19 minute read
Is Eternity an Eternity Away?
By Paul Tripp
When was the last time you thought about your place in heaven? For some of us, eternity might seem like an eternity away. For others, depending on our age or any current health complications, heaven might feel closer and more real. Either way, for sinners living in a broken world with fickle hearts, getting an accurate perception of Forever will be difficult. In one way or another, today will appear big and significant, and the hereafter distant and ethereal. It will be a constant struggle to look at our present life through the lens of eternity and not give it more weight than it actually has.
That’s why I love and need the reminding words of the Apostle Paul in (2 Corinthians 4:16–18):
“So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary afflic-
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tion is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal.”
Notice that Paul does not deny the existence or minimize the importance of today. But he does so with proper perception in light of heaven. Compared to the eternal glory of living with God in a fully restored world, the troubles, tasks, pleasures, and celebrations of the here and now are light and momentary. (Psalm 73:20) characterizes this present life as “a dream when one awakes.” In the moment, a dream can seem more real than your actual life. But when you wake up, it disappears like steam. The dramatic moment of the dream can’t be compared to the many, many years that make up your real life.
Heaven tells us that our existence in the here and now will only be a minute part of our total existence. Since we will live forever, when we add our years in this broken world to the sum total of our existence, they will only make up a microscopic fraction of our lives.
Don’t allow your heart and mind to be dominated by the struggles and pleasures of today because Scripture reminds us that everything that makes up your physical existence in the here and now is passing away.
When you see things around you as permanent, they take on too much importance and increase your sense of loss when they are taken away. If you mistakenly think that this life is only about who has the most gigantic pile of possessions and pleasures in the here and now, then your priorities will become unbiblical. Simultaneously, the loss of those possessions and pleasures become all the more painful and seem all the more unfair.
If you are God’s child, today is not your final destination but a preparation for your final destination.
Sadly, many of us cause our own trouble with eternity amnesia. We forget who we are and what we have been given for today—and perhaps most importantly, what is promised tomorrow.
Don’t look at this moment as if it is all there is and all you have. Heaven guarantees that all of this is temporary. Eternity tells every child of God that the bulk of our existence will be lived in a place of eternal peace, rest, and joy. Eternity not only provides us with future hope but with living hope in the here and now.
God bless,
Paul David Tripp
1. What in your life today is looming large and consuming your attention and energy? 2. In what ways is this matter biblically important? How does the gospel provide practical help and hope and not minimize its present significance? 3. Are you potentially giving this matter too much time and attention? Has it become proportionally bigger than what it should be in light of eternity? 4. How should the future guarantee of eternity alter the way you spend your time, pursue priorities, and organize your calendar? Be specific. 5. How should the future guarantee of eternity alter the way you interact with relationships? Be specific.>
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Little Girl Arise
By Cheryl Brooks
She got down on her knees to pray as she had always done so many times before, but this was one of those occasions that she had planned to stay there until she was at peace in her spirit that the Lord had truly felt the concern in her heart.
“Lord” she said “I want to thank you for keeping me all of my life. Thank you for teaching me that as long as I obeyed you, I’d have the power through your blood to move mountains. Lord let me make it clear that I don’t doubt you even now but I had to touch base with you on this matter.”
“You see Lord my granddaughter is special to me because I helped nurture her with your guidance. Her parents have done a great job raising her and have they abided by Your word. She learned and accepted Your word as her own. Lord I know that she loved you because she always talked about you which made my heart glad.”
But Lord as the years have passed, she began to slip away from you and as she got older the lust of the world took over. She started hanging with those that either had no clue about you or just didn’t care. Lord I could talk about the many ways that the world has her hung but I know that you already know. She makes excuses for why she missed church or she displays the faced that everything is fine among other Christians.
Lord, it is the desire of my heart that you touch her the same way that you touched me when I was in those dark days and didn’t realize it. Remember Lord when you told my parents that I was sleeping? Call on her like you called me. I can still hear your voice when you said tenderly but with great command
“LITTLE GIRL ARISE” "I will feed with you My word and give you living water for your thirst." "Lord those words saved my life that day and you have continuously blessed me since you revived me from spiritual death. All because I accepted you and those three little words……….."
“LITTLE GIRL ARISE” ©2021 FaithWriters.com. All Rights Reserved >
Life Lessons
Change is a natural part of life. As we grow up, our parents see the changes that come with our maturing. Then, there comes a time when we see changes in ourselvefi, and we begin to want change--socially, emotionally, and intellectually. Change comes again when we seek a life partner, worthy enough to leave parents and home, and establish our own lives. Later are the changes we see in the mirror, or in our health, or in our memory, when we forget more and more where we put something that we never had to give thought to! Time changes, seasons change, and the world, from one generation to the next, changes. We ourselves change our minds, our habits, our lifestyles, and even our looks. Everything changes--except God. He is the One unalterable fact of all life, and His word will never pass away. He is "the same yesterday, today, and forever." (Hebrews 13:8)
Because of that fact, His eternal love for His creation is something we can count on, and His forgiveness is guaranteed through His Son Who was sent "to seek and to save that which was lost." (Luke 19:10) His arms are always open to us, and in knowing Him personally, we are always changed for the better!
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Telomeres: What You Need To Know To Slow The Aging Of Your Cells
Have you heard of telomeres? While they are not a part of most everyday conversations, they are at the heart of a subject that often is: health and aging. Telomeres are vital to healthy aging, the aging of your cells, and disease prevention. Yet, they are damaged and shortened in your body every day. Is there anything you can do to save your telomeres and slow the aging of your cells?
Telomeres are protective caps at the ends of chromosomes. Chromosomes are the structures that hold your DNA within the nuclei of every cell in your body.
When the cells in your body divide, the chromosomes replicate, and the telomeres become slightly damaged and shorter. This is a part of the normal living and aging process.
However, some things in our modern environment may be speeding up the shortening of telomeres and thereby speeding up the aging of your cells.
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Telomere length is literally regarded as a marker for the biological age of a person. This age is not directly correlated to their years of life or chronological age. Some people are much younger “chromosomally” than others. When compared, a person with the same chronological age as another but with shorter telomeres has an increased risk of developing agerelated diseases such as Alzheimer’s and cancer, and a shorter life expectancy.
In fact, one 2003 study found a connection between shorter telomeres and increased risk of death from infectious disease and heart disease.
Other studies and analyses have found a link between shorter telomeres and coronary heart disease, cancer, brain health, and mortality.
If we want to know how to save our telomeres and slow expedited damage and aging of our cells, we must first know what speeds it up. Genetics and an unhealthy lifestyle are important contributors to telomere shortening. Chronic stress and stress hormones likely play a role. Additionally, many experts believe oxidative stress contributes to quickly shortened telomeres.
Oxidative stress is the accumulation of DNA-damaging free radicals in the body. Free radicals are produced with almost every natural biochemical reaction. This is a part of life. However, free radicals and oxidative stress are increased with environmental pollutants, smoking, UV damage, alcohol intake, and more.
On the other hand, a healthy diet loaded with antioxidants decreases free radicals.
Luckily, recent studies suggest that telomeres can change (for better or worse) faster than previously thought. You may even be able to change the speed at which your telomeres shorten in just 1-6 months with a healthier lifestyle.
Telomere research, lengthening, and aging reversal (with telomere elongation) are all emerging parts of science. What’s more, researchers aren’t sure that telomere lengthening directly implies an improvement in overall health and aging trajectory… but it does make sense that it would, at least hypothetically.
There are 3 lifestyle areas on which to focus for better telomere health: diet, exercise, and stress management.
In fact, one small study in 2013 studied the telomere length of 10 men with low-risk prostate cancer. During the study, they make lifestyle changes and started: • Eating healthy • Exercising regularly • Managing stress through yoga and support groups
They were then compared to 25 participants with low-risk prostate cancer who didn’t make these lifestyle changes. The 10 who made the changes had longer telomeres five years later. This was a very small study, only involving men, but a good start that shows more research is warranted.
Here are some details of the 3 keys areas:
A diet that is focused on antioxidant and anti-inflammatory foods such as the Keto Zone Diet, may play a role in determining the length of your telomeres. By increasing antioxidants and anti-inflammatory foods like extra-virgin olive oil,
See TELOMERES on Page 19
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Continued from Page 18
avocados, vegetables, fermented vegetable powders, and other healthy foods, it’s postulated that you can improve telomere health and the aging of your brain.
Next, a 2018 study found that eating more fiber was correlated with longer telomere lengths! It likely has to do with fiber’s role beyond digestion: improved blood glucose, cholesterol, hormone balance, immune support, and more. This study involved 5000 adults.
Exercise can improve overall health, help you control weight, reduce inflammation, and reduce oxidative stress.
A 2017 study looked at the association between exercise and telomere length in thousands of men and women in the United States. Those who participated in high levels of activity had significantly longer telomeres than those who did no, low level, or medium levels of activity. Interestingly, the low and medium levels of activity were about the same in terms of telomere length.
Another study found that young adults who engage in high levels of aerobic activities and had more muscle endurance had longer telomeres than those who didn’t.
Your stress hormones can actually increase oxidative stress. When this is a chronic issue, it can result in DNA-damage and possibly shorter telomeres.
One study of women who cared for a chronically ill-child found that they had shorter telomeres, reduced telomerase activity, and more oxidative stress than those caring for healthy children (8). The researchers categorized these women as having chronically high-stress levels. Another recent study found that men and women who were exposed to stressors AND responded with increased cortisol had more telomere shortening in the years that followed than those who didn’t.
One other study by the Resource Project evaluated telomere length, brain structure, and cerebral thickness in the brain. The researchers found that the aging of our cells and our biological age appears to change more quickly than previously thought. They can vary within just three months. What’s more, if the telomeres changed in length, this was associated with structural changes in the brain. If telomeres lengthened, the cerebral cortex thickened; if they shortened, the brain’s gray matter was reduced in size. Therefore, short-term telomere changes can have effects on brain structure and reflect the fluctuations in the body’s health and aging status.
So, how can you reduce stress within a stressful world? There are many ways! In this post, 9 Ways to Reduce Cortisol Naturally, we cover how you can incorporate simple lifestyle habits to reduce your cortisol stress reaction.
One of the most potent habits is sleep. One 2019 study of just over 400 people found that insufficient sleep was associated with premature telomere shortening.
While more research needs to be done, all signs point to a healthy lifestyle with a high-antioxidant diet, exercise, stress management, and sleep are important to slow the aging of our cells and support overall health. all health.
All this data is actually very good news. What you’re already doing in trying to improve your health with healthy eating, exercise, and stress management can actually slow the aging of your cells! So, don’t stop! Keep working toward a healthy lifestyle, and keep taking care of your one and only body. © 2021 Dr. Don Colbert, MD PA www.drcolbert.com >
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