5 minute read
Fig 71- Various Structural Components of Narendra Modi Stadium
Reverse Nollis Diagram
Fig 90- Reverse Nollis Diagram (Site) Source- Author
Topography and Terrain

Fig 91- Terrain around the Site Source- https://en-gb.topographic-map.com/
Site is surrounded by hills on West and East side. North and South of the site, and the site itself is flat.
Land-Use: Immediate Context
Fig 92- Land-Use in the immediate context Source- Google Earth Pro Image (Post-processed by Author)

Major land-use around the site is classified as residential and reserved forest.
Due to lack of open spaces and interactive spaces in the residential block, it would be quite interesting to design a facility that provides them with the “Right to the City”. Existing Connectivity: Immediate Context

Fig 93- Road Connectivity in the immediate context Source- Author
Site has good vehicular accessibility, but due to absence of bus stops or metro/train stations or any public transport facilities, the load and reliance on private vehicles would increase drastically.
Mass-Volume Relationship: Section 1

Fig 94- Section across the road north to the site Source- Author (Road as on 26 January 2022) Mass-Volume Relationship: Section 2

Fig 95- Section across the road west to the site Source- Author (Road as on 26 January 2022)
Footfall: Immediate Context

Fig 96- Footfall around the site Source- Author (As per data collected near end of January 2022)

Only North of the side forms a vehicular hotspot (traffic movement is not too dense tho). However, pedestrian movement is observed all around the site’s periphery.
The site is highly porous and thus can allow a lot of pedestrian movement inside and outside the site. Noise Level: Immediate Context
Fig 97- Noise levels in and around the site Source- Author (As per data collected near end of January 2022)
The site is divided broadly in two zones based on noise level. West and North side of the site has AgraMumbai highway and residential settlements and thus noise levels are high on those sides.
Whereas, towards South and East of the site, it is very calm due to negligible transport movement and human footfall.
Movement System and Publicness:
On North Side
Movement System and Publicness:
On West Side

Fig 98- Movement System and Publicness on the North Side Source- Author (Images captured as on 26th January 2022)

The north boundary of the site has Shankarpur Village settlement with a very narrow two way road (around 6-8m wide). North side even has a sewage line and nearest sub-station at Motijheel.
This road has fairly high activity throughout the day, since it’s the major road connecting Gwalior city to Agra-Mumbai highway and Gwalior to Gwalior west.
Street vendors, paan shops, Medical Shop Residential (Shankarpur)
The road is too narrow to accommodate high traffic and pedestrian movement.
STP and sub-station required at site can be placed towards the northern-edge of the site. The west boundary of the site has Delhi-AgraGwalior-Mumbai highway (25- 30m wide), and reserved forest land just adjacent to highway.
Functions Experience
This road majorly experiences heavy motor vehicles movement, and occasional pedestrian footfall.
Fig 99- Movement System and Publicness on the West Side Source- Author (Images captured as on 26th January 2022)
This side has potential to be a suitable vehicular access to site, since road width is good enough.
Temple, Reserve Forest Lands, Residential
Movement System and Publicness:
On South Side
Movement System and Publicness:
On East Side

Fig 100- Movement System and Publicness on the South Side Source- Author (Images captured as on 26th January 2022)

The south boundary of the site has agricultural lands as of now, and experiences pedestrian footfall only.
No vehicular movement is experienced due to unavailability of roads.
This side can be as porous as it can be, in order to establish relationship between greens of forest lands and site, and at the same time attracting pedestrians as well.
Fig 101- Movement System and Publicness on the East Side Source- Author (Images captured as on 26th January 2022)
The east boundary of the site has a narrow access road for vehicular accessibility, otherwise, it is majorly surrounded by agricultural land.
Agricultural Lands, Shankarpur Residential Settlement
Occasional use of the road for vehicular movement. Majorly it is used for pedestrian movement only.
This side can be as porous as it can be, in order to establish relationship between greens of agricultural lands and site, and at the same time attracting pedestrians as well.
Vegetation: In and Around the Site
Site Sections

Fig 102- Site Sections Source- Author (Using Rhino7.0)

This chapter is built around the technological systems for structures and services that are intended to use for this project i.e.Structural systems, Green technologies for water, sanitation, energy and air-conditioning, Life safety measures and their design implications, Parking strategies, GRIHA requirements and implications on design, Requirements for making the design inclusive for the differentially abled.
Substructure: Foundation
Raft Foundation
Shallow foundations, such as raft foundations, are a type of shallow foundation. Reinforced concrete slabs that cover a large area, generally the whole footprint of a building, are used to create them. They disperse the weight of a huge number of columns, walls, and other structures over a vast area. Square and rectangular footings, such as those described in, are cost-effective for supporting walls and columns under normal conditions.
Types of Raft Foundation:
1. Rectangular combined footing 2. Trapezoidal combined footing 3. Cantilever Footing / Strap footing 4. Mat Foundation

Fig 104- Types of Raft Foundation Source- https://civiljungle.com/what-is-raft-foundation-type-of-footingdetail-of-raft-footing/ Fig 105- Types of Raft Foundation Source- https://civiljungle.com/what-is-raft-foundation-type-of-footingdetail-of-raft-footing/
Types of Raft Foundation:
5. Ribbed Raft Foundation 6. Unified Raft Foundation with stiffeners (beams) 7. Raft foundation with hidden beams 8. Mixed Raft Foundation