The PCC Network Newsletter

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‘The PCC Network Newsletter’ Probation Challenge, Inc.

August, 2012

Volume 1, Issue 1

Mayor Rahm Emanuel: You were hired to lead the city! Stop the murder and violence! What was the Mayor hired to do—look grand? Though the mayor was hired by a small margin of people, simply because most folk didn’t get off the seat of doing nothing and cast their votes,. He (the mayor) has been charged with a duty to protect the citizens of the City of Chicago—Safety! We ask for careful and serious consideration from City Hall to reach beyond the corridors of that building and seek help beyond those that surround you. Fear has struck the hearts of many in that building and many are obligated to say yes on some accounts… this is not about politics, this is in-fact about the saving of lives of humans. Chicago, IL: We would like to challenge the hearts and minds of all Chicagoans, who just might be thinking what’s going on in the city? Well, thinking about the massive murders and violence committed all but daily won’t end the madness! Mayor Emanuel was elected to conduct business—and not as usually! We take note Mayor Rahm Emanuel—Chicago Keeper? that City Hall administration is doing little or nothing in positive solutions to deter crime, and that’s a crime in itself! The most lucrative business in town are over loaded Funeral Homes, Hospitals and the city morgue.

Mr. Mayor, get off the grandness of being mayor and hit the streets of this city and there-with to find where the real problems are… if you don’t already know! Find what could be solutions! Politics is a game—but don’t play it with the precious lives of our youth who might never see the light-ofday. Seek workable solutions that might not be in the frame of politics. Who knows, it just might work. What’s being done at this point certainly is not bursting a grape! The Challenge News Magazine will release an important ‘Election Issue’ … Stay Tuned.

‘The Strausberg Report’ Chinta Strausberg,

This story should be viewed and understood that even then, the

host for the PCC Internet

now leader of these not-soUnited States had a profound

Broadcast Network, some years ago, filed a

vision for not some but all the citizens of this country.

television story of Senator Barrack Obama, who is now the President of the United States.

We invite you to view this historical production at:

Juanita Bratcher For important information and news, checkout Juanita Bratcher and her Copyline News Magazine. Bratcher, publisher, award-winning reporter, book author, song writer is listed in many of the Who’s Who around the world. WWWCopylineMagazine.Com

— Maureen Forte’ — Chicago, IL: A fearless African American woman, who recently retired from the Chicago Board of Education, has much to say and is giving much of herself to the various communities of the city. Forte’ is president of the Chicago Branch of the National Action Network, with abilities and contacts allowing her to reach deep into Chicago and Suburban's communities recruiting people to get registered to vote. Forte’ is also active with other major projects. On Friday, October 19, 2012, Maureen and the Action Network, will sponsor their “Measuring Our Movement’ dinner, at the Condesa del Mar, 12220 South Cicero Avenue, in Alsip, Illinois. $50 per ticket. An enjoyable time is expected by all. For further information: 708.653.6545.

— Ora Higgins Dies — Ora Higgins, born on September 24, 1910 in Birmingham, Alabama, passed away on Wednesday, July 25, 21012, in Arizona at the age of 101. Mrs. Higgins, was the first African American personnel manger for Spiegel’s Inc, and taught at the Dunbar Vocational evening school for 31-years. Mrs. Higgins, founder of the Ora Higgins Youth Foundation, celebrated her 101st birthday at the Ora Higgins Youth Scholarship Awards Dinner in Chicago.

Chicago Murder Rate Surges as New York’s Drops to Record Low How is it that everyone across the United States can see that Chicago is in deep-trouble with its many murders and violence across the city. Everybody But Us! We knew with past administration we were knee-deep in trouble when rumors started flying that some shadesof-gray had invaded Chicago’s City Hall from the top to the bottom! But, we never fore-saw how deep the waters were—until now. The question is ‘who is sleeping with whom’ … so much so that we can’t get rid of this poison that is destroying our children and their children’s? Do we really want solutions especially when there is so much revenue built into Black-On-Black Crime, Jails and Prisons? I think we really need to take a good spiritual look at who’s at the helm of this City, County and State and realize who is really sleeping with the enemy when solutions stare administrators in the face!

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