School trips Worldwide 2013-2014

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e ducation by experien ce

2012/13 100% Financial Protection

Welcome Schools Worldwide is dedicated to providing safe, adventurous and affordable overseas expeditions, community projects and study trips for young people. We pride ourselves on our personalised service, our dedicated passion for travel, our expertise, and our knowledge of the destinations we offer. Our strength and popularity stem from our skill in designing trips precisely to the abilities and expectations of each group. We ensure that your pupils have a unique personal experience in an exciting environment, whilst gaining a valuable appreciation of their own abilities and an understanding of a new country and its culture. Whether you wish to embark on an expedition to the Himalayas or the Andes, work on a rural education project at a Namibian school or develop a geography study trip to Iceland, we can create the perfect trip for your school and will support you every step of the way.

We think we have the balance just right at Schools Worldwide. Fantastic and affordable itineraries; a friendly, professional and experienced team; robust procedures; financial security and great support from people you can trust. – Mark Wright, Managing Director


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TRIP OPTIONS Choose one of three trip types, or combine elements of each into a single itinerary...

1 Community Projects In order to maintain the very high standard of our projects, we only offerr a limited number of locations each year in very select destinations. The projects we offer are very carefully chosen to ensure that, for the hosting communities, they are sustainable and worthwhile and that they also provide our groups with a valuable learning experience and a sense of achievement. By deciding to embark on a project with us, you will make an extremely important commitment that will not only benefit the community you visit, but also your group.

2 Study-based Fieldtreks Our Fieldtreks provide groups with an adventurous study-based experience, covering subjects such as biology, geography, language and religion. The aim of these trips is to provide a chance for pupils to get closer to their chosen subject by experiencing it in-situ, in a new and exciting way. Pupils will be able to see first hand some of the topics they have been, or will be, learning about at school, providing a unique experience that will be very valuable to their education.

3 Trekking Trips We develop our trekking-based itineraries within one of three trip categories; Adventure, Explorer and Expedition, which are increasingly demanding. This simple but effective structure covers our extensive range of destinations and regions and enables us to work closely with you to design an itinerary that is just right for the ability of your group.

Choose the right trekking level for your pupils‌




As an Adventure School you will travel out of your familiar surroundings on an itinerary with a definite objective and provide your group with their first step in wilderness adventure. Itineraries focus primarily on completing a multi-day trek plus additional activities such as sightseeing, rafting or canoeing.

As an Explorer School you will undertake a lengthy trek and a series of optional activities, such as a project, to a choice of destinations from four continents. Drawing upon previous experiences of outdoor education, groups will gain a full introduction to a new environment and a diverse culture.

As an Expedition School you will venture into some of the most spectacular regions of the world. Designed for those who wish to provide their group with a defining achievement, these destinations have been handpicked to offer you a choice of outstanding educational and adventurous experiences.

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BENEFITS The benefits of embarking on an overseas trip with a school group can be far-reaching, varied and very personal to each individual, yourself included...

Our trips are designed to take pupils out of the classroom and their familiar environment and introduce them to new cultures and environments providing them with multiple learning opportunities. Ultimately, in general terms, our trips aim to provide pupils with an experience from which they will learn

something new about themselves and the world in which we live. However, to highlight the specific educational value of each trip, we collaborate with you to develop particular learning objectives for the pupils to achieve while overseas.

✓ Personal confidence

Watch each pupil grow and develop as they learn self-sufficiency and independence

✓ Team skills

Camping, working, trekking and travelling together builds tolerance and an understanding of group dynamics.


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✓ Practical skills

Cooking, budgeting, planning, communication, language, organisation... the list is endless!

✓ Risk awareness

Pupils learn how to assess and evaluate every-day risks in unfamiliar environments, backed up by a UK leader.

✓ Curriculum benefits

Subject-specific itineraries allow pupils to build on what they have learnt in the classroom.

✓ Cultural awareness

Experiencing how other cultures live allows pupils s to gain a better understanding of the world.

✓ Physical y d development o nt

Allow your o pupils to push their p physical limits t and an see them surprise themselves s at what a they can a achi achieve. ieve.

The benefits of the trip were massive to the group as a whole and my own working relationship with them has improved dramatically.

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PERSONAL SERVICE During the process of planning and running an overseas trip, we develop very close working relationships with our schools and teachers, which often build into great friendships over many years of organising trips together. We hope that it is this very personal service that makes your experience of running a school trip stress-free and enjoyable!

✓ Face-to-face ✓ One person throughout ✓ We build long-term relationships ✓ 80% of schools re-book ✓ Technical advice ✓ Excellent destination knowledge ✓ Well-planned & researched itineraries

✓ Medical advice





Sara h Ha rper MANAGER

With a background in zoology and conservation, Sarah has equal passions for travelling, the environment and youth development. Sarah oversees all aspects of operations, sales and administration.


Just in Mo nni ngt on


A keen traveller, Justin uses his experience in adventure travel for young people (trekking in Morocco) to tailor our once-in-alifetime trips to your expectations, and to ensure everything runs smoothly once you travel!

Kirsty Bri en


Totally solid in the mountains and brilliant with groups, Kirsty’s experience enables her to assist with planning more challenging or high altitude itineraries, as well as running potential leader assessments and much more!

Dr Do nie rt M acfarlan e


With extensive experie nce of Trauma and Orthopaed ics, Emergency Medicine and Travel Medicine, Doniert is the MD of Remote Medical Sup port, providing a 24hr over-th e-phone doctor service to Schools Worldwide.


Suzanne provides vital support to the operations team in the office and also assists with queries from teachers, parents and pupils. As a mother of three, she has enjoyed many holidays with her family in the great outdoors.

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✓UK Training

✓Parents’ Meetings

For groups embarking on the more physically demanding trips that we run, we will visit the school to hold a venture preparation session. It will get the group thinking about their trip as a cohesive unit through a series of practical workshops including team building & problem solving, fitness assessments, kit and equipment advice, health & safety considerations and project planning.

✓Annual Conference

We’ll run an evening presentation at the school, on your behalf, for pupils and parents to attend. This is designed to provide more information about the trip and, importantly, for everyone to have their questions answered. We’ll then come back to the school for a predeparture meeting, to introduce your UK leader to you and to update everyone with final preparations for the trip.

✓Documentation Support

Our annual conference provides a great opportunity for like-minded d forward-thinking teachers from allll over the country to come together err and talk about their experiences. We invite all teachers and leaderss travelling with us to attend and we e manage the event as a series of workshops covering topics essential to each trip.

✓Online Members’ Areaa

We’ll take a lot of the effort out of running a trip for you, providing you with full risk assessments, assisting with LEA paperwork and providing information nformation and advice for parents and pupils. We also provide a comprehensive overseas manual containing contact and d emergency information, as well ell as all of the group’s personal al and a itinerary details.

✓Free Souvenir DVD

Once a trip has been launched we will develop a micro-website dedicated to your group, providing parents, pupils and teachers with access to all relevant trip information. Th The site i iincludes l d masses of information about your destination, itinerary, flight details, kit list, inoculation advice, project details, fundraising and fitness, as well as additional information for teachers including risk assessments and insurance.

Each trip is provided with a group p camera and on your return to the e UK we use the photos to create a unique DVD of your experiencess overseas. Each member of the team gets a free copy of the DVD VD which is both a fantastic reminderr of the trip, and a great tool for you to o use in the school to show parents and governors.

✓Kit bags to keep! p! For most trips, free 70L kit bags are included, which the he e group get to keep. The bags gs are designed to be easily handled by ground staff and nd carried on mules as well ass b being i tough t h and d durable d bl and, importantly, easily spotted on an airport carousel!

I really enjoyed the School Travel Conference. It was great to meet other teachers and leaders also taking groups overseas. Importantly, it provided a great deal of relevant information, advice and reassurance.

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Safe • Supported • Risk assessed

S Safety iss our No. o 1 priority o W have a c We comprehensive n safety y structure in n place designed s to look o after you o and y your pupils while enhancing a theirr own awareness o a of personall safety and d allowing them h to maximise x theirr enjoyment n of the trip. r Our safety f systems m are multi-tiered and d range a from h highly qualified qualifi l ed leaders, leaders pre-trip training r and d specialist equipment, t to risk assessments, a t remote m medical assistance s and comprehensive a e UK K crisis management. a .

Equipment We ensure that the appropriate equipment for the itinerary is supplied as part of your group kit which can include...


When you are looking after young people overseas, safety has to come above anything else.

✓ Comprehensive first aid kit ✓ Satellite telephone ✓ Two-way radios ✓ Emergency shelters

✓ Safety helmets ✓ Ropes ✓ Throw line

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Bonded • Accredited


Financial Protection

UK Leaders

Bonding & Accreditation

A UK qualified Mountain Leader (minimum MLTB Summer Assessed), with previouss experience of leading groups of young ng people overseas, accompanies all trekkingbased trips that we run. Our leaders are responsible for the wellbeing eing and safety of the entire group, so are re assessed by us in the field, in addition n to an E-CRB check. For Fieldtrek itineraries, raries, highly experienced and qualified local guides are employed ed to provide specific subject ct knowledge.

Schools Worldwide is proud to have been awarded a ‘Learning Outside the Classroom’ Quality Badge for the provision of overseas expeditions. The Quality Badge combines learning and safety for the first time into one easily recognisable badge for all organisations providing learning experiences outside the classroom environment. In addition, we are members of the Expedition Providers Association and the Young Explorers Trust, a national charity dedicated to promoting safe and responsible expeditions for young people, as well as advising schools and expedition providers. We are also fully bonded, licensed and accredited, meaning that you can book your school trip through us with confidence, knowing that your money is 100% protected.

Pre-Trip Planning

24hr Emergency Support

We use a variety of sources including local agents, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, previous leader reports, and our own experience and destination research to ensure that the fundamental elements of an itinerary are safe, well planned and documented. This includes ensuring a series of three comprehensive risk assessments have been applied to the entire trip and are completed, submitted and cleared before departure. We employ a UK-based technical advisor to assist with the intricacies of specialised activities and advanced expedition itineraries, and also employ a UK medical advisor to assist with health matters.

We maintain a 24hr emergency telephone line for all groups overseas, which is monitored by members of our staff who are regularly trained in our company’s crisis management plan. We also automatically register each group member with Remote Medical Support who provide over-the-phone communications with a doctor here in the UK 24 hours a day, enabling the leader to receive medical advice from a UK medical professional at any time during the trip.

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We offer trips to over 110 different countries and have an enormous amount of first-hand destination knowledge. Also, being passionate and adventurous travellers ourselves, we are continually researching and developing new destinations as viable options for the future. So, if you don’t see your ideal destination in our brochure – please call us with your ideas anyway!

The World is Water! • Diving in Borneo • Kayaking in Romania • Canoeing in Namibia • River studies in Spain

We adopt a very transparent and collaborative approach in developing a trip which allows us to work with you “hand in hand” to advise, suggest and alter your itinerary according to your expectations and our recommendations. This tailor-made approach allows us to focus on the needs of your particular group and results in a trip that is unique to your school.


Forests! • Biodiversity in Costa Rica • Jungle summits in Borneo • Inca culture in Peru • Wildlife in Zambia

We offer total flexibility on the duration of your trip, the inclusion or exclusion of flights, the number of free teacher places, group sizes, activities, meals, accommodation...


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your Classroom... Mountains! • Base camp in Nepal • Markha Valley in India • High Atlas in Morocco • The Carpathians in Slovakia



AFR AF AFR AFRICA RIC CA CA Desert! • Arid ecology in Namibia • Camels in Morocco • Pyramids in Egypt • Salt pans in Botswana

Explore responsibly We believe that good travel experiences are responsible travel experiences, so we develop our trips to help young people become more culturally and environmentally aware. It is this approach that instils a sense of appreciation within our groups about the environment they will experience and the people they will encounter.

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Albania Armenia Argentina Bulgaria Bali Borneo Botswana Brazil Costa Rica Croatia Ecuador Egypt Finland Galapagos Greece Iceland India Italy Jordan Kenya Malaysia Morocco Namibia Nepal Peru Romania Poland Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Tanzania Thailand Turkey Vietnam Zambia 11


Iceland iona l Park * Thin gvellir Nat * Glacier Trek king * Blu e Lag oon oss * Gey sir & Gulf iona l Park * Skaftafell Nat




A fantastic Icelandic experience is to trek through the location of Europe’s largest volcanic eruption. The Laki lava fields are an endless twisted expanse of lava tunnels, canyons, craters and volcanoes spread at the foot of the mighty Vatnajokull glacier, providing trekking opportunities of varying durations for different abilities.







Flying Time: 3 hours Capital City: Reykjavik (GMT) Essentially: Volcanic landscapes and superb scenery make Iceland’s terrain like no other in Europe; a remarkable country to visit. Duration: 5-14 days For more experienced groups, it is possible to complete all or part-of a complete traverse of Iceland, perhaps taking in the country’s highest peak, Hvannadalshnukur, as a definitive finale! For centuries Iceland has been energised by the three basic elements of fire, ice and water, which have shaped an island that now provides a remarkable landscape, perfect for witnessing geographical processes in action. A study-based Fieldtrek introduces your group to nature at its most powerful, destructive and beautiful, and can be tailored to be relevant to your school’s geography curriculum.

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When to go: February to November J

celand is renowned for its spectacular volcanic scenery, green valleys and iceblue glaciers. These striking contrasts make it an astonishing island to visit, where you will be surrounded by physical nature at its most powerful. From trekking in the sublime peacefulness of the Laki lava fields to witnessing the ferocity of the glaciers and giant waterfalls, this is a country where harsh environments create a mesmerising landscape.


Trekking on the glacier was really great. It was incredible to be walking on a huge block of ice!

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ntai ns * Carpathi an Mou a * Dan ube Delt * Cast le Dra cula aste ry * Bucovin a Mon del * Sighisoa ra Cita




Those looking for a water-based expedition, look no further than the Danube Delta! With its labyrinth of waterways and its many lakes, the Delta provides ample opportunities for an inland ‘sea kayak’ adventure. For those who have an interest in wildlife, kayaking gives you the best chance of seeing some of the Delta’s 300 species of birds, including white pelicans, Dalmatian pelicans, small egrets, pygmy cormorants, ferruginous ducks and red-breasted geese to name a few. If you prefer white water rafting or river kayaking you can head to northern Transylvania and combine some time on a river with a few days trekking in the mountains or head further north into Bucovina and trek through the land of the Painted Monasteries. Alternatively, if you are looking for a winter adventure, Romania can offer some fantastic ‘off the beaten track’ snow shoeing and Nordic ski touring!


When to go: May to September J

he mighty Carpathian Mountains cut, scythe like, across Romania, effectively slicing the country in half. It is here that the Romanian landscape is at its most spectacular, providing a variety of areas that are both stunning and rewarding to trek through. From Piatra Craiului National Park, dominated by a 2000m knifeedge ridge rising above the forests below, to the rocky plateau of the Bucegi Massif for jaw dropping views across the Carpathians to the valleys and plains almost 2500m below, and the forests and rolling meadows of the wild and rarely visited Ciucas Mountains, there are a plethora of options to choose from!


Romania F M A M






Flying Time: 3 hours Capital City: Bucharest (GMT+2hrs) Essentially: A diverse country offering fantastic and varied trekking through the mountains and meadows of the Carpathians and the waterways of the Danube Delta. Duration: 7-14 days

M eet th e tea m Rob O’Connor : Mountain Leader

ing A professional photographer and climb ested!) -requ often (and ar regul a is Rob instructor, lar popu a leader for Schools Worldwide. Always ed involv have trips ol leader with pupils, Rob’s scho e, altitud at and ns regio te lengthy treks in remo Meru. climbing summits such as Toubkal and

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d * The Silk Roa * Cara vans erai * Lak e Seva n * Garn i Can yon

Adventure When to go: June to September J


rmenia lies on the crossroads between east and west and, for a relatively small country, has more than its fair share of diverse landscapes watched over by the mighty Mount Ararat just across the border in eastern Turkey. Dramatic canyons, volcanic formations, turquoise lakes, lush forests, expansive highlands and spectacular mountains rising to over 4000m all help to create unique ecosystems and varied climatic zones.








Flying Time: 5 hours Capital City: Yerevan (GMT + 4hrs) Essentially: Varied walking, interesting history, culture and a huge sense of being a pioneer! Duration: 7-14 days

Armenia is home to a rich abundance of flora and fauna too including the Caucasian leopard, wolf, lynx, bear and Asian wild sheep. Here amongst these wild landscapes, nomadic Armenian shepherds and Yezidi Kurds can still be encountered. Armenia has always been a place of collisions between the great empires of antiquity and middle ages. Romans, Persians, Byzantines, Arabs, Seljuks and Mongols have all passed through and left their mark. Armenia possesses a wealth of UNESCO World Heritage sites, including ancient monasteries and churches. The Silk Road passed through Armenia and some Caravanserai still remain. Marco Polo is also known to have travelled over Armenia’s Sulema Mountains, describing how the locals lived amongst the rugged landscapes. With trekking tourism very much in its infancy in Armenia, your groups will get a real feeling of being pioneers across a rich and diverse landscape!


M eet th e tea m

Norman French : Mountain Leader r, A reliable and highly experienced leade s in year 15 with er care his ed Norman start l trave With e. Forc e Polic itan opol Metr the l Nepa to a experience spanning from Keny and e idenc conf to Peru, Norman’s calm reassuring nature make him popular with ions!). teachers (as do his morning yoga sess

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s * The High Tatra Pola nd) * Mt Rys y (in * Bratislava r * Dan ube Rive



The High Tatras are the highest and most spectacular peaks in the entire Carpathian Mountain range and the greater part of this rugged range of dramatic spires lies within Slovakia, also home to a wide variety of wildlife including bear, lynx, wolf and golden eagle. The Low Tatras are an 80km long mountain range, situated between the picturesque valleys of the Váh and Hron rivers. There are just three 2000m peaks along the main ridge, which offers breathtaking views over the surrounding Slovak scenery. There is also the opportunity to make an ascent of Rysy (2499m), the highest mountain in Poland and also the highest walk-up peak in Slovakia. It’s said that Lenin climbed Rysy for a meeting with his Polish counterpart and from ‘Lenin’s Seat’ (a natural armchair-like rock on the summit), he would have enjoyed what is widely regarded as one of the best mountain views in the whole of Europe. On clear days the


When to go: June to October J

estled in the centre of Europe, Slovakia’s alpine landscapes and mountain ranges cover a third of its territory, making it an ideal destination for trekking, rafting and other adventurous activities. Slovakia is a country that remains relatively untouched and once outside the major cities you will discover small villages where a very traditional way of life can be observed. As you explore the famous High Tatras Mountains as well as the equally impressive Low Tatras range you will appreciate the tranquillity and natural beauty of this remarkable country.








Flying Time: 2 hours Capital City: Bratislava (GMT+1hr) Essentially: Dramatic and rugged mountain scenery only a short flight away from the UK. Duration: 7-14 days

views from Rysy are truly incredible, as one rocky summit after another extends to the far horizon, as well as down to jewelled mountain lakes that glitter and dazzle below on the Polish side, over to the Low Tatras and Mala Fatra in Slovakia.

It was amazing getting to the top of the mountain I felt a real sense of achievement

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” 15



* Ma rrak ech * Mt Toub kal * Sah ara Des ert & Sah ro * Jebe l Sirou a


An ascent of Mt Toubkal, the highest mountain in North Africa, is a challenging option for groups who wish to fully appreciate the highest range in Morocco. High Atlas itineraries can also be extended further still, to include the Western Atlas and complete a full traverse of the entire range, including the Tichka Plateau, before reaching the bohemian coastal town of Essaouira; perfect for rest, relaxation and recovery. The Jebel Sahro is an arid and mountainous environment where groups can trek over a range that has strong connections with the ancient Berbers. The Jebel Siroua is a less visited area of the Mid Atlas that provides a beautiful environment of rugged mountains and picturesque villages. Either option can be combined with transits via Ouarzazate enabling cultural visits to the ancient Kasbahs of Ait Ben Haddou and Telouet. Alternatively, the M’goun Massif is an impressive array of peaks and gorges, which take the Atlas range east from Marrakech. Morocco is an unusual and exciting place for pupils to practice their spoken French and our French Language Fieldtreks aim to give groups the confidence to talk freely with local people and to improve their vocabulary. Guided by a Frenchspeaking UK leader, groups will be encouraged to barter, order food, and shop in French as well as converse with local guides.



When to go: February to October J

Morocco is an exciting and exotic destination to visit and the bustling souks and squares of Marrakech provide a thrilling start to any trip. Morocco has a huge diversity of trekking options to cater for all levels of ability.








Flying Time: 4 hours Capital City: Rabat (GMT) Essentially: A diverse, year round destination full of high mountains, deep gorges and expansive stretches of stunning desert. Duration: 6-18 days

M eet th e tea m

Tim Harrop: Mountain Leader and Highly experienced in youth development his for trip a of out t brilliant at getting the mos r ucto instr oor outd ance freel groups, Tim is a nal Natio a doni Snow ning stun the in and lives trips Park. Rarely sat still, Tim regularly leads in ed cipat parti has all round the world and overseas voluntary and research projects.

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* Wadi Ru m of Petra * The Ros e City * Aqa ba * Dea d Sea



Experience the unforgettable tranquillity of the immense Wadi Rum desert, described by T.E. Lawrence as ‘Vast, echoing and God-like’. Spend time trekking along its narrow canyons, climbing up slender gullies and emerging from valley upon valley into vast panoramas as you trek into some of the most vivid desert scenery in the world. Or, you could take a trek to visit the awe inspiring ‘rose red’ city of Petra, carved into the cliffs. Rather than arriving in customary fashion, you will trek through Neolithic villages via Crusader forts and camp out under the stars with traditional


When to go: October to May J

ordan is a country of culture, beauty and surprising contrasts where your group will be astounded by the diversity of its many treasures. Combining important cultural sites with educational studies, such as the ancient city of Petra and trekking through some of the world’s most stunning desert scenery, including the Wadi Rum, your Middle Eastern itinerary can be perfectly completed with a relaxing finale on the shores of the Red Sea.








Flying Time: 5 hours Capital City: Amman (GMT +2hrs) Essentially: A stunning country steeped in religious history, offering incredible journeys through inspiring desert landscapes. Duration: 7-14 days

Bedouin tents, until you reach this supremely important archaeological site on foot. Pupils on a Fieldtrek to Jordan will undertake an in-depth and adventurous exploration of both the historical and religious importance of this captivating country. First you will discover Jordan’s importance in both Christian and Roman history before journeying along the ancient King’s Highway, the same route prophet Moses was forbidden to travel on by the King of Edom, before arriving at the impressive ancient city of Petra.

A highlight of the trip for me was the chance to push myself to the limit, not only physically but mentally as well

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l Park * Etos ha Nat iona yon * F ish Rive r Can on * Africat Foun dati * Na mib Des ert





When to go: All year round J







Flying Time: 12 hours


andwiched between the Kalahari Desert and the South Atlantic coastline, Namibia has evolved into one of the most awesome landscapes in the world. It is a vast and impressive environment that holds some of Africa’s most remarkable natural landmarks.

Capital City: Windhoek (GMT+1)

The Namib Naukluft Park provides an ideal introduction to the trekking terrain of Namibia, while expedition groups can head into the deep gorges of the Fish River Canyon. For those keen on developing additional activities, canoeing along the Orange River, bordering South Africa, is always an exciting and adventurous option. Routes through Namibia can also take in the ancient landmarks of Damaraland, including Spitzkoppe, the Pondok mountains, Twyfelfontein and Brandberg. Wildlife safaris at Etosha National Park, or an overnight stay at Sesriem, the gateway to the spectacular Namib Desert, are perfect finales to any itinerary.

Duration: 10-21 days

An educational Fieldtrek to Namibia can focus on biology or geography, or a mix of both, depending on your requirements. Your pupils can study animal behaviour, ecology and evolution, conservation or geology and arid environments.

Essentials: One of the most unique and beautiful countries in Africa, offering meaningful cultural projects, spectacular trekking and superb game safari opportunities.

Without exaggeration, a life changing experience! I will never forget my team’s hard work and the looks on their faces when we handed the playground over to the school

Education is a high priority for the Namibians, especially in the more remote regions where isolated schools are scattered and forgotten. By forging friendships and working with students, our education projects are intended to provide a meaningful and sustainable exchange for groups who wish to get closer to a rural community.


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Mou ntai ns * Dra kens berg l Park * Krug er Nat iona Can yon * Blyd e Rive r abilitatio n Cent res * Wildlife Reh

Explorer When to go: February to October J


ocated at the very tip of the African continent, South Africa is renowned for its diversity of both landscapes and people. It boasts spectacular game reserves, mountainous regions, desert, coastline and the rare fynbos vegetation system. 11 official languages and many different ethnic groups contribute to South Africa’s reputation as the ‘Rainbow Nation’.








Flying Time: 10 hours Capital City: Pretoria (GMT+2hrs) Essentially: A diverse country with fantastic opportunities for wildlife viewing, trekking and cultural interaction. Duration: 10-14 days

Designed to provide your group with an in-depth introduction to the southern African ecosystem and its wildlife, our South Africa Fieldtrek is the ultimate field course, combining education with hands-on field experience. Our trips can cover topics such as animal behaviour, ecology, taxonomy and evolution, conservation, wildlife rehabilitation and game management Your group can trek the magnificent Drakensberg Mountains, the most challenging terrain in South Africa, along routes such as the Giant’s Ridge, Rainbow Walk and to Cathedral Peak. The Drakensberg stretch for 200 miles and are packed with impressive peaks, deep-forested valleys, nature reserves and spectacular waterfalls. Gentler trekking options are available in the Blyde River Canyon and in Swaziland’s Malolotja National Park, where groups can explore these unique habitats and can experience game viewing on foot.

M eet th e tea m

er ader Isabella De Santis: Mountain Lead A keen rider and horse whisperer, Izzy teaches at a local Riding for the Disabled centre in the UK as well as being an r extremely competent and popularr leade of part so also for Schools Worldwide. She’s g ding atten , team ue her local Mountain Resc . ions. sions sess ing train and outs regular call-

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ur personal experience in southern Africa enables us to tailor incredible overland school trips throughout this awe-inspiring region. Providing truly unforgettable experiences for pupils and teachers alike, these trips instil a tremendous sense of ownership, tolerance and teamwork in groups.



The ultimate African


o e a ce e s p to

South Africa t Botswana t Zambia a

South Africa t Botswana t Namibia

Explore Kruger National Park and the wildlife conservation centres of the Lowveld, before heading to a rhino sanctuary in Botswana. Allow your group to experience the heart of the Okavango Delta with an overnight excursion (sleeping round a campfire!) before heading into Chobe National Park. Moving on into Zambia, visit Victoria Falls and the Mosi Oa Tunya National Park before canoeing down the Zambezi River.

From Johannesburg, you can head directly north, entering Botswana in the remote and unfenced Tuli Block region, where you might encounter the odd elephant on the road! Stopping in Maun and the Okavango Delta, you then head north-west into the Caprivi Strip of Namibia and to the Mahango Game Reserve. Next, visit Etosha National Park, before heading south to the ancient rock formations of Spitzkoppe.


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eade s p tea ea


Namibia t Botswana t Zambia

South Africa t Namibia

Begin on a rewarding community project in a rural school in Namibia before heading east into the little-travelled Kalahari Desert region of Botswana. Groups can experience the ancient traditions and unrivalled knowledge of the local bushman tribes of this area, before moving on to the spectacular Okavango Delta. Chobe National Park gives pupils the chance to experience the ‘Big 5’ before heading to Victoria Falls in Livingstone.

Start in Cape Town at the iconic Table Mountain, and then head east to Tsitsikamma National Park or north to Fish River Canyon. Either route eventually brings you to the Namibian border, where you can continue on to visit the Namib Desert and the wildlife of Etosha National Park. Finish with a community project in a rural school, or with some conservation work at the AfriCat Foundation or the Cheetah Conservation Fund.

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ns * And es Mou ntai * Cusco City hu * Ma chu Picc * Lak e Titicaca

Explorer When to go: April to October J


eru has some of the most varied and spectacular scenery on offer in South America and encompasses broad geographical variations. It can be divided into three regions; the arid coastal desert to the west, the lush Amazonian rainforest to the east and the high Andes Mountain range, forming the very back bone of the country. A huge array of options are on offer for adventurous groups wishing to experience not only unforgettable trekking but also an insight into ancient customs and cultures. You can choose to visit the Colca Canyon, twice as deep as America’s Grand Canyon, and the mysterious Nazca Lines, whose origins still remain unknown. However, it is the most famous lost city of them all, the Inca enclave of Machu Picchu, that is the must-see of any trip to Peru.







Flying Time: 16 - 18 Hours Capital City: Lima (GMT -5hrs) Essentially: A remarkable country offering spectacular mountain scenery, ancient cultures and exciting activities. Duration: 14 – 21 days A trip to Peru could begin in the former Inca capital of Cusco and visit the surrounding sites of Pisac and Sacsaywaman. Continue on and tread a former Inca pilgrimage route as you trek along the steep sides of the Sacred Valley to reach the famous citadel of Machu Picchu. Having explored the Inca fortress, take one of the most impressive train journeys in the world to reach Puno, from where you can visit the local communities who live on Lake Titicaca, the world’s highest navigable lake

“ 22


The trip showed me that, even if I am struggling, I am able to stay positive and enthusiastic for the rest of the group

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* Aren al Volcano iona l Park * Tortu guero Nat d Forest * Monteve rde Clou onio Nat iona l Park * Ma nuel Ant


ravelling the breadth of Costa Rica, from the dry tropical forest along the Pacific coast, to the misty cloud forest along the mountainous continental divide, down through tropical rainforest to the marshy Caribbean coast, your pupils will experience a fantastic variation in environment. Our study-based Fieldtreks in Costa Rica immerse groups in the rich biodiversity found in the country, exploring some of the country’s major national parks and smaller rainforest reserves. With almost a third of Costa Rica designated as protected areas it is the perfect place to teach pupils about the biodiversity of the world around us and its importance in a global context.



When to go: July to October (for turtle nesting), December to April (to avoid the rains) J







Flying Time: 12 hours Capital City: San Jose (GMT -6hrs) Essentially: A beautiful country offering close encounters with abundant wildlife, fun loving locals and awe-inspiring scenery. tion: 112 – 21 days Duration:

A trip to Costa Rica could start by exploring the forested canals of Tortuguero where groups can visit an important sea turtle breeding area. Practical fieldwork activities are possible in Tirimbina Rainforest Reserve, where groups can carry out bird and plant surveys, ending the day with a ‘bat walk’ through the forest. Itineraries could stop in La Fortuna where your pupils can interact with local people and learn about how they use the environment. Next, you could visit the famous Santa Elena and Monteverde Cloud Forest Reserves, which are home to over 400 different species of bird. A visit to Manuel Antonio National Park is a great way to finish a trip to Costa Rica, with the chance to explore this coastal habitat and perhaps have some time to relax on the beach!

M eet th e tea m

Heather Hall : Mountain Leader of Heather has over 25 years’ experience ce scien a as le peop g youn with ing work teacher and along with her daughter has walked on all 7 continents! A valuable has leader for Schools Worldwide, Heather s peak de altitu high s erou num d summitte o. including Cotopaxi and Kilimanjar

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* Delhi Ma rkha Valley * Lad akh & the & Am ritsa r * Dha ra msa la the Red Fort * Taj Ma hal &





When to go: March to September J







Flying Time: 9 hours


ot only full of historical, cultural and religious landmarks, Northern India is also one of the most scenic and visually impressive regions of the world. Literally translated as ‘land of passes’, Ladakh is the world’s highest populated piece of land and, containing over half of the Great Himalayan Range, is surrounded by the unparalleled scenic beauty of the Himalayan landscape, providing one the continents finest trekking environments. The region is also ideal for learning about the Buddhist and Indian culture, not only in Dharamsala, but also in Delhi, Varanasi and Agra, where groups visit the Taj Mahal. One of the more demanding treks in the region is to follow the Markha Valley winding its way around the area’s most impressive mountain, Stok Kangri. The challenge of this trek is hidden in its duration and route, which takes you over high passes, beside glacial rivers and through deep, wide valleys. With endless views of the Himalayan range and introductions to the remote villagers’ lives, this is justifiably one of the world’s classic trekking routes. Our religious studies tour through Northern India visits some of the Buddhist culture’s most important centres and monuments. Arriving into Amritsar and visiting the Golden Temple, groups can head south to explore Dharamsala, the seat of Buddhism and the home of the Dalai Lama. Continuing on to Delhi for a full city tour, you can finish at Varanasi, the religious capital of Hinduism and Sarnath where Lord Buddha first preached a sermon.


Capital City: New Delhi (GMT+5½hrs) Essentials: One of the most hospitable countries on the continent containing some of the most dramatic scenery in the world. Duration: 14 – 21 days

M eet th e tea m

Stuart Kime : Mountain Leader An English teacher, PhD student, mountain e leader and singer with a fantastic sens of humour, Stuart has led expeditions to also a Uganda, Kenya and South Africa. He is team ue Resc ntain Mou local member of his and is a qualified First Aid trainer.

call us on: 0845

634 4670



* Kath man du Ca mp * Everest Bas e * Ann apu rna * Gok yo Lak es

Explorer When to go: October to April J


here is little we can say about Nepal that you won’t already know, yet though the world’s highest peaks dominate the incredible scenery, there is more to experience than just snowy summits and glaciers. Between the urgency of Kathmandu and the tranquillity of its mountain villages hidden among colourful prayer flags, groups will also encounter an important and deeply spiritual religion and a range of lifestyles, each far removed from our own. Beyond the extensive trekking routes available, there are a variety of additional activities to suit many interests. Royal Chitwan National Park is famous for its exciting elephant-back safaris and its huge variety of wildlife, including the Indian one-horned rhino and the elusive Bengal tiger. Dugout canoe excursions are also available and white water rafting on the Seti River offers a fine combination of superb scenery and gentle rapids. Following an incredible flight from Kathmandu to Pokhara, the high, glacial amphitheatre of the Annapurna Sanctuary offers jaw-dropping views of eleven of Nepal’s major peaks, whose dazzling white tumbling glaciers and snow-capped peaks provide both a dramatic backdrop and a beautiful contrast to the alpine forest and flower-filled valleys that rest far below.








Flying Time: 10½ hours Capital City: Kathmandu (GMT + 5 ¾hrs) Essentially: The ultimate mountain region to experience and for groups to fully understand the impressive nature of the largest mountain range in the world. Duration: 14 – 21 days For groups who wish to experience the ultimate trekking expedition, Everest Base Camp has to be without a doubt the most famous in the world. Travelling through the enchanting hill villages of the Khumbu valley, past the Tengboche monastery and climbing beyond the jagged lines of Ama Dablam to ascend the high point of Kala Pattar and view sunrise over Mt Everest, groups will finally reach the base camp itself; the most famous in the world!

I had the best two weeks of my life! I feel privileged to have been able to do what I did and I will never forget the people I have met

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* Han oi esta ys * Hill Tribe Hom * Mt Fans ipan s * Sapa Ma rket


When to go: March to May and Sept to Nov J


ietnam presents one of the greatest walking experiences in Southeast Asia. Walking through jungles and across verdant landscapes, the mountainous north of Vietnam is home to many cheerful and vibrant hill tribes, such as the Hmong, Tay and Dao. One of the wonderful features of an adventure in Vietnam is spending a couple of nights along the way in the village homes of some of these welcoming tribes and for your pupils to learn more about their culture and traditions. Arriving in lively Hanoi, a typical itinerary will give your group time to relax, explore and sample the ubiquitous noodle soup before taking an overnight sleeper train north to Lao Cai and onward to Sapa with its vibrant market. From the moment you begin walking in this region, you start to meet tribes like the Red Dao as you head through a landscape where bright green rice terraces are carved into the mountainsides, with women from H’Mong working in the fields dressed in their traditional colourful clothes. For groups wanting the ultimate challenge, the ascent of Mt Fansipan, the highest mountain in Vietnam at 3143 metres, takes you up steep trails through subtropical jungle, camping amongst the tree clad mountains, also known as the ‘Tonkinese Alps’. The final climb to the summit of Fansipan itself is a fun, but arduous challenge, however from the top you are rewarded with amazing views into China and across to Laos.









Flying Time: 12.5 hours Capital City: Hanoi (GMT +7hrs) Essentially: Spectacular and varied trekking in forested and jungle terrain, mixed with the opportunity to engage with colourful and remote hill tribes. Duration: 14 – 21 days We can also take groups well off the beaten track to encounter seldom-visited colourful tribes in their delightful thatched bamboo huts. Not only will your pupils get to meet these fascinating tribes, but you can actually stay with them in their homes. Returning by train to Hanoi, there is usually more time to further explore this bustling city.

Meeting children the same age as me, but with very little, and seeing how they live and how happy they are was really emotional and inspirational call us on: 0845

634 4670



n San ctua ry * Sepilok Oran guta dan * Divi ng in Sipa n Rive r * Kina bata nga * Mt Kina balu



For groups wanting a significant challenge, an ascent of Mt Kinabalu in the Kota Kinabalu National Park is a must. At 4101m, the mountain towers up over the forest, often clearing the mist and is reached via a magical (but often wet!) trek through pristine forest with an abundance of creepers, ferns, orchids, butterflies and birds. Borneo, and specifically the island of Sipadan, is known as one of the world’s top dive sites, and learning to dive in this region is a really special experience. Your pupils can gain their PADI Open Water qualification, surrounded by an abundance of marine life including manta rays, whale sharks and leatherback turtles. Pupils can also learn about conservation efforts, visiting a turtle hatchery and taking part in beach cleans and reef cleans. Pupils on a biology Fieldtrek to Borneo will be spoilt by the vast diversity of wildlife and plant life to encounter. A visit to the orangutan sanctuary at Sepilok will give pupils the opportunity to learn about the habits of these incredible mammals, as well as to contribute to their conservation. Pupils can then head into the jungle, along the Kinabatangan River which is home to rare species of bird and the enigmatic proboscis monkey.


When to go: All year round J

art of Malaysia, the states of Sabah and Sarawak on the island of Borneo are home to ancient forest, a vast array of plant and animal life, and diverse cultures. The third largest island in the world, Borneo has long been a magnet for biologists, divers, conservationists and jungle trekking enthusiasts, and is an incredible place to take your pupils.








Flying Time: 13 hours Capital City: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) (GMT +8hrs) Essentially: An island of incredibly rich biodiversity and a strong conservation ethic, combined with brilliant diving and jungle trekking opportunities. Duration: 14 – 21 days

M eet th e tea m

Neil Kay : Mountain Leader Neil works with young people on a daily basis, teaching outdoor education at a school in Devon. With qualifications in king mountaineering, climbing, surfing, kaya ions pass s Neil’ clear it’s g, bikin and mountain s Neil’ r, leade nt brillia A ! oors outd the in lie Peru previous trips have included Morocco, . and the French Alps

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0845 634 4670

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e d u ca t i o n by experien ce

Address: Sutton Manor Farm, Bishop’s Sutton, Alresford, SO24 OAA, UK Open Monday to Friday 9am to 6pm and Saturday 9am to 1pm

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Š CHAMELEON WORLDWIDE TRAVEL LTD 2012/13 No portion of this brochure may be reproduced without the prior written consent of Chameleon Worldwide. Photographs: With thanks to all our leaders, teachers and staff.

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