The Millionaires' Magician Graphic Novel - SAMPLE

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STE VE CO HEN foreword by


keith champagne • peter krause • jordie bellaire

M I L L I O N A I R E S ’ M AG I C I A N

• Copyright 2017 by Steve Cohen. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. Published by XXX XXX Rockefeller Center 1230 Avenue of the Americas New York, New York 10020 The Millionaires’ Magician is a character of XXX, and this book is based on material copyrighted by XXX in which all rights are reserved. Manufactured in XXX 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Cohen, Steve. The Millionaires’ Magician. I. Cohen, Steve, joint author. II Title. XXXX XXXX ISBN X-XXX-XXXXX-X •

conceived by

STEVE COHEN foreword by

D AV I D C O P P E R F I E L D story

K E I T H C H A M PA G N E art



B I L L T O RT O L I N I cover art

TA R A P H I L L I P S book design and cover lettering


go ahead, don't be shy.

pick a card.

how about you-in the front there? this trick is very dangerous, I could really use your help.


but all the cards are black or red!

memorize your card but don't let me see what you picked.

I'm sensing...

your card is either black or red.

obviously, this isn't your first time at a magic show. if you could slip your card back into the deck, I'll just do this the hard way.

my lovely assistant max, if you'd be so kind...

thank you to my lovely assistant max.


your hair looks beautiful, by the way.


the katana is the traditional weapon of the japanese samurai warriors.

legend has it that this blade was used, hundreds of years ago, to slay an ancient dragon.

the warrior held it high over his head and sliced down with all his strength--



SHOOT. max, I got carried away again. do you have another deck of cards I could borrow?

in this profession, it behooves one to always carry a spare, children.

all right, I think max, I'm ready please now. hand me the cards.

everyone stand back now, and don't try this at home...

your six of hearts, young lady.

My name is STEVE COHEN. Thank you all for coming, Max and I are--

That's quite a trick there.

The card, the Six Of Hearts, I'll bet it never actually goes back in the deck.

M-mister victor pasiakos, ladies and gentlemen.

Whattaya do, palm it or something?

it's thanks to his generous donation that we're all here today.

Calm now. it appears we have a skeptic in Shall we our midst. transform him into a believer?

I'm right, ain't I? So how do you get it on the sword?

A magician never reveals his secrets, Mr. Pasiakos.

But if you'll please join me in front, I'll show you one more.

I wish I had time but the Turns out MAYOR is waiting when you donate downstairs. twenty mill to a cancer ward, they give you the key to the city.

Anything for the kids, Mr. Pasiakos. isn't that I'm sure what you say? the Mayor will understand.

Please, Mistah Pasikos?

Right. For the kids.

Just don't make my pants disappear or This is a any of that family show, nonsense. after all.

Thank you for taking the time, sir.

Just make it snappy.

What makes a man? is it heart and compassion? Strength and resolve? Or is it MONEY and resources? That's what our next tr--

There you are! You're needed downstairs. The entire city is waiting.

Don't pop a blood vessel, Andrea. I'm just having a little fun.

Andrea, one sec.

Sorry, kids. Sometimes my assistant here thinks SHE'S the boss. Maybe another time.

That little angel, the one right there in the front?

Do something special for her.

What's on your mind, Max? You're not usually this quiet after a show.

My thoughts are often like a thick forest; so easy to get lost in. Besides, you have nothing except for my APPROVAL.

For an hour, you made a group of sick children forget they're dying. illusions don't get any more incredible, dear boy.

I recall a show I performed once, perhaps twenty years ago. Children, like today but fortunately not ill.

it was perhaps the finest hour of prestidigitation of my entire career. Everything simply...clicked.

Nothing about my technique? I tried something different with my patter, too.

Perhaps halfway through my performance, I realized that, to the Were I to crowd I was playing to, scratch my derriere, it didn't matter. they would applaud with the same gusto. I learned an important lesson about both magic and life that day.

A child's head is already full of magic. We're just there to make them smile.

I can't tell if that story ends happy or not.

As long as we do our jobs well, all stories end happy, dear boy.

You're twice the magician I ever was, Steven, yet you lack the one thing I was also never able to find.

Geez, Max. Tell me how you really feel. Don't take it personally, dear boy. I've been at this game fifty years and I'm no closer than I ever was.

identity. Once you find your own, the world will open up to you.

if it assuages your feelings, your purloining of Pasiakos' WALLET was far smoother a lift than I ever could have pulled off.

Max, I just realized...

I've still got Victor's wallet!

This must be the place.

You're forgetting the most important rule my dear mother ever taught me, Steven. Finders keepers.

Using somebody's property in the act and not giving it back. it's every magician's worst nightmare.

Definitely not the kind of REP I want to earn.

it's difficult to imagine victor even noticing it’s gone.

Maybe he'll be impressed I brought it back. I mean, look around...

it wouldn't be the worst thing for a struggling magician to get plugged into a scene like this.

Ah, your sense of business rears its head. How reassuring. I wasn't sure it existed after you spent more on the cab ride out here than you earned performing earlier.

I don't care if their plane CRASHED, we booked them MONTHS in advance. This is a VERY important function for Mr. Pasiakos.

is that--?

What do you MEAN the band CANCELED?!?!

You two. The magic men, right? You shouldn't be here. Now is NOT a good time.

He is NOT going to be pleased.

Sorry, lady. I was just asked to relay the message.

I'm sorry for the intrusion, ma'am. in his hurry earlier, Mr. Pasiakos left this behind. I took the liberty of slipping my business card inside.

Fine, I'll bring it to his attention. Now if you'll excuse me...

Come, Steven. Let us find a phone and conjure up another CAB.

Wait a minute, Max. I've got an idea.

Man up and dazzle 'em, right?

I couldn't help but overhear about the band.

I've got my gear. Lend me your crowd for an hour and I guarantee every one of them goes home happy.

We'd be more than happy to help.

You don't even have to pay me.

Oh, really? Can you pull the deposit we paid The Rolling Stones out of your hat?

I'm a magician who sometimes performs for children. There's a difference.

You're a kid-show magician. Last I checked, this isn't quite your crowd.

There are two things Mr. Pasiakos never forgets. People who do him right and people who do him wrong. Think hard about which one you DON'T want to be.

Honestly, I'm not sure you have a better option right now.

You go on in an hour.

This was a bad idea. I saw two Oscar winners out there. I'm WAY out of my league.

Five minutes 'til curtain, Steven.

You do the show, Max. I'll back YOU up.

The only difference between you and that crowd out there tonight are your respective bank accounts. Every illusion you're performing tonight, you've honed countless times.

The only weights you bring onto the stage tonight are your gimmicks and your final loads. All your doubts, all your NERVES, are left back HERE.

Take a second, BREATHE, and remember Thurston's mantra before each show. “I love my audience. I love my audience.�

Carry this with you. My lucky card box. Houdini once carried it himself. I promise, when the chips are down it will always save your life.

if you're anything but confident out there, that audience won't believe in you.

Max, I don't know what to say-Maxim of magic number eighteen. if they don't believe in you, you've lost them before the first trick.

Let's do this.

Ladies and gentlemen. Good evening.

How many children were, just today, given a fighting chance against cancer thanks to the generosity of the Pasiakos Foundation?

Before we begin our show, might I suggest a round of applause in honor of our host?

Anything for the kids.

Would you lend me a dollar?

Victor, there's an old expression. Do something nice for someone and it will come back to you a hundred times over.

I think I can cover that.

Did I give you this dollar earlier and ask you to give it back to me now?

To the best of your knowledge, have I ever seen this bill before?

Nope. Not a chance.

if you'll notice, this is just an ordinary dollar bill.

There's absolutely nothing special about it. Yet.

I was in the fourth grade when I learned I could do this. As you can imagine, I quickly became Every day, the most popular kid almost the in school. entire student body would line up with their lunch money.

instead of playing kickball, I'd spend all my recesses folding and unfolding their dollar bills.

Cash is king.

I finally had to stop when the TEACHERS started bringing me their I couldn't paychecks at the help them with end of the their checks but I did week. learn an important lesson...

Don't you give me back a hundred of HER. I can barely handle the one.

Your generosity comes back to you a hundred fold, sir.

Victor, please. I don't want--

Would your lovely wife be willing to assist me for my next trick?

May I ask your name?

C'mon! First time I met you, you were on a stage. Ain't like you're shy.


As you know, I'm not the original entertainment for this wonderful evening. Sorry, Mick Jagger fans... Truth is, I wasn't even planning on doing a show tonight so, in order to prepare, I raided the kitchen for a few things.

Let's have a warm hand for danica, ladies and gentlemen.

You have a lovely kitchen, by the way.

Danica, I notice you're wearing a Bulgari blue diamond ring on your left hand. it's absolutely I'm going stunning. to need you to take it off and place it in this handkerchief.

My wedding ring? I don't know...

Unfortunately, I can't turn it into a hundred rings but I promise you'll get it back safe and sound.

Now, would you mind choosing a walnut from this bowl?

This one?

Whichever you choose is absolutely perfect.

this, by the way, is my magic nutcracker.

All the calories disappear. Ohmigod!

Walnuts are one of my favorite snacks but I find them fattening.

Luckily, with my magic nutcracker--

Now, Danica, if you could just pick out an EGG.


On the bright side, if anyone thinks we weren't using real eggs... I'm so sorry! I hope I didn't ruin your little trick.

Eenie, meeie, miney, mo--

Not to worry, we've got eleven more. Please, pick another and hand it to me.

I knew you could do it.

What can I say? it's a talent.

CAREFULLY this time!

Unfortunately, in all this commotion I've lost my appetite for eggs.

if they weren't a necessary ingredient in chocolate cake, I mighT make them ALL disappear.

Danica, would you please fetch me your ring from inside the handkerchief?

I'd much rather have some nice, fresh fruit for breakfast.

it's—it's not there! My ring is gone!


Try not to panic. I'm sure it's around here somewhere. I neglected to mention I also borrowed this paring knife from your kitchen.


That's where that egg went to.

And inside the egg...

if you'll just give me one moment here...

HOW did you do that?! VO|LA!

And now, with the magic nutcracker...

And there's your--


You lost my wedding ring!?!

I—I'm sorry. I seem to--

That is, I mean--did I pick the wrong walnut?

Max? I don't know what to do.

if you'll just give me one second, I seem to be having some technical difficult--

He TOOK it, Victor! He stole my ring!

You're playing with an eight million dollar piece of jewelry, kid. I suggest you cough it up.

I didn't STEAL it! Something's obviously gone wrong here.

This one was out cold backstage. What you want we should do with him, sir? uhhh...

Sorry about this, folks, but our magician's got a bad case of sticky fingers.

A few minutes down there, they'll be begging to give it back.

Help yourselves in the dining hall. I'll be with you after I sort out this mess.

Crack all these eggs and walnuts, make sure he didn't just screw up. if you don't find the ring, take them down to the basement.

Get in there!

You boys could save yourself a lot of trouble if you just cough it up. You've got to listen! This is all a big misunderstanding.


What-what is this place?

Save your breath, dear boy. We're way out past the looking glass here.

is that the girl from today's show?

Get up against the wall and spread 'em. We'll do it the hard way.

What's going ON here? Why do you have these kids in CAGES?!

Not your concern. Now spread 'em.

The hell I will! Let her OUT of--

I said sit down!

STEVE! This isn't going to HELP us--


Easy, man. Victor wants to deal with them.

Please... Help me. M-Max--?

Can't help it. I HATE magicians.

Stay calm, dear boy. We must keep our wits.

You OK, Steven?


I didn't get where I am letting people STEAL from me. This is on YOU, making me do what I gotta do.

Rise and shine, sticky fingers.

Now where's my wife's ring?

You—you're supposed to be a philanthropist. Why do you h-have kids in your basement?

Wrong answer.


Max! Oh, God, oh, God...


I'm gonna ask you one last time.

I'm telling you I don't know! This is all moving so fast, can we just TALK a--

Wrong answer.

I don't like your answer, you better hope your dead buddy there taught you how to catch a bullet.

Where's. The. Ring.


Five years later.

< pardon me, steven? >*


< it would please my grandmother if you would join us for tea this morning. >


To read more, please purchase

THE MIL L IONAIRE S ’ M AGICIA N 110 page Full color graphic novel Available as a downloadable digital book, and trade paperback

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