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RAM Interview Issue 40 December 2022
Interview with RAM | Daytona 2022
By Kevin Dankman
RAM, Robert Mickelsen, has been an ever-present part of the glass art world. RAM has been exhibiting his fine art pieces in Galleries worldwide for decades. It was only in the latter part of his career did he find joy and inspiration working with pipe makers from around the globe.

We here at CHAMPS Show Magazine were able to get an inside look into what makes RAM keep climbing the mountains of glass art.
Ram, my first question is, Of all the pieces you made, functional or not, what is your personal favorite solo creation? Tell us a little about it, When, where, and why?

RAM: If I had to pick one, it would be the Network Parasol I made back in 2009. It was during my most prolific networking period that I came up with the idea of a parasol. Parasols actually precede umbrellas and were originally meant to ward off sunshine, not rain. My glass parasol was also designed to deal directly with light, but in this case, capturing the light and creating a shadow that mimics the lacework pattern of the glass. The piece was meant to be displayed as if it were just set aside carelessly by its user, resting upside down on its top, still fully opened. Thus deployed, it still manipu lates the light as it was intended, copying itself in its shadow and inviting the viewer to ponder how it came to be there. The form calls to mind a bowl, appearing to function more as a container than a shield, and in this contradiction, it reveals its secret - that it is not a parasol at all but a light-capturing vessel.
Collaborative art is a big part of the Glass Community. Some of my all-time favorites have been your collaborations on the “Art of War” Project.
“Network Parasol” - solo sculpture from 2009.
“Intergalactical Tactical” - collab with Darby in 2014.
Photos by RAM
Interview with RAM | Daytona 2022
RAM: Well the “Art of War” project with Subliminal Glass does rank among my very favorites. So does the earlier “Elements” weapons collab with them. But there are so many other memorable collaborations that I really cannot just land on one. So here are a few of my favorites. The “Bacteriobot” with Banjo. “Elementia” and “Lemon Phaser” with Eusheen. “Galactical Tactical” with Darby. “Ganjaraffe” with Buck. And “Andromeda” with my shop mates Ryder, Smiffglass, and Villianglass. There are many more, but those are my favorites.

I have talked to a few other “old school” glass blowers over the year, Your name often pops up in some of the stories from the good ole days.

What is your Favorite Collaboration you have worked on in the glass industry?
“Andromeda” - collab with studio mates Smi glass, Ryderglass , and Villianglass in 2018.
“Art of War - Egyptian AK47” - collab with Subliminal crew and my crew in 2019.
“Bacteriobot” - collab with Banjo in 2014.
Interview with RAM | Daytona 2022

What was it like in the early years at the glass gatherings?
RAM: I guess it depends on what you mean by early years. Remember, I am *old*. I started 50 years ago in the early 70’s. There were no “gatherings” back that far. I started attending GAS (Glass Art Society) conferences in the early 90’s and they really allowed me to connect with other glass artists in a way that I never had before. The problem was that GAS at that time was almost exclusively geared to furnace glass blowing and casting because flameworking was not thought of as “art”. That changed over time of course. But those early conferences opened my eyes to how I and my medium fit in with the larger glass community. I saw that we flameworkers were just as important as any other glass artists. Later, in 1998, I was elected to the Board of Directors of GAS and served for six years eventually becoming the treasurer and then vice-president. During that time I worked to elevate the status of flameworking at GAS conferences in demos and presentations. It was some of the most rewarding work I have ever done.

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“Four Elements - Earth” - collab with Subliminal crew and my crew in 2018.
“Art of War - Shogun” - collab with Subliminal crew and my crew in 2019.
“Four Elements - Fire” - collab with Subliminal crew and my crew in 2018.
“Gangara e” - collab with Buck in 2013
Interview with RAM Daytona 2022
Now lets time travel to the current world of your art. You have been posting some very elegant and colorful pieces lately. Is there a new body of work coming soon to follow up on the Art of War Project?

RAM: There is always something new coming into my head. My problem is that I cannot work fast enough to keep up. Right now I am interested in re-imagining the pipe form and breaking out of what I see as a kind of design stagnation. Everything is 8” tall! I would love to see a return to the wide-open designs we saw ten years ago. Bring back big glass! I have some new designs that break out of that 8” box without compromising function. I will have a few of these at the Daytona show.
I know, I know, the next one is such a silly question, I just think it is something that people might enjoy knowing. I have asked everyone this question, even musical artists and professional athletes, if you had the option to have anything you want for breakfast, what would you order?
RAM: Hmm. It’s tempting to make a snarky R-rated comment here, but I will refrain. My choice would be eggs benedict.
Hugh Salkind had a question: “Where do you think the pipe industry is going, and what do you see as its future?”
RAM: People. There are a number of artists who bear watching that I think are breaking the mold and will set the standard for the future. Keep an eye on Ryan Jenkins, Adam Whobrey, David Colton, Scotty Mickle, Patrick McDougal, Elissa Newmeyer, and Lacey Walton just to name a few off the top of my head. The future will break new ground and improve on everything that has come before. There are new amazing artists coming up every day.
“Post Apocalyptical Ri e” - collab with Snic in 2016.
“Victrola” - solo sculpture from 2014.
Interview with RAM | Daytona 2022
So for our last question, what is a jewel of knowledge you think all up-and-coming glass artists should know?

RAM: Do not worry about the dynamics of the glass pipe market. It will go up and down. It is currently on a down cycle, but it will come up again before too long. I have been through many of these cycles. Focus instead on making great work and being the best artist and version of yourself you are capable of being. Nothing else matters. Work hard and play harder. Don’t be afraid to break things. Don’t shy away from controversy. Live and work dangerously. Get used to cuts and burns and bruises. Embrace frustration. Sweat. Swear. Swagger. And remember, learning and teaching are the same thing. Oh, and give your elders a break now and then. We won’t be around much longer.

“Dreams and Secrets” - solo sculptural pipe just recently completed. Will be at show.
“The Antelopian” - solo sculptural pipe just recently completed. Will be at show.
“Elementia” - collab with Eusheen in 2013.