope. Without hope, blacks and Hispanics tent to resort to crime and drugs. What a gigantic conspiracy created by those desiring the demise of a deprived people. Disposition being to incarcerate those less able to fend for themselves. 2.) The above conducting business as usual, is the apparent wish of many representing the powersthat-be! There without question appears to be on a wide variety of fronts a concerted effort to house African American and Hispanic youth... by any means necessary. This is quite apparent even on the political front, as black politicians seek to emulate the evils of their white counterparts. Black youth and criminal behavior represents meat and potatoes on their tables of by large the white consumers, however, not many blacks are reaping the benefits that are translated into dollars. Continue On Page 5.
Page 5 Disposition: Crying loud for years, I've come to the conclusion that the only hope we have in turning this massive conspiracy around is to help create a 30 to 60 days moratorium on crime! This unprecedented move could and should start in Chicago... the murder capitol in the United States, and then it would spread around the country. A dangerous move to create a moratorium on crime could and would work with the attention of all concerned bodies; Politician, Churches, Laymen and just Everyday People. Yes, we can ... and they can't kill us all!
Proven Observation for 15-years as a Chicago/Cook County Adult Probation Officer, I discovered that crime continued with high rates of recidivism for year end and out, and all for the lack leadership by the negative no caring persons who then sat in high places. Over the years, since my retirement, the Cook County Adult Probation Department and its administration has changed, but many workers continue to have questions as to true intent of present judicial leadership. Proven Observation for 15-years as a member and chairman of the Chicago/Cook County Board of Corrections. I discovered that corrections - is not correcting. I fought these matters and its political leadership in court... and won! Force then to step down, and since my retirement, things have reverted back to doing business as usual. It should also be noted that that board which was set-forth by the law, has seen been dismantled (I'm told) by reason of Law? That board was the communities way of knowing the happenings within the Chicago/Cook County Department of Corrections. They closed the door of knowledge and knew it.
Proven Observation for 34-plus-years. Probation Challenge, the first court mandated program of its kind in the country, was an honest effort to educate youth via a court-mandate. Yes, it worked, as youth were returned back into society as meaningful and productive persons. Many of those enrolled in this acclaimed program received grants and scholarship - and never returned back into the clutches of the Criminal Just Us System. Question being: Why didn't the leadership of the justice system not get behind these successful efforts? Why didn't they seek to help a program that was working to bring about a remarkable change in the lives of Black, Hispanics and Whites? Ah, but did politics have much to do with the down-fall of Probation Challenge and the closing of its doors? Or was it a few persons in The Chicago City Colleges, and downstate politics, who lacked the ability to drive the program at the helm? The program was noted by all to be without a hint of scandal! Meaningful successful solutions (programs) have been on the scene to deter youth from crime, but many have been dismantled by deceitful persons wearing black-robes and legislative garments, who are guilty of caring fiery-torches of hate! Their hatred for the acclaimed Probation Challenge, educational program was for various reasons. Some hated because it didn't come from their guarded judicial camp, while others hated because of political reasons. Some didn't like the program because they couldn't be assigned a trusted position over the finances. Those who believed in the program's worth, quietly enrolled their own loved-ones! Let us awaken from foolish behavior and be about the matters of saving the lives of our youth. In sparing our youth's lives we are saving our own! A 1967 law mandating African American educational studies be taught in the Chicago Public Schools, has failed to be implemented. This invaluable law was legally passed but not obeyed. This should and could be an invaluable tool given to the minds and hearts of youth... not to be implemented is criminal! This bill could and would alleviate youth from going into the bowels of the criminal justice system criminal! Who's going to jail for mismanagement and the costly delaying of justice. Continue On Page 6 Illinois has the record for more than other states, sentencing political persons who have mismanaged the public's affairs and betrayed the public. Many are presently spending time in prison.
Page 6 路 About 14 million Whites and 2.6 million African Americans report using an illicit drug 路 5 times as many Whites are using drugs as African Americans, yet African Americans are sent to pris-
on for drug offenses at 10 times the rate of Whites 路 African Americans represent 12% of the total population of drug users, but 38% of those arrested for
drug offenses, and 59% of those in state prison for a drug offense. 路 African Americans serve virtually as much time in prison for a drug offense (58.7 months) as whites do for a violent offense (61.7 months). Information documented by (Sentencing Project)
Consequences: What would it take for youth to get this invaluable message Would taking youth to the wood shed be wrong? Parents via the scriptures were told to admonish the child - is this wrong? The scripture scribes to use of the rod - is this wrong? Is it out-dated to believe and obey God? The scriptures is in-fact for corrections. People who have turned from the teachings of God, and have turn to their our own wicked ways, must know that those ways created in the flesh are contrary to the will of God! His teachings are for us to have life - and have life more abundantly! Satan comes but to rob, steal and he will destroy. Biblically speaking, many of us are liken unto the prodigal son who left his father's riches, and went astray! The son as our youth... suffered as to the error of sin/crime. After a spell of great suffers, realization set in. He came to himself and admitted (repented) that he had wronged not only his father ... but God! Our youth standing on the corner, killing, stealing have been mislead by the hands of the Evil-OneSatan! Youth, and we the adults don't have to live a sinful way, we can go home! Christ our master is waiting with outstretched arms. We must remember that youth emulate that which we do. Let's take a trip together and return back to our first love which is the love of God! What a wonderful journey back to the Savior with our children. And, no one would be angry with us - but the devil. We the community can put the jails and prisons on alert, that prison was not made for us, but was created for the fallen Angles who were expelled from heaven for disobedience to God the Father. Youth and the absence of an education, is totally unaware as to the pitfalls laying in wait. Absence of spiritual learning and a quality education, most youth are not equipped to equate the consequences of crime (sin). Then, Satan enters in! Satan has fooled misbehaved youth to believe that crime don't pay! Few youth know that going into the criminal justice system, creates jobs and positions of power. When youth (defendants) goes before the court-bench, he or she without realizing it, writes a check for everyone in that room - but him or herself. With over 500-plus deaths reported' in Chicago for the year 2013, only until recently has Mayor Rahm Emanuel, cried loud along with his police chief who seems to be out-of-touch with the black community. Citizens of the Chicago have reason to believe that all shootings and killings are not reported to the press nor public. As plans mount for youth to go to jail and prison, there are no constructive plans on the table to cease the daily shootings and killings. All matters from the 5th floor of the Chicago city hall have been to no avail! With more trouble on the horizons: Youth now have to tread on and through gang tuff ... as they travel to out-of-the-way schools. Persons on the Chicago School Board, are also being watch with a jaundice eye, as they over-look the precious lives of children seeking an education in the many war-zones of Chicago! Consider: Doing-Your-Math! Continue On Page 7.
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It is suggested that crime is down in Chicago? All one has to do is observe the Cook County Department of Correction's (CCDOC) records! The arrest and holding pattern suggest ... that crime is not down but rather up! CCDOC records reflect that the department is busting at the seams from daily arrest Rev. Harold E. Bailey, once chairman of the Cook County Department of Corrections, reported to the Chicago Defender the crime rate and inmate population. This procedure was not admired by the power-that-be at that time. Bailey once refuted Mayor Richard Daley in a declaration that 'Crime is down' ... But, Rev. Bailey said crime was up, and his stats proved he was right! It is suggested that trusted people - do the math! It is shameful that much of the time you cannot believe or trust the words flowing from the mouth of more and more politicians. The public has a fear that based on recent history, Chicago has few politicians who not geared toward self serving and not filling their coffers with fifty money coming from honest hard working tax-payers. Careful: The public realizes that there are in office, God fearing, hard working employees, who service the community with honest intent, but are being covered-up by the fast growing weeds of deceit! Recently speaking at the Chicago's More Like Christ Ministries, Pastor Mitty Collier, the Rev. Harold E. Bailey, spoke to the congregation as to the ills and pit-falls that were laid out by spiritual principalities that sit in high places. He stated that the true-baptized believers should "Go and get back the youth which Satan has stolen." He told the listeners, that "The word of God stated that we should take back stolen property by force." The audience was receptive to the clarion call for justice - as demonstrated by their thunderous applause. Bailey said, it was an honor being at the More Like Christ Ministries. Pastor Mitty Collier, made a sincere invitation earmarked for truth to be told. In that Sunday morning service, Bailey expressed to parents seeking to honestly retrieve their youth from the clutches of evil, to be under the anointing of God when doing so for "It is the anointing that breaks the yoke and will free one from bondage." It would be less painful and less expensive if we merely obeyed God rather than man! If we obeyed God, our children and their children's children would be spiritually richer as the result!
by Rev. Harold E. Bailey