chamberlink ISSUE 05 2018
championing Cork
Chamber Gift Card
Digital Champions
New Brand for Cork
Introducing the Cork Chamber Gift Card
05 Budget 2019
Little Island Infrastructure Preparing Cork Airport for 5M Passengers by 2050
Budget 2019
New Brand Promotes the Power and People of Cork
Cork’s Digital Champions
Future of Europe is Future of Business
Opening up the East
Empowering Women
Upcoming Events
16-18 Connecting You
Food Matters
20-21 New Members
Future of Europe is Future of Business
Friendly Business Awards 2018
24-25 Members News 26
Working Smarter
Welcome As you open this edition of Chamberlink, pause, and ask yourself has there been a more exciting time for Cork in recent memory? We must be vigilant, but we must acknowledge progress and celebrate achievements too. Business confidence here is at 96% at a time when consumer confidence nationally is at a 21 month low due to factors such as Brexit. To champion local spend and retail growth for Cork we have launched a Cork Chamber Gift Card to ensure no stone is left unturned in driving each element of our local economy. On the back of an exceptional Jazz festival let’s work together to keep our City thriving. Our Digital Marketing Awards have just celebrated the positivity and progressive can do attitude of Cork businesses. Cork Airport came out as overall winner with due to their relentless and innovative digital approach to growing our critical international connectivity and local offer. A fortnight later they delivered for Cork by launching a new flight to Lisbon and new routes to Nice and Dubrovnik. Cork also now has an economic brand in We Are Cork to enable every passionate stakeholder to tell a cohesive story about all we have to offer. What internationally competitive city would not take such steps?
We have real progress along our Docklands after decades of ambition with active enabling and construction works on both sides of the Lee. Elsewhere, Blackpool’s own Peter and Dan of have just returned home with the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Trophy weighing them down. In their acceptance speech they spoke of family, team and of inspiring the next generation encapsulating the spirit of the Cork business community. We have plenty to keep you busy so check out our events page for details. Those in the know have already booked tickets for our Dublin dinner so get your place now as we’re almost full. Our training schedule is lively as ever with everything from High Impact Presentations to Finance so make sure you keep up to speed as we work our way through the winter months. Enjoy Chamberlink and stay in touch.
Conor Conor Healy Chief Executive, Cork Chamber. T +353 (0)87 9471858
Date for Your Diary Tickets for Cork Chamber Annual Dinner 2019 will go
on sale Friday 7 December at 9.30am
Fitzgerald House, Summerhill North, Cork, T23 TD90.
Chamberlink is published by Cork Chamber and is a bi-monthly publication exclusive to members. The opinions expressed in Chamberlink are not necessarily those of Cork Chamber, Chamberlink main sponsor neither do they accept any responsibility or liability for any legal implications arising there from. Registered in Ireland no. 13918
ChamberLink Main Sponsor
Little Isl and Infr astruc ture Chamber Members Critique Little Island Transportation Study On Thursday 18 October, Cork Chamber members met with transport consultants Systra and Cork County Council representatives to engage on the draft Little Island Transportation Study as it opened to the public consultation phase. This meeting was a crucial opportunity for businesses across Little Island to engage with the draft study. As with our previous work, and submissions to this consultation process, Cork Chamber are committed to seeing improvements to the access and permeability on the island. Thomas Mc Hugh, Director of Public Affairs at Cork Chamber,
commented, “Today’s meeting was a crucial opportunity for businesses across Little Island to engage with the draft study. Cork Chamber are committed to seeing improvements implemented to the access and permeability on the island. Our members have expressed concerns that there is no additional eastern access point in today’s plans and we will investigate this further during the consultation. However of course we remain focused on the improvements that can be achieved for both the business and residential community in Little Island. The current situation in untenable and we are encouraged to be at this stage of the study, and eager to see solutions implemented in the future.”
In concluding, Mr. McHugh added, “There needs to be a focus on a diversity of transport modes to access and navigate the island and this has always formed a core focus of Cork Chamber submissions to the process. Today, we have an oversubscribed meeting. There is enormous interest in seeing progress here, and to ensuring Little Island can meet its future potential in a sustainable, adaptable and smart way.” The deadline for submissions is the 16 November. Cork Chamber will be making a submission and welcome your thoughts and comments on the strategy as we develop this in advance of the closing date.
Pr e par ing Cor k Air por t for 5m passe ng e rs by 2050 The Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport is currently reviewing future capacity at Ireland’s three state airports: Cork, Dublin and Shannon. As part of the review the Minister has commissioned Oxford Economic Consultants to assess growth projections for each of the three airports to understand what level of new infrastructure will be required to handle growing passenger numbers.
Last year, Cork Airport carried 2.3m passengers representing year-onyear growth of 4.5%. This trend is set to continue in the year head, as the airport is forecasting 7% growth to 2.6m passengers following increased passenger demand and the addition of new routes and airlines such as SWISS, Norwegian, Air France, Volotea and Iberia Express. In total, during 2019 Cork Airport will serve 51 scheduled routes in 15 countries across two continents making it Ireland’s second busiest and bestconnected airport outside of Dublin.
Looking ahead, all indicators suggest that Cork Airport will build on its recent performance. In this way, the airport will support national targets for strengthening inbound tourism as well as underpin the competitiveness and development of our national economy. Under Project Ireland 2040, Cork will be become the fastest growing city region in Ireland. Our metropolitan population is expected to double and surpass half a million while another 200,000 jobs will be created in the Southern Region. This escalated growth scenario will have a positive knock-on effect on airport passenger numbers. By 2050, Cork Airport expects to serve 5.6m passengers per annum using base passenger projections. Much of the strategic infrastructure to support the future development of Ireland’s second city region has already been committed by Government. The Dunkettle Interchange, the M20 Cork-Limerick Motorway, and the M28 CorkRingaskiddy Road are all recognised as critical requirements to enable
Cork’s projected population development and support future connectivity to and from this region. Consequently, it is most concerning that Oxford Economics has used a very low growth projection for passenger demand at Cork Airport averaging 1.8% per annum from now to 2050, which, as admitted in the report itself, is 55% lower than the growth projections provided by daa and Cork Airport and well below the actual growth targets achieved by the airport to date. In a submission to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport we have strongly encouraged the review of future capacity needs at our state airports to support balanced development at all three airports to best utilise existing assets and drive economic growth in line with the ambitions of Project Ireland 2040, the National Development Plan and the National Aviation Policy; all of which strongly endorse growth in Cork and the Southern Region.
Budget 2019 Investment in Housing & Capital Projects in Budget 2019 Welcomed Dramatic Intervention in Hospitality a Serious Concern Somewhat eclipsed by the unfolding of fresh Brexit negotiations, Budget 2019 was launched to mixed reaction. Cork Chamber generally welcomed the budget announcements, encouraged to see important measures to increase housing supply and the delivery of critical capital projects. That said, 2019 will bring significant additional costs to Ireland’s hospitality sector, with additional taxes and a minimum wage hike due to take effect from January, and at a time when Brexit uncertainty continues to prevail. Bill O’Connell, President Cork Chamber with Sarah Foley, Thomas McHugh and Seamus Downey.
We question the rationale to increase VAT for hospitality all the way to 13.5% as unnecessarily dramatic when considering our cost competitiveness for British visitors. We believe this rise could have been achieved incrementally to lessen the impact. Visitors from Britain comprise 40% of our tourism numbers, with this already challenged by Brexit related factors. While we don’t dispute that temporary measures must be reigned in over time, this should be done in a way that does not cause widespread sectoral concern. To counterbalance this move, it is essential that the announced measures taken to increase marketing are quickly and robustly implemented to ensure the sector employing 240,000 people retains its strength. Overall, we were pleased to see the Budget respond, in a responsible way, to the priorities of our membership. The €2.4 billion spend to accelerate the provision of housing is a critical step to help address both housing affordability and supply, and will complement the recent launch of the Land Development Agency. That said, we would like to have seen further measures to specifically stimulate
We are encouraged to see a range of the measures outlined within the Cork Chamber Pre-Budget 2019 submission included in the Budget announcements: • Increased spend on housing of €470 million to a total of €2.3billion • €1.4 billion increase and renewed commitment to capital projects brings spend to €7.3bilion • Build up of the Rainy Day Fund • Improved Brexit package for SME’s • Raising the entry point to the higher rate of tax to reduce Ireland’s high marginal tax rates • Increasing the earned income credit for self-employed people • Widening access to subsidised childcare for working families • Additional funding for third level education • Improved KEEP and EIIS Scheme the development of rental and high density living in our City regions. The ongoing commitment to capital projects continues to build on the momentum of Project Ireland 2040 and the Capital Plan and the €1.4 billion additional spend for schools, universities, public transport and other essential infrastructure will help address the current deficit. It is essential that the vision of Ireland 2040 is robustly supported through an all of Government approach. On Budget day, we saw the Dunkettle Interchange and Port of Cork being listed as an example of projects that are critical not only to Cork but to the State.
The commitment to a balanced budget in 2020 is encouraging. It is essential that we do not stimulate the boom to bust model that has characterised our recent history. The rainy day fund is a critical part of this story, setting aside €1.5bn to be built upon by a further €500million in 2019 is an essential move, both psychologically and in practical terms for national resilience and to foster future certainty. Further positives can be found in the accessibility of affordable childcare for working families, helping to make a return to the workforce more practical for many parents and make Ireland a better place to live and work.
Cork stakeholders unite under new branding for the region - We are Cork
New Br and Promotes the Powe r an d People of Cor k Cork is redefining how it tells its story; through the power of people and place, we are harnessing our strengths and seizing new opportunities. The “We are Cork” brand brings together under one banner everything that makes Cork great. It will enhance marketing of the city and county nationally and internationally as a great place to live, work, invest, study, play, visit and succeed. The initiative aims to support Cork as it’s poised to become the fastest growing region in Ireland in the next 20 years (and Europe’s second largest English-speaking city). We need to be proactive to drive this growth and future opportunity for the entire region. In an increasingly competitive international environment the ‘do nothing’ approach is not an option for any ambitious city region. We need to tell our story of energy, ambition, determination and enterprise and We Are Cork is an integral part of that storytelling. The need to market and represent Cork better internationally has been raised repeatedly by members of Cork Chamber. Our latest Quarterly Economic Survey highlights growing international awareness of Cork as a top priority for business in Cork. When listing challenges in attracting skills and talent to Cork, the issue of international marketing is second only to the need for more housing (see the full survey findings enclosed in the Economic Bulletin).
Together with a broad crossrepresentation of stakeholders in Cork, we have played a key role in the development of the new Cork place
brand, and we are confident it can be harnessed to continually inform local, national and international audiences of the power of Cork. As the umbrella brand for Cork, it is envisaged that ‘We are Cork’ will come to represent and promote the region internationally, nationally and locally. It will also be available for use by all businesses, organisations and interested parties in Cork. It’s now up to us all to shape Cork’s future with confidence and clarity. We encourage everyone to incorporate the brand into their communications. Contact to access all the assets including logo, statistics, video and images. Commenting at the launch Conor Healy, Chief Executive Cork Chamber said “Cork has everything to offer – a great place to live, work, study, invest and to succeed. As a long-term advocate of the need for a strong place brand, we are excited to see not just the ‘We Are Cork’ brand launched here but most importantly the collaborative approach that has been taken by all involved. “
When listing challenges in attracting skills and talent to Cork, the issue of international marketing is second only to the need for more housing
We are calling on the people and businesses of Cork to support the brand and demonstrate the strong collective voice we have in the region as we work together to position Cork for prosperity. A Red Sky at Night Many of Cork’s landmark buildings including City Hall, County Hall, Port of Cork, University College Cork, CIT’s City Centre Hub on Grand Parade, The Capitol and One Albert Quay among others, turned red to mark the launch of a new brand to promote all that is great about Cork.
For more information and to download a copy of the ‘We Are Cork’ brand, visit
Cov e r S to ry
Introducing the Cork Chambe r G ift C ard The perfect solution to reward your team while supporting the local economy
Most importantly the card can only be used in the Cork region therefore supporting local businesses and jobs by encouraging recipients to spend in their locality. Your company can now have a direct impact and help Cork thrive by purchasing the Cork Chamber Gift Card for your staff reward programmes or as gifts, to both improve motivation while encouraging spend in the local area. Speaking ahead of the launch Conor Healy, CEO of Cork Chamber said: “Having worked hand in hand with
Not only does this product give recipients the benefit of choice, it helps to support the local economy and retailers in the region – about which we are very passionate and proud to support
Most importantly the card can only be used in the Cork region therefore supporting local businesses and jobs by encouraging recipients to spend in their locality.
Cork Chamber are delighted to launch the Cork Chamber Gift Card, a new and exciting initiative to drive the local economy and make Cork the best place for business. Operated by One4all, Ireland’s leading multi-store gift card, the card will be accepted by 100’s of retailers and businesses across Cork City and County.
One4all on this project, it is thrilling to see the final product come to market. Cork has a rich retail history and many wonderful family and independent businesses that require the custom of the people of Cork. Our intention with this gift card is to support local businesses and we encourage all corporate entities in the greater Cork region to consider this gift card as a staff reward. Not only are there great tax benefits for the business, it provides the recipient with a great reward and a fantastic choice of retailers with who they can spend.” David Walsh, Group Retail Director at One4all, added: “We are thrilled to be bringing a brand-new gift card to the people of Cork, in partnership with Cork Chamber. Not only does this product give recipients the benefit of choice, it helps to support the local economy and retailers in the region.”
A new and exciting initiative to drive the local economy and make Cork the best place for business.
The response to the card to date has been extremely positive with hundreds of retailers and businesses signing up to accept the gift card, a selection of which can be seen on the opposite page. They include Keanes Jewellers, Ballymaloe House Hotel , Fitzgerald Menswear, Skechers, The Rochestown Park Hotel, The Elm Tree to name a few. Building on Cork Chamber’s vision to make Cork the best place for business we are calling on companies to join us and support the Cork Chamber Gift Card.
To place an order:
Contact Marjorie McCann T: 01 870 8109 E: The Cork Chamber Gift Card is also available directly from PostPoint outlets throughout Cork and through
Taken at the launch Bill O’Connell President Cork Chamber with Deirdre Griffin, Membership Executive; Annie Fitzgibbon, Business Development Manager and Conor Healy, Chief Executive Cork Chamber. Picture: Peter Pietrzak
Current Participating Outlets include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
53 Degrees North Actons Hotel An Rothar Arasys Health & Beauty Argos Art & Hobby Shop B&Q Baby Chic Ballymaloe Shop & Café Bantry Bookshop Barry’s Menswear Batemans Footwear Boojum Brookfield Leisure Centre Brosnan’s Pharmacy Carpetright Carrigaline Court Hotel Casey’s of Baltimore Central Shoe Stores Champion Sports Christies Irish Stores (Kilkenny Group) Clayton Hotel Cork City Clarks Clockgate Pharmacy Clonakilty Park Hotel Con Murphy Cork Art Supplies Crofts Shoes Crystal Computer Debenhams Diana O’Mahony Jewellers
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
ECCO Shoes Egan Opticians Electric Bar and Restaurant Element Clothing Elm Tree Restaurant Elverys Sports Enniskeane Pharmacy Expert Electrical - Cal Flavins Expert Electrical - Pat Irwin’s Expert Electrical - Toss Bryan EZ Living Factory Carpets Fermoy Optician’s (trading as Feeney’s Opticians Fine Wines Fitness Solutions Fitzgerald Menswear Fran & Jane Gentleman’s Quarters Giles Norman Photography Golden Discs Gougane Barra Hotel Guiney’s H.Samuel Jewellers Halfords Hanley’s of Cork Harvey Norman Haven Pharmacy Hayfield Manor Hennessy Cycles Here’s Health Home Square
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
House of McGregor JJ Appliances Expert John Buckley Sports John Daly Opticians Keanes Jewellers Kellehers Hardware Kerr’s Bookshop Kiddies Kuts Kilgrews Kilkenny Shop Leader and Co Life Style Sports Little Island Careplus Lucey’s Luigi Malones Macroom Opticians Magda’s Beauty Room Maher’s Coffee Mallow Travel Mary’s Toymaster Macdonald Kinsale Hotel & Spa Mick Murphy’s Menswear Mikes Bike Shop Milano Restaurant Mischief Makers MODA Moderne Bridal Moore Jewellers Mothercare Munster Tool Company Murphy’s Toymaster Music Zone Neville Jewellers New Square Dental Noel Barnes Jewellers
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
O’Callaghan’s Digital Sound & Vision O’Donovan Jewellers O’Flynn Footwear O’Sullivan Pharmacy (Wilton) O’Sullivan’s Bar Owennacurra Pharmacy Paco Peter Mark Quality Hotel Youghal Quinlan Craft & Design Reflex Clothing for Men River Island Roches Cycles (Bikes4work) Rochestown Park Hotel Salinger’s Boutique Salon Shop Saville Menswear Selected Vila Shoe Zone Shoozz Silverwood Jewellers Skechers Soundstore Southern Racing Motorcycles Sports Leisure Youghal SuperValu - Caufields SuperValu - Bandon SuperValu - Bantry Supervalu - Millstreet
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
SuperValu Newmarket The Blue Haven The Body Shop The Edge Sports Shop The Ensign Bar The Granary The Keen House The Maritime Hotel The Montenotte Hotel The WatersEdge Hotel The Wine Buff The Zip Yard (Douglas) Tim Lyons Footwear (Mallow) Timberland Tom Murphy Menswear Tony’s Fine Clothing Trident Hotel Tubs & Tiles Union Chandlery Victor Horgan Photography Victoria Cross Cycles Waterstones
and many more… see
Cork’s Digital Champions Cork Chamber Skillnet Digital Marketing Awards in association with Granite Digital “Each year, since launching in 2013, we continue to be astounded by the calibre and standard of the work being done in Cork’s digital landscape. This year has been the toughest for judges, the quality of work this time around is a serious signal about how great Cork companies are at digital and as a group we are all making each other even better.” stated Aoife Dunne, Cork Chamber Skillnet Training Manager.
A night to celebrate digital and social media brilliance, the Awards recognised the innovative and creative approaches that Cork businesses are bringing to all digital platforms. All forms of digital marketing were feted, including Website, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram while recognition was also given to the best use of Digital Marketing to Showcase Cork and the best use of Digital Marketing for the Greater Good. This year saw Cork Airport declared as the overall 2018 Cork Digital Marketing Champion. “We are delighted to honour the hard work and achievements of the skilled and talented Cork workforce. Cork Chamber’s mission is to make Cork the best place for business, and it is clear from these Awards that Cork companies are driving a thriving digital economy and changing how we do business, locally, regionally and nationally.” stated Paula Cogan, Cork Chamber VicePresident.
Seamus White of Granite Digital, (pictured above) headline sponsor added, “The Cork Digital Marketing Awards are the premier event in Cork recognising digital success. Digital Marketing has become an essential ingredient in the success of any business. An awards programme like this recognises creativity and innovation ensuring that the natural competitiveness of Cork businesses is rewarded. For Granite we are delighted to support Cork Chamber’s huge effort in making these awards what they are and we offer a huge congratulations to Cork Airport, this year’s Overall Digital Marketing Champion.”
Granite are delighted to support Cork Chamber’s huge effort in making these awards what they are and we offer a huge congratulations to Cork Airport, this year’s Overall Digital Marketing Champion.
Cork’s Digital Champions were celebrated at the Cork Chamber Skillnet Digital Marketing Awards in Rochestown Park Hotel on 28 September.
Cork Digital Marketing Awards 2018 Winners: Best Website – New Business: Procuro Therapy Clinic Best Website – Small Business: Elite Pilates Best Website – Medium Business: StatSols Best Website – Large Business: Ronan Daly Jermyn Best E-Commerce Website: Imperial Hotel Best Use of Instagram – 30 or less employees: Yay Cork Best Use of Instagram – 30 or more employees: Cork Airport Best Use of Twitter – 20 or less employees: Pairc Uí Chaoimh Best Use of Twitter – 20 or more employees: Cork Airport Best Use of Video – less than 30 employees: Finbarr Galvin/ Like Communications Best Use of Video – 30 or more employees: Laya Healthcare Best Use of Facebook – New Business: Fota Island Adventure Best Use of Facebook – Small Business: D&D Detailing Best Use of Facebook – Medium Business: Glavloc Build Systems Best Use of Facebook – Large Business: Cork City Fire Brigade Best Digital Marketing Campaign: Black Dog Bar & Nightclub Best Use of Digital Marketing to Showcase Cork: EazyCity Best Use of Digital Marketing for the Greater Good: Himalaya Yoga
Above: Aoife Dunne, Cork Chamber Skillnet Training Manager with Jennifer Bryan, Training Network Executive at the event. Below: Head of Communications at Cork Airport, Kevin Cullinane with the Overall Digital Marketing Champion Award. Pictures Darragh Kane
Overall Digital Marketing Champion: Cork Airport 11
Futur e of Europe is Future of Business
Considering that 90% of world growth will be generated outside the EU, it is imperative for Irish business to make the most of market liberalisation to remain competitive and successful.
This October, entrepreneurs gathered in the European Parliament in Brussels for the fifth edition of the European Parliament of Enterprises, the largest exercise at European level in economic democracy. Accompanied by entrepreneurs from across the country, Cork Chamber formed part of the Irish delegation. Throughout the day, we had the opportunity to address key EU figures, including Trade Commissioner, Cecelia Malmstrom and Chief Brexit Negotiator, Michel Barnier, and highlight not only the priorities of Irish entrepreneurs but also how European policy can be made more business-friendly. Although the future EU-UK trade relationship has captured most attention among Irish business from an EU policy perspective, there are many other European policy initiatives that will have a noticeable impact on forthcoming growth opportunities for business of all sectors and sizes. The objective of the Parliament of Enterprises is therefore to enhance understanding between decisionmakers and the real economy by stimulating discussion and asking attendees to vote on current European policies.
oft-skills are misnamed as they are the hardest to get. “ – Martina Dlabajova MEP
Future of Skills
More needs to be done to bridge the gap between education and work, if the provision of education in Europe is to correlate with work opportunities and employer requirements. Greater efforts are required by all parties, educators, employers and policy-makers, to gather better data on future skills needs and to factor that into curricula and teaching methods. Initiatives to bring future employees and employers together should start much earlier, and closer links should be fostered between schools and local business communities. Voting results on the skills session included: •
European Parliament elections will take place in May 2019. This is your opportunity to influence the future of business in Europe. Voting is open to all European citizens. 12
An alarming 84% stated that the skills mismatch problem is more acute than 5 years ago
Future of Trade
Over 600,000 SMEs employing at
least 6 million Europeans export beyond the EU. However, with more than 2 million SMEs in Europe, only a fraction of SMEs are effectively taking advantage of
the opportunities that more open foreign markets offer. In other words, the economic potential of free trade agreements remains largely untapped. Too few entrepreneurs know what trade is doing for them and how they can profit. Considering that 90% of world growth will be generated outside the EU, it is imperative for Irish business to make the most of market liberalization to remain competitive and successful. Voting results on the trade session included: •
99% believe that the EU must do more to help SMEs benefit from free trade agreements
Future of Europe
2018 marks 25 years since the European Single Market officially came into existence in 1993. The Single Market is underpinned by four freedoms: Goods, people, services and capital transactions. If a Single Market is fully functional, any business should be able to commercialise its goods or services in any other EU member state with little or no additional legal or administrative complexity or cost. This means access to a market of 25 million other companies and 500 million consumers.
Analysis by the European Parliament estimate that completing the Single Market and digital market could generate efficiency gains of over €1,000 billion per year. Feedback from European business, however, suggests that the Single Market is far from fully integrated, notably in relation to the services sector and crossborder mobility of labour. Voting results on trade included: • 69% do not believe that the Single Market is fit for business • 93% voted that the integrity of the Single Market and EU unity take precedent over a favourable Brexit deal with the UK To discuss how you can contribute your feedback to the EU Policy making process or how your company can benefit from access to the Single Market contact our Enterprise Europe Network: Sarah Foley Public Affairs Executive E: T: 021 453 0139 Margaret Kelly Enterprise Europe Network Coordinator E: T: 021 453 0138
Ope ning up the E ast
Expanding EU trade agreements in Asia While much of the global trade news is currently dominated by the discussions around raising barriers and trade wars, it is important to bear in mind that the EU is continuing their negotiations with numerous countries and regions to try and conclude Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with a view to simplifying cross-border trade. Given current uncertainties with some of Ireland’s closest trading partners, it is worth keeping abreast of developments in other areas of the globe, as many SMEs may be keen to look at diversifying their markets or may be forced to do so in the future. The EU recently signed an FTA with Singapore and has also agreed the final text of an FTA with Vietnam. Singapore is the EU’s second biggest trading partner in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - followed by Vietnam and Malaysia - with a total bilateral trade in goods of €53.3 billion (2017) and in services of €44.4 billion (2016). Over 10,000 EU companies are established in Singapore and use it as a hub to serve the whole Pacific region. EU-Vietnam trade is worth €47.6 billion in 2017.
The recent conclusion of an Economic Partnership Agreement with Japan is the biggest bilateral trade partnership ever negotiated by the European Union and, like the other agreements, will open huge market opportunities for both sides, strengthen cooperation on a broad range of areas such as climate change and sustainable development and reduce or eliminate customs duties, that, in the case of EU companies exporting to Japan, cost €1 billion a year. Of particular interest to Ireland is the fact that these trade agreements will open up new markets for key EU agricultural exports and increase access to public contracts in many cases. Future agreements are being negotiated with economies such as Australia and New Zealand.
Sources: cfm?id=1826
e m p ow e r i n g yo u
Cork Chamber
Empowe r ing Wome n Cork Chamber Skillnet is delighted to announce a series of workshops aimed at developing female talent and empowering female leaders. These 3 workshops will cover Personal Leadership, Thought Leadership & Results Leadership; all aimed at supporting women in their leadership journey and facilitating further development, progression and networking. Identify your value proposition & opportunities for growth, address inhibitors and bring about significant personal impact. •
Identify the Habits that hold women back
Becoming Unstuck: The Path to Change
Emotional Intelligence (EI)Self Awareness
Personal Impact and ‘Building a Brand’
Influencing without Authority
Understanding stressors and looking at the Pressure Performance Curve
Catalysts for Change
Leading Change
• Dale Carnegie High Impact Presentations
Building Resilience
• Occupational First Aid
The Way Forward
• Presentation Skills
The workshops will run on the 28 November, 12 December and 9 January 2019 and will be facilitated by Gillian McGrath of Grow, Change, Succeed. For further details contact Aoife Dunne, Training Network Manager at
Upcoming Courses • Finance for Non-Financial Managers
• Digital Marketing for Business • Data Visualisation using Excel • Customer Service & Complaint Handling
• PM Essentials • Workforce Engagement - Diversity & Globalisation Book Now on
e m p ow e r i n g yo u
N ove m be r Busi n ess Co r k Cham be r’s Br e ak fast Dublin Din ne r in association with Irish Examiner
in association with EY
Date: Wednesday 14 November Time: 7.30am - 9.00am Venue: Fota Island Resort Cost: €25 members / €50 non
Date: Tuesday 20 November Time: 7.00pm – 11.00pm Venue: Clayton Hotel Burlington Road Cost: €150pp / €1500 for a Table of 10
Cork Chamber is delighted to welcome Bob Savage, Vice President, EMEA Centres of Excellence, Dell EMC as the guest speaker at the November Business Breakfast in association with the Irish Examiner.
Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner 2018 will be held on Tuesday 20th November at the Clayton Hotel, Burlington Road in association with EY.
Bob leads the centres’ teams of highly skilled IT professionals, working across engineering, advanced manufacturing, software development, finance, customer service, sales and marketing, and research and development divisions serving the global market. In early 2018 Bob also took on the role of Dell EMC EMEA CIO. Approaching nearly thirty years with the company, Bob will tell us about his strategy and vision and how he led the Cork site on a transformative journey to become a Centre of Excellence.
Celebrating its eighth year, Cork Chamber’s Dublin Dinner has become a firm diary fixture for over 600 business leaders, political decision makers and influencers and this year we are delighted to announce An Taoiseach Leo Varadkar T.D. as our guest speaker. This unique event offers you the opportunity to build countrywide connections and enhance existing business relationships, celebrate the best of Irish business, or simply entertain your clients, prospects and colleagues at a black-tie networking dinner not to be missed! On the night Cork Chamber will honour Mr Frank Boland with the Outstanding Contribution to Business Award. We are delighted to have the continued support of EY as the headline sponsor of the dinner and Kernel Capital as Networking Reception sponsor.
Date for Your Diary
Please book now to avoid disappointment.
An nual Ch r istmas Lunch in association with O’Flynn Exhams
Date: Friday 14 December Time: 12.30pm – 3.30pm Venue: Radisson Blu Hotel, Little Island Cost: €65 Cork Chamber/ MII members Cork Chamber’s Christmas lunch is the social event of the festive season attracting over 300 attendees every year. This year’s lunch will be held in the Radisson Blu Hotel in Little Island. With plenty of festive food and drink, music, legendary raffle prizes and much more, it is the perfect seasonal event for entertaining clients and colleagues! The lunch will be held in association with O’Flynn Exhams, a leading commercial law firm that provides a full range of legal services to both national and multinational clients as well as the State sector. This year we are excited to welcome critically acclaimed comedian, broadcaster and writer Colm O’Regan as the entertainment at the event. As always, this event will be held in partnership with the Marketing Institute in Cork and we hope to have a great mix of members from both organisations on the day. Why not book a table for you and your team and make a day of it?! Tickets are sure to sell out quickly so book early to avoid disappointment.
Tickets for Cork Chamber Annual Dinner 2019 will go
on sale Friday 7 December at 9.30am
e m p ow e r i n g yo u
Connec ting YOu Hig h Spir its at cham be r Br e ak fasts Cork Chamber Business Breakfasts, in association with The Irish Examiner, featured Seamus Coffey, Dept of Economics, UCC / Chairman National Fiscal Advisory Council and Peter Morehead, Global Operations Director at Pernod Ricard.
Aidan Forde, Irish Examiner; Bill O’Connell, President Cork Chamber; Seamus Coffey, Dept of Economics UCC/Chairman National Fiscal Advisory Council guest speaker and Conor Healy, Chief Executive Cork Chamber at the Clayton Cork City. Picture: Eddie O’Hare
Guest speaker Peter Morehead, Global Operations Director at Pernod Ricard with Bill O’Connell, President Cork Chamber; Conor Healy, CEO, Cork Chamber and Aidan Forde of The Irish Examiner attending the event at Cork International Hotel, Cork Airport. Picture: Larry Cummins
Business A Boar d Cork Chamber and France Ireland Chamber of Commerce lunch on board the Pont Aven.
Matthieu Gorge, President FICC; Cliona McGowan, FICC with Pont Aven Captain.
Senator Jerry Buttimer; Lord Mayor Mick Finn and Stephane Crouzat, French Ambassador
Kim O’Brien and Mags Brennan enjoying the event.
Ken Roche, Debbie Roche, Mark Keogh, Linda Keogh, Trevor White and Linda White.
e m p ow e r i n g yo u
Co r k Cham be r An nual Go lf Cl assic 2018 The Cork Chamber Golf Classic took place on Thursday 6th September at Cork Golf Club and was sponsored by Johnson & Perrott Jaguar Land Rover, Bishopstown. As always, the golf classic is a firm favourite amongst our members and their guests. The Hole in One charity competition was not won this year, but we did raise money for charity and we’re delighted to donate to both CUH Charity and the Mercy Hospital Foundation. 1
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The Winning Team from Wisetek with Mark Whitaker, JPMG (Sponsor) and Cork Chamber Deputy President Orla Flynn. Aidan Forde, Mags O’Connor, Ger O’Mahoney and Jeroen Proos. Marie O’Keeffe, Liz Kirby, Rosarie O’Donovan and Susan McKnight.
4 Alan O’Shea, Colin O’Mara, Willie Walsh and Donal Cronin. 5 Olivia Hayes on the green with Marie O’Sullivan, Chris O’Connor and Brian Walsh, Ingenium. 6 Orla Flynn, Jerome O’Donovan , Captain Cork GC , Conor Healy and Bill O’Connell. 7 Ken Murphy, Cormac Murphy, Donal Sullivan and Brian Flynn.
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Oliver Carr, Mark O’Neill and Niall Sheehan. Pat Connolly, Mick Fitzgibbon, Michael Lynch and Shane Clarke. Mary Jennings, Patricia O’Sullivan, Rosemary O’Connor and Liz Whitaker. Task Force members Eamon Dwyer and Niall O’Shea. Pictures: John Sheehan
e m p ow e r i n g yo u
Connec ting YOu E xecutive Circle in association with aon Cork Chamber held the first in the Executive Circle Series on Friday 21 September in association with Aon at the Nano Nagle Centre. Speakers from Blizzard Entertainment and Aon led a discussion on how best to engage and motivate clients and stakeholders.
Ray Clarke, Aon; Louise Keveney, Aon; Ian Thornton, Aon with Thomas McHugh, Cork Chamber and Paul McSherry, Blizzard.
Deirdre O’Mahony, Laura Power and Paul Glavin, Aon.
Net wo r k ing at N oo n
New connections ‘teed up’ at the networking at noon hosted in Cork Golf Club.
Jerome O’Donovan, Captain and Matt Sand, General Manager Cork GC with Barbara-Anne Richardson, Cork Chamber.
Phil Cone, Academy Crests, James Fitzgerald, OpenCom, Aidan Forde, Irish Examiner and Mark Exshaw, Nat Ross.
Gillian Hennessy, Triskel Arts Centre, Laura Curtin, Fastnet Group, Sinead Casey, Fastnet Group and Anne Marie McIlwraith, Just For Men Manscaping Lounge.
Aine O’Halloran, Musica, Caroline O’Connor, Solid Start and Grainne Carmody, Carmody Consultancy. Pictures: John Sheehan
Food Matters International outlook at Food Matters Live boosts business competitiveness for The Food Safety Company Despite talks of an imminent Brexit, 2018 marks 25 years of the EU single market - the world’s largest market, where people, goods, services and capital can move freely. Using the single market, EU companies, large or small, have access to 500 million potential customers and can offer their products and services across borders. The Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) at Cork Chamber helps ambitious SMEs innovate and grow internationally in the EU and beyond. The network is active in more than 60 countries worldwide and it brings together 3000 experts from more than 600 member organisations, all renowned for their excellence in business support. The Network’s supports are designed with the needs of start-ups and SMEs in mind and aim to assist businesses in their international journey. One such partnership support the EEN provides is facilitating delegations to business events which offer companies access to international buyers and distributors of products. A longstanding EEN client - the Food Safety Company - has benefitted
from engagement through active participation in two consecutive Food Matters Live food industry expos at ExCeL, London in 2016 and 2017. The ambitious SME which now has 23 employees, provides specialist food safety services to a wide range of clients, literally from farm to fork. The company will participate in the upcoming expo event for the third time on 20-22 November 2018. Mary Daly, Managing Director of the Food Safety Company highlights the benefits to her business from attending such a trade fair and business matching event: ‘’Food Matters Live is an excellent way for the Food Safety Company to connect with potential customers and partners for mutually beneficial collaboration. The conference and seminar programme offers knowledge and insight into upcoming trends and legislation which has enabled us to develop our competitive edge. Over the years, knowledge and expertise has fed into new service offerings and it has proved invaluable for business development’’.
Food Matters Live is a global event for buyers and agents of innovative, on-trend products and the only event in Europe exclusively for healthier and “better for you” products. This year’s event, with an anticipated 800 exhibitors and 16,500 visitors, places specific emphasis on products which are distinctive or innovative such as healthy snacking, sports nutrition, functional and nutraceutical, healthier beverage, reduced calorie or reduced sugar, natural and organic, free-from and vegan. Participating companies can use the event to best advantage to position their products for significant export growth. To find out more about this expo and other Enterprise Europe Network opportunities, contact Margaret Kelly Enterprise Europe Network Coordinator E: T: 021 453 0138
New membe rs We welcome the following new members
Air France Airlines/Airports Air France is a global airline currently operating daily flights to Paris from both Dublin and Cork, connecting Ireland to 180 exciting destinations worldwide. T: 01 659 0442 W: Baikal Developments Ltd Media/Publishing/Video Production Management of content and learning systems for a range of digital properties across the continent of Europe. T: 021 2417045 E: admin@baikaldevelopments. com W: www.baikaldevelopments. com BMC Financial Planning Ltd Financial Services/Pensions/ Investment A one stop shop for Impartial Financial Advice on pension, investments, life insurance and income protection. T: 063 31914 W: CC Matting Ltd Chemical/Pharmaceutical Contamination Control Matting for the pharma/medical device/ Biopharma and data centres. T: 087 3884412 E: W: CMRF Crumlin Charities Provides access to world-class research, equipment and treatments for little patients all across Ireland when they become ill. T: 01 7091700 E: W:
Cork Business League Entertainment/Leisure/ Tourism The Cork Business League is a Soccer league that focusses on having teams from businesses around Cork or teams sponsored by Cork businesses. We promote the health & wellbeing of employees. T: 086 3450963 E: corkbusinessleague@gmail. com Culture Co-Working Business Continuity Services Culture Co-Working is a co– working office space based in Cork’s Marina Commercial Park providing a space for clients ranging from Start-ups to remote workers. T: 021 2427178 E: W: Evenism Event Management We are Evenism. A professional Event & Tour Management Company based in Cork City, Ireland. We specialise in bespoke corporate, wedding & theatrical events. T: 021 454 4862 E: W: FMC Agro Ireland Ltd Agribusiness FMC Agro Ireland Ltd. is a centre supporting the corporation in areas such as Record to Report, Order to Cash, Payroll and Internal Controls. T: 021 6017115 W: Fountainhead Training and Insight ltd Education/Training/ Languages Driving Performance and change in sport and business through innovation T: 087 6008611 E:
FSTVLR Food/Drink FSTVLR helps you find unique, fun events to attend in your locality. Our platform produces targeted content designed to inspire our readers to celebrate local, get out there and enjoy life. E: W:
Livingdreamz Furniture & Bedding Retail Livingdreamz specialize in supplying top quality sofas, dining &bedding. We offer expert advice on your mattress needs and stock top brands. T: 021 4524914 E: W:
Healy Communications Public Relations Healy Communications is a PR and Media Training company, servicing clients nationally and based in Cork. T: 086 1743947 E: jonathan@ W:
Maighread Kelly Management Consultancy Management Consultants Management Consultant with over 25 years experience of managing staff & operating services in the Not-for-Profit Sector. Experienced & qualified in the area of GDPR / Governance / HR / Operations. T: 087 6895505 E:
Horizon Energy Group Ltd Fuel/Energy We help businesses in Ireland and the UK to measure, monitor and reduce their energy cost, consumption and carbon footprint utilising best-in-class procurement, trading and energy management technique T: 021 2029127 E: W: Lafferty Design Group Ltd t/a Lafferty Consulting Engineers/ Quantity Surveyors Lafferty is a dynamic design led solutions company offering Project Management Services to the property and construction industry. T: 01 296 3660 E: W: LEGIT FIT Software/Software Services Online business software for Fitness Professionals. T: +353 83 1821218 E: W:
Make A Wish Ireland Charities We grant the wishes of children aged between 3 and 17 years who are living with lifethreatening illnesses. T: 01 205 2007 E: W: Mobile Device Management Telecommunications Mobile Device Management works with businesses to guarantee safety and constant use of their mobile devices. T: 087 8537077 E: karen@ W: www. Oaktree Financial Services Ltd Financial Services/Pensions/ Investment We are financial planners and work with business owners and their employees toward meeting their financial goals. We utilise various products to help our clients achieve their end goals. T: 025 30588 E: W:
Pepper Money Financial Services/Pensions/ Investment Pepper Money has been offering Mortgage loans to Residential and Commercial customers in the Republic of Ireland since 2016. Our mission, to help people succeed! T: 01 907 4900 E: W: Pinergy Fuel/Energy Pinergy - ‘’The Energy Innovators’’. We are using smart technology in order to better understand and reduce your energy consumption. T: 087 0918468 E: W: Provest Private Clients Limited Financial Services/Pensions/ Investment Provest Private Clients Limited C178583 is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Investment Intermediary under the Investment Intermediaries Act 1995. T: 021 2409242 E: W:
ReganWall Solicitors/Legal Services Business Law Firm T: 021 2340428 E: W: Riot Act Clothing Retail Online clothing business with an edge. T: 086 8690672 E: W: RSVP Magazine Media/Publishing/Video Production RSVP magazine, website (www. and social media platforms are Irelands leading providers of entertainment and information for women. Reaching over 1.5 m readers every month. T: 01 8299685 E: W:
Team Challenge Process Company Limited Services The Team Challenge Process addresses organisational issues using an unique, innovative and proven team building process. T: 086 109 2836 E: W: Tell it Talks Event Management TELL it Talks. To share enlighten and Inspire. Bringing top influential speakers to Cork. T: 089 9730635 E: W: The Elm Tree Glounthaune Restaurant/Bar/Catering Award Winning Restaurant minutes from Cork City; morning light bites, carvery lunch, evening ‘a la carte’. Caters for wide range of private parties. T: 021 4351024 E: W:
Susan O’Shea Management Consultants Progressive HR consultancy specialising in employee engagement, leadership development, recruitment, ability testing and wellbeing at work. T: 083 4821794 E: Swaparoo Waste Management/Recycling Swaparoo is an online platform to allow people to exchange goods they no longer use for Swaparoo credit which they can then use to get other items from other people on the system. T: 0857234782 E: W:
New members welcome Breakfast in association with AIB
An opportunity for new members to connect and introduce their company to fellow new members 1 Eoin Gunn AIB with Leigh Gillen and Barbara-Anne Richardson, Cork Chamber. 2 June O’Rourke, Halo Boutique; Jennifer Montague, AIB and Sarah Meade, Halo Boutique. 3 James Murphy, Over-C Technology; Mary Ryan, Procurement Transformation Institute and Kieran O’Hea, Digital Cork. 4 John Keohane, CEO Verde LED, Paul Pierse, Paul Pierse Mediation, and Donagh Murphy, Managing Director Sinis. Photos: John Sheehan
FRIE NDLy BUSINESSes Awar ds 2018 The Friendly Business Awards were held on Friday 7 September in the Clayton Silver Springs Hotel. The event was attended by the Lord Mayor who gave an address on the night, highlighting the wonderful work of small businesses in Cork and the impact they have on the local community. There were six deserving businesses receiving awards on the night across various business aspects. The overall winner across all the categories was Good Day Deli (located in Nano Nagle Place). MC on the night was Sian Horn of Elite Pilates, who was the winner of the JCI Cork Friendly Business Awards in 2017 who kept the event running smoothly. Speaking on the night, Lia Boyland, President of JCI Cork 2018 noted how challenging it had been for the judges to select the winners as there were so many deserving businesses nominated. The judges comprised of representatives from our sponsors Nicola Cullinane (The Evening Echo), Deborah Barrett (Cork Chamber) and Rebekka Krapp (Clayton Hotels).
JCI Cork Friendly Business Awards 2018 are proudly sponsored by Clayton Silver Springs Hotel, The Evening Echo and Cork Chamber.
Pictured are: Sian Horn, MC on the night, owner of Elite Pilates, winner of the JCI Cork Friendly Business Awards 2017; Eileen O’Donovan, JCI Cork Director of Business and Finance; 3. Kristin Makirere, Good Day Deli, winner of the JCI Cork Friendly Business Awards 2018; Alan Macilwraith, JCA Architects, designed the space and accessibility where Good Day Deli are located; Lia Boyland, JCI Cork President 2018 and Rebekka Krapp, Clayton Silversprings Hotel. Picture: Peter Pietrzak.
List of winners: • • • • • • 22
Overall winner and winner in the Disability Access category: Good Day Deli Customer Care: Tom Winters Barbers Community Impact: Triskel Arts Centre Digital Experience: Bark and Bumble Eco-friendliness: Quay Co-op Layout and Design: Cornstore Restaurant
Newcome rs
Tyndall National Institute
Prof. William Scanlon has been appointed to the role of Chief Executive at Tyndall National Institute, one of Europe’s leading research centres and the national institute for ICT. He will lead a team of more than 500 researchers, engineers and support staff including 120 full time graduate students. Prof. Scanlon joins from Queen’s University Belfast, where he was most recently Head of School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science.
Ronan Daly Jermyn
New at The Montenotte Hotel
Ronan Daly Jermyn has appointed Connie Wiseman as Chief Information Officer. Prior to joining Ronan Daly Jermyn, Connie was Director of IT for RPS Group, a global engineering consultancy firm, where he led the company’s information technology strategic planning and operational service delivery process. At Ronan Daly Jermyn Connie will be responsible for the firm’s information and communications strategy, platform management, infrastructure support and training, data governance, systems security, and practice support services.
The Montenotte Hotel is delighted to announce the appointments of Sarah O’Donovan and Jennifer McCarthy. Sarah has been appointed the position of Food & Beverage Manager at the hotel. A graduate of Hotel & Catering Management from NUI Galway, with postgraduate qualifications in HR from Dublin Institute of Technology, Sarah has over 6 years experience in hotel and catering management both in Ireland and France. Jennifer McCarthy has been appointed to the role of Spa Manager at the new and luxurious Bellevue Spa and Style Suite. Bringing over 12 years experience in the Spa & Wellness industry both in Ireland and internationally, Jennifer has worked with leading global spa and beauty brands including Elemis, Ionithermie, Le Therapie and Dermaviduals. She has held spa management roles in 5 star properities such as the Maryborough Hotel & Spa and Royal Carribean Cruises among others.
members news 1
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Bio Green Café: KSG Catering partnering with UCC on sustainability leadership launched Ireland’s first plastic free café. Pictured at the announcement were Alan Hayes, Student Union President, UCC and Faye Mercy, Comms Student Union, UCC. Picture: Provision
CorkBIC celebrated its 30th anniversary with an event at the Nano Nagle Centre in Cork City. Pictured are Peaches Kemp, itsa...; Tánaiste Simon Coveney, TD; Julie Sinnamon, Enterprise Ireland; Micheál Martin, TD and Michael O’Connor, CorkBIC. Picture: John Allen
Mike Sheehan, CEO Milis Bio, which was named The Bank of Ireland, IGNITE Business of the Year 2018 at the annual IGNITE Awards and Showcase in Devere Hall UCC. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
The Shine Centre for Autism and Rainbow Club for Children with Autism hosted the Autism Aware Conference 2018 in Cork City Hall recently. Pictured at the event Laura Crowley, Shine; Pat O’Leary, UCC; Vivienne Foley, Speech & Language Therapist; Colette Quinn, Shine; Eoin Motherway, Shine and Karen O’Mahony Rainbow Club.
5 Dr. Aoife Trant, Trant O’Meara Group with Dermot Casey, Managing Director Dermot Casey Tree Care Ltd and John Mulvaney, Head of Safety ESB. Dermot Case Tree Care recently were awarded a Platinum ‘A’ Safety Rating in the recent ESB Safety Management System Audits. 6
Cork Friends of Crumlin committee members and Cork School of Dance pictured at The Cork Friends of Crumlin Charity Ball, Clayton Hotel Silver Springs. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
Giancarla & Michael Alen-Buckley present Sinead O’Keeffe & Donncha Geary of Enable Ireland Cork Children’s Services with a cheque for €12,000, the proceeds of the silent auction from the gala evening at Blackwater Valley Opera Festival, Lismore Castle. Also pictured Tom McCarthy, McCarthy Developments and Gillian Keating, Ronan Daly Jermyn. The donation will go directly towards the building of Enable Ireland’s new children’s centre which is currently being built in Curraheen.
Tyndall National Institute secures record €7M in Horizon 2020 Funding, Georgios Fagas, Head of EU Programmes with Chief Executive Prof. William Scanlon of Tyndall pictured at the announcement.
Joe Quinn, Dalata Hotel Group; Niall Scannell, Ireland and Munster Rugby and Conor O’Toole Clayton Hotel Cork welcomed Dalata Staff during their 1,100km Charity Cycle. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
‘New Agricultural Science degree at University College Cork, in collaboration with Teagasc. Professor Gerry Boyle Director Teagasc, Prof Paul Ross UCC, Phil Hogan European Commissioner Agriculture and Rural Development and Prof John O’Halloran UCC Deputy President. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
12 Celebrating PwC Cork’s expansion at its state of the art location at Albert Quay are Feargal O’Rourke, PwC Ireland Managing Partner with Rebecca Barry, Irish Senior International Hockey Player and Ger O’Mahoney, PwC Cork Senior Partner. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
Cork Airport won in the Under 4 Million Passengers category at the prestigious annual World Routes 2018 Marketing Awards which took place in Guangzhou, China. Pictured are Niall MacCarthy, Managing Director; Cindy Hugon-Duprat, Aviation Marketing Analyst and Daragh Hanratty, Head of Aviation Marketing at Cork Airport with Steven Small, Brand Director of Routes.
Taken at the KPMG Cork Budget 2019 Breakfast are Michael Lynch, Tax Partner KPMG; Caroline O’Driscoll, Tax Partner, KPMG; Helen Sleator, Tax Director KPMG and John FitzGerald Economist and Adjunct Professor Trinity College. Picture: Gerard McCarthy
Michael O’Flynn, O’Flynn Group; Elaine O’Driscoll, P.J. O’Driscoll & Sons and Broadcaster Matt Cooper at Housing Affordability and Supply–Delivering Solutions, organised by PJ O’Driscoll & Sons Solicitors.
Forza! Direct Marketing recently received the category winners award for “Most Innovative Marketing Business” at the annual Corporate Vision Magazine Awards. Pictured with the award are Daniel Dixon, Olga Delaney, Ivan Lavelle, Wayne Scholtz
Pictured at the Bon Secours Hospital GP Study Evening, Present & Future in Sports And Orthopaedics; Mr David Morrissey, Orthopaedic Surgeon Bon Secours Hospital, GP John O’Riordan Tower, Mr Shane Guerin and Mr Declan Bowler Orthopaedic Surgeons Bon Secours Hospital.
Runners from McKesson Cork took part in Cork City Marathon earlier in the summer and raised a fantastic €2,600 for The Mercy Hospital Foundation. The Mercy Hospital Foundation extend their thanks to Philip Spillane, Justine Keohane, Adrian Kelly, Collette Rohan, Philomena Hayes, and Paul Collins.
Working Smarter: Morgan O’Driscoll Fine Art
Find out how Vodafone Gigabit Broadband is helping Morgan O’Driscoll Auctioneers to work smarter and run a global business from Skibbereen, Co. Cork. Established in 1994, Morgan O’Driscoll is one of Ireland’s leading fine art auctioneers. The auction house hold regular auctions in showrooms in Cork, Dublin and London as well as online fine art auctions. Based in Skibbereen, with offices in Dublin also, the business offers an array of additional services including art sourcing, international viewings, event management as well as art delivery. Embracing new technology has played an integral role in the growth of the business through the years. Morgan O’Driscoll was the first auction house in Ireland to offer online-only auctions and has experienced high growth by expanding online, opening the business up to increased demand at both a national and international level. Last year, they held sixteen online and in-room art auctions and sold art in 43 countries worldwide. A global business in Ireland’s first Gigabit town Reliable broadband is a vital enabler for long-term regional development and economic growth. Skibbereen is Ireland’s first ‘Gigabit town’ and home to the Ludgate Hub – a shared digital workspace powered by world-class broadband speeds of 1000Mbps. Access to this super-fast broadband is radically changing the way the businesses of all sizes and in all locations communicate, allowing them to connect and compete on a global scale.
“Gigabit Broadband is really changing the way we work today,” says O’Driscoll. The business has embraced digital transformation to discover smarter ways of working through technology. It has allowed them to operate more efficiently, so they can remain agile and meet demands from clients in Ireland and around the globe. Prior to
Morgan with some of his team at the Skibbereen showroom auctions, a large number of images must be uploaded to the company website ( which used to prove very time-consuming. “Now we can upload 3,000 images in a matter of seconds which gives us the time to focus on everything else that needs to be done,” O’Driscoll remarked. Connectivity to work from anywhere Partnering with Vodafone is helping support a more flexible workforce. The Morgan O’Driscoll team need to be able to work remotely whether they are offsite at a meeting, on the road sourcing art or delivering, shipping, a viewing or setting up a venue – being better connected helps make day-today collaboration easier. “Connectivity is vital for my business, every week I leave Skibbereen to build the business. It might be in Cork, Galway, Belfast, Dublin or London, Vodafone keeps me connected, I can work from anywhere,” O’Driscoll commented.
The auction house released their own, first of its kind, augmented reality app – designed to give bidders more confidence before bidding. The app allows bidders to see life-sized versions of art in their own homes. Users can view art in high definition with a host of interesting features such as image magnification, close-ups of the artist’s signature and even 360 degree views of sculptures. “I’d like to think that we are not only responding to changing trends, we’re setting them,” said O’Driscoll. Morgan O’Driscoll is optimistic about the future growth of the business. With broader horizons in sight, the business will continue to embrace new technology to position themselves positively going forward. To find out more about Gigabit Broadband or to speak with a Smart Business expert from Vodafone, call 1800 855 696.
The fastest ever broadband is coming to Cork REDESIG
Other broadband offerings claim to be fast, but SIRO gigabit broadband is unlike any other. It’s 100% fibre and built on the ESB network, which means you’ll enjoy speeds of 1,000 Mbps. A €70 million investment will connect 85,000 homes and business in Cork to Ireland’s fastest and most reliable wholesale broadband network.
To find out if you are one of the lucky homes, or to keep up to date on the SIRO build, register at
Discover a smarter way of working
Vodafone Gigabit Broadband “It used to take an hour and a half to upload 3,000 images for an auction, now we can upload in a matter of seconds.” Morgan O’Driscoll, Fine Art Auctioneer, Skibbereen, Co. Cork
The future is exciting.