15 minute read
Keto Zone Blueberry Chia Coconut Yogurt
Are you looking for a quick and easy keto meal that can be eaten any time of day?
Then this delicious Keto Zone Blueberry Chia Coconut Yogurt recipe is for you.
This recipe can be made in just a few minutes with no cooking required. Just mix the ingredients together and serve!
Not only is this recipe super easy, but it is also loaded with nutrition. With healthy fats from MCT oil, probiotics from yogurt, protein from collagen, fiber from chia seeds, and antioxidants from blueberries, this recipe is a healthy and balanced keto meal.
• 1 cup fresh organic blueberries • 1 cup full fat low-carb organic/ grass-fed yogurt (no sugar added) • 3 tablespoons ground chia seeds • 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut flakes • 1 scoop Coconut MCT Oil Powder • 1 scoop Hydrolyzed Collagen
INSTRUCTIONS • Combine chia seeds and yogurt and stir until well combined. • Add in coconut flakes, MCT Oil
Powder, and collagen. • Continue to mix until all ingredients are thoroughly incorporated. • Add in blueberries and gently stir. • Divide into 4 servings. • Top with extra blueberries if desired. • Serve and enjoy!
Servings: 4
Per Serving:
Calories: 250 calories
Fat: 21 grams
Total Carbohydrates: 12 grams
Fiber: 6 grams
Net Carbs: 6 grams
Protein: 25 grams © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert.>
60 Park Place Drive Covington, LA 70433 985-893-0505 outback.com
Keto Zone Baked Avocado Eggs
Looking for a quick and easy keto breakfast option?
If so, these delicious baked avocado eggs are sure to do the trick!
We all have busy lives. Who can afford to spend all morning making breakfast?
This low-carb recipe looks and tastes like a gourmet meal but it can be ready with little effort in less than 20 minutes!
Avocados are loaded with hearthealthy monounsaturated fat as well as fiber and minerals like potassium.
Eggs are one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet with protein, healthy fats, fat-soluble vitamins, and minerals.
These baked avocado eggs are sure to keep you full and satiated without any carbs so you can keep burning fat in the Keto Zone all day!
• 2 large organic avocados • 4 pasture-raised/organic eggs • 1 limes • 2 tablespoons organic cilantro, chopped • Sea salt, to taste • Black pepper, to taste • 4 tablespoons grass-fed cheese,
• Preheat oven to 450°F. • Cut the avocados in half. • Remove the pit and discard. • Use a spoon to scrape out enough room in the avocado to house an egg. (excess avocado flesh may be eaten) • Add a squeeze of lime juice over each avocado and then top with salt and pepper. • On baking sheet, place each seasoned avocado half. • Carefully break one whole egg into the center of each avocado half. • It is okay if egg white spills over the side, just keep the yolk from breaking. • Place avocados in the oven and bake for about 10 minutes or until the whites are cooked but the yolk is still runny. • Remove from oven and garnish with cilantro, more salt and pepper, and cheese, if desired. • Serve warm and enjoy! © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert.>
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Continued from Page 26
foods at home (even simple foods such as grilled chicken or an easy slow cooker meal)?
Can you clear your schedule and allow for more downtime?
Non-activity time?
Time outside in nature or in a garden?
How can you incorporate daily gratitude, optimism, and prayer within your family?
Even if you can only think of one thing you can do to slow down and look up within nutrition and pace of life, you can improve digestion and brain health! Take a few moments to jot down ways you can do so today.
If you are ready to really improve digestion and overall health, it’s time to get Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Gut Zone book or the Healthy Gut Zone Starter Kit (includes the Healthy Gut Zone book, Fiber Zone supplement, and the Beyond Biotics digestive supplement) today. You’ll find a clear plan that supports digestion, improved overall health, and additional protection for your brain. What’s more, Dr. Colbert’s fiber and probiotic supplements utilize the best fibers and bacteria strains that support optimal gut health.
The digestive tract is amazing. It takes substances outside our bodies and breaks them down for energy, fuel, and nutrients within our entire bodies. It is strongly linked to our brains, and every other system depends on it.
You can support digestion and overall health, starting today, with these 3 tricks. What’s more, a great digestion health plan is only a click away! Get your Dr. Colbert’s Healthy Gut Zone book or the Healthy Gut Zone Starter Kit. Learn how to support digestive health in every area of your life, from stress to lifestyle to sleep to nutrition. The entirety of your health depends on your gut. Get started today! © All rights reserved 2022 - Dr. Don Colbert.>
Continued from Page 34
weaknesses and will not expect more than you can deliver; He will be with you and never place more on you than you can bear. (2 Cor
God loves Sinners more than He hates their sins. He also knows that regardless of how hard they try, they will still sin.
Jesus endured all the temptations to sin, yet is the only one who ever lived a sinless life. • "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." (Heb 4:15, NKJV)
God, knowing that mankind could not be sinless, loves us so that He sent Jesus, the "Lamb of God," to die in our place. • "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." (John 3:16, NKJV) • "For I will be merciful and gracious toward their wickedness, And I will remember their sins no more."
(Heb 8:12, AMP)
Christians may have rightfully suffered guilt and remorse for their sins, but to do so after receiving forgiveness is not helpful.
Confidence in receiving forgiveness comes by faith and trust in Jesus and what He accomplished on the cross. • "As far as the east is from the west,
So far has He removed our transgressions from us.
Just as a father loves his children,
So, the Lord loves those who fear and worship Him [with awe-filled respect and deepest reverence].
For He knows our [mortal] frame;
He remembers that we are [merely] dust."
(Psalm 103:13-14, AMP)
Samuel Mills © Copyright 2006-2022 Trusting-in-Jesus.com. All Rights Reserved.>
13150 I-10 Service Road Off Bullard 504-940-0000
Continued from Page 25
Salvation is God's gift to you, and you receive this gift through faith in Jesus. "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord" (Romans 6:23). This very moment, you can receive Christ's gift of salvation and start your new life with Jesus by sincerely praying a simple prayer like this from your heart: "Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that You love me and want to save me. Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God, who died on the cross to pay for my sins. I believe God raised You from the dead. I now turn from my sin and, by faith, receive You into my life as my personal Lord and Savior. Come into my heart, forgive my sins, and save me, Lord Jesus. In Your name, I pray, Amen." © 2022 Love Worth Finding Ministries. All Rights Reserved >
Continued from Page 32
In my opinion, people who have no respect for religion, or God do not have a basis for their honor towards others. David had a basis that he relied on and formed his next action step.
This is why some people dishonor and mistreat their fellow man. There is no reason to form a basis for their honor. Christ-followers honor others because they first honor God.
What if instead of hurting, cursing, and killing one another with our words, we treat people as a specially anointed, loved one of God? It will add peace to our lives and value to theirs.
By the way, we have a new mortgage company.
Doug Gilford, Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Church -23051 Hwy 1088, Mandeville, La 70448. 985624-8652, www.cornerstonenola. com>
Continued from Page 8
riches and our attitude about money to steer us away from putting our hope and trust in him.
We have responsibilities in this life to care for our families and to care for those who are less fortunate than us. God doesn’t want us to be a burden on others; we still have to make a living. But some things such as creating debt in our lives, stockpiling our money rather than using it to help others, and relying on doctors to be responsible for our overall physical health can be disastrous. Look at all the pain and suffering that these things are doing to God’s people? And we put our trust in these things!
Our attitude about money should be that of the willingness to give up everything we have for Him, if it ever came to that. God doesn’t want our eagerness for riches to come between him and us. We are to use what we have in ways that pleases him, to serve others in whatever capacity he has gifted us with, and to help those who are in need. Using our money and possessions to please God shows that we have our priorities about money right with God. Don’t let money take the place of God in your heart.
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot both serve God and money.”
(Luke 16:13)
When we believe and trust in God that he will fulfill his promises for us, even though we cannot see those promises materialize yet, that is when we have given God our faith and trust. (Hebrews 11:6)
This is what we ought to be striving for—this should be our first priority in life. We should put our faith in God first and then God will guide us properly in this world and give us wisdom to know the difference between right and wrong. Is it wise to trust in God given what we know about him? It’s the only way! © 2002-2022 Heaven Ministries. All Rights Reserved. www.heavenministries.org >
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Continued from Page 27
* Your body loses fat because of all the above! * Skin quality improves greatly because your body is less toxic, plus cells are receiving valuable nutrition.
What Happens When We Eat Denatured Food? * The body becomes confused and doesn’t know what to do with the substances added to denatured food. * Toxins build up because the body is swamped with substances it can’t metabolize through digestion * Fibreless, denatured foods cause constipation, boils, rashes, allergies, acne, potbelly, obesity, sugar spikes, IBS, hemorrhoids, gluten intolerance, emotional issues, and more. * Organs begin to stop functioning normally, causing bladder infections, liver disease, pancreas issues, IBS, clogged arteries, colon cancer, and more.
Pesticides, herbicides, additives, colorings, dyes, fake sugars, preservatives, and chemicals overtime all leave a trail of toxins in your body in the form of weight gain, sleep disturbances, sugar spikes, aches and pains, and digestive disorders that become disease and cancer if something is not done to cleanse the system and change the diet.
God did not build our body to tolerate food that was not invented yet. We had already been given all the food we would need for perfect health. He knew that man would build factories and destroy the food through denaturing. But God gave us a mind that can think and reason, for this purpose, so we can choose to lead a healthy eating lifestyle.
No one is standing over us at gunpoint making us eat boxed, packaged, canned, frozen denatured food products. We can choose to buy only whole, natural ingredients and cook! Did you know that fatness is enabled in this country through the denaturing of foods!
I’m telling you, if you want to lose weight and feel good, with no guilt trips, then go all-natural! Give your body the food it was meant to receive, and your body will reward you with physical and mental well-being.
If you cannot afford to buy organic meat, then go vegetarian, however, be a smart vegetarian and eat lots of protein rich foods like beans and quinoa. You can truly eat great and lose weight, but you'll have to go all natural! Isn't that the way we were meant to eat anyway? © 2002-2022 Heaven Ministries.
All Rights Reserved. www. heavenministries.org >
Continued from Page 33
fault is as small as to be a trifle, or not to be a blemish in our character. Small faults grow.
We have a beautiful prayer at the close of (Psalm 19): "Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer." There could be no higher standard of life, than is set for us in this prayer.
The conduct may be blameless— while the thoughts are stained with sin. It is easier to keep our acts without fault—than our feelings, our desires, and our affections pure. We may do no outward act of cruelty or unkindness; while our hearts may be full of jealousies, envies, and all selfishness. We are to seek that our thoughts be so white and clean—that they will be acceptable in God's sight.
That prayer covers our words, our thoughts, and our meditations, each a closer test than the one before. It is a great thing to be faultless in speech. But perfect grammar is not enough. Our words may be beautiful and graceful—and yet our thoughts may be full of hypocrisy, of deceit, of all evil! The prayer here is that our thoughts may please God. This is a higher spiritual attainment, than merely faultless words.
Then, a still higher test of life— is our meditation. Meditations are our deepest thoughts, the quiet ponderings of our hearts. Meditation is almost an obsolete word in these times of hustle and bustle. The word belongs rather to the days when men had much time to think— and think deeply. We meditate when we are alone when we are shut away from others. Our minds then follow the drift of our own desires, dispositions, and imaginations. If our hearts are clean and good—our meditations are pure and holy. But if our hearts are evil and unclean— our meditations are of the same moral quality. Thus, our meditations are an infallible test of our real self. "As a man thinks in his heart—so is he." (Proverbs 23:6)
My prayer is, therefore, for a life of the highest character—one acceptable to God, not only in words and thoughts—but also in meditations. This is the life; we Christians should seek to live!
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