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Graduation & Promotion

Thank you students, parents, faculty and staff for the strength of your commitment to each other, to find opportunities to be together while apart, to keep Chandler traditions alive from home, and to imagine new and creative ways to honor the Class of 2020 and their achievement of this important milestone. Special thanks to the Class Representatives for their leadership, creativity, vision and steadfast support.
Fun Fridays, the virtual celebration, carline parade and diploma distribution were just a few ways that we united to celebrate the Class of 2020. We are so proud of their accomplishments, but we are especially proud of their positive attitude and camaraderie throughout this unprecedented time.

Enjoy these special highlights.


Thank you to our Class Representatives for their ongoing leadership to keep their class connected to the school and each other.

Aaron Chao ’20 Aidan Chao ’20 Lucas Chatham ’20 Chloe Leong ’20 Ella Moriarty ’20 John Mueller ’20 Chloe Zavistovski ’20

presented to members of the class of 2020
Arthur L. P. Brown Award for Scholastic Progress Cayenne Tze Shuen Lee
Vernon L. Hill Citizenship Award Lucas Lowell Chatham
Robert T. McInerny Award for Excellence in School Service Peter Hollis
Clyde E. MacQuoid Award for Best Girl Athlete Jamie Yue
William Wilson Award for Best Boy Athlete Andrew Allen Khachatourian
Fine Arts (Performing) Award Adan Michael Trujillo
Fine Arts (Visual) Award Isaac Caleb Tiu & Lucas Lowell Chatham

Jefferson C. Stephens Scholarship Award Anastasia Grace Kung‑Volkoff
Catherine S. Chandler Award for Best All-Around Girl Kelsey Hyunah Sarte Kim Honorable Mention - Chloe Alexis Palmer
Thomas A. Chandler Award for Best All-Around Boy Cole Taj Mallinger CHANDLER’S GRADUATES HEAD TO TOP SECONDARY SCHOOLS!

Alverno Heights Academy Flintridge Preparatory School Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy Harvard‑Westlake School International School of Los Angeles La Cañada High School L.A. County High School for the Arts La Salle College Preparatory The Loomis Chaffee School Loyola High School Maranatha High School Mayfield Senior School Polytechnic School Sequoyah School St. Francis High School The Webb Schools Westridge School for Girls

While we were unable to celebrate the Class of 2023 in person, a virtual promotion was held in June. This event marked the transition to Middle School, a new journey for these remarkable students. We are so proud of your determination, grit and resilience during this time, and we congratulate you on your achievement!