Chad Product Maker . Experiential Designer U/X & Service Innovater
Hello... I’m Chandni - Chad for short
I specialise in.....
- U/X, UI, Service Design
- Service Experience Mapping
- Ethnography
- Bespoke Discovery Tool Curation
- Adobe Design Suite
- Usability Testing & Wire Framing
- Product Development
- Workshop Facilitation
I have a background in.......
BSc Product Design
BUILD MDes Service Design Innovation
This highlights my creative process.....
What Kind Of Designer Am I? Visual, iterative & analytical. Empathetic, user centric & holisitic in my design appraoch Inquisitive & an active listener.
I am a team player as well as team builder. I can bridge the gaps in communication between interdisciplinary teams to ensure the brief has a huge scope for developing its design potential and creating the best possible design outcomes.
- UK Voting - Working Prototypes
- Robotic Relationship Management - London Property Bonds - SADI *Leisure & Interests
The UK Voting System Brief: Design a web application that improves the experience of the UK voting system As a natural problem solver, I usually tackle a brief with a problem statement; i.e. with this brief, what are the current issues within the voting system? Examining those painpoints in the user journey,using ethnographic research as well as other creative techniques helps me to frame the problem, which is often underpinned by a holistic perspective.
R!ar" D#p $ve
What other countries have web/electronic voting systems?
Infographic representing the findings
Core Questions
Gathering insights
Primary Research Questionnaire
Research Findings
Journey Mapping
Application Development Mapping & Wireframes
Prototyping the Web Application
Testing & Feedback
*Feedback used for future iterations
Comments on how well the application helped the user to build trust, aided ease of use and provided all the relevant information they needed to cast their vote.
Working Prototypes MERCER FLEX
- The Mercer Flex project was based on developing an app for recruiters to use as a tool to help match skills to a flexible labour workforce. - This tool helps you to evaluate how your organisation can capitalise on the emerging world of hyper-flexible employment. It shows the commercial impact of offering the right level of flex to your staff, and shows how smart firms are making 21st century flexible work, work for them. - Please copy and paste the link into your browser to view. d-ee1e-41ad-a6c9-997136b84b1d/
Your Dot Multiple Possibilities
- The Virgin project is a formative concept that explores how a vital commodity can be stripped down to its essence, but still deliver an elegant experience. - This app prototype explores how a new CSP could serve customers seeking the simplest possible offering. The prototype highlights a very streamlined way to do this. - Please copy and paste the link into your browser to view. e5-9a02-404f-af34-3f2a6559b5cb/
Join the dots.
Robotic Relationship Management How could hybrid approaches to Relationship Management help the bank serve its client base better?
The key focus areas included: a. Where in the client lifecycle should robotics play a part? b. How can hybrid approaches to relationship management help the bank to serve its client base to achieve business goals and objectives?
Process: Working with product managers, and user researchers to conduct discovery workshops and map existing user experiences and needs. Developing conceptual ideas to innovate new as well as existing service delivery operations using robotics.Â
Research: Looking at research papers and articles exploring anthropomorphism, and how robotic advisors are curretly used in different industries
Research Contd:
Competitor Analysis
Looking at how a Nordic Bank has used ‘Ava’ and her processing capabailities
Development: - How will our robotic advisor differentiate itself from others currently in the market?
Self Learning Capabilities
Looking at previous robotics work completed for AT&T
Robotic Relationship Management - Fin
Meet Will He’s the owner of a small but growing UK company. After years of getting little attention and lots of charges from his bank, he’s switching to Group. He’s apprehensive about the move. He has enough on his BAU plate, without juggling a major administrative project. Luckily Fin, the Robo-Relationship Manager is on hand to help out. KYC
New Client On-boarding
HMRC have changed their regulations for recieving tax credits
Company Name: NewCo How will this effect me?
Address: 2 Square, London, EC2A 1DS This will affect your yearly revenue by 5%
Offices: London | New York | Shanghai Role: Financial Director
Mr Will Sanders
Delivery Pitch to client
Meet Fin Tell me more!
1. Automating On-Boarding
2. Proactive Guidan
Jobs to do: Complete a structured data capture process (KYC, PEP etc) Fin’s task: Don’t make Will start from a blank page. Intelligently collect data
Job to do: Manage constan Fin’s task: Will can talk thr
from external sources to create a strawman.
flows easily and Will quickly
Private Ba Their Strategy
Strategic Planning Objectives
Next Actions for growth Case Studies
5. Keep Colleag
Job to do: Get advice Fin’s task: Help the P Group info, Ratings ag
FaceBook and Instagram
6. Know The Targets & Grow The Business Job to do: Demonstrate how Group can help Will achieve his strategic objectives. Fin’s task: Review Will’s annual report and identify key objectives. Find relevant areas where RBS’s services could accelerate progress. Create a portfolio of peers companies that are 3 years ahead of Will. Demonstrate how they’ve succeeded.
Liquidity Management
Performance Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
Graph showing projections of current state and projects what will happen with the use of:
a. Invoice factoring b. Bridging loan
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet
Compare Industry
Your Funds U.K
Cash Position
FX Exposure
3. Giving Expert Advise
nt regulatory change rough regulatory changes with Fin. The conversation
Job to do: Make smarter decisions Fin’s task: Will is shown his cash flow and presented with relevant options. If
y knows how his firm can benefit from the changes.
Fin predicts payment delays, it will have a significant impact on Will’s firm. Fin reviews Will’s risk appetite and suggests Factoring or a Bridging loan. For each option Fin show’s the predicted impact. Will can save this data to justify his decision.
nker’s Brief Risks
Private Banker Let’s schedue a meeting
gues Informed
that’s tailored to me Private Banker to know Will quickly. Collect and collate
gency data and news about Will. (Image recognition on m is going too far though).
4. Meet The Private Banker Job to do: Find the right time to talk to the private banker Fin’s task: Will’s schedule is hectic. Rather than pingpong meeting requests for days, Fin can access his calendar and find a convenient time to meet.
London Property Bonds Re-developing the website to increase customer engagement when navigating through web pages. Process: Deep analysis of current web architectire and user analystics. Conducting ethnographic research and feeding back to directors with proposed changes.
Current sitemap of website
Proposed sitemap of website
Home Page Analysis
Home Page Wireframes
Invest Page Analysis
Invest Page Wireframes
South Ko%a SADI ROUND 10 : GLOBAL SERVICE DESIGN WORKSHOP ‘Service Design for National Trust for
The Workshop Working in collaboration with the National Trust of Korea and students from SADI (Samsung Art and Design Institute). In association with SAMSUNG
National Trust of Korea Mission Statement: To secure quality cultural and environmental properties through public donations and maintain the properties through autonomous management for permanent preservation and enjoyment of future generations.
The Brief
The participants of the workshop were split into 2 groups with each group developing service strategies for 2 historical sites specified as part of the brief. The following work features ideas developed for the site of Jungmyungjun,
Ideas generated were based around using the large courtyard space within the JMG site which could entice visitors, increase awareness of the trust and excite people with regards to the current work the Trust is doing. This could also encourage donations as various activities and events could be fee based.
Cоduc'ng ()views
Graph based on people’s knowledge of historical places in the local area Interviews were conducted to see what people actually thought of the site to give further ideas on how to improve visibility and attract-ability. People who were interviewed were randomly selected around the local area within a half mile radius. A good mix of young, elderly, male and female individuals were interviewed. Interviewees were also asked to rate their knowldge of local hstorical sites on a scale of 1-4.
Path Walked
Levels of knowledge
Seoul Museum of History
Jung Dong Park
City Hall
Further Exploration Around Seoul
Canadian Embassy
Target Audience
Problem Definition: Starting with JMG, how do we present the location of important historical sites such as JMG in an interesting and interactive way ?
“I like to spend timewith my friends and socializewith them in my free time. We usually go for milkshakes orto the movies a few times a week.”
“I go to museums and galleries with my children to educate them and expand their knowledge on various topics such as history and art!”
1. Parents who work near this area / like to spend family time with their children around Seoul
2. Students who go to school and study near this area
Behavior :
Behavior :
Visiting other places that successfully attract a large number of visitors for inspiration and gathering ideas on how to re-configure existing JMG service strategies.
Works at City Hall Is 37 years old Has 2 children aged 12 and 15 Her parents like to spend time with the grandchildren every 2 weeks on Sundays usually.
Studies at university Is 19 years old She does not have a lot of knowledge about Korean history
Dev*op+g the S)vice To host a film festival showing films with historical significance from around the world.
Once upо a 'me + JMG : Holding a ‘Film Festival’ within the JMG site – the outside courtyard. This would simultaneously attract people to the JMG site while promoting The Trust, and increasing monetary donations through incorporating an entry fee.
Lantern Trail to Film Festival on event night
The Identity of the Flm Festival which will be used in corresponding promotional material.
Allowing members to gain discounted access and nonmembers to pay a premium price.
Hosting this event in Jungmyeongjun. The large space lends itself to big events.
Raising awareness to non-members of the benefits of the price reductions through joining the National Trust of Korea.
Short video clips projected onto walls of surrounding areas along with additional details of the
Social Me,a : Advertising the event using a mixture of social media platforms.
S%- B.)s Adv/i0ng the Film F1ival.
Render of the film festival in context with JMG.
Gi2 Shop
Large format posters which would be displayed around Seoul to advertise the event.
Memb)s3p Gi2 P4
Exclu0ve Memb)’s Off)
1 year subscription enititles the member to a free gift pack with exclusive designs and discounted entry at National Trust sites and events.
Some things I have enjoyed doing in my spare time.
Amsterdam Light Festival
Fundraising for Cancer Research Travelling
London Lumiere Light Festival
Design Your Future UCAS
Thank you for viewing my portfolio
Contact Me 07904734859 Birdhouse Project: