Silverstream brochure revised(1)

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Silverstream Priory Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar


Silverstream Priory •



ilverstream Priory in Stamullen, County Meath, Ireland is a house of monks living under the Rule of Saint Benedict. Each Benedictine monastery is an autonomous family characterised by a unique spirit. Under the patronage of Our Lady of the Cenacle, the monks of Silverstream Priory devote themselves to the worthy celebration of the Opus Dei in its age–old traditional forms and to perpetual adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar in a spirit of reparation. Their life of praise and adoration is marked by a heartfelt solicitude for the sanctification of priests. Without leaving the enclosure of the monastery the monks undertake various works compatible with their vocation, notably hospitality to the clergy in need of a spiritual respite, and the operation of an excellent Catholic book shop located in the gatehouse of the priory.

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.




onastic mission

Small Beginnings: The Invitation to Tulsa

In 2007, His Excellency, Bishop Edward J. Slattery invited me to T U L S A , O K L A H O M A T O I R E L A N D the Diocese of Tulsa to pursue, under his paternal authority, a a recollection by Dom Mark Daniel Kirby, Prior simple monastic life under the Rule of Saint Benedict, characterized by adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament, in intercession for the sanctification of priests, in reparation for the sins that disfigure the Face of Christ the Priest, and in a readiness to accompany priests on their journey toward holiness. I began living this “vocation within a vocation” after more than twenty–five years of monastic life, in the relative solitude of a little rented house in Tulsa. Soon, however, other men heard of what is, in effect, a new expression of traditional Benedictine life, and asked to discern whether or not God was calling them to embrace it. A number of men have come, tested themselves here, and gone on to other things. Such comings and goings are to be expected. For each of us, they are part of bigger design woven by Divine Providence. Dom Benedict Andersen, currently a deacon, will (God willing) be ordained to the priesthood this year. Other men are waiting to experience our life and, with God’s grace, pursue it.

From the beginning of my experience in Tulsa, I understood that this new expression of Benedictine life was to reflect the mysteries of the Cenacle, that is the “Upper Room” in which Our Lord washed His Apostles’ feet, instituted the Sacraments of the Priesthood and of the Most Holy Eucharist, and appeared to His Apostles after His Resurrection. The Cenacle is also the place wherein Our Blessed Lady and the Apostles persevered in prayer for nine days after the Ascension of Jesus, waiting for the promised outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Considering these things, it seemed fitting that the new monastery, erected with Bishop Slattery’s blessing, should be named for Our Lady of the Cenacle. Before long the need for a larger house became evident. By an act of Providence, one Saturday morning a local physician, a devout Orthodox Christian, appeared on the doorstep of my provisional little monastery. This was the beginning of a blessed friendship with Dr. Tracy Loper. Dr. Loper recommended that I lease the house of one of his colleagues, suggesting that it might be a suitable place for our embryonic monastic community. This house, located at 1132 East 21st Street in Tulsa, became the Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle and, as such, has served us well.

Need for Silence and Space It became clear that a rural setting was needed both for the accommodation of men trying their vocations and for hospitality to priests in search of silence, rest, and spiritual refreshment in the radiance of Our Lord’s Eucharistic Face. We began searching for a suitable property within the Diocese of Tulsa. All our explorations came to nought. In June 2011 I was invited to address ADORATIO, an international convocation on Eucharistic Adoration, held in 4

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Rome. While there I had the opportunity to meet a number of fine priests and seminarians from Ireland. A seed was planted in my heart: a desire to bring our life of adoration to Ireland, for the refreshment, sanctification, and consolation of so many seminarians and priests persevering heroically in a critical social context of humiliation, hostility from the media, and apparent hopelessness.

Exploring in Ireland Not having found a suitable property in the Diocese of Tulsa, with Bishop Slattery’s blessing, I visited County Meath, Ireland in October 2011, in order to explore the possibility of taking over a contemplative monastery slated for closure. The Visitation Monastery at Silverstream in Stamullen, County Meath is a large stone house set in spacious grounds with a view of the Irish Sea. It has everything needed to allow for the growth of the Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle, and for the continuation in Ireland of the work begun very humbly in Tulsa. His Lordship, Bishop Michael Smith expressed his willingness to welcome our Benedictine community into the Diocese of Meath. Having obtained the assent and blessing of both bishops, I decided to go forward with the relocation to Ireland, placing all my trust in Our Lord’s merciful goodness and in the solicitude of Our Lady’s maternal Heart.

A Monastic Mission to Ireland: Returning Love for Love Given the immense number of priests and religious who left their native Ireland to establish and serve the Church in the United States, it seems to me that the hour has now come for some Americans to return love for love by leaving the United States to serve the Church in Ireland. Ours will be a distinctively monastic mission: a hidden life of liturgical prayer and adoration with a “welcoming heart” for priests. We are fortunate to have a network of friends and competent advisors in Ireland; these are priests and laymen convinced that our presence there will contribute to the renewal of Catholic life in the Isle of Saints and of Scholars. There is not a Catholic in the United States who is not indebted, in some way, to the tireless labours of Irish priests and religious. Our monastic mission to Ireland is an opportunity for all of us to demonstrate our gratitude to the Church in Ireland, and to offer Our Lord, in a land once rich in monastic life, a new monastery wholly dedicated to the adoration of His Eucharistic Face, and sanctification of men chosen to be the special friends of His Sacred Heart, His priests.

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.


aWal k through

Silverstream Priory with Dom Mark Kirby

‘Essentially, our goal is to implant traditional Benedictine life at Silverstream. This means a close adhesion to the letter and spirit of the Rule, and a commitment to the traditional forms of the sacred Liturgy, celebrated worthily, in Latin and Gregorian chant. Like all Benedictine monks, we open the sacred Scriptures daily, in lectio divina, to discover there, shining through every page, as if through the "lattice-work" of the text (Cant. 2:10), the adorable Face of Christ.’ Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus. 7


Silverstream Priory •

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.

‘At Silverstream Priory, we contemplate the Face of God in our Liturgy, source and summit of the adoration that flows out of the Mass and returns to it. And we do it specifically for the sake of those men whom our Lord called "not servants, but friends" (John 15:15), his priests, and in particular for those priests who, for one reason or another, are unable or unwilling to linger in the company of Our Lord in the Sacrament of his Divine Friendship.”’ 9

‘While in Rome, I encountered several Irish priests, seminarians, and layfolk who suggested that what could 10 not be found in Tulsa might be readily available Silverstream Priory •in Ireland.’

‘This invitation to consider Ireland touched me deeply, because for several years I had felt a growing desire to respond to the needs of the Church in Ireland with a humble love, principally by prayer, never thinking that I would be led to implant a new monastery there.’

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.


‘The fountain-head of all monastic life is, of course, the Gospels and al Fourth Gospel, which according toSilverstream tradition, drew ou 12 Priory • John

ll of sacred Scripture. And I think we would have a predilection for the ut Utofinthe Heart ofDeus. Jesus at the Last Supper in the Cenacle.’ omnibus glorificetur 13

After Scripture, we would, like all Benedictines, refer to the Fathers of the Desert, and to the ancient monastic traditions of East and West. One cannot lay claim to a Benedictine identity without loving the Fathers of the Church, and drinking deeply of the living water they transmit to every generation.


Silverstream Priory •

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.


‘In our search for a suitable property, we made a novena to St Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, and also prayed confidently to Blessed Columba Marmion. To my astonishment, upon arriving at Silverstream, I discovered in the sacristy hanging above the vesting cabinet, a framed document in Latin attesting to the dedication of the little church and its altar to St Thérèse!’ 16

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‘Ireland needs a great monastic revival. Authentic monastic revivals have, all through history, sparked a revival of the Church in every sector of society. I ask our supporters to use their influence and contacts for our appeal. I believe there are faithful Catholics, eager to see a monastic springtime in Ireland, who would be in a position to offer us substantial help. I need to get the word out to them.’ Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.



Silverstream Priory •


Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.

Heart for Pr ies t s

‘Our mission here in Ireland is to minister to Ireland’s priests. As is fitting for Benedictine hospitality, we are engaged in the renovation of a guesthouse; there will be 6 en-suite guestrooms, a small oratory (dedicated to the Holy Angels), a library, a conference hall, and a kitchen and dining area. We also have a beautiful hermitage dedicated to the Holy Souls which we would like to "do up" (as the Irish say) for those who would desire a more secluded retreat.’ 19

D om Kirby : The Making of a Monk

The qualities candidates for Silverstream should possess The most promising candidates should be between 21 and 30 years of age, and untainted by any previous experience of religious life. It is important that men arrive with freshness of vision, without preconceived notions of what the life ought to be, and above all, with a capacity to be flexible. I encourage men interested in our life to read the great Benedictine classic, Christ the Ideal of the Monk, by Ireland’s most famous Benedictine, Blessed Columba Marmion (April 1, 1858 – January 30, 1923; beatified by Saint Pope John Paul II on Sept. 3, 2000). We are looking for men willing to be formed in a truly Benedictine way. First of all, in humility: the frank admission that one comes to the monastery as a learner to submit to a doctrine of life; obedience, a readiness to listen and to be changed by what one hears. The beginning of discerning a vocation After some initial exchange of correspondence, we may invite a man to visit the monastery. Several short visits are ideal, but given that men may come from great distances, a single, longer visit may be the best practical option. If I see in a man elements of a vocation to Silverstream Priory, I will invite him to spend a month observing our life while we observe him. If the indications are favorable, the candidate may complete an application and request to begin the postulancy. The elements of the postulancy The postulancy may be as short as three months and as long as nine. Men arrive at monastic life from different backgrounds; some would not even be familiar with the Catechism, while others may have an adequate understanding of the Faith through personal reading, or through a course of theological studies. Monastic formation during the novitiate At the end of the postulancy, a man may petition to receive the novice's habit, and enter into the year and a half of the novitiate. Monastic formation in the novitiate begins with the Gospels and the Psalms. The young brother will also become familiar with the Rule of St Benedict and with our monastic forefathers in East and West; he will acquire a working knowledge of Holy Mass and the Divine Office; and he will read the works of Blessed Columba Marmion. The requirements of temporary profession At the end of the novitiate, a man may request to be admitted to temporary profession for three years. At the end of his triennial vows, the junior monk may ask to make perpetual profession and receive the monastic consecration.

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.




‘It is urgent that we begin and complete the renovation of the existing priory church; it was built in 1952. We have had to gut the interior; it needs a new roof, heating, insulation and, of course, furnishings. 22

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‘Please God, eventually, we will be able to adorn the church with iconography suitable for the House of God; we have a beautiful plan which has been drawn up by the English iconographer Aidan Hart, who is proficient not only in the Byzantine style but also in early Christian and Romanesque styles.’

Ut in omnibus glorificetur Deus.


An Urgent Appeal

How to Help O

n 17 March 2014, the Benedictine Monks of Perpetual Adoration launched a major fundraising campaign in order to purchase the buildings and 15 acres of Silverstream Priory. Stability is an essential element of Benedictine. Until such time as the monks own Silverstream Priory, the further development of the monastic community is gravely compromised. Prior Mark Daniel Kirby writes: “Promising young vocations are knocking at our door, but the door does not belong to us, nor does the house, nor the land. The future of Silverstream Priory is at stake. Please do something to re– establish monastic life in County Meath, not far from the Hill of Slane where Saint Patrick, long ago, kindled his Paschal Fire.”

There are several ways you can help us financially. To help our friends and benefactors in the United States, we have established The Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation (a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Oklahoma). Our American friends can send a cheque, made payable to “The Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation”, to the following address:

The Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation 20315 South Hwy 75 Mounds, OK 74047 For our friends in Ireland, the UK, and the European Union, we prefer bank transfers (as our bank exacts a large fee for cashing cheques). Our bank information is as follows:

Bank of Ireland Balbriggan Co. Dublin IBAN: IE02 BOFI 9035 4196 4472 87 BIC: BOFIIE2D


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Alternatively, you can also send a cheque, payable to “Silverstream Priory”, and post it to the following address: Silverstream Priory Stamullen County Meath Ireland Finally, you can send us a secure donation online through Paypal: • For European donors, click here to set up your donation • For United States donors, click here to set up your donation • For large gifts, gifts of stocks or bonds, and planned gifts (such as including our name in your will or in your trust, or naming us as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy or retirement plan), please contact Father Prior directly.

Our Charity Status For benefactors in the Republic of Ireland and the European Union: We are a limited liability company registered in Dublin, Ireland (CRO number 513644; Registered Charity CHY20303; Registered Office, Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, Co. Meath). For American benefactors, we have established The Monastery of Our Lady of the Cenacle Foundation, a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the state of Oklahoma. The Foundation is starting the process of becoming a tax exempt entity (501c3) for purposes of the Internal Revenue Service. Once the Foundation’s application to the IRS is approved, the IRS’ determination of tax exempt status should apply retroactively (back to the time of the Foundation’s organization under Oklahoma law—prior to the time of this donation).

Silverstream Priory is a limited liability company registered in Dublin, Ireland. CRO number 513644. Registered Charity CHY20303. Registered Office, Silverstream Priory, Stamullen, Co. Meath.

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