15 minute read
From the Editor
Life’s Supreme Moment
And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethren, Simon called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And He said unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed Him (Matt. 4: 18-20). "If you were walking down the street, and someone came up behind you and tapped you on the shoulder -- what would you do?"
Naturally, you would turn around.
Well, that is exactly what happens in the spiritual world.
A man walks through life, with the eternal call ringing in his ears but with no response stirring in his heart; and then suddenly, without any warning, the Spirit taps him on the shoulder. What happens? He turns around. The word repentance means "turning around."
"The tap on the shoulder is the call that allows no refusal, the call we cannot ignore, the call that brings us to fall adoringly and wonderingly at the feet of Christ."
All of us hear many calls, calls of money, calls of position, calls of education, calls of service, fraternities, and sororities. Many voices hail us, bidding for our attention and selection. Some calls are loud and noisy, others soft and sweet.
But the supreme call, the one that penetrates deepest, down beneath the physical, the material, the monetary, the mental, and the social to the very center of our innermost being, the quickening of our soul -- is the spiritual call from the voice of Christ. It is life's supreme moment.
When Jesus taps you on the shoulder in the midst of life's noise and rush and says, "The Master is here, and calls for thee," your great hour of decision has arrived.
The tap on the shoulder stops you, His voice calls you, His love draws you, His kingdom challenges you. Now you must make a decision. You cannot be neutral. You must turn around and follow Him, or you deliberately walk on away from Him. Life is never the same after He taps you on the shoulder and speaks to your soul.
Jesus frequently visited Mary, Martha, and Lazarus at Bethany. On the occasion of Lazarus' death, Martha went to meet Him and upon returning to the house called Mary and said, "The Master has come, and calls for thee."
From the Editor
The greatest moment in life is when Jesus sees something in you that He wants, taps you on the shoulder, and says, "Come, follow Me."
Peter, a rough, uncouth, uneducated fisherman, had his great moment when Jesus said, "Come, follow Me, and I'll make you a fisher of men." He answered the call, and Jesus made him.
If we heed this supreme call, we have peace here and heaven hereafter. But if we walk away, we head into unhappiness here and eternal remorse hereafter. One is never the same after the tap on the shoulder.
The call comes to every one of us. It is coming to many today.
Jesus tapped my shoulder when I was in first grade, and the voice said, "Son, you will be in ministry one day".
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
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There Is One Religion That Can Measure Up!
Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free (John 8:31).
How would a non-church member proceed to find out what church he should attend?
We must think and search because our spiritual nature must be provided for or life becomes empty and meaningless. Let’s put religion to a test.
1. The Standard of Durability
It must be a religion that has demonstrated its strength by having withstood the onslaughts of scientists, critics, skeptics, agnostics, and atheists. The fact that a religion has been tried and tested over centuries, gives some indication of its truth.
2. The Supernatural Standard
It must be a religion that claims to be supernatural. If I am to transcend nature, if I am immortal, my religion must be more than natural. No man-made, humanistic religion can qualify as true religion. Such a religion is merely an ethics, not a religion. If I am not immortal, I do not need a religion, just a social philosophy of conduct. But if I am to live beyond the grave, my religion must also carry through and be supernatural.
3. The Ethical Standard
It must be a religion that sponsors high, clean living. Any religion that does not lift me to a higher plane of ethical ideals is false. A religion that permits me to go to church an hour a week or a month and continue to live on a low, corrupt, immoral plane, is unworthy of serious consideration as a true religion. Something within me demands that religion shall be associated with the highest and best in life.
4. The Standard of Personal Transformation
It must be a religion that can change me. I find myself bound by habits, within are uncontrollable passions, ungovernable tempers and unbridled instincts. I need a religion that can do something to change my nature and make me a new creature. If a religion can do nothing for me, I am as well off without it. I need a dynamic that can break bonds of habits, purify passions, and give me a new freedom of mind and soul.
5. The Standard of Victorious Living
It must be a religion that can give me power to meet the problems of life successfully. Steep hills are met frequently, jagged rocks protrude, thorns are numerous, scalding tears wrung from a broken heart flow, financial reverses come, and dark hours with death arrive when it seems that all the lights of life go out. I need a religion that can fill me with power, not to remove earth's ills, but to meet them victoriously. If a religion cannot help me in the hour of trouble, it is worthless.
6. The Standard of Justice
It must be a religion that believes in ultimate rewards and punishments. There is something within all of us that demands justice. If a Hitler or Al Capone are to receive the same rewards as Paul or Abraham, the universe is a madhouse. There is an "eternal fitness of things" in the world that is reflected in every mind, namely, that in the end, the scales will balance and the righteous will be rewarded and the wicked punished.
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Table of Contents
From the Editor Men Women Teens Children Seniors Marriage Education Health Financial Feature Article The Christian Journey Guiding Light The Cross Victorious Living Spiritual Awakening Christian Living Heroes Of Faith
Continued from Page 4
7. The Standard of Value
It must be a religion that costs me something. The degree to which a person values anything is equal with the price he paid for it. The best things in life are the costliest. The sands of the seashore are numerous and cheap but the pearls of great price are rare and difficult to procure. Could it be otherwise with religion? Jesus told of the man who sold all that he possessed to buy the pearl of great price. Yes, true religion demands a high price, it demands you and when it has you, it has all you possess.
8. The Logical Standard
The final standard and most important one demands that true religion shall satisfy my nature. It must bring peace, rest, poise of mind, contentment of spirit and satisfaction of heart.
My physical hunger finds satisfaction when food is provided. My intellectual hunger finds satisfaction when facts are obtained. My spiritual nature must also find satisfaction. Any religion that fails here is false. We demand a sort of negative practicality. A religion is not true because it satisfies but it satisfies because it is true, therefore, our final standard demands that true religion meet the needs of the heart.
There is one religion that can
measure up! There is the vital, vibrant, potent gospel of Jesus Christ that fulfills all the essential demands and requirements of the mind for the evaluation of true religion.
In spite of critics, skeptics and atheists, the gospel of Christ has come down over the centuries victoriously. It has withstood the vicious attacks of all comers and today is more powerful and potent than ever before.
It is a religion that can change man's nature so that one can exclaim with Paul, "If any man be in Christ, he is a new creature; old things are passed away, behold, all “things are become new."
It is a religion that provides power daily to make living successful. It is a religion that demands the highest ethical standards. It heralds the Ten Commandments, the Sermon on the Mount, the Golden Rule and lifts a man to new plains of ethical living.
It is a religion that believes in justice. It contends that in the long run the scales will balance and the Judge of the universe will ultimately say to the righteous, "Well done," and to the wicked, "Depart ye are cursed."
It is a religion that demands a high cost. If you are to receive the pearl of great price, you must give yourself completely and unreservedly.
And finally, it is a religion that will satisfy your deepest cravings, bringing peace, rest and joy. ''Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Wherever you may be this very moment, pause for a moment, bow your head, or better still, kneel and yield your life to Christ by praying:
Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way!
Thou are the Potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting yielded and still.
Let this new day dawn in your life. Christ can turn darkness to light and sorrow to joy. He can break sinful habits. He can liberate your soul. You, too, can know the truth. He will set you free. Yield yourself to Him and your will, your heart and your intellect, your all.
Let us pray: O God, meet hundreds of hearts just now. Let Thy truth flood their minds. Set them free from sin, superstition and fear. Speak the word of pardon. Break chains that bind. Mold yielded souls and fill opened hearts.
Save The Nations Ministries >
As editor of Changing Times, there are often concerns that both On Eagles Wings and Save the Nations Ministries share. Sometimes, there are articles or advertisements that do not exactly line up with the views of Changing Times. Changing Times continues to be published by advertisement and offerings of the readers. While Changing Times advertises businesses, videos, books, and articles, we attempt to do so without contradiction to scripture. We pray that these are used to build the Church and not lead it astray with doctrines that were not given to the Disciples (Galatians 1:8). It is almost an impossibility to research each advertisement or article to reveal error in enough time before publication. As humans we all make mistakes, but as Christians we must remember that error will always ride in on the back of truth. This is what makes it seem so good. It is with these statements, that we ask the following of our readers.
The Bereans were recognized for being good stewards over the word of God (Acts 17:10-11). They studied and checked the things, which were taught to be sure they were true and lined up with the scripture. As such, we are no different. Each of us has the responsibility to do the same. This paper attempts to be conservative in belief and bring the gospel to the readers in a balanced fashion, as scripture demands. The Cross of Christ should always be the center of each and every Christians understanding of the gospel to include salvation, sanctification and glorification. Jesus the Christ is the source and the Cross, is the means. Due to reason of deception, many have begun falling away from the purity of that message. There is little said about sin, repentance, the saving Blood, the completed work of the Cross and the necessity of placing our faith in Jesus, and that completed sacrifice.
We not only ask, but also beg our reading audience to also be good Bereans. If we find something we understand to be against scripture, we will remove it as we find it, but there are some things that get by us. The Bible speaks of a last day deception that if it were possible, would deceive the very elect of God (Matthew 24). Help us help you. Please, in these last days — Be good Bereans. We pray that each article and advertisement will serve to bless, encourage and increase knowledge and understanding of a relationship with the King of Kings. These are most assuredly troubling times — hold fast to that which is true. In His Service, Save the Nations Ministries
Continued from Page 3
were born, I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)
Have you felt the tap on the shoulder? Have you heard His voice? Yes, He has called often. He will first forgive your sins and then He will cleanse your heart and finally empower your will to do His bidding.
He needs you. He sees something in you that He can use. Are you willing to turn around, answer His call, and give yourself and your talents to Him?
If you will, He'll make something worth-while out of your life.
Jesus sees beneath our filthy, unrighteous rags. He sees our hearts, our aspirations, our desires, our talents, our abilities. His gaze penetrates beneath the surface. He sees us as ourselves. There is something in all of us He can use.
So, He taps us on the shoulder. He speaks to our souls and says, "Come, follow Me and I'll make something worth-while in you."
Save The Nations Ministries `>
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