Content Recent events Exchange stories AIESEC upcoming events AIESEC opportunities
Hello everyone! My name is Dasha. I’m Vice-Presiden t of AIESEC Kharkiv Outgoing Exchange. Something about me. I’m stu dying physical electricity in Kharkiv National Karazi n University. I’m fond of reading, listening to music and travelling. AIESEC internships are new inte resting places, new friends, history and culture. Ma ny of you had an internship abroad but most of you are preparing for it. I can be sure tha t exactly your internship will be the most me morable and colorful because only you can me et new and interesting people, only you can dev elop yourself working in an international team – and that is, believe me - the best time! New opportunities, new prospects, new horizons and new countries! When? If not now? Who? If not you? You are active, you are you ng, so just do it and enjoy! I’ll do my best to help you hav e the best experience and put more colors in you r life. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me. Mobile 063 952 34 41 VK FB dasha Email:
What happened in OGX (Outgoing exchange)? We started sending people around the world: China, Poland, India We interviewed people, who want to go on Exchange! Of course we signed some contracts, uploaded forms and searched in the endless Make your dreams come true in your dream country!
What happened in ICX (Incoming exchange)? Our expected interns are from Czech Republic, Russia, China, Georgia, Japan And we have also negotiations with India, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, China AIESEC opportunity to be a buddy for an intern: to spend time with an EP, improve English level and know more about the intern’s culture
- Германия? Почему ты выбрал именно эту страну для себя? Когда я собирался на стажировку, я четко представлял себе список стран, куда бы мне интересно было поехать. Германия в этом списке была одной из первых, так как мне было очень интересно узнать об уровне жизни в этой стране, познакомиться больше с её культурой, улучшить свой немецкий язык и узнать о возможностях обцчения здесь. Так что когда я нашёл эту стажировку, у меня не было никаких сомнения чтобы не попробывать себя здесь. - В чем суть твоей стажировки? Организация проекта для школьников 6-7 класса на тему Social Media, Internet, Facebook etc. - Что даст тебе эта стажировка в будущем? Навыки работы в интернациональной команде, хороших друзей и приятные воспоминания. For more information
• Summer International TtT (Train the Trainer conference) : 9-11th August 2012, Global Village on 8th of August. Apply here https :// • IDS (International Development Seminar) 2526 August will help you to prepare for your internship. Apply here eadsheet/viewform? formkey=dE5RcVpEUG8zVllS RC1kaUhENE1LdkE6MQ For more information please contact the OGX team
Enjoy participation
GCDP TN-In-CN-RU-2012-2435 TN-In-CN-XM-2012-434 TN-In-CN-SY-2012-955 TN-In-CN-XJ-2012-359 GIP TN-In-CN-RU-2012-2435 TN-In-CN-GD-2012-390 TN-In-CN-SI-2012-634
GCDP TN-In-TR-DE-2012-1838 TN-In-TR-DE-2012-1848 GIP TN-In-TR-DE-2012-1860 TN-In-TR-DE-2012-1828
TN-In-IN-JA-2012-6947 TN-In-IN-ID-2012-981 TN-In-IN-AH-2012-3023 TN-In-IN-PU-2012-3404
GCDP TN-In-BG-SS-2012-2 TN-In-BG-SS-2012-5 TN-In-BG-SF-2012-1482 GIP TN-In-BG-SF-2012-1485 TN-In-BG-SF-2012-1484
Suggestions? Help matching? The editor of this newsletter is Chana, Reintegration Manager for AIESEC Kharkiv. If there is something you’d like to see in the next edition, or if you need help with the matching process, you can email her at Skype chana_nguyen VK +38063 721 03 63 Make your dreams come true!
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