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REBIRTH OF BEITOU DEPOT Green the Gray Area in City
Site: Beitou, Taipei City, Taiwan
Type: professional/ group work/ public construction project
Role: designer/ Partner: 4 colleagues
//competition stage:
//basic design stage: analysis, concept and masterplan graphic drawing, 3D modeling(Rhino), section review, rendering masterplanCAD, concept and masterplan graphic drawing, 3D modeling(Rhino), section review, rendering
*redraw except the renderings
Date: 2020.12 - 2021.06/ redraw 2022.10
Supervisor: Chung-Hsun Wu(da.vision@msa.hinet.net)
The MRT system and its affiliated factory area occupy an important proportion of the urban landscape in a city. This project publicizes the private and discarded area of MRT company, opens up the gray space and transforms it into a park intertwined with green and blue. In addition to the connection of water, recreation and urban bicycle system, it also proposes new imaginations for the interface between architecture and landscape. The water circulation system is established through ingenious topography, and the boundary between urban and natural landscapes is stitched up in a resilient and sustainable way.
Beitou Resort In Depot
Beitou resort has been blocked out and hard to be found due to the disadvantage of the terrain and unfriendly path. Grass slopes and artificial pool connect the landscape and the interface of the building lobby and change the state of mood.
Elevation Strategy
The park is rich in landscape changes after land grading. The excavation from the front of Beitou Resort and ecological detention pond is used to create small hills and provide a breathtaking view of Guandu Plain.
Water Reuse Cycle
The ecological detention pond and the rain garden along the border of park receive rainwater and surface runoff, helping the urban resilience park achieves the climatization under extreme climate and heavy rain. The water reuse cycle not only provides an ecological habitat for animals and plants, but also for irrigation and human use.
The marine sports training base is concerned with the sustainability of natural environment, local fishery industry and sightseeing. This work combined with the issue of preserving and restoring seaweed, and reach a carbon nutral by increasing blue carbon. Furthermore, through management of land restoration time, the unavailable time for marine sport allow this place to breath and nourish.