8 minute read
Why It’s Important To Respect Your Spouse
By Angie Lewis
As a husband your purpose in marriage is to respect your wife, even when you don’t feel like it. When a man gets married, he takes on the added responsibilities of marriage, which include being respectful and caring. A husband is to love his wife as he would love himself.
In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. After all, no one ever hated his own body, but he feeds and cares for it, just as Christ does the church. (Ephesians 5:28-
He FEEDS and CARES for it just like Christ does the church? This scriptural analogy here is showing husbands “how to love their wives” – in the same way Christ would feed and care for his church. Wow! It is a big responsibility and sometimes a challenging one at that, but God designed husbands for this purpose in marriage.
If a husband is not respecting his wife in the way he should, then could it be because he is not respecting himself? Usually this means a husband is mistreating himself somehow with too much work, or too much womanizing, or too much pornography, or too much drugs, or too much alcohol, or too much resentment, too much selfishness, too much control over his wife, or too much bitterness from within.
All of these things would keep a husband from truly respecting and caring for his wife properly. If we don’t love ourselves, how can we love another?
Respect is a principle that supports and sustains many aspects of marriage. If a husband respects and regards his wife with high esteem it will make her feel good about her role as a woman and of being his wife. Marriage will undoubtedly have its troubles, but if you remember the principle “to treat your wife the way you would like to be treated” then most marriage problems can be resolved amicably before they get out of hand.
If a husband totally disregards
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his purpose to love his wife because he disrespects himself then he will need inner healing before he can learn to love and respect his wife properly – the way God intended for a man to love his wife. Respect is an important component of marriage, which keeps it flourishing with abundance no matter what issues, may arise.
When a woman gets married, she now has a new responsibility, to love and respect her husband, even when she doesn’t feel like it. Your whole purpose as a wife is to be the loving woman to your man that God wants you to be. Marriage is not just about a wife’s feelings and what she wants and needs, but what both husband and wife want and need as a whole and together in the marriage!
The principle I am just about to tell you should be posted on every mirror and refrigerator in a married couple’s home so they don’t forget it. Here is a great and awesome principle for your marriage. If you study it, remember it, and apply it into your marriage, you will understand and regard the principle of respect with more importance.
“Marriage is not about two separate individuals doing their own thing, but about two intertwined individuals working together to be one whole. A wife is her husband’s other half and a husband is his wife’s other half. Together a husband and a wife create “one flesh” in the marriage.”
For this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become “one flesh”. (Genesis 2:24)
A wife should respect the leadership position of her husband, encouraging him to become all that he can be for the marriage and to God. A husband should love and care for his wife in the same way he would care for himself, encouraging her to become all that she can be for the marriage and to God. God wants us to live righteously by having a right relationship with Him first, so we can have a right relationship with the person we married.
Angie has written two wisdom filled books regarding this subject. Love the Woman You Married and Love the Man You Married. © 2002-2021 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. www. heavenministries.org >
How A Christian Wife Is To Be A Helpmeet To Her Husband
By Angie Lewis
As Christians we are not only accountable to our spouse but to God first and foremost. Christ should be the driving force in the Christ follower’s life. If this one important facet is written upon a woman’s heart, mind and soul, she will not have a problem adhering to her obligations as a Christian wife.
And the Lord God said, it is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a helpmeet for him.
(Genesis 2:18)
Scripture shows a woman how to be a good helpmeet to her husband. Even when she doesn’t feel like being very helpful or loving she tries to do the best she can because she knows it is what God wants her to do. The reality is Christian women have bad days too, but are blessed with God’s presence (Holy Spirit) within them for comfort.
God created Eve for Adam’s companionship, helper, support and encouragement. It is not good that man should be alone. There are many ways that a wife can bring the assets of helper and that of companionship to her husband. A Christian wife “who fears the Lord” is an asset to her husband in many ways.
In what ways can a Christian wife be a good helpmeet to her husband? She is called to be a companion to her husband in all areas of the marriage, which include emotionally, mentally, spiritually and sensually.
A Wife’s Emotional Support
Emotionally she encourages her husband to be the man of God that was meant for him to be. She is an asset to her husband when she supports him in his callings and endeavors in life and praises his continual efforts in the Lord. She should refrain from trying to control, browbeat or boss her husband around because that is not what God has called her to do.
The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. (Proverbs
A nagging wife is worse than a dripping faucet. If a wife cannot find anything uplifting to say to her husband or about her husband, she shouldn’t say anything at all. A husband needs an emotionally supportive wife and vice versa, otherwise how is the oneness in marriage met?
It is better to dwell in the wilderness, than with a contentious and angry woman. (Proverbs 21:19)
A Wife’s Spiritual Support
Spiritually a Christian wife connects with her Christian husband because they share in the same values and principles in life. And together they raise Godly children and have many fruits of the spirit within their marriage and family. Together they create abundance and prosperity for their lives and they realize and praise God because they know it all belongs to Him.
She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life. (Prov-
erbs 31:12)
She submits to her husband’s spiritual leadership. A helpmeet does not argue and fuss with her husband; instead, she works with Him. Most husbands will eagerly listen to the opinion of their wives when the wife does not demean him. Marriage is a partnership and a team effort that takes considerable compassion and compromise from both the husband and wife. Submission should always be voluntary; otherwise, how would it be submission any other way?
Her husband is known in the gates, when he sits among the elders of the land. (Proverbs 31:23)
A Wife’s Intimacy Support
Intimately she is there for her husband when he wants to be close. Both husband and wife have emotional, spiritual and sensual needs that should be met only through each other. God created them male and female for this reason. Eve was made from Adams flesh and bones, which symbolically make them one flesh. When a husband and wife encourage one another in their roles and positions of marriage the sensual and emotional intimacy between them will be a healthy and productive part of the marriage.
The goal for marriage should be of maintaining the oneness that united them. Sensual intimacy between a husband and wife is the kind of companionship that brings them closer together so they will not want outside of the marriage parameters. They should never reject one another unless of a woman’s menstruation or if either one of them is sick.
She looks well to the ways of her household, and eats not the bread of idleness (Proverbs 31:27)
On another note, women who are loved in the Lord are more apt to be respectful and devoted wives. A woman who is truly loved by her husband will utilize all of her creative talents and God given abilities that she has been blessed with; her husband will never be in need of anything.
Favor is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that fears the Lord, she shall be praised. (Prov-
erbs 31:31)
© 2002-2021 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. www.heavenministries.org >
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